$& W" IS f' r EVENING PUBUO LEDGER PHILAI)ELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1921 21 Hotel Evans Winchester, Va. tM THE SHENANDOAH VALLEY DIRECTLY V ON CAPITAL TOUR European Plan g F. L- DUtNLLI 1'ItOPBIETOU nKTTYsnpno. ia. The Gift Shop Real "Geltytburg Souvenira" Pottery of All Descriptions Jewelry Postcards Free Exhibit of War Relict Open Kenlns Mall Orders Promptly Filled. M. ARMSTRONG Z1EGLER S3 Chnmbersburjr St. lonu'. I'A. ' i . , HOTEL PENN York, Pa. European Plan. 125 Rooms 25 with Bath Modfrntf-rrlcert IteMnurnnt Open l'rom a A. SI. lo 0 I 31. Carefully selected food, properly jerved. Club Breakfasts Noonday Lunches Evening Dinners Carte du Jour unci a la carto pen lcc. c. r. wbi-ch, w. a. nr.isT Prop. Slur. MiliE'piroOffTCBOdWi j Exclusively High Class with Exceptional Atrhosphero Regular Meals Luncheon Also Ice Cream A la Carle Service Confections C. T. ZIEGLER Gettysburg, Pa. fiETTVBnunn. rA. firTrrvRnuno. rA, iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimmillllMIIIIIIIIIIIIMI! Visit the BATTLEFIELD CITY of GETTYSBURG EAGLE HOTEL Itlght on tlio Lincoln E Highway, the larrjcst 55 and most modern hotel S In Gettysurir. rtoomn with bath. Flrst-clas.i ncrvlce. S MiZ&ZStZTMi Props. I nilHIIIIIIIIIIllliilllllliiiiiiiiiiltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllr. .TT,".Ft-!iii.k--,W-iJ W MSH' riiAMiiicnumito, pa. ciiAMiii-.nsiuiui. PA. C'llAMIIKItBllVRfl. PA. rirdt-CliifiK Itonms Onre With or Without Until Adjoining HOTEL LINCOLN O. E. R. JOHN, Prop. CHAMBERSBURG, PA. On Lincoln Illslmny nt midge Circulating Hot Writer In Hoomii National Auto Co, (C c -n rYk n e Lincoln Highway UdiagC Chambersburg, Pa. Repairs for All Makes of Cars Machine Shop and Acetylene Welding Storage Rates, 75c Per Day G. P. FRIES, PROP. t.toay, va IATTtAY, VA. BrL4& vT 't'4fi& 1SSSSSSSSSuujiivBTMVutfr''S0lvRjj49sBSS JfifltMB SsmSbt i J &.L'KiJS.. ,. jiiMHUW$vMlMMMMwBH$BM0WiiBW-...'J,M'T'i"W uncoil highway MNCOI.N IIIOHWAY L& l'holouraph Cojijrltfilccl by J- Stickler MANSION INN R. E. MIMS, Manager Old Virginia Chicken Dinners GARAGE IN CONNECTION WITH HOTEL uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J "HEAR THE GOOD NEWS" I THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY ACROSS PENNSYLVANIA TO PITTSBURGH g NOW OPEN I 1 LANCASTER I VOW l I.ANCASTEK. PA. I.NCASTKK. PA. (IIXMlll.ltslll ltd. PA. TiJAMmntsnrno. pa- Hotel Washington Chambersburg, Pa. Comfort and service s&mwA naUaMN CAPACITY 200 Every Modern Convenience Midway Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Day's Run From Either Point On the Lincoln Highway Hotel Washington, Chambersburg, Pa. WILLIAM A. LEECH " TvV'v'.''f JiltOTrilKh. VA. (IROTTOKN. VA. GROTTOES OF THE SHENANDOAH (Formerly known as Weyer's Cave) On the Noifolk & Western Railroad of Virginia. The largest chambers in any cave that is lighted by electricity. The Tower of Babel is the largest stalagmite in the world, 80 feet in circumfeienco and 30 feet high. The Natural Bridge, 100 feet in width and suspended between floor and ceiling, is the only natural biidge in any cave. The ceiling at this point is 100 feet high. The Caverns have the most wonderful colors of all caves. Only seven miles off main highway over fine macadam rond. Write for desciiptive folder. J. M. PIRKEY Grottoes of Virginia. On the Lincoln Highway LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CO. 230-238 West King St., Lancaster, Pa. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS Garage Never Closed T HE LARGEST AND ONLY STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS FIRE PROOF GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP IN LANCASTER 8 vnssss, ysvv AvfssASSfoVSS I WINCIIKSTr.lt. VA. WINCHESTER, VA. Hicks Motor Co. i $100,000 Garage WINCHESTER, VA. nc. it Service as You Like If " ' 7? IpRtGHMOND VIRGINfiiXr ' ( I UK IIMOM). VA. ItIC IIMOM). VA. The Aristocrat of Hotels in-the Southland litre tlir tourist will And rrerv roneelvnMe fnrllltr o mitke the Miw t nlaiHiint one. Wrll-plunnrd rnonin, courteous nttrniliintH, tiniunm-iFH-d nrnlr In rrry lUnrrtinrnt. Tlir liotrl 1 lilcnll Nltiintrd In ttl3 mm.t ilcnlrnlilp nntlnn of Itlrliinond, Mltliln nny nalltlns illstnnco of tlio Htorcn nnd Ijuslnem itrctlon. H9 IIAOERSTOWN. JIU iinniii HAt.EKhTOMN. .MI. The Dagmar HAGERSTOWN, MD. New, up-to-date hotel. Absolutely fireproof. European plan. 1 20 rooms. 85 private baths (tub or shower). Rooms single or en suite. Hot and cold water in all the rooms. Dining service. Regular meals or la carte. JlllllllilflllUllillllllll w !$' May we send you a Jr ke?S Travel across that Highway, tho most 5 famous In Americn, nnd see for yourself 5 the fertile fields of Lancaster county, tho j bustling industry of York, tho battlefield s of Gettysburg unparalleled in the world E for beauty and historical significance tho S wonders of tho Blue Ridge Mountains S passed over by Leo's army in its northern S advance. Sec Chambersburg, once burned E by tho Rebel army, but now tho model S town of the Cumberland VjiIIgv Tusca 55 McCONNELLSBURG rora summ,t' with its vast view fr manv E miles across the top3 of tho Blue Ridgo E E RPDFORn ranges garbed in shining green pictur- S r: ULiUl JlU esquc McConncllsburg nestling in tho vnl- S ley Ligonier at the foothills of tho pic- s turcsque Chestnut Ridge, and Bedford in S a pocket of the scenic and historical Alio- s ghenies. . S I GETTYSBURG I CHAMBERSBURG I LIGONIER -illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli? WAsinvnTov. n. c. HAIIIVOTON. I. '. 7TH STREET GARAGE AND BONDED WAREHOUSE Richmond, Va. CAPACITY 700 CARS OPEN DAY AND SIGHT FIREPROOF STEAM HEAT Cor. Seventh and Leigh Sts. (3 Blocks From Leading Hotels) Cars Washed Day and Night CALL RANDOLPH SOU The New Ebbitt WASHINGTON, D. C. An AAA House located close by every thing in Washington you'll want to see; and with every comfort and convenience for guests en tour. The Cafe is far-famed for its wonderful cuisine. European Plan Rooms with or without bath; running water in every room. jSS2SES2SHSSSlSHSZ5E5a5S5Z5HSESZ5ESlSESHSESZSSSEHHSZ52SZnsa5ESHSS5r THE RALEIGH HOTEL 12th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii'iiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiitii'inii'iiP' D!lli!IIUilliniillinil!!lini1lill!linilll!!HIIIIIII!l!!!!!!lll!l!lill!'!l!P KI.KTON, VA. EMU ON, VA. Wrainiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiuiii mciuu mini min iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiMiiiiiitiiimiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiii WiE ELKTON HOTEL ELKTON, VA. I -rmr-SIKL--SLASBlLnX a ZJMtUta: yUlll "VrIEtfU3n'4 U """.f m.lfS TTiVa gjlllllllllllllll "AHfr.H8 ihnuv. W. TA. 18 Miles East of Harrison- burg on the State Highway S OPEN ALL THE YEAR ,4 1000 Feet Above Sea Level wino-nolo Uolt Uourso Puie Lithia Water "J .-riS nt A iiuvpp a miipiipn M --,-.. Owner nnd Manager a iuimiiiitaiiiiiiiiiiiicaiiiiiiiiiiiicaitiiiiiciitigaiiiiiiiiiiiiratiiiiiiiinicaiiiiifiiiincaiitiiMittticaiiiiiiiiiiiitaitiiiiiiiiiiraiiijt. Central Garage Hagerstown, Md. ("The Gateway to the South") Storage Repairing Capacity 150 Cars Phone 478 Supplies Fireproof HAiti'Kitb ri.ititv, w. . HILL-TOP-HOUSE HARPERS FERRY, W. VA. On a Site 250 Feet Above the Historic Harpers Ferry Vernmlaa nurroimilhiK Hotel enmmand a rcrftct vlv of mirrnuwlInK Muuntnlnii. Vnl oya itml tho l'otomno unJ .Shrnnii do h ira. Moilerii In every rrnpict, nil outnlrte rnonm, runnlnn hot ami colJ wattr In nil rnnnm, roymn I1M jirlvuln linlli. talile kuppIIkJ with fieMi M-Bitublea and dairy lUUllUClK. llnolilrl rhmiri It nnd 41 T. B. LOVEtT, Trop. -A Spend This Vacation in a Real Recreative Way in a region that makes the ideal vacation land Harper's Ferry Deer Park Mountain Lake Park Oakland Berkeley Springs charming summer resorts in the Blue Ridge nnd ' lllegheny Mountains. Breathe the invigorating air of this wondoiful mountain lnnd drink of tho puro water that flow's from mountain spiings enjoy tho charms nnd attractions of this delightful summer climate, whoio tho days are never too hot and the nights nio always cool. Golf Tennis Riding Motoiing in fact, all tho diversions of the idenl mountain resort. For information apply City Ticket Odlce, 1337 Wnlnut Street, telephone Walnut 3002; or Station, 21th and Chestnut Streets, telephone Locust 1423. Baltimore & Ohio NEW MODERN WASHINGTON, D. C. HOTEL DRISCOLL Furlns tho I. S. Taiiltol nnd Grounds Tail MwlKsftrtt!!lIiiP WW$m BSMSSfwtuBiiesi mxm2&4&&, . a Y&wm a nM First nnd B Streets Northwest (Ono Block from Pennsylvania Avenue) A JUOH CLAh1 Hl'ri;I. IlllSU V. s 1-AITIllI M..MI l.NION SA1IU AMIDST SHOW PLACIIS Ml'SU I.ONO-IJISTANr . Ti:t in'HONC. SCRF.l:NS AWNi.sr.h. Ki.nnitu" iioiir ui.kvator. nrvsMMi wtkii & i:i,i:crnn TANS IN IlOOMb, .MUAI.h A IA I Mil ! Oil TA11I K U HolK, I'l.ni IinnAKTASr PRIVATE GARAGE Utr.RICAN 1'I.AN rilOM Sl.tMl I UtlHTW VT.W FROM CI. .10 W'lto fnp I-o'ilor nml Man V I' OHIIKITO Mnnnir" Vermont Ave. Reticeen K and L Sts. Arlington Hotel Dlrectlu Adjoining the Department of Justice European Plan New, Modern in Every Way, Fireproof ' Single Rooms or Bedroom and Foyer Private Bath with Every Room Tub, Shower, Running Ice Water, Screens, Electric Fans Awnings Phone Connections Personal Service RESTAURANT, Main Floor Sea Food a Specialty SAMUEL J. STEINBERGER, Prop, and Mgr. jiTriTii IT mTiXi n i i i i t i i i i i i i 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i rr 1 HOTEL STERLING 13th St., Penna. Ave. and E St. N. W. 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. J. T. HEAKE, Mgr. 100 Room" 30 Baths ' Telephone and Running Hot and Cold Water in Every Room Everything New Throughout Ladies' and Gentlemen's Restaurant Main Floor I Every Modern Convenience European Plan: Rooms $1.50 and Upward I E ui 'lllMI1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' M ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " "J JJ 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 mj 1 1 1 if ITl Vnflrtin A -Awir T7f T4i A iitittni HP wnn nJ 4 E. L. WESTON, Manager S , 4 II .. w w I. n i i .1 i. I. , .. .. nil. 4t European Plan i . i Cool Dining Rooms nnHE comforts, courtesies and cpi-- curean pleasures that travelers ideal ize are realities at the Capital's pre eminent en route abode jHORHAAljFIorsC GWafhingloiO Corner of 15th and H Streets, N. W. wi ir-"ifjjww w tTIMMfikk.. I . wS Ul.JUlIt ltd. l' -riiiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: CADMCVU '! National Garage Gettysburg, Pa. ES Fireproof -Storage for 150 Cum E r: Directly on Lincoln j " t4inriiirnr f5 I 1 E Everything for tho nutomo- E E bile. Storo your enrs with us. E E Courteous employes. Reason- S : able prices, D. J. FORNEY, Mgr. ..HIMIJJWIUS UtJl j The St. James Hotel ii. t. vni;i:i.r.H, rrOIi. Corner Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street WASHINOTO.V. D C A homo for tho ninn nwny from homu Hnndsonioly funilsheil, lniKht rhcoiful unci wull t-utt-lated, imxloin coinpiilemei HATIIH ,00 nnd I'pMiird lie of the I'oimlurCnfn In the City The New Oxford Hotel The only hotel property In Washlnpton OTmnd by tho United States Government. not and coM watsr In vry room. rrivato btitha. Nowly furnished And decorated. llli Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth" Street N. W WASHINGTON, D. C Opposite the White House Grounds and United States Treasury. Headquarters for Tourists EUROPEAN PLAN Special Attention Given Tourists For Rates and Other Information, Apply .1 U WFAVKR. Prnnn'n.. 'j Suillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll7. rt- ....--, - wr..w. MnMMMlBWWWnMWPMM MOTH itf