'i BHItfG EUBETJO 'LtiIiGaBJRjpB0iMBmHtA'r 0riA .XtlTjr ll.'lfel l t ITffiBED FORGER SOUGHT BY POLICE IM 'ft... - ....... Ij -g- vinu' i unguuu iuuui oum iu K.V.. f ft f Have Induced Girl to Pass Fraudulent Checks v P. F p k4 re r5 r SHE IS UNDER ARREST HrrMMRH. RK"0RT ATLANTIC flTl.lCjT WEU.SB0R0 KENTUCKY AVBWUC NKAIl REACTl Oarner henpei omd earreendlngsj centre of all attrea Ikme end Plere. Running wetar In roomesprlrete baths, (lathing etWIIfga. fmnhotal, vtih f resale of ihowef hatha end private bath hoaaee. KlMtrldtT throughout! f Iterator lo .treat. Table uneteelled. U M up dellri it H ot weakly, AmerTeaa plea. Mutle, Denting. Oarage. Phone WW, HeoUee. Owaershlp Dlrvtloa. ALPR MECKLKY C . K1MJ Search ig being made today by the po. lfc of this city for Charles Bchwnrti, a well-dressed nnd Rllb'tongued youth, on the charRe of forgery. He Is charged Tvlth drfiwlng check" amounting trj $500 which he pcrsunded Mary Colling, twenty years old, of Kast Birch street, Kensington, to para at tho Northeastern Titlo and Trust Co. Mary was arrested last night on a warrant sworn out before Magistrate eDItz. She wits sent to Moyamenolng Prison In default of ball. The young woman was employed as n weaver In J an uptown silk mill WrtttWe. PLANADE Whole Block on Ooean Front Coolest location In Atlantic Cltyr Idas family hotl In Chalia Section. Capacity Five Hundred OwMnklf Directlen rtaeklet. " W. F. SHAW Oi THE HEART OF THINGS I. CvallnoAmM. Atsentle CJty.N. J,. etefe ka Rntt anaSteel rim. I Meeks to ieiaele freentenYend CUJr elle UurKhee Largest Popular priced boos of .teal, brlok and atone eenairoetkm Derator to etreet level R1NNIRG WATER IH ALL ROOMS' Print hatha. Medereta rates. Open all Tt. treBatr loaprmiroofora Boardwalk belli haoara loaia ud ea ekMrety f o our gvasrs. OFrmtra. Dancing. Uklt, and aaa toao'sp saaUea. Postl C sUataraa. Owner. I ryiNOTON MaliiV, CAPACITY A700 PACIFIC AMD ARKANSAS AVES. Block from Million Dollar Plar and N.w Amoarotnt rui. vrcnriira. oaiKfBff, astounded on hearing of her arrest and aid they would make restitution. She passed a check on .Tune 22 for $200, and a few days later another for $800. Kn cou raged by the appnrcnt success of tho forgeries, Schwartz, according to Ml" Collins, then tried another for $000. But following the receipt of the pecond check presented by Mary, bank officlnls made an Investigation nnd learned thnt both checks were forgeries. She was arrested wheu she presented the third check. After a grilling of several hours, the young woman said that Schwartz was responsible nnd that she merely prc sen ted the checks. Schwartz told the girl that he lived near Seventeenth and Spruce streets, but he is not known at the address given. Vtur. nunnt. wurn r..'?rAn.,?5,l ""!" Ptn ...t a, k..vaau ...... . (jiui (Kroitrv ior nun it HI'MMBR HE..0!tT ATIANT1(' CITY. N. J. MONTICELLO "Tins HOUSE OP HOSrrTAUTT" Kaataakj An., aloao to Baada aad Staal Plan bot aad cald raanlag water in roomat prlvata bataaj alaralav fron atreat lavalt ooa aqaara froaa Prataataat aad Catkolla Churckaai ncallant taala; I20.M0 ipant oa Intarlor taproTamaaU. daeoratioaa aad farnitnlaav. Ordiaatra. dandng. Datlilaf from hottl. Aoiarican plan $17.10 up waaUri f S.00 up dally; Euronaaull.iO up dallj. For booklata and other Inlormatloa wrlta or 'pkaaa 1011. FETTER A IIOLLINr.F.R. Own, A Uanairra tan Plan i tlOOup dalljr, 117. W op Plan I II M op dailjr. 'riraproof PboaalKM. Prirat Hatha, runnlnc wrchea. Elactria llnhta. atliera on annod. Amarf. waattj. Europaaa r.uaa-a II 00 ww. it. UASucrr dQeM&iL ATLANTICCrrY.N.J. . Dtreotly on tho Ocoan Front An Amarloan.plan hottl of dlatlnotlom . . CAJPACITT flOO. OAJtAOQ iralttr J. Butbt Hotel JEzxizi& Bt. Charlaa Place and Bach. Frrah and '. wntfr hatha, ninnlne watar: eleAtor. ; oMim Mew rms.i mod. rates. Coach at tralni, A. K. WAQNKR. Trop. W. It. I.ATTON,JfaT. Virginia ai.. Sd hotel from Beach. Private tatha: run. trater; elerator. American plan, BAM ELM. Owner. N. J. COl.t.WB. lr It TJa Make You Prcl nt Home la tbe "Citr or noDast itraitn- HOTEL MORTON CupncJtr 800 riMin T!nJ Vlralnln Ave. rli-tator. rrlrnto ilatha. etr. Alwnra Open. EZRA O. nEIX TAUT. M. COrE. Prove. GRAND ATLANTIC VlnilnU avc & beach. Hot & cold runnlnjr water. Trlv. bathe. Hates I dar up, epeclal wkly. Cap. BOO. Uooklet. Orcheetra. OBCAR D. PAINTER 1IAUOLI) LANUQN 85IMKn RMOtlTH rHIMMWH RKftOHTB CAI'K St AY, N. J. OAI'B MAY. N. J. Hotel Cape May crfeJ J American Plan lUnoTjtocI nnttea and virtually rti. fumaha throughout. Modern flrt proof construction. ISO rooms.. ISO baths. Every comfort and convenience -running water In each room superb broad beach. Tennis Baiiijnr Boating , .filing Fishing Dsnelng Bathing ravlllon and fully equipped garage on prominent-Finished concrete Otat road. Bend for Auto noad Man of New Jersey. For Rent, furnished ?ottago8, each with lnvata garage, 0 to (950 for season. C B. KNOTT, Leisea-Managar &7eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalaBBBWBflBH iBs(tifaKfeMB ATINTIO CITY, f. Jj TIIK AMnASBAHOR HOTKI, marlborouafrBknlictai TABOR INN V5'!?1 ?n45:onnctl,'ut ve. aan aim ideal location: laraa trr Datbtns from hotel. lPth ataeoat J, ' A. u. DUNN. reome. moderate ratte, IROQUOIS iobCrr&Tbat ejnrlca unexceUed. A. If. CREMONa" Qen. ifgr., formerly with Trnymore and Oen. Mir. f Amhaeeedor. J. H. nATtATTA. AVJt! Calvert v&B-7 and Rurnpean clan. Teaneesee ne. Deaeb. -JDkS" Roanlng; water all rmet -'T llnUilnai ehowtr. Koro! gt.BO a 12 tip dlr., epeel. wkly. J. J. Joyee. l4tol Rnar.kKt Rentucky Ave. Return. vfc -w. KvrAllant liM. &ff& ...,.L, --.-. rr. ON re.Ua. Phone 117. A. B. MAlllQh rfinWIN lIO Pacinc. Kurop plan. Kleo. UUKWI11 prtY, hutn, Mr, M, Qoa,! orRN crrv. y. J. TRAYMOBF 0Ui Weeiey. Ocean view lvfk tvivivc. reoml p. p. wry, own,t Trio ?rrirr1 Waaler v. at Othl rn. wtr. AVAIXIN, N. J. Tho Princeton Avalon, New Jerear. Marv R T,ef1a. fe-r Excellent table; running; water: mod. rates. HBV ISI.K CITY, ti. J. HHA ISI.K C1TY- Hll e t' Cltv Write Cttr Clerk, City N. J . for Information. Surf Hotue Centrally located on beaea JtUT nome (ront w K Btruthere.rrop. On Boardwalk at Ktantpeller Am-. Sultee wltb betSe. Runnlnr water all roome. Elevator, 6pec. July A Aug. rntee. II. M. IIBKVEB. stokk nARnon. W. 3. BIIBLTCR IIAVKN HOTIiL ftli of July Special. Hat. to Man., S1.00 I.. C. BKtON WII.DWOOI) CREST. N. J. MT. VERNON rirrellrnt Table. K. JOHNSTON Rolmnr Ideal location, airy roome, excel ocimar tab)e ,,. from no,,!, MoL retae. NOl.C A TIMitEa. Prope. Ctr-pnn rVtit' '4 block from Ueach. Dklt. vrccan reai 0 T kino, Pro-.. v. faff fjv's J "There's an Atlantic Pump just ahead" Quality, Uniformity and Dependability of Supply these4 things the thoughtful motorist looks for when choosing a gasoline. For they are vitally essential toward maximum, smooth operating, long-lived, motor efficiency. o ;1 He gets all three, in positive and unstinted measure, when he uses Atlantic. Today's Atlantic is not only a still better gaso- line, but it is one motor fuel you can rely upon to be always good. Uniformly clean, lively, powerful ! It does not vary ; it never disappoints. It is refined to a definite, fixed standard which only vast crude-oil sources and elaborate refining facilities can make possible. And once you adopt Atlantio as your motor's steady diet, you can always be sure of being able to obtain a supply when the need arises. For the Atlantic distributing system is widespread and thorough. Anywhere you happen to be in the great regions in which Atlantic is sold 'There's an Atlantic Pump on the road you are traveling' ATL ANTI C GASOLINE Puts Pep in Your Motor, ,WW t-i'- Finest Bathing on Atlantic Coast Pre-war hotel rates prevail. HOTEL LAFAYETTE CAPE MAY, N. J. On lb. Ottan Front and Doardwalk Uoniuallr attractive. Copatllr 500. Sprclil eetlr itaien rare-, $1.50 op dally, ItO np xefkly (Am-rlran plan with mull), tending la Jnly lSlh. Orrbeilra e ftalnta. DiUreom ona of the flntit and largait la Cape Mar. Roomi alntle and an tulle, with private bitha. Running water la reoml. Elevator to ilraat level. FREE DAT1IINC. HORSEBACK RIDINC, COLF. PIERS. THEATRES. MOVIES, ETC. Flncit anto roedi In South Jarirr. Write fer booiltl and Auto Road Map. IT'S FREE. A. nUIIWADEl.. Formerly of Allanlla City HOTEL COLUMBIA "& JW' (irr.Ns may t ' Newlv fiirn.t modnrn. J, w. fcCrar A Bra. STAR-VILLA Ocean a. llaacb: oap.lSOi ifiy. "w run'r water, bntht. ale. vatori onnerahtn manit. C. S. CltUnCH. TUB MAItCY, Coo Mar. R, 4. Apt.. S fumlabed rnonu, uh of bath, three nr-Qtb 100 1 elntlo roome. IS to IIS weak. wiLinvoon n. j. THe Wonderland of Jqy mid Health is WlLDWOOD 1 for further Information rerardlna thla uneurpaeaed reeort North Wild wood and Wlldwood Creet, write to W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Stcj. Boird of Trade, Wlldwood, N.J. HtTMMKR RFJORTB OCBAN OROVB. ft. 1. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL avei,. Ocean Orove, U, 3, feteriel under new own'hlp i.at. 800) qqaltty, efrvice. wuuumKu. Xt.ln A TJeaoh Euroo. hotel A ca mil.) cafeteria aeat, eourirey, tei. ieio. M. J. THE MAJESTIC . DIRECTLT ON THE REACH Slevator flrvlee. Clement A Clement. HOTEL WHITFIELD Fireproof. Capacity 200. Overlooking ocean. Phone Aelmry 1981, llklt, Chee. M. Herman. avrf &vi HntUfi Ox block to baaek. SUri AVC. noWBjirf,,,, HomeCocJf hi. New mnnnitt. llklt. A. P. Btaekhoueel Chalfonte Directly on ocean (rank ?vieci lamiir noi.i. h, yra h'ere. Owner A Prop. narrlftnesll rmny Beaumont, 40 Ocean Uaraaneue Palnw(ky b,ti Auditorium av, and neach. Tel. liavW. B. W, LORO T tllnminrd 8 Abbott ave overlooking lalUUKnUlU ocean. Quality, Cleanllnete, tfnapltallty. Vf. U IIYKA. Owner-Mgr. NATIONAL B0 KAln Krt- N,r De W A lul,ftl,J and audltorlnmi modem Improvement., cafeteria, w. II. JMTT. A CltlOD PIACK TO rtflARII" LaVaeear Houee, Ocean Orove, N, J. ehttt block from or.an. Low r.lee il.nnHoilie I? Main, Ocean Orove, N. J. Ainer, pianyay. itu. it. I, uunoan eliey. OCEAN GROVE HOTEL " " Audllorliim. All attraction. A. M. ORIOOU COLONIAL aAMV' Ameneaa nd Kuropean plan. tj Chevalier Cort Cwtral A Webb Av. IC uncvaucr J, gt nor.mii.. Prop. HEA OIRT. W. J. Thi Announcing completion and opening qf gtockton artsea uirr, xn.j. On the Ocean front A charming hotol, wlttf Its own boardwalk. Its own private beach and bathlioiifCB, clBlit acres of grounds, clubhouse and grill. SAJIi: MANAORMENT AS the VAimE.v, srniNa lake SfM.MKR nTiflfiRTS TOIIVllAyNA. TA. Chicheiter Home fn,VJ11Sh.b.V?nnpicono5: Apply for rate.. irr.. K. !. Chlonaatar. CANAUBNolrl The Mountainiide SSTJS qhle. Rate, req.onable. Dklt. Wm Long. Mgr, DEVON, rv WYNBURNE INN ffipSSiMt alrablo for bualnen men with famlllet. Room, with bath at reaaonable rate. Danoln. Large Krounde. Wide veranda, l"inne flerwrn 188 W. WKRNF.HHVILI.K. PA. 1-IiH.irIn Ueautlful Scenery, Prlv. 11 niusiua Mod nBl, mod. Rath. Ce Hath. rhart VAI.LKV FOROK. TA. tVASHINMTON INN Cnieken and warn uir DANIICL J. VOOnilKKS Inner. pnr. MT. ORETNAtPA. Hotel Concwago Opane June SMh, 1021, for ralee P. U WBlMFin. Prop. Lak. Cooewas Sit. areata, pi aoui a. draft CV5IP R008EVEI.T on the Perklomen. Oood location. Boat., bath., fl.h. Com. tentt. Ren. rate.. Box 21, Ironbrldge, Pa. BCmVnXKHVlLI.B. PA. IT.RRIOMEN INN Ideal modern reaort. High location, prlv. bath, boating, bathing, nahlng. tennlf. Uooklet. C. UNQBIt. I.AANNA. PIKE CO.. PA. BEKCIINVT COTTAOE, In the Pocona MU.I home cooking; rate. 114 per wk. up. Oeo. It. l'areon.. Alwaye cool and dallahtful. mOnMOTJNT. N. T. HEAHRIOHT, N. J, PENINSULA HOUSE VSSSh New Tork'a Nearest Ocean Reaort Hotel, llooklng omco; New Penln.uta House, Qea liriuht. N. J. Tel.rAione Seabrlght 10T. Bench front. Cap. ISO. Run. water. Prlv. batha. llklt. Ownership Mgt. W. II. Oer.UU Central Inn Hollybench and Taylor Ave. ,"UIU """Unexcelled table Home cooklnif, renaonnb'o weekly rates. HOTEL DORSEY ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM REACH Room. With Bath. Attractive Rates. HOEELDAYTON WW wood. N. J. Rooms with hot A told running water, rnvale baths. Siiftoaa doe to our service and tab). Capaalty SM, Booklet. F. W. McyURRAT, Fntt WlLDWOOD MANOR Cap. 400, Whole block ocean front. Amar. Plan. Running w.bpr In .11 noma, rrlvete baUia I levator, Orcheetra. Dancing. Tenste -ALEX.. llcatURltAY A SON. rropa. EDGETON INN Cap. 280. Rates Mod. Centrally located Nenr Ueach. Cyrun IUuh, Prop, HOTEL ARLINGTON Reach front location, can. 200. Prlv. baths. Run water. Bklt. C. Wlldwood. Now Open. Hod. rates. H. Topharn Flne.t cun nnw " Now Open. 8peo, early season rate.. Ownership Mgt. P. J. WOODS Hotel BREAKERS Children". Paradlea Tired peopie-a rest cure. nam. Ing. Fishing. Booklet. Rates. AT MA Excellent table. Block to Board .-ILUVLA w,m Central bathing privilege. MRS. M. BI.BAKLWT. 810 B. Poplar Ave. Winona wlw- AT" !"r'.Vac"i ttlv- bJa ' " v,,vn mana i. aTV. u. w, Kl.ner Hotel Rnrick Eu- P'n. Cedar av. nr. Boh. HOTEL FENWICR Open all year. Kurop. plan. Ptwlal rate.. May. June. I. M. Perkins New Colonial All outslae room a. I'rlv. pup, ntna T. nyron Prop. TRIFSTF n Reach, Italian and Amer ituuiiii cttn plani p tfanoiu, prop BEACHWOOD Capacity 200 q KURT2. TittT Ooean view; bathlnc from house. aElTYBnuRa 212 B. Ponlar Ave.. Beach. Amusement.. H. M. welnsteln. Trop NORTH NEW JRRHET COAWT A Warm Welcome Await. Tou North Jersey Shore Resorts MONMOTJTn COTTNTT, . J. Write the Mayota for Information. ASRURY PARK. N. J. IKKVOOP, N, J. Pine Air Physical Training Farm, Lakewood, N. J. Ideal spot for vacation; golf, tennis, ewim mlng, bnndball, rldlntr; large gymnasium: shower, steam and eleotrto baths: table sup plied from adjacent farms: special rate for couples during July and August. TO. JAMES ROTH. Lakewood. N. J. PSono B25. SPRINO LAKK REACn. N. J. 'nSSEXANDSUSSET I i SPRING LAKE BEACH-N.J.V M 'AnnMrnKPTrvr". supsBiojaTYA il . NOW OPEN. jJ CS KROM. KiB. X 1 THE ALLAIRE SrRINO LAKE REACTI. V. 3. On tbe oeeaa front. Capacity 200. MAUD C. HOLMES. BEA8IDE TARK. N. J. The GLADVVYN VJ!SSl Now oven, Mod. rates. POLVT PLEASANT. V. 3, THE CARROLLTON Facing Ooeanj Bolendld Table All Sport. Now Open. Carrollton Hotel Co. Keal Situation. DP RE.vcn nAvry. n. j. THE ENGLESIDE ggg, Private baths with sea and fresh water: Ove tennis rourt.l booklet. It, F. ENQLE. Man ager. Also the Covington, West Philadelphia The Breakers' special July rate.. Children's paradise, llnthlnr a luxury. Fl.h., boating. I1KLMAR. N. J. Melrose Inn !.otn Ocean Ave. Modern lyit-irusc um jjungarlan cuisine. Koeher Music. Dancing. Bath. free. Cap. 400. llklt. Bpec. rates July 4. Wundsrmnn A Levins SAGAMORE AT DKAOT. Modern, bath jnwuiiv..,. bouaes, shower., excelleat rulslne. Booklet. ANOELO BOONBTTL LAKE HOPATCONO. N. J. Lake View House rnT.fc1 aanclnf. T. IL MOORE HOTOL CO. MT. POrONO PA. fil PN I1ARIFF N,w mos. throuiHotrt, IjLK, UARtrr wlv park, amurt. go? den product.. Bklt. Oeorno J. Armstrong TTiia Onhvoarl Oixn u Fear. Accom. me wnwooa ,00 Mo(J eh,,,.. Excel table. Bklt. E, L. A E. V. ARTMAN The Clairrnont S&iS9WSi.SSSi moderate. Rnoklet. C. L. SMITH WELLINGTON a.""!!: Running water in eery room: eitc. ukii. C. W. HART. Ownnrahlp-Manacement. FnOFMERE th Ave- cean Dl0' cuocjviejvc Albury Plrkj Ni j, Senned Jewish patronnae, run. water: phone; re. servlcel music. Moderate rates Hlkt rnrniih Arms cor oth Klngsley, d. tnc ocean A Boardwalk. Hot A cold running water, rultlne unexcelled. Bklt. M. OATE3 Dmmmma. r Unit,. Many I UVVlsair aval eawaww nients. TTrt. Improve" irrtv tour years. Ownership msnsgement. Booklet. Hnwthome Inn Non-housekeeping cot- nawxnorac inn ta(ta to rcnl m conneo. tlon with Inn: book'et L M D11NQI.ER. BELAWARE WATER flAP. PA. Hotel Kentucky a.M.Jn' 14 to 15 dally; J24 to ISO weekly: single 140 to 160 double FISH A GRAVES. Owners. Sunset Ave. House AZ,":.$:i Ret, Jewish pat.; mod. Imp.; booklet and rates on remi'st. M. L KRAUS8. 7TH AVE. INN A renmmodste 133. J. Block to Ooean. Home table. C. WILLIAMSON THIRD AVE. ALL OUTSIDE ROOJM AMERICAN PLAN MODERATE RATES. WINDSOR HOTEL NEW YORK g ' IHO Excellent culalne: dancing. O. M tlttle p.,,.;. 7th A Webb. Run. hot A cold wtr. rasotuc a,, nnii Exc,, i:0her culs. New rnxt M Weikowltx form 8harrn Opus .N.T. AL.J... lid Ave. nuciuocu rtenort attached. Phone 1US1. Ooean Block. Amer.. A Italian culs rest. A. IIUONOIOHNI. Continental Hotel & Restaurant 224 Cookm.n av. Am. A Ku. pin, blk. fr. 00 n HOTEL TIIXUrORD (Ith Ao. overlooking ooaan: alt rooms with running water; mites with hath, itarry Dumeld, own, it pr, .ulies wun nam, narry i-,uiiiein. uwn. at pr. ilnlAl Harrav B,n " form. HtratforJ noiei nercer j,oai(,, 3 Dk, from ocean. Errel Tnlalne Mod, rttw. Mr. A Hsffy AHntlRY PARK INFORMATION Write MUNICIPAL BUREAU UoardWk. for hotel or otner iniormaiion; tree autnentic THE MOUNTAIN PAHAniRK Iir.LAVtAHC nATKK tlAI", l'A, KITTATINNY LAV Leading Hotel of This Fnmona It.alnn Cap. ROO. Open to Doa. Every mod. ap pointment. High altitude. Magnificent scenery. Golf. Tennis, Saddle Horace. Canoelnrf, Bath,, Fish., dly. concert, and dances. Exceptional onlalne, Amer. pi,, also a la carte grill. Oar, Bklt, road maps A terms mailed. John Purdy Cope. mi) f 1 nit tjjj4xj-)j ntj RTrrn 'lafcesassssssasaj'wivwiitrVA-i1M;, 1 jl "A Citi In Hull," Hithmoant, N. Y. Under New Management V. SEIDEN 2S0 Room. With Every Convenience nnlna Avatar OOR SPORTS Hot andCol ALL U Special Feature for Fourth of Jnly nollday. Early IUservatlona Advised. Jewelsh Dietary Law. Observed Rates nnd Booklet or, Reqneet LAKE rLAt.ro. IT. T ADIRONPACKS Grand View Hotel LAKE PLACID, N. Y. NOW, OPEN. Extensively Improved: finest elsctrloal equipment: running water; private bathroom: elevator; orchestra: danolnr. , FURNISHED fOTTAOES FOR RENT All outdoor Adirondack diversion'. Circular. M. R. MARSHALL. Mgv.. Iike Placid. N.Y. ELIZAnETHTOWN. N. Y. "Gateway to the Adirondack!" Elizabcthtown, N. Y. you Can Drive to Any of the Mountain Retort in a Few Hour From THE WINDSOR NOW OPEN FOR SEASON Of 1921. Facilities for golf, ten nis and fourteen other sports. Perfect roads to all the wonder Elnccs of the woods. Food at Its est from the WlRdsor'a model farm. Grill a la carte; restaurant unsurpassed; the entire hotel has the cool atmosphere of the woods, the tone of the private club, the accessibility of the city. Four hours' ride from Montreal. J. E. GOULET, Manager LAKE QEQRflE. N. V Hotel Marion oKTvafeo Grooro.NiTT cjwrHMrorntocntrw.rejoiv . AplaccSr refintd cultured duesU 'JOSEPH H.MARVtL ADIRONDACKS. N. . FOR ADIRONDACK BOOKLET nnd Infoc mntlon apply to (ieo. W. Ryan. Heo'y., Platte kurr. N. Y. FOR MONTREAL-QUEUED llOOKLET apply to Tourists llnrraa ot Mon treal. 000 New ntrks Hide. Montreal. Can. NEW ENGLAND New England Tours WHEREVER YOUIl INTEREST LIES, EITHER IN MAOMFICENT SCENERY, REVOLUllONARY LORE, OR JUST A GOOD VACATION WITH MOTORING OVER SPLENDID ROADS IN THE DE LIOHTFUL CLIMATE. NEW ENGLAND WILL rLEASK "iOU. WA'iSIDE INNS, MODERN CITY HOTELS AND GREAT RESORTS OFFER E ERY FORM OF COMFORT AND RECREATION. Send for free Illustrated rotd map In colore, published by tho NEW ENO LAND HOTEL ASSOCIATION, compris ing 200 of the beet hotels, WILLIAM JL KIMBALL. Secretnry. Draper Hotel. Northampton Mass. YORK CLIFFS. ME. Forrest House Ptl- water ooo. 27th rorrcat. amuao Beawin. A. L. MARSH. NORTH DELAWARE WATER OAP. PA. r.i.nxl l-tMvi North WaUr Qan. Pa. v' Home cooking, modern, all Indoor and outdoor sports, garage, rate reaaonable. Uooklet A E Wlnegard A Pop. EAST STROUDSRURO, PA. Turn Villa " "!'i m. nnngv lurn v "" 0g, IUnannnble rates. rood cooking. Homelike. t-'HAB, jIII.LER. MARSHALL FALLS lKIUHK Table Htipplleil from Own Farm. Beautiful rVnerv on lluehklll Pike. Norman Hnffmnn MOUNTAIN HOMR. PA. MONOMONOCK INN Comfort without extravagance: amid tint eurroundlnga New and entirety mod, house. Free garage. Bklt. II. E. OEISSINOER. Passaconaway Inn Cottages for rent In connection. Address C1TAS. A. WOOD, Hotel Bellevuc, Boston, Mass. SOUTH HARPSWELL. MB. MERRICONEAG HOUSE Booth norpswell, Maine. Modern bote! M 40 roome. Fine view of Ca.co Bay and Islands. Bklt B. L. KEHEW BON.Trooa! BAR HAR.nnit. MP.. BIIMMWK.mWOKTB tmrrt MOTJNTATNi'. w. n. BRETTON WOODS WHITS MOUNTAINS.M.K. THR MOUNT ULtASANT, - 0il JuKt tO Cioans ocrott 1.- c.J.0UMHr, Mas. TMK MOUNT WASMIl.tTON.-OWA'aWAy For inlorni'n, ratv.. ate, nddres. Hotels I The Malvern 1 BAR HARBOR, MAINE NOW OPEN ERNEST G. GROB, Manager A'UULTNLl. VT ' iTIlO Colonial Inn BO-acre around.. hade. .port, good tablet near R, R. an4 trolleyi 160 gue.t.1 modern Improvement, 114.00 to $80.00. BlfcUtifuUvIlltlttraM booklet. nx L. r. I LFONABti. Mgr. R. I. NAIIRAOANSETT PIER. GREEN INN Narragansetl Pier, R. I , On Tbe Ocean Front Golf, Tennis, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop.' Rooms Single or'En Suite Open June 18 to October The Imperial Narragansett Pier, R. I. OPEN JUNE TO OCTOBER An eicluslve bote! for rllscrlmlnnt lng people nt one of America's Finest Seaside Resort! POLO.Qolf, Tennis, Bathing, Danc ing. Well-kept 6te Highway, for motoring, For reservations address JAMES E. OAI.HREY, MANAOER Nnrmraneett Plor, Rhod Island JfVMytZn' KWaryj WKW NnnN r.7jrp7i Jon, Conn. Most refreshing .WJ5wi I-.re WHEN IN BOSTON NTrmT - HOTEL VElio )mmonwnllh Avenue a("DnrimY "lU L?rHt ryiAiriaUrVfiK 1MN riAiioTS o..,"' Oinrutg lufflS.W.V.'Sgsi JIARYLANd Vacationing In the Blue HM. ... . scrlptlvo bklt. A llt of hotiifV?ifor In Illuo nidra Wig. writ. Oe-Art'Si Western Maryland tiT.ii!.!?n.. 1'saa. iJ Western Maryland Railway nFJCJl PARK. rn SL i fcl-" i .- ym "HlmVMJi' DEER PARK HOTEL Deer park, Maryland. kl Tannl.' l erj.s T. F. MUIXINR.-Jltr; .i v.? ( nrvlanf, iin.... -"""W l Golf. T.nnl.: a Swlrnmln. liT.' iw ' rACIFlO NORTlHTi. COOL BUMMER OLIMATT -. KOlt. every variety of nJutS? mon nihlns-. and the. mot !Ji nattiral MfAtlArv nn aimi, "v n rt'S,K.iji5 II .t.am v.. u.. .vr. . "Cnaa ki vacation In the Paolno Northwfi, 'S& on, wuaninnon ana Br Itlah Coi Wrlto for free Illustrated book' St'itui: iibr'" - - Bmiu i; CANADA IH " fM ftL. rtnMoeenwl, sleep (tvlo, air tt K uakeka 7S2 yO Wtll tlmAiT. W r mmssi omm. aeru pgeaata rMHU eUoMsvaSI STEAMSHIP NOTICES STEAMSHIP NOTICE Regular Express, Passenger Freight Service N. T. to Rio it Janeiro, Montevldto, Barnoi Aim SS AMERICAN LEGION. 21.000 ton (o) ton. (o) Jolrkt ION. 17.000 ton. (a) Air. I AEOLUS, a 1,000 long (a) Am, if ton. toi ,,, i All, H j SS HURON. 17,000 ton. a) CI ,U .Vllf ItO AAA MMa II Bn IHMXtJnt ,wvv .,. . M H NIU'TIIKHW l.'Kll.n. ZI.1IIIU k fffeamers o V. B. finlppino Board 1(a) First, second ana intra crass. () First and third clae. Tor rate and partlenlara aerd? to any Pnseerurer Agency or to Munson Steamship line 67 Wall Strut. New York Drcxel Building - Philadelphia Keyaer DlcVr., Balthnor. MobHe lfw Orleana 8. LonU Cooway Blftg.. CUessj EARN-LINE Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping-Board Steel Steamers Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" July20 (ArrangemeDts bavo been made for aulck discbarge of cargo at Havana) For Space and Rntrs Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Building, Phila., Pa. Lombard 820O-5201-SZ02-S203 Msln SHI NAWSCO LINES Pier 10 North S. S. Springfield Now Loading S. S. Artigas Sailing July 16 ' for SAN DIEGO,- LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND , SEATTLE, TACOMA, PORTLAND, ASTORIA AND VANCOUVER, B. C. For Rate and Information t NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Agents V. S. Shlpptnp Hoard 136 S. Fourth St., Phila. Phone Lombard 5791-2-3 1 Main 77811 STEAMSHIPS RESORTS STEAMSHIPS RESORTS STBAMnOATS RESORTS ftf5-. I m9' ConnooHona foe mil Now England Points Fall River Line Coo, Combrfebte Sfsferoome OrcAesfr. on Bach 3tttnr Iv. ratten Bt. Pi ar 14 N.rt.a.lor.M. ally InelaeUasj laaaari How Bedford Una y except Sunday, Leave Pier aO Houston Street, 6 P. M. New London Urie rvePierJ0N.rl,.HoustonStUL5 30 t JA. Pier TO E.R. iind Street 6.M. . OayUoAteavrosiTlaw faJ.MiLaLa.iiy 'l't' at- TdLeawsl j Fa TO BALTIMORE ERICSSON LINE Kery evening at 01 Saturday., S o'clock. t?e, ono way, 3.00; round trip, (8,00, DAY STEAMER From Philadelphia every Tuesday, Thurs day. Saturday, at 8 o'clock. Fire, II. SO one wan la.pO round trip. Most beautiful water ride nut of Phlladel. phfa. Hand for pamphlet. No Sunday steamer, rna lur uami'Miaii ,." omiuar ei,iivri steamer leave on dayllgbt-.avlng time, I Office Pl,r 8 South Delawara avenue. " HUDSON RIVER NifiilT T.lVrM . NEW XOHtt CITY TO NEW YORK STATE UetTVJ HUL asH-a, I KPvlJ Hsi SummerYacations 8 Days $91 9 Days 9600o;;,rd Including All Expenses for Steamer, Hotel and Side Trips 26 Payment Insures IUservatlona, Ilalance 10 days before aslllng. Bermuda h Cool in Summer (Average Summer Temperature 70 Degree.) All Outdoor Sports Oolf. TemnU, and BaUln, Rattling, Motor floating, and Fish. dlfFul'c'rV.t.T C..7ndXaWcS,,d.rn.V,'Uln' v' " No Passports Sailings overy S Day via raiatiai Twtn-fierew Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" nd "FORT HAMILTON' Etna for FliBD ! Itwe Summer Toura booklet to FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall St., N.w York JBNE8, WmW CO., LTD. uouree BMg Phila, V . StW. O 'K V aj 4(VT ' i&ZK Ct s & s V An opportunity for an unusual vaca tion In the nearEast.cruUlnxsmecc thcOreclanlelandstothcDsrdsoelltt, Bosphorus and ThcOoldtn Horn, with, the added Interest of a visit to plcturcsaut Naples by the Fast Malt Steamer GUL DJEIYIAL (Ex-tlrrmnnlr) Csrrylne U. 3. Mall Sailing from New York JULY 23d. 1921 1st cabin izoo and up For rates and (iiormj(oiit apply to Ottoman-America XAne GEYELIN & CO., 108 South 4th St., Phila. C OMMERCIAI . STEAMSHIP LINES L, PHILADELPHIA to CORK, DUBLIN, BELFAST, LONDONDERRY Oilier Irish Porta If bufllclrnt t'nrgo Offers Expected Loading July 18 SS "DELAVAN" Moore & McCormack Co., Inc. 6 Broadway, New York Philadelphia Acrnt E.W. STRINGFIELD Anchor Forwarding Co., Inc. 472-478 Drexel Bldg.. Phlln. LomUrd C117-8 Main '"'"V til VvQ' -ried ' jIA I 4 Li Lf itw.H ijiiai t h SERVICE To DanrJc Riga Libaa Stettia From PHILADELPHIA JULY 10 U. S. S. D. "Oronoke" SAILINGS FROM Bsllimore Julj 15 Norfolk July 17 Hew York July 20 HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. Agents Lafqy.tte tllds. Lnnt. Qt20-1 1 Main 7 Me la white stax Celtlo July 23 Aug. 20 FnM Haltlo July 80 Aug. 21 f'pt-tB Cedrlo ..Aug. 6 Sept. 3 Oti -tew York Cherbourg sonusnpm Olymplo July 10 Aug. 18 Sift. Adriatic Aug. 3 Aug. 81 0d I tvw York and noston Aiorts. Olbriiut Canoplo Aur. f S'M Pmii. . flfst ifesl Philadelphia LJirrpool , Hnverford Aug. IS Sept. It Oct 5 V Red Star UNI Plymouth, Chfrbourg, M JUiy to aus. ; sij- July 23 Aug.JlOj ' Aui. fl Bert. VI 04 Kroonland Aug, 13 Sept. soet Philadelphia Hamburg Lll)su-0"i, -samiand tsd class only; ,-(. FrelRht for Dnnl onl) sail "" Tork one day later. . Pbllndeipmo Antwerp a .N. V. Lapland Plnlond ieoland Scithlan . Mississippi Missouri . -f?i !' Dixie Steamship Lines Now loodlng for PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW? V, S. S. 11. S. t). OPELIKA Eilierted to Bull July u AT OONlTEIIENCK RATE9 HcutIjb, Majjill & Co., Inc. Lombaia B110-1 Uata IH ..W-1 American li New York Hamburg tK Manchuria t..ienll Mongolia "'iiT.l Mlnnekatida Aug. H '" 1 D rrct to Jinmmirif. PhllodrlphU fllreir WF a.s Ta aaa t . .. sees I'hllndelnlila Hamhurr ,.d East Indian.. July 12 I Osawstomn ..ji ATLANTIC TRANSPORT "' Phllndtlphlu Loiiuon ,tf; Snesfisippl- ..Aug 10 I JllMWrt.. (jg HOLLAND-AMERICA W Plillsdelphla Rottcroaro , . Oorredyk ...'"itl.rlnl InterRatloRBl Mercnntlle Mriw Company ., HO 8TEAMEn-I "o ooo Tfnj V5!."'J,i,,.r.m."Tna!iii nnnrse ni- ' i rrmiii invw. ---- WANTED COMPETENT SHIP AND ENGINE SURVEYOR .... ... im.rlCSll 4. Applicant must ."".(. n wllh at least five rsor. Z:,itfl ence as chief engineer! ""I",', be given lo thoM haUn ba 'Ji In estlmstlng costs of .'p'Iirnt In estlmstlng costs oi .''Vuwrlnt tiinu., m owners vu7.'.tAnu Addres. reply, stall"' "h p0i Aj education ond experience, to "" , Ledger omce .er Wie tttmtjeWr i& r r 3 !(, tlWli k. r,.-:glff4J'ta.l'v,AW rj.V ! ', ' iJLjWJi. ,;Vl V