ROT SfTS? ' ' i " I' t t.vv7y-; Bfc" pfw V.J, t v in mrvfiW pel A7 Iftr ft- i 0 oJ) r t f . If 5J Ax f tl & IV, i" 1 1. It" t fe i ,W te sr" K m !i Kfc BWk e"iV ', 'V O Si ' . o i THE PEOPLE'S FORUM wmtr 1, HL" I .1. 1 letters to the Editor A' -..... AJ I..I. y (V, i wo nuiiiiiaiai tke Sailor o the Evfn.nti Public Ledger: ' Sir Eg-Prttldent Taft la now president M the Englsh-8peaklng Union, an organi sation to promote good -will and brotherhood among those who epeak our tongue. Eleven reari ago h, aa President of thin English speaking nation. reprimanded the present Admiral 81m for declaring at a dinner of naval officer In London that If the Drlttsh .Empire was In peril thla country would give 4d to lu laat drop of blood 8lma were tho words of a sailor to aUora In a gathering of men who knew the ttt reachea of the sea and felt the brother hood of their profession. It was th spon taneoua utternncc of a heart which knew to whom It spoke nnd readied the tlea Which bound them all In a common loyalty to race. Now note the contrast with an earlier txrurrence After Dewev had won the Rat tl of Manila Day he round himself threat ened by the bellicose attitude with the Ger man admiral. A Tlrltleh admiral wus also there, and what did he do when thl crisis eame up! Did he wall to cable home for Instructions? It Is a matter of history that he assured Dowry that In ore of a rupture with the Oertnans the American fleet could depend upon his active assistance to tba full power of his ahlpn. Now here wae a pretty mess an admiral offering to open Are on the vessels of n friendly power In order to aid the forces of a nation with which his country had no alliance, no entente conllale Hut to Dewev .It did not come as a eurprlw. Eery nival Officer. American and lirltlsh. of the old school had sensed the call of blood and race and In the faraway paths of the sea they felt themselves on a common minion with common alma. They were brothers of the Him treat family, nn nf niir. for this hlirh-handd and whn unauthorized action that far transcended In srevlty anything that Sims ever did the Ilrltlrh admiral waa recalled and dismissed from the sen Ice. at least ha waa sternly rebuked nnd warned? Nnth tnv nf tv. anri It ther. ever wai h hint r rilaennrnval from Downing Htrrrt, the arorld neor heard of It. With Its In AnllAli- VirnArir deeper and kindlier In Ight Into iur,own truo relationship the avM land bod no word of reproach for Its Impetuous sen. V. A MOKIUS, Philadelphia. June SO 1021 Employed Married Women To tho Editor ot the fitcnlno PtiWle t.rdgrr- Sir It would appear from tho letters of Sour correspondents that they have rather Warped Ideas concerning: the employment ol married women Assuming that the mar ried woman seeking employment has a hu band capable of or an Income sufficient to support her In comfort. I will try to explain to your correspondents on this sub ject why help of their kind should not b employed. When a married woman takes a position she not only Interfere ulth her family duties, but she Is also keeplna some one Who haa no visible means of support from raining: a livelihood What would be the natural outcome of this nW! It means that those who were kept from securlns a posi tion in either thrown upon the mercies ot charitable Imtltutlonn or are forced Into performing: questionable acts, often ltadlns te crimes aaalnst themselo nnd society It means also that If they havo any off spring, which very seldom hlppens, they err srossly neirlectid and are left to itrow up under the h supervision of disinterested and Incompetent parties I think that one who Is endowed with the nuallflcatlons that one of your correspondents mrdestly admits should be ln a seat In the United Staten Senate I mlshl conclude by asking this question. If thoso dear ladles td not Intend to establish a hnm and fulfill their obligations to nature nnd God as In tended, then why did they not remain sin gle? w ii jACons. Philadelphia. Jun 20. 1D21. The Old-Time Theatre n the lr.ritlnr nt the Evenina 'ubtle I.fdaer. Sir Are we never avaln to have the old tlme theatre? Are we never again to see the fine old stock companies with the most capable of actora in standard plays? Are we .never sealn to enjoy Shakespeare a presented by actors with the caliber of a Booth, Parrett or Irving? I long for plaa of that chameter. and I am sure there are many others. Thero ire certainly enough lovers of the legitimate dram- to support at least several companies a week in a city the size of Philadelphia W. L T .Philadelphia June 20, 1021. Poland's Trouble fc the Editor of the Buenlno Public Ltdotr: Sir If any on Is trying to find the rea son for Poland's troubles, let me eay. Ar ticle M of the Teace Treaty provides that the result of the plebiscite shall be deter mined by communes and that then there Shall be a new boundary line drawn. In the district principally affected by the recent uprising that Is. the territory east of the Oder both the majority of the population and three-fourths of the communes declared fnr Poland Regarding the allegation that Poland haa kn sffirresslie. or at leist tho ctuse of ntmiint trouble In Certral Europe, may 1 bring to your notice the following remark made at the annual luncheon of the American-Polish Chamber of Commerce by John Foster Dulles, formerly connected with the Reparations Commission? Mr Dulles la quoted In a New York paper of Miy 20 1021. In part, as follows- "If Poland owes much to tho treaty It Is also true that Poland ow?i to tho Treaty of Versailles the fact tnat it was created without nxed Dounaane. i doubt If the Kingdom of Heaen Iti-lf would be pence- ful If It had been bounded like Toland L W r-MIIK'K Philadelphia June in 1921 For Bargain Freight Rates To the Editor o the livening Public Ledger' Sir W all have some mom-v to spend, and wo are looking for bargilns Let the railroad companies hae a "bargain day ' Reduce all freight rales BO per cent for a, period of ninety days Business men would realize that this low rate could not continue. Dealers would stock up. espe cially building material buyers consumers af domestic coal, etc This would stlmulato business If we get It started, we will keir Ii moving Start sometninp ui s go W L MEAD Philadelphia, June ID 1021 8eeka Advice on Career To the Editor ol the Evening Publie L'dger; t-irI recently became deply Interested In your People a rorum roiumn ana n secured much valuable advice from letters printed therein In which subjects were die cusred I want to use your column to ree J I cannot gain a little help from soma of our readers I nm a young mnn of twenty and am attending the University of Penn sylvania on evenings where I nm studying for lh D. C 8, and C P A. derrs's I am thinking of making a change and taking m the study of medicine for the simple reason that the accounting Held Is becoming vercrowded. furthermore, many Individual who go to large universities get very much discour aged after reading business school adver tisement! which state "Learn accounting In flvo months and prepare for a certified public ocrountaney degree In one ear" Why ahould one spend four years at a large vnlvtrslly and four years of high school work In order to be a certified public ac countant. If these business schools can turn Out one In a year? Whit do your readers think about the matter? Would they sdvlse my continuing jny college course for a n. C. S and C. P A. or do they suggest that I study to be torn a doctor Instead? Is It true that there are many doctors who can hardly earn a living, and which of the above fields Is more vercrowded? W L N " Philadelphia June 29. 1021 , Makes Two Connection" , !. WAltnr nt th. Evenlna PubHc Ledaev: w-." i.J- .. .-. . . in. it ' Oir''niP II1J irciu utile in." ." v.i , our attention to an article In your Satur day evening edition, but I haven't had the ,i ttnip until now I don't luppose that our rspotlsrs had anything to do with the ar Uet, a It seemingly came from Washing ton, but to let It pass without a wurd of eomment Is mure than I can do Tba article In quritlnn was In regard to leek ot the hair of Mary Queen of Scots. which some Washington woman mentioned h her will. The latter part reads approx imately as follows! "Mary, the daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon,, was suspected by (KlUabeth. tbe laughter of Henry and Anne ' "Unlevn. ot designs nn lh Prltlsh throne lis. 4f ht. wwvrii, un4Tii,nru (R(f ,v Tf a.w .- . . . net, interest you. it S kl &.iriiAtuTMe ten. a!. WA&iSj ,'lthr; syaftflntt dMqmu, juirnamsU. letters to the Editor ahould b a brief and to the point a poaslblo, avoiding anything that would open a denominational or sectarian dl cuialon. No attention will be paid to anony moud letters. Names and address must be signed as an evldcnco of (rood faith, although names will not be printed If requeat Is made thai the- be omitted The publication of a lottcr Is not to be taken aa an Indorsement of Ita views by thla paper. Communications will not be re turned unless accompanied by post age, nor will manuscript be saved. "Illoody Man-." wno did happen to be Eliza beth's half-sister, and who reigned on the throne of England quite undisturbed until her death whon she was succeeded by the aforementioned Elisabeth, Mary Stuart, as a matter of fact, was Elljabnth'a first cousin, being the daughter of James V of Scotland nnd Mary of Lor raine Shn jvas also the great-granddaugh-tor of Henry VI of England, which fact caused her to claim the succession of lh English throne orr Elizabeth, whom many people called the Illegitimate child of Henry VIII nnd Anne Holein on account of Henn'r unsanctioned divorce from Catherine of Ar- age n A good many people may say particularly In this iln of sncltllsm nnd Soviets. "Pooh What'i the difference? Who ctns for those old kings and ciurens? They're all dead, nnjhow" But think this over about twice. Huppoie some one snowed nu an article on the front ptge of the London Times reading something like this "A book nf Toe'i Morle autographed by the great composer hlmstlf waa among the cfTectM of iin auction sale held by the rttscnndints nf Washington Irving lntly Washington lrlng. tho Brandon of tho great George Washington, was well known for his poems of the I'enns3lanla Dutch," etc. What would jou think of n London paper r hlrh showed such a lack nf iccurncy7 Another thing. Your "qulr column some tlmo Bgi printed the nqulr "What Is a glaive?" Tho answer was, "A Klnlo Is a broadswrrd," whlrh Is correct In ono sense. Hut the word "glale" used In this sense Is the oldest most obacun nsme for a swora, only found In ancient German armory var iance The much wider and more iom rrrlenslve meaning In that a glaive Is n pole.nrm to be cl issrd with glsarme, hat terd and parllzin I don't pretend to be a pedtnt or a pro foseor. I am nly a little over twenty-one tut Engllth history and the science of arms and armor are two of my best loved hobbles, and 1 don't like 1o nee them misquoted Thnt it my onl reason for my letter of de tense. Ily the way, can ou tell m which df Keata' poems these lines are an extract from "Our magic ensements opening on the foam The fairy foam of dangerous seas, for aye." Breaking of accuracy, I ton't think those nre nccurnte, but' I onlv heard them once and have been looking for them over since I hap no desire to hae a loer nf Keatc correct me on my own ground i STEVE I Philadelphia, June 20 1021 The Keatw lines quoted are from his ' Ode to a Nightingale " The lines of the verse are "The self-same song that found a path Through the aid heart of Ruth, when sick for home, She stood In tears amid the alien corn, Tl.r earn that nfttlmes hith Charm'd magic casements oienlng on the foam Of perilous seas. In faery lands for lorn " Questions Ansivcred Where There Is Much Sunshine To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger. Sir Will you pleaie tell mo how I can r.nd cut the relative nmount nf sunshine of the west coast of the United States? I am tnlng to find a plate to llo where there Is much sunshine during the )ear, but not u great ctunge ot climate, no great heat and severe cold that we have In this part "t the country O It DENNISON Philadelphia. June 29 1021 The most delightful climate tn the t'nlted States Is to be found In California There Is more sunshine there, In comparison with the chonge of climate, than there Is In any j other State In Southern Callfornln thf i climatn may be said to reach perfection. At Ben Diego the mean wlntr temperoture Is B4 degrees, summer. OR. At Monterey th , difference between tho average temperature of January and Jul Is 1 dgrees In the ( Inteitor and the Southwest there Is almost continuous sunshine, although there Ii a rainy period but It Is not continuous In this section there Is a very high temperature In the summer, but It la easily borne, and sunstrokes never occur. Ever where the n'ghte are cool, and the clearness of at mesphere causes rapid radiation Mate Apparel at Resort 7 o the Editor ol the Evening Public Ledgrr Sir Will ou please be kind enough to print In your People's Forum the correct at tire to be worn by a young man In the iteming, afternoon and evening while spend. Ing a vacation In the mountains? Also p'.eaoe state whether white flannels and dark coat should bo worn In morning or exenlng H S PhlladrlphU. Juno 31. 1021 You should wear virtually the esme In the morning and afternoon, nnd It would depend whire iou would be as to evening attl lou ere nt a fashionable hotel or bo house you could wear white flannel trou white stockings and shoes In the morning nnrf afternoon and could dress for the ee. ring In a dinner Jacket or a blue serre cut away suit would be approprlatj You should onl wear a dress suit on special dancing occsslons Much liberty Is given every where at mountain and r-enshoro summer re scrts as to apparelj Philadelphia's Great Blizzard To the I'dttor ol the Evenina Public Ltdotr Sir Pleaee tell mo whn the grett bill iard occurred In Philadelphia' W L R Philadelphia June 25, 1021 There have been so many of them that we do not know which you refer to, but thbse of rtcent nun were as follows On March 12 18 nd H lftSfl a disastrous billiard lilted the entire Eastern section of the (.ountry In many parts the ground was covered with snow to a depth of three feet end more costing millions of dollars to tho people, and the loss of a number of lives The high winds and drifts accompanying caused traffic to be paralyid for more than n. week On February 11 and 12. IR00 about twenty Inches of snow fell causing great dnmage and suffering among the people It was accompanied by winds and Intense cold On Christmas Day In 1000, and that night snow fell to the depth of twenty one Inches tying up street and car traffic for nrii-ly a week An Old Superstition To the Editor ol thr F.venirg Public Lrdaer 3lr The old superstition Mr Carter asks for about wrapping on wood bas been handed down many generations It Is done In memor of cnrist on tne cross Tn wood should be hlgner than our head ami we should imp three times ' In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy rihost ' It Is a beautiful Idea and I hope It will last many more generations Philadelphia, June 2B 1021 H W T To Get the Tax To IM Kdlfor 0 the Evening PubHc Ledger ,Sir If I buy 12.1 worth of taxable gondii ind the seller demands II r tax Un I h ftlppnsrd to piece that amount In stamps on the artlcl purchased? Or Is there wm" other way for the Oovernm'nt to get the dollar' MHS W. L N Philadelphia, June 28, 1021 Fome taxable articles are required to bear lamps but others are not The only wsv tl e Onvernment has of checking up on deal ers whose goods do not require sumps Is to audit their loka j J) S'o residence Is required In New York and New- Jersey to secure a marr!ug license nor In this State and Marvland but said license can be used the day of Its Is sue, but In Delaware a residence of foul days Is required The Icpie-a rnnirn will appear In the Evening ruhlle Ledger, and in thr Hundav Public Ledger. Lei discussing timely topics will tie prli The People's Korum will appear dally lifl mpn Letters orlnted as well as requested poems, nnd qneatlons Of general imrresi win nwwrrra. GAS Soldering Furnaeet cJh'd Appliance mvun 1naAtA.TJlLGOVn XeD.Bmw-iM!!hSi SL V" t ' .w,'"; .? l "", -." . . .jali m EVENING PUBLIC Poems and Songs Desired "Charlotte Russe," Etc. To the Editor of the Emu I no Public Ledger: Sir Can any one live me the poem called "Charlotte Russe"? Also would you please reprint the battle poem called "The Last Fierce Charge"? CHARLOTTE I AYRE3. Delalr. N J.. June SO. 1021 We will print "Charlotlo Ilujse" If a reader will send It In. We have mailed n eepy of "Tho Last Fierce Charge." at It Is too lonr to be printed In the People's Pol urn. "My Bible Is My Chart" To the Editor ol the Evaninu PubHo Ltdotr: Sir I noticed recently In your People's forum a request for a very old poem l have one verso that I remember hearing my father repeat, and If I could I would 'Iko so much to hav the reu of It 1 am tend Ing the erte tlat I re-nembor, 'The Ulblo Is my chart, Ily It the sets I know, I cannot with It part. Its rocks ami quicksands show. It Is my chart and my compass, too, Its needles point forever true." D. L. HENDERSON, Philadelphia. June 20, 1021. "Quand Madelon" To the Editor of the Evcnino Public Ledoerl fclr I Inclose a copy of the words of "Quard Madelon," which one of your read ers asked for, I had some little difficulty lr procuring this nnd I may have delayed too long and some one else may tvive sent i In STEVE. Philadelphia. June 30. 1021 Tour le renos In plalslr du mllltalre II est la baa. n deu pai la foret Une mnlson, aux ours tout convcrta de llcrre "Aux Toulrroux c'rst le nom du cabaret La ecrvante rBt Jcur.u et gentllte, I,gere comm' un piplllon iVmtne son ln son oell petllle Nous l'uppolons la Madelon. Nous en raenous la nult, nous y pensona le Jour. Ce n'est quo Mudelon mats pour nous c'ost 1 amour. CHORUS Qiand Madelon vlcnt nojs servtr a bolre, Hous la tonnelle en frolo son Jupon, E. chacLn lul raconte una hlstnlre I no hlstoln, a ta facon. La Madelon pour nous n'est pas severe Quend on lul prend la tallle en le menton Elle rlt, e'est tout I'enl qu'cll' salt falre Mbdeton, Madelon. Madelonl Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Sesp,OlDtment,Ts1nm,Me everywhere Foriunplts addr(u:OitteuaLketsurUs,Ipt.X, atsllta.auu. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES Chicks Chicks Chicks BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS WHITE LEGHORNS RHODE ISLAND REDS Mcrtly started rr rney to raise. Quick, conrtrons service, nnd, brat of all Good Chicks at Reduced Prices Open 4ulv 4. 10 A, SI. to S P. SI. ORCHARD POULTRY FARMS rhllndelplilii I.nrgrst Hatchery) 3960 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. r DITC C.H.J Ttf "Known From Coeit to Coatl" Superior bemuse they nre prepared fresh dolly by the exclusUo Rite proc ess. 7000 pounds sold eer.v month. Mailed to nil parts of the world. Write lor Price Lilt hC CANDV SHOP We Pay the Parcel Post 14Q ; Rrn.J ;. 1801 Chestnut r -" i.. ,n,n VnInnl 1310 HI. "w-''m" ""W Jijj rv i A I IrllrE I u i 1 Bfc depend (W re if't?333rx lardlnu- J Dusere Vf Cave Dweller's on Ye Delaware 1686 Living Trusts were then unknown and even today many are unfamiliar with their advantages. What they are and how they may benefit you is explained in our booklet, which will be sent upon requeat. Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co. j 316-18-20 Chestnut Street j 1415 Chestnut St. 0 So. S2d SI. 1 1 ppppe.-sw 9 m m m m m Market and fourth Ss. PHILADELPHIA A Reserve A successful businebs builds up a reserve. So does a successful indi vidual. A reserve fund in the bank gives ono confi dence and optimism. Build your reserve fund here where interest will make it grow and where courteous, helpful service is assured. CAPITAL & SURPLUS $l,50Q,q00.0Q 1$ -'w -tLa ! w Mmmmmssn vsHiiMiwia BiSZ LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY JULY -6, 1921 f Porch Chain, $5.75 I Let Us Re-Seat I Tear Old Perch Cfaalre I MADAME BROS. I 8io n. nth at. pop. im V,rrunfc5 Oc Everywhere, W A N T F. D BADGE SALESMAN I We wish to engage the services of an I experienced badge and emblem salesman of known experience and sales abt'lt unlimited, territory and splendid oppor tunity. A 103. LEDllEIt OFCTCK Mattresses Renovated SIZES ALTERED Feathers llenoratfd nnd Mode Into Mattresses Brass Beds Rclacauered MLHliL'S VA-V; MfAVtMSI S)M I1 ... Phonet Lorn. 4703 JXt. 87 OUR PRICES Always moderate and with vnrlnus dlshre to moke the total east with in me means or all. Menu Changed Dally llooM. 35-37 South 16th Grocers Butchers Hotels Restaurants Refrigerators FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT Computing Scale. Klectrlp Coffee Mills. Meat Grinders. Cash Registers, Hares Cash Pricea with Privi lege of Easy Payments. Illustrated Uimilar on Ueitucit HOWE Scale Co. "VMS.?' Skin rotiirh. Bmnrtinp; or besin nine to show n rash I Rc.lnol Ointment Is what, you need to give quick relief and clear awy the trouble. Then adopt the uo ot Reslnol EhavinR Btlck. You'll bo dsllihud with your cool, easy share, A ik Tesrdrasglit for lbs Restnol rroducts. Resinol Ligkt Six plrv Model 3 V The New Car Sensation of 1921 The price sensation of the day. Tho luxury of the heavier cars with the economy of the smaller. iZOO Kokomo Henry A. Rowan, Jr., Co. 723 N. Broad St., Phila. EDUCATIONAL ltoth hexes Training for the Professions Theology (Evening Sessions) Law (Evening Sessions) Medicine (Day Sessions) Pharmacy (Day Sessions) Dentistry (Day Sessions) Chiropody' (Day and Evening Sessions) Flense eenrt rna bulletin for the ccurao marked X. Nam Street City . State E L. T-d-21 Phone: Dlnmond 0031 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Ilrojd St. below Hcrks Philadelphia HPECIAL hECniffTARIAL INSTRUCTION High school graduates and stenographer' desirous of taking a special secretarial of ndancea stuay course in sienogrnp'iv ana busln-TS training should Iniestlgate nur summer onering tan or write minions guaranit en PHILA. llUSINESH COLLEOE and College cf Commerce 1017 Chestnut Street. I'hlladelntila QTRAYFTi'S Th "" lluslneaa rtrhoM S avrA I CIV J g0 CHESTNUT 8T, Fasltlwn guarin'd. Enter new. Day ar Bleat Maher Prep A Tutoring Bchoo' Hummer course. Col A HUh Hch nr 11 H IKth fit DAYTONjVA Shenandoah Collegiate Institute and Hchool of Musle. Dayton, Va. Co-Educntlonal Rates I22R to tSOO. Psnd fnr '"'atalncue Yuung Men and Roys Wenonah Military Academy Healthfully situated In a residential town A faculty second .only to that of West Point In efficiency. Acadernlo courre $750 for the school year Sep arate Junior Department ItoO for school year. Catalog and view book liox 411 DR. CHARM II. LORENCE. Pres. MAJOR CLA1TON A. SNIDER. Supt. I'ERKIOMEN SCHOOL roil ROIH Music, Oratory Huslnees Beho'arshlps Not conaucieo iur V'vuit .mum ruico auuogue OSCAR . KRIEIIEL. D. D., Principal Rax 110. Prunsburg. Pa. "FRANKLIN AND MAKHHA'lL ACAIlKtiT Proparra boys fnr nil Colleges and lerhnlrul Hrlioole. Moderate terms, Catalogue, Address E. M. HARTMAN. Principal llox 412, Lancaster, Pa, MUTATIONAL CAMPS MOUNT POCONO. PA. INK THEtE CAMP l'OR IIIKIJI Pn'ono Mts, I four hours from Philadelphia 'jA VVV tSbool Lana, rbUade'lsbla. Pa, ElMDn em I - f4!- ii i ' '3K KpUv$ F.nrCATlONAT. Tlptli Sexes Aro You Likely to Inherit Money Any one who expects to Inherit monoy ahould know how to Invest It. A course In, Dullness Admin istration at Pelrca School will glvs a thorough knowledge ot stocks, bonds nnd other securities, also, a broader outlook and a firmer knowledge of the world of busi ness at It Is. COURRKN OF BTCDV Ruslness Administration (two yrs.) Accounting (two years) General Dullness (one year) Secretarial (on to two years) Salesmanship (one year) Teacher Training (ono to two yrs.) Stenographic (six to nine months) Dor School Opens Kept, f) Night Hchool Opens fjept. 10 lVrfle tor tlth Year Book PEIRCE SCHOOL tS Business Administration Tho School You Have A Itnnsim lfttnnt P I'lne Mlreet Weal of llroad W XVTAT CIIEBTKB. FA. The Darlington Seminary, Ind. Wett Chetter, Penniylvanik SIXTY ACIIH B8TATB tlat Year Opens September (1, 1MI Junior School for young girls. For Catalogue, address Christine Y. lire. Principal. Hoi did JF.NKIXTOWN. PA. pKNNHTLVANIa.. JENKINTOWN. BO. 4S0 BEECHWOOD SCHOOL (Inc.) For Young Women. A Cultural and Prac tical School. Flta for any vocation. Prepara tory; College Departments: Conservatory of Music, Art. Oratory. Domestic Arts and Pclsnces, Secretaryship, Gymnastics, Normal Kindergarten, Swimming pool. Large new gymnasium. M. H. Iteaser. Ph. D Pres AXNT1LT.K. PA. 1,1-nANON VALLKY OOLLEOE Co-Ed College. Academic, Jluslc, Oratory. College rates, (1103 to Ml-'. Muslo rates, J372 to 1400. For catalog address: DIl. U. D. liOSBAItn. Annrllle. Pr. new vonn 000 PEOPLE In every. thousand recche bsniflt througl Pinal odjuitment given by competent Illll liiun ir vmniirilAUTIU The public Is rapidly recognising the value ef this method ot drugless dealing, and will require an increasing numur oi practition ers. Band for llteraturo explaining tbe rnitrita- SEW YORK COLIHO): or ciiiropraotic liepi, r. o . ,n nr.. nrw vorg. ft, r. IIISOHAMTOS. N. T. Tnr IHSOHAJITON TRA1N1SO HCIIOOI, An Ideal prlv. home-school for nervous, back ward 4 mental defectives, No age limit. Phy sical Culture, Manual training A all branches. upen yr. srmmi, ';i.":l'o per mm. a up MR. and SIRS AUGUST A HOLDT. Suot ninahsmtnn New York. I 14 Fatrvlsw Ava Young STer nnd Hoys Bellefontc Academy ,oing 'me'n. 'n sno up. iioin year. Am. neia a gm. Mod. rates lleadr ates Catalog. JAMES P. 1IUOI1E.H. A lasler. liens: lefnnte. Tn. MI'.IK KKHIIfRO. PA. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS Merccrsburg, Pa. Pend for cataloguo to WM. MANS IRVINi:. Ph. ., I,L. II. Hradmiistrr, llox 120 nuoKor. HcnotiL. pa. OLU1KIK BtllDDL Country School ror Iloyi and Olrls. Bspnrate dormitories. Courses broad and thorough. Student studies under supervision of principal. Graduates succeed b college. Special courses. Athletics, gym nasium, pool. 22T wooded acres and open Kuntry on Neshamlny Creek. Endowed. ites mndernte. Catalog, CKonnrj a. waltos. a. m llox 2H1. (lenrye School. Ta. CHKMTER. TA. Pcnntylvania Military College Degrees In Civil Engineering. Chemistry, and Commerce and Finance. Preparatory Division and Junior School. President Harding says "If I had ten boyg I would send every one to Chester.'' COLONEL CHARLLR E. HYATT llox -22. Chester. Pa. AI.I.nSTOWN. PA, Allentown Preparatory School Prepares for colics; or technical school Small classes: Individual Instruction. Also A0,mm!f.c!a!. cour, Student government. All attiletlcs. Splendid modern buildings. Large campus and gymnasium. Special care ICLp.X2V"fTer hnv"- "ate inno Cata og IRWIN M. A. M,. Hea.lnwMer NAZAmmi PA. NAZARETH HALL MILITARY ACADEMY llox 00. NuEoreth. Pn rounded 1743 Preparatory A Duslness Courses. Sr., Inter mediate and Jr. Depta Ath'etlcs Military life. Hey. A. P. Ttiaeler. D p.. Prlnclnsl IIETIILEHEM. P.t. Bethlehem Preparatory School Trerarea for leading collogee Extensive grounds. Junior hchool. John II. Tuggey! M. A., nendmiister. Uethleliem. Vn. ukK'y' REAIMMJ. PA SehDylklll Sm.. lteadlng'a Jr. Col.. Reading, Pa. Prep. & Jr. College courses. Certl flcates accepted by colleges & universities. New athletic field, dining hall &'n tulldlng. Year M70 Year opens Sent II WAnnr-N r. teel. a.m. d.d.. p,m. WAYNE PA. ST. LUKE'S Hl'llonr. Mp-yne (Main Line P. It. R.), i. rharlea Henry Htrout. A. M., llVadnmlr nORDENTOU N. N. J. Bordentown Military Institute Thorough preparation for college or buslnrus Efflclent. faculty small classea. Individual Ullfmiwii ."." :,,,"" B7ln V'Akr for catg . anaress uoi to Landon Drawer r-i!2. Ilordentown, rin & Comnwndani ronT deposit, un. TOME SCHOOL National Hoarding Sihool for llor RATE 1000 ' Murray Penbodi Ilrusli. ph ., Director Port Deposit. Md. ",rfeur tVAHIllNOTON. II c' TK vSSnaTW" '' VT OAMnlE. DF " f gSSJ-i 111 C Street N, W . Wathlngton. n c. WAYNEHnonn. w . FIH1IHCRNE MILITARY HCHOOL Pr .oares for universities and businisa nr- Viar N.J- tiThrSr&S? Diploma admits to all colleges Ilito fjo Pprtng encampment near famous caverns i, r.roitoes for nil Sludnls ("atalomje MAJOR MORCIAN II. !irDOIVhP,ln Rox 414. ip-nr.lvoro. v.. HTAUNTON. v. Staunton Military Academy largest privaie Acaaemy n the E.t Prepares for Universities. Oovernmsnt Academies or nuslness I3T5.0OO barracks. Rates $'100 Send for catalog e Col. Thou. II. Russell, R. H,, rresMfnt Rox L. Staunton IKlnle Stntlnn). V," RLArKHTONE VA. RLACK8TONE MIMTUtV ACADEMY Rlackstnne, Virginia Dspt.. Military Academic Commercial p-or catalog and Information, address f COL. K. H. I.mox. President DAYTON VA Chatham Training School CHATHAil VA. RATEB MM "MAKING MEN NOT MONEY" Bend for Cstslogu. Young 11 omen nnd fllrls DEVON PA DKION MANOR In Valley Korge region lfl miles from Phlla College Prep L 'MRS. lANODON CAhKIN. ITlnclpal llox IIP. Devon. p, " ' L1TITZ. PA, LINDEN HALL SEMINARY A girls' school .Hue 1740 Academic College fr.psraton A Special Courses Separate Jr Dent Omnaslum, Secretarial rat.ioi ii". F. W. Btemcci. Prin . llox 10.1, Lltfi"p ' H'TllKItVII.LK. .VhTT " ' MARYLAN1, COLLEOOIt ,1 OMEN An Ideal college In slje, equipment, location snd courses of study The faculty is large and able. Two and four ear rourses for Ygh school graduates, Courres In music, ,lpe organ, domestlo science and arts school of expression, art and elocution, Qiareea conferred Cata'ng. Hos X. WAUHlNfi N, . O. UHLY C1KIHS ACAD1 ly.Wusblngtea, D,C. urenooung me I otionai vautat Courses, For cata sjtsndar MWj ii! Aro You "1 L.ujUVrt.U.a. KDuCATinNAL notli Sexes Banks Business College Students and "Teachers ihould lake advan tage of tho advance Intensive training offered, by our Special Bummer Classes Day School, Night School. 1300 Walnut Street. LEARN LANGUAGES at BERLITZ SCHOOL 1511 CHESTNtJr 8TnEF.T nEDUPKn flOMMT.B UATF.H nrcgortTO DKUttVAHK tVATKK OAP. PA. KITTATINNY T,lJ?4sIJSg?HV,s DELWAIXK tVATER OAT, TA. Leading Hotel of Tkfs Famous Ileglnn Cap, 800. Open to Dec. Every mod. ap pointment. High altitude. Magnificent scenery. Oolf. Tennli, Saddle Horses, Canoeing, Hath.. Fish,, dly. conrerta and dances, exceptional cuisine. Amer. pl.i also a ta carta grill, (lar. Hk't., road maps A terms mailed. John Purdy Cope. Rpenfeioh Water dap's new fireproof hotel. nciuiciBu Uath neh TOIi noof Bftr(1,ni Oolf course Iter, sur'nd'gs. It. B. Foley. Mgr. B.MHkft U Del. Water (Jstv lltli ,w" l Tr eneon. L. MAItHH, THR ItJItKL IllDllK. Del. Water asp. Pa. Home table A produce. Mrs. W. Bhellsnoerger NOUTII DEIwWABn WATER CIAP. PA. Cataract Hou 5 ".0. all Indoor and outdoor sports, garage, rate reseorabte Itonklet. A. Wtnesard A Ban. EAST HTnOUDHnUItq, PA. Mapleliurat Inn, US. Btroudsburg. Pa, 17th Mason: supplies from own fsrmi apacloug verandas, large lawn, plsnty shads; most delightful place: capacity 200: parage, llooklet. srage. hooki DAOH. Prop. Ulltl. M. A Turn Villa 0n "o'kin rike. gooil cooking. Homelike. t'HAS. Ilnnia rates. Sni.I.KR .MAK8HALL FAI.I.H HOUSE Table Supplied from Own Farm. Ilenntlfnl Scenery on llusliklll Pike. Nermnn Hoffman SIOI1NT POCO.NO. PA. Mount Pleasant House Mount Pocono, Pcnna. OPEN UNTIL NOVLMIIKlt The Finest Resort Hotel in Northeastern Pennsylvania 103 rooms, 24 en suite with private bath. Hell service; gas, orchestra, danc ing and nil outdoor sports FREE GARAGE Accommodations far to cars Charm ing walks, good roads, magnificent views. Unique In quality uf food, cook ing and service. For lllustrnted literature, room plan, auto map and rotes address W. A. & H. M. LEECH POrONO Mountain House I JAJVJ Elevation About 1800 jrany Improvements: capacity, 200: forty four years' owrnershlp management; Indoor nnd outdoor amusemnts: music, llooklet, E. L. HOOKER, Jr., Manager Hotel Moasrn, good table. roconassei noici QXwii to aoa natrs on application. It. It. Ami: I.. GLEN GARIFF New moa- throughout. ULLlt untrr prlv ptrk amuie. K. den products Itklt. Oeorge J, Armotrong Hawthorne Inn Ni,n-housekeeplng cot- tsrea to r,nt In ran. nctlnn with Inn booklet. L M nKNGf.Kn. TTio Ontwoorl Pn al1 ' Accom. Excel table. Bklt. C. L. A B V. ARTMAN TL, risirmnnf Itome Cooking. Modern, Ihc ciairmont clKtrle UthXt, Rn(; moderate. HnoKin. u. I wmitii ULKNOUD IIOUH1C. Mount Pocono. I'll. Modern, lino table, homelike, children we'eome Ace .10 llklt. MISS CIIAMIIKHS PAinViniV INN. Jit. Pneono. Pa Auto tourist hdrgra; good tab'e: pleasant aur- rnund'nss llklt. on rouet O. I Megnrgel. cnr.Hco. pa. IlllEWKIl COTTAfli: Suited to quiet, re fined people: near Duck Hill Quakor Settle inent JOHN I. nr.NHY Crsoo. Pa . T1IK OLD INN. PARADISE VALLEY. Cnr.HCO, PA. Trout fishing preserve stream, bathing, tennis. Dklet. O. A. StaptI CLIFF vfF.VV IIOUHK Fop a real viT.-otlon and good things to at. CIIAS, I,. Kot.n CANADENSIS The Mountainside ,n ?'"' MJ'n. mi. Aiiuumuu.d.xw conventi- e0mf(,rt. able nates reasonable, Bklt. Wm Long. Mgr. MOl'NTAIN HnlK. PA. MONOMONOCK INN Comfort without eTtrnvagance: amid not surroundings. New and entirely mod house. Pree garage, llklt. It. E ORISSINOKK. TOIIYHANNA. PA. ri.:,l,.. Hems Uoatlng, bathing A flea. vwi.uvfm ..uu.w ,ni. n,hel n poconos. Apply for rates Mrs. L. Chichester. PES MAR. TA. rir-nnrl View Hotel HBhest point urana view nureu ,. . . in lous porches I.arce lawn, MRS. I. N. PRICK. ovtI AIRF Refined, comfortable, modem DVS11-siiyi-, ani homfln,e, Hree rnoms: sparlous porches, excellent cuisine. Special rate for llino Hnoklet. Mrs. 11. F DIEHL. Hill Crest Cottage 3 mln. walk from the Park. Mnd rales Mrs nolllngor A Sirs nklns. Props 3en Rock Hotel '-"fa""1 most up-to-. en not-a lcl dats hotel In tne Illus Ridge Mts. R O, Drbrlck. owner A mgr. nornuNo cjap, pa. 3 r- " DOL'IILINO CAP. NEAYVILLE, PA. DOUBLING GAP White Sulphur SnrlngH Hotel An Ideal mountain, health and plenauro resort, amusements, danc ing, tennis, boating. Moderate rates Elevation 000 feet. llooklet on re queat, New- msnagemont. MOSER . PRICE EAt.I.ES MERE. PA, HOTEL ALLEGHENY. Completely ren oated: under new- mat. Rates 13 50 ft up. LAANNA. TIKE CO.. PA. REECHNCT COTTU.E. In the Pocono Ma , home cooking iaii f 14 per wlc up Oeo It. Parsons Always cool and dellaitufl. C.RATElt.sroitD. PA. Stop at Gratersford Hotel Auto partlis. etc ricelve special atten tion ut Ocne's Chliken Dinners dally, Wrlto or phone for reservations. Oa rage at Hotel EUGENE R. GLOCKER Ph.. Collrgetlltc 10-H-2 Gratersford. I'n, Evergreen UcvAtlng, bathing, Oshlng L r bhallcroes. ilratersford rRVEItSVll.I.E, PA. The Highland i'ushtfuuy mtuated on ne ijiKiiittiiu 8outh ifoumalni Overlook'ng the femous Lebanon Vulley. The laeai piace -u spend your vacation or weeK snd. nates mooarate write ror booklet. J. HOWARD KRIE3. President. HiUairlf. Ueautlful Scenery. Prlv. IJatbs. nnisiuc Mn nK). mo4 Ka(h oerhart DEVON. PA. WYNBURNE INN On Main Line Kanmlallv A. slrable for business men with families Rooms with bath at reasonable rates Dancing Laiga grounds. Wide veranda. ioni. tlerwvn 830 W lll'ENA VISTA HI'ltlNOB I'V c America' Ingm H!Ztt&! UUIt HlUCt MOUNTAINS trey yijt spiinqs. frmxiin eounn, p. A slrletly raoHtm hots with eiMllent tsbl. and '' .'w'J"i,T"JAb,"f '"' m Altitude S!f. KpUnald road. golf, tennli, etc Will Itimtnlii Open Until October. JOHN J.OinnONS. Mannger. . Ml. GRETNA. PA. Hotel Conewago uJgfg NUKRIb'lOlVN. PA. UAMILION 11(1 ILL. NurrUtiiwn, P, Well, appolnled suburban apt. housrsi beautiful residential sectloni trunslent uud tourists' aetuni.i iinfnrii, ants. Call Nirrrlstown IM, VALLLt fOttl.E. PA. IVAMUINOTON INN Chicken and WaiHe Dli.nsrs DANIEL J. VOOItHEBa Proo. HCIHVENHMVILLi:. PA, Spring Mountain House pl'KS FOR aUlJSTS B. R. tiltTl.M. Balivve ;hu.i. HoiiwenKsvn e. Pa. I'EKHIIIUKN IHH Idtal mOAarvi INN Mil High location, prlv. bath, boating, bathing. ." tn tfce Alp. 53&??rM7??Cr nttannuMUJi fCJU'9 v I II MI'MIIM W sT " a' -fc PtiMMEn nr.nnnrp ATl.XSIIf htv. v. J. Qlljr WITH ITS SPACIOUS EXCHANGES ANttOPEN AIR PLAZA' IS PARTICULARLY ATTKAUT1Y1S UUltinu ATLANTIC CITY'S FAMOUS SUMMER SEASOJM June to October, Inclusive Exqulslta musle a feature. Horseback Riding. Oolf (2 Championship Course.) Kolllni Chairs, Piers, Theatres. Movlea. and countless other amusements. OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT JOHIAII WHITK SN COMl'ANy Tho supremo charm of distinguished social life at tho seaside it nssurcu in i.iiu RITZ-CARLTON ATLANTIC CITY NOW OPEN Single Rooms With Bath, ?6 Up. Double Rooms With Bath, $10 Up. Reservations Direct, or Thru RITZ-CARLTON, New York ALBERT KELLER GUSTAVE TOTT. Managing Director Resident Manager PLANADE Whole Blook on Ocean Front Coolest location In Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel In Chelsea Section. Cepaelty Flva Hundred rwmOThl Ulrsctlea Dossier. W. F. SRAV7 1 Km York Ate., near llrncli in.w.m tiinn 1ft un dally: European ft' ito daW. dpeclal weekly rates. jWrll;. Mealg that will please. WM. DROOkJIl. Prop. tPrus ATLANTICCrTY.N.J. Directly on the Ocean Front An American-plan hotel ot dlatlnctloa CAPACITY 000, OARAOB Tfalter J. Butt llrlrk. Kleel A Stone Construction l"mTA0rTCO So. Carolina Avo nr. JrKlINUll.i3i3 beach. Ilathlng from house A prlv. batn houses with direct Iloardwnlk entrance Ttnnnlnir watr In rooms. Prlv. f-c -""; --- --1'.. , k ..- ..i,i tii.1. IB lu up my., en.uu uh n.. "."."I' Htm auio ronu iiiR; .....- Paul C, nooecrans, Owner and THE HOTEL WITH A NEW HOME IDEA NEW HOLLAND -(LEAN'I.INErlS-BHRVICU COl'IlTEM New Y'ork ie. near Uench. Central, con enlent to all attractions Cap. 230. Amer ican plnn. Large, sunny rooms. Lxrellont ulslno, homi' cooking. Completely renovated. New ownershlp-mgt C II. WOOD, Jr. Mgr. Let TJa Make Yon Feel nt Home Id the "City of Robust Health" HOTEL MORTON Ocean End Virginia Aro. Capacity 300 Elevator, Private latin, etc. Always Open. EZRA C. HELL & PAUL M. COPE, Props. B orfon European PlahOxtt En van VoorliGes THE WAYNE-LEONARD ISO B. Maryland Ave.. Atlantic City. N. J. One-half block to Boardwalk. Large single and douhlo rooms with or without private bath. Hot and cold running water in every room. Hindu beds. Table under supervision & experience! dlntltlan . Telephone tona-J. inriMttsfErsr NINETEENTH SEASON Cor Missouri and Paclflo Aves., 13 day up. 11" week up. Amcr, plan. Running water. Electric lighted igniea. McMICIIABL. SCHROEDER S. THE CALVERT VIRGINIA AVE. NRAR DEACn Central to plrre A amusements. Homelike A attractive. Rooms wltti running water: prl ate baths, tnbls unexcelled, Amer. A Huron plan. Modejate rates. Oeo. Prltchard. THE IDEAC!MILYHOTEl RLINGTON rvssss CAN Avr. NFAFfBCACH Location nocurate Kataa NEST TOOO. fieo'iimur . MALAMUTS HOTEL B1LTM0RE ATL.VNT1C CITY, N. J. 00 HEA-WATEK RATII8 G'V&&TGt on Boardwalk, at Montpeller Ave. Suites with osVtaS. ivujiiiing wit.r s.u rooms, jsievator bpec. July A Aug. rates. H. M. REEVES &thteij&mvz:y New York .ive , nr. Heath. Newly furnished mill redecorated Offering excellent accom modations, with home cooking, nt nduced rates J. iiiukak SENATOR fireproof. First hotel rrom a-iir&ax& ii..,ii- j .,,.. ., on Virginia Ave. The new kind of hotel. Newly furnl"id and overythlng arranged for your comfort. Let us send you booklet and ratos. Kentucky Ave. near Deaci. Running water t water Special JRPllf in evorx room, xiavnint. privileges. IjE weeaiy raies uwner r,igr. t;. a. mui Virginia ave., 3d hotel from Reach. Private rat In; run water: elevator. American plan. AM ELL1B. Owner. N. J. COLUNB Usr. 72btel XcfjrojTtet St Charleu Tlaee and Reach Fresh and snv wat'r baths, running water, elevator. j ocean view rms, , mod, rates Coach at trains. A E WAONER Prop W R LAYTON Mgr NEW READING " "' av,? . oi- ,., . erate rates Central to attractions Elevator Ilathlng from hotel Hungarian cuisine Dietary laws otuerved HOFFMAN A 8ILRER. GODWIN 1510 Tacinc av : all newly renovnted: aisa. 1 shts. prlv untnsi Kuron. pan: rates un reuuost. MRS. ELlZAHElif doDWIN, Prop. ba.'ns' Lurou. plan: rata, on THE AMIIAHHADOR HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY MODERATE RATES On the "Uoardwalk ' a view of tlm uce.m from vour window Surf bathing, golf danc ing afternoon nnd evening, Write for bltlt THE AMIUbHAItOR HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY MODERATE RATES On tho "Uoardwalk" n view of tho ocean from our window. Surf bathing, golf dnc" Ing nfternoon nnd evening Write for bklt TABOR INN v,!ll:,ul.,'""ncF"':u'avu. rtuvr.i jul mcutiou large airy rooms. Ilathlng from tiotel. luu, ,asuo. inodsrnla rst.s J P. A A M. DUNN. Allautlo City's Must Amiable Uesteas THE TRYON ll'AVE'rlTK'MATliEV h. (.'urollna A in Leucli Amer 4 l.uiun Hume uioklng llensonable A SINDUuitu THE DUDLEY r.V8". runiiis running water, private baths, ciililii. homelike. Li It. Ptil.UM' l THE INN lU4 So' Sovereign Ave Hall inc. imi 1)nck fom ,MwlIc 0wa1"" rooms Ulile the vi lute inoderui QUISTANIA Vliglniu uve. Cen. Luron ulan t u..,. airy rnnnn Kensnnah'e rato I,. Qiiiifr' CedarhurilBVM.SirA;;i.,nr.,,..rt prlv. Run, vv at-. iNew mgt, A. O'Donnell. Hotel Bobc rates. Pnone JCl """'ucKy Ave. Return. -A. MARION ffl-F GARDEN INN batns street guioo Phone 4nl4, Proprietor, T rt. Attrarmvely furnisiied roums.'' hi" I Bt 400" llghtf innovations. Near hesT'S! fe. aiZ-TTT iMBsMaBSifAM 'jftaaiiiA:, i ,. ..:I,J,. If-w ..! ,u . nr UPrfMHtt Br.S0rtTH i ATLAXTHl CITY. aTlborougbBIcnbciin, LEXINGTON I CUE ATEST MODERATE RATE HOTEL, CAP Ml I Fselflc tc Arkansas Aves. Block f rem Million rwC I 11 r vid Kw AoiDeratnt Frk. Orrhttr. du. Ia itaJwaaA UAeaA mk1a ak i. . inn. inai" u'i. I uiiuiii; PrlnU Hatha, ranalfi wUr In rramt.ti ift porthra, fltctrie lift-hta. Btth Rohm fW r Hathrra on grounda. Ararieu rian. UUga WDBtft Surf Hi dUy; $1TM up'wtcklr, Eotomui nn, flMos diflr. ftrrproof Grr Ii 00 rTien Km HCTmjiaursfu rr an tn f WUTIJ NONTICELLO "THE BOUSE OF HOSPITJaiTT" Kaataaky At., cIom to Beach and S.m, fUe hot tad aol4 mnnlog waUr In rtoai) printa bilhti Ivrator from treat la!, on laotr ttn rrottiUnl aad Cathalla Churthi ccllnl Ublt; 130,000 pal oa IntarUr iMprsTrowiu, Jacorallontaadfarniihtngi, Orchattra, Jaodag. Oatblng from hottl. Anerleaa plan $17.10 u waaklri $3.00 up dailrf Eurapaaa 11.10 tin diilt. For booklata aad olhar Informadea nit paoa idii FFTTFR A nOtXTNCHII. OvrtiT A MlHittn WELISBOM KENTUCKY AVENUE NEAR BEACH Ceroer house! open snrroundtarsi ctntn of all inn .1... mnii PUra. llunnlnir water In reemilDririt. biua Uslhlng erlrtleges from hotel, with free use ef ilxwg buths snd prlrsi bath houses, tleetrldtr taroefh Kleester to strest. Tsble un.lcelled 10 op osJj) in 60 up weekly, American .plan. Mu.le. Dinehji Garage. Thone hi-1. Booklet. Osraenhlp PlrKtkc KALPU MLCKLKT CB.K1M IROQUOIS Rntmi rAKnnvA Avr tnuii nvirn 1(0 rooms and baths. Cuisine and terries Jii excelled. A. H. CREMONA. Otn. Uir., I' irmerly with Traymoro and Gtn. llrr, 4 Amoassaaor. J Tl. RARATTA. Ast't Nur Rrarltr Hmun IT 8a. Arkusu. ' Near Reach iM ltrauing ata, Amer. i. i.urop, epeci. Euron pian rate, si oav: so wk. uwn aranagemtnt. CfSSP Tennessee live, a IMata winning water all ret il.BO & 12 up dly.. sped, wktv. J. iiniiiingi anowrr. can J. 4071 itrti. Thr Wntlrin South Carolina ave nui inC VVaiKinS ,..... RnrvMinhnl service. Moderate rates. I n, Arnold Ownir Cerlarhunt u B- " Jersey Av., nr. Descb. prlv. Run, water. New mat. A. O'DonmlL ocean crrv. N. J. niei laEH CAPACITY 600 Ocean Cltj-'s Largest and Best Appointed UoteL Central location; bpocIous plozzaai twin UevRtoru; eervlca and cuUlna atrlctly first class. Booms single or en hulto with or without bath. Now t)pen Special July Rates J. Howard Slocum, Lessee-Manage! Former Manager The Greenbrier White Bnlphnr bprings, W. a. K'l'tT BOAIOTWrUiv liU5' Mvi iolUrioVTittil-HiwMinsjeaal Rest locations bath bousea for fV'' Fine tame! reserve promptly: i'"" neeltly. Moderate dining rate non-housekeeping resldenta In Ocean city. Booklet, F. V. YATM THE BREAKERS OCEAN CITY, N. J. Only Boardwalk Hotel K. A. Young, Mir. Prompt Information MotoSo lE I i uiaUl nun uceuu City a leuuing uoiU appolnunent and service. HI'LCMAL. JULY RATES J. HOWARD sLOCUM, Lessee-MaDtO I'unner Manager uieenuricr White bulphur Hnrlnts, W. . THE ARLINGTON llnriar Ne Manaxcmcal tH-in-18 M'rsley Ai,nnn hnediil rates over the Fourth of July MAYBERRY Now Open. Bamo Ml'I. 24th BW Amer, n1 riARAH E M'AYRERRY. !Si Hinrlrivnn 1101 Asbury Av. Uoard'f enuerson wk nr n,;, itTH nenderwj WVnMINfl T24 Ocuan Ave. Near be TRAYMORE 0o.wSl.,: Stng The Imperial Now June. Open. Bpeo. rf'JJ CVU. WILLIAMj Scarborough 720 Ocean Ave. eej t-ch. D. B. McALLISlH TV.f Sfrnnrl Wesley av. at Oth I n,S i nc oirana MnB johNHon ronel ILLINOIS ON THE rlTRAND j fl in., jb .,(. tr miohni,r. owner ran wf. north wiunvoon. K. J. . THE ALLAIRE .......... -- ..-- W(.... ,, .!. MVllI nriii.-Mi i.iiivi. iiu.ii.iii f. j. "H.;"". rrn front Capnclty 200 MAUD C. IIOI-S nl L.l:il! lBlh ave. fsmiir ",; IVIUCiuca rnnM,u rB,; Mri8 MU AVON, N. J. MH . .v--kk ... ivnv Dl MKAIJ-UKU UN1N THKSKA, Under new man'g't. Table A ser of tbi One blk. from bch.. danc. A tennis. Mg porches faring the ocean. H W.TavlorPry. STOVE IIARHQR. N. J. Olir.iyiUli ll,V.ri lllllbu,,!! 4th ot July Hueilal. Hut. to Men., M-v L. tl. HEItlN AVAl.QN.N. .1 The Princeton Excellent tablet running watsr!rnojresjj KA-tHLjrNTira IMLSl Cantniliv-'tucatud -l i ifliui imfJmmmiftmmn smMmmMLMnmL ft -"- i --- .-"---"--"" " .vVfti .C.,r4i) virtiSLuT. fiiif '"' ttPOLW.K. IfUiae.'! - .. ea t ETaTjajT- TWiiuii ''T"" ."f vum i w wnuajv