(lff iV'V. V'7-, 1 . PinA KttS '' i. tY ' -J.1 Hym? $.f Vs , Infor Life Requires r A " Mrs Wilson (jives Western Heapes J ' ndid Soups Vary Today's JKte ifie iffronTO Br MBS. M. A. WILSON WA'' 'Vii rioM rerufW m-n the ircat highways and- small ifV-ofVhe el, country. Minnotii dlaliM . ? are tilled br sturdr formers ;ftlt. a "w "( them .till have the EnKcftwVy tractor or working .Btt?J with three horses abreast or, 6.? a earn a tandem, out In the terbapJ, "." " ,, frMh air kIvm iori(mn. Tf toll an "appetite that would ffl L'Sffi cot Eastern folk. Alone S Jo? J5C,tlU?,. Ch. field. "r tr. C-Sbt to this pa?e two ! ,fl.Tn hoth meatless; they are "S farortfes durinc the prior and "Lv Mason. Try them and I am w?ivJ5ir Aed tell you that the women ,M thSiT communities take 'neat V 5 Kfi,? onnklne and strive hard ff,ae :.. At a recent Grange meet bo were blbl ted wd eight 01 mem " - - -Busslan Cabbage Soup Place In a soup kettle nnl.Ulf cup o ontow, o, SJ JHB Awd o wo8w, jftreifcM wMjro row ocrf, &rV doi; and steam until W"w. " h . .ram. Now add ffipf&rf'S then cook vucv y- .-J . mmrter hOUrB, HE. t. Vnl nenner lo taste ?? X A nnaV lo taste. Now iddinz "" """ ':"; rlits In a mixing raw bne-flo' cup of water, One cup oj tour ctcu,., Onao'i it . a. .iiir. i one-halt teatvooni of tall. One-half ttaipoon of PPP" . Srir to'dlssofve ..the flour and then Om an krlnr them to a dou ana u.-.j one-half hour and then serve. Swiss Soup Wain one-half pound of dried peas ud "ak over night. In tho mornldg Sice In a saucepan and cover with quirts of cold water. Cook ilowli U0w Vnch of green o-bitf. oUni fnOnt luncA of leek, chopped fiM. Faggot of tovp herht, Tuo mint leaves, One PM of finely ihredied ooarte wliW fcoe of lettuce, One-half teatpoon of im. Cook slowly until all peaa are very oft and then rub through a sieve and Jtturn to the saucepan and season well. ae Is a real gipsy dish I obtained while browsing about the country. Xry it tad you will find how splendid It la. It li eaUed Eccorcals. Select for this M either a flank or chuck fteak. The amount required for six people Is about one and a half pounda. Beat the skillet until vary hot and tia cot the meat In sultablo Pecta for lerving and then brown very qulckjr In a hot pan and lift tb a atevring pot Mm u loon as It Is browned. Now add i very small knuckle of veal.. Cover with.pleaty of boiling water. and cook on! simmering burner for one hour. New add . On do tax mall onion, .die-half dozen email oarrctt, Two iouiio turnip, out in quarter$, hie-half teaspoon of savory herht, Bit of aarlic, 4M cup of shelled pea or Qne-atiorter cup of dried pec, soaked tit parboiled. Cover ilowly and simmer for ont and i quarter hours and then add one pack in of noodles and salt and pepper to tute. Cook for fifteen minutes and then remove the knuckle of veal aad thlclen the gravy 6llshtly and add finely caopped parsley and berva In a acnip platter. , , vi Tbli Is an entire meal and needa irat bread, batter and a cup of tea and a fnilt dessert to complete It. v The veal Is minced from tha knuckle irn cold and is prepared as follows: Inky Pinky 'Place four tablespoons of shortening In the skillet and add four tablespoonu of .flour and brown until a rich ma honny color. Now add xOit cup of slioed- onion, One-half cup of dioed evoked carrot, One cup of dioed cooked leett, One bunch of leek, tninoed very fine. Blamer gently for half hoar ami thro add the veal nnd Oe-Aol teojpoon of herb seasoning, One and one-half teaspoons of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper, Pour tablespoons of vinegar. Stir to blend and then cover tha top of thli itew with three tomatoe, sliced Tary thin. Cover closely and let sim mer for fifteen minutes to heat thor oughly. Serve mashed potatoes, cola law, bread and butter and tea and a ilsh of Btewed fruit to complete this totaL Two cups of cold cooked beef, mutton or pork may be U6ed In place of veal, Brenichl Hea In a aaucepan Tvo oups of water. 0e leek, chopped fine, Three onion, minced fine. One-quarter teaspoon of poultry tea toning. Bring to a boll and add six table- rtM.Mi?,' w.bMt ccreal and c00 until wa, like for breakfast porridgo, and turn into a bowl and kt cool. omSi. ? Mueepan one and a half pounds of breast of lamb and cover with toUlnj water and add One.haJf dosen onions, Vn large onion, out in dioe. n,Ter and cook "lowly for one and Sirw3ufutr hourB- saM" and then S . ? a srnV- About three-quar-.? fl n hur before serving the btew Us i end one-half oups of flour, ivo teaspoons of baking powder, One teaspoon of salt, nV.iVi tea,Pon of pepper, pjfta, W9 of oloppea On'tfJ P o fine lrvad m InJt n?n '"P1 tat0 bal1s the she aUr 1?'. ,PlacCnhl (lunrts ' bolline hthednmiiV80 nat,Btewpn and drop cook f? a??Un5S .antl covor c,0,ely ana and & . bi0rdcr on a laree not platter nm& wlihCJI."w '." 4" " n" frthB0llZii'B "I BOtn2 Bwcet Hota: g whcat fleIds ot Mn- Soar Cream Chocolate Calce yf. MP o ujror, ri 0 tu" "-Quarter, cup of thick, sour ttSHS We" t0 bIend throughly and rthLinf'Uttrlef CUP of Hour, Bm!Ltn?'P0tn,' f cinnamon, Btt to i?,0n t ioo.cold water. 'U'lwed ,8.?d th,en bake n two Hm aId .8nd "oureu dceo laver -VI; W PUc7 . " ,0r tW sU.l"0" w twanty minutes. ' . Hearty Food; Menu Some Prize Cakes That m "" "i a Ona-half dup of ual Bis tablespoons of c ter, coon of cocoa. Three tablespoons of cornstarch. Stir to dlssolvo tho starch and then bring to n boll nnd cook slowly for five minutes, and then rcmovo from1 tho htove nnd let cool, then add One teaspoon of vanilla, One-quarter teaspoon of olnnamon. When cako is baked, spread one layer lightly with tart jelly and then with tho prepared chocolate filling. Now spread with one -half cup of thick nour cream, whipped stiff, and then place the top layer In position. Whin the whitea of two eres until voir stiff. and then fold In five tablespoons of confectioner's sugar and pile on top for a meringue. This is a very rich cako. yet It has but two eggs and one and a half cups of sour cream. Buttermilk may do used In making tho cake, with just as good results, when tho cost is to be ciosciy counted. Butterscotch Icebox Cake Bake a spongo cake In a. loaf-ahaped Pn d have it one day old. Cut In tain BllCM find ihnn . J.11... bjown on one aide only sufficient alicea hi we sponge caao to cover the bottom 1 , e 'oaf-shaped pan nnd then let ii i.';. "0ri ruD tho loaf-shaped pan lightly with buttor nnd lino t,... smoothly with wax paper and then fit ni loafica 8UCM or cake into th pan. "" luusica bido uown. jnow spread with good tart jelly and then with nuticrscou-h filling. Next a layer of IIl ryuue okc, ana then spread with whipped cream. Roneat until t.h pan la full, having the last layer of sponge cake. Place In the Icebox for uours ana tnon turn the mold up side 'down on a laree nlt nnd n- with a clotli which has been rung out lit : VlBr' .xms w,u Permit the cake to leave the pan. Remove the wax paper and garnish with whipped cream and serve. Bnttorscotch Filling 7eo eups of brown sugar, Three tablespoons of butter, Four tablespoons of milk. Placo In a saucepan and heat very slowly until the sugar dissolves. Then WT"1-.. unV t,he mixture forms a soft ball when tried in cold water, and then add Three-quarters cup of mfe, Four level tablespoon of cornstarch. Dissolve the starch n milk before adding to the sugar mixture, and then add and beat hard to blond. Bring to a boil and cook slowly for five min utes. Add one teaspoon of Mochn flavoring and cool. To preparo the whipped cream: Soak one tablespoon of gelatin in three tablespoons of cold water for ten mlnutea and then place the cup con taining tho gelatin In a pan of wnrm water to melt and let cool. Now whip one cup of whipping cream stiff and odd three tablespoons of sugar and the prepared gelatin by tha teaspoonful un til all is used. In testing out this dish I used Cale donian cream, adding the gelatin after the cream was whipped stiff and then beetlng for threo minutes. To make Caledonian cream, whin tha whlt f one egg and half a glass of apple jelly until it holds Its shapo. Use a Dover style egg beater. Things You'll Love to Make JeatherFl ouuera igM 'm H1'. A charmlnc novel tv lHmmh in .v The centers of tho no wars are wooden buttons pointed yellow. Usa any kind of feathers for the petals. Paint or dye them If you wmnt any special oolor. Cut the feathers Into tha shape of the petals. Olue the poUls to the back of the but ton. Use smaller buttons for the smaller flowers. Cut pieces of the feather the aha,pe of leaves, Fasten these lovely FEATHER FLOWERS to your hit by uslnir a small class bead over the hole In tho wooden button. FLORA. -a & 2&S9 rvs M W-71 , If w IS S&VMML fvas0 IS? BVESTNTG -PtTBLIO. TRIANGULAR MOTIF trJl, . Z mUXltV PnPTTT.Jt TUIQ CEMCnW -. JiAilU UlilUvi I I By CORINNE LOWE That the sum of three triangles Is equal to the sum of smartness of a dance frock Is proved by the charming model shown today. Now, in sooth, we can mention the eternal triangle with deep conviction, for tho season s frocks are ornamented with this motif, ranging In tire from the tiniest mold to the adult size illustrated here. This par ticular frock electa for Its foundation TOMORROW'S MENU EVIEtoG PtJBLId tjj COME HAVE LUNCHEON ATp Chicken Ohra Soap Choice of Braifd Short Ribs of Beef Create or Pried Oyttera (Platter) Roll and Butter Coffee and Milk ten-SUSS CAFE OPEN EVERY SUNDAY Bsit.W.aKj Semi-Annual Sale CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut Eetablimhed Because FAB Dissolves Completely it leaves no undissolved lumps of soap to stick to your garments and spot them. It entirely dissolves tha dirt in the tiny meshes of fabric and therefore requires less rubbing and less rinsing. A Test is Your Proof new soap.flake made by Colgate met, tVAlaa iimalA ? V? O - - M, - uiiiiimiii i itmemew f-.&Tw . f MBtwi ObWew pink taftcta, and the triangles Bre bounded on two sides by loops of silver braid. Thlq hrnld Ik reoeatcd at it, - l,-. Al t.l.& A I., filntl? entln rose accents the long corsage wrinkling down to the hips. The cor SSKO itself In trimtnn! unlv bv n shaped piece of the material projecting1 into small loops at the shoulders.'' ' Adventures With a Purse "' 'OTIA.KE along a book" is tho new X book slogan, and I think it a very good one. After all, thora-is.no friend quite like a book friend, and "I love to run my hand over tho back of aome book I have read with pleasure that lasted from cover to coter. "The Busy Publisher" put me in touch with a book that Is somewhat the otyle of LewlV book, but which, In my humble opinion, is Infinitely superior. It telM of tho amall town of Mapleton, of the unjust treatment of the downtrodden, of so mnny things In such a delight fully charming mnnncr, that tho read er's attention never once wavers. The book sells for $1.00 and should bo among the collection of each vocatlonecr and the stay-at-home as well. There comes a new nail polish which gives a luster to the finger tips that would make the most sparkling of cut glass jealous. It la a liquid, and just a touch Is required on each nail. The polish lasts from seven to fourteen days and is entirely harmless. Washing does not affect It and It's an entirely new product. It la priced at ttOa a botue Something new In collars and cuffs la always acceptable, and so you'll bo Interested, I am sure, in those I saw rntlv nn Hlnniav. Tha sheerest of white organdie embroidered with tiny silk Dowers and the greenest 01 green inwn thv nm alone tho edge at in- turvaln of about a half inch. The organdie is priced at $2.28 a yard and about a yard and a half would be ample. For imuom of snow aAtreM Wamn'aTKt Editor or phone WaUn0O0orMaln 1601. Washing Silk Stockings Tou ehoutd not soak white or colored silk atocklngs. They should be washed out quickly In warm water and a wood white soap and rinsed well In clear water. Then put thenj in a coarse towel and wring them out aa dry na possible before hanging up to dry. And 5o not hang them In the sun to dry. Neither should you Iron them. The samo recipe may be used for waahlng Bllk glovea aa well. If you follow these Instructions your colored and white stockings will never fade, nor yellow, nor spot, and they will dry quickly. NOTICE Special Orders Lobiten, Steaki SilaJi, etc., Delivered an; part of city. Nominal Delivery Charge 75 Broken Lines of Fine White Shoes Reduced to $10 1868 & Co. LBDaElBHinABIiPikA, WKDlteSt)AT, JULY- 6, 1921 PsLstewtb W Jfcsr " , I WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMjtKE Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store Like a Cool Breeze From the North that Is what It la llko to otop off tho hot, sun-flooded pave ment of Chestnut Strcot and down the stairs Into tho Down Stairs Store! Cool, pleasant, roomy and refreshing people find It the most satisfactory way of get ting to Elevated trains and Subway cars. Two entrances, on either side of tho main Chestnut Street doors, lead directly to tho Down Stairs Store. Center Aisle ortuiiies Mill Clearance of Fiber and Wool-and-Fibcr Rugs Average Third Less Wo wore atTe to pick up this excellent lot of rugs to sell at a considerable saving to those Interested in homes. The rugs are fine and perfect of woave, but sizes are slight ly irregular. Attractive col ors and combinations, some in the well-known art style. Approximately 27x54 inches at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50. Approximately 30x63 inches, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3 75. 44-Inch Cool White Voile, 35c Yard Sheer, soft quality for frocks, blouses, and some women use it for the finer curtains. 10 -Yard Pieces of Longcloth, $1.50 Fojr cool undorclothes, night gowns and other Summer uses. Good quality, 36 inches wide. Big Snowy Turkish Towels, 35c 20x40 Inches. They aro soft and spongy and make one cool just to look at them I White Leather Handbags, $1 Women have been asking for them, for they look bo Well with light clothes. Made in puffy shapes with inside mirror. Leather Belts, 35c A new shipment brings plenty In white and black-and-white combinations. 1000 Cool Summer Nightgowns, 85c Five simple slip-over styles of pink or white nainsook. Featherstitchlng, hemstitch ing, embroidery medallions and strips of lace are used for trimming. Pink Crepe Bloomers, 85c Made of trade-marked crepe. cut on a generous pattern with blue-stitched knee ruffles. Remarkable 85c Petticoats White nainsook ones with deep embroidery flounces and underlay. White Skirts for Juniors and Small Women, $1 Pleated or gathered styles of white jean in 28, 30 and 31 Inch lengths. Opp THE ELSO Is a New Elastic Girdle That Is an Improvement on All Others It's the best elastic girdle we have ever seen and has several features which are unique. First, it laces in the back and has a shield beneath the lacing, enabling the wearer to loosen or tighten the corset at will. Second, it is reinforced with coutil across the front, which prevents Btrotching. Third, it has just enough boning to keep it from wrinkling uncom fortably fairly heavy steels in back and front with three light ones over each hip. It is made of firm pink clastic of good quality, yet not so heavy aa to be hot or uncomfortable in Summer. It is tho ideal corset for tennis, golf, horseback riding and all outdoor exercise, as it combines perfect freedom of movement with trim, well-modeled lines. In 12 or 14 inch depth, $3. A lighter model with loss boning, 10 inches deep, $2.25, (Central) Men's White Oxfords, $6.40 That's a little price for good-looking Oxfords of white leather, like buckskin, with full wing tips, perforations, rubber soles and heels I Tennis Shoes and Oxfords, $2 to $3.75 Men's and boys' shoes and Oxfords of brown or white canvas, some trimmed with leather, are in sizes from small 11 to big 11. Tan Calfskin Oxfords, $7.50 t, DnlS 0,i Enf 1Iah 8t8 4n straight-Iace style, with medium toes, theso OxfordB of good tan calfskin are excelfenLbuysl Hlallcrr. Markatt A Cool Voile Imagine a cool, pretty There are eight different styles among these fresh, dark colorings. Some have ju;e aim otnera nave irnm ot aeu materials. Almost an oi All are delightfully cool and oh, so low in price I SizeB 36 to 46 and plenty for everybody. Peter Pan The Favorite Among Blouses, $2.25 to $3.90 Decidedly the thing to wear with suits, sleeveless dresses, sports skirts and particularly nice for vacationl Many models are in plaid voile, batiste and striped dimi ties, all snowy, sheer and fresh. Some have Bhort sleeves. Some of the blouses are quite plain and others are trimmed with tucking, frills or picot edg ing. Sizes for women and girls. (Market) Vacation Hats for Kiddies, $1 to $2 White pique hats in cunning shapes are the sort that launder nicely. Some are trimmed with color. Lingerie hats, snowy and dainty, aro trimmed with lace or ribbon, or both. Organdie hats are in pink, yellow, orchid and white. These are $2.60 to $G. Sises for youngsters of 2 to 6 years. (Central) Children's Princess Slips, $1 to $2 Delightfully soft and Well made, these are unusually good at the prices. There are many styles trimmed with lace and em broidery. For girls of 4 to 16 years. (Central) Organdie Points Special, 10c a Yard Yards and yards of this most refreshing trimming for all kinds of frocks especially the slip overs I They ore somewhat like a glorified edition of rickrack braid. New Vestings $1.50 to $4.25 a Yard (But it doesn't take anywhere near a yard to make a vest!) Great variety is to be seen among the newest organdie vest ing1 allover tucking, shirred net insertions, embroidery and lace. Net and lace combined are also pretty. Widths vary from 18 to 19 inches. Pleatingo and Bandings (many of which match the vest ings) are 3V6 to 4 Inches wide at 65c to $1.50 a yard. (Central) . t i XL Sale of Women's House Dresses, $1.50 frock all ready to put on for $1.50 ! white organdie collars and (Central) Vacation Footwear for Women, Special, $5.25 One-Strap Pumps Dress Oxfords Plain Pumps Brogue Oxfords Sports Oxfords Leathers include brown, black, gray and all the fashionable- snaacs 01 ian. tnoes are especially well made and the sorts one would expect to be several dollars more, at least. Soles are turned or welted and heels are medium, low, Cuban, Louis and baby French. Not all sizes in every stylo, but good choosing. y Low White Sports Shoes, $6.90 White canvas Oxfords and learner, neeis are medium. White buckskin Oxfords and strap pumps are very good-looking. They have straight tips and saddle straps. Especially smart aro the sports Oxfords of white leather, liki buckskin, with rubber soles and flat rubber heels. Children's Pumps, Special, $1 These are ankle-stran numns of wViH mnvaa nnri Kin ok ...( leather, in sizes 2 to 5. The good leather soles are turned. (Cheitnnt) V ilmvASiHZ JsW V nMftf I 1 " ' ' " vMi"itfutiia.' .mmmmmewiMl 1 EMUS &4 P mMfisBM u Mn New Bathing Suits Extra Good at $3.25 ..... A11 &ur sItyIe? are made of durable black surf satin or Venetian, nLn i . 8lmpJe sl;a,Kht Hnes which, after all, are the most practical and comfortable. Ono style is in all black with a square neck. to wr ha8-a EcaiIoP0(J skirt which is piped in white or green to match the pipings at neck and pockets. tf n7 8 four 1,tUo rufiles at the slde8 ach Ped with white or green. One Style in and c.naCd0!inlzer'46toOr62f!reen "" n th " Tights to Wear Under These Suits aTd ?2 WairSS.fSSo6' f P3rt o1 at Beach shoes are 50c to $2.76. Beach capes of black surf cloth are $5.75. (Market) Men's Light-Weight Cheviot Suits, $16.50 (Each suit all-wool, through and through) Of mixed cheviots In the good gray and broton colorings that men like for Summer. They're good business suits and equally pleasant vacation com panions. Mostly single breasted and semi-conservative as to style. Wanamaker suits in every sense of the word, with average savings of a third. All regular sizes up to 42. Men's Cool White Pajamas, $2.65 White always seems cooler thanfs'.or and these pajama. are of very soft, umooth white cottonth a highly mercerized finish They are cut amply full and fasten with unusually good. I (OaUery, Market) l(. (nailery, i r It -.( B: .iff tj 111 ft! if I M pretty dresses In light and j '5 cuffs, some are trimmed with ., mem nave pretty sasnes. f t i strap pumps are trimmed with ta " 1 ill 1" il n r. i n 1 3' r w 1 ti r in i., ti Extra Sizes rl "J V J. !tl ". c Market) . !'i h r" fl I'm v hi :! jnl fi:i CM Y-U f c I ffi H8: M ,.B I off m t-U Ui Nr iiy.n ' jw"ret-sg3 (Qatierr, Sfark.t) ",i,.y , , -IIZL iWLS. .. ' .. V JW-. -1" A2 jjt ' t. l,i ARC- . li . . J . , . urL ,iv- ,rw -?f . H f-,