'imrnEMmm?, i v hv r. - vs '( . WW V i 9i,,.- j frf-- IE REUGJOUSUBERTY Bi3hop Garland and Dr. R. W. Miller Spoak In Old Pino Street Church ASK INTERNATIONAL PACT i i fnr-iro'irvntion of tlie iilenls of rollfftout frcpilom with which the Vntlon n fotmelcd was mmlo nt Fourth of .T1r rctvcen in the Old Tine Street rreiitrrlnn Liuircn jratiuuj, Doth iHshon flnrlnnd Mid the lv. Dr. Ittifun V. Miller wnrnct njcnlnst forces nlmtiiR to umlcnuinc the Chris don lOiiiHlntloni of the Nations, ami i si,otl to sec the United Stntrs In nn ,Moclntlon of nations which would cnabte Europe to rehabilitate itoclf. ncpresditntlvei of numerous, patriotic oreanlzatlonk. litclmllni? the Oni W. Tonne Post of the Ornnd Army of the Bfnubllc. posts of the American Legion in" doMCiidnnts of the slitnors of the Dfclarntlnn of Independence attended lie M"lw. Mnjop Moore and other city officials were among thrwi prejieiit. c,f,i.i. r.nrinii.i nnd Doctor Miller rnrwntcd two of the rclIifloiiB bodlei Xh 1"'1 chiirrhci in Vhlladelnhla durinit the Hevoliitlonnry nr. All ot the clergymen taking imrt in the ex eroljrs rcprecentnl religious bodies "hlcl. wwb Inlluentlnl In the city's activities in the lnH of nihinton S,l rrnnklln. The Itev. Dr. c or Herbert Lukeni, ptntor of Onl rine Street Church, offered tho invocation nd the hv. Nr. .Incnh S. HurIioi, the nternn pastor of Old St. C.eoe h Mctlindlct i:plropnl ninrch. loci the renanMe tending. Tho Itev. Dr. Lrf iv.n Ho 1 IMk. jmstor of St. Mntthcw 8 Lutheran Church, nnd the ltev. Dr. Carter Helm .Tones, pastor of the 1 irst Baptist Church, offered prayers. First n Trotcstant Niulon Bishop Onrland wild America wns founded nK .1 "1'rotentnnt nntinn nnd "a Chrlstlau nation," nnd it behooves all latter-day Americans to protect the country's birthright. Ho so d the Colo- WIN URGE nlwttwc populated iinsriy uv i... ..- P Mi ot the ridcnco ot h ,. y -speaking people, although there vcro4r. 11. Cowdrick. 5112 n. 1.1th at. int. pri- .1,0 Sdes. Dutch, rrenci. ana uer- w",V.:l n..i-...i .nt,. M,, !,, "Inalillniia attacks ' upon American in- t tuthns in various ways. "One is on I... M.lilln .,-tinnl ivttnm " " Im ilirlninl OtlT ptlOliC Kliooi vf.tpni, no iiicinicu. "Many pretend to believe in our pub- lie (chools and jet they want to rewrite our history so oh to make it nPl'enr that thli Nation r not founded bv men having religious Ideals. There nrc men who villiy tlie cnaractcr 01 ucorgo Washington. They Fay ho wns not o religious man. Hut we know he wuh a churchman nnd a vestryman nnd that Id it letter to Congress hr upheld the things (or which the (JMurch stands." Dr. Miller on Democracy Dr. iMillpr, general secretary of the Publication and Sunday School llonril of the Unformed Church in the United States, spoka on "The Christian Church and Democracy." Ho quoted a mcsHago of the Fed eral Council of the Churches of Christ advocating a League of Nation, ami said : "As a debt of gratitude to Europe America should enter Into some form of. tan association of nations and bring peice and good will to Europe by Br efforts. Lot us have in mind tho well-being of tho greatest number, not only in America but throughout the, world." AUTO UPROOTS A TREE Driver Is Cut ae Car Hits Rope, Pull Ing Down Trunk As Harry Hlum, of V2'Si Wyoming aTenue, was driving ltfs automobile west on Washington avenue last night, the carRtruck a rope that had been stretch ed across the thoroiishfnro nt Sixty thin Ktreet to prevent traffic from in- tprfertn ntfl, ,1... l. ,i. .. t.... , -.--..... ". mi- uiiiiu in ,11113- ceie hration of the Cobbs Creek I'arkvvny Jlome Assticlatlon. The force nf the impnet with wlilcli the vehicle lilt the rope uprooted one of the trees to which was attached on each side of tho street, MARRIED e uEr?van 1SK,.!T:,,u,Dc ouvu pnSaTON" fi,ViMK. J4ly 10-1- t it A SI , nt the Kb ivaCh vS5, V0"."').,11" Corner. 20th and am ave,, rsew ork City. IN MiaiORIAM vf ANNA iifTvi-r;1 bul lovJn memory PAHUNTB AND SISTERS. Crawford o. in rant in nrhtm n . and Marjorto U, AUUon. Fu". hl homo ENI-EL- twien 7 "n'J ocal1 neaday evening-, be. Ur'oMvl'i? TT-1"1'.-1, DOROTHY II.. dauirh. r.nt?U"V.VMn"v,cof..fhuM .....-'. M. tTinliforrf i. "IS ."'.,- "awtnornt Re- 1la. I'a vmJa l"f J!;fBhy,er,,,n "ome, Icii V, ,' X.y OAVID UECKUT. Serv- rtir morntnJ .i lS JAle .'un"-"! on Wed. Our Mother 'of Cni'.T , , roQu.m r,a"' M o'clock Int. pi V,0JiOI..n. i?1"'"' "t 10 Air B.r?l;r,enl, n,iu membora of the Naval Tuii .s in A r,nva"L ,0 f'"l funma lM Ini Ai,011,,1'111?.'' lhl "oaary .,-dui, i, iuvvAliD W CASf- uvrftl bfri am lM,.ffer?"v'il.VW'Ap'AstI. RffiP-'w JmAwiid N ' J.. July 8 wSh;S"- srSsr,N,,sr,,,,on' KfA: v-ALMHAN, Suddenly, nt Capo Slay - ' Good Wood Boxes Havo been made In our factorial for yours designed, cut and nailed right to aavo you money. Why anumo all this worry and tie up your money in lumber or shooki when our Good Wood Boxes can bo DELIVERED IN 24 HOURS I I T'.; Protect' .wod'.T" your ;' HIJATHH FION, husband of tile late Emily Graft'. KANE. July SI. 10J1- RICHARD A. lins Camp on. In hi With year. Relative nnil 'ia''J "t Elizabeth C.'Knno (nee Hennessey) iri'nai, nnil jiiim i-oat, no. n, j A. II lire invltnl la aervlcc. Tueu., 1:20 l, it., nt tha roaldencn of Iltu blt-.h-Ikw l-mnk T. bhene. man, 220 K. Mcnda at., Chestnut J I 111. Int prlvntft, CAlwr.AKi:. At Cnluinl n. N. 1 . July 4 1S21, AltlUAtf, W willow- ef i.'ll.irb, Cnri. !ao, ,n her SOtn renr. ilelnttvea nnd Trliiuli invited to tunrl. Wed., 2 P, it, (itnnilnril lime), from I'rcbrtrrlnn L'bunh, Oolumlma. JV, J. Int. Rl Mnnalielil lluryins CJroundi at Oinxenlen-e or tin fnniltv, CAKVEU. July 2, IIAItnY O. CAnVT.H. aiied S!l. Itelntlvea nnd frlenda, Thoenlx Iidittt, Nn. ISO. r. nnd A. if., nnd nil or Ranltatlnna of whkh lio was a. member, may vlow remilna at thn rea denc of his non-ln-lw. U. y. WMt. H.120 N. 18lh at.. Tuea., 7 to 10 1. SI. Kervlcea and Int. Doylcstown Ccm.. Wed., A. it. CAVANAyilir. July -I, MAIIY A, CAV NAUUlt fjim-rly of 1J0 H Vnn 1'ilt at, nelftth.M and frierda lnlted t-i tunernl, Wt . H.30 A. M, 2110 l.ombnrd ! H.I cmn nlzh mass f r'aulem t m Pnlrlck's Church, 10 A It. Int. Cathedral Cem. . Cl-AHMJ. June .-Id. in-.'ULAII E. (n I'-cnlmme), lfo of Jnmea A. Clarke, -irtd 8. PLnoral Tue.. 2 P. it., Ut reaidance, 201 N. 42d St.. Camden, ft. J. Int Bethel Cem. t rlenda may call ifnn re OOOI'Br.. At the Ullllam 1 Klklna ln. limit sr f IfVia n ) fulit t liiOt iil in LOTn bL.S'UA5f. widow- of jme J. ('coper. ItcliMhri nnd frlonds are lnlted to funeral aeplnn. Toes., ,2.1', M.. nt lhj rhnpel of Andrew .7 Dntr H.m, Arch nnd 10th etn. Fnr. prlvnto, COyi.gTON. July 1. 1021. MAYTtrc U (nee Iiledermnn). xlfe of IIerb"-t Co'ilafnn In her 28l'i eAr. Servlcet Tue., 2 P. M , ivjldsnco, H13 Helsrinan at. I.awndilt. Int 'Jreenm iunt Cim Ot'Itl. July i, mtifA I... widow of John Curl, nela.lvia ami frl-ndn. nleo Qui Iter City Council. No 17 I), of I, Invited t serv ices ThUra., 2 P. M.. residence of son-in-law, John T. Nuttnll, .1811 riorence ae, Int private. Kenwood Cem. VjnlnK Wed. eve CIITHlUlItT. July t. JANE if., wlfa of the Into John P. Cutlikvrt. in her 70th ear. Itelntlc3 and frlemla nrc Invited to attend funeral services. Wed . 2 P. !.. at tho p-irlorn of C. It. llartranft. niljl airman lo.vn nvo. Int. prlvutc. I'rlends mar call Tue evo UU IIAVK.N' July 3. SUSANNA, wife of Jnsoph U Ilavcn Uilnllrrs nnd friends In Mltd to tun-rnl srrvlna, v'ad . I J1 II, parlors ef Hackman ft Itnm'cy, .101 Dlnm nd at. In pr.vtite Itemilrm may tw Men I 'Cues., 7 to U P. SI. lJOUailEIW.--Suldenly. July 2. 1TIAN C1H J,, husband of Ilessle I. Dounhnrty die--Telford). In hla 24th iur !1iMim nn,l friends nro Invited to attend funeral ecrv- l.Spfi E'"" .'""' -" ttt tarenta- rcsld-tid . 11).' I E Krle nve. Int. private. Forest Hill Cem. View In Tuea nvo DOUClIIBKrV. July 2. U21. OKOHOK nu-uanii or late i norma and eon of Isle Patrick nnd JUrv Uoushertr. formerly of St, Thorrei's pnrlsh rtelntivrs nnd friends and ail societies of whlrh he was a member, are Invited to Attend funeral. Wed.. H 3" A. ?.'.... from tn," residence of his elster. Sirs. v llllnm StcCltilre, H nte ro-vd nnd l'orest ave , HUhliind Pirlc, Holunn requiem mass, (.hurch of Bt. I.awirnco in A. SI. Int. pri vate Take Ardnioro or West Cheater ear at until st for lllirhlind Park atnf'on. HYNON. Julv . SfARY-A . wlfn nf Tnhn J Kynon. Due cotlco of funeral will be KIVUII. r Kl.NLEY. July 2. lIArtOAnUT. wife ot the late John a. Tlnl.-j, nged 7. Itelitlvrs nnd frl"nd nr Invited to attend funr.vl. Wed., 8 SO A. St. from her Into residence. RtnnSiJlllvan ft. Clermnntown Jllnh miej in iu nurrn hi in iimmscuisu conception 10 St Int N-w r-.thedrnl f m FOGG. July 4. 1921. S1AHY I... widow of (leonte n. I'omr ltelstlves and friends, nlso Itllile Class of St. Luke's SI. P. Church. are Invited to funeral sirvlies. Wed.. 2 nnKSTAUIuy , "I-STAI, nr, Ilrophi). wife o' Wllllnm ItslAtlvev nnd frlnd nre lnltpil to ttttrml '""", fJ. '" 3" A- J' '" h-r intn . rlilncp, 217 N Wntrr t. Solrmn requ on) imn, vinltntlon Civjreh JO A. .t. Int. New t'nthtdral Ccm. Norrlalown. papcra plmie icopy. ' aA"''AND -Su.idrniy Juir 3 javks n.taK",dlVri.nToT.iSSdn.7n SMr sollur' Aa am invited to funeral, Thura., " i.. reioenco 01 untie. joepn nice 473S Upland at. Solemn masa of requiem ai unurcn nt si. r ranca ae aaies 10 A. SI. Int. at Holy Croas. GRAStUOW July 1, 1021. LENA, widow nf Wllllnm C. CSrant-ow aged 72 runsral Tues . 3 P. St . residence of son-in-law. Ham uol Relf, 4102 Reeso St. Int. Oreenmount Cem nmalns may be viewed Ston., 8 to 10 3' St. OEYKMN. At Eaalesmere pn. .Tuly 4 1P2I HENRY IMJSSAT OEYEI.IN. aed AS :enrs. Funeral services at Church of the Oind Shepherd, Rosemont, Pa., Wed.. 5 P, St Int prtvato. l.UMJRt'M. At Ocean Ornve. N. T on July .1. It21. JOHN W. OUNDItCSI. of 1 131 Sit. Vernon at., Phlla. Sfvlces on Wedne. day mornlnc. nt 11 o'clock, at tho Oliver II, Hair llulldluc. 1S.2U Chestnut at , Phlla. Interment private HAStSinR, July 3 CHARLES, aon of the late Samuel and Mary F, Hammer, aired 70 Funerul services at Kirk ft Nice's. 0301 Oer mantoun are,. Wed.. 3 P. SI. Int. private HANSEN. July 1, I1ERTIL C husband nf Helen Hansen, axed 41. Rolntlves nnd friends, also members of Amllv Lodire. No 10, I. O. O. P.: Norwegian Society, bons of Norway and Ilurholme lien. Society. Invited to funernl service, Tuea.. 2 P. SI. sharp, late tesldence. 121 W. Wlshart at Int. I.nvvnvlon Ccm Remains may bs viewed Sron . 7 to 10 P. SI HARRIS. In Tlrldtrcton. N. J.. Julv 2. If) J I. FRANCIS SI. HAr.RIS. aced 75. Rela tives nnd friends are Invited to nttend tho funernl services In tho First SI. E. Church, on Wed.. 2 30 P. SI. Int. In the adjolnlne temeterv HARRISON July 1. n.ORr.NCF, r... wife of Walter E. Harrison and duuehter of William J. and Louisa F. Fhllllps late of 1.12J Srorrln at. Relatives and frunds nre Invited to attend funernl Tues,, 3 P. SI . from late residence 0030 Klna-sesslnR ave, Int, Sit. Morlah Cem. Remalna may bo viewed Mon, eve. HAUI1ER. In E. Vincent. Cheater Co., Ta , July 1, CHARLEt C , husbind of Anni llnuber, formerly of 3910 N. Reese st Fu nernl on Tues, at 3 P, SI All services at Femwood Cem. Relatives and frltnds nre Invited , HEARD July 2 S1ARY JANE HEARD mr .unnKn iteistivei and mends invited to funeral, Wed s in A 1. from the resl denre of her son-ln-lnw- St. Joeph StcCnrron, QOI5 Walton ave. Solemn reoulem mns at Cirthiiro Church 10 A. SI. Int. Holy ociuiu-nr inin, , HELDRICH July 2. KUNIOUNDA. be loved wife of Oeerc- lteldrlch (nee Kurr) In her Uuth ear. Relatives and friends members of tho Holy Family Rosarv nnd Altar onrietias. are invited to attend funeral Wed . 7.80 A Si., from her lnte residence. 42U W. Dauphin st Solemn requiem mnss .-M. unnuncius' v;nurcn u a. h. int. iioi Sepulchre Cem HENDERSON July 4. 1921. WILLIASl im-NDCRSON, SR.. husband of Laura v. Henderson (nee Ulrlek) Duo notice of the funeral from his lato residence. 4020 spruce st. HK'KEY. July 2. CATHARINE, daughter of Thomas J. nnd tho late Annie Hlckey. Funeral, ti whlrh relstlvea and friends are Invited, Wed B 30 A SI, from her late rraldenen "23 Iluntlnr Park nve. So emn maas of requiem at Church of Our Lady of tnn iioij nouls iu a. M. pteclaely. Int IIolv Senulchro Cem lfUQHEH On June 30 1021. JOHN, hui band or Nina II. Huchcs. Relatives and frlonds are Invited to the sen Ice, on Tues day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt hla lato resi dence ll?n MoKf.m t Interment prlwfe HUNTER July 2. ANNIE PATTON. widow of John Hunter. Relatives and friend arc Invited to funeral services, Tues . 2 SO P. SI , at her lato residence 103 W Wash ington lane, Gernwntown. Int, private INSKIT, Julv 3, SIARY A wife of Thomas Insklt Relatives nnd frleedi aro Irs vlted to attend funeral servlcos. Thurs. 2 30 P Sf residence -vt3 Fishers ave , umey Remains may bo vlewod Wed eve. Iat. pri vate, JAMESON Suddcnlv July 2 FRANK A., beloved husband of .Mary Jameson (ne.i Fltipatrlck). Relatives and friends are In cited to attend funeral, Thura , S 30 A SI. from hla lnte residence, 4337 Tacknwanna st., Frankford Solemn requiem mass St Joichlm's Church 10 A. sr Int, St Domi nic's Cem JENSEN On July 4. 1021, EMlf, c. JENSEN Funeral from M32 N Caillale at . 2 V SI . Wednesday, July 0. JOHNSTON. At her residence 4712 Wayne ave , on July 8, 1U21. VIIIOINIA W JOHNS TON (neo Slull) wife of Thomas W Jr.hniion Relatives and frlenda are Invited to the service, on Wedueaday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver II Hair Iljlldlnc. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment nrlwte JUDC1E - July 1. JASTES, 3d beloved Bin of Elizabeth II. nnd tho late Dr. Robert II. Judvo. aged 22. Relatives and fth'nds also Court Justice, No 120, F of A Invited to funeral services, Tues,, J P. SI,, at the psrlors of O W Dlil'rs . Son' 2JU0 Frank ford ave. Int. rrlvate, Laurel Hill Ccm, zx Phont or Write Today Spruce 46S7 WOOD BOX MFItS. ASSN. "Lumbcrmon'n Exchange" 1120 Chestnut St.. Phlh. EVENING PUBLIC nw.Tiii mm win or iuo line uicnarii itntr ainrr ivjinv (nee Klriln). Relative r,d fi lends mo In- Vlted tu funeeitt. W, ,1 . T .til A. M.. frnm thn residence of hla aon, Richard A. Katu 204S N 12th st. solonni hUll mass of requiem Chuich of the Kplphanyq 0 A. f. Int. Holy Cress Cem, '(jii4. nuaoenir, jura jo. i-aiiiiiiv j, hnsbptid of Hannnh rmltn Klrby. Rolatlves and friends iiIK'j the crew nt tho police boat , 111111 ina 1 once llrpartmsni in arenerai, nra Invited to ntt-nrl funeral, Wed , n 30 A, .,,, iiuiH nis inis reaiueuce, aeu a, rrnzicr at. Kiil'mn hlnh ,.. n .upil.m Phnrrh of the Trnnnsurntlon 10 A. SI. preclsoly. KRAUSE July 1 EMSIA. wlfa nf John Rrnusa (n.e Koesse). nired (51. Funeral Tues , 1 P. SI , n,t 1.18(1 N, Newklrk st, Int, WlWKl y' lvce (m ItRIDER. July 3, WILLIAM C , husband i'f Caroline Krlilcr, Ilelntlves nnd frisndi Invited to funernt services. Thurs., 2 Pi St treclsely, at his late residence, 8430 N. l.Toad st. Int, private. LAUI8LAW. July 1, WILLIASL husband of Horn Lndlelaw, Itrlutlves nnd friends In vlled to funeril. Tue- , 1 P. 51 . residence. 224 W, Ilnarird st. Int. Urenmount. View ing: Sinn, eve, X-illSON July fl, ClfARLDt O,, hustind nf I.lla Iarsrin, naeil ill Relatives nnj friends nre Invlteil to nttend funeral serv ices. Wed.. 2 P. M. precisely, at hla late residence. 1427 N Both st. Int. prlvnte, SIANNINO. luly 2. 1021, SIARCUfl StAN NINU. Rtlattves and friends -Invltod1 to funeral services. Wei.. i M.. at Ms lata reldnce, BIO Iluttonwood st, Int. Oroen- iiiuuiii v.eni. ivcmains may do vioweu lues. eve. SlacILWnAITll. June 80. nonKRT H.. husband of the late Ada Slncllwrnlth, Fu noral Tues .IP. SI., from Steolmnn's Chaiwl, 031 Kenslnbton nve. Int. Green n t TV" Jlcm'ln', my l,a slewed Mon.. MoCORSIICli. Huddenir. July I. nt Wild, wood, N. J , WILLIASl. husband of Idn M. SIcCprmlck. Ile'ntlven and friends aro In vited to nttend funeral eervlcen Wed , 2 P SV.,.aA ,hu residence of his brother-in-law, 2514 N. ,11th st Int. private. McCOr At Cooper Ho-pltnl July 1. 19J1. ANNA M . wlfa of Edwnrd SIcCay and (lauchier of Nelson nnd Ida Jt l!r on. aued 17 Funeral nrvlces Tues., 1.30 P. St.. at her xrendmnthrr's residence. Sirs. Oconto ll.-lon. West Ilerlln. N J Int. l!o.-l!n Cem. StELLKRICK Suddenly, July 2. 1021. WILLtASl P husband of Slarrtaret J. Mel lerlck Ilelntlvrs and friends Invited to fu nernl scrvli-es. Tunn H P J'- nt n,i lR,p rsldence. HSM Haverforil nve. Int. pr vntc Nevark N J. rapera please copy. MILLER Jul, 4. Sirs ANCHOR K. .MIL LFR. In her SMh yesr. Relntlves and frlendi ore Inv Ited to attend funernt serv'ces Wed , 1 P SI. r.t her Into residence. dt44 Irving st. Int prlvatu Westminster Ccm. Freehold, N I , papers please copy SIORRIH luly 3. lti.'l SUSAN, wife of StUhnrl 1' Slorr's (nee ColTreyl. Relatives and lrlcnds. also IJ. V. St Sodality and league of Sacre.1 Heart of St. Stonlea's Church, are Invited to attend funeral Thurs H A Sf from her Hto residence 1420 Wolf st Solemn mass of requiem Church of St Jloiilta'a 10 A. SI. Int. Uol Crns Ccm StOIJRlH At her refldence. Glenslde. on July 3. 1U21 FUIRENCE Il fldow of I rnrles M. Morris K r' Ice on Wednesday mornlnir. at II o'rlcik. at tho OllveH H 11-vlr Illdi., 1CJ0 Chestnut nt. Interment prlvnle S1YEIL June SO, WIENER. Relatives nnd frl-nds nre Invited to tho funeral Tuts, nbon, from hl Ivto resideiict.. 3b30 Olrard uve. l'leae onrlt flowers PE1RSOV Suddenly Julv 2 11)21. nt Ocoin Clti. N J GEORGE E.. husband nf Iwiura Pclraon (nco lli,-ans), sued S I . lieu tlvcs anil friends, Phoenix I-odKe. No. 130. F. nnd A St. nnd all societies of which he was a member, are Inv'lted to attend serv ices Tuee . 8 P. St at his late realiTcnee. 4R07 N 2Uth st Funeral Wed.. 10 A, SI Int. Ivy Hill Cem .. ,. , , , l'ETERS July 2. LOUIS, husband of ElUabeth liters Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend funeral. Wed,, S 30 A. SI , residence, 17u W. Semnur St., Qermantovvn. HlMi mass at st Francis or assisi v.nurcn 10 A. SI. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. PETERS JU 1. PHA.M.1S J, son 01 John E and Alary E. Pctra (mo Rnn). need 21 Funeral, to which relntlves and friends, all societies of which ho was a member, are Invited. Wed.. S10 A. St. parentB' residence. 2220 S. Juniper st Sol emn mass of requiem Church of Epiphany in A SI. Int Holy Cross Cem Pllll.t.lPPI. July 3. ELStlRA PHILLIP- PI (nee Swlnt). widow of Charles L. rhll llppl. In her HSIh jear. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral servlcea, Wed., 0 P. SI , at the parlors of Seher ft lies rlneer, Susquehanna ave, east of Front St. Int. prlvnto, Charles Evans Cem,, Reading. Pa. Thura. ,,..,.,... -. POWr.nS July ,1. r'-u. v ii.i i.-ii 1, , husbnn. f Slary E Powi rr (ne Ljahvl. 'Ir Powers wan 1 member of Phi. a. L ds- No is r. o 1: . niv. :io wi. h l. of E and ronn- H R Relief Sncletv. iMncinl end Int. Hi Pouihkrepele, N Y.. Wml A M itEIsa. tn July 1. 1921. FREDERICa C. husbnnd i f Willie mlna Frey P.elss. aKed rn. Itelntlvea and friends Inv.ted to funeral on Tuesday, at 2 3) P. SI (standard time), fiom his late residence, 200 N. 0th st , Per- k"onr:RTS. Suddenly. Jims 20 1021. SASI'JEI. '. . beloved huband nf Harriet' Hanson Roberts Relatives and friends, also Pchu) lilll irlhc. N;, 20.'. I. O. R SI Lieut, rushing Courcll. No S3l. O of I. A . nnd Thomas W. Ruck Yearly Eenericlal Ass'n. In vited to att-ril funernl services lue J P St.. lae residence. 4020 N 18th st. int. Greenwool (K of P ) Cem ROlllNSON On July 4. 102 . HELEN R wife of Alfred Robinson. Relatives and friends -vro Invited to the service on Thurs day nt 2 P Si. at her lat residence. Soil Wniirtun si. Interment at Sit Slorlah Cim- C,rT'HL July 2. 1021. GECROE W.. hus band of Gonmlanna Ruhl itjtcd (IJ Iti in tivea and frlinds, ulso impluvis of MunlUpul Court. James A. Uarfleld Ilepub Icin Club and the Executive Committee of the 10th Ward and all other organizations of which he was a member, are Invited to funeral services, at his late resldi nee 1102 N 4th St.. Tues . 3 P. M. precisely. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem SCHICK Suddenly, July 3 1021. GEORGE I) SCHICK, beloved husband of MarKaret bihlck. Relatives and frlinds also .i Aratha's. Holy Name. Ijval Order of Moose Invlteil to funrinl Thurs, H 311 A SI . late residence, inn N, alh st Solemn high miss of requiem at St, Acatha's Church 10 V St Int. St. Denis' Cem SHurWELL Mine 3d JOSEPH H hus. hand of Hattle SI Shotwell (nee Curtis) Relal vea Hnd friends, nlso eniploven nf tho 11 i W Co., are luvlttd to serv Ice, 'lues 2 JO P. SI . residence. 230a W. Cumhirlana at Int nrlvaU SJtITH July 1. PIOIIA U. P.MITit In her "lh ear Funeral strvlccs Tues., 2 p SI 322 M. .'i2d t Int strictly private, STEVEN'S On July 1 1U21 IIENRV S BTEVLNS Sjrvlets on Tu'sdiv nflernnon, at 2 .Vtloclt, at his rcslilrnic, 121H N B3th at Iniermi.vt at Woodlatu'e Cmix-i. rv STANTON. On Julv 3, IIISI.OENEVIEVE dauahter of Ueglna St. and the late John A Slinlor. of 1J1B N, 10th st. Duo notice of 'uneral will bo glveir STOUT. Sudd-nlv, Julv 4. HANNAH St.. daughter of the lrvtn Jacob nnd Ann Stout iiainilvn and frlenda iro Invlteil tu rtt,,wi funeral. Thurs., 2 P. SI from her lato rsl- dence JUT Jupaa ove,. uanayunk Int Leverlniston Cem. Friends may civil Wed ' TAC-T.-NSn June 30. 1021 Er.-vtrn v o wife nf Gjree A Tneflner FunrM aervlrs Tue , 2 P M. at her 'ato rssldeme. 1831 N Cr sk'v st Int Wrstmlncter Cem T1IOS7PSON Julv 2, 1021. ESSIE SI. wlf" of Jniuua L Thompson ased 12. Fu neral sirvlies Tuts., 2 I". M. at tin resi dence nf her alstor, SIro. Lawrence ilurnley, .'2J N Plum at , Media. Pa. Jnt Private. UHSUHUCK. On Julv 4 1U21 JANE widow of Joseph R Urabruck Ssrvlco on Ihursdav afttrnoon. at 2 o clock at her rnntdeu'o tlUU Webster t. Intoimont prl- WALKER Suddenly on July 2 JASIES husbund of Slirtha Walker (nee Halfertv) Relatives and friends, alsj cmplojeg of AJax Stetal Woiks am Invited to tuner il. Wed b JO A SI riom una rnsiiloiico 313 1 N l.ej at Snlimn requiem mass at tho Ascension (.nurcn iv ,v, ., ,it. uw.jr 1.1UIH v-ent WALSli JUi i- 1UJI JUH.N husband of me iai i"""'" inimiiMneu roruj. Rela tlverf and friends. Holy Name Society of st Amiiln Chuich, are Invited to ntietwi r.. neral Wed. t, 3d A St., from hla lute rest ill in e HUM P.iirlsh st. Solemn nquUm mtSS, Ol .vauiiia a vnurcil iu A. AI, (nt lion Cruss Cvm WE IK At bomertnn Phlli luly 3 ANNA M . yiilovv of William T Weir Mi i ged si oms lliiutlvin and frlcmN nt Invlul to nltond services Thura. 11 v. ji nt her resld ice, 24 III N Ilrnnd st Int i,i. wte Webi L.-urol Iilll Cm. Frlcndi iim call Wed eve WtlilE Al Slaicate Cllj. N J. July 1 1021 JDSFPU VVlItn: ItelntlvcH -inl friends also uruers or Moose ami l.'n'tles nt Cnnwlon. .. j . are mviini in aiienii iuue-,i Wfd ' A SI fiom brother's rcsldvii". .lames White Slnr-rnte Cliv Soli inn re iiulmi mass at Our Lnd Star of the si Cliurth Atianiie wn , .- j., iu a .vi int. lMensantvlllo I vln ! LI I A.MS July 1, LENA A Hilillves nnd rrlinus are uiviien to ainiu ine runeral eervlcis on Tuesdiy. at 1 P, SI at the resl dnue of her son-tn-law, 7427 Lawndals st llurhnlme Int pilvate, Ardsley Cum. Re inn Ins m.vv be view oil Ston . 7 to -I p. ji WORRELL On July 4 IOHN T hus hand nt M.vr Won ell (ne hliortxer) Fun eral sirvli.es nt late resldenn 1011 Countv Line road lirvn Slavvr Piv Thurs 2 P M Int Odd Pillows' Cem itlinlvvyn pa Friends in iv mil Wed af'er ! 1". JI. WORKNOT Julv .1 JOHN C husbnnd of Slaw i Workrot Relalhiu mil frltndt jltn lllchuid iiu l.odro No ,IS4, r and A m aon "'I 1'iiiei iM3uiiixuiiouii m wnt.i he v is a member, aie Inv.i d to nttind fu neral srrvlcs Wed., 11 A. SI precise!), ni Ills Islu riadonie 07.15, Cnillsln st In nrlvair Ruuilns may os v ewed on Tues evi 7 to 0 ZANE Suddenly, on July 2, 1021, ED WARD C ZANE, Sr. Service and Interment i rival's KMETFH1KH ARDSLEY BURIAL PARK Provide now tho future Is uncertain. Mm ml f"l Accessible Pirpe'ual Care, Main Onice Glenslde Penna, llnlh Phones t'in:nTKi:Rs sin imiMBBiBi iiia'Si anaii aw ma isiiiiii I ScmtHS VV DIAMOND I LEDC.2K PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, PERSONALS AHRAHA3I DVRROWt; has sold the misl- nets nt 1U1.1 B. lOlli t to Snefann 1 Beepo, Any rre-lltnis plrss call nt aboro1 Boiretn on of before July 0. 11)21. LRAVtNU Jul 14 for Europe) will attend w 1 ech 10 any nusinrsn over llwre. it, 11. A Kelly. 23d and Wharton. HELP WAMTETJFEMALE Oeiiernl .MAKE MU.VEV AT HOME You can enrn f-om II to $2 nn hour In youi spare time wr.tlnit show catds; quickly and easily learnml by our new simple method! no canvnra rut or soliciting: e teach you how, sell our work nnd pay ou cash each week, full liarrlcularn and booklet free. Write today to Amerlsan Show Card School. 231) Ryrle RldJ , Toronto, Canada RUM) WOIU4ER8 , SIAKJ1 SIONEY AT HOSrE You can earn from Jl tu IJ an hour In our npnro tlmo writlr.i? shaw carda; quickly and easily lenrned by our new simple method, no canvnaalnt or sollcltlnc; wu teach you how. till our work nnd pay you, men each week! full particulars and booklet free Write to. day to. Arue-lein Show Card School, 230 Hyrn Itulld'-iK. loronto Canada. HEAD VVflUKKltM Experienced wuilurs on shoo vnrrps: thread nnd tieed.cn suuMIKl, piistacs prepaid, worlt errl goud contra'-tnra on stlary or bonus P basis vvavciy Hnnn 'Irlmnnnir Co., iai Vaid-rS It we llrniklTV. N. Y. CUSllK-TYl'Ism. over 17. for Government departments. J120 month! previous exy tin necessiry. Pur free particulars of examina tions write John Leonnrd dormer Civil Serv ice Examiner), 002 Equitable Hide, Wash Inetnn 1). C. Ulltl.S Clerks,, slenoaraphers. typists wnntcd nt ones by Government good ail ary, eusy hours, rapid advancement. Writs fnr Inslruetlons. particulars. P !ni)l. Iyd i. Lain SJ.i weekly sparo time, wining for newspapers, mauaalnen; exp tmncc de tills free. Press Srndlrate 100 m Ixi-jIi HELP W ANTED JIALE IIOOKICEEPER Yountr man. well-educated, with prnctlcnl experience: thoroughly ca pable of taking charge of books In n largo manufacturing- plunt. state aire, experience l.eilircr orcio. DRAFTSMAN, experienced In engine design and In Industrial plant planning desires connection with cstnbltshcd business For In- tellleent service, uddrvss SI 3IU l.'decr Off. COS1POSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE AND COSIIIINATION KEYUOARD SIEN fcTONE HANDS HAND COMPOSITORS MUST ILWE A-l REFERENCES STEADY WORK FOR GOOD MEN HIGHEST WAGES OPEN SHOP: OUT OF TOWN 48-HOUR WEEK ADDRESS SI 310. LEDOER OFFICE DIEMAKER wanted for fold Inn box work Apply Trenton roldlnf; Hox Co . Peace und La f n ette sts Trenton. N. J FRENCH, Swiss or RelKlan couple wonted to take charzo of clubhouse at Richmond Va. : must be Rood cook and capable of keeplmr tho house neat and clean, sood re muneration for right couple: write full de tnlls of your exirlrnie and references to P. O. Hox 702 Richmond, Va.: all answeis considered confident 111 I ASl LOOKING for a particular typ" of man, who Is Inherently honest, who can faithfully represent an orsnntxatlon of na tional reputation and record, regardless of jour prisent occupation: J'ou mav be that part'rular man, whom I can place In i position to earn not lies than S3I1O0 per )rnr Call 42S Land Title Rldg. MEN An old-established mntor truck com pany, now expanding;, oners permanent future to men. 23 tn 30 yeara, capable ot flll Itus executive positions. Apply In person, 8 A. SI. to 0 P. SI. HES3E.V1EII MOTOR TRUCK CO. 1300 Locust st. SALESMAN, experienced harness, to travel Pennajlvanla Address Tenneaseo Har ness Cn Nashv llle. Tenn. SALESMEN to -II bwlldlns lola around at tractive Isliml HnlRhts Grove, vve wont hustlers: llbernl commissions allowed. 51 Ueltl.lilircc S3 N till st SALESMEN 3 cood men to sell safes, com mission nnlv, for cash or on time, blc mono to iitfht part). Huvvt. Sea o Co, mil A rrli-J SALESMEN Three cood men :o sell sifes, com. only, for Lash or on time, blir monej to right party, Hnwe Scale Co, SOP Arch SALESSIEN "Vanted, local work, cood pay, Call after 0 A. SI, 12112 Land Title, lllda. SEW1NG-SIACIIINE ADJUSTER, assistant, wanted onu who 's faml lar w th Slnyer single-needle, buttonholo and lacke-s als i some Union Special experience, good up pnrtunltv fur rlcht man with lorttest wnik iiolhln3 contern In thi countrj , stat salary wanted. Tho II D Lee Slcnantlle Co. t)00 E State st . Trenton N J SHOES Experlenud ouni min In cuttlmt department to tut crlpplei steady work Applv Lilrd Stliober 4 cj , 22d and Slarket sts seei nd fli or Sl'OCIC CO.MPOS1TORS FIrst-clasa mon, steady position Emplojment Deputniont. II, K. -Mulford Co. fourth noor. 13th anJ Wallace sts TRAVELING- SALESMEN wanted to sell ns a aide Una our special crockery, glass and enamelvvara packages, iwcket cataloauo. nood commission, writs at onio. United Stnta bales Co . 313 8 Ch.rles st . Ilsltlmore. Sid, WANTED FORWARDERS AND FINISHERS TO WORK IN LARGEST COSl SIERCIAL 11INDERY IN .MID DLE WEST. STEADY EMPLOY MENT ASSURED. WORKING UN DER OPEN-SHOP CCNDITIO.NS. COS1SIUNICATB WITH GEO D BARNARD STATIONERY CO IACLEDE AND VANDEVEVTER sr louis THE INDUSTRIAL AND MIMIC VNTILE SERV- ICE. INC. Consultants on ivrsnhnei problems have from lline to time worth-while insltlono for cnniiM tent, rxpvrleiued exuullvea In various Hues, list jrmr name with us now, we might have something R-oml In vour llui Interview by appointment l"iori l.ecust 1647 Posltlvel no charts unles. p uied Suite f,2h 320 iJind Title Illdi EVRN dnv nulheilnir fetns hmks roots nd IitIis from Itio fields nml ronliidn we t !cn nu free book. HoUnlcil J71 West lliven i'i nn IMHN J.'l wii-kiv suvro time wrlilnlt" fnr liewspniiere inarfnlnes exp unnecessary; Iclills '."Irl Svn 3M) St I-nul- Sin CIVIL SERVICE exsmlnatlons,uust snd llSftli wilte for sample test p 1B02. Led. Q, MEN or woman with routs to !! Purity n.memu'r maiy vacancies, ssinry iiiihi. mala eslraeial can mil. hit, wonderful proposition. Apply S2S, nOth at, money a HEIfl? WANTED MALE tlene NOTICE tfl HEttt!ttv ntvEN THAT THE Civil S. ivll Servlco Pninmlioj.- itnttntoWM liih?5SMKtmVh'cn?,.I?VariV!l P RnVde! I '.ednlVrrirnpTirntNnro ih. , nmlsslon, Rein 87.1. City llalli tnlle cnmml Ml'.iiii-.vt: iiieiiv'ff July 14 Anst medlwil Inspector, per 1 1001 . , . , MIociJLLANrottM AiJRVICB July 14 Julde City lall, trr. I?,,,! . HKILL'!!) LAHOIl SERVICE July 14 Dynimo man, per day. Julv If, iron worl.er. per day. , July 13 Wheelwrlaht, pr nnnum .ll 31 00 ! a e ' .d en I f n'i CLINTON ROGERS WOODRUFF. Prea LEWIS If. VAN DUSliN. CommUwlonera. Timuwt .Tun 10. 1021 CLERKS. OVER 17. TOR POSTAL SIAII. SERVICE 120 StONTH Experience unnecessary. For freo particulars of examination writs I LEONARD., , , (Former civil Service Kximlner) Wi EqiJITAllLB Ut.DO. Washington, D, C OOLDEN opportunity tor hlah-grndo secret I onier o-ginlxers, must be of unquestioned tnteTrltv nnd ahl In tnivUA linnd. Amerlenn born of Protestant fa'thV men with exrerl-1 enco ns s-vlesmen make splendid success Inl this work Address Rox 30, 18 Oramerej rsrk. New York Cllv r - , AUTO an,d Tractor Sihool ichnlarshln FltrB, wo pny tuition nnd orfer you proposition that will fisy railroad fare, bonrd and all J Incidental exp-nats. number nf scholarships llmllod. so write quick todiv for full par- HmiU,. fl T Vl-Atu. trtnrtinr l.V W. nth Cincinnati ' . ' EI ECTRIC1TY tsught by exports earn vvhll; yoti learn at home, el-rtrlcvl hoik nnd proof lesons free, vou- success nuaesnteedi snd positions settred Writ" twlsv Chlcigo Enr. Works , I inn Sunnrsld" Chlengo. i SITTJATIONSWANTED FEMALE A FAMILY closing house desires situation for chambirmald and waltrei? Call or address present place. 237 0. ISth at. SITUATIONS WANTED WTED-MALB j ACCOUNTANT oxth'ft elallM or Invf stizatlons 20H. lilcr f)fMr ADVERTISING SIAN with nevvtpsper detail nnd selllna; oxperli'nc would like aiteno or trsdo itiper rnnnrrtlon. 22 jeirs old. hlrlist references. A 217. t-depr (Ifflie CHEMIST dslr, s lli.mont 0101 J. position. Hell pliune AGENTS GENTS n-.ll Zinol soft drinks, the rr'a' est mono m ikers ever put on ire im-an--4,(00,11011 buttle, sold last enr. double th amount eisy this enr. wo ar- th orlrlra tors, nitlonnt idvertlsln-t vppenrlnK In lead In msnazln s. writ- quirk and see if your terrltor" Is nnen, net twln. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO . IC'W American Hide . Cln cininil. O AGENTS Clutch pi-dvl-irrlpplnn: dvlre fnr Fords: new patent peniRn, holds c'utch pedil In low or peutrnl, owner no lonse pushes his Ford up hill. 4nii alri-id' sn'd In county wlnn lnventd, sell nwnrs und drale-s, qulik, ou hill climbers Parker Slnnufacturlna Co . "n7 Uvth at Da mn O. SM.BS.MEN Rrllllnnt I)jt the nislcst nnd faslest s II Inir product known the nreit"rt nlum nuin cleaner ami po.lshir, wet or dry, ewrj dem onstration mennn a units retails 2V , hurry. It wl'l surprl-n vou Gem Slvnufncturlng Cn Klttannlng Pa AN 1 l-D VI in of aooil rtandln t In his enm- murity tn tsjie rrders ror trees snruns ; rores, vines, bulbs, old-fashlo-ii-d flowers, permanent, high commissions raid weekly, no dellverlnir or cnllprtlnst. write tndav I FIRST NATIONAL NURSERIES. ROCHES- TFH N Y I LIVE SALESSIAN can earn 3"H to JfiOO I mor)lhlv s-lllnp out porulir p-lce Pne of men's c'.othln-e direct to consumer iienrbv ' territory open, bin opportunltj Wr.te for Information Haujer-Murtln Co Grand R-in'ds. Mh)i SALI.SSIEN I "n-llllant Di'st " the ens it -ind farfs' ' renins pinduc known tl'n 7r?'it,t aluminum leaner nnu luunnor, wet nr nn eve-y , demonstration n-eans a ssl re, alls 2'ic Oeni Slfv Co Elltsi-plng Ps MAN to work this city ri'lnlh nc i hande. I ers. liriss hfds. nulomob'l s I new method- till dillv without ctp'i il nr expeil- eree. Write Ounrrctnl Co.. 120 Elm, Do cs tur. Ill SALES AGENTS A elile In ver Iiiiiih .h srsnaae InaslViats tlllUff Hear ea r1 tualaansiia' nrron, something dlfte-ent, Ms profltk vv I stvrt vou riant Improved SIf". Co. Dent, 1311 Aahland O , AGENTS make enormous Prodis demnnstrnt- Inc marie scratch remover e.ll verv i hnunevvlfe. furniture nnd nlnnn deslir. tur. t I' ilrulr.ra free Write Campbell, 232H Penn, Cm. n- Cltv V i SlAlvE vtONEY at hinn- insktnp- tn h o shi w ou hn v , send 3He (nn sta-pp.1 fnr complete worktnr dswlnus nnd Inatrui lions Pelt lib De.lcnl' c Cn v i unr On NEW wom.Tful ennk ru,. Inn Mi spirk trouble, drnlri s, r.inlnrlsis MUhtulcst'c quick .ell-rs. blir rrnftts ertlislve terr'tury Sllchlmn Spirit Plue i"n fi inl1 MUh CARPET CLEANING viemvii f-.r,.. ri. , ... . " N'XIv?.N?aJSTt, CJC,'lnLnic Co 385- N lateat system of restnrlnir ffded colore reo'c." remeklnn est fre our au'o t nil -.rv'er. win, iwau "vp.. vmiiis "'OUrrl CHrpMS,! r ere i CARPETS and rui.-s ilined or s-nurd old cirpels cleaned equal m new colors re Inre.l Phone Slvrkit 4171. cr 'end pnstal EUctro Ca t C'einlnir 4in .v , at MACnrNERY ANT) TOOLS Dynamos and Motors OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER & CO. Office: "926 N. Third St. WAREHOUSE AND .SHOP B2S-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET MOTORS and GENERATORS Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged New and rebuilt equlpn-nt of every else In stock for quick shipment PRICED TO SELL R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 N 3D T ELECTRIC M, MOTORS MACII INE TOOLS POWER PQI IPMENT O'URIEN -MACHINERY '-O llll N 3D ST OLD GOLD l n aim iiii OLD o'd I'll v i p aim nil . .-1 ware o d stle Jewelry teeth : 1 ite- uuir i' t r tint Esl 1SI7 J J 'I'i' k r ni -i Mr s ni., m CAMI palil lor old ko d In i and ,imlTiu ilucks Ho. n II l"lh Lmust 12111 STAIdPS AND COINS miout -i vsrpj 1 py or sell pjiila stamp co : .', IsTII ST. STORAGE AND MOVING i ESTAni-lSJIKI) 1S7J CONTINENTAL ST0RACE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL N'D DOMFSTIC RUGS AND CARPE1S CLFANFD FCOPIIFD STORI D TELEl'HOSE l.ocfjv im n ONE MONTH FREE E I l I M j;u sq THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. 1420 N STII .ST PHONE U1AI S'll SEPARATE HOOIlh 1'ACKiS'il . MnVIS'G CALL AND IS'Sl'E' T III 11 VI A lll-i, ,, Ml I SEPARATE ROOMS PACICiS'il WATSONS STORAGE an lxpT-.aOiuTTo a ton vans, weeklj trli , in n.l f, "At lantlc Ocean r..v Is .. ut and Hi, '; every Thurs I, ml Frlduj nrd rs niust ", ii nuvivii'-'' ', "mini" "'''-ni ii Wash, U.Bton, HanlsburK Ne'v V ,rl, j ,lun nnddid v,H.'i'. xptrciunl mm 04,', u v 17th at. Pupliir .13 1 ' W" A I 1 ATF VVJT.IiJLjrVjLi usu -s. 211 rn sr. 233 CHURCH LINE OEHMANTOW.V Want pirt load tn Mlnntie ciiv Miller. North Broad Storage Co. , fffvlnhrynV ;i, iniv cTKrTXTrp 142(1 N. 2ft TH sr. 233 CHURCH LINE GE.KMANTOWN Want pirt load tn Mliuillr cuv VIU'OKY STORAGE (! Filbert. Phone Helmnnt 4H71 tnr estimates n.rr. vrrnw vans mcinTrcii ivriPnoi: co iK7o TER AVE -Al'To SERVICE 8 To HP.nvtCP am,, p.r l,Ni'i. packing Lc.s-.i Disrfi; Mdviva WANTED WE WANT nt oiicm, pounehnl furniture, store fixtures unice lurnuuri p 11 mot cash, honest value. Phono us about It lav, cust 4214. Old Chnrrh. enr, I2th i Cherry MS WANT at one household furniture ii- ii.iuir"' u,ii.-v lurniiura mlltlPM, Law -n... 1 "hi honest valu.. Phon. ...bo, CcSi I ,.. uiu Lnunn. cor. 12th and Cherry. I JULY g. 1921 BUSIHEE3 QgrORTTnTITIE3 w'.y.,N.P J" '?.!!' ttl nni oed take active wlT" no 'VordVr stock nVspo. t ml. of anv kliid. hnw flrVt-tlasj cwererc In selllns !. .ndlf. In dornestlo and ta toy l.n ma. Kcl Apply ai i, l.v.lir uincc. X tnsnijrnc'ii-in convrrn !- .. .. . .tt.UI. flM iruMlms .!.( MU .annlfv illrt HltH h-miiii riai'j utiiii- in in Jin . i -..--- unr Marl: montnr and nn AIMnn atruetuai elnto mine A S Tti'jnip'on Atturn'j, -'' Wnln " t LAUNDRY, UP TO DA lb Ponulnllon '11011 no io-nic tl Ion, JJ0 wrok wcl' man SKO-.l'in trlci JT.OO fiooo caah C F M-nimoit Phwe 3'l W or '117113, CLOSE COill'OftATION tins splendid Invest' ment for party with $7"UU cash the e' P-vnslun uf business lequlrei add.tlonnl tap tal and equ pment r'ferenivs exchaiwu p ir.nn iiTrr oiTice D.ooo WILL PlJItt II VIE hnlf Interest In clenn-cut business wlih lr;e H'S'tn'l",;,1n,1 pront exc p'.ionai opportunity. 1 " ldver Office. SIIHDi.E-AUEl), lni" limn, '" '.""J tspltil wivntd as pnrtner on cjmmei-ciiii sln rnfer rtt A 13 ,,vg ,r Off'c 3000 IXIR third Interest In an eftab'lslitil printing Ink manufaiturlnr business, or-. del a ahead P lSU'J. Lcilter Olflctf f ------ - - . m ... .-n,.' p, BUSINESS faoiuiiia rvt A 31f"VMrvC D HI IP LIT DIAlVlUINUb dUUuH 1 AND PAWN TICKET! FOR DIAMONDS Vr-i I V fi rC OH n..ln,il Cl (bLLY & LU., VJJL UMCStnUt JI ,. ni no ,..,.,i rinnr Bv-e rhild'i Rett. fju"e 21 .. -eerrd nenr, nv niwi '.'-'M YOl'NG Philadelphia exeiutlve cnl Ing In Va.v Vnrb ,h u.llk,tlll Will trnnSflCl HO dltlonal Misln for reliable Individual or "XH1 A 212 Ix-d-e- IIIT'CH - DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W SMITH 717 SANSUSI ST. FOR SALE llLSIOLISIII.Mi HOO lMI.ANn IIIKI. ., A GOOD TIME TO GET THAT llCILDlNGH MATERIA L FOR OfR lll'SOAWm ( I YOCR RFPAIR WiiRK STUDDING. J )I3T Uf.ATlG. flDISG .. l. iiilll.S 1 ALL K MX (IP I) HI1 llli, i" I- U'i'-iTiu lVi,nMK&AnF H?iS?rffi I HASINS SOIL PIPE. RADIATORS '"TEAM 1 TRAPS. IAMTS PIPI. AVI) FITTl.?S PENN SALVAGE Cfl IMTIl ,.' i'-1'" I'I'M WI! PHONE WOODLAND 4103. 111 PlCI. Fl UNI I PRE t iiTK lot nf deks rnfus files cnb nls nn xsr.vral iirtic furniture store fxtures. We buy fell snd eTclinnr', PATIliN FCRNirURE CO.. I rh"fT lt'70 1 I2T .VIC'H 3 . RACE 1203 " OFFICE FURNITURE NATIONAL FURNITURE CO POO WM.V ST "'" " ' ""' I UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO combination current lnue II contn ns helpful Instru -pnnl-bllll-ird table nnd dnvcnno-t Uml-. live Informntlnn nn nvrhaullni! Itnltlnn wood tvpowrlter nil In best cuniiuinn musi i- so'd lieror July hi unice -i.i.u v ntsi- IIUI. Pa, OFFICE FURNITURE PFNV CO 1102 ARCH 911 WALNUT j HATH TP'm lsnd-v luhs sinks ml 's , vvnslit-vnds nlnrehln'- supnl's 5en-rn!l PFN'NV SMTVRY SUPP'.Y II) M onlh lltn 't T'lennne Wllnllt llljil SAt Ei ii-w inl Klluht v u, 1 ens i o- tl all sir, s m'-t be and u mnke mm nisi some le B1 double doors, llowo Scalo Co (Jim -, h t JWn fur i if b nnd new, iiiu-krnt nf th- finest q'la'ltv, n-v- v om liefnm inui b .nil .ii in; Mi I I' - ,1, ,-ii4, I ' ' ' -. I ttEI-RIGERAToRS nnl Iixtures for itrocera and mest mirkeis, terms If iTe-lred i RVNUM.I. ft f(! 331 N 2d st FOR 3AI.1' llenrv F Stlllei piano ma h' gnnv mlssl n deslrn A 220 Led. Off Ft'RNITPRi nf lii-eoom house nt rlflce 4800 Pirkslde avo Holmont ' a sac ,012 W MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1!A I vni li -vr.l n,invrp t " l1 tl P I 11 1-1 Jph ' l"27 Citn-i USED AUT0M03ILES PART? P R T PARTS Per r.'l nw'tes of ntiic mnblks and trucks nnd'et md ini' nf :.' klndv a'sn F ,r 1 ron 1-H- ft tr e'e loll ' exlri liodj 12 ft 'one (1 ft wide. C ft hUh. as cnod as new rheip IlELTAIILi: AUTO PVIITS CO U43 Cherry st Phlla. Roth phines Opn Sunda "PEERLESS ;?:' 1120 7-rne'f nsrr 1'iurlnc rnr vvns Just repainted 3 months ago and , rrcnllv overlnul'd It Is ilnlshed In n Onik srw, t Is In the beat nf condition nnd snnjrjllerthu lO'll m-niiT-q i 1 1 ot WD MMIKKT STS "' nl ,J" , ','-; ,'. ' . ' ' ,, , PII'.RCE-MUIOW . t -2-3s Cnll at irariiire ftlst and W irruinton nv . on "-iturdav sfternnon and met t owner nrlc 17,"0 have Imiirlit new Pierce D V R ddlnir. .',2 J and Chester Tit' STANDARD .?;',;ilr;r;;r,R',vM. MUTORC.'lt CO INV. r,2li ' i Inv Hr n 1 p i s n in ii STEARNS ,,;v,,ji a; moM Cul1 MR SleMIillMI. IIUI POPLM1 nr STORAGE BATTERIES',', Z- tl II month wrlttin eunr will 1 is r veir ,,rts Stnrn-e Pn'te v 114 N 1.1th st 1 b ' QT1 IDFRAICFR " , J Ul".uniu ,j fT s. ttvpr a, f.pn ci i il ijrod vi rj It- r ni" rnnk fiffe I Ilf.YM. MOTORCAR CO INC C2n N i 1 n-i IHttn Onn n Til i, I II "1 ' ! STUTZ UHi ni id I s ii mot- , i mi . Ini 1. pi nte 1 ml wl'h Id ir'i leni'e-s an 1 b a k wire uVl . I r i , n I -.th upboster. .qulpm.nt i.clul-s stntlmnt nnd tnlrio- nnl on- etri w w n -i ,in usi ,1 tiro 'hit i ir s ver resso-nb o it thi fl, nre we nre n'ltr ns I: I OSi-IU'GIIES CO 21T AND MARKET ' STUTZ i'i 0 Readimr used verv inn I 1 airrltlre ROiAL MiiTnn. i I CAR CO. IN'C . WO N Rroid Open Sun- l lliv inil evening I onutr n in TFIylPI AR 4-p,ssen.-er tojrlni.-, almn 1 LDir LrtlX ,' iun i.isnce term nst rrnu IIUVAI, .'H1JIVJIVUAIV ltj J.M.- 020 N llrnsd st Pop 0"T) Open iun and ,ve W ADVERTISE we will sell 4 Porte- ord tires an I I tub's J30 cish with ord, r 30x3 or .i'-i non I ids Jordan Tire RuLbcr rectory Salem O HII,M1 ivMOIIT tourlnu. nrst-clis. n nl -,nu f i k "nl - 'I Iw - it-- it HAYNES ui ilJO tout Ins vv inderful con in i nrh or Lib la 11 ir , l i part ravment RnYVL SIOTORCvr ,-tJ INC 020 N R-cvd t Poplar 110 10 op n i S indsv ind evnlpirs JORDAN n;n",v-; sr sport car I ke unw n n-vianrn i to pav ROYM. SIOTURCAR CO INC ll 'n N Hrnnd P"P (101(1 n;iAn Sun and ev'e 1P21 SPECIAL sfitniin speedster prav bolv nil! I llttlmts black top st nmb r nrburetor will ,xtrn better, has run ,",iiuu miles purchisevl Nov lfljo J1i0 i, ,i.: vhe li ,'Ji si ni Mil i k ,, ),, Harford bumpw lis patent prlm- 50 over s'xe tlren J.11 D Luxe mntnr niet,-r SO Titnl JMI2 wll'x-lf.ii $12,10 H R Ilnlhvvo mvn r victor ralkln,; Machine : v i Cimd-n N J y MAXWELL n!n''TroJ;,",a,rp,75' I Open Sundsv and evnlnr , vrANLFY MTi'Mi"lILE CO MAXWELL J-,,',1,',' nrm r 'idst, r fLllv i a dill ( dSI tin menls llrna 1 ROYM. M1UR(-IR CO, u;n N linen Hun nnl et I'op H0.1I1 MVJCvlFLI. IU murine -l "?:.!: tint) 1310 Callow bnlnnc tenia up n -(unil u nil t Milt II 1. I.I JO tnuriiiu H'.e mw t.10 1,1 nnr- lurirn uin i, r.nnii' J,,lll IHI Hi Clllow- NCI' V RCApsrrH ,1 iil enr n Ph a I s"nll a nnupt iljin Inl term i ROYA1 tf TOR'""', l.'l ISV llju S- IIROVD OPES- -UN D Vy L"L POPLMt l.llli, OAKLAND V.) 1 n In Ml .i -rill , ii" v o v ner ROYM. MO- Hroui. Poplar 'Pi Hi i ll i O IS - ll- S i iiiii i inen sun 1 vv and ven n- I UAKI.ASD i urn.M !.. I "' ' ,l-'; ''' I- anre terms ii'fn e-,v. .,,w , anow bill n ni nsMORH F. HUM 1 p inpriri r coup. p.iinted lluht IMui' with UUl.m""- ....... .i..lnir 111' lilsik f ndrs nml vtle "" extr , fo .VnB .. v bmv v I ,ur ,h, "'"" "",1 "'i'i, ' ' .iir,Mrhnit i ':.." iceli . nt cnll ti-n t "chon it I , i,.s. "l '"" " vi21-:'-ilii r -T- . fll rVI s , v 1 n 1' i ' pis-nner 1'Uli ULUb,,,i,, i ill 1 . idnr 1. 14 . .r, vli'n!'i i'i 1 ol'i i- ,r "" il- . Iolds "?' T'"?'-' "r "'" ' "r-V . I, 11 wt tsin pni' mi sr r rc ....n ih inamn 1 f ,r nin s ULUb J,Jr. ,.' P H.ar T.-o'Vipen iun nd eves STNLF VF rosr.llUI.E CO OVERLAND TiirT; K ' n sn , I .. J2UnJX OVERLAND 20 tourinn Cnuntrv Club, 4.-1 1100 b ilanve temis 1 pen Siin,in lrl) Cnllowhlll st I AV-lrtlL) n ah d In Krav with Mick tenn rs anil itrieii siriinnj aritv uotn up. D.0'".r.r. ."Vn,r, "m. It .. ,.i'r,. . J'?. '." " (Mil " - - IS Ml VII tin Iw sit nf Oil I f UV thO ItiPltl r mem,. Foss-iiuciiiFs co isr nd siarkei n r PATrfARn cun.nta'ls iximtlfu rV-tsniL' BUnr ! N irmll j.,,,, fUl lilli 7t, ',i On, n Sun nnd eve Sinn ," Ani -in ill (V, PAIGF Larchinuut, handtomrsi j, n I rnlUU town! lls.it verv lltll.i l., 1 iftJlWl-4 a. , ...-. ...... ii,.,. ROYAL MOTO ICAR co' IMCJ.'. n'i?a,5' Broad. Poplar 0039. Open Sun. and ..' a - " USED AUT0II0DIEE3 1918 PACKARD TOURING 1-8.', mod I cish or terms, l.lftll down 1920.1919 HUDSON TOUR. N vv tires very little mlkiftei 1300 down, i"is t rms 1921 4-PASS. CADILLAC Vrr ehcip, easy terms, biiance one year to pa, 19?0 TO! F 7 niss , wire and wood ?300 down, bnlnnco ens terms AImi Osk'nuds ,Mnx eln. Djdeea and Ruliks nt prices that apak for them- "BARON'S 640 N. Broad POPLAR mill) OPEN SUNDAY 5iUiZ.S ONLY 4 LEFT 3 Four-passcnifcr Cars 1 Six-pn3fcnKer Car All cars equipped nnd look llko r tars very Mill mil ape PRICE, $2450 Terms us low as ,VK) dawn BARON'S. 640 N. Broad Pl.PLAR 34M OPEN SI'NDVY AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS JO. 000 IN STOCU NEW. FOR I VEi. MAIvh OF CAR It! Ml AXLES FOR FVERY SIKE OF CAR ",'if'i IN STOCK REVDY FOR DELIVERY I nVI T i 111 KM OCARAMEED WE SfAKE EM OPEN SUNDAY Sattler's Machine Shops irnt-13 SPRlsil GARDEN ST CAN YOU RAISE $200 In Llbertv Ilnndi o- ei.i nnd nu " bsl. ifii In 1 'ear nn ry trm"" We hiv everal rars tn ffer ns liwias $300 Royal Motorcar Co., Inc. 020 N BROAD ST. POPLAR C03G CAN YOU RAISE $250? You ,an be the nwner of i n-w remit iMe moderate-pr co car, ver tonvrnlent monthly pnnnenia arrnnued For lunher tartvuurs call Gtn Us., AUTHORIZED DEALER , .'111 il rmiitnwn aw J P'VJ' ' '"" "n"l o 3" Arrr.KMJN "M r-ssenacr nnnlver m hI -i. Ilk,, n thii I f4eo rnr le . I "4J MR M f P in hilf Cn I POP!. Ml 'I 'I.I. 1 4 I POPLAR -T I , A I"Pl- 1111 I .1 . ... n .... p.. ..-.ni... h--.k-.- les repairmen, si-nd fnr fre-. conv nf uu- trnunics wlrlnir r-nrliuretoi s stornc. bat J. llluMratcd fend vutomob ! Our, st. terus. etc over 12ii tiue ' r '2"n free conv toda A Rut r Hide i Inclnmtl BIDDLES, R0AMER, NOMA, sjmL ci-IANDLER. JORDAN. iirnnrn nnnnT e i ne ivicklhf;, iruKi lans W are the lirirrst r'u.lv d iter In nr-to- i d te sHirt ars In the ritv enme l" t our I I'ne imni, MOTrincxn co iv am iN IlRilAD PnPf.VR 11030 OP) SIN-I ! V ND F I'SINni , DTnni V speeds' r DILL'L.C . I ko II new liusenl rn airirkf HJ'i RA'E ST SPRI'l E 2412 RI llPrv "l"""r- ite iPRfi'E 2412 moil, i fjiiii r.ish 1420 RACE ST RI liricT 11)18. excellent condition, low UUiV-n prk Ca'l P1PLAII iJII SIR McMICIIVEI. 1340 POPLAR T IH l( K tvurln'' and rondiiler late models A-I n c lino bilnme terms open un ilnv IMP Cfillnwhlll st CrtLlljUnV-O i,n, rovdslers rnupes Irwe.t price in th cltv one vear tn pav PnW. JIOTOPi R CO INC. d.'O N I HOVU I'iii- mnii ui'i-; u.- n rivi; DILI.AC tou-lnr c v mo b I 31 new I top und pin' ijiJ tl'es n-e-lnricillv I rer'er Allan C Hil" II lick D ftrl ntnr 12 1 1. I.incivstrr av Ardmnr. Phun. v iln-n sn r a tti f A r --' i. ...... ,..-. .. . I - I l I I Ml ' ' HU'llii. t-'IMUr IIUriL vnLe ii-.Li- io hton to bp nppreriatfU I ROYAL MOTORCAK CO INC D Ni Urn i i l'OP ""vi w.T'n ru'i gnu r V-rlrtlL'L,I-.r black fend'n black vv re when a V.PP r pirt of bolv pilntrd black rravstilr'd c'oth uphol't-rv equipment In clud'i extm Mr, thlr nr l In vorv (ol condition thr uchout FOSs HUGHES Co , til WD M VRK1 T rHANDl FR ,l Pl'h. v.rv late mo lei VnrtlMVI-I-lX vl, ,, U) tittle- In (.rice IIOVlIi Sl I'lfU'lK to INC 02U N 'rond V'v "'UI open 'I in and u i ilE iloi I.T tourln.. in v-l tn fino t- rm-. "P'"n ev nlnirs I'm Cn low Mil et DODGE n n Ister llle n w J! 7" 1 vtnn.e terms ci'.h 142't llli'l, TRUCE 241 DODGE J;,".'" ''.l model S17" cash I . 142!) RACE ST i muio. DODGE and tnur.ne late mndels A-l m c I $121 lia'ance terms open sundi) 1.140 ' i mow nm si FORD "'"1 n '"'" TUiranteed on N rUlL iinoviv ST POPLAR 7s;o opes -.fSDVY VS l I.M.S1SGS. STANLEY .V r ivumii e i 1 1 I ORD tuup" and intd-t'-r V-l tn r Jinn i amr.c ii-ii..!' (ip.n -ndai 1510 (i1.u,v h. lst FORD 1 II V.S I l.ll lots uf xtras 14.11 I7 i tl I i mro weel.lv RACE T1PRC( F 2112 FORD & VIM '' ''"" pan" nncl ,- Inlnnre ternia 1 I2P Race at pruee 2412 Inllli ' ton tru t nnl ttiv A 1 m r finn bilnn-e terms rpen Sunla 1M0 i nllnvvhlll st PAIfF ' "irinrnont '-" I ' 1H" 40ti cuvh rAlVJL,,,,,, ,m, oiHS Hnnd Pop. 7S2II 0,en Sun ii 1 ve s'tirlej Auioinohllo ( 0 ROOMS TOK BENT I I IIFSTNCT 2030 lleautlful airy suite h'mi r nm prlv lia'h ah r il,e v ican i. I i 111 M.sfr .oil W Ufiipnh 1 mTiTnd 'i -im ' -1-' i i . i rr n- GIRARD AVI. ldl'i Il'uu Ifui ro mr aln irli, und houiak nln GREEN ST 2U2U Clean bet w st r In v tent. wl I furnlsned II KVl ll OKU VV!. 11.- -Ti nil j fu-. nlshet thirl stuv (nn' momi lltht houneUei-iiliiu runnlic wat i puvutu fain i i ii nr lin t P1S1. ! I iUU-,.uVhv mltab'e for 2 people Iii Uf t 4J70 r nm rurnihied excellent labls ss-M ST OH. I- Rem ii, fumlnhed 1 - .' iiiihi' nirn W I lim Pan er si III i .. i inm Ullti . iii Mr in -n t hnnd ' i-n p i v 1, ' sih I llll s jm nnl U tel n -I 1, bl el , 'kp n pi 3 l.ir.-s inn " ' ' I s --vi e r-s.nn lollI N 13' H " I i. .. II . R 1 . nfTTIT Hful furn morns rp 1 1. - clenn elec, (ills ani wreklv rite c u.v n .iMiini. I lest ntcoin tor trivelln? pemlM Snrncp 1014 chei.s'-a nnitrim ive n . r ( (urn rnuns w It i privnt, lath i "oi n t-a-t v and qui t neirbv Phtn' 4414 or i lt 21TII s-i s Tun lnlr.1 tlmi 4 rin inl I I th elritrr I tflit i ni"i house i.wn r 'l ri' "0"T I'll p -v ii.s I I, jj o 1- ond Htm j rion n im lie or ntlenien I tl lid-s' r IV mo-' i'il I IM i witl RVi V o S V V l i im, i Ii ii I'll ath tJn i,r iimnth. I I in T r ruin i.nis .., n i Shi wo d A'M Vi- n i 11 U 'V , 'lll'rf I'F.NNSM yM v st in mixs 3211 VV illLi.ll'N IV. -V nne l.umu fot liuslnees t'oplc convnlent to trilns and t.ollel d uhli unl slncle tonni b.-vt food nudi ates intei sum" er iiu.'ili are wucoma I'lnne Oon-nntewn "is.1 1L.STI( ( IT 1 HEI.sl V stmt ii 211 1. Iiclitfui f,lrn' rm in 1 1 tv hiina y, rv n Amhnsvator APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BAR'IRAM USD AND CHESTNUT 8T1 ri rnt-hrd and uniurnlshed arartm-nts Dlnlnit rontn Plume 1'ip-tui 211a rdMii.ps n PniVrYvis' owni'h HOTEL COLONIAL T,",',,." 1 2-1 loinns nnd bath pi rmanent or tran slenl is MlPtit table C PITMxN HK'rrt ,m M muxer THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINE STS AHeii'.l'IIII.Y FIRFPItOOF THE M A R L Y N WALNUT AT IUTII ST. jjipirii'' ii'iM '(iiiotrj HOTEL SPSSI 1312 Wnlnut at AcltVn iinlrn w 1 11 1 1 1 i,vru cha rites are in nli rite I'hntie Walnut 7000 Slusii: isTA VP1M Hid ninl Oxford sts. Lnrsr r nm .1 nl 11 luf kltcn-nettti, furn, P 1 ne flverhm k 'liiiU ' It iTIJI HV-MI'Ti'S' 3lTWulnut st (isst of llroadl A quiet conservallva hotrp tx nutlfully furnished and well oondurted THE LITTLE HOTEL, 223 , llrosd st a oou piaca yiivu wnus in rnuaaopnia, ' V " T- ' , Vt 7?1MT)TNC I'r.v v'O i.vama MPHimwAX : OAK LANE Melrose Manor, upp. Oak nin.t a mock rrotn troury, on 10a unit city Line) accommodation for So evrrtiflrituil hAnm lalilei ruAtn. with ani nut bathi Iilch locatloni benullfilllr thi lawn with A acres! lnr(hes jind lara rnrlori tennlsi ruraaf prlvlleitrsl entrna rr auinmiinien on my i,ioi from juiy. Bipt. i. ler. Tn. r-wme ini: l.ana IIH THE UAIII.EiT l,iltni ! V.plnillaii rooms and buanl ancclnl summer ratasill I ' it- n i wo Tien o irm I'll .vrnmnr iuisl. j Altl.l.MIH Slnnir J nklnin vii, IU Hlajtjil in imr irrnunn ill A po-cnesi 22m. Iri Phi hh ri -is, Wrll .tr pnn 1HU 1 r.lliil'.Ml III mo', V ,rk 1, 111 -I loons w' ioi-d lara 'iv-vn shnn-. vrsxanio niwp'ir. v. den Phone Oe L- 1,13V COUNTRY BOAItPINQ 11 1 VI 1. Il f natal.a. an ft-llli t irtnl ' a-" fr 1 vl n' IN xl null -sbbt - j htinua itllu innvinljuiisjit milmmlnf iVLwif M.llurr' T It Vn!nri1 Ho fl ! T. II Mj APARTMENT3 'ii 4, 5, 6 Room and Bath Apts. Kin it locations tntiglng in l.rlie '-em H5 to lint! J. A. P.ICHMAN KEALTY CO. , E c.ir 131 h A Chestnut Will. 2008 6-R00M APARTMENTS K'1VJ!III.V 1HTJ lirtrt v'ltir. AVK S'x Uf lit airy rooms hot water, leclrtt' llchl JarHtor service, a'cand Hour, 1(10 ironth J It IIIIIMERT cure Northarn I onti nl Trust Co. S W. cor Uroad ancjj Erie nve it DOCTOR OR DENTIST 4" FIRST-n.OOn CORNER APARTMBNT 1. T." N 10TII ST 'IF. " KERSHAW & CR0WL 1528 VENANGO ST. .-, It -O.MS AND RXTJI Albert M. Greenfield & Co. 1VTH AND CHESTNUT STS. 5-R00M APARTMENTS , IN TEE VICINITY OF NORRIS SQUARK I .047 Howard st recently n-novnted: ejeel-i not ,-.r r -vice Vpnlv IOS IIERGMAIEn. . 22(12 N 'd H Plum Kensln-pnn 22IS J IlACllEl.i It H APARTSILN1 hleh-rade' ntnrtmeia n untral p.irt of the city, con- t vinlntf llvln-r room, all-tile Inth and tssd-, room 1 or terms, etc , apply James v., Winil-I 17li end Msnsnm sis aAAill M)N-IliiCSEKET"PtN(J nimrtnient unfur- , v t she I J liidiMinns bull) livlnff room; e 2M1U feet fo-ee I all IlaTilllon Court, .k s-d Che-tnut .Is APARTSIE.NTS for rent. 1 or more room I "'':! "f unfurnl.h.d Apply T. T Rockstt, "-"' N IB'h ' ,; vtth privnti li i tn ever run enienrel lur- FURNISHED APARTSIENT FOR rent: i July 18 to October I. 2 rooms and Dam: cintrally ltcated, wrtto to Apt. Ill C, 347 t .lunlpr st t DEAUTIFI'L unfurn hkrxr. apts 4 roomi, I.IKhrne.te ind bilh, coul. modern conv.; r live n iir.ii urn u uocior s noiuc 1011 ur rard ov 22,'i3 N ,I,"D nenutlful 7-rm cor apt. fac, a J Inc Fnlrmount Park, hilvvif floors sled 7 lUhts eip E, J Elliott, 1112 Chestnut at. fl ATTRACTIVE rnnms nnd sjlt s In Hotel; 'linden .'d nnd P.nn sts C invlen N.J.S 4 iv lleut r stsurnnt Tel Cnmilrn 1,150. , JIM I N .l,jt i oiner n luuir.s bath: Hint. S cool, molern near a atlon, 12 m nulos ta 5 re mlnni Apply premises 4, APAU1 N1I..N T HEMlCH'AIlTERS Ontial apaitm nt- a sirallj Shersrsosl ' . i. irn.il' Ac ncv 134 Wstnut st , J I.ARI.NU. 4031. IIP S iOlh 221 S 30th. ' 4311 S 3 1 tl. 1 nnd 2 rms w'th nthi also a) I lren .1 , win itirn l'rt"n 2123 J, t, urn. 2d floor. 4 J' 2inu N moms PARK AVE Unt bitn sen entrance elec . owner. m : AUUAUL r w.ii m i''- -i .Hum . :i rnr n s ?d fl o- rl. bvtn. 10 "hneite etas IPV d -ir.ib e ppl tor r m r .III- il,1 i ", ns 20 Is. ptihAln '-..I I it I 1 3.) S 1 II li I'll i. s i ,-r n pi rm in J"I inl niih. aummer tuiuil nnd Hept, f MIT I'll 1 1 MIK.I.PHIV rcRNISHED 4 ro.mis bnllt, vnnlmci exul'ent location everv con ImmedlaU) lnvnflflon HMrr Helmnnt lHii j . , i .... -i ii ii i. . i na tl J lu HM.SUKJJ. 4 ruuina nnd bath ry con- fc fnlencfl vxeMlent Inrailnn immdlal po- t e'tnn Helmnnt 1H11 J ANGORA TERRACE, (1.141 lCE, ft.141 Jd-nr apart,! 8 . I p-irch Woodland 3ft3(l J.'s rooms linih an SSTH S. Apt )- win nil u! iiuiiimorn u-en star s. i tl r buth porch Oimn till 0 P.M. (IKR)I WTIWN SUJDl-.H.S i (in iemv houekepln apartment, 1 nn a uf land, hlvn elevation and Ideal ' surmui dlni.s country iluh and I8-hol oif f links wltiiln bloi k i;nrni,-e on premises: 2 ?, blmk.1 to station rnd 2.1 minutes to city , 2' me nn v 112 per month on jiarly lease ;Il Mnuran 1) ilninn & Co N E cor, Ilroad.I md Chisinui ' 'ATTRACTIVE apt 2d floor, bid, 'stand " I aloi e tn lane lot 1 (.ht and air on all s'dis all mod Impts . porch . rms. ami I , nth 7.i St hulls A Co . S322 Gtn. . OIK USE .n DCD HATIMTIJ souu i i muiun - r Apsrtments rooms and bath. Incloses! orcns term leas's OM LANE REALTY CO. INC. "t l'-1 V ,rlc r nd Pel. T.sne 31T, I HA1 J. s venvl ! ml' Mij loented ,1-rooma nn.ir mints ut lllsio N Ilrnnd st.; alior thr- Ml nw and molern reasonable rent,' Ink ." S' '-! o-.!'"nl 17IH W. l'INMMtM-lllllHIM .svv ARIHSIORE mode n apart 5! rooms.1' kitchen and bath tirco lawn. IM 384 M ? FURNISHED APARTMENTS W'EI.l.-FfRN APT , West Plllla.. 20 mil- ulr, to center of clt. 3 rooms, bath and'. kllcCneite contirrious hot water, IM. P IfiOs l-i'ter Of ce 127 n HUH M Hieneva Apts ) On and, 2 room sultea with private bath, la th, heart it the ahopplns; district, .'luf WAl.NLl T 111' th-AHn Apts.) KlaV unrtly furntstud, 2 rooms and batb aultsp rfr rpt rS 4 IUHSItllFD apirtm'-nt available linmedlv moll 1'27 Sprue t , ft moms, bath: I71i m thlv spy Mr Pi via ,r Jiinltm. nn nrsm , JiST S Hii 2 r oma and bath vvell fur' n sped low r n elmr c t hut water, maid larvie T-TOTTgTTKr.EPINO APARTMENTS Fl'llNlsitllii aparimtnt 7 rooms prlratt" Inh, unusua.ly aitrmilve Janitor 41. S .Hull '. pfnne spiuca 4114 J- .MUH GREEN sr 3 rojms and bath houst-s Krplnif i Mctrleliv hot water low rsnt. s a M-ST I'llll M)PI I'llll - 01'1IDi. .-"nithirn xpnsun 7 rooms, . bedruums prlvuii poich pal movlnc et- pens, s Janitor 41 S 3Uth or phone Spruce. 4114 HOO.MY Al'ARTViE.ST llrst porch 0 rooms unlj f70 rirksldii ave (loo prlvats' .Martin, 4203' ( APARTMENTS WANTED APARTSfCNT wanted beuMnnlnc 6cL 1, Si r "imu and bath rent (10 to 173, on Cheat- i ui Hill biuni Hill1 It II l 1.112 Led Off , (iritIA.T(IHN t llui sr.lCLI.i'I.SG apar ment wVnled In' iJermantnwn ni I hesinut lllll 0 rooma on' llr't or second floor V. 114 L"diter Offfca, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CIT vi'vii-ivti .n iltu 1. .,.... 1 ., : , - -, ,' ,, ,i L'liiiniiiiiiii 1 20 iituuilful hounkii plnic .iinei, cnmple'.a, ' in ,verj dMull ti.ara o er fit oou per yrar.i l.l'll.s 7UI Wnlt ut .1 ""! ,11 111 ll'll V li.lt a, Two s orv IWirnkJ Iiont duel Ina il ronnis liijiI urdarit irti ihlj l.up' price l.lnuo clear UKR1QI.ET .HUH S' )Uth st ELLA ST HISJ Terrace front, ll rail, and bath hot-witr heat elei llitlit ot lai lin price I.1IHHI nrust be aold at oncsJl. I KyjLN-..'!A'.;l'.."."'Q Gill ave" t' 2012 Rlbill. A I. :i sinry stoi anil dwalutl UUIIll lOLlltlOll ,.'01.d itindlllnn, 1..i. 17000 clear Jliinii tan remain. , in it 101. i;r 1 11 1 ii.s J Uth a t mill SI Jll'i Stone purth h. elueirio llaM' "llll wni ItlioO, )d"r avs. ', , I riitiuis uiiii o.t 11 nn hi ,,' (' II i,A ,-. ,M ...I U 4j.UH V. HAH IAIN Vn'jr ,mt,riunlfu f. .1 vniaiit U rm luius In sutrnilid com), I must! si il 11 owns K 1 i-re 72l) N 24th t 17.1.1 DELHI HT six looms und Iwtht lm-iit lilpillali' pnisesslnn IBhllll nnanead I vS'SiiS- I ''it. I V limit York mad i 1 11 jt.sr v 1 i.mbii 1. bulhs hn'-w I r li it baraaln room LUTES, 7m Walnut st. 314,1 N SIARSToN'si 2-story Porch.frokir'v tlwellln .no.rlhly lease Urll. I3l)04j, ,.3H;1 .,-,, y.,,. , I.,,- .-,. i.m , 2i4j N 13TII HI Thrie story, Inrihiniid fl ira on Ural llnori 14 Win Hben 7ih and Nnrrla eta ll.'i 11 J.1.12 N .'NTH N 2NTII. -'I wii t,ipi , 11 r iiiihi a nl bath e'titilc, lllran. I S rrls s 1 1 2.1 tpi( HT A Ktiiutna ppport f r iiromnt salt tmnesulon r pror lloltAl l HIT "im . 711 Walnut ai AV , .114,1 SUIItMON 14 T 2 story, Pore4L :: . ' ' i.w wxtti,1 rea).Lgf .';,' unr iiiih, 111 1 liny irs.e, uric HURT"! LT, Iilll) V Kith si SJUUti afl :t Sir, VERNON dor, 2dl liu 10 r,usa lainui) uumsuiaiv pos Ifi . Js!l.l'" A. Hon, 111 lj 0i ill nil ALKimifulll) 8T. Vaean .revBTLi.v1."' " ,ii.,Yvueiiaion OVS, 'Jt M 1 X ,.hV. olBMU a ...ilfcr,rtui. J8MST . ... . sr i Kt ' r V1 it. a - Hi V I I f h f .1 , :. , Ml ! TV, 'r.t . m 1 srnr. ''j Itt Sf! s rl-.ll s- KfS' v'l , l rf Ml 1 iV MMKkSUSIr- i.AsjVv j. tti-.t-Wa