1 1 - ..'.And &AMLAND ADVElviun Like Rdblnson CrUaoc Of DADDV CIIAl'TKU I ixtt Alone Wr like Itoblnson Crusoo on a de T, J island. That Ih what had iint0,re ewb-Veided Aff 1 tt ob ',"' "?i ocolatc-colored youth. rt mild I n Xbeneh of TwInWIn fa" fiT Line the .nllbont nltlm out 1 'r' .the breakers to tno open eu. I MJdk of tho boat won the rwcucil ? ' '-: Harrison Crusoe, waving hIbJomw, " ! dldntt ficcru H'v 'adthemtothea,ne fiti from wn .. --" ib0 rfnSe.a,,rH,they A f 1" , " 1 V " Africa whence wnti 'Jc: "They felt they had irdrincanhechlid HWi'MrewXbut ftWreS could .-ee were bits of Jf.?oat of sight among the tossing Te'we going to dor .JC IIUIy.waB worried, but " T - .1 ln K f ft nVco swim. I'eggy and the Mhtn followed him quickly, for they .rf HI wearing the bathing milts Wn ."', ,iVJ.,l .., tlmm when jg rst reached Twinklln sle. Afterward they bat on what seemed t be rocks drown on the beach, plan int what they should do. ' '! ira getting hungry," said Peggy. j want something to eat besides fr"iso do I," replied Hilly. "And wo, bo " echoed Folly Wisher, tho goblin, ind tho newly married African sav- "l wonder what Robinson Crusoo .(," mused I'eggy. Billy wrinkled his brow as he tried to remember. He had rutl the story of Robinson Crasoo not "I know.'" cried Billy suddenly. "He found turtles on ttio Dcacn. ne aio their eggs and made soup of tho tur tles themselves." "I wish we could find turtles like lkt," said Peggy. At that very instant tho rocks on which they were sitting camo abruptly to life. They gave a quick shake, n bead bobbed up in front of each one of them and legs appeared beneath them. "JImlncty, hero aro our turtles," cried Hilly in nstonishment. And it ms true. What seemed to bo stones were really sleeping turtles. Peggy's with had awakened them. The turtles waddled along the beach, cirrjlng Peggy. Billy, Folly Wisher, Flower of the Forest nnd l'outh of tho Lion Heart along with them. "I wish these turtles were harnessed like horses," cried Billy, when he got orer his first thrill ot nlnrm and found that th turtles seemed harmless. Billy got his wish as soon as It woh tpoken. Bridles appeared on tho jaws and heads of the turtles, with reins hanging down. Saddles and stirrups (ire the riders a firm fitting. "Hurrah!" cried Billy. "Hurrah!" cried the others, when thev found thov couw drive tnc turtles us tuey pleased up ana aown tue uencn. It Was a lot of ftlll. Tllf tlirtll n-nrn ilotv, hut they had n funny waddlo that lire their riders a thrill. "I'll "bet they could go fnstcr in the water," cried Billy. "I am xolng to ride my turtle ncross the bay." CHAITHR II Biding on Living Boats fBHE turtle on which Billy wns riding saddled toward tho bav. It vim eager to get into tho water. There tc alt get rid of this rider, who was driving it with bridle and saddlo. And. perhaps, it might eat the rider. Billy, not knowinc ulint ihn ,irfin mthinking, also was eager to get into the water. He thought it would be fun to drive the turtlo across tho bay. IeffCV WAR nnf ffnlnt. tn lm nt.t.lA.. I... Billy. She reined her turtle also toward the bay and tho big reptile, anxious to let home, waddled much fabtcr than it lad been waddlinc before. The newly married African girl and IDe CDOCOlfltlt.PAlnrAfl vtntl. 1! rejgy. This was a wedding Journey for' ue lavages, and strange though It was h. Well , U wo "n't do anything else ..,.nio swimming." he said. At once 1.1 nn n hrnvc mce. tlm u-ntorn of tllC Day Currants and. Cherries. &! ILU.'L MIMMMMM 3fl tin. -. I UU Staiirduf Fiuff M . INIMIMit .1 Th e rrank m - ,, ,"te j Hfl MAts rsoH iyoAtAW IS &U.iIU!lJ D s.RifnE IK sssKtt iiBj US ffwl iff a ?ii f" I fiTl 5t It HsiltfiHI Kj 'StBrKlanlofPurtr- ffla TVlFrantlm IlSlunrWfir.tojttfl'W L '( IIIUIW" f, Granulated, Dainty Lumps. Powdered, Confectioners, Brown. Golden Syrup. A. i Kl ssssssMMlssssslsssss.srls..J -- L ?m ft- IsssHMklZ v - ' ' PARIS ECHOES SEND I iinimn iommii nr rrt CONTRASTING SILKS JimA By CORINNE LOWK An amicable settlement between thoso two rival silks orepe do chine and fou-lardr-is arrived at in this simple little model, combining both. The latter has a navy background dotted with grny, while tho crepo Is plnln gray. This modol Is 0 particularly charming one for the debutnntc or college girl. Crepo de chine nnd foulard arc a fnvorcd nlllance this spring, and stun ning arc uiu aitcrnoou moiieis, employ Ing a scheme of lilnel' anil white. Ono nntnM ..11 1 t...l- . I vides n white 'fonlnr.l flowered In Wnefc .' with 11 jaunty littlo npron tunic and upper siecvcs or oinck crepe ue dune. To ro-onforcc the authority of the crepo tno apron, extendins from nccl: to hem, is fastened ot tho bock with two nar row strcamors cros.?lnz nbove the waist line and then dipping below tho skirt hem. they were keen for It. Folly Wisher tinyca on snore gathering up the turtle eggs. He was too wise to trust himself on the back of a turtle in tho water. Above the children fluttered the tiny fairies on their dragon fly wings. The fairies had smiled and laughed as too children drove tho hnrnessed turtles along the beach, but their smiles turned to warning frowns as the turtles wad dled toward tho water. The fairies twitched the ears of Peggy and Billy and tried their best to cause the children to turn back. But Billy wns having tQo much fun. Ho didn't pay any more attention to the fairies than lie wuuld have done to gnats flying about his head. And Peggy, not wanting to tako a dare from Billy, followed him as fasi as her turtle could waddle. Into tho water plunged the turtles, swimming swiftly toward tho confer ot tho boy where the sailboat had been at anchor. When they got Into aeep wnter tho turtles tried to dive to tho bottom of the bay. "Hold tight to tho reins t" cried Billy. "Keep their heads up and the turtles cannot dive!" Peggy nnd the African savages did as Billy i.nid. They kept a tight rein on Uic turtles, and the turtles couldn't get their heads down though they tried hard to do so. When tho turtles couldn't get their heads down, they couldn't dive. So they swam nrounil on tho surface of the hoy, with Peggy, Billy nnd the Africans riding gaily on Preserved cherries cool and refreshing! Sparkling, clear currant jelly! They make the simplest meal delicious. Preserve all you possibly can now they'll take the place of fresh fruits and other costly winter foods. The cost of your sugar is a small part of the value of your preserves, but the importance of the right sugar is great. Franklin Sugars are all pure Cane Sugars, packed clean and dust proof in sturdy cartons and strong cotton bags. SAYE THE FEUIT CSOP Sua I?;.; A Franklin Cane Sucrar for everv use" ' - ,U!p,r ,,nck"i '-r children felt Jlko ,.JW,",'" 1' lnslcail of riding on land U,c wr(' rltlliiK horses of. the wn. 11 wa- more fun riding the turtles than riding In n boat. Billy drove to the far side of llio linv. whom inonkors greeted them and throw them oranges ;r. cat. -men mcy went out almost to the roaring breakers. They didn't daro go Into the breakers, Which were so rough they . might upset tho turtles, nnd then where would tho riders be, so far from lnnd that only a very strong swimmer could swim book to shore? So after riding along tho edge of the break ers flipy turned ncnln Into tlm Vinv. , "I am glad we have learned to ride tjiesi) turtles," cried Billy to Peggy. If no Milp comes to rescue us from Twinkling Isle,' perhaps wo can ride tho turtles out to sea until wo find n thlp." "And when wo get on board tho ship wo will tnko the turtles with us," re plied Peggy. "Wo will carry them to America and put them In the lnko at our park at home. There wo will give all tho children a rldo with us lur n penny nplcco." That seemed a good plan to Billy, for he knew how eager tho children at homo would bo to rido on living turtlo boats. "And perhaps we can trnln them to do tricks In a circus," he raid, climbing to his feet and riding hla turtlo stand ing up. "Hot Hoi Ho!" shouted Folly Wisher from the shore. "How do you think the turtles will llko that?" This remark called tho attention ut the children to their steeds. And at once they saw something that alarmed them. The turtles didn't like to hove bridles fastened to their heads and bits in their mouths. And nil the time they had been swimming thoy had been chew ing and grinding upon the bits. And now they hod ground themselves free from the bits. They were ready to run nway. Which they did, ns will be told In tomorrow's chapter. THE DAILY NOVELETTE Dorcen By ROSE MEREDITH Miss Mnmio Smith left the postoflico nnd stepped down the vlllago street wjth eager feet. Her faded eyes were fixed on Emetine Tuylor's littlo brown house, and with tho enthusiasm of the born gossip sho wns picturing tho cozy warmth of Mrs. Taylor's sitting mom. and hoping that the ol? lady was all olono. "I've got to know about this postal card she's wi clo&c-mouthed. it's n wonder she would let. mo t-toii for her moll. But I suppose Mlttio WVed can't bp trusted, sho s micIi n feather-headed piece to tako cure of n sick woman If it is only rheumatizl" Her thin, pink nose quivered like an agitated riibbit'f ns she wcr.t into the ard and around the path to the side-door entrance, whom glass duuis led into u neatly MirniSIICd Mttl h!"r.nl womnn l in n deep cushioned (hair "Well. Emelinc. hero I be. fnlthful as ever," greeted Miss Mamie ns "lie opened tho door and walked in. Her fliarp ejes darted to the kitchen be yond, where Mlttie Weed was clatter ing around in a heedless wny, leaving untidiness behind her and creating igony in the soul of Kmellnu Taylor, the neatest housekeeper In the whole county. "It's ral good of you. Mamie," haid the sick woman ci-atcfullv. "Some duv I'm Going to make it all right with you for nil jour kindness." "I don't want anything," assured Mifis Mamie, tnrnlns very red. "I'm alwnjs glad to do something for n sick neighbor, and you know I live next door. The Wfcekly Times, n letter from Robin nnd a postcard there that's a nlco buiu'h!" Mrs. Tnlor smiled in n tight-lipped way as bhe took the letters in her swollen hnnds. "Thank you, Mamie." he caid quietly. Miss Mamie's face fell. "Ain't you going to rend Rubin's letter? I'll be looking at the paper a minute and innybe there's bomo news vou'd want to toll mo." "II" is fo busy traveling must of the time he doesn't have time to write much," defended Robin Taylor's mother. "I expect his wife travels with him." cnfurcd Mamie. "Possibly." said Mrs. Taylor crisply. Mamie ros.o to go. "I thought majbo they'd be coming down hcrov" ''Some day," nnd Mrs. Taylor turned her head toward tho kitchen. "You can make mo fomo toast. Mittie," she called. "Well, good-by." saiil Mamie, as sho went out through the glass doors into the pleasant old garden, neglected now that Robin was awny nnd Ids mother Ti : Nft.2iv ti Pr J was tied (o her clmlr. Tho whole tJI- nee knew inmu nljont her iiffnliH limit Kmellno Taylor Kiisi.ectcd. JLiiey Knew, rmnchow, that itonni had telephoned homo from Chicago that he was going to marry "INrcen," and they knew that Mrs, Taylor hud telegraphed him not to do It nnd Robin had married the city girl: nnd although three months had passed his mother rofuced to forgive him or to see the young couple. He didn't even know that his Mother was crippled with rheu matism, for she wrote to him faithfully every week, acknowledging receipt of tho check ho rejularly sent her. though the never cashed the cheeks and never mentioned tho name of Robin's unknown wlfo In her letters. Lately sho had formed tlm habit of putting his letters nway unopened. Tho fact that ho could writo meant that ho was wolh No sho klsied his IctUr paa- Hlonatciy nnd put it away with the others, but the postcard shu looked ut with lntifcst. It showed the New York Botanical Gardens, und off on tho Bky lino wns nn arrow in ink. "Wo nre keeping house here you must como down and stny with us. Lovo to you, Dorcen." Tho arrow pointed to n tall apart ment house. "Sending her love to me," sobbed Emellne Taylor nngrlly as she toro tho postal In two and tossed It into the coal hod by the drum stoviw "Mittie. Is tea ready?" Mlttie Weed camo scuffling hor feet while her dark eyes, scanning the room, discovering the agitated iace of her mistress, tho unread letter clutched in her band and the torn postcard in the coal hod. In a trice Mlttie hod moved n small mahogany stand, besldo the big chair, placed the little troy, with Its steaming pot of tea, its plate of hot toast and dish of qulnco jolly, deftly spread n damask napkin over Mrs. Taylor's folded hands, uncovered the sugar bowl and cream jug, and. pick ing up tho coal hod. vanished Into the kitchen. Here, nlone, she drew out the torn postal and studied It with pitying eyes. "Thnt girl ought to be hero looking out for his mat It I had n mother-In- lore " Mlttio wagged her untidy head and pulled some letter paper from 0 corner cupboard. Ten days later Mlttio startled Mrs. Tnylor by giving notice and leaving nt once. "You enn easily get some one else, Miss Taylor," said tho girl, stub bornly, when hrr employer protested that sho could not sUy alone. "I know n girl who would como and live with you." "Who is sho?" snapped the old lady. Mlttio didn't hear. "I'll send her around tonight. Miss Tnylor," and the door closed behind her. "Ingratitude." muttered Emellne Tnylor as she sat there alone, helplessly hound to her chair. At 5 o'clock came a knock at the door. "Como In. sho quavered. A girl came lu. Sho was not very tall nor so very pretty, but she had a fresh, colorful face, with bright brown eyes and ruddy brown hair ; hrr pretty hands were capable looking and her dress wns neat and dainty. "Mittie Weed said you wanted some one to help you." she began. "I can cook nnd sew nnd nurse you and I am not nfrnld of hard work." I'.mellne Taylor smiled In n wintry way. "ou look ns though you would r.lU'CATKIXAf, Until Sexi Physical Education Teachers College Four nnd two-year courses, based" on high sshool graduation, preparing teachers and coaches of physical training in elementary, high, nor mal schools and colleges. Gradu ates well placed. Degree of Bache lor of Science in Education awarded to graduates of four-year course. Two-year course leads to Junior Col lege certificate, generally recog nized. Athletics, gymnastics, play grounds, dancing, ballet, sports, plays and games. Good facilities for observation and practice. Reg istration, September 15 nnd 16. 1921. Course opens September 19, 1921. Ask for Catalog E-12 Phone: Diamond 0fl.1t T EMPLE UNIVERSITY llroail St. below Herlc. & Philadelphia PEIRCE SCHOOL OT" TITTRTTtfP'.fiS ADMINISTRATION Summer Course for Teachers For teachrs who desire In pre nam to tench commercial subjects in Publloor Private Hchools Pelrce School h.is arranged advmicd courses which lntenslely lntruct In the Pelrco pracllca' niothodt thut mean so muA In uctuul business today. Summer School Opened July 5th Write for With Ynr Honk Pino St. West of Hro.nl ra iw,7 sWHtMaBLkiatajiaaBa w SPi:riA1. HECKBTAUIAI. INSTRCCTION lllsh school fTniduaten nnd atenoRTapher. deslnius of taking a spclnl secretnrl.il of ndvanced study courart 111 stenocrat'iy nnd litiilness training should lniitl.it( our Mummer offerlns;. Call or write Positions jfJS. Runrantcod flytfM rilll.A. Hl'filNKhS (OI.I.r.tiK 'Xfty 1017 PlieMniit Stiret. I'lillJilelphln Many splendid teachlntr positions now belnr tilled m Pa N J , Del., .Md nnd N. Y. l'ro enrollment. Modern Teuchers' llurenii, 1002 Mnrket St. TRAYFR'S The llesl llmlneM Sriigtl fstlllon ruarin'd. Kntr nnie. Xinr ur nlsM WKST CIIKHTKH. PA. The Darlington Seminary, Ind. West Chester, Pennsylvania sixtv Arm: hstatk list Year Opens 8eptctnher it, 1031 Junior School for young clrls. for Catalorup, addiess Christine V. II) r. Prlnrlpal lloi 010 JKNHINTOWX. PA , pi'.nnsyi.v.vnia. Jknki.stown. no.x hso BEECHVOOD SCHOOL (Inc.) Kor Young Won en, A Cultural and Prnc. tlcol School. Kits for any vocation. Prepara tory College Departments. Conservatory of Muilc. Art, Oratory, Domeitli; Arts nnd Bclsnces, Hecictaryslilp. Oymnastlcs. Normal Klnderuanen, Rwlmmlnpf pool. I.ri!e new irymnnslum. M. H neaser Ph. p.. Pre. ANNVM.I.K. PA. l,IllNON VALI.KY ft)I,l,i:f); ro-nd. College. Academic, Music, Ointors. Collove rn'es. t3d,1 to 1412. Muslo rales JII7J to J Mil). For catalnit nddrcus; nit, tl. D f.tliAltl. Aniullle. Pn. tSK vonn noo PKOPLK In every thousand recelva beneOt throuca ltnal edjustment ulven by competent HOCTOItH OP CHirtOPRAOTIC The nubile Is rapidly rerognlslne the valut of this method of drugleas tieallng. and will require sn Increaslnu number of practltlon. ers. Bend for literature explalnlns lbs NKW Vt(ltK rOLLKOK OK rninopnAiTic Hept. N. t IB W. 71d St.. Str York. N'. Y. IIINr.HAMTON. N. V. THP. H1NOHAMTON TKAIXINO HCIIOOI. An ideal prlv. home sehiKil for nervous. UaVk. Whru iiiou.B, iteivi u,ri. -to Uffe Ilm t Phv. elcal Culture Manual training A al hraneh.. I'psn yr. arnuno., rerms ijj p(r . ,; It'll u MTlft AlTniTCO, T '..k-.JIi' UP sn a viilinn 'I'tm ITs; . - ,. .----- illnshsmtnn New York. 113 Falrvil "S It and MItS AX'OUBT HAYTON. VA. iJ Shenandoah Collegiate Initituti and Rchonl of Muslo, THyton V Co-Educstlonal Hates 1235 to 1300 Bend for Catalosua s. ' - bo plencant to hnvo nround but. whnt in your nnme?" ''I nm John Dixon's dnughtcr," nalcl the clrl slowlv. "Mv father calls me Johnny." . "John Dixon's daughter?" Mr. Tay lor regarded her curiously, dreamily. With the nnme came echoes of n girl hood romance, the smell of day lilies drenched with dew, the sound of a whip-poor-will, n man's deep sigh that was all. "John Dixon's daughter" she had nlways heard of Dixon ns a very prosperous farmer why did his daughter go out to work? "Would you coro to have me stay?" nked the girl. "Yes I am all alone." ndmlttcd tho older woman blttrrly. A week later Mrs. Taylor was feel ing better so much better sho could forgive Robin's marriage so she took out all his unrend letters nnd perused them. When she finished tho Inst one, she looked closely nt tho tiny photo graph It contained. Thpn Iter eyes lifted to the serene face of John Dixon's daughter, who was sewing In tho sunny window. "Dorcen I" she said softlv. The girl looked up glilltliy. "Oh you know!" she breathed. "I had to come after Mlttio wrote to me and said r.ntTATIOXAI. Young Veil nml IIite THE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY (FOUNDED 1785) Tho Trustees of the Academy nnnounca that they have elected Mr. Grcvilla Hatlam of St. Paul's School, Concord, Now Hampshtro Headmaster of the Academy The School will open at Ovcrbrook as 11 Country Day School on September 22nd Mr. Robert Andersen, the Acting Headmaster, tr.ny be seen at the omce. 1324 Locust Street, tmtlU.Iuly Oth, nnd thereafter at tho School, City Line and Uerwlck Itoad, Ovcrbrook. 1'uplls may enroll at any time. Edward S. Buckley, Jr. Socretnry BoUcfonte Academy ?',;, nd up. 110th year. Ath. Held ma. Mad. rft. Catalog. JAMKS p. HUUIIUS. A. SI.. Utsdmaiitfr. Ilflltfonlc. I'n. MEltC'K.nsnL'RO. 1'A. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS Merccrsburp;, Pa. fend for caliiloTUo to WSI. MANN mVINE, l'h. I.. LI I). llcarinimitfr. Pox 120 OKoitm: HcnnoL. pa. ULOIl'WeCUOOIy Country School for Bort broad anJiJiorouKh. studant studlei undtr upervlilon ot principal. Oraduatta auccetd tn collect. Special courses. Athletics, gym nasium, two!. 22T wooded acres and opi country on Ntehamlny Creek. Endowed. Ratei moderate.. Catalog. GKOROK A. WALTON. A. SI.. Hn 28.V fiforce School. Pa. CHESTER. PA. Pennsylvania Military College Decree In Civil Engineering. Chemlitry nd Commerce and Plnunce. Preparatory DIvH on and Junior School. President Hard'nc Ka -If t had ten boy I would rend every nnc tn Choster." "mio COLONEL CIIARI.1.S E. IIYATt Uo Zi. ThesUr. Pn. AI.LKXTOWN. TA. Allentown Preparatory School Prepares for college or technical srhnnl Small clae.: Individual in.tPSct on. Also eommerclal course Student irovernm.nf All ai'.letlca. Splendid modern" buWdlnci'. '2T...9"5r ..bo?;: "nil" isno". "ci LlnT" IRWIN ,tl. WIIALTWn A r.l., Iteidnmster NAZARETH. y,. NAZAItKTII HAM. JIII.ITABV APAIlPiiv ISot (10. Nnarrrth. P. Kounded li Preparatory t nuslness CourS",. Sr inter mo.lla to and Jr Depta. Ath'otlc-s. Mmilrv life. Hey. A. u. r-iael.r. D. n,. Princinal. lIKTHI.miMl. PA. Bethleh6m Preparatory School r,r'.?i" '.or . '"""n colleges. Extensive rroundi .lunlcir Sehool. John l. Tuft 't. A.. IlfHdrmHter. Itetlilehem. Pa. ""' iiETin.Kinai. PA. CrJ""pretpiraft SFVSII ' 4r- &l" B1.M. bullilln WAnniw r. Tt'.i:i. rar opens aeot. 12. A.M. n.I Presf nazaki:th. pa . linv BO. VnTtirstl. t,. i-. .'M'VJKM!. i it'imrttiury a. iiummnm 'Anes. o . ,.-:!.'"- '"."' rinui 1 7 i.i i ..:.. :. - m mediate and Jr. Dents. Athletics, ill i.LVj nt: ha Itev. A. D. Thaeler. D Prlnclpnl. WAYNK. PA. ST. MIIII'.'U tr'ii,,,,. r-l iWl1??' (JInin I',ni' ' " It'). Pn riinrloH Henry Wtrout. A. M.. llV,imNf IIDItDENTQWN. N. J, Bordentown Military Institute pout nr.i-tisiT. mm " TOME SCHOOL Nntlon.il lloardlnc Sihnol for llo rati; lt;00 J" Murray Peabody Itrush, ph. n. ni... Port nrnWt. Md. n'"tr WAMIINHTON. n. v.. THE 1'NITKH STATIJS COM YV.V 'TTiT VKTKHINAKY SPROEovs '' V Opens Sept, IB. Write for Cnt 'iro.. II. S OAMllI.i:. I. v. S I)ZreclU1 Z2-J t- Street N, W , Wash'neion r" c wYMnortn. y. 'L riSlllirilNK MILITARY sflTooT Prepares for unlersitleM nnd husliu',, , Persniial attention Restful mtllinrv .... In 11. O T. C under V s War nin. 'Jf Uar. New 1200 000 hrepro"f ' .Tpm2,'1 Diploma admits to all coll,.Bes n . ??,?,?, Pprlnit encampment near famous ,,.' "'": Qn.ttoes for nil Mudents CauioJui"1 t MAJOR MOltfJAN II. lirDt.Ivs'",;,. Hox 111, W3nesl,n'""vnH' ' "". HTAIIN10N. y, Staunton Military Academy Lamest private Acadamv i .... ... r. Prepar's for Universities. Oovernm.W. Academies or Jluslness. J37.1.00O h?.nH"' Usiei ffinn Sfnd for eatnlns- tnl.n -..w. i ni. ino. ii. nnsa.ii, n. a.. p,..,,,.. .... .W. ... IHI.K'II, I Hot I,. Rt mnton (Knhl "tetlonl v. ni.ArKHTONn. va. HI.Aflt.ST NK MILITAKV ACADEIIY t, . ,. Hl!lfk,,?ne- Vlrglnln '""1, n.pt Ml Itary, Acudemlc Commercial Tor rafiloa end nfn.p,n ndl?... t hi., v.. w. i.iriON. President DAYTON VA. Chatham Training School CHATHAM. VA. TIATHS MM IfAKlN-O MEN NOT MONEr - v. ' i-aiaioiru e Young Women nnd fllrU IlKVONjPA. HP.VON SIAXnti In Vnllov Korso region in miles from Phli Collece Prep 'rum ' nl'a MTIH, iAxtillON PA&KIN. prlll.DaI Ho 110 nion. !. """P3I l'. 1.IMIKN HALL SK.MINAKY A alrls sclion) lnci 1740 Aeideni'V r-.n Preptratnry A Hpecla) Courses sin..?!"." Dept liimnasluin. Socretarlnl r-...i nev. I'. V. Htenxel. Prln,. ItnV inl T,l7lt l"T i.i)tiii:kvii.lk. ynT. ' MAUYLAMt roi.l.Ktli; Port vnv l.uth:rllle. Md. 0JIE' An. Ideal colleso In site, equipment in.i and co.tri.es of studv The faculty s ?. and able. Tsvo und four ear course. , KJ h'sn school irraduat... Cour,.Tn Jmic "t . orBi1"' domestlo science and iris eohonl of espresslon. art and elocution Purees conferred. Cata'oe. Ilcu x WAftHINOTON lf til ILY ' riimi.s . ACAlHt V Wnshiuston. n Overlooklnif the Nnllonnl Capital m ndar.l and lTlecllve Courses. Co? oats 'osues addreain Superioress. " ,oiy iTom Arajemy. Washington, n. c. KDnrATIONAL CAMI'H Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for lending collncce Evtensii rounds, .limlor .School. Jul" D. T ugSrJ M. A., llenilmiistrr. llethlehrm. Pa. ""' RlCAItiNn pa. " Uf Efhcient S -r'sm.T "". ur. "". ln-ss. attention. Ml'ltary training ' 3Wv?un' Kor cub address Tol TD ".faV"'' MOI'XT POCONO. PA. Z PINE TRKK CAMP FOK HIIW Posor.o Wy, I four hours- from Phlladelnhls. Miss ULANCHK U Miss ULANCHK U. PHICM. fal7ootor tot W, Bchool Lane. J'hlla.lhlJ" rl "Irl im -... - you were 111 nnd nlone we did not know nnd I lmvo taken your only boh awny from you, and I hoped you would trnrn to love tuv Mrs. Tnylor'n arraa were around the slender joung form. "I need you, my daughter," alio whlnpercd. "and I need Robin nnd poor Mlttie In the kitchen, I need you nil!" . Nevt complete novelette "The Happy Kxdinngo." Man of Fifty Dies of Poison Martin Connolly, of 2810 Chatham fitrcot, died In the Kplecopal Ilorpltnl. yesterday from the effects of poison which the police 'soy wan taken with Hulcldal Intent. He was fifty years old. AJLSO BAGS & SUIT CASES HALESMKN'fl BAMPI.K CASES anil All KlmU Trunkx, tings and Hult Onsen Made tn Order. VICTOR VALISE CO., Inc. 48 N. 7th St. M.ffiTCo.s ...j. DAMP WALLS BASEMENTS and PITS Van Il Mixta WATERPROOF With MORENE PRODUCTS IIKSUI.TH nUAKAXTKI'.I) THE ARVON COMPANY Httil BMC. Locust Of!08 riilln.. Vn. Itnre 01(50 rfS1 EH RETS SLAG ROOFING EHRET ROOFING & MFG. CO. e, DREXEL BLDG. dP D forty fn& PURE FRESH-RAINT is elf eve Me Good Paint There was only one way for ub to be sure of getting uni formly good paint for all our jobs and that was to make it ourselves 1 So we did and now YOU can buy Kuehnle Paint! "Savc-the-Surface" Kuehnle PAINT&PAINTING Vine & 17th. Sts. spruce 547 RAce779 SHEETROCK "Tho Fireproof Wallboard" It Is drep'oof. and appruved I'nderwrltera It Is aaly and iiulckly applied It e'lmlnatea tie muss and dirt nt nlftHttrl!ie and.mnke a. Letter urslt It is th!rl;er and stronser It keeps out more heat and cold It Is more soundproof It flnlshoi beautifully It can be Rotten quickly rlaht out ot our stock It costs little Immediate De'lverlee, Pend for Samples J. T. RILEY LUMBER 620 Pine Street, Philadelphia Lombard 3S2I .Main 3101 Increase of Value. THE way to increase the value of land is to bum it. Ditf out tho clay, burn it into bricks, and build tho bricks into a house that will not burn. You will find that the value of -the land is dou bled or trebled, and it keeps on increasing from year to voar. R 9 HIS i , S'E H n E I B ' g tg E H value of the prround has been increased, tho assessor will tell you. The cheapest of all fireproof building materials is common brickand it is cheaper now than It has been for years. Now is tho time to build. When ou want any Information nbout liiifUd, their Kind, colors qualities, styles, lines or prices th,.' products of different makers, how to word HpvcifU'HtloiiH. names of competent archltecte, bulldcm en Buyers, etc., call up either of our ., KEYSTONE RRICK CO. Oodfrey. K of 2d St pik. M 2-3 1 F. SEITTER'S SONS .N'lcetown Lu & tj ht Kens 66-67 sj i r- ft 111 p R Pl, H. M. & C. n. siMRn H t. nurcli und Taeony Fkfd. H-39 JUliJN II. KARI.EV Nlcetown La. & K St Kenw. 66-93 raB Ii f I K'm' by iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiraiiitraiiiinviiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiin.miiiniJiJiiiiiii'j'iiixr I 5&r p i Tn !.,,....,,... . ..!.. -iMI K. more, let us furnish the bricks. S npari" yec ancr t'. months' a and pet an architect who knows 1 exposure one sample is neatly s how to handle common brick Hi rusted nway, while tho other to design the house. If you , rTTT ?T.n0P,V,T .8toe'" l,Rpd for 2 want to know hnw miifli tv. b3 , NU-DT RA-TIV shows nn ? H i ' JAMES M f HWI N A CO. h go. j cr cr KTS op Atx lU fiVl teSBK- IHfi mtibn Wall Boards Tar Roofing Paps; it n l what you want We Deliver ijsgjs:att 09illltMi:ii:liili m. !'. (llrurIA? ALBERT DOAK Mason Contractor 2138 Arch St. Specialist in tho Brick Scttinp; of Boilers -jz-tr Steel Furring and Metal Lathing Onen Slinn Fraction! Men Work for Contractors Only Hatnblliilieil 1003 rnplnr 0H John S. Raynor, 2213 Wallace St. American Dredging Co. American Shipyard Co. 308 Chestnut Street Philfdclphla. Pa. Works: Camden, N. J. TOOT ANI T.IMH TROrid.l'.H Instantly ri-llswl by our :inl arch hupports. duel and (Hunted by tport!i. Our RonmlsRA Klnntlo Honlery th. muni comfortable support for irl coso Vi3lnn, vuuUrn UmbH. weak kntoi nnd nnklrfe. Trusses, ululomlnal nnd athlulo un. nor orteri of .all .kinds, . Largest manufac- urri of deformity appliances m ttio world. Philadelphia Orthopodlo Co.. 40 N. 13th St. Cut out and keep foi reference -p L. oFtHc Better Kind Frederick R. Gerry Co. Il.ltrw1.tl.l t.. H ul ilU-flll.l lla Niagara Wall Board Tits True Economy Wall Board GIBSON-WALKER CO. SOLK AOLNTH Building Lumber Domestic Hard Woods and Soft Woods 2569 Grays Ferry Road Rnre 204 Oregon 70M QL& Fireproof No Painting No Repairs Last Forever Asbestos Shingle, Slate and Sheathing Co. AMBLER. PA, Phila. Odicc. 1927 Market Street IIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI1MI1II)-. fcO Will it Rust?" HPHIS is the vital ques- - tion about the steel " cVinnto ncorl f r inl.n .r " U..VV...-, u.ii; iu iiiunu IUU1- ing-tin. No man can tell by examining them whether they will stand the test. In the biR "proving-Rrounds" of the XU-DURA-TIN mills you can see exposed to the weather diirereiit samples of sheet steel that two months E a,'o looked exactly alike vou - couia not nave to d them E sifn of rust nt al'. E Yet that is NU-DURA-TIN j S '"' u to courru at an, wou i; ;- i.i -:i - " i":u miivlt.v, rustproot r: fontlnc, and paint ovrr tlm - E now 'onK will it last? A lifetime. : Any roofer can furnish NU- nimA.'nv ni ,,ni.t j. ... ...... ' i-uuii. il iiny , colo'-. Specify it in every I E order, and be safe. 5 Till-; MKTAL t'Ll'H OF PIIILA ' 605 AIlt-H HTUUET E s sA Stands fov m Wood Products fcrl r hlltidc nil a. Ph. Tl SjH,ititFSX&TMlL. "" i FIB Asbestos a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt; 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1, ,'ttf IRON BARS 'V "M v murnnt nil 11. & p. iron nrs t the Kit thit YrS roinufJtWrd in" V." Ws suarnnte all II, ,1, Iron Ilara tv1 fna lNst ffhnt h,a rrtnnfnt.ittl Mntl nrf Ip every detail. fyM DONNELLY & CbMPANY uuicc, oi vine direct j Warthouei " 317 Vine fit.. 3JJ VtnoU HI.. 83M0 Drown M.' r. . - , , , ej' John T. Dyer Quarry Ct. rin1ns KtfMlshsA 1W1 BIRDSBORO , TRAPPE ROCK Harmon BIdg., Philadelphia, P nsthllshe! 10)12 Uath PnoBM William R. Chapman & Sons 1500-08 Washington Aye. MASON BUILDERS AI.BO OWNEIlfl uin rmi.AUEi.rniA iiiticu comtajcr Capacity ot 80,000,000 Pfr annum. Kerbaugh Lime Company Untldrri' Hnpollr DEXTER METAL LOCKERS OVER (INK Mlt.T.ION pnOI'I.K VBK OUIl I.OCKKRS f.VKRY II AX iurm.cr.ASH oons ICISAHONAOLn I'RICKH GOLF CLUB LOCKERS Steel Hielrliu: for Krerr rlltiiatloa Iqnlpment for 1'otels, Clubi, Apartment, etc. Dexter Metal Mfgr. Co. 11 No. Front St., Cnmdcn, N. J. j - J PARCEL POST Dr. Moses, Dental Specialist Orlrlnnlor In this city of "SWEET AIR" Method of PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH Safe aa sleep No potn or dancer. Just the thins for nervous peopl. No 111 effocts follow its us. No branches. No connection with any offloe of similar name. Estab lished since 1009. Personally la charre. S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sit, Vormrrlv on etaff of prominent Hospital OLD PARLOR SUITS MADE EQUAL TO KBIT Kecontroetv upholstered u4' polished. v $15 S First-class rorl RUaranteed. Slip CoTers Made to order Wo carry a Iars stock ot UDhoU. FH I ffttjreiwvfol L.asb.LT'l Jsk I VI-Ef-flt rZ1A tcrihK mnteriaiR at wholesale prices. American Upholstery Co. Oldest and Lnrcrst House of Its KlnsI 805 Arch Street 5'arruect0iran" HaTS5JIUI JOCK BHEf StfS No. 44 Gives you n fttling ot real comfort and th assurance of perfsc protection while exer. cislnir or playing crimes ot any kind. All elas tic. Per. feet fit. Will nn chafe. t'rfectpoa''li PsttnUdopen lac In front. May be boi!d to cl.uu i. TWO WEEKS TRIAL, If sot sstlifsetorr return nd money wulberafsnded. UsJI.donneolptof tsies.H. uu sis: meisarscuat. TUB WALTP.U V. WAUL CO.. Dent. 4 1036 prlnc rttrret Phllndelplila SCARLETT'S ONE OF THE LARGEST LEADING 10c CIGARS LA AZOKA it i'1, ''" I'erfirto, II nnd Made. lllncOn If. Iteentar lrl ml Delivered at your door, $2.65 lo ill ,Vi. Parrel Post Paid. sCflKLETT'S, i'03 Chosmul St. ', riiii.Ain-.i.iiiiA RAILROAD UNCLAIMED FREIGHT SALE l( hs- tus r. 'le.l sr.eral Inrcs snlininui .f i.ier. I ,.i I ,. inn rn'ist be i.d In ser' . ii.iiml til I ilme fur t''.Mt i' ,ii.M in e. th.t ..ik you it, ih- iw ,,n ,i,p ,, j nianui.ii.iure. M irolrus (i ;,p ur M 500 Dozen Dish and Face Towels Pirfrrl t onilltlnii $1.00 per Dozen Ihchc TorlB OriBinilh ( ot tlm JIanu f ii liner SI. 80 t r Dmcn Nut mon. th.in . ,1 .,i niid to ons n'nrrr "5 Tahle Talkinrr P.-.chinea Ju ' tin- thin; toi th. Minima- cump m i iuri!.: i v.,!,. lf iht, m.M.ney is .nx.-n i n,i th, l,nv ,,,,., in,nUi' I s.. than 5., 0 :., .,i HU.J u. $20 Each P"f'tlel no' in r.j til .n nn. i , u m i t rs H '' ' 'ii 'lnnilfst 1 1 t in !,,,., f I Ujaoin , It I'OU ti al, tlm world Ua tl mon'-y It "HI i.iv th.) kmio iini.lr , ,, .is rum nt ...stinrf t,n um a th i"rlce "" r fun. Nisllni. i,, , ,, ."". niii l,.,m .-. u ,. ..... '. " .uur It will mitertain'you ahlo Uf Umhb c "'" " cp 500 Emcrxon iiii.i ji.ui rrlfnls as iiothlnn , .,...i. .. . "h iviuuiijnc r.ecnivi I'O'll II lltlil nV I,nl l),.i,iilnr " ;M'ii;",!,",",H.rit"''ir,y "- ur 30c Each anirrV..v.',"x.,.n nlni."-n"i1 Hll, ,!M,K,-.VIVo,,itT,;1!:Sa,I5SUTjM' UK Do ,swi K1'h.N.v;.f,,?ooNi,-"ANo Cnllre e.ir 'HridDj. 1 ,or, of ntvl Keystone Purchasing & Sales Co. t J.28 N 3d St" Fh51n- OIVV,IV,N,,(Kit.,""tr!j- UI: ""Rl! I2 N. .11) HT. " 0H. Sll . dlKlirtV HTH, oim-ii n-iir 1,,-u n p. m. Opn Tuesdur und Mn, a n sr rwN ur,.unl? ,M" I'lorks from (lie fstsv. iWrtlnT "r nw "r our ", 'NTMC'aa Jli. S2.65 frr--" 50 IsfiQfrjBF' I i VI ! M a W.I ... y wm 'TAl c 1 v ' ..kt. . i.i,.j il!'-i.-..M'-Jl ' i1'' V...O-,,,,.. ) ... .l-,i Kflj J, i