wTrv.gHHPiF TflWPrW5' WWW 'tTrJSN ? . ' ! . ""ar n a. "' , , w". 4 - .- - - - - -;-.- r &&: s--trK r i-"wrrm.. ."WTf .,.;'- ,, ' ; .;. u " v -, - ' Ej'7''-'iM . 1. "j - i . .r.i r: ''' Id- ? - Euentng public ffieftcjer LAHa saay.- july rv? 2, , JLIWX , . ,V SsSJ f& vWt vo. ii $ , t3 i '' $$ F v V-1" itvdjuBlfck." iflHI .BBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBftkHHilB-BBMTBBBBlxiBBB iB;S I lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBflLBflLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrVvB BBBBBBBb a TBilfc I HHLBBHaBBBBBBBBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBHFi'"'.'''! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalv Jiaaaaaaal IL..HL.....HBHflBflfln&LiLBBLfl............l......Hrrr4T CDilF I HHHHHHHHHA JaaaaaaaaaaaHHl INTERNATIONAL POLO MATCH. One of first photographs to arrive hero of corneas Detxvocn American and British fours, with victory for the Americans. Maj. LockcAt (British team), heading off Watson Webb (American) lntemutionai INVITATION TOURNAMENT. Match play started yesterday in the second' annual event of the Old York Road Country Club at Jcn kintown. In the group are (left to -right) Mrs. Allen M. Matthews, Mrs. Harry P. Closmnri, Mrs. William A. Prince, Mrs. Hnrry D. Stevens, Mrs. Henry M. Pnlst and Mrs. Kobert Beatty, Jr. The lad is hunting in tho water for a lost bo" "" Ledger Photo Hcrvko BRITISH GIRLS AT LACROSSE. The game is being staged at Richmond, the play spot of the City of Lcnion, where the pick of the London schools play girls from the Southern counties. The alert goal tender of the London team was snapped as she darted out to save a goal central New Photo Tiia 4. "BBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBt ti k bLLI I 1. 1llaijjrk .flBaEaBIHi BlJ.? 4fio V. JiiiiiiiiH aWHJillHHiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiKiiiiDf k)ikNA JaTaiH fiiiiiaiV " iiiiiiiB9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiviiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiBil'vv n riiiiH laaaHB aaaaaaB aiiililaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaalB kH ;Hl'fllHHHHHMHJIIHJinBflH4M. '' ! (kssBrsbhbshm tiwftiSfciwsWwB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIHii I aiiiiCTBKj '?'$': -? rHBH BBBHHnjDI llHWHifcIfc'l'- ' PB f MORE STORM DAMAGE. One of the trees twisted and torn by the storms of the last few days can be seen as it hangs over Leithgow street above Diamond. The street is roped off Ledger Photo seric Er ru 3T to enemies y ynitj4 I and uuti radicallsa. vldimls v eminence complete ., they and wj Tlin A, Donney aV Uelawaroj dlntraea Tliles jp ,-GoV of a'P Is ea yho ifii; the Vm Govrru: United ftnt. arteptt . U point Kffon Mil w i m ii ifffV m 1' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiHb I i s' fx?r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH tflaUaaafliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB . - H "S'11111111111111111111 s 'k M iT1V ' , i ftl OUR CITYJS WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO V.i. h k I itPlWSaBES; Tm SiBb.?! :1 itSBBM vr 1 1 1 iimrt iMIMBWwnTfflr HI klT'VVHB IBfft'.V'V VSkJaaaaaaaHHafe. jHPMtHK ?? WSBfea l4 j - -fc- aM ialatl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHaVR V iV aHBl " i fllB n9F aaHLaaH y-'flwlHaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaal ..Hbk". ' fe, Haaaaa.l.................H IBBaVJlJIBBVBaBBkV4BKaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHIaBSHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH iBflBfJB&EBBLBBBBBBBBBk'1-' ' t ,LbBBBBH BB 'H1!' . jHaHfr SSbbHEBC jfBBB iJBBBBBBBBBBBk9HjBBBBBBBBBBBBValH tBBBBBBBBBBBBRJ-ljiVri ,'BIH I ENGLISH ACTRESS teaches French old-time dances atAix-lcs-Bains during carnival c. N. p. PLAYS TILDEN TODAY. B. I. C. Norton, the South African tennis expert, has earned the right to meet the Philadclphian for the British championship central New Photo MISS DOROTHY KARDON, driving, as she starts at the Cobbs Creek public golf Course Ledger Photo Serlce IOWA BACK TO NAVY YARD. After a few days off Cape Charles Lighthouse, Virginia, as a tar get for airmen of the U. S. Navy, the battleship, which was twice hit, is again in tho back channel at the Philadelphia Navy Yard Lodger Photo servio la' Tf wUvsri? ' V V SSl fWVZ J sXist.t .. r;i"'A. r.j 4 -i 23?g6.3 f-. WAYNE COOK, operating a machine in the factory of Mrs. A. It. Klair. NlnaUwith and Brown streets, that puts heels on shoes at the ,sfi-.tioi TTTiV (..mri rfav., Idrr Photo Senric UMBRELLAS FOR TRAFFIC MEN. Reserve Pa trolman Charles Westchel, at Juniper and Market atreets, protected from aun and rain l. p. b, SEVENTEEN.YEARS AS MAIL CARRIER. WH-. liam Laning, of 31 ?5 North Bambrey street. Route: Fourth to Fifth, Market to Chestnut st, u r, s. afaHMa BtfMHalBklMBBBtfBtfBVBflHHBHBiBfetaBABflBMUlBh. I bBBmIbIbBBBHbHbHBBBBbH lBBBBW At VL'.-"-"V;' BBBBBLH H4HbBBBbHb1bBBBBBBBBBBBbIbBbH!bHM ' HjiflHH H .y't ''?' 'V S'BBBBBI IHbT aF HbHBBBBBBB i'44'44 3P Jw&'2$LMPH?aBBBBfl LBBBBBLBHL V ilWHajK, aaBBBBBBBBBBBLB flBBBLH ' ii f S 1 1 1- tLLW LLBH nE&WsttiKi'BtBMff' i Kwh?k i' JjTf WJfc' lWBalBBBH LBBBB3liB":':'':'Vi;kli''BaiiH fltaHH...HK2aBiaBM8BBBBBBBWBilMtm Kt.-if'KV'' ,ljtMtfWk Ib '"JV '"EJ ', i flHuiVPnHHlHBHIIVj.? ," ? iPPFt4 vmi.'B H....B&0'n1bbbbI MRS. JAMES A. ST1LLMAN Jeavinj,' divorce hearing. Poughkeepslo, on first day of husband's appearance i. F. a. nK AnY FOR THE JUMP. Blanche Strckeieh: of Waterburv. ftiti I in tho broad jump at a meet in New York, where girls from foil States took part. This jump proved the winning effbrt frijl ft I BBBBBBBBBBBBLBT' v.N v AI'U H Fi' "I V-''!'' r1SlBBBBBBBBBBBBBH LLVBBBBBBrL LVjKaw'WtfV WLBBBBBBBBBBBHBliLBBBH LB.LBBry'JJSiC!JJJB?BcBaaaaaaaayaB B.BS!felBwi'iT......B-kl.B LaaaaaaH .4Ii''"?;:,'S'i ? irt'i" - ,' 'ibbbbbbbbb1bbHbI j ,'?:- BaBy BL '; .-v---;. hTfJt A-iBB-BWiBgg1M REAL SERVICE. Mrs. Joel Brown, of England, is being carried V her favorite bathing spot by two French servants. Such is the servictl that summer visitors get at the French resort central Newi mil vmJaTBlBVBVBVBVBVBBOTnWWH1""a-l bIHHHbIb bVHbbMHHbbI HHlllBBBBBlHLHiBBll'' ' HH BbBbBbBbBBBBbIb'-' ".3 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBb iiiiiiimHBLBBBM "(S6 LBBBPIbVIBBBBBBBBBBBBbI aBBBHtiSi l,a,B.'( VFinH LbbbHP- ' '' 'TliiiiiBk ILLw4ubUibbbbbbbbbbH HIV '9 i? T JiMm f r i,;BF I 'aBE!rl iflBBBf BSBBBJ E 0'' 'tr ?$ bbbbbb5VbbP'''1bI BBBH.'V' '""liiliiirl bbbbbbbbbbbV'WIsbHHbLLBLIibI ..k . r "fLyyt bvBvBh'ihbbjhb'sj CONGRESSMAN SWING suggests building of dams to transform sands of West c n. i MISS T. A TT P A VOT.STEAH daughter of Rep. Andrew J, Voll stead, bnck from Panama c. J, rj K. E. BROWN, Cor- ncll, wU compete in track meet HAPPY MOMENTS, A group of chiWn on the scenic railway, nt Woodside Pnr whore they were given an outing h r- ,"" t 83iS C1!EJ , , 2- t V, J i..A&JU i i 1 i.f& l42LXa b&li, ara MW. - v