ijf V( or 'yH "W ."l pfi , 00 ' " ' ' WNANriAT, EVENING PITBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1921 T Ir h 'V K M ? in &.. WON COAT. AND CiOKW COMPANY run 1'k.yt riiiir muiuuauo OQIiD noNDS fi i DUfl Jur ." ft f uiiriii ryru iuiiirj . 'JMIee Is hereby s-lven that pursuant to ffe term f tiro mortirace ditod Juno 30, Jf,.flv (B) of enM bond of J 10(10 each. Mtfnbtrnd at follows 81. 03, 101 431 and Ml, hsve been drawn for redemption by the Btnklne Fund at pir and accrued Inter Mt s of July 1, 1021, wh'n nil Interest thereon will cense, th abovn bonds will bo piM en s.nil after said dtto upon presenta tion with coupons then due and all iinmo. tureit coupon nttached al the offlco ot KIDBLITY THUST COMPANY 12ft Chestnut street. Philadelphia In vihlth trust com panr the, mono has been deposited tor said rdmptlonDBLiTY T,U.ST COMrANT Trustee. WM V orST, riesldont. Phllsdlphla Jiin..n lii.;l fo houikiim or iiTihiii roi. and KAVUIATKIMfl llS(IMl VTV.H MORTGAOr. MNKIMt ft Nil ""N"; Notice Is h-rebv mien that tho I.ehlich Coal and Navigation C mp.m has elected to ex ercise Its rlutit o' red-mptlvn In accordance with the terms of Its niortae- to tho Penn wlrnnla Compinj for Insurance on I.Ives Bed Qrantlnu Arnultles, trustee dated Janu ary 1, toil Lnder the provisions of Article 8, Section 2 of said nn rli-ase the following bonds have L n .irawi i pavmnt Vis 1209, 1.11.1. 20M1 IM3 (.is", MSS 11 Wl 12 871. 12 "'f 13 11 1" ""1 The principal of'sald bonds wl ' tie till July I 1021, it 102M and accru-d im-uM t the office of the Trustee B17 Ch smut siro-t, Phlln , after which date nil Interest on siid bonds shall IHK'rra'NMHAMV COMPANY roll insukami: on i.ivks ami ORANTlMl ANMITIKS. Trustee. S Illiltlrmli 1'RAMiI.IN SAridNAI, HANK Chestnut trei.t ri of llriuil l'hl.a Ifli'na tune .7 1(121 At tho reRU ar mretliiK if tho lloird of Slrectors of this Hank i, d ibl .1 1 n uuir rly dividend of lv lr crnt (O'r) "is de clared, fre ot St.ie ihx iiiJ p.able July 1. lOili to B'oiUrn le of record at the close ot business Jun 3J 1U21. Checks ttlli be mallei J IVJf IIARnT. Vic PtosiiI. i t tnd "ashler ' OJ-UCK OT Ml.LtllCll IOMPA.W Olouc sler Clt) N J June 13. 1921. The directors hao this da declared a eml-annunl duidenl rf ihree mil nne-hilf per cent ($3.30 per share) on the prt-ferre.l stock, nnd a dh lend f two Per cent (SI per ahnre) on thu raminoi etock, payab e June 30, 1021, to stocUhol lers of rtcord t tft close "t business June -0, 11)21. CheckJ will bo ma.led j Traur- - Olllcii ot inr. rNixr.T) oas impkom-aiknt co. N. W. Correr Ilrnail nnd Arch Sts. Philadelphia Jun-s, liijl. The Directors hae tb's da decltreil n Sarterly dlldend ot one Per cent (50o tier are) on the Common Mock of th e Coj ramr paab. Julv 13, l'l. to IwUors of Ccmmon Stotk of recinl it th- cls of kSSness Jun 30 1021 Checks will be mlien 1 IV A'.TtntS Treasurer rillL.VUUJ'llL 4 llT::it KAIIAIAV co. Nnrrlstown Pa June 20 1P21 pnr.FEnRED STOrK DIVIDEND NO. 22 The llosrd of Directors hin this day de clared a dMJend of one and nni-quarter Per n. (lViOr) on the preteir'd stock of this wmpani pinhle .Inl 13. IWl.la preferred tockholders of r-- rd at the close fo busi ness June 3" 10J1 Check will be mil'ed i HH HKH 1 ISII Kov Trpurr drriciTor tiii. itn ait mil. co At a ni."tin of lh Hear 1 of Or. i ir held this .lav a qusrt r rtuilend .if to and one-lnlf per rent - 1 r d i onble Jn!r 13 IDil. 'o stn kh .rs of r. ord Jun !".,:. . .. BQ, IV. 1 CHES I ER ARRANGES CHEST TO AID NE Y Plan Weekly Contributions by 300 Persons in Move to Re lieve Distress There AFTER WAR-CHEST PATTERN Clicsier. Pn., Juno 2t1. Chester citl 7rns jrtrnln lirRnn to put Into effort plnns to relieve mtfferlns nmonj; the poor of the oitj. A siiCReition wns sub mitted liy Colonel .Tnmes A. 0. Cntnp bell that n "Ches'er Client." modeled nfter the "Vnr Chet," be orpnni7ed, nnd tlmt n ndopted. Tlie plnn Is to miiKe nn nppenl to 100 persons to con tribute S." eekl for nlnetj-ttvr weeks, 100 persons to contribute S'J P0 weekly for twent-lh( weeks nnd 100 peions to contribute $1 ucckh for twentj fiv weeks. Those li-.ts ,,f don'Ts nre llgured onlj ns -i minimum nnd, of course, nro not restrietcd Colonel Campbell stld flint tlmt method would not eert nnv hardship upon conttihutors nnd would be popular bemuse of the intnllment plan of pay n.tnt He pointed nut tli.it the present tune is not the best time for drho to rul-e a big sum of moue at one tune, and with weekh pujments How ins in. nn easier method of nidliix the nceih woti'd be nt hand Amnuj; the prominent persons at I lie meetms were Chmles H I.onc. DaId Coulter, lsna.' Hlorth. Captain S. It Chile. Mrs Wilh im Ward. .It . Mr. Mm Iletshe Vlmeiit, James Hopkins, the Ho rr.meis M. Tnltl, Mrs. W O. I low land nnd Charles V.mdeiWl Colonel Cnmpbi'll. who n appointed chairman, will name an eecutie enm mtttee at once, and another meeting will take, p'nee in n few clnt. whin the "Chester Ches-t" will be formalb launched Tho industrial depression has thrown man men out of work, and heads of h.intable orcnni7ntions va there are more than l."()0 need residents of the iltv. ihfri. -v 1 1 i. i Phllade'phli Km mal.e 1 sMI ril Treasurer. nntiiil Mi ellngs OSS" T1IK M M. Mr.L.iict ur inr. -' stoiVho lr-t ..f .uli lirotn. r Com oany will bo hi d luevlij. Jul; M, it 10 5 it at the ffc. ul the lVnnstlwnt A;iT.;.. t r lnsu-un -s on l.l.s ind Grant- li Vr,nllllieS 317 (.he.ttiut st L D June 2S. 121 zir.oi.ru Secretary. ProposiN OTH F 01 'AM. 01' S13.000 1IOIS oukIi of IlurAey tcdnrs Oirnii Countj, 0 iter c-nt. naier -viim" immiu-. Realed prop. -..lis l.l is iL.eh.l for the ourchase of fifteen Thou-in.l Doinrs of (1 J ceSt ater Supply 1 ads ,'f the lor ousn of llarv i e lar. c. an County New SSSey ht a ni.etlne .f thi Ilo-.iui.-h Coun cloniirv.y Mr N J to be he d Sit urday eenlmc Jul , at . o M.iik at the Porousfti Clerks olfltc, Hluh IMnt. oc.un fnnntv N J w !: .. .i t.n i v nf tVi itntinniwfit)nn 1 ,,,J """""i us We Hundred DoUar, each to dated ' P rs wa in.MB CROKER'S HOME IN FLORIDA IS RANSACKEDJ3Y THIEVES Private Papers Scattered Over Floor, but None Reported Missing Wet Palm Uoiwli. l'l.i.. .Inn.. ". UetiiriuiiK e-terda from Xirntoca 'piincs wheie he had (sited Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Cioker. J H McDonnld. a pi eminent real estate dealer who lia- h.irje of the Crok r home here, i;ao out the news that t'i. Wigwam, as the residence in Palm Reach I- known. Ilk! been entered soon after the Ciokers arrived from .lielnnd. Knti wns made through a 'eeond stor window nnd a room In which main pi hate impci weie kept was raii'.icked, the contents of many tiled nnd boes hi tnir strewn ovi r the tlooi Mr McDonnld said tlmt uinnj of the papei- would h.ne been Miluahle to al iini't nn. one. but apparenth those who broke into the room did not find what tney wanted, uci.m-o none ot the pu- l'p until now the nllcscil burclarj had been kept timet THEATRICAL COSTUMER DIES Maurice Herrmann Had Provided bonds shun matup and be red., mabi HnijManties for Shakespearean Players paablo on the !lrt du of Julj .f each r ' - Tll... W..r. July Urst A D U'21 and number, d from one to thirti consecutlel.. loih IncluslM will be coupon I ondA b irlni; tnie est t 0 per cent per annum pavable etnl unnu ally, with the privll-t, of reulstry as to principal on.y nrd sna I mn'ur.. and be redeemable and rnab.c aa follows Bond No 1 shall muturo and bo redeem able and piyubl. un tho flrt ila of Jul a D.. II) J.' and thToafter "ne of su. h and every succeeding eur and in the ord-r of their feria' numbers until ull of sill bonds shu 1 have matur d und ittU have been paid Each I I mut 1 in a seald eneIope. marked lid f r ater Supply Bonds ' and be accompanied b n r.rtlM d check drawn on a Natl. nl or htato bink or trust coin psny paja.jl to th. rd. r of the Treasurei ot the Iiorounh .f Hare Cdais N J for two per .-ent of bid Tho bidder must acres to pu ti a rrued Interest up to the time ot del!er The amount necessary to he raised 9 the sum of Flftem Thousind dollars Unless al hi Is a r-Je i I bonds wl 1 be sold to Mdd. rs (omplMnc with trmH of sale and ofrerlne to I .y not loss than the sum of ritt-n Thousand do ' irs ther. -for, and taklnK the litt iirnount of londs Offered for sal rommeni Ihk with the Ilrst maturity and If iwu r in ir ln.Mer.i on -to take the sani.- am unt nf su h bonds then to the 1 idd. r or bid lers offerlnn to pay tterefor the highest uddluoral pr c By order if th I uruutth C uncil of Hir Tey Cedars N J I.Ol IS KKVZIE HorouBh Cl rk Dated High 1'olnt Miv 21 KIJI t'MXLD STATU' llOP'I.NdCOItl'Olt.lTIO.N orrrn.s in sale UMJKlt SP.ALKli HIDi? IB iiorsc in i.idino ru st ini-s IN A MODCr.N i I'MMl -ir' I -"ATLD IN CITY I'P PHll.AHi:i 1'lllA I'A Only 7 rdnuts fr m liuiisporiatlon direct to the heart of the city l.ist ol property 2703 S. lleulah st J72 l 7th st. 2748 S Darlen (Blorn) .7J7 7ih st. 702 Johnston st .'740 S 7th s. 704 Johnston t .71.' s 7-h .. 1207 Johnston st .'741 S 7th st 711 Mollb re I. r'a. e L747 n 7tnst (store) 3710 H Hut.hlnson .'71u .s. th st. 720 Oreson a.e CONSTHt'irh'N Drl-k slate roof, cel lar 0 ro -ns ard biih KQI'II'MKN T - II t ir furnace ectr ltchta, kluh.n .ind laundry. Kas, hn-water beatsr 2 !nundr tras TKIUM' i .sn r Unc-t m pimont T n Mrcentdi ) 1 n l1" of I i nm. u jntni Interest 0 M mthlj pav nt a; pll. .1 lift to Iniurost I ilun . to prtnclinl Si.A! I'D lll'is u 1 r. irr! nt t-e ,.f. flee of 'h. Imtid Mat.s IKuslnB Corr tlon, Hoo'n "is il'n r m v - 'Vih Inston I' i urt I ID V M Uitlnrailit July 7. 1021. T ( k b innai(r.r J f ,r n cr more I u Mitus tr I'll to r ir a I bu r iruis, If lid Jnt nil lies fu 1 pa pp. cash, shoull so s'ite C'eitirl-J check lor B raval le lu tie rd) of th i nl 1 States !i juslm' C.rpirmun mii'l .ilc .npary each bid. I nl'. 1 Si.t.s H uinc u't tlon resrea th rlxht to reject any " an bids In who e or .n tart Kor inslectl n f prjf'tv eall at uffTce of corporati n iarien ur I Jihnnr st.. UNITED STATKSH M'sl3 c iJi:l")R.TCN 11LM 1 ST TK I IVII. .V 131 V ST N W i'is'.rnN n c t rATIOV Spend a healthfu and . i ml i Unatum at PUersamls .in the Delaware nutd' r life with fishing ' Hthuiij aid l ntlnit A ' equipment f irm 1 rmnip. rt .Uun Ly motorboat frie YACHTMHVS 'Unvtf'n AtiBN'i Y 1233 l.eii P.i it fru.t IMk IlISOI CTION Ol PXMM.II'llll Minci; it iti.Hi in un n thai ihi, partnership hereiuiore eltlnj teiw n J. I. Htrehle, Paul II 'Irehlo and 'olnnion Do Wolf, tra 111 i; as J P. sirdilc i c om pany, at 7Jii 7.s m,uh i tr, i pm ali phta. was dl l d I y m i il on nt on June 27 10J1 h th. wlihlrnal of tm- sni i aoloinun Do Wi f as i. memlr of ih . i j partnership Th said J P Strehle and Pail II str u will conllnu. lo utilu t the lusin.'ss utiu.'r the firm name of J P Strehle ( oinpunj , who will pay ull the Indelteriinss of (h n.ill copartnership ami to uhmi al .mounts Uue KHJ copartnership shall be paid j i' Knti hi i pai i ii ii.i'ni r h I "M'i 1)1 w il.P POULTRY AND SUPPLIES tbmMUSmahic New Anrli, June "! Maurice Hei matin, the nuui who i si,i to lme costumed eer Sh ikepi renn tutor tint i.t plined in i w Yorl foi the Inst foit ,ear. died nt hi home at 1 IS 1 Wist Foit eiithth stieet Mondav ninlit of n pnrnltic stroke. Sit-i Mars old when In- died, Ilenmann had ostumed .leffcison. lib hard Mintield. .lames K llnek ctt. Mis. I'i1p, .lolin Drew. William I'lnersh nn M. ude Adituis und nuui otliets Ho opened his tirt theatrical costiiminK tpiirlois on (irnnd iihi, wheie he clid costumes fni Ton I'as tor s famous tlieitre lie wv for fif teen ears at Fourteenth stieet nnd I nioti sciimro. where he kept the piece of gold-spnnjjed tulle that .Rtrcs.i s used to kiss for in-plrntion. It he loli. d in Itflii lllv to U ii hi 1 who wore it .is a Molding Mil on the -tnne. ASBURY PARK CELEBRATING Goldsn Anniversary of Founding Ob served With Honors to Bradley ishiiry P.irU, .Into -"' Asbim l'aik this week does homage to its founder. .1 inn's A. iiiadlet who di.cl June (!. w l.t n exerc is. s m . mmemoi ition cf tin ciM 's fotindiii!: will he held The f.ir nial proiajn t c !'. ti .iiiniwrsut week hesan Inst iMnnur with a liiework dl--plu and .1 t.irmal ball in tin I5i ueh Arc ado. This af'cnoon a heroic statue of Founder Iirndl. will hi hum iled in At lantic S.piiri at the tout of Siimsi t I.nki looking i nt on ln oci.m 'I ,, si r it e will l i i id follow in j a m ,ide of i i ic lio.lii ni d -i hool rh'ldri n whu li w'll smiiI hi tie tiaiisf.innntioii of .s ur I'.i k "' i n d'solnte uic i of sand and -ctun i n to a modern Its. IN sHltMil I Si tr-.r lAMt s III . ill J. Ml MOID M k t n ! Y m:Tiis Oeorue A Ilatimnnn (nco Price). rnnijivicK st Relatives nf nr.t-. v and friends, also Sller Crescetrt Council 1) of t.. . Indies' Auxiliary of tho Stern .Price Post American l.CKlon are lnflted to nttend funeral. Wed,, 1(1 A M preclsel). parlors of Jlorrls Itosen bers's fon, 2non N. Ilroad st. Int rrlvate, Mt Nlnai rem Hemalns may be lewed Tues . S to 10 P. M HOD At her Into rnslclnnce, 2St(1 lllrh n fumd-n J June 27 81'SIR A.. wife of Jihn T Uosd H'lntUps and friends nre lnil! to attend fiincral services TI urs 2 1(1 P M preciselj nt the DiMd 11 s(hijlpr HMr , Ilroad and Diamond sts Int pruair t AMP June 2ft Pi:Tl.Tl. husband of Into Ainu Camp. ls.itifinl services Thurs , 2 30 P M at his on s resld nco 25 Jefferson st Int Mulitri so Cm friends call Wed I'AHI.IV Tune 2(1, WIT.l.IAM, husband rt tho late Sidle V Cnriln (nee Snjder) ItolatKes wd Irl nils (loth'c I.ivIitp, Na fill 1' and A M nnd WnshlnKton Cimp. ,Hirt P O S cf Ai are liiMlnl to services, n urs i P 1 at his late residence, 511S .N Uater st Int. Oakland t'em I'rlends ma call Ned . after n P. M CIMlIv In Oermantown. June 28. MAUI A 11. wife of llenliimln (1 riork. of Ml. Ilollj N J htTNlcia lu Dobbins Me ninrlil Chapel Ml. Andrew e Durlnl Urnunds Ml Holl N. J , Ihurs J 1 M sun. I nd tune DAIl.UY - Jure- 2s 1021 CATIinillNj: M li .ve.l wlf of Dnllis l'all cnreTarr) llilatives and friends inite.1 lo funeral l'rl .lav s jo A M late residence Hn.lS N I'r. nt st Ho in n reoul. in tnnn Visitation Church 1 i A M Inti taunt IIolv .sepulchre Cein ters D.WIY Juno 27. CAIIIMK wife of John Dnvev (n-e Thless) Itelatlves nnd friends tnlte.l lo funeral services Hat . 3 P M residence 1J1 Lewis ave., I: I.nnadowna Pa. Int I'ernwuo.l e'em. I rlends mai call Frl . nfter s p .M DOl'UHKItTY-On June 25. KDWAUD late of .'' N tblo st l'uneral on Thursday mrrnlnB at 7 3" from 13.1 Cherry st Illah mass St upustlne s Church l A M Int. Holy Cross KAbTW It K Juno 2 i:i,UV I CWI3. he. Inveil wife i.f 1 Mi 13 l.aetwlek (nee Dnbe' Lower) He itlv.s and frl. nils Invited to funeral rcrvlces Prl 2 P M . reslilenri. rJ7 Crovvsorj si (lerimntown Int pri vate. Trlenls may call lhurs. after 8 I. M. mniMAN lure 27 I'MID v ife of the Into Isrnel L, I'uhrmen iir. d 77 Ilelallvea nnd frloals aro Invite.l tt att nd funeral servlcos, Wed J P It precisely, it her ,ate residence 131 Pin. st. Int. private. Mt HlntU cjr.t.l.i:NTHIN At Paulsboro N J., on Juno 20 K.VYMOND r an of Albert It and M.iccle (lellenthln aged i months 21 days Service- on Wedienlnv at I P M., at parenta- residence f.iis h Commerce St., Paulsboro. X. J. Interim lit Wenomh Come- tCllritlIAUT June .; I'cjl SfSAN (1KII HAltT l'uneral s rvii. sut io A M . at he- lite resl.lerc 1310 I: II itnca st Ok ie iltf nc n Int llllit w n Pi OlinWIO. At Us Aneles Calif July 11 ll'-'I II. A , son of the ute b John and Caroline L OerwlK. lllSSillL'lttl Jun- .'7 lli.'l MOitniH husbind of Murv illpsl uri. Itel-it ves nnd friend Invliixl to funern Wed it 3 P. M from realtime, 25U0 I v unrflelcl st. Int liar N.ho OI.ASS (in Ji-ne 21 lti21. IinPHRT C.I.ys Serlce,s on Thllrs1a art 'moon nt 1 V) c'cloclt. nl his li'e r'sii. nr. 1127 Jirome t Interment at K.rnwool Ccme lerv l"Vlends may call We.lnesdav eve, i.l.fN'N June .'c 1 Jt M HOI.AS T lusbcnl of the Int. M.rv ! enn HIa tv.se end frltids nls. vtivn Mens Soclctv, A O II aiul all oriro s.tnns of which he wis a m-mb. r. nro time I to ntten 1 tu rn ril 'Ihuic 7 lo A M 'rom his late rest.l 11 I'i.'.I s Ilroad "t s mn r.-cjulem it ifs it 1 h 11 eh of Annunoi .ii tn ) A M Irt IIolv i tosh Cem OiiRDoV on the 20th of June 1021 AN DlthW iiC'llDDN Helaiive. amr friends aro Invited li attend filter il n A .M Ihurslaj fn in tho resi.l. n uf his sister! Mrs Ni 1 A C .fley J7S7 l.mitK 11 t. Hol emn r quicm mass bt (iLnitnn Church at 10 V Al Inuriirom at Ho.y cross Cem- ",1 THRIt-" lune 2S CI 1AIW'TH wife f sprv c.u hri. acod 2s Fm iH s. rvi.es Pr . 10 A Al at rt-lilenc. IM" itriin I lrt Mt .rnuii Ciiti, 1 n. 11 Is mil call Thurs s ,0 111 ! j HMIDIV Or Alondiy ofunwr Tune 27 11 ISO oe.o. li the U JOHN H HAIIDI.N j Hector of ht Mirk 1. "plscnral ihunh rrankf rd .Mineral from the Church on Weineeday afternoon Juno 2U. at "1 Mik l.iv i.rt savlru.- t 11 liri.HLINO - June 27 WILLIAM, hus hanl f L ithartne ltelbllnK (nn H.irronl Helctlv s urd friends also directors of l.nni H A I. Assnelut on ire Invited to itt.nl funeral Thurs.. 7 JO A M . from ..on n law s r. slil nre Piank Deil -1721 Worth si Pr.inn.i'i r I H h mass nt the 1 till h f th Ai list, n, 'i A A! Int Holy miu hr c . m 111 HIIDN sud len v June 2" TDWARD T husLatul of Anna Herrcn (neo AlelUnine) and s n if the lite Th inns an 1 Annie Iltr roif He tints and friends are invlteil to funeral Thurs vJO A Al late residence 2"10 1. Aladls. n i-t Solemn r-MUlem mass Church of th. Ascension 10 A AI Int. Ntvv Oath dr U c m HP IOIAN June .'s of diphtheria SAMl hi 1 son 1 f Pr Th mis 1: and Ll li. I' ei III. .(.man n his 7 h e.ir. Re,.l dence 171s Welsh read Iiut!olon. Phlu No funera' HINE.s Jute "-, ja:h J rushnnl if f Tti 11 ti JJ In. s (i J.c 1 In., jin it a. Mv.- unl fr nl. 1111 -t Philips Hi ly Ni-n ,1 tv nnd Dl No .1) A O II ir. invitej to at' ml fuiieiil Tliurs s .10 Al f-um lite resl leneei. 121 dtnarlne st - et 11 m us c-f rjiiul.m St Philip d Chjfch JC V M lilt Ho v (.roes Ceii Hi I'T( N On June J7 11)21 MAttlAV I'lolll N( E widow .f Ioeth I'r.derlc Hous ton funeral an I Int. rrn.nf pr vate, Hl'NN Jun. . EDWAHDW r Ht'N'N In his Jlih v.ur son of E-cki'l Murn se-. 'ce .11 the r si. lei e ot W H llunn AI .r 1 11 I 1 Thutsd.v .1 P AI Interment ir'v . . s iui . I-.I.I in' 1 n vnr J 1 - 11 n . 1 . Un in-i f r f s) .iui I-1 Hi liiiv h 11 ) , i. I t 'une-a! rri s 1 . a AI If. Ill st Prrf 0 ir 1, M st i f r 1 j 1' th. 1 a 1- U In It Ihi c resi . n MWKY 1 n Jjr. .'s 1 i21 IIAUItlin f lii.ii iiilth i ' ll.nr' s ! n v .. ' s.' jeirs s r s Prilt ufi.r k fr "i 1 ,r - . f ijHr 4 I S' .. It - -i n' 1 r iut V M I ANi ll UVU-rltTY 111 til. H 1 11. ik Hosi...e U 1 from It. h.iie In Watonvlll- A I A 1 "ll'rn Jt the nouse rc.atu.s u' l'vitel without j- i - r mco 1 I't I Al Of diihth'rla. Tin- 27 tc 11 l-i s. wjf, j,.. . j 1.. tail and 'iu.-lin of Aun-ii .1 ir M" Taui btahl. li ' 1 1 1 e 1'ei n. .o-l dm I.FVZINrjKn 1 t l"ci V 22d at on Un. .7 l'UI EMM l a I it . lit Chris 1 i ard frlendi are Irv 1 'I r jr- 1 1 afternn 1 " v r II Mali H ' lit 1 m r t at N r" w W 't ;i . ventn I Mis Y ('1 I I vv f of t) o luu 11 ir .11 1 f- iis are in v. In. s o aft rr 'I it H Hair 1 . . Itti. rment tirlvaie M I LI.S'si'N w li v 1 f c r jMiti 1 t ve- an 1 friends he w us 1 inemb. r neri.I Wei L' I .1. n . 31 Ml N c hurca of St tlKATItsS Solemn hlih miss at A. Al. Int at Tl . h I, lllll private. Oil TOtins Towns j. 1. f 11 1 1 r ft . t. ' I M M 1. 1 r 1 I .1- . I. in Jun .7 I bu-el runs 10 I'r 1 li 11 iubI 1 r of I'r derlcK 1 ni iM-r Itelatlves it tie serv e un 1' J ,1 e oe( at the Is. 1 c hi stntit st I 1 im n 1 v V lewlni; .1 liJl I In l-av t th lsjo iWN'IH At . It Utlves m rvlee on n t at the 1. li. stnut st. n- 27 rriimt a . M nson a- 171 llela. ir I a ui mi ul n hlc h i 'nvltf 1 to attend fu- M froM In r lute roil- Alirn.n st S. rvle. s In the J nn 1 the Less 2 10 P AI Int ndjclninif urojr. 1 IUmains may be c I. v, . .1 T... h e. MArnn.s 1 c V w Idow c t Havifird n. 1 f jner il TI j.ri' 1 h jti h of tt I.. mi rment r"ivr i Nnrrls l Icth'a Church 10 Cntheilrnl Cem I'AHADIHi;. June 2S. ItAN'ilHAII H . vvlfn of tho late Honjamln Pntndlse Ilela llvea and friends Aro Invited lo attend fu neral lhtirs . 8 30 A Al . from resldtnco ot her son In law. John It AtcClatehy. Mellon Pa Solemn reqalcr- mass nt Bt, Atatthins' Church 10 A. AI Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. PEACOCK. Juno 27. JOANNA T.. widow of William D Tencock l'uneral service Thurs . 3 '. .M . late resincnco. mi renn st . Camden, N J Int. private. PHILI.il" At tin. resinence ni 111s son-In-law Thomas 1 ooper McCnhnn, nana Over I rook ave . en Jure 20. 11)21. JOHN V , husband cf Alary E Phillips nlallvea n.nd f 1 lends are Invited to the senlco on Thurs day nf'ernoon at 2 u'eUck nt the Olivet II. lfilr nidy , Io20 Chestnut st Int. nt Alt. PoSsHLT1 June 28. 1021 KAtANUtll, A rOSSHLT niied 02 nelntlvea and friends are Invited to attend services nt his late residence 2tr2 N 21st st. rri.. 2 P AI precisely. Int (Ireenmount Cem Friends mav call Thurs. 7 to I) P AI. qUlCKKL. On June 20. FRKD 11 QUICKHL l'uneral on Tiiesclay, at 2 110 1 AI . at Dover. York Countv, Pa. rtlTTOBHB hev, JOHN II. on June 27, husband of Tldlth Z Hlttitera. In his S8th car Itelatlves and friends, members of tho riret llnptlst Church, also Trimble Iidire. r nnd A AI of Camden. N J . are Invited to services, on Thursday, nt 2 P AI , late residence 321 Penn at., Cam den N J Interment private nOltll June 211 WILLIAM J husband of the Into llllzabeth Hobb Tuneral Thurs day 2 P M late residence, 1214 8. 29ih et Interment Alt Atorlnh Cemetery, Trlend mm rill Wednesda) evenlnit If'TI.KDOn auddenlv, Juno 27. W I, I IA.M AI husband of Catharlno C. nutledue (nee Henry). Helntlves and friends, also r of A No 273 Invited to funeral, Thurs 8 1(1 A AI from his late residence, 214 Haldwln st Atnnajunk. HlKh mass at fit Mnrvs Church 10 A AI Int. Westminster l's' HAr.rFKIt Suddenly June 27. noi) PUT II SCIIAHrFEfl aued 2S Funeral services private, lit residence of his brother "n law Wllsou C Wamptvle. 23IH1 N. Wood stock st Thurs., 2 P AI precisely. Int Alt Peace Cem SIIKA .tuna 2S. WII.I.IAAI T,. husband of Jessie 11 Shea Itelatlves and friends Invited to funeral Frl . 8 30 AM . from res donee .1115 Onlnor road, Wynnefleld Solemn mass of rvoulcm nt SI OrcKory's Church in A At Int Private. s-HI-.HIDaN June 27. 1021. JOHN SHKHIDAN Itelatlves and friends Invited t . funoral Thurs. 8 10 A AI.. from the risldenro of his brolher-ln law. John Me Khrnin 2012 V Cumberland at Solemn tioulem mass nt St. Ann's Church 10 A Al Int ttolv Cross Cem SK1LTON In Trineo, AInrch 10. 1010 Corporal TDWIN At SKILTON. In tho 2(lth vear of his ase The rdatlves and friends of the famllv also John r Dellaven Post Nn 1211 Amerlcin Lcirlon nro rispectfulli ' Invited to attend th- funeral from his father's residence Ilarren Hill, Pa , Thurs I at ! P Al Int In Cold Point Com. pi oaN June si orionon. husband of Jnsophlno Sloan (nee Mo.ney) and son of I William and late Alary SJc. in (nee Hldor) Itelatlves nnd frlnds Invited to funernl Thurs 2 P At. from the residence of his father William Sloan. 2113 OUvo st Int 1 nt Greenwood C?m. SN'YDKIl June 27. CI -AH A II widow of j .v.evnn.ier j. Snider nnd diiiBhter of th. late Adolrh B and Aliry i: Hoffman Ileln lives and friends Invited to f uner ll services. Ihurs. 2 30 P. Al.. at residence of brother Inlaw Sum el C Aloffett. 1(110 AllenRrove st . Frnnkford Int private. Hemalns may be .lew ed Wed eve MTWA1V1 June 25, JOHN L., husband of Sarah Stewart (neo Lnch) Itelatlves nnd frl nds Perkins Idite 102 I", nnd A Al Snulhwestern Assembly, A O. of AI. T.. Postal 1 lerks' Hen Ass'n. Central Uranch Y M C A Invited to funeral. Thurs.. 2 p M res isnu Cedar av. Int. Alt. Morlah l'rl'. nds c ill Wed eve. f-ril Vl'ss June J7 nt Atlantic City. N J 1 1 tl iu-ul 74 hu'bind of the late Pirstt st, iuss and father of .Minnie Hahlo mil s ,11, Divls Itelatlves nnd friends ur-" irvltel t ntt.nd funeral services Thurs in 311 M preelsol nt the parlors of Alor rls Hoserlvrc s Son 200(1 N Ilroad Bt. In trrmem Mt "sinui Cemcteo Tl.itlt Jun. -. Hl'SSIILL K . son of Dr U 13 nnd Anna Kilmer Torn aired 21 Hela'iv.s ind friends nro Invited to attend funernl l'rl 2 P AI (davltuht-snvlnir time) from his parents residence 2S30 Welsh rd. Hi itneshuiK Phila Int Wm Penn Cem Ilc.dv ntiiv In viewed Thurs ev' .. THOMAS On June 2R 1021 CHAHLHS HIJHMdV THOMAS AI D Service on Thuts.ljv afternoon at 3 o clock at his residence. 3)134 Chestnut st. Internrent pri vate Please . mlt flowers riLNiK - At her residence 1011 IlnrlnB st. June 2S JANE L Al widow of Albion K P. Trnsk Funeral servlcos. Thurs 3 p M at the hhurtielf Funeral Apartments 3!l.') .Mark, t st. Int West Laural Hill Cem rilXLTZ June 27 WII.I.IAAI J. son of William I' and the late Catharine. Tiuutz in... White) aEed 10 Helntlves and friends are invited tc attend funeral servlcos Wed . 2 P M . parents resilience 230.1 t edar st fnt private Oakland Cem I'.M'-TnAD June 2S WILLIAAI S hus bnnii of I illle Ala.k. v I'mstcail Helatlves and friends also Twentieth Street Methodist Episcopal Church and Sunday prenkfast Association are Invite,; to attend ure-rni h. rvl.es Prlil iv 2 30 P AI 1431 N 10th i-t I'rlends mis e.ill Thuc-da cvenlnvr. I'N'DEHDltW N At Haili olllleld N J, ,.i?'...i miimiJA N I'NDEHDOWN. juiiu -" ;... ,... 11-1111... .....i (--iivfi. c UUKIlier Ol Mie lew .......... "" - beth T Underdown. Funeral IScd. J 30 I M Ht" residence. lis W Park ave. Hadrtonfleld N. J. llmds may call Tues . 7 VU.IAhM'i: - June 27 I1DWIV AI hus. bind of MarK.irtt V.illeite Helntlves and friinds also veteran cmplnves of P It H are Invite.l to attend funeril Thursda ft 10 M 171" N Allison et Sob mn reiiuiem fimh mass st (iriNcir's Church 10 A AI Inieimel I H U c'r. i-H ( emet. rv w"i.! IN-1'.THN June 20 ANNA H wife of I'll ward F Wnlllntiton Helntlves and friends nre Invited to attend funeril iervlces Thurs 3 T AI nt her husband s residence .1101 Upland st Int private Friend mnv call Wed s to 10 P MT. ,..,. WKIIHHF.IN June 27 Jl'LIA W rilll lU'.IN (nee N...c!ln).-i widow of I-on W hr beln S-. rvlccs Thurs 2 P At rmlil.m . f k n tn law tnmuel H Thompson 174 1 .V list st lm trvite ,,,. WKII.D Jun. 20 1021 WILLI M Wlll.D ne 1 71 f irm-rlv of 1.044 I'siue ive' lu- n tire of fun-ral vvlll 1") Klveii WIM-.I.ANDMI Jun. 2s MEYEH. hus hanl f th. Int. H.nrlctti ;Vlnelandcr in ., ..u ... Ti..tnitvMv nnd fronds ir inTuei to att. nd funernl. Thurs. 2.10 M lute 1. sld nee 102S N Frnnklln st Mt sniHl 1 . in Klndlv omit nowers Wc.FK June .-s AIAROCEHT E vvlfe of cj . rue Al Wo fe Itelatlves and friends are nvlt'd to attend tuneriil. 1 rlday 2 p M from the reshlenee of her son 2s len't ivi H old n Helen's N I Intermert prlv ii Harlel.-h I'emeterj I rlends mav cil Thirslnv ivmlnit ttAmr. Wi oliWinn June 2S Dr CHAHLr P y. 11 arr Funeral services fiom heme 1 1 Mrs Alary Southard Chesterfield N J Vhurs June 10 11 A AI . standarl nm. In' Jai ohslown N J Will. Ill' Jun 27 KATL. wife of the 1,.. Viel.sH W'Uht un. 1 75 Holatlv.s nil frier Is lnvl'e.1 to funeral services Ttu" it 2 P M at her late residence 1. ii 1 iui st Friukford Int East Cedar lfl ' m $ COOKS an( &j COLORADO, YELLOW STONE PARK, CALIFORNIA,, PACIFIC NORTHWEST, CANADIAN ROCKIES. We are offering an unusually attractive limited tour starting from New York July 5th, returning August 14th. The very best accommodations on railroads, hotels, etc. Most interesting pro gram. Apply at once. Other tours INDEPENDENT and ESCORTED to EUROPE, SOUTH AMERICA, JAPAN, CHINA, AROUND THE WORLD. Steamship Tickets by All Lines Cook's Traveler's Cheques Good Everywhere THOS. COOK & SON 225 South Broad St. (below Walnut Street), Philadelphia Telephone, Walnut 0300 and 2032 st I'.MimiiP xciTiriw ITKAMBllll NOTICT.sl SEA G ER L I N E PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm, Helsingfors and Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS USSB SS "ASABETH" About July 2 AT SHIPPING BOARD RATES Tit re nth mils nf Lnrtlnc Issued tn nil Norwrclan. D inlsli Mid nvredlsli rortsj Direct selllmrs for nil SinndlnnTlnn and Ilnttle Ports ns rnrirn offtn, SEAGER STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO., Phila, Agents Lombard 5176-7 308 Chestnut Street Main 676i r EA PAt L 1 N E Incorporated 1801 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer Regular Freight Service SS "COQUINA" to HAVANA ..July 20 (ArrantemeiH bars been mall for anlrk rUacnitxe. of tarto at lUvaaaJ jror Hpafa nnu nates Apply EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agent Bullitt Dnlldinsr, Phila. Pa, Lnmhnrd S!0O-B201CZO:-S20S Matn Kal wjMil J v3Ma&s3b&& c 3jf TOIIIW . TOItM - SIiSSEPIifiilii ' H PACIFIC NORTHWEST ALASKA Vacation tours of six to eight weeks. Including the Canadian Rockies, Rainier Park, Glacier Park, Yellow- stone Park, Zion Canyon, California, the Yukon, Klondike! June 29, and through July and Augml Colorado, California, The Southwest Frequent tours through the summer. ROUND THE WOPvLD Raymond -Whitcomb tours of limited membership leave every month from September to January Eastbound and Westbound. They visit the Holy Land, India, Burma, Japan and China and other picturesque Oriental lands! EUROPE Summer and autumn tours to England, France, Holland Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and Spain. Carefully chosen itineraries with many automobile excursions and side trips. Other tours to Japan-China and South America Send for booklet desired RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 1338 Walnut Street Philadelphia Tel. Filbert 3864 fcan a mn in if 'VMiwtbamatMiTJU&ssaaMm UsT I -a-h. IMna TMJC faJ'UUAK tOtTS li!!i!llll- u im inn inn mill! to Boston Splendid Steamers. Splendid Service. Enjoy the orchestra. Large comfortable Staterooms. Lv. Fatltsn St. Pier 14 N.R. D.JO P.M. Daily Including Sundays Now Bodford Lino Now London Lino iw.j'ier 10 N-.u Hous ton St , n 30 1' M I'lor 70 U.n.22d St. (100 I'M. Dly. Except Sundays l.y. Tier 40 N. it. lA-.I'lar40 N. It. Hous ton at., 0 00 P.M. All Scehdulea Dayllcht Savin? Time Irformnllon end lld.rte nt 1!U1 nml 1.")9 riiestnnt st Fast Palatial Passonger Steamships of 21,000 tons to APANX141NA AND r rom beanie to Wong Kong vig Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila ALSO niEIGIIT SEIIVICES Seattle to Far East Fortnightly. New York to tlie Orient via Panama Freouentlr New YorU to Ilrlllsh Indlnn Torts Monthlj. For 1'iu-llenlsrs of I'assuge or IVelKlu Apply to Company's Ofdces. Murlllmr Ilulldlne, 8-10 llrldce St.. New nrk Kailivuy Excuunce CUIoaxo. CoIsiau DulIdlnK. Seattle I' In- 3P , JF. jfttf5 fA Anopportunlty for an unusual vaca tion In the near Ea&t.cruislnc amonc thcGrecliin Islands to theDiirdunellcs, DospHorus and The Golden Horn, with the added Interest ofn visit to picturesque Naples by the Fast Mall Steamer P cr o GUL DJERAAL ( 14,000 tons displacement ) Carrying U. S. Mall Saltlne from New York JULY 16th, 1921 lfct rnViln ftfVl nnrl tin For rates and information apply to Ottoman-America Lino GEYKLIN ft CO., 108 South 4th St.. Phila. IDEAL VACATION TOURS From 10 days to 5 months duration A wide selection to meet all re quirements. No matter how much or how llttlo tho timo or money thatyou plantoinvestinyoursum mer holidays, you will find that we offer something that will suit you. The following Short Tours The Saguenay 10 days Bermuda 10 days Land of Evangeline 12 days National Parks 14 days Tho Caribbean 23 days Longer Tours and Cruises Alaska National Parks The Mediterranean Taoan-Chlna T! MIIII' NOTIC KB n Juno 'J7 l'l-'l M Via I h irVs 11 M ilthev t n ' - i- 1 lr nn !i Inv ! 1 l, Jl II .Hi HI 11 O ill) .... in, r 1U..II iliiwr. 1' i n -i'i i . i i ii i i if m Is il In nil Ilia .-un Dcntiis TiATTIV -P I I I V i n n ' fr enis c I ufti-r !'n'e I Ir t i niate ll 'il h I tr o' i I ii n It i i'i I ' ri Jl ( It 1' r. I H Vl MANN J ir I ii ! li 1 i I'Ut 1 t M V E 1 tiln ftnailvfs r 1 1 sir InS I n k ii 1 1 r lat'j i ia' rd l'a MAMII IN ' , 1 1 n 11! 1 K. fui ernl '1 i- cvuln 1 il a i i ur h i cm Mir AT - of Unl ' tins irrl I' nernl s, rvln -i At II m V S S V ( h in I 7 in A .ii h M f - t AK"1 I1" I H IP.IN'L MA i i In invitt' I t M l ur in s nf fi llini ma-" Int 11 i ir .( r..si' Int ' V. I Mi I bin I j f I An i; vi I i ' it j i -A V l i.i n v in n r Hi r n fun- 1!7 KATB nife I r H"ih vuar He i Irv 'el ti attend fi .' J' Jl at tier Hi' I'll 'lc I errv t I'ranl f r I ii 1 in He nins in i bu vi. w. 1 I' 1' M I- Inn I M I 1 1. I I lit. V , -rv fr i K lv i nr I i- I M i MnJInnin if ' u In. n I 1.. Iii'Im. a and Inert i- i 'Jt . 'I urs 10 M I' l(i" 1 i list ..il s' S Dixie Steamship Lines Now londing for PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW l. . S II. S. -J. OPELIKA I peiti-il tu iill Inlv 7th 1 c OM'Kltl.NCr ItATKS Hairiss, Magill & Co., Inc. 42.") Lafnettc lidfr., I'hilndclpliin I iiiiiliuril nS-'O-l Main 7S30 If IIS I H w is at I'urli It i hurir I It 1 J U It 'll j r r n I r k vthi uis'i: v n if no w 1 I . r H ir Invlfd Wei 8PM 11. S S 11 ' Il t Mi' '- V I '. HIKDIK vilfu ot ll I i iviMir ' ' It Is 1 !l. 1 i'7 KM II T nl. wl' . t M i m 1 frli i It Inv t M frrm I. r In' i .tt It v " it t .n J rl i It t ui in'ikf iittn Mid k J ii .'7 i:i.inFTif im Mr I iii re It 1 1 il w i rtl m Th ii h 1 Ml Uni 11 iiikl tun .17 A nl il . I a FARM AND GARDEN OUR WEEKLY SPECIAL Beautiful Barred 11 mouth Hocks, Khode Island llcelt und White Lop hornH, strontf, healthy and woll started. runKini: from I to '1 weeks 6ld. nt reduced day-old prices. Come i mJ BiiV llliUf ktlirflv littlli If.llfVU'M. ! ' fiJiriirl Pnnifrv Knrms sua vr"". . ;'""-' """ UJirrusl iiaivuvrv.in nn viu 3MB Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kills Rose Bugs Mi lroslmi Miei vour riiKis It Is the Mill 1,1111 k i il iff.rtiw wiv tn kill li IK ii 1 il t v i in-. . I v it i I oiiis mil uth.r " ivv. rs i irl n I. r'y li-.'r"V Uuir li mi) Mflropln, Is r ( liiiifn'l'il t ih Iciflinir i itiioi m in ri -i i it It ui t It i-. i im' .mil 1 U Hill MB ll) ti-. Mli'. I IrmrtlH VV 1 1 1 nut -pot ii I li rril-'i li is i po-uuio ri im il 'nt il.liiiKini umIij Iiurt a ilt until Hit il a in i tfi' i "loin IO ( I'nli tlnltelv mil Ih viiy i . oninn li .il Mi! I liy Ic.ullnir diali ri dal, i , lntlf h'.tl, 1 .' t . !IT, jit , Jl UO lilal inickaK" Sue, r sent poHtpalil on niiiiit nf tjii In Htiiinim ur nuinii' i o pent yu, New Vorlt ii i t -i ic x1 nr ukli I'n I t i nviite It l.i ii W evi I VIVI1 i ;uie J'i TH Ms l.nshind of it IiIh i iitiinrlnn C il i' n IlHa I ui . fr i If iiivU"'I tu f '1 PI urs ' M .i .ii S 7tli st - i i r uiein rris ut .si I 1 war da I'hurcn In A il lr Hi i r'eH ( em Ml I -I It Jr, .e SH v 1 1 ' 1 l I' hu I I ' i. V M shi it ' it v s und I ir ImUel ti iti nil fir rul h r P li 'J ! .M It r ir si I ii i r I I H Mul'i I i in l r full i.irdi n ' lii-niU .il Avt ami Huh St sine I on si i: n Wdhlerl, Nurlinrlll, I'll II in u N irl. ril. A Dreer. Im 711 C lieslnnt SI, rllllilili-llililil Ilrnri 1'. Mlrliell Co, B1H Market St.. 1'lilliiilrlpliiit I. N. Hlmon & Co.. 438 Market fit.. Flills. Uusea Waterrr, 101 8. 7th HI,, l'lilia. II. I II llenrv tl r 'li I t .i' mlnet T Mil I.AKM - Jun f X I vv I I I fr n I 'i ni i r ii i I nri' s M 1 ,r I 1'irU i 1 II Is I VSS- Im I M r.-. i it I ul .in I i i tni it- I r. -I I n t t I I "1 v O N'lll.I J J' I s 7"tn ir It I ,t N 2 - A It yuurti-r st ,j n I i i IT ir 1 t t f I t i ti v nl ' 1 r n m Main III.. .I Mnu: a ' 1 1- I :7 lie h I I . ,tt nil fu I nf utlir .' i' Stj'e rmd .'7 1 i. ni " I ll' I i. ' i i.i I t I I i.r r in i M tut m n s i i'i. J A MI S - I ui 1 i l i I t I s h , I I'i - mil 11 .1 S I 'Ihtir I li it 1 in i "Mill In ft 1 I Is 1 no f I 'I,.,, II llll 1 I I 111- l t Ml IITVKrKS ajjiiiwirr"iiYi -t- "-- - .i.b.ii 10s JsAiJ1 BROAD anb 8 i DIAMOND fl mEmn line NEW YORK HAVRE PARIS in:. li Mpt. I Aiik 4 Atu. il Mm 11 Sept. 10 iik. i'i (let. I Aiib JO Sept. 17 in.- 17 srlt. II I I.IIIIUMM. .lull (1 I It S( I. I"l 7 I A n(I11 JiiI 11 Kill 1IMKI l Jiil SI I nil It MM' .Inlv i. vitw ,lul 37 i m (,o .Inlv HO .Sfpt. 7 Oct Havre Hamburg Danzig M(ilt Jill a Sppt .1 Nov. Now York Vigo Havre ltnl -.-ll.l on lul u t II - - UNOtM.roS, dfiiiTiil Arent 211 -. lMli St.. I'IiIIj. l'linnei I.oc. il Byrne Inn -I MMI ll ATI writ IS hi ui..soKrh cir, .n. indsor AV'o Anur A Kurop I I - I I It I. The llrl's d rentes! I) I. CI I' s liniiseiiient Knterprls IK I S ( II , N. I BERKELEY Isth &. W.sny Ave fipiln- I i .'i'Ii fi nn Ih I rits Idlcwild Jum J lhlh lv l)lrctl nuui UurtiK II 1.1 Ni II 710 il'Kirljn .MliIlllISIlN (ii i:s (.itoM OCEAN AVE. j. HOTEL I etii h A'l ni inlile N Ci oins N iv m;mi,i K 17 Ore in e c miinJKement VI (IN. N. .1 The Princeton I x i t i nt li li i A l ilnn Nhw Jir-ii y MAIIY i: I I1KIJS rr rtinnlnir vvnter mod rut . I1V-1 si 1101 llsm H(.. I'A ""MVIt-IIVI I I'VI lA IIIIINK Tuhlo siiiiril from Otin 1'irin. I Ir-nn t Iful Smnrj nn II' sltklll I'lke. Noriinin lliiiriinin MOl ST I'OCONO, I'A. To California By Ocean From Baltimore Inauguration of Regular Passenger Service Sailings Every ThreeWeeks Commencing July 7 With Pnlnllal American Steamship VENEZUELA 14,000 Displacement Tons Beautiful Cruise Through Panama Canal Calling ot Havana, Nicaragua, Salvador Guatemala, Mexico, Loo Angeles Harbor and San Francisco Rales on application at all Tourist Agents or Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 400 Exchange Place, BALTIMORE 10 Hanover Square, NOW YORK I I j fllllw 'I h.r'- - ii jti ! cms. iTk n ''H.'ib s7S6a M aBEMad aV I' It i w i 50 days 60 days 2 months 3 months n3H2HIIffllEIBHEB22H3eaGfilHHHnEE Your Vacation Wherever you plan to go this summer or for how long we can help you. Ve will give you complete information. We will secure uour rail- road and steamship tick ets. We will make hotel reser vations for you in advance. our new booklet, "Inilepen'lent SiimmiM' Trips," rnntalns anmple Klner.trles and he'pful aurrfrc3tions Raymond & Whitcomb Co. 1338 Walnut Street Philadelphia gBflnsaaaaHgaHCiaaBaHHflnHna STF. VMHO,VT ItlXltlTS .,11 u Inr Haiti mire :iil A ICi stwni'iiK ut I urivvuuil iiruvc rZEV J." ZL Fourth My Excursion INDEPENDENT TOURS Complete travel servico for the independent traveler, steamship ilcketH for all lines, Pullman and hotel reservations. Send for book let, "Summer Vacations." Wherovcr you travel carry those Spendable Everywhere American Express Travelers Cheques. Old Glory ic now on ftfce Seven Seas AMKnicAV siiirs Ann availaiile roit YOUK OCE.VN V0YACII3 I Weto combination J'anicnger and I freight Ship), Fast Luxurious Steamers. I Key number heside shin's name incil. 1 Ctltex oucrator s7inillll finirnm nf nnlumtl AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL DEPARTMENT , M'Mll s, Hriniil SI iviiiiuiniiiii-r'.s, .-Multi 1'luor I'lilnil, 1'lilln. li. (Ilt'll) VVulnut 4C0 jSf lloulocne unci rrnoi'ij I.oniloii Hawthorne Inn Tann.'r?"!n 2. nection with Inn. booklet U M. DKNOLEU To DIRECT SERVICE Danzig Riga Libau Stellin Krnm ' PHILADELPHIA JULY 10 U. S. S. B. "Oronolcc" hAII.IMJM l'ltllM Baltimore July 15 Norfolk New York July 20 July 17 HARRISS, MAGILL & CO., Inc. AsroU I.S-ftsretUi niilK. Urn. H8tO.li Malp 78t0 l"rnm Neil ork July 12 Aiuunt 1U Sciitcmbor 20 Old North tt ito llRii) Auitust .' Si picintier i I'lnliandlo State MJ'i) Itrt-iiiiii und Ilintic rruiii Neiv Vnrlc Julv in AukuhI 30 ilLdson (150). Inly L!l heptember 7 Sueauerianns tl.wi July 2R HeptemUr 14 October 20 Potnmne HID) Nupli'i "iui (iiii'ii JYnin Neiv Vorlt June SO Aujuot 13 September 21 Poc hontns (HO) 11 mouth, Clirrlinuri; nml Ilrrmen rniin Vevv York Ju .l Au,iim JJ Aut'iiat 21 Septem ber 28 America (100). Jul no Auuust 27 September 24 rienrte Washlnirton (1(19) SOUTH AltKHirA It lo ilo Janeiro, Montevideo anil Iluenos Aires TAIl KwVST Ilennlnlii. VnUnliiimu, Ilolie, fitltinclllll. Ma- sillii . Ilnnelinni: I'riiiii snn rrunrlsoo July 23 i:niilru Hlnte (103). Aunust II Oolden Htate (103). Voknhurui, Kobe. MmiiKlial, llonskonf, Mn. nil i Trom Seattle July 0 Silver &tiito (100). July 30 Wenatrhee (10(1). I. I'llM.iriMM'.H. 1WST INDIA lljnll , MalKoii, blnsapore. Co ll vw.v lloiioltilii. lomliii, Ciiliuttii I'tom nn rrnnelseo Julj 14 Omnlto btile iltlS) August 13 trccilo State (105). 01 Miinxnn Strnmlilp Line (17 Wa'l Btreet. N. Y Tel IlowlInK Qrcen 3210 103 I'urlllc .Mall h, H. Co, 10 Hanover 8q , N. Y. Tel Howllne Oreen 4H30. 1121 Market Ht San Trunclsco. Calif, 10U Hie Admiral I.lue 17 htu u htrtet, N. Y. Tel Iiuii Unit flrein nilll U C fcniltli llldi butittle, Wash, liu U. tv. Mall S. M. Lu., Inc. 4b HrciiuiHiiy, N V lei Wlmuliall 1200 rnr lliltlinoro sloitplnsr at lorevvood Oron on Chenapenkn ,t n lavvnr (anal r turnlnj fnm I.onvvood Qrov 1 up lioit air vim 1 nm samo cvenln-.' 't'il" eave l'hlls ihi isht lavlnK time) S oci I M hi. urliin I.iirivvnod Orovo Jl it 1 f.ir- to 1UT Umor $1 10. round trip U '0 II lutltul renerv, dellehtful (liy s OLtint Sliarain I asi throtmh tivo lorks Best Water Trip Out of PhUa. rrii-.flii T.lne. I'lrr 3. Sn. IMmvnre Arr. ERICSSON LINE &t DAY BOAT FOIi BALTIMOKi: o'clock In tho mornlnn, daylleht rsvli lime biglnnliis Thursday, June ltlth. EtiT Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Kr. II CO to llaltlmore. 12.50 round trip Jlon beautiful water rldo out of rhlladIphl. Bend for pamphlet I'l-r 3 P PelsvvaM Ary jw ERICSSON BOAT mi? nAiTiMni?F. On 1 - iO .. 1 tdln fnA I s, one-way larc; oo. luuimnmi ! ..,,. ... W ! ,1 .1 -,.,...1 U llnpitlll lllllV. II IIIJ III ,i 1 .!! Itklit-Mivlni.- time) I ivnre Ave. Si nil fur Pnmiihlet 3 o'lloik Saturilaj (dr from i'lrr j. d. uci- inVMHOVIs STKVMHOVTS f.UllVT I.AKI.s (.HKVT I ViV"- a i y ab iV u m. n -f VOOlOJtfr All information tneernini Cnd luroiiliej on requeit, Cnadin N'wi. ppcn on file. s0 U.S. OHIPPINC HOARD uvsnittgton.UL T&FtEXFyRBr onme L3anEai: id.M.m Why swelter through torrid summer days ? JEMEMBER Lake Superior's tempera ture never rises above 40 degrees and you'll find the five-day trip cool as May on Canadian Pacific Railway clyde-built steam ers from Port McNicoll to Fort William and back. Spotless, roomy cabins the best cuisine wide decks on which to promenade or lux uriate in lazy arm chairs whilo you sip tea and watch the crimson and gold of a lake sunset. Include, if you can, a few extra days for cmp lif nnd trout fiihing a short rido oithur way from Foit William. Lnarn hnwenyy it i to mse this trip b callini! or writmt for Tour L I ' THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R A1LVAY TICKET OFFICE ii ' i I. nun I lij f hMiimr Vut , 0.10 ( h -I" ' "p '""' "iht" ,'"hM' "''ll' ''" "''", SiETi'ili e-f-any r ...ja rr ji t?y. bA: A ' ,