Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 29, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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    " .15 '
7 .'
tetters to the Editor
Atinnt nlrla
- ... vAiier ol the Evening PubUo Ledgers
Jit0.!.. ",.". 11 u-as cnilte possible
,of h .ns man, with nn Incomo of 1B00
f mll .b"n',,51 .. i.V icnnranco of house-
F.JSJFK o h Tv, cpness not
rnir of wro6ut o .-.,"" "."
fR rM;n.o( "h. f.mlly
m, M"0'." ,?:. in An domestic labor. In tne
K?. observation It ta. boo" rather Infre.
- in And ft poor mui no.....w
."c and her daughter playing- tho piano,
f0"'n.? . , mother, brought up In dl.
80 hi. been forced to learn housewifely
' h." ,7.n w rowlmr daughters.
SUme." th. lrl. have taken , the In.tU-
r,r, perhaps wun - -.", .,,
K "."I'.'.t one case m vhlch Pretty mamma
k-.t ''. "? f ;., t.i.htr hustling nt the
t ". nd sewing machlne-thuueh shedding
rn and sewing mv. . Iook(n,
' Mr ..cnr.ihn.;.r married her should draw
Ldworatlve blanks. of
' uctty of domestic servants that la Usually
?! ten. but which Is much more- Impor-
F i.nt that the phase wnicn virtually mrcea
P Slety girl of moderate and small means
t. sociew "'"., -I,..,, housework. In the
&'!??!;. n,.I y nearly every family of any
T.!al pretension at nil kept a servant, ana
fhlre were comparatively few positions open
it tM w,i -,i r.ml labor except In domestic
..rvlce" Tho "hired girl" was sometimes
SSSd a. a member of the family, some-
rte.tlo worK arm """"". lhT; "Viman
J'tbe W.ra "".' "rV"" ." ".iAi.ll
who married ner goi Buu ..... ""j---:
Ti a good housewife, and she was grateful
.' .i.. nnnnriinitv to havo a home of her
V own. howover humble.
h own, .- -otrin vrwi nf Ctrl.
fcr the most Pt. work, behind a counter
W dees up an sons oi,i r i.iZT oh
T obtains a low-grtdo clorlcal position. She
" - . l nf liberty, which she uses
P ..... .hnn the same general kind of
ftroiW ... . th. !lr.. with Just as
' rt pnysicai Birnm "" " "-
r &y. with much greater social and moral
'.,ik. Her knowledge of housework may bo
,..-- u,iih ronsiaeraoio justice.
f , i wage-earner she expects her mother to
relieve ner oi huukhuw -. . -- -Joes
assist in housework It Is necessarily
In a hurried, haphazard way.
In othsr words, tho man who marries her
. ii. tivolw o int neither a good woman
i . a good housewife.
Philadelphia, Juna 24. 1021.
Oddoscs Dayllnht Saving
(Te Ine Editor o tlio ueniio PuMlo I.tdoer:
gr I wish to voice airs. .. iu. iv. ic
. iniks of June 8 In reference to daylight
P ssvlng. As a wlfo of a lottor-carrler. I can
y It is a nuisance, ourinus o w,. ...
. earlier. The working class pays for It by
kornlng b. ond there are lots moro who
would roject the daylight Bavlng If they
,M inlk. H. K. S.
Fhlladelphla, Juno 24. 1021.
Thoughtless Smokors
, r n Editor o tho Evening TuMlo Ledoer:
Slji Now that Utah has a law forbidding
tbiiise of cigarettes, It Is quite likely that
cthtr States will act along this line. This
Iw of Utah forbids smoking In public places
snd Is against the salo, barter, gift or e
change of cigarettes. Pretty tough on the
fellow -who likes his llttlo puff, oh?
Well, tho abvlse of a privilege usually
!! to this, so what can thoy expcctT i
personally do not smoke, but certainly do
like to see a man enjoy his smoko when he
hu the common decency to respect tho feol
Ins of others. In the rnajorlty of cases the
imoker Is selMsh. thinkings only of his o;n
comfort and nevor once of those about him.
Watch nny smoker. If you will. Does ho
heiltate to blow smoke In other pcopl'g
ftces or refrain from smoking when ladies
are about him? When men drop Into a
business office do thoy consider tho men
LeUors to tho Editor should bo as
brlof nnd to the point .as possible,
avoiding anything that would open
a denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. No attention will bo paid to anony
mous lotlers. Karnes and addrcssos
must be signed as an evidence of
good faith, although names will not
e printed If request Is mado that
thoy bo omitted.
The publication of a letter Is not
to bo tnkoji as an Indorsement of Its
vIowb by this paper.
Communications will not bo re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript bo saved.
they aro approaching? Not very often. They
nro ready to puff a cheap cigarette nhother
the man thoy call on smokes or not. Is
this not disgusting when we stop to think
of It?
While we do not want such laws as Utai,
has In Pennsylvania, yet we ought to de
mand upon tho part of the smoker a little
more consideration for those who do not
'smoke. Many a good man has cheapened
t-lmself through his thoughtlessness as a
smoker, nnd this can be usually traced to a
selfish desire upon his part for personal
cemfort. Irrespective of other people's feel
ings. Habits aro habits, but when they
bocomo annoying to others they nre rld'ri
In the carriage of abuao and need nttcntlon,
1". S. KHBN.
Philadelphia, June 22, 1021.
Under-current of Optimism
To the Editor o the Svintno Public Lcdacr!
Sir How long Is It going to bo until work
resumes again at full speed? Why thcs
strikes all over the country, mostly over the
money question? This country Is called tho
land 'of the free and the homo of tho brave.
That Is correct, but why not look after Its
own people In tho proper way?
fjod created men. women and children to
live' happily, but how many do? Tou can't
take your monoy with you when you die. so
If you aro prosperous, why not help out tn-i
Tho well-educated man In this world has
a big lead ovor the uneducated man. but that
doesn't say ho should hold him down. Phila
delphia Is tho "City of Brotherly l.ovo," ann
well dosorvos Kb name. You mostly get a
sCjUaro deal hero, and If somo men ralseu
themsolves from the bottom up to bo big
business men that doesn't signify that ovory
one can do the same.
President Hardlntr Is a good man. but he
could stop nil these arguments over capital
and labor If ho wlshod. If the President
could go around among the people and find
cut how anxious most of them nro to work,
but can't gel anything to do, he would bi
surprised. Put any big men In their posi
tions, they would feel tho samo way townrd
the country.
Tho two greatest nnd fairest men uod over
created. If they were only nllvo Washing
ton and Lincoln you would see a change.
Another man who Is fair nnd squnro. but
never got a squaro deal Eugene Debs has
the right Idea about tho people. Maybo
when they start tho bridge everything will
turn out right. JACK.
rhlladelphln. June 2fl. 1021.
To Place Responsibility
To ttic Editor o the Evening Public Lrdaer:
Sir To Mr. Molllngor lot ma say: I would
suggest that you make an effort to have the
American Federation of Labor make n prop
osition to tho same group of bankers that
President Harding has gotten together to
advance tho $30,000,000 to the Western
farmors. to wit: that If advanced or pro
vided with tho necessary money to build
houses to the extent that Is known to be
medtd and to provldo steady work for at
least one year for outside mechanics, the
mechanics known as erectors will glodl;
accept tho proposM reductions. Can there bo
anything slmplor and placo the responsibility
where It belongs? C. JESS YOUNO.
Philadelphia, June 20. 1021.
Happy Home-Makera
To the Editor of the Evening l'ublic Ledgers
Sir Ono cannot help but pity that "Mar
ried Woman" who wants to work down
town and who hns such i wrong-' view o
housework ntl homemaking. Sho , say
i m '""in cHpuoio man sne coum no
"o one can creato the truo homo at-
" io uui mo wire nerseir, site docs not
understand that tho homemaker fills the
hlghost place In this life.
And why should a business man Intrust
J,?. .J" hl" 'ntcresls when sho' will not ful
!"',,.? Ycry mission thnt Ood created .ind
instituted marriage for? These childless
wives havo no Interest In life oxcept their
own amusement, clothes and admiration.
The single women, the "noedy wlfo" and
widow aro ami.ittn.... M-i.- j
..,wl,,wua vyJ mano uuuu lor
many reasons, and they do.
jjmrr.cu. woman," If your life Is so
ompty and you aro ono of the few to whom
ac" ufeJloi. A""1 children, you can find
real life by taking Into your home a help'
less baby, and In tho rearing of It you will
find moro Interest than any sclenco gives
and more satisfaction than nny work af
fords. The development, day by day, of a
healthy, happy baby s more fascinating
than all the amusements In the world.
..,i 1 1 1.1 A moteii op Timnn.
Philadelphia, June 24, 1021 , ,
Defends Girls Smoking, Etc.
To the Editor of the Evening 1'ubUo Ledgers
Sir Really thero should bo a law against
Jov-ktllor,. Mr. Henry s. Wallace shou,,
be tho first ono arrested. It Is Indeed for
tunate, that all Americans aro not llko "Mr.
H. S W.." for If th.y were wo would
noon lose our reputation for being broad
minded. Perhaps, "Mr. If. R w.." you smoke.
Or, If you don't, you think. It Is perfectly
all right for men to do so. Then why
can't women? Now. really, don't you think
you nre very small for saying otherwise?
Honestly. I sco nothing Indecent In girls'
dress. Kindly bo a little considerate. You
seo. It Is much moro comfortable to wear
a yard of goods than to wear ton yards.
Then, also, you may ask any physician, It
Is moro healthy.
In abort, I must say thnt "Mr. H. 8' W."
should have lived In tho eighteenth century.
If you can't boost, please don't knock.
Philadelphia. Juno 20, 1021.
Thinking Makes It So
To t he Editor of the Evening Public Ledgers
Sir All this tirade agalnit girls' dresn
and girls' habits suggests to thoso not ovll
rrlndcd n. multitude of lmpuro thoughts. So
ciety Is responsible. One Individual cannot
separate himself upon the "bettor-than-thou"
theory. Thoro Is no esoteric group In
socloty which la aloof trom responsibility
for tho so-called provnlcnt evil.
If our girls aro lmmornl or dress lm
modctly why? Has society offered the
reality of which these things are but tho
shadow? If the positive, tho real has not
been prosenled, thon who has been lax or
dilatory the girls or society?
Hut they are not lmmoinl, nor are thoy
Immodest, They nro natural, honest, beau
tiful and good. "There Ii nothing good or
bad, but thinking makes It so " Shakcapearo
but voiced a principle laid down by Jesus
when He said, according to St. Mark: "What
soever things from without entoroth Into n
man cannot defile him all theso
evil things come from within and defile the
Wo are prono to condemn the acts nnd
impugn motlvoa as bused upon our own
Ideas of what these acts would mean wore
wo to commit them. Unleis one can sep
arate the act from the Individual, his de
structive criticism condemns himself. Criti
cism Is wholesome when constructive Rut
that which floods the world with suggestions
of evil Is destructive and vicious. Then let
us seo the good In our girls. It's there and
cannot bo overlooked, save by those who
"having eyes see not." J. S. L.
Philadelphia, Juno 21. 1021.
Questions Answered
-jK.i .1 hi I
Auto Routo to Betzwood
To the Editor of the Evening Piibllo Ledger!
Sir Kindly publish, .If possible, tho road
to JJdtswood, Pa,, by auto.
Philadelphia, Jure 23, 1021. , ,
Oo out Droad street to York road. At
Iffllnra !rt turn tuft in Rtenton avenue.
going to Chestnut Hill, Turn left at -Wheel
I'ump Hotel, pass Bt, josepns tonvcni "
go to Hnrron Hill, to Plymouth Mooting, to
Norrlstown. Cross Schuylkill to Bridgeport
nnd tako the road to Port Kennedy.
American Ambassadors
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir Please give the names of the new
American Ambassadors to England, Trance,
Italy and China. H. W. L.
Philadelphia, June 24, 1021.
Ambassador to Great Britain, Colonel
Ocorgo Harvey; to France. Myron T. Her
rlckj to Italy. Richard Washburn Child,
and to China, Jacob Gould Schurman.
Ten-Cont Piece Design
To the Editor of tho Evening Public Ledgers
Sir What Is th design on tho now ten
jent piece? D. D. tl.
Philadelphia. Juno 21, 1021,
The design on tho ten-cent piece Is not a
squaro and compass, but tho Roman faeces,
which consists of a, bundle of rods, having
imong them nn ax, with tho blado project
ngi borno before Roman magistrates us a
wdge of authority.
An Economical' Tinsmith
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledgers
Sir Under abovo headline. In your Issue
of Juno 15, 1021. Mr. ChnrlCB L. Potts
"I asked a tinsmith to make n cylindrical
vessel to hold JUBt ono cublo foot. It was
to be covered both top and bottom. As the
tinsmith was very economical, what dimen
sions did ho make It so as to uso tho
smallest quantity of tin?"
Upon reading tho above by phone to n
tinsmith, he replied that this Is a caso of
maxima and minima In calculus, whence
tho diameter of tho cylindrical vessel must
bo exactly equal to Its length, making tho
equation: . ,
0.78B4 X square multiplied by X equals
ono cublo foot, whence X equals 1.0838B
feet, from which dimension the end. ana
body surfaces nro roadlly calculated and a
total surface area of 6.03580 square feet
obtained. . .... .
When asked how much more would be
required for Joint laps, ho declined to an
swer because the writer doesn't belong to
tho Tinsmiths' Union. SI-
Philadelphia. June 20. 1021.
Definition of "Hyphenated"
To the Editor of tho Evening Public Ledgers
Sir Please tell mo what Is the meaning
of the word hyphenated as connected with
hyphenated American n. ". ,.i-""m..
Philadelphia. Juno 21, 1021.
A hyphen In writing and printing la the
short lino used to connect two words to
form a compound word: to separate syllables
or nt tha end of the lino to connect the
parta of tho word Recently It has come
Into rather common use with tho word
American, as "hyphenated American." In
printing such words as Oerman-Amerlcan.
Irish-American, otc. the hyphen Is used,
and by uso tho combination of words has
como to moan loosely a citizen of the United
States of German, Irish, etc., birth and
descent. It Is probably, like many other
words, of newspaper origin, and. being ex
pressive, la gradually being adopted with
tho longvago.
To Secure Mortgage Papers
Tn th Vrlltnr- nt the f.'iiiMifun PiiMIr t.rtlnm
Sir Please tell mo the tlmo It generally .
takes to get papers of security for mort
gage holder (first mortgage). What aro '
tho papers I receive? Been told to watt I
five minths, which seems long, and what'
can I do to find out about the matter?
R. lillUWfli
Chestnut Hill, Ta., Juno 24, .1021.
Five months seems unusually long to se
cure papers. There has been nn unusual
amount of work placed In the hands of the
Recorder of .Deeds, and mortgages are. held
up frequently several months In their re
cording. You can do nothing but wnlt.
You might call at the Recorder of Deeds
office, City Hall, nnd see If you can expe
dite the recording of this mortgage.
"8. I.. A." The expression "Right foot
foremost" Is derived from the old Roman
.. ...I .. . t hI.IIh. nmmmetn fnA
superstition iiiai il a hui v. VDD -..-threshold
with tho left foot first It would
be certain to bring iiwuck upon mo nuuo
hold. "W. W. Ii." Tho Union League recep
tion to General U. fl. Ornnt. at the end
of tho Civil War, was held June 24, 18HS.
"C. L. T" It will probably be necessary
for you to bring suit against the party who
Is running tho suit club to compol him to
live up to the terms of his written adver
tisement and contract.
"I J. M " wants to know If there Is a
place In Philadelphia whero tho old penny
song sheets are sold at the present time, or
If there Is any one with a prlvato collection.
Can a reader answer?
'C. C. T " Apply to some stationer who
tises the art work you create, or adver
tise. It.
"C. E. D." Postage stamps nre made at
the Bureau of Engraving nnd Printing,
Poem and Songs Desired
About Famous Hymn
To the Editor nf the Evening Publlo Ledger:
Sir The itanzu quoted by "W. L. C."
beginning "How long, dear Saviour, oh, how
long?" Is the last of a slx-stonra hymn
written by Isaac Watts, first publlshod In
1707. It may be found In most old collec
tions, English and American. The hymn
was one of thoso famous "Scottish Trans
lations and Paraphrase-)" authorized by th
'i "-rnl Assembly of Scotland, published In
1743, nnd so obtnlned a wide use,
Coeur De Lion
To the i:dtor of the Evening 1'ulille Ledger:
Sir I Inrloso hcrowlth the poem recently
requested by one of your readers. It was
written on the occasion of tho entry of the
British Army under General Allcnby and the
American Rod Cross under Dr. Klnley Into
Jcrusal' m In December of 1010.
Philadelphia, Juno 2(1. 1021.
"We hope, by Ood's grnce, to receive
tho Holy City of Jerusalem " Richard
For Headache
I Keep a Tube Handy
I .,.. -..y.-fl.,.,
Relieves Pain.
When you invest in stocks or bonds you demand ample
security for your funds. Your business calls for a constant
investment in valuable goods.
Only the best type of protection means unquestionable secur
ity. You would not take out an insurance policy in a company
whose ability to meet its obligations was doubtful. Your
business investment warrants the best protection available
the truest economy.
It is the consensus of opinion among business men that
"Where There Is Holmes, There Is Safety"
To Public Ledger
Bicycle Contestants
A number of our young friends
who are working hard for a "Black
Beauty" Bicycle have failed to fol
low the instructions carefully, and
this will delay the award of a bicy
cle to them.
The name, street address and the
town or city of the subscriber
should be filled in very carefully on
the coupon and also the name and
full address of the contestant; be
sure to fill in the edition wanted,
daily, Sunday or evening.
Follow these rules so that the deliv
ery of your bicycle can be made just
as quickly as you send us your
thirty-five new subscribers.
Civilization's Greatest
Some Eskimos were brought down to Edmonton, Alberta, on
official business.
They had never before been south of the Arctic Circle.
They had never seen a street, a town, a window, or a vooden
door. A bed, a water tap, and an electric light produced com
pletely new sensations. Street cars were unknown to them; tele
phones unheard of; trains not to be believed even when beheld.
They had never seen an automobile until someone took them
riding in one. They had never set their eyes on an airplane until
someone did his most daring stunts in one to thrill them. They
had never even seen a movie!
But what do you suppose moved them most in the whole bag
of tricks which civilization produced for their amusement and'
amazement ? S
What seemed to them the greatest wonder of all ?
The cold storage plants !
The White Man didn't always have to hunt and fish when he
wanted to eatl
Here was civilization's greatest gift, its greatest benefaction.
This feature of civilization makes it possible for
Swift & Company, in the season of over production, to store a
supply of food for distribution in the season pf scant, or non-production.
Thus we are able to maintain for all a constant supply of
such choice and necessary foods as Premium Milk-fed Chickens,
Brookfield Butter and Brookfield Eggs.
Swift & Company,
U. S. A.
Seven Wholesale Distributing Markets
. Central Office, 9th and Girard Avenue
F. M. Hall, District Manager
Coeur da Lion, 1100.
Wake from thy tlumberlnr, Heart of the
Lion I
Wse from In dream of It, centuries old'
Look yo from Ascalon eastward to Zlon,
Whero In the dawning our banners un
fold l
Ovtr the domes of the Infidel enemy
Blows the nod Cross of the Crusader's
Over the sepulchre, over Qethsemane.
Aye, over Calvary, flowing; with llnhll
Godfrey de Bouillon speeds with tho tidings,
Stirred, too, from dreams of yon holiest
Illeh In his stirrups, the dust of his strid
Inca Stainlnr tho Crescent from Saladln
Nay, royal sire) no mlraco of hope dying,
fruit of the Dead Hm. or figment of sleep!
Hatadln's dead, and his Saracens flying!
uod and Saint Qeurgo o'er Jerusalem
D. L. V." asks for a short poem con
taining the lines!
"In each passing year try to do your part!
Help to fulfill the glorious plan;
for your kindred keep a place In your
Honor Qod and fear no man."
"8. T. S." The line frcm Cray's Blogy."
"Fair science frowned not on his humble
birth." no doubt means that polite learning
did not disdain to form tho acquaintance of
this youth of humble birth.
The Tropin' Fornm will appear dally
In the Krenlng TuMlo IdKrr, nnd also
In the Sunday I'nbllo Lrdxer. Letters
dlsensalnc timely topics will be printed,
ns well na reniiesled Doom., nnd ones,
tlons of general Interest will be answered.
Made by Colgate & Co.
SVi:iNIJHAY. JVSK 20, 1021. Store Opens Dolly t O A. M. Closes nt B I'. SI. M
Tremendously Special for the Fourth!
Advance Models in
Women's $10 Ramie Linene
All in the Popular Long Coat
at $4.75 each
The smartest linene suits of the season,
in every detail material, workmanship
and style. Made with the new finger-tip
length coats, expertly tailored in Tuxedo
and one-button styles, as pictured.
The Tuxedo model shown is designed
with large, deep pockets, trimmed with
buttons and bands of self-material. Four
pointed tabs add distinct style to the bagk
of this coat, which is finished with narrow
The one-button model is cleverly de
signed with three deep tucks on each side
front. This cpat also features narrow belt
and button trimming.
Most extreme values.
$4.50 Regular & Extra-i
size uaoaraine oKirts
Another Fourth of July Special
i at $1.95 s
Just the thing to wear for holiday outings ! Of the finer quality
gabardine, cut good and full, and exceptionally well made. Cleverly
trimmed with novelty pockets and buttons exceptionally good
looking, well-fitting skirt, and wonderfully special. Sizes to 40-inch
waist measure. Two pictured. SneLIenburSS Economy Basement
? w W i il
$4,75(jLi u 54,75
ill ."yJ
I oi
y 111
nA&.89 $1.89 S
Arrived in Time for the Fourth!
A Fine New Lot of
Women's & Misses' $5.00 to $8.50
Checked & Plaid
Gingham Dresses
$2.95, $3.95
and S4.95
rQ 'X T 1 -.fit itrrl
, i f
$3.93 4
ExflP.tlv tVlP rlvossnc rnmn' wnmnn
will choose fnr thon Fnnrr.h nf .Tnlv mitinrrR!
Of pretty, fresh ginghams, designed in a host
of attractive and becoming styles, featuring Peter
Pan collars, vestees of organdie or lace, sashes, and
numbers of other clever touches that go to make
gingham dresses among the most practical and
popular tub frocks made.
Come in and see them the two models pic
tured cannot begin to give any idea of the variety
you will find at these low prices.
4t MsTir Fr-i CT'1OT JT'lTTi
S $1.95
The New Fashionable Guimpe Dresses
Here in Ramie Linene and Wool Jersey
at $4.50, $4.95 and $5.75
Remarkably low prices for these popular dresses, which can be worn with any
blouses, being easy, therefore, to keep freshened in appearance. Finished with tho
fashionable narrow belts good-looking, serviceable dresses
' ;
. .
3NELLENBURJ3S Economy Daucmcnt