Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 28, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 3, Image 3

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, It s hf ' v ' J
0 '
IWoman Says Clothing on Bonos
I c.md Near West ehoster
II Is Not Youth's
Detectives still- at work
Mm Annie M.'Nnmarirt '-'240 St.
,... .,,,-f.f. fnllcd In Identify Hie
i1M . ...i ......n.. .,.. Wrot PIiim.
f.WIrtOil l"'""' " 1 ""' " " .,
i ... .i. .i nf tW r-lchtcen-ycnr-old non
IfranW. wo 'llsappenrc.l nearly tour
The li''"MS skeleton wns found
'cdI b,',n n '00,,c" si,n nml ,,ie
M, of ft bullilinR on the fnrm of J. .1.
fcUlun. nt Kmt fioshrn. Detectives
w-CVmci County believe me man
iit iTitii'lered.
"' ...s- n-n u-nnt In Went Chen-
iMrt ul '
' ,.r jestcrdny nntl exnifilned the shirt,
bttum ami Mioob found on tho ricclc
.,. W.e did not cxnniini- the bone.
ton. ri "' ii..i r dm Bnrnipiim
Frl ."r,1.",-"" !.., Iin .llKnnnonre.I
Sfonld" H'C clothlnK wijh not the same.
, McNamarn n employed n n driver
IrhYAdnm-BxproMOo. On August
K Mrs. Katlo Campbell. 2SM St.
Albans street, n friend of his niother. He
ffl I her n PtrnnRcr had offered him
ifl,k i ehniiffeur nt ? n week more
?,in the cxpreiM compnny .paid lilni.
,UMcXmnrn told dw. Cnirnbdl he
-.Yin meet the strni'ser ("nl" nt noon
J,Vwion day. He did not tell hi
mother of the offer. On August 10,
inn he left IHm team nt noon, pre
lumVbly for lunch, nnd ho hns been
-le.inr rur cilice.
BMr MeNnmarn hns four other chll
jr;l'Mnrjarct, twenty years old. nnd
Anna eluhtrcn. employed as Btciiosrn
rtenin a Market street dei.artmcnt
Sore- Mnry, sixteen, n bookkeeper in
i hardware store, nnd John, twenty-
two- . . ... I ... ..
"Daniel wns nn n" "'" "
B(,ther crer had." Mr. MrNi.mnrn. n
widow, said tmlny. ' "He wns nlwnys
thonphtfiil and on pawlnjs nhvnyh
brought me candy or fruit. On the day
he disarp'ared we had Rone to church
i hnv'c been worrying every day since
be disappeared. It would give me i-omc
consolation even to know what my boy s
.... . i.Atnit&.n If hf u-na nllrn T Itnnw
be would not have me worrying myself
tick over Mm.
New Yorker Admits Guilt Here and
Is Sentenced
1ml Harnett, in Quarter Sessions
Court, today sentenced Thomas Alberts.
cf New York City, to n term of three
to Ave years in the Knstern Peniten
tiary after he had pleaded guilty to
The man broke into the home of
R.I". Foster, (WOS North Urond street,
en June 'JO. He wns discovered in the
bouse by Stanton Calhoun.
Annie Lewis, colored, nt the rcnucst
of her brother-in-law, Benjamin Brown,
of 1007 ortli Orinnna street, wns
jliced on probation for two yenrs nnd
MMreu to iimkc restitution oi .y.ii ny
Judre Harnett nfter sho hnd ideaded
I fiiHy to stealing from relatives.
'band concert tonight
The Municipal Unnd will nlnv to-
Bight at Hidgo monue and Ilcrmi-
tige street.
The will, and the intent,
is to give Hupmobilo
buyers all they pay for,
and, in addition, more
than the same figure will
buy elsewhere.
enow Hoom Open Until 9:30 P. M.
We offer you printing
with the addition of a
complete copy writing
f V
ana direct-by-mail ad-
vertising service
The Holmes PrtEss, 'Printers
1315-29 Cherrv Street
ord cv
Through the Hoppe Vic
tor Record Club you can
eecuie a quantity of Vic
r Records and pay for
fnjnonthly amounts.
, S51 Mli"i "We also
?2oWnt,h,ly SCl1 V-
JcJVeekly) trolns in
Hepje Rental -Payment
ticS&pho"e or wrc for par-
p- J. Heppe & Son
", 1UMU9 QDt SI.
-.IlkuimqinSli. '
r- n
May Be Dead
Alisslng jouth, whose skeleton wan
htipposed to have been found near
West Chester. His mother lias
failed to identify the clothing
Judge Patterson and Coroner Knight
Hosts at Neshamlny Falls
Judge Patterson nnd Coroner Knight
nre hosts today to between 700 nnd S00
children, who were put nbonrd a special
train at the Heading Terminal at 0:17
o'clock nnd taken to Neshamlny Kails.
A lot of the kids had never seen any
wntcrfalls except the rain of the water
from n fire-plug. Thev were gathered
for the trip by Matilda Silverman,
prison welfure worker, nnd nttnchcs of
Judge Patterson's Court and the Cor
oner's office vtCTit nlong to sec that they
All have n good time, or, in other
words, plenty to eat.
The police band cut loose as the train
pulled away from the Terminal. Some
of the children were so small thnt their
mothers went nlong to take care of them.
Judge Patterson's share in the picnic
is In celebration of his wedding anni
versary. ''DUCr'rWADDLlAWAY
Take Their "Drakes" to Llanerch
for Annual Outing
Upward of IT.O "Ducks and
Drakes," nn organization of Insurance
agents nthl brokers nnd their wives.
left their headquarters. Fourth and
Nnlnut streets, nt 11 o clock this morn
ing to enjoy their nnnunl outing nt the
l.lnnerch Country Club in Delaware
Among tne features this nfternoon
will be a ball game between the Ducks
and Drnkcs Club nnd n team of "coun
ter men." Five prlr.es nre offered in
the golf match. Purling B. Prince Is
Chairman of the committee In charge
of the outing.
Plan New Christian Scientist Church
The Christian Science congregation
of (Jcrmantowii has arranged with
builders to estimate on plans for a large
church building to be erected on the
east side of Greene street, south of
School House lane. Oermantown. Si
brick Sunday-school building on the
same sue lias been used for years by
this denomination.
McClees Galleries
11507 WALNUT BT.
Estimates Cheerfully GIven
Mother never let us
put a penny in
our mouths.
"Maybe a tramp touched
it last," she warned us.
She never let us kiss the
baby on the mouth. "It's
unhealthy, ' 'she admonished.
Still, at the soda fountain,
she didn't object to the
common glass, which 90
times out of 100 gets only
a perfunctory rinsing. Yet
numberless unknown
strangers had drunk from
the glass before.
drink froma
Here's safe, sanitary soda
service the Lily 'Glass'
made for your lips alone.
The Lily is used once and
thrown away. Fine foun
tains serve in Lily 'Glasses. '
Purity Specialties Co.
Charles L. Huff, Owner & Mgr.
Dcnckla Bldg.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Takes Responsibility for Oust
ing Censor, Saying He Slan
derod Board
"Slanderous" statements regarding
the Board of Motion Pleturo Censors
prevented the reappointment to that
body of 'Dr. Ellis P. Oberholtzcr, ac
cording to Governor Sproul.
. T.t? G"verno,r bns Issued a statement
to this effect, in which he accepts full
responsibility for the present member
ship of the board nnd its work.
Governor Sproul's stntemenat fol
lows :
" 'The moving-picture Interests hnd
absolutely nothing to do vith the re
moval o Dr. Oberholtzcr. As wns well
known nt the time, the event being dulv
iccorded in the public press, a commit
tee of producers nnd exhibitors visited
me publicly In Hnrrlsburg and mnde
some complaints about what they called
the 'nnrrowness' of the Pennsylvnnin
censorship. I defended tho censors, ah
I nlso did to other critics nf their no
tion, who objected vigorously (n cliiul
nntions of scenes frcm films produced
from their books.
ObcrholUer Not Attached
"The Individual criticisms uore large
ly aimed not nt Dr. Oberholtzcr. but nt
another member of the board whom I
reappointed. Xo one connected ulfh the
moving-picture industry ever nskeil me
to remove Dr. Obcrholtzer. nor was any
one in that industry consulted regarding
the appointment of his successor.
"It was my Intention to reappoint
Dr. tlberholtzer'' until, at about the
time that his term expired, there was
brought to me n letter which he had
written to n woman friend of his In
Pittsburgh containing slnnderoim nntl
vituperative statements regarding the
chnlrman of the board and other ex
pressions so bitter nnd Indecorous t lint
I could not but feel that his usefulness
ns a member of the hoard had been
destroyed, the letter having come into
the possession of his associates.
"Dr. Obcrholtzer apologized for his
letter, but his apology did not restore
conditions of harmony. After much
consideration I appointed Henry Starr
Richardson to a place on the board,
suggesting that Dr. Oberholtzcr be
given n position where ho might ad
vantageously use his talents by direct
ing the inspection of pictures to see
that th Intent nnd purpose of the law
had been carried out.
Legislature's Action
"During the last session of the Legis
latino, a bill was introduced proposing
reorganization of the department nnd
providing for small increases in the
salaiics of the members of the board,
who now receive less than one-half
the salary which is being paid for
similar work in the newly constitnted
New York Board of Censors. As the
bill left our office nnd was introduced
it contained a provision for the con
tinuation of the place of director filled
by Dr. Obcrholtzer. This was stricken
out by tho Houso of Representatives. I
have learned nt the instance of n Phil
adelphia member, 'who considered the
1820 Walnut 8treet
MacDonald Campbell
Men's Haberdashery
Vacation Necessities
Neckties 50c to $3.00
Soft Collars 25c to $1.00
Madras Shirts 2.50 to $4.00
Silk Shirts $6.00 to $10.00
Outing Shirts $2.00 to $6.00
Underwear 60c to $3.00
Union Suits $1.00 to $9.00
Pajamas $2.00 to $18.00
Hosiery 35c to $6.00
Golf Hose $3.00 to $6.00
Bathing Suits $5.00 to $7.00
Bath Gowns $7.50 to $16.50
Belts 50c to $3.00
Handkerchiefs 25c to $2.00
Bags & Suitcases, $12.00 to $34.00
"No holiday is complete without the comfort
of these dependable things, from MacDonald &
Men's Hats, Clothing, Motor Wenr
1334-1336 Chestnut Street
Are you
going to
subject lo the inflexible rules of law,
simply because you put off making your
Why not attend to this duty today?
Have your attorney draw up your Will,
naming this Company as Executor and
12ZMiiy uROAD Sx.AT.'inr itu Dcvtv, c,,.
place an unnecessary appendage of the
censors' work,
"fhcre Is, therefore, no provision for
the cmp!oymcnt,of Dr. Obcrholtzer ex
cept through the contingent fund, nnd
the Auditor General has taken the
ground that he is not warranted in au
thorizing payment of n director in the
face of the fact that the place wns ex
pressly omitted by tho Legislature. In
this ho is entirely within his rights.
"It certainly must be conceded that
harmonious action Is ns necessary for
the success of the Board of Motion
Picture Censors as for any other or-
81112811011, public or private. As I
nvc"eald on many occasions, It Is my
opinion thnt the board Is now working
more carefully, more systematically and
with more uniformly effective results
than at any time since Its creation, nnd
I am entirely satisfied with tho work it
is doing nnd the plans which It has
made for carrying on tho censorship In
the future.
"It Is co-operating cordially with
the public authorities of the Stnte nnd
our municipalities, and Its work has
been Btudlcd nnd commended by Inter
ested parties seeking to establish similar
censorship elsewhere.
"I nccept full responsibility for the
make-up of the board nnd Its work."
No More Extended Vacations Be
cause of Irritated Skins
Patrolmen who court sunburn on the
seashore sands as 11 means of extending
their summer vacations will have to
cool off at their own expense.
Many of the men who returned for
duty recently resembled lighted pump
kins nnd requested post -vacations to
have their burns healed. This hnbit
greatly decreased the working forco and
to bring it to n halt Superintendent of
Police Mills issued the following order:
"No members of this bureau will re
ceive pny for time lost because of sun
burn received while on vacation or off
In explaining this nrdr Superin
tendent Mills snld : "Mnny members
nf the bureau have extended their va
cation, some of them deliberately, by
incurring severe cases of sunburn while
on their vacation. Vncntlons Inst two
weeks. At the end of this period sonio
of the men have been in the. hnblt of
reporting to Chief Surgeon Owens with
cases of sunburn which necessitated
them being off for several more dns.
Hereafter men must work whether they
have sunburn or not."
Industrial Plants in Northwest Put
ting Men Back
There has been an increase in busi
ness along industrial lines In several
establishments In the northwestern sec
tion of the city. During the last few
days several mills have added to their
forces and n number of manufacturing
concerns report nn increase.
"We hnve been gradually Increasing
our help during the Inst two months."
said Kdward G. Budd. of the Budd
Manufacturing Co.. Twenty-fifth street
and 'Hunting Pnrk avenue, "nnd the
prospects now are brighter."
"Physic" and "physique"
look alike and sound alike.
$ut there's no liquid tonic
for spring fever, or any other
ill, that can compare with the
body and nerve building
Collins' System.
Come in today for a dem
onstration treatment.
coi.lins ni.no., walnut st at i.vth
& iz&mm&k. I M i w m
- i-j 'tTTrit - -ii-JF Bwffl A. -J & m Wi F " r'' naliu' Bedroom ui' Kepru' ,- W
2231 fpJ m y .& imJJ SA " desirahlo rrlor' Dnvpt.itl r nsi.u.-r'on V 1 jr fLl
IIHllJF Polished Plate Glass . Open SaTurday Evening JjP
7TO,.HpfT Dresses Up Your Home BjgrifS Orders AccePtd
Mra. Daniels Was Sick and Ig
norant of Law, but Found
Sitting on the porch of her sn'MPhnme
at -4020 Bnynton street todny, Mrs.
Klizobcth Danlils told her story of the
divorce case that Ims so purzled ner.
The finnl decree wns about to be
granted John Daniels in Common Pica
Court No. 2 .ctordny, when Judge
Itogers held up the proccedlnss on the
woman's apne.il. She had been in the
hospital, nnd had "ickcd both health nnd
funds to contest the .rase.
Mrs. Daniels is nrcninluroly gray, nnd
as she talked she tried to keep her thin
hands from twitching. Hir hend Iwnr-i
the scars of severnl operations that fol
lowed a blow on the head by a baseball
buventeen j ears 030.
"When 1 got hack iome from the
hospltnl on June II," she snld. "I re
ceived some pnpers In the mall that
seemed to sav there was to be n meet
ing held in City Hnll somewhere on my
divorce case. I puzzled over the pnpers
for n long time nnd my mother puzzled
over them, but we could not ninkc them
Went to Court
"So I took them to a lady for whom
Isoinetlmes did housework and sie ad
vised me to go to court on .Tunc 27. So
yenterdnv mother and I started out. We
rose enrly and. nfter clearing nway tho
breakfast di'hes. we went downtown
nnd we were good nnd early, too, for
we got down nt S :.'I0 o'clock. We
did not know what to do or where to
go nnd we nsked lots of people on the
street. Mot of them turned nway and
somo tried to help us, but wc could not
"It was verv warm, and I hnd mother
to take care of. I kent hold of her
arm. and we. wandered around. Then
a kind policeman sent us to City Hnll
nnd nnother kind policeman in City
Hnll told us to go to some room. Wc
went from room to room, and we were
so weary. At Inst somebody 'took us
into the courtroom.
"It was n very big room, but so
stuffy ond hot. And the people were
crowded In so close. So we jut sat
there, mother and I. nnd wnlted. We
did not know what everything was nil
nbout. After hours, it seemed. I heard
my name called. It must be my divorce
case. I know, nnd I got to my feet
somehow, and nsked the judge not to
go on. He told me to come up front.
"I was terribly frightened, nnd
Knives. Forks.
and Serving Pieces
Appropriate- encased in cheats in rarioua
cohibinalionajromihojnexpoaaivo lo tho meat exclusive
Store cleaed all dqjrSaturdqra
during Julyt and A uaut f
! : s535881,
"""" I j qtwurr vAKtmrr economy WXB
l..."-" jtSSSi LOUIS E.WISER S,
g F3gaE?Sa-atiCi $& 2b0-2bZS0UTIfFIFTTfSTRrXr 'TOv
i H SroSJ tBetiopcn Locuti and Spruce lHbi
Sport Shirts j j 'WEsm
I For ears Reed's hac been known as Specialists in j Z. --v'lf
f Shirts for OutiiiR Wear our larc following of well- " f- - lJSai& " twMw
Bj posted young fellows is largely responsible for this, be- I i VA " JZ Tl S nlP? W
I cause they know where to go for shirts of the right sort. j I U tZ5 rf'fj WpLvJJm "Kill
I q Just at present wc arc strongly featuring a number of ! fl lj (j '' j JB1 "'w 1
R st!cs in Oxford cloth with attached collars in popular I fl pjV ' W
U shapes. They aic in three qualities, ?J.J ?3.00 and 1 U S
I .?.25. 3 W s MlfV'-l HmI I'Honinrt Suit, nHl, t,r sir. Cmi am cat
JAOQB REEEfe SONS I 1 :v.fSi?- $140 3
everybody turned and stared, but some
how I managed to get up to a railing.
I lust put my hand on tho railing
nnd looked up at the Judge nnd waited.
His name was Judgn Itogers, Such a
kind man. If he had spoken crossly
to me I fiever could have gone on
never. I cannot bear to be trcalOd
roughly. But he was kind, and he asked
me what was tho matter In such a kind
"So I took courage nnd Just told him
how sick I had been, and said I had no
money, nnd could not get a lawyer to
fight for me. I told him .there was no
one but just mother and I to fight. And
he sent me to the Legal Aid, nnd I told
them nbout it. The Judge snld If they
can't tnke enre of me lie will get n
lnwycr who will. Wc got home at last,
all worn out."
The mnster In the ease hnd reported
In favor of Mr. Daniels, nnd the final
decree was about to be proclaimed when
Mr.. Daniels arose nnd the proceedings
were Mined. The case will be mmiI
back to the mnster by Judge llosers for
further investigation.
Woman's Auto Injures Boy, 5
James Spear, fne years old. 3021
Vnrth Sixteenth street, wna rtin over nt
Sixteenth nnd Venango streets last
night by an automobile driven by Mrs.
Mnry Breen. HIM Carey street. The
boy's right leg wns broken nnd he re-
.nlvnil limltlr In tfirtith. Tfn wnn tnken
to the Snmnritnn Hospltnl.
To save 25'.
on your
is important
taste is more
Just buy a
Guaranteed b
JS sfrWjLfCe&u twrxLle
"ji'tjH mrif.1 iwral
0 H
M K vV
Just as a fine quality of goods
adds distinction to dress, so does
polished plate glass add distinc
tion and beauty to a home.
Quality goods cost but little
more. Plate Glass will add but
slightly to the total cost of your
"Use Plate Glass in Your Homo"
Foundait 1A04
80th sod Walnut
Demonstration of
in Summer Suits
at Perry's
Our East Window
Novelty Patterns
from 12 lo 56 inch
Attractively Priced $28, $33, $38, up to $63
A Display that will emphasize the fact that
ours is the Store of Stores for Novelty As
sortments in Large and Extra Large Size
Suits. It's a pretty well accepted fact, when
salesmen in other clothing stores tell Big
Men that Perry's is the only place in Phila-
delphia where they can be fitted and send
them here!
Light gray herringbones and homespuns,
bright Club Checks and Shepherd plaids,
light gray overplaids in many patterns;
pencil stripes narrow, broad, and in-betweenon
blue, gray, brown, and novelty
mixtures. A Notable Display that demon
strates the Wealth of our stocks of patterns
and colors in Big Men's Clothes!
At Attractive Prices $28, $33, $38, up to $63
White Duck Knickers,
Perry & Co
Sixteenth and Chestnut Sts.
Men's Solid Leather Belts
Hlark nr Tan
Alan Made
With Snap KnJ
to Attach
Own Buckl
Pr.W 1713Chcstnutstt 28 South 15th St.
Men's Sizes
filled with Bright,
in Big Size Suits
chest Measurement.
Palm Beach and Mohair
Suits, $14.50 up
Mr it mrn rrlr tn m a Dell rnfl
vl one - Mr rood nolH leather.
The M. & M. Belt is one piece of
Fine Harness Leather (not split).
It outwears any stitched belt.
Always keeps its shape. Refined
looking and durable.
Persons who know the advan
tages of a solid leather belt, made
by the most renowned SADDLERS
in the country, wear nothing else.
London ft New York',
' V
... ,
rtfl t J-