IHwvv,TO?Wfl ."n. RS?"1"! ' Ic tt , -a, " BjtJi' ;' " i" ' . f I ' ' ' V f Homy Dishes, Flavored With Care, Delight Family, Says Mrs. Wilson French Suggestions Help Us to Simplify Cooking by Keeping to a Substantial Diet Meats and Vegetables Used in Today's Recipes ..n a mrenv l jiy pnto. i'i. i. """ i rnwriaM. Wft.r'MJ A " C'ARBME. the Illustrious and famous Freuch cliff, had a motto that "tnt cookjng Is the vehicle of French G7'koA tasting foods bring to the home that feeling of good will and StMicflnn that little or nothing else rn Mtlufv. The good children of La Tinlle. France are early taught that home ,i the boot place, and In order to pre T this home good and attractive fowls are necessary. Hence it la tnnt when mademoiselle marries film strives t , plicc on her table attractive and wel -flavored homey dishes that are chiracterlstic of the locality. Today we will have a few recipes from U vielle mere. Koullbacs Peculiar to a certain part of France, the koullbac forms the. entire meal. Almost any left-over meat and vege table can be utilized. The French house wife uecs this dish to utilize the meat ricked ff"m tnc bonM ln thc ptocl Pot' Prepare a flavoring as follows: Mince wry fine. Six onion, Three branches of celery, Six branches of parsley, One leek, Eijht large green leaves of lettuce, Three largo orccn peppers. Kow mince fine two ounces of salt rork and place in a saucepan and cook Ttry slowly. Add the prepared herbs with a tiny bit of garlic. Cover closely and steam until soft. Next a proper pastry Is necessary in order to have variety. The pastry : Place three and one-half Cups of flour in a mixing bowl and add One teaspoon of salt. One-half teaspoon of pepper. One-fourth teaspoon of thyme, Three level tablespoons of baking poicder. Rub between the hands to mix and rtn mh Into thi nrennred flour three- ouartcrs cup of shortening. Itub until very fine and crumbly and then use two-thirds cup of water or ten full ta blespoons and work to a smooth dough. It is then ready to use. Koullbac Aux Choux Cut small cauliflower in pieces, using the green leaves attached to the flower. Parboil until tender and then drain. Now roll out parsley made as directed into an oblong sheet about one-quarter Inch thick. Turn the well-drained cauliflower into a mixing bowl and add the herbs prepared ns seasoning, One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of pepper. One-half cup of finely chopped pars kli One-half cup of finely grated cheese, Two hard-boiled eggs, chopped fine, Four tablespoons of butter. Mix and then spread over thc pre pared dough. Spread evenly nnd then roll as for jelly roll. Fasten the ends fecurely and then brush with the fol lowing prepared mixture : Yolk of one egg. Four tablespoons of milk. Bake In. a slow oven for fifty minutes and then serve with maccdoine of veg etables. Macedolnn- of "Vegetables Place in a saucepan One cup of peas. Two cups of string beans, cut in one Mi -inch pieces, One and one-half cups of carrots, Wit in dice, One cup of finely chopped onions. Cover with boiling water and cook until tender. Drain. Now place in n saucepan One and one-half cupi of milk. One cup of water, drained from vege tables, One-half cup oj flour. Stir to dissolve the flour, then bring to a boll and cook slowly for five minutes. Season and add the vegetables nnd three tablespoons of butter. Cut the koullbac In portions and lift to n plate and then Pour over it three tablespoons of pre pared vegetables. Sprinkle with grated cheese and finely minced parsley. Koullbac ail Polsson Prepare tho seasoning as directed and Ma one and one-half cups of cooked leftover fish nhich is frev from bones un sum. Then arid Three green peppers, minced fine, tour onions, One-half cup of finely chopped parsley, luo tablespoons oj butter, One. half cup of bread crumbs, One uicll-beaten egg. vA't'v wp" nnd then uso a directed for toullbac aux choux. ,. JI'n giblets and ment picked from we back of the carcass, with the skin oi the fowl added nnd mince verv fine. To this add One run of onions, chopped very fine, flne Wlp of Parsl''. chopped very One leek, chopped very fine, T'V bit of garlic. Mix and then add the seasoning pre- SwlfS8 fllr,''tcd Mix ,1S0 n(1 rftiu"tlgnlsnre ,hp n11 individual tullZ Rmn11 (luml,,lnP'- I" Rusjda the TVrC 'r,,,Y"u '" " orowi or soup. tauce UCm pml F,CTV0 ',th n nastlcals a la Vlande tiwTdT th SPasonlns aB 'Itrected ami One cup of finely cut cold cooked Mr branches of parsley, chopped fine, One raw egg. One teaspoon of salt, Ojie.(il teaspoon of pepper, rie tablespoons of melted butter. ton' anu1 w0," ro11 out tno Pnrtry and m i one-half inch thick. Cut In flw inch , MHinres and place n large spoonful the mWtmo on thc paMr. Fold over CM pi-ess the clges finnlv together. th L n ,bnkiPl? hM nml bruNli with '""egg nnd milk mixture, llnkc In a mlnm0",'"01" 'ntjr.ve to thl.ty minutes if ,nu fjpcjre tonnto. pirsley tutM S "",C(T ,h( mn' be bl tobies P the maccdol"e of vege- nJmenu thC kouUbacs P,nn ,hc to)avs. Kftiik i Fruit Cocktail "ouUbnc Aux Choux Macedolne of Vegetables Lettuce nnd Tomato Salad Mayonnaise Dressing Stewed Fruit Toasted Sponge Cake Coffeo Tomato Canape A)11rw . Radlshen icastlgais a la Vlande Cheese Sauce Fttrtnfl. Ttrsana TMn. LettUCO French DtfKnIna Dread Custard Pudding With Fruit Coffee Clear Tomato Soup loung Onions Kidishes Koillihne AttY Pla.r. String Beans Daked Tomatoes ivetttiee Russian Dressing rruu xnrts imee MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS My Dear Mrs. Wilson Will you please tell me how to make Russian salad dressing? Thank you, h. C. J. Select a small Raw carrot, Rata beet, Raw onfon. Orate these vegetables and then add : One cup of mayonnaise, flnA tMtnAAii t4 mii.j..J Juice of one-half lemon, One tablespoon of sugar. Mix. Mr Dear Mrs. Wilson Will you kindly give recipe for butterscotch, such as confectioners put over the ice cream sundaes. I think it is deli cious and 6hould be glad to know how to mke It. t. G. M. One and one-half cups of brown sugar. One-half cup of evaporated milk. Making More Money With Its That's all Mrs. Cora Scovll. of New lOrk. USPA. Tin PR 4liet KA MMmM.Mn n- !nnr'' attlc-and-cellar variety of rags urn,. wumen out or every tnousanu WOUla think nr rrnnA fn nntVilnw itif to throw away or sell to the raitman for u. toupio 01 pennies a pound But Mrs, Scovll makes f400 n nwii mil r.r iiim when they lire properly mixed with her artistic nhillty Hardly seems possible, "H " "t ;irs scovil is aoms It nno her rar posters are tho "latest thing" In New orks artistic rlrrlrs at tho nrM. cnt moment, and tho "rag artist" has more cans ior ner worK tnan she can ever DOSSlblv honn tn hnndlp The Idea came to me out of the clear sky one day whon I chanced to note the exquisite texture of a pnintlng by an artist who prides himself upon his iiuemy 10 nemiiH," says Mrs. scovll. '"It looks almost as If he had used u bit of tho cloth, Instead of paint,' I thought and then, as a, corollary, came tho Idea, 'Why shouldn't he have used the cloth? Why shouldn't people paint with bits of rags Just as thy do with pigments? The effect would be much more lifelike and it would give rise to an entirely new schoo, ot expression. "As soon as I cot home I Btarted In to experiment. It wasn't ns easy as It looked, though, and I had to t-pend a lot of time In fretting Just the hang of tho Barments, tho precis poise of tho suggested figure that I desired Llttto little I mastered the difficulties and finally, with no other materials than cloth and some strands of silk to sim ulate the hair, I mnde a -poster that struck every one with Kb novelty and ar tlstry. The exclusive shops provided a splendid field for this new venture and orders soon commenced to pile In and they haven't stopped arriving yet !" 7 7 ffHilMI i Ullui 4ISiUv I flPIIiriJiKV Vk 3JB Wl Pt"fiKWf III .HIP fSalted Jumbo Pecans neMl5,,,Thl" WorW '.'" "'oril'ft.,"re u" l"fk ot e .' ull -ultcd nut.. 3&U,, ( Kito'i Famous Salted Nut Known From Coast to Coa'.t" Write for Price List UttW LcUr A Mat c&n&y We Pay the Parcel Post 149 S. Broad St. SF cheut at. r fiMu a . You Wouldn't Keep Your Foot in Splints Even when you have to wear splints for a broken bone, the doctor removes them as soon as possible. If he didn't, the muscles would eventually atrophy just shrivel away. When you wear a shoe with a stiff shank it's just as if your arch were bound against a splint. But ' when you wear the Cantilever Shoo the flexible arch of your shoe, though u gives support, nenas wiui tne arch of your foot. Tho muscles are en couraged to exercise and grow strong, and flat feet are prevented and corrected. The wondorful feeling of case in Cantilever Shoes is partly duo to the natural inner solo line. Partly to the proper placing of the heels. But chiefly, it is because Cantilevers are made to accommodate the human foot instead of being accommodated at the expense of it. You'll like the styles, too. Fine leathers, well-made shoes. Widths AAAA to E. CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Cunord Office tantllerem lire alo on naif In nrurb cities Alioona nni1helnr 1302 Eleventh Ae. A bury I'irk Best Shoo Co.. 027 Cookmsi Ki.ton Mjer'. -ill! Nortlumpton St. Johnton Zn . M0 Mln 8t. I.nM.tr Kr.yV 8 Et Kin Bt. mrnllnK Behwyrln.r';. 2 nnBuar , Phtmomn B. Hlrieh. 41 B. Indtptnaenee Trenton H. M- Voorheti Bro. ' .'.niSivV.VrVJAf. B". Murray. IB Publlo So. TorkTb Son T00 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEKA PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE ' 28, 1921 13 WHAT'S WHAT Br HELEN DECfE When, ns Is the case with American Independence Day this year, a holiday falls upon Monday, the week-end visit takes in threo days Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Many department stores In cities of the United States close every Saturday during July and August and the great steel plants and many other Industrial enterprises usually "knock oft" for tho day when the Fourth Is next-door to Sunday. People who can leave town on Friday will avoid much of the discomfort of crowded trol leys, trains, ferries and steamboats. This Is especially prudent when thero are chlldran ln the traveling group. An adult should have charge of the fireworks for the evening celebration. It Is criminally foolish to allow children to handle these explosives. If tho Fourth of July party Is held In the country where electric light Is not available for tho Chinese lanterns, another ndult should take caro that the candles are not allowed to burn ro low as to set fire to the paper containers. , Adventures With a Purso THE successful hostess Rains for her self tlint reputation because she is alwnys attentive to the llttlo things. She lins her Rticst-room cool nnl In vltlnsr for thc weary, bedraggled trav eler; nnd she realizes tlint the unusual lias nn appeal. And so she Is always Kind to learn of something new and different. While ndvcnturlng, I came ncross some soap tlint Is different from nny I bnvc ever seen before nnd Is quite novel, It is the same size, shape and color of a lemon. Immediately upon seeing It I seemed to hear the tinkling of Ico Against long, cool, lemonade glasses. The soap is wrapped In crinkly, glazed paper and Is not only refreshing to use, but bleaches nnd whitens the skin. It sells for $0.50 nnd $3.00 a box. I snw a very attractive pair of bath ing slippers of black satin with white rubber soles. Two straps fasten with a shiny brass buckle over the instep nnd ni.i.. hit- fiiiji-i nun. xiiij mi . ' ivvn at $1.7fi a pair and make a foot look trim nna nainty Summertime means nn extra supply of nighties and underwear. If you make your own unUerthlngs, you'll be Interested In the nightgown -and cami sole tons that can b& bought all made nnd ready to attach. They arc made of Imltntlon clunv lace, but, Indeed, It almost looks like the real lnce. A wide piece of the lnce forms the top, nnd narrow strlns the shoulder bands. Pale pink nnd Boft blue ribbons thread tnetr .way in and out ot ih lnce pat tern. The tops sell for $0.85. For nnnw of hnp address Womnn'o Pace raitor or mono woinnt or .iinino snou. Purest and Best has been the reputation of TEA throughout its 30 years of public usago u Witmar PEANUT BUTTER So Different From the Ordinary Delicious, nourishing Wilmar for the whole fam ily to enjoy over the Fourth. Buy a jar of Wilmar for every picnic basket. At your grocer. Mi m4 So different from the ordinary Wilmar is made from selected extra - meaty Virginia peanuts, carefully picked and Jround in sanitary grinding machines. IT 6 0i t MP6. 1 WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'SJ I For just such happy moments J m as this, Coca-Cola was created W delicious and refreshing. I THE COCA-COLA COMPANY I ATLANTA, Q A. Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store Women's Cool Suits Give That Pleasant Tailored Feeling $25 Women's natural Hncn crash suits, $9.50. Women's white, brown or blue linen suits, $9.50 and $12. Women's white, pink or pale blue wool jersey suits, $15. Women's natural pongee suits, $23.50 nnd $25. There's a certain something about thc appearance of a woman in a cool-looking suit which makes all her fellow creatures envy her. One can look fresh and fit and well groomed In a suit of linen, pongee or white wool jersey when women in even cool tub frocks look hot. Try it and see. Wool Jersey Suits Now $10 Young women's practical jersey suits for everyday wear or for vacation trips. In heather mixtures and black. The jackets can be worn separately with white skirts. (Mnrket) $10 It's a Season of Narrow Belts! Pretty Ones at 50c White belts and black-and-white belts that Is the vogue, and one uses belts on almost everything dresses, blouses, sweaters, suits and coats. There is more variety in these two kinds of belts than a person would think possible, and thc price is low. (Chentnut) Summer's Loveliest Skirts have been gathered in thc Down Stairs Store at prices ranging from $9.75 to $19. Between these sums one can get every fashionable kind of skirt for every purpose and to match or harmonize with every sweater. Flannel Skirts are having a wonderful vogue, particularly the ones with colored stripes. Here are sKirts with stripes of jade green, chocolate, pink, bright blue, light blue, orange, yellow oome arc Knuc-picawa, some oox-pieatea anu still others are gathered. or black. Silk Skirts aro in the most charming colors, running to the soft, indefinite blues, mauves, old rose and, of course, black or white. All of the smart crepe weaves as well as the newest brocade patterns and baronet satins arc here. (Market) What Cool Frocks of Gingham and Voile at $4.50, $5, $5.50 to $10 In hot weather when one wants a fresh frock nearly every day it is a comfort to know what pretty and inex pensive dresses can be had, ready to slip into at a moment's notice. Gingham frocks are in checks and plaids and more than half of them have wide sashes, panels, bandings or collars of crisp white organdie. In pinks, blues, greens, Invenders and a number of two-color combinations, $4.50 to S10. $5.50 Flower! VniU FrnrW . Georgette patterns in light or dark colorings at this low price practical dresses for Summer. Other pretty voiles, in plain colors or flowered pat terns trimmed; with white organdie rickrack at $5.50. From here prices rise, by gradual stages, to $10.50. Organdie Dresses for as Little as $4.75 and around $10 and $12 there is really wonderful choos ing. Colorings are as cool as water lilies and some of the organdies show narrow white stripes or small dots. Delightful choosing among Swisses, dimities and organ dies at $16.50. Imagine a Hand-Made French FrorJc for S14.7R! Yes, it's really possible in the Down Stairs Store. Of sheer, fine voile in delectable tints of rose, pink, China blue, light blue and white, every stitch put in by hand. Thev are trimmed with rows of hemstitching and wee tucks and some are touched with cir'e ribbon. (Market) (, imJ .jJlJm 7yN i 5877 Mattsgfi&Sa ,wn&p riff oaHBfll - J-t fix, ,js. k mnma Summer Suits For Master 2-to-8 Years $1.65 to $3 My, what a lot of choice for little boys! Surely, there is every kind of button-on and regulation middy suit! Green, tan, blue, white and cadet blue are well represented in ginghams, chambrays, linones and sturdy suitings. (Central) 44-Inch White Voile 35c Yard Highly mercerized and excep tional for this price. Its uses are almost unlimited In hot weather, for it is soft nnd cool. (Ontral) Crepe Underclothes for Vacation! Of course, the secret of their especial adapta bility to real vacations is that they are so easily washed and need no ironing! Billie Burko pajamas of pink crepe are $2. Two-piece pajamas of pink crepe, trimmed with ribbon, are $3; the same style in figured orchid crepe is $3.50. Nightgowns of flesh or white crepe, in various styles, are $1.50 and $2; others of orchid or light blue figured crepe are $1.75. A pretty style of pink crepe trimmed with orchid ia $2.25. Straight chemises of white crepe are in de mand and they have been scarce. We now have a quantity of them, as well as envelope chemises, at $1.50. Extra size bloomers at $1 are of flesh pink crepe, cut full and re-enforced. (Central) We Know of No Better All- Wool Suits for Men for $16.30 and $20 All of these suits are of all-wool mate rial. We have tested them and We guarantee them, l'he patterns are those that men arc wearing this Summer and stylos are mostly semi-conservative, such as young men like. All-Wool Suits at $16.50 Among them are some blue serge suits as well ns those of mixed cheviots. All- Wool Suits at $20 Especially adapted to Summer wear. Suits of all-wool cheviots in the most popular pat terns and tones. They are well tailored and will keep their shape and fit even in the hottest weather. (fnllerr. Market) Center Aisle (Oppertiiffies Black Enameled Suit Cases, $3.85 Cretonne Hat Boxes, $3.85 Decidedly the lowest price yet for such good looking luggage the kind that one really likes to carry. Suit cases are light, good-looking and durable, lined with pretty cretonnes, and having leather riveted corners and leather straps and handles. 23 inches long and 12V inches deep. Hat boxes are deep round ones of heavy cre tonnes in good pattern, with a leather handle. These were made to our order so they arc entirely original. Extra-Size Bungalow Aprons, 85c Light colored percales with pink and blue figures of the kind that women like. Cut generously wide and they open down the back. Dress Aprons, 85c Darker pink, blue and lavender percales trimmed with plain color. Each one has a sash that ties in back. In regular sizes. Short-Sleeved White Tub Silk Blouses, $2.90 Trim and cool for girls, young women and older women. One has a Peter Pan collar and center pleat edged with double frill, the other has a convertible collar and box-pleated front. Checked Gingham Hats Charming at $2.85 A new low price for these cool and lovely coun try hats to wear with checked gingham or white frocks. Pink, blue and green and white checks among them and each hat has a diaphanous sash of white organdie. Some have a rich touch of colored embroidery. Hand-Made Philippine and Porto Rican Underclothes, Lowered in Price, Now $2.50 and $3.50 500 dainty envelope chemises and nightgowns. Some have been out on tables and are slightly mussed, others are perfectly fresh. Every tiny stitch in every garment is put in by hand. The Porto Rican gowns and chemises are beautifully hemstitched, while the Philippine things are quite elaborately embroidered, some trimmed with bits of real lace. Remarkable 50c Scarfs Ready for Summer homes, bungalows or to uso right at home they are pretty enough! Centers of linen-finished cotton with good imitation filet and cluny edgings and medallions. Lacy Boudoir Pillows, $1.25 Another shipment of these pretty pillows just in. Graceful oblong shapes with lacy tops over pink or blue pillows. 1000 Summer Corsets, $1 Topless or low bust corsets of pink or white coutil, for slight to average stout women. Cool Pretty Frocks for Daughter Start at $1.85 The Girls' Own Store Down Stairs has so many fluttery frocks in light colors that it really is almost prettier than a flower garden. One can not help but "oh" at the lovely shades in the organdie dresses. Some are $3, others $5; still others S.50, and each style is based on thc charm ing fashion of the sash. Sizes 7 to 14. Flowered voile frocks are $3. Flowered lawns are wonderfully dainty for $1.85. Surely it hardly pays to make up dresses when they can be had already to wear for as little as those sums. Sizes 7 to 14. (Market) $6.90 -$6.40SS!!:5 $6.405 $6.9oN- $6.902 It's White Shoe Weather! Here Are 8 Excellent Stvlen in Women's White Pumps and Oxfords at $6.40 and $6.90 Perhaps it's a pair of white pumps that you've been needing. Here are cood ones of real white buckskin with one strap and comfortable heels of medium height. White canvas strap pumps trimmed with tan calfskin or black patent leather strappings are $6.90. A light strap pump of fine white canvas has a very narrow banding of patent leather around the top. Thc heels are baby French and the soles are turned S6 90 Very smart pumps of white leather with many perforations, rounded toes 'and low heels are $G.40. Oxford ties that will appeal to women of conservative tastes are of fine white canvas with plain straight tips and medium heels. $6.40. Real buckskin Oxfords with saddle straps and many perforations verv smart are $6.90. Another good sports Oxford is of white canvas trimmed with tan calfskin or patent leather strappings. $6.90. wiaiwn For tennis, golf and boating there are well-cut white leather Oxfords with white rubber soles and low heels. $6.90. (Chtitnnt) Bon Ton CORSETS In 8 Models at $3.50 to $6 Bon Ton corsets have many special features that make for health, comfort and durability. First, there is tho double bon ing, enough in itself to recom mend any corset. Furthermore. it is a kind that does not rust ac puim. in nummer. Then, thero are tho clasps that are made in a way that docs away with annoying squeaking. A feature that women who" wear clastic-top corsets will ap- preciate is that the boning la? specially covered at that point and is entirely separate from tho clastic not sewn to it. These eight models take care of all figures, from tho slight to tho very stout. Our expert fitters will he glad to help you in the selection of tho ' proper corset. Fittings ure given without charge. , (Ctntrsl) ' 4 -1 ..?--