?-W" "Hf. " Tstflt: V - i v 'r v . If v ' 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, .MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1921 m m ii M h IN Ml 1. kSf ir LITTLE BENNY'S NOTE BOOK By Lee Pnpe Us fellows was Betting on my from Ups this afternoon tnKinu nbout liow hot It wns and the dlffront flHTcfc-iiec. between winter and summer, nnd SM "Hunts little brother Hert entno up, mi.v lng, Sid, mnnimn wunts jou, she Avutits jou to ro n errnnd Wy does she, the doore s'ie dne. who Bed idle did? pod Sid Sho did, sed hiii little brother JtVrt And him and Sid nent away, nnd ru.h Plmklns sed. Tlints one thins I dont half to do, I dont liflff to ro env errnmK our cook goes nil our errnnds, nnd Its n jrood thine she docs too bcrnnn if they waited for me to ro them the'd never be went Xelther would ours, sed Sklnnv Mnr. tin, my kid sister Roes all our errnnd thats vat gerls nre for, you dont rnteh mc going eny errnnds Me neither. I std If enjbodv wunt me to ro env errnnds I jct mi . Aw call up on the telefnnr and lme it em crrouji.l, nnd then thej mil up on the tflefono nnd hnve it sent erround Wleh jest then SkiniiA Martins litt'e Ulster Mildred enme up sat inn. Mnmmn wunts jou to go a errand rite away Youre crnrv, wy dident ln tell vnu to go' sed SMnnv Ask her nnd find out, sed his little sister Mildred. And him and her weni awny, nnd in nbout n minnit Fude mother looked out her pnrler window nnd wlvielerl for him Puds Mivlns Heck, wat the dooee. if Its a rrrnn 1 i I alnt going to go And he went home l and came out ngen a cupple of min- nits later nnd went up the street llkv i somebodv going a errand, mc thinking Herrny for me. all tlin poor gus lint to go errands and Im th on one dont Wlch jet then ma opened the frunt door, saving. Henn. I wunt a 111111 1 of corn starch and I wunt it qui-k Aw O. ma. I sel ennt vnu call up on the telefone and have it r-nt er round? and ma ed. I can but I wont Jump up off thoie steps. Wlch I did FURBUSH WARNS OF RATS Tells How to Rid City of Dangerous Rodents The preenre of rats in large number In ronnj se-tlns of ruis citv ha been brought to the attention of the V' partment of rublle llen"h and i n result. Pr C Lincoln Furbiih. dit ' tor. in n statement iued to Iny. nw -every householder whoe home i in jested to take teps at once to get rt i of thee destructive pcf "The presence of the rat l a poten tial menace to the henlth of the com munlty." the statement declare "Its presence Indicates insanitary condition" which should be remedied A campaign to trap them, kill them and destro their breeding places ihould be begin, at once, and avoid the millions lot ever year by the deiireihtioua of then rodent " Dr Furbuh gives smeiil rule 'nr redueing thoir numbers First le-in up nil ncciimiilnt'ons of nibbi".h in r. 1 lnrs and hasnment uIimp nn im net ; ccond, koep foodtutTs 01 t nf their reach, anil eirbage p-iiU ...von .1 third, put tiaps in runways and holes, with spring or rage traps, using meat, fish or cheese as bait Po not u-.e poison In homes There i danger of , poisoning children or pets, the director warns. BOY FALLS THIRTY FEET Locomotive, Patrol and Auto Used to Save Child A patrol wagon a locomotive and an automobile all took part in t'le re. nnd relief of Willlnm Fcke's as. 1 il 00-1 North Tanev street. In-t night n i he fell thirtv fet to the t-ii-ks in t Philadelphia and Hci.linc Iiailunv tun nel at Twenty -seventh strep and ti"i Bylvanla avenue William hid btn plajlnR with n crowd of bovs nnd climbed to the ton of the stone wall surrounding the tunnel. Losing his balance, he plunged to the tracks below Policemen of the Twen tieth and Buttonwood streets station lacking n ladder. wire unnb'e to rescue him. The railroad authorities dis patched a switching "ngint' t" the scene The boy was taken In the In-, .mon e to Thirtv tirt strict and (linrd av DUO. whence an autnimhile inched 1 mi to the Mnrv .T Prexel Home Both lees broken one nnkle frn tured nnd a bruise mi the foroVad were among the lad's iniuries, with a possible frnetuie of the skuP DAUGHTERSGET RICH GIFT Dr. W. W. Keen Conveys Chestnut Street Properties In Trust Dr W W Keen has conveed to Howard Butcher, Jr.. nnd the Aldine Trust Company, in trust for the bene fit of his daughters the proper') 1721. 1721 i. 1721 172.-. 1727 17"1 and 17.T1 Chestnut street Thse properties hTc heen bnu;!ir from time to tune during the lust few years, and constitute one of the lnrge' Individual holdings on Chrnut stir.t west of Sixteenth strict Theso prop erties, with the physician's home 172' Chestnut street form a combined front age of 11." feet on Chestn it stf.et With a depth of 11.1 fet to H.instend Wills Probated; Inventories Filed Wlllft admitted to probite tudav were as follows Thomas F Bnnght ft.100 Gnene street "SSOOO Htrrut A Chnse, 3S03 Chestnut street $7000 Emmn L. Church. 2.'... Beikley stnet S4000 Inventories were fi'r 1 in the-e eitates- Tho'nas r Hiuh. s 22. 150.011: LPv S Mifflin M!.-ll."ill James B Hndgers. $14 7r'! 71 fifniC. Llndley. ?2JSm.'i Lettm of n.l ministration were granted in the runt. of Benjam'n K Wunstein hr .lien In the Jewish Hospital, hming SSI 00 HFAIAITR RF,ORTS ATLANTIC (ITY. N I Bt t Charles PI & Beaci Fresh A set I ater baths run water In tmi e ev I jperlor tabloi spec r t s cohtrns I ,E AVAGNER Prop AV R I. V.YTON Mgr wa Su A, Creston On Boardwalk at Mon reiier Av Suites with Davis Kunmng vva-er a r jnm I, eva rr Bpec June i Ja I atee H ! RH t Er HOTEL CARLTON Chels.a Av A Beac"i Rtn ensulte with pr! balh. Every room hot A re id run g water Mod rate. Own rh B, r t 7njr I r.nm &it iut VlOJrlrJtfcy ffm H.IW U tiOa Virginia ave & twa h II t A: nj lumiu water I'rlv bnij Rate. 4 daj up .peels vrkly Cap OOO Booklet Orcheitra OSCAR I). FAINT Kit HAIKU I) LAN DON IROOUOIS ,, cro,,! A' nr- ""ot- UAn;wvw u rm, & bath., cuisine A service uneicelled A H CRBA16NA Gen. Mgr.. formerly with Travmore and Gen Mr cf AmNlSMdoe J B BARATTA Ai.'t Trnne.are live. llrurb. !imilng water ull rui llsthlng shower Fun. encrl wkl.J. J, Jnyff. Irgtnla ave nijar Ilaach 1.8U & ti uti djy f4 Calvert Cpen all aar America I r'lropean plan l-tntl Rnrnfifl Kentucky Ave. R.furn noiei uoscouet Kj, I1IIU ubU , gnd un weekly lfcn I IT AH AtAllN afinnWJlM 130 Paclhc Europ plan Elac yjVttfVtt'i yrVi iiaiha Mr. B Godwin. VISIT UKVUEZVODH gfea WiU' OiatsU AjaoMaeat CuUrprlM bt,mait.r nr,oivrH r.l'B MY. N. J. Hotel Cape May Capife-J- .' . Bl Hfsiei3Sjiowr, &wTassaawssaH Am-kL 7 " m&&r:&iTxw ;?, ?J2"Z&7JU J. Cf j-aC ' !&'y-LijSK rr,.BJIV"'i . ...- m 3S3fatf,f ?TSS&T'r,?V:lfftl "c" a . MJ& Vfrt 1 VjffyyyiC "I'tA jJILS iNS1 " 1t C s- ' !!r Plan Your Vacation Now Of course, you will want to spend your vacation at the world's most famous seaside place, Atlantic City, and you will want to select tie bc4t hotel accommodations available. The Ambassador, directly on the Boardwalk and ocean, otters the ut most in appolnrmcntsandservtcent moderate rates. Large double room and bath at $6 for oie or $4 each for two In room, European Plan. Great sun dec.i indnr salt uater tool tea and liinT anting nm? icny ion.prtJ iirj iS ho e tolf count Sn i r lauttMtfii KieUft Ii tt adxiiabU to make your ustnattons jri. CJhc inbassnfIor Nework office, The Ambaidor Vaxl Ac. and 5Ut St ,Tel Rhmelinder 90CO. The Ambassador Hotels Syflcm The Ama'iaAflT Ailun'i. Oty The Arrhlr Los Anjri TK Amhtutador New York TH A exaidria Los AnteUi "THE HOUSE OF n08PITAUTTM KMitotlif A , clo to Brh ind dttl rirr; hot tad coU raanlog wttrr In rtvmi print btS;rlratorfn)miirft Il, ron apiarfrni ProtMtant ai Cathdlie CLurchi , firMtat ublet 120,000 tpnt on jettnor itnproTfaieaU. JveoraUou nd frnlUn Orc-bwtrt, dndog naming rrom noti American plan i aw up wmbIji $3.00 sp daily; oropn (1 (0 up daily For oklt asi otbr lajorraatloD Wriu or plwo 1011, FFTTm A nOLLINGKR, Ownm A Mm(ttt 4TH JULY SPECIAL ?9.50 s:i;S $9.50 ui dlj plan Ne v le 1 rr Vve -n ids i i eges f im Tor lig r f'om P ardwi k Pith I t r k ne aun A. nr an Ttip 40u PrU ta'- h ot x roM i running na'er in m m E ior r p trt I llr.hu Table ibj dar' euppllfd th bet ' o market nrf r Dan e f nr Bn klet f f SWFENF'V A F V POWFl I FiciSe and Arkaaxa Ave C.paHty 600 Oae blok fioia Miltinn Dollar Pirr. rfraHing drjxt aod bat tsth Inc beach, 75 Hath hoo.ra wilh abowrra for furf batbera. I'riran. war tolarh Fatni.pporrhra aoil tall rrom. Fle lifhta an 1 running atr In rooma THvato tMtba, Orrhetra and dananft Acinan plan 13 updadj, 113 iMfklv Furnpran plan i 50 up ,lailT fireproof Itooklet. I'boix 3.20 Vim II. Haalatt. Whole Block on Ocean Front Coolest location In Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel in Chelsea Section. Capacity Fiva Hundred Owaarabjp Bisection Booklet W F 8RAW Itrlrk, Meil 4 Stone I nnKirurtloti let I M iKe lou Feel nt Home Id the 'Tltj of Ilobiiht Hrolth" HOTEL MORTON Ocein Fn,i Irglnlu m faprriti 300 J leMitor, l'rl no ! ith, rti lu in Open 2'UVJ IIIII 4 I'M I M r OFF. Prone. PRINCESS i"" ra A . nr. i t it! lnc fr m hn i, A nriv ha'h -ni oi lth direct Iliarla entrance r"T r Rinnin? a - in nn-n Pri la'ns II '0 up lly 117 i up will Ilk p eo ci nnd au'o road uii maiNd lv no l"14 Fiii . Itmt rn nnr and Pr'-'prlofor 1 Rer.tUi.Ly &ie near Ueach i apacltj 2301 running water In roomsi private baths el.- I vator Ame plan J3 up rial y 17 so weekly Euro fl 50 up daU Free bathlnu. Misio Danr'ng Ralph vr v-'rr r n Krvo ATLANTICCrrv N J Diri-c r ti m icean I' ont An Ami r fi i j ir I "el of distinction 4-APACITA f" 1 flAPA'E IPit.r J n itb-j Alt I ItAAIIOII Mil I $TtH ?$ NORTH WILDWOOD WtLDWOOD CREST r v" m ia ' f flrrv p t y -. . ' e a ' r t '- ar 1 a r n . d V v n h W COURTRIGHT SMITH Secy Board of Trade, Wildwood, N J HOTELTOWTOW VII J M I Rmw. lh ,.n. A M..M n.... . rn uath. 8u-eea. due to our orv ee .no table. Cinuitr 260 Booklet r W U.UUHUAV. rroa. HOTEL DOKSEY I IUI F I .rr V II Ha Y ,(.i K I liw.! BEACH AMrart ve Rates WILDWOOD nit A K.T-n- 1V1-1I. Cap - W no t 'T 'r a r- m Taj irg Tpnnla , cM-ea-" front Amer P an Kur r i g I . Pr ate h ta He.or rirrhMtra AIPX M M' HUAY ROM I rnra zaffi'&Z'&l && was? H i i f i 1' i Itiir w j er 1 U II 'lerate r; i AUt W 1W! 1 S Now C pun i SHELDON r ' bp, D I it Hut. I . early WflllljS nwT n ship Mt HOTEL ARLINGTON A! 1 rit Tor ham It jn water lu t CENTRAL INN HOI I A t III ACII AND TAAIOR A'E i , Ijl h M n Ii, v J7 00 BREAKERS lMT 'ry rooms with gar , auto eerv O. K hinnamon Own A Mgr. AT MA Ea' client thlo III wk to Board i-aaaTia-a ltRlk , Mri )atninp prlvllnge. MRS Al HLI- VK1 FY aiO E Poplar Ave EDGETON INN i " 1 n i - Af d BEACHWOOD Centrwliv located Nea- Beach Cyrus Ilaub Prnjp Cjp. ttv 200 f Kl I'TZ incw Colonial Al pi . ,tnide r, bth. T li a i Hvron Frio Wl'nonn XN ,0 Av. m bencn Frlv bi. b. Aire O AV Fl.li.r Hotel Rune ' l tedir Av nr llch IlClt; IM flC , , , ,. n Q.trfi.ar Prop TRIESTE onvt Italian and Amer. I. Mnnolll. Prop. HOTEL JfKNAA ItK Open all yaar. Europ. JcJava. ftcnclai rata. iJju, Jiins. 1M. SctJUna -X' .-A :-.-ss. i l Directly on Doardwalk uid Occnn finch " ATI NTIf TIT S. ,1. SfiSvaaiWifflMWMWwa jffl 5P H MKia SB Hi ffic BW Rflinsl n "0 ui dl It7 n up k rr i ir n rfl i .' LEXIII?0Pi ar Caiage I EL. A earn 3w& i I fdniA rWMA.BTt BIWORTS OATH MAY N. J American Plan Renovated, Refitted and virtually He. furnished throughout Modern fire proof construction, 380 rooma 1B0 baths. Every comfort nnd convenience running water In each room superb broad bench Tennis Oathlng Boating Sailing riahlnjr Dancing IJithlng Tavlllon and fully equipped garage on premises Finished concrete Btnte roail Send for Auto Road Map of New Jersey Tor ncnt, furnished collages, each with pruate gnrage, J60 to 1S0 for season C. B KNOTT, Leitee-Mnnager . ork OffWs I1S0 Hrondtrnj rhllnlrlphUt F M. rwnion. Asjlstairt SIgr,, at Hrllertie-NtnUford WrdnoJaTi. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAY, N. J. OPENS JUNE 25 ron Tiir siixson Cnmrrff(l hi to romtart, cnnntenc, rl nnd stmuaphere JOHN HCOTT Mnnngfr MARINE APARTMENTS Cape ' Fj iUh-l Hreetly on Iho bench cor n t It ward nt 7 rooms. 3 bat'u, K . pi t i e s nnntr i emaller milles nrfn - r .t v noot:na 7lrTn rl TTnmi a r.i. f.. Ma , HOTEL COLUMBIA Cnpr .May, Ol'lUs'S JM J mml-rn J. V. tfrCrar A Bra. -. 'tirti TAR.VIT I A Ocean Ileach: cip. 150. aiAU-VILUV run-K water, hathi ete vatnr own.rMn .rnngt f 3 CHUMCm TI1K MAltCY. Cnpe May. N. J. Apt. J turrlihd roome uee of bath, threa montba ISOO ln"le roome B to 118 weeli. STONK II VltllOlt. N. J. SIIKLTr.l; II.WKN IIOTEI, 4lh of July "neclal. Snf. to Jton.. M.OO i, r si:mov i ii i city. . ,i. iin-f Hnm-r. Centrally located en bac OUTT rtOUje , ., KMnn',ers I ,p Pt'A isi y i 11 citj -tK ntr frt ll fomlllon Hull Na T NORTH MIW tritSEA COVST A Warm Welcome Awaits Tou North Jersey Shore Resorts MONMOrTH (OPVTY. N. J. Write the Mavote 'or Tnformatlof A"nt BY PARK. N. ,T. HOTEL m BRl !ftyff6R6vyjS6cff5 ; Simut Av Hninp Asbury Tark, N.J K f Jewlflh pa mil Imp booklet nnJ ti on rpfTi nt M L KRAUP3 EDCFMFR13, 4th Ae Oocan Block, Pcnrl Jculsh pa rnnrtir run wiicr phon, Cornish Arms f,, "J ihnB"'5nnt rectij on peacn overlook ing ocean & Boardwalk Hot i. cold running water CMslns unexcelled Uk'.t M OATE3 Hotel Kentucky 304 First Ave. Aeburv Park V .1 M to J5 dally. S24 to 130 ueekb single J40 to t0 doub'e FISH & GRAVES Owners. Aberdeen lid Ave , French Ocean Block, Amer., & Italian culs rest A Ul'OMHOrtNI atlaeea Phone lim. Hotel Herccy Mh ao . form btratford House 2 blks from Ocean. 1 c 'tn Mod rat Mrs A Herc-v 7TH AVE. Afrop'"'fl1l t w 12J1 INN Blocl " Ooean. lll, Home table. J V. II I IAMMIN WINDSOR THIRD AVE ALL OUT"tna ROOMS A M F Rtr.V PI.AV MOnFllATE n,TH ' HOTEL NEW YORK IHO Hxceilent culpln dnnlrg O M Onttte Pna.ntt 7th A Webb. Run. hot A cold wtr. w ftj rm8 Exc?l. Koahtr rule New mgt M Wlkmrttz form Sharon Bpga N T. Continental Hotel & Restaurant 224 Cookman a Am Eu pin blk. fr. ocn HUTKL rilKDrolCD nth A-. overlooking ocean all rooms with running water: ui,.. Mtti lath Hnrr Ouffl-td Own Apr ASItl ffi PnK INFOHMATION Write Mt VI IPAI nt-UFAf Poirdw k. for hotel or other Infonratlon fr.'t ft authentic. urFs r.iiovi:, n .f GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL Mi in UoacS aa Ocean Oroe, N. J T-rcp hot"l A cafeteria, under nv own hip m-. catet rt r- at ."00 q'.aUt . MrrTlt. court f-y Tel 1470 M J WPODm.NO. THE MAJESTIC DinECTLY ON THE BEACU Elevator Senlce Clement A Clement. Chalfonte Directly on oceao Helect family hotel. Lh ers Qner A front, 8 W. Prop HOTEL WHITFIELD Fireproof " apa lt 2'in r.riooklng ocean j r, Afhuit ll.ni Hm r hoi M Herman OCEAN GROVE HOTEL ? Mln iji'irlum All a trarttons A M. OltlOua 5urf Ave Wrillp i-Tie bloi.k lo ,vdci c Modern Home Cook- l C ew mirigt Pkll A P. Sta. Kt He nrn-r1nnfllj formerl Beaumont, 40 Ocean I .......... jria, ),et Auditorium a an I HBCrt i Lillagaard ), HofPltollt V M 'is W S W LORD Abbntt ne , oerlooklnj 'in Qua lt Cloanllness I HYKA Onner-.Mgr NATIONAL B6 Ma,n " '" HeAcb lmprntements Cnfetcrla W. H. JETT. Orpnn Hotlgp "!- Mttln Oean Or cean nouse Tr n07.R F)im Irove. N J Famllv Hotel pl,n SV 10 H I Duncan 7elle " onon PIrE TO HOARD" LnVas'ar Ho iso O, ean Orove, N. J. Short ! ock from otean Low ratea, I n friPvnlW Cor- Central A Webb Av l-e uecviuict J F. noremua. Prop COLONIAL H MIV AV nnd European American plan. rOINT JM I" AS ANT N. J. THE CARROLLTON Idea Sit ja'lon Sp ,-nriil Tab 0 Vo a On r r rro' Facing Ocean, All Sports ton Hot, I Co IIFI AIB N .1 rVTlTTf Inn 10,h "rean Av JVieiTOSe inn Hungar!an Cuts! Modern Ine Koaher Mus c Dvt elni,' Hat , Spec rati JuW 4 free Cap 400. jjku. AVunderman & Levin. 5Ai".AIWnRF AT BEACH Modern, bath 3JVlVlVJIC , ahowra exceil.nt rilaine I' "k t ANOELO nOONlCTTI "I'ltlNO LAKE REACH, N. J, THESHOREHAM BI'UINO IAKE HEACII. N. J. Ui'i: FEN IAV !i8 I'ANf.ESltERO E R Prop. THE ALLAIRE 1 SI'IIINO I ARE BEACH. N. J On the win I f- i-ii i-itv 200 MAUD C 1IOIJIFS SUVSIDE PARK, N, J GLADWYN TwUt Bay A Ocean, Now opwn Moo rate. - HE ACII HA VEX N. J. THE ENGLES1DE M& F- va-e t th with sea ind fresh water, five tennla rrurts hoikiet ll r isn'iiK Jian I .rer A s the Covington AV"t Phi ad.lphla THF RR RAKERS. ;ov "PEN rate. Uklt I m REACH HAAEN RFST V J. CREST HOTEL REACH IIAA-EN ( REST. N. J. Two minutes from Ocean and Barneuat Bas ei site It It station on the Br ilevard cipnr u 100 Or'n al .ar Rates and ti -t by reti st R.e n o1e-ate CHA A JOHNSON FICABK'CHT N. J Feninsula house v9b";'.w A IfllKhtf ii hr'r nr, -he Ocean N Y offl'-e '.hainan S'lanre Hotel Tel Col 8100 HI OH I FLYNN Mgr I AKF HOI' Al CONG N .1, Lake View House $.& dancing T R MOORK HOTEL CO. riU'II I' ARK AID DEER PARK HOTEL And Cottages r.r r Mr mnd Altitude 2S0O fe Gr f T i is T ' n nlnir P ols Ml LI IN H Mgr AMI Belmar DVAOOD f 111 ST N nl lo'-ntion h IT - (? "''Ill a r room, ex'el from h te' Mol TTAIAtFS P op. VEaRNON I' JOHNSTON Frellent T 1I1I1 rVewan Crixt H block from Beach Bklt, yjcean vrcai. t. king. Prop. JllSticO 0can vlaw bathing from houae. St'MMEn nKPOUTB ori'AN C1TV. N J. Capacity 000. Ocean City's leading holal In appointment and aervlce. Opena June SO. fipeolal July rates. J. HOWAnn Sl.OCUSt. Ism-Man.ter Hie Impen'al f" PMv. spec, ratet, L June. C. it. wh.t.iami AMD The Strand w"' 5X-, " "?,! rn. mtT. Mils JOHNSON1 tlOKKT 1 KA I IVlUKfc. "n vJly. Ocean tlew u'imih u, f. yfy, onrrar AVALO.., y. J. Hntelavnlnn aid on. n .T tr.n. mnf Anlon, ., for eldi-rlj Panelns tennis for ih in,m The Princeton Ave Ion, New Jerney KtpellM L.ttar, Mnr tni rtinnina tnian M nnt.wvAm WATim OAP. TA. THE GLENWOOD Delaware Water Gap, Pa hMr "hi1' K?n5SU.y 400v. Modern hrlek hptell has ballroom orchestra. three S'n .,,,lnn,, courts'. bbAH diamond, solf d RliImi!r,.,t"' Baralre nd supplies! K. h.i'71m5laUon,V..?t-. moderate rates I-or booklet addreea Iltl.T nitOS.. Mare. KITTATINNY TII,,.J'(iV,A,v t Dni.AW.nB WATim nAr?rA. Lending Hotel of Thle Fnmoua Ueelon Cap ROO. Open to Dec. Kvory mod ap pointment High altitude iragnlflcent Bcenery Oolf, Tfnnla. Saddle Horses Canoeing Hnth., Tlsh . dly. concert and dances nceptlonal cuisine. Amer. pi . also a la carte srlll. Oar. Bklt. road mara A terms mailed John Purdy Core. Forrest Homo "" woter unp. 7th J1"""- A. f.. MAnsit JOnTJlnLA'AltE WATKK OAT. PA, Cataract House Xrth Wat,er a; Pi- " Home cooking, modern, all Indoor and outdoor sports, garage, rate reasonable Booklet A B Wlnegard fan uvt sTnounsnrno. pa. Turn Villa " ""'nklll Tike. Itunga goml cnoklnc. Homelike. CHAS. Mll.l.V.U MUIMI.M.L FALLS IIOURF. Table Siipnlleil from Onn For in. lUanllfnl bcnierv on llnsliklll Pike. Norman HolTm in The Miipteliurst Inn. East 3troudebur fa Arc 22R Spacious erandaa. ahadr lewn farm, cinge MRS M. A BACH. ?IT. POrONO PA Hawthorne Inn N!n.h.ou"k"?1 tagea to rent nectlon with Inn booklet. L M. bi:NO LP R Tlic Clairtnpnt PWW&K moderate. Booklet. c. L. SMITH GLEN GARIFFJ?;w a- throughout, i ... . Prlv, park, amuse, car- tin pt-odnc's Bklt. Oenrge J. ArmntroiB Kcel tohle. nklt. U L fc B. V. AnTMAN FAIKVICW INN. Mt. Torono. Pa Auta tourist hdare, good tnb'e" nteaeant sur round nga Bklt on reo.jiM O. L. .Mrgnrcrl TANAnnNMS The Moirntainside i" ronoe. iiod-n. conven'ts, comfort able Ratea reneonable. Dklt Wm Long, Mgr, MOrNTAIN IIOMK. PA. MONOMONOCK INN Comfort without extravagance, amid fine surroundings New and ontlrely mod houae. Free garc Bklt. H E OKIigiNOCrt Pocono Mt. House j four years Ownership management. Improve-Forty-Booklet. TOIIYHANNA. PA. Pnirnpslrr HntlSP Boatlntr, bathing A nan umcncsicr nojsc ns h ,jnMt n Pocono, Aprl for ritea M K L. Chlches t r I A INN A PIKE CO.. PA. llEl.rilMT rOTrAOE. In the Poconi) jrts home ciok rate. 114 per wk. up Geo R rarore bpecial ratrs over July Jth. I.KNKUSMLI.i: PA. The Highland iishifuur nituated on Chtrlooklnt; the famous Lebanon Valley. Tbs Ideal place 'o spend jour vacation or week end. Ilates moderate Write for booklet. J. HOWARD FRIES. President Hillairlo lleautlful Scenery, Prtv. Batha. umaiuc Moii nit,t moi K,th 0trhart rr.HKiojinN High loretton. flat lntr tennle jVNiaeai mode' ort. priv. nam. boating, batolng. ariv. bat Ilonklet itir c NnKIl MT. OK El N A. PA. Hotel Conewago L&ka Conewag Mt Qretna. Pa. Open. June -Mh 1021 For rates addre.a P L WFIMFH I'.no Cm KMvSMLLK, PA. PUtniOMFN ll'gn 'nati n fiMiing tpnnls INN ldal modern retort bathing pr 1 ath bonttng Ho k et PNOEH HU1FOKH MMilNfiH. P. IlFnFnnn SPKINGS (PA.), nOTEL Excel lent cuisine, all tports Martin Sweeney Slsr NOHItlSTOUN. PA. HAMILTON HOTEL, Norrlstown, Pa Well. appointed frtiliurhtin npt. houses) beautiful residential eritlont tronnltnt and tourptt.' uccom.l unfiirn npts ""on Norrlstown 131. ALLKY niltlilC. FA. NAMUNf.lON INN rhlckn nnd Wattle Dinners OANIhl. J VOORHEKS Prop. DEAOV. PA. WYNBURNE INN 'ylTf. slrible for luslneai men with fimlllet Rooms with hath nt reasonable ratej Dan ing Large grounds Wide teranda P n Re-wn 18.1 W IWIHOOE. i. T. LAKEWGOD FARM INN BOSCOE.N.Y. A MOUNTAIN SUMMER HOME. OF UNUSUAL CHARM Lour Illstunie Telephone VERMONT VERAIONT t RLE IlOOKrA "Vermont Motor Tuute Oroen Mountain. of Vermont Hotel Directory," 'Cottagu to Rent nnd for Hale AVrlte Varn-int Pulu ' tv nurau Montpeller VL MANtlll TElt, AT. EQUINOX HOUSE M)l OPEN A!nnrlietir-ln tlif-AInuiitiilna, A'ennont A E AI ARTIN Manager rull.lNLA. AT. The Colonial Inn ft .cGr.Mirrou. fihado sports good table near lt. R and trolley, 180 guests, modern Improvements, 14 00 to 180 00 Beautifully Illustraud Booklet. Bos L. C. L. LEONARD. Mgr. TOIR e-n profiles iikii. ueorge J. Armntroig pxtiT'-'-'laana De Luxe Tours To PACIFIC COAST TOl'R C-22 64 DAYS Leaving July 2 vi.iung Colorado, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, California, Yosemite, Pacific Northwest, Mount Rainier, Canadian Rockies TOUR C-23 TOUK C-26 Leaving July 2 Leining July 1C 46 TO 48 DAYS aimtinc Canadian Rockies, Alaska, Mount Rainier Glacier and Yellowstone Parks TOUR C-27 57 DAYS Leaving July 10 Anuing Colorado Rockies, lYellowstone, California Resorts, Yosemite Valley, Honolulu, Pacific Northwest, Canadian Rockies All our De Luxe Toms are limited to 15 members, using thi best hotels everywheic. Otrer Touru to all pirta SonrJ fnr FRANK TOURIST CO. Established 1875 B42U Phone; Spruce 0852 BWtMEIt nKSORTfl 6TATEN 11LAM). N. TIIR Terra Marine Hotel Huguenot Park, Stntcn Island, New York City "The Ariitocrat o Stathort Ritorh" t'nrter new manaremenl Operated by men who know and understand e cordially solicit the Patronage of old Patrons of this wonderful resort brought back to ll' To new Patrons we eay It Is a delight, nulM restful, et lota of wholesome fun OCEAN BATHING DANCING All Outdoor and Indoor tports Dining rtonms rspiclty (100 all outside rooms wlfi or without bath, cuisine per fection GOLF PRIVILEGES B0 minutes from Broadway Wonderful Auto Iloada Rooking Onlre Geo. L. MncFarlane 22 nfth Ave. New Vork BOOKLET OV RF.QVERT Outing A Special Parties nccommoilatcil. Httm 8lnt:n leliuiil Ferries Saturday unci Hnuilny for nutoinoh,lrs onh. HinilMorNT. N. V. QmWttimas "A City in hull," tf.'gnmooaf, N. Y. Fnder New Management F. 8F.ITIKN 250 Rooms With nvery Conenlence Hot and Cold Running Water AM. OUTDOOR SrORTS Special Feitnre for Fourth of July Iloll'lnx. ICarlj Kesrrtntlons Advised. Jeweleh Dietary Laws Obsered Itntea nnd Booklet on Requret I KF. OlXtROK, N. HOTEL MARION ON LAKH GEOHGH, N.Y. 76 mllea north of Albany . HA" J3 H ' . JJi'wr ram viTrt8iThrf!' ' .'iTOsigflgTsjVsiiViiV, ""ziXiJLi: ', J i8lUlIUUWuiaUaJrJ)ll ITBIftl wRwi;,' - Plrettly on Lake Shore, alto Stste Road from Lake ng cot- George yillaga to Bo'ton Landing Modem In eqo p n ccp. "' Llbtrel minsgrmrat. Adjoins Lake George Country and Yacht Club tsaMo Jane to Oet- JOSKFH H. IIASVta ukk ricn n. v. ADIRONDACKS v j Bn , a Vsew mm LAKE PLACID, N. Y. Opena In Jim. ETtonslely Improved, finest ectrlcal equipment, lunnlng water, prlvats bathrooms, e'ovator; porchca; dancing. Fl'KMhliKD COTTAdES FOH IIF'T A.l oul-of-door Adirondack diversions. Clr. M. II. MAItSIIALL. Mgr.. Lake Florid. N. Y. WHITEFAGE INN LAKK PJ-CID. N. Y. NOW OPEN Modern In all Ita arnolntmsntB. , ... i. . 8WBKNKT. Manager. Klnter. Highland Park Hotel. Aiken. B. a rrrr.ii sahavc kkc. n. v. Bartlett Inn K Saranac York Attraetlicly furnished rrjngalowa to rent with hotel serlcc Comblnlni? the comfort, f fti A llr ndiirk rump wl'h tlm convenl ems of a modern hotel J. II. KF.MtDON. 8 W. 10th Bt., N. Y. C, Oolf Tctint FttMno llathina AIllHONDArKS, N. Y. FOK AIIKONDCK 1IOOKLET and Infor rnatlon apnl to (iro. W. Itrnn. Hrc'y.. Plattv KITSw, Y . rm JlONTRKiMgUEIlEO BOOKLKT apply to TonrlHta Iturrna of Mon. trenl. OOP New Itlrk. Illdg.. Montreal Can. NAItltr.NETT 1-IFU. It. I GREEN INN Narraganself Pier, R. 1. On The Ocein Front Golf, Tennis, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop. Rooms Single or En Suite Open June IS to October The Imperial Narragansctt Pier, R. L OPEN .irVE TO orTORFR An cxrltislie held for dlnrrlnilnil toe people nt one of America's llncht Heublde ltreorts. POLO Oo f, Tennis, Uathlng, Daa elng AA'ell kept State Highways ferr motorlng For r'eratlons nddrea JAAIEH E. flAI.nT.KY. MANAOER. Nnrrngnnsett Tier, Rhode Island. l NFAV LONDON. OWN. TIIK filtlSU (11.11- EAatern Point New Ion efrev I g s shore resort ' don Conn Mn.t IIOSTON. MASS AAIIEN I.N IIOSK1N stop AT HOTEL VENDOME C i otveilti nuw nt lartnioun Mrpt TLA AltH TH. AtASS. MAYFLOWER INN PLYA1UUTH, MASS. 77ofeI Ilinrlng Copo R .thing. Cod's Oolf. Fl.ifjf Tenuis iiyii.iK notch n. ji cBalsams iSSSk A AIAJEHTIC RFIOin HOTEL Pirtnreique.y Ix.oafed Among the Hills an1 Lake, of Hcewo New Hampelnre Fireproof It HOLE flOIF COURSE. ItlDINO. HrORTS Broker's Offlre with direct N T. Wire LL'ILE GLENN ON. Mgr. N. Y Off. H A' 40th St. Tel Viind't StOO AIVRA.I AND A'nrtlonlng In th" Blue Rldjre Mts . for de scriptive bk t & list nf I nt la 1 hrdg house. In Blue Ridgo Alt. writ Clen 1'asn Ag'nt Ae-t, rn Jf.rsland Railway Baltimore Md a nt frxju 'nt Ir ttrvalft 1-f.irtf1 of Tour 219 So. 15th St, Philadelphia BTHlMmt nF.sonTa CANADA The Glorious Saguenay LESS than four days' return Jour- ncy from Montreal on the magnificent steamers of the Canada Steamship Lines, theSngucnay Riv er trip has become one of the most convenient and enjoyable trips In North America. From Montreal you journey down the romantic St. Lawrence, stop- CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES A Thousand Mile tf A Thousand Thrill tf NKAV F.NfiLAND New England Tours EirAr,;gffi llEOLl'TIONAH I ORE, OH .ILKT A "OO ) VA CATION At ITU MOTOniNtJ (lEIt RPMSNnil) IIOAIIS IN TIIB UJ5- LioiiTruL climate. .vkw:.vo;.awi mill pijiahf. yov waysiiji: ; inns, miidkkn cita hotfus and oreat ItESOUTS OFFER E I'.lll FOUJI OV FOMrORT AND KECItE.TION. Dend for free Illustrated road map In rolors. published by the NEW ENO. UM IIOTF.L ASSOCIATION, comprls InR 200 of the beet hotels. WIXX1AM M. KLMIIAIX, Secretary. Draper Hotel, Northampton Mass. JKlTI'JtSON. n. n. New Wanmbek HOTEL and COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN THE HEART OF Tins WHITE MOUNTAINS A Distinctive Hotel of the higher type SEASON JDNE 28 TO OOTOHEU EXCELLENT I8-IIOLE OOLF COURSE TENNIS. RIDINO, FISHINO. MUSIC nooklnc Office 8 West 40th St. New York rrnnk r. Shutr, General Manager. R. Fnller Nye, Ilenrt O. I'lnmer, Asst Managers. HF.TIIIEHEAl, N, II. THE SINCLAIR WHITE MOUNTAINS BETHLEHEM NEW HAMPSHIRE FREE FROAI II FEVER Modtn. I V 'r lint Hotel Oolfers" Head ouarters IS HoI Golf ( oureo bad lie Ho h a All Cutdo r Srorts Oarag Patronized by First-Clan Clientele ItiUs SA per d u ii ml upjvnril" Spoclnl Rntea During 1th nf .Inly AAeek AMI, 1. 1 AM AIcAl I IFFF, President AAINTFK 11011 I 1HE ALCAZAR rioridn Ehi I'ost Hotel Co. Flag r-r Sssti-m St Au, iMIne I In. William Mrulllfe Atannger AA1IITE A10FNTAINS N. n. BRETTON WOODS , WHITE MOUMTAINS.rl.H. THC MOUNT PLBASJIT,- OetNSJUHS fl CLOses OCTOaen , - c J dunpky, mow THE H0UHT WASHINGTON.-0e5.i,.r 7 Ctojis middle Oct. - CJ Root, mor wiw VOWH aOOKIWO OSeiC,al-atJAVK MAPLEW00D HOTEL AAliitc Alta., N II. lH-llolo Coif ( our.e lliiolliiT Ofllre 1IR0 llniiihinT. N. A STEAAIHII' ItESOHT'' To Calif l irorma By Ocean From Baltimore Inauguration of Regular Passenger Service Sailings Every Three Wccka Commencing July 7 With Palatial American Steamship VENEZUELA 14,000 Displacement Ton Beautrful Cruise Through Panama Canal Calling at Havana, Nicaragua, Salvador Guatemala, Mexico, Los Angclca Harbor and San Francisco Rate on application at all Tourist Agenla or Pacific Mail Steamship Co. tOO Oxchang Placa, BALTIMORB 10 Hanover Stjuar, NHW YORK mssx&meamamiamm JLaassiV' eWVMaSSi'-.iSS::t,Si 1 Iiia rus 5noOB the Kafmt r flj nMnmnnrwRTR c,nn "Niagara to the Sea" nlntr nt Old Oucbcc. beautiful Mur ray Bay and Picturesque Tadousac. Then the glorious Saguenay with its stupendous Capes, "Trinity" and "Eternity". Tend 2c postage for lllustrited booklet map nnd (rulde, to John F, Pierce. Pass Traffic Manngnr. Canada Styamirii. Lines. Ltd . lid C S. I. Building. Montreal. Canada Travel Pleasurt Oat awar so hptlMe away to the pcrr.naUng, rloeaocotad,.lMt'Clilo.lrof Matok.Lk. There rim 11, ikiu (ni. rioiai. too. iockj, goir, eta. urery roora a fixed rate. Accom 'mtwfatlnn In JhI. B.....au. Booklat, JWyal HaaUka P.OUV. Reue.a. OaUrb. IQUK ri.HTH, MK. Passaconaway Inn Cottages for rent In connection. Address CHAS. A. WOOD, Hotel Bellevue, Boston, Mass. nAii iiAR.toit. jm. i The Malvern BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens Juno 30th ERNEST G. GROB, MnnBor SOUTH HAIU'SAATtLL. ME. 1MERRICONEAG HOUSE Smith Hiirpsurll. Maine. Modern hotel ol 40 rooms. Fine view of Cascn Pay and Islands. Dklt. E L KEHEW & SON. Pros. PAFIFir NORTIIAVT.ST COOL HUMMER CLIMATE, plenty ot golf, cAery arlety of trout and sal mon llshlng, and the moBt wonderful natural Bcencry on earth, reached by rail, steamer or by 15,000 miles of i-plendld hlBhways, offer ou an Ideal neatlon In the Pacific Northwoat, Ore lion, WuBhlngton and British Columbia. Write for free Illustrated booklet to Herbert Cuthbcrt. L. C. Smith nidjr. Seattle. Wash. STE AAIHO ATSRESORTS ill I HI I 111! II 1 (Ut'i 1 1 in ii 11 iiirtiiii 1111 1 11 uti luittin 111 Falffliverline IIUIIKIII rue popular poutc to BOSTON SpUMiH SUitmrrtatxl FtrvU Onkutra n MA SUamtr Lv. rulton St. Pl.r 14 N.N. B.30 P.M. Deny lad. Sunday New O.df.rd Lin pally exc. Fun . Lv. Pier -tu.u jiouHtonni.ttti' m New London Uave Lt Pier to N R Hon ton St 1PU PIT 70h II indSt ,PU Davtl.ht Sav. Tim Tlrkela et 1311 nnd '5A3 rl.f.tr'.t t iiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiH ik ERICSSON BOAT FOR BALTIMORE $2, one-way fnro; $3, round-trip fare Dally nt 5 P. .AI 3 o'clock Nuturtlay (duy-llght-mivlng tlmo) from I'lrr d. a. Dfla n re Ave. Send for rnmphlet. ericssonTJne &d&& DAY BOAT l-'OU 1JALTIMORE I A o'clock in the morning, daylight ea.tu time, beginning Thursday, June 10th. Every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Fare. Jl 80 lo Baltimore. 12 60 round trip. Most beiutlful wator ride out of Philadelphia. Bend for pamphlet Pier 3 8 Delaware Ave. sJ!.-. Jir Hfiltlmore 8d & 1 tit July Mopping nt I ore wood Grove Fourth July Excursion For Baltimore stopplrs At I.orewooi! Groe on Chesupeike & Delnuaie Fanal retuinliiK trnm I.orouooi Oron by up boat arrlln 'm same eenlnr Bteainora lcia Phlla "injllBht i-aln time) R o i lock M F ' lrslon lorew, id aroe fl no fnre to llal M nor- II An rouml trip K Rn Benutlful "'"ner leii;iiful flu) s nuilnB flleamera ri3 ihrovish two 'o-k Beat Wnter Trip Out of Pl.Ua. Frlr.wnn I Ine. I'ler .1, So lli-lni,ire e. Kirllv!Pt.Hi0IJ.,,plV?!I1 N'RHT LINES M5AV KOItK ClfV 'H) NEW YOItK HI fATU AIXIIUIFI) 8 H William- n r u. I.A Sp. ,n OarJlen I annnuma the mtnlnsH or theli lanahinr eatljs AI.FOItn On June 2A 1021, MARA K )V.Ant ,Uu" S1 Alf.ril Rtlntlvea nntl frienrlii ai- Invltel to the semen on lure 1J a,,',n,0i!',a! ' orick nt hir late resl 'lenre ,111 Unrlrn a IlHddunflelil N J Iniermint nrlvue I nP0i?rn,,.,N,.,,r..,.,,'nV J"" A 1021 BANK AV AltAlviitdN'o Hr aiterl S3 llitleB nnl frl nils ur Inilted to atleul tuiKral HirWeee I no 1 p r late resl i 11,,',,1 Onnintonn i lit piuate h?lLn "."u ' "m 1'" lends rail .Alon ee UIT Jim.. .A K1K5AIII- HI J "uugtit., " I.tuiiue mil ilin Aliindi Abl in hr l'I ear FllllPrui Til H " P M iilr.nr. 'lln, 1,1, l IlilliaulH at MnBlnnrnir,.- iiemjlnii mu b viewed Mon after 7 I' M - 1 lilVtL'l u..-i , ... 1IAKBR June lm. n... .r., ""-'..: .""" ii uana nu in i ArAi,,". . i j"""r. "ines and trends Areluru. Lodso No 3A O ll V .'res r'.it .null So ni, u n w- r... liw. I rite o "71 Inn, I). II M imli.H i I nei . nl ventre. 'I u.s I 111 P M 111 in alion ave Int IV nw.iid I t 111 I'rlenln ill Mrm S I . Id p M HA I n o i,,, ,11 13.1 III I. IlKllIn ll i funenil ht r BA'ni.N wf, r 11 and fii, da t, n ) i edl li lift, t n ,'" , I.n l'I m I, I In lni.nl .in I A"- II I M i -I Kl I ' "l'l 'I ,, I N F lull fi nt h i IllBI I .il U 1 1 i i 1 I !. I ! M el rtn a filial al f ii rfo.ii KeiislnctLii a ".ni.iiii I cm iJAiiti At Boverly -miMkwdm&m i 1- wV W t a'"irr I I "1aJvWftl w ir -r j 1 1 rw I naTw" ' -yaT aJiiLSc"" , ' r""'l "Tv eall Al. n eo AYIlhS - June 21 FAIHAItlNBAI f. , I Unwurd Ayrei ur.1 3S Itelatlve. and i. , , Hrl 'nmafl to intend funeral Tues . . ' ,,Vom n'r l"" resilience 3102 IIIk- jfiflSM N J , luno a DKATIIS dnce, 311 Itrnr.d Mnnuoient Com. Poverty, N nACIIEL c uch.UH June 23, William If. neere rn..i f ..'' .wf "! late residence. 2B27 H. 10th ,t. ntnll f;,,"-.! iuii vni x- irnuB'jnay cull Rim 1. nor II SHOP June 2S. mibJ J?un-. . ' h i... n. 1.4 n.i .l.i .Jl r,v. aiiu ..ll friends are nerai eorvlces. Wed . 2 14UH ft. 2fld at. lm. t.rl.,. call Tues , 8 r. M IIOLEN RiMil.nlv T,,.. n Frlendi niVy nMn t ii'iu.h --j V.T"im e" TTTlVtx s Ron or wnson ana ate LnvinV tVi7 " "V"t" "Si Kf Wif.VKBteY P0WI aged 70. Relative. v n ;:r.'irf.1 l OWEN, ..". .....-; . .... urn mi n . .. . .?.'!"." irioniii ni. iPW.SpT to runtrai 1( IH H Hill Crr Frlenda mny call Tneg i'ieas om't nowera OTS. uuivBiiB, June 2, ELLA din.ki.. ale Frank C and suluK' nTL..au'.'!f WT T . and Mnkrii tS..Vu,.,5? ef services Mon, I P M precisely! 1219 nJ'' et. Int. Mt Morlah Cem. 9 Dut'r BRAKER June 24, 1B21 nrnn. HIIAICER. beloved husband of ?u?.n.B' Rraker (ne nyan). Relatives and friJil" also members of police boa" atokuY. "IVi Police Pension Fund, are InMted to it5I5 funeral services, Mon , 2 P. M u w. i"' residence. 1140 N. Hancock at. in, "w11 C.dr liin Cem. Viewing Sun .ggft ' BRASS June 23. ANNA E . dau.ki. . the late Daniel and Elizabeth ItrY.V1 V.fi SS Relative; and frlenda are lnvii.a,. attend funeral, Mon., 2 P. At (daiii.M ' Ing) from her lata residence arfmi".'." Philadelphia. Int AVllllam peSn r.M Autoa will meet train leaving Rtadin. t.!"1 inal It 4n A M at SomertorT Station T"m' MHINOHUnBT June 23, uM v wldov of Thomas Ilrlnghurat. k.i1,iV nnd frlenls are invited to at end .?"'" rorvlces AAd . 11 M prcelJeS V,M.rl I.avld II. Schuyler nldg , Bfoad t ind f Di.' . mnd n Int. prlvato a D1 IIROAA'N Juno 21, ATJUIE AV. nnnvrw nee Tsler). wife of Horace II Brown 53 IR Funeral eervlcea Tu.s . 9 Wl.'H husband's residence, N, w cor AlerchiTl,. A' nnd Paieon ave . Audiibon NT .J Moorestown Baptist Cctn , Atnoriton w J Frlenda nay call Mon . after 7 P jt ?' dotte Council, No 83. Degree of pocahnnti." and Indies- Awlllary. AuLben volS .',': Fire Co.. No 1, are Invited umniaar I1RYON. On June 24, PATRICK nnrnu formerly of 2445 Amber at . PhHadSlffih?0' loved husband of Mnry Uryon (nee S?.', Relatives and friends, also emploVe. of A and R. R are respectfully Invito' ,0f J neral, on Tuesday, June 28, with hlih m. .,. H, Mlnnl.l.ii. PhuMl. t Z '!. "'.0 mill at St. titanlslaua Church. ..nnaaie, at II Interment 14" A. M (daylight saving) Inlnlng cemetery, uuiiitiiAiiuT juna UIAIIUT June 9 T.... widow of Conrad Burkhardt. ...a a 'i6- nernl Tues , 2 P M B2B4 Hazel ave Kernvvood Cem. E-u. lit, , cajifhelij on June 23, 1921 JAUE! :J w.hiii.i, buii ui inn iaip James v iinr .i tampooii ueiatives snd friend. also tho Amor can Leelun nro in. il.j '."?? . n' funeral on Tuesday moinlng at 7 an io'?iiv! from the, Oliver H Hair Bldg , ijo W1.8'1 nut at Solemn raaulem mass aL St jK,,, Church nt 0 A M. Interment at Holy CrS!! Cemetery ""' CONOLT. June 24. 1821. ELTZADFTB II . wife of tho late Thomas Conoid mia. lives and friends are invited to att? funeral services, at her late residence. ft Evergreen ava . Chestnut Hill, Mon . 2 p S Int, private. -.. DAA'ENPORT June 23 at her resld.ni-. 2240 Hear, st , BERTHA E. wife of fS? E Davenport and daughter of Annie FuraJ (neo Shivers) and laio Enos Furej, aged sY Relatives nnd frlenda Invited to rvli Mon. 130,1'. M at the funeral hern..i John P. Klmmerle & Sons, 2127 N. HroJi Bun. S' P1 M "' Eergr"n Ccm' v'""l DAA'IS On'juno 23, 1021 THOMAS C rurband of Rachel Caesln Davis, eed t! eirs Relatives and frlvida are InWted IS th ecrvlec, on Monday morning at 11 o clock, at hie late residence, 77 V, Haiti, nnro nve , Lansdowne, Pa Intermtnt trl. vate " DI.V Juna 21. MARY E . widow of link, trt AV D'x Rolallves and frlenli are In. vitd to atterd funeral services Wed, P. M., at roeldonro of her son-in-law Dt David Bevans, 3310 Glrard ave Int pri vet" Omit flowers. FAOAN. June 25 1021. PETER FAOAK. Br. husband ot Elizabeth Fagan Rt't. tlves and friends nro Invited to attend fu. nernl, Tues 8 30 A, M , residence, 2035 Hit tenhouee st. High requiem mast St. Pit rlck'a Church 10 A. M Int. private, Holy Crosn Cem. FEARN-June 20. JOHN husband ( Annln Fenrn aged 7S jears Relatlv.i ml frlenda, also Post B.I J A R . and Wit No 1 I O O F Invited to funral. AVet 2 P M a04 AVcsttleld nve . Camden N J Int Iinptlst t'em llnddonfleld N J FINK luno 21 MARY A., willow cf Ellaj D. Mnk Relatives and friends ili.i Phlla. Lodge S. ot n and Court ('leaver Ordr of Unldcn Sceptre are Invited to funeral AAVtl 8 10 A. M from her lite reeldnca, 2071 E. Orleans at Holemn naulem mass Church of tho Nativity U A M Int private. FRANK June 28, LENA 1TIANK Reli. lives, friends Invited to services, Wei, ! P it , residence, 2421 S. 0th at. Int. pr. vate r-.ALLAOIIER, At 270 N. 23d st , AX-DHEAA-, non of Wllllim and the late Mary Ann Gallagher. Relatives and friend., i'ji tho American AA'ar A'eterans, are Invited Ii attend the funrar, on lues . at 8 80 A M from 82A N. 10th st. Solemn requiem min nt ne Cathedra! nt 10 A. M Int. Bt; i iot Cem A'lewlng en Alon . after 7 P OARTL1NU June 2S EVA (nee Hlil. "If,- of Into Gottlieb Uartling In 72d ytt RelatlvcB and friends members of Trinity heformeil Church Invited to services Tu 1 30 P M . daughter s residence. J.1M Rum Sun nve Int Asl Luurol Hill Cem OELLENTHIN At Fnulsboio N J . ra June 2.1 RAYMOND E . r.on of Albrt R. md M.Kklo Oellentliln aged 2 month H davs Services on A'ednesdn at 1 P. M nt parents residence 1B08 K Commerci it I'ajlsbnrn N. J. Interment AVcnonah Cent blEIlI ER -June 21 QEORGIC I. . hoi tind of late Lillian H and son of Caroline H nnd late Lovmh E. Ulebler Ttehtlititnl friends nnd all socl'tlea of which he nil member Invltod to funeral Tues 2 o'elcrt -ealdcnce 0t7 Tree st Int. private. Frlendi mav call Mon ov GLASS On Juno 25. 1021. H0BERI OLA'S" Servlcea oo Thurslay afternooa at 1 30 o'clock, nt his Into rre!denc. 1W7 lerome et Interment nt Fernwool Cum tery I-Ylonda may call AA'ednesday eri. UOI.DR1CK Suddenly June 24. JAMS AV husband of Catherine Ooldrlck. Pninl Tues , 11 A M.. from his late ruldence, 5Ji AV. Thompson st Relatlm an! friends nlso emploses nf the Shertm oBlct an,l member, of the 20tll CentUrr RWV llran ( lub nnd nil societies of which MS" a member nre Invited Int. Holy Crsii Mewing Mon. after 7 P M , GoriUE June 24. HARRY AV.. ion of Hnnv J. and LU7le flourle (nee Park) Utl IK Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited to it tend funeral services Tues 2 P M . 1 tocldence 2211 E. Firth st Int. Nortb Cednr Hill Cem Viewing Mon . 8 to II OROPP Juno 21. CARL hujtand of .AInrgaret Oropp (neo Holllng). aiied 69. Ball; lives and frlunds also all lodges ot wWta he vvaa a member, are Invited to atUOJ funeral eervlces. Tuea , 1 P. If , lite "' donee 820 Market at Camden. .V J. J Chalton Hills Com. Friends may cell Mon "aCILt.OU On 21th Inst . In Ssnti Roll Calif. ALITIED OUILLOF son i of the lit; Bono and Cynthia Gulllou. In the 631 rut of his nee ,,,, kui hnml of Alice and son of .Martha and l Jam. a Halfarlj , Belatl ' and frlenda l lted to funeral Tues 8 30 A X Mj N et Holemn renuletn ma.s Asceni ( hurch 10 A it Int Holy Cross Cem TIAI.KlIIirY June .0 Jrt.ir. . ll VT.I.OAA i: I.I. -un June, r "-. i iii'i jiahi W'-i'K F UALIOAA'CU. Jl and Henrietta II II tlKlftdll 'B"".. nnl friends are ImlteJ ' 'h? ,hV'oiir, Monday afternoon at l ' 'Ip,'.' inVri(t II Balr Hid ll20 Chestnut s' lnierw : . . a,aarla no priyata . ... otritrinn R IIANDSIIBAV June -' .",," iijihi helnxed husband of Jeanne H 'noties (nee Harrv ) In hU 2h ear Due no u of funeral ulll ho given from his l lence sns N aa ai .,,,, y,Mi IIAHIII June i- , '"";'?" ,., mi. irtrfi : - of the late Ann Harris In ni e. j Relailes and friend. ""'"A ".i im funenil aenlres Tuea , 2 I " r.,,ti, reeMencc 2.103 K Norils t Int " Norlhwood Cem . ,.,.). u bi- JUA'PllTYJuna 23 TIAIOTHT II r. loved husband of Mary Havert (nee ' non) JtelatUea and friends aUo all fj eletie. of which he was a memjer ai.j, Mte.1 to ftlt.nd funeral Tues W Bol. ficm hla late rerldenoe fllA 3 Jj-t" ', , T?,n.,flX,ai'ionm?0SflA?tM,he.nCt!,UirfoVcto.. C'lTlNKS -luie 25 JWIjiyfpji rntnnrln Hinea It to 1""!ll?hnn) , H"f hla iie. nn t iricnur- 'p-' i" v i o n nle5 Name tlrrletv and Dlv .'ll 411 friends al rs of ivann ."--.. 449 F and A No 53 K T M . rorlntnian i "":- ss: M John ' ham" -Ynd- Lu I.u Temple other tr orKanlznt on of which he .,o0 a n. " ,-. .-- .,. . nn"- ,ro invited jo "."2. . S.rV SprW' 2 30 P M. from nis yr. '""-fvienili B" 'i Int llllleldc Com rritnu lionte P call Sun after call Hun eve imtvtkmi .tuna Ji f the la... Helen A H""'' '",a r vrar Itelntlvc. and frlenda rniM pandunc I.idite No A . 1 " u i ,, lnul mcpolltan lodBe No 23.1 K " ,,. to rervlces. AA'e.l 2 P Al n l'Llvat AM" derre 1KU.1 N Front st J"1.JJ"., . . Hunter In, h 'it I r. urol Hill ( fill Vievvina ".,-. N. J HUTCHINSON ri.m.xJ Hal Jul e , T.ison ased 70, , " :,'" 3 I" "ill Invited to attend funeral JW ".j -.thimon ' ., ,.ni r.lrl.nce Edward liu'v"'. c. Helatlvea and l'!f. Vv'S-frVlj !ni.prtvai'.-,75!LH JOHN3TO-A .' ". niivMlT E JU st Juno 21 , IWSl 5v.fT uVy Johnioti (K KON beloved husband of ''"Lyrr,nlli ;J7 Ti-iMni ort) Tl.lnlluaal lUld nimberri of the I'hlladeipni" licit, i vr ."....i Cn'K5 memnera ui ii." , "Li.T, he IP ""V .a. and all rocletlea of wh en he "YUe,a M are invited to a tend funri,1F Cnurcb ' p 1 at I.leneaer .vi r' , I P rr all at ln nr'vate I MIFK1 AKFK2. Qnurwmimm wvmum1' ' tnt,1 re Invited to attnn ium' " r .nBrln ri A AI from late i-llence .'".p , TCPU'rt lemn mnsa ef rwulem St I ''"' 10 A M Int Hois',.1 r(Vo,s;"n hurt"1, IIINK'JS luno -" . J0J1,-S n,atUi rd nf i.inli, Hlnkle aed Rl .''Val. so so membei r - 11 ,. hnltll 1IOHN JUhO .1 -Ptv'"r ri.ifillvrf " of Anna Horn (nee MaUur ) n'lM ltl, filondi are Inslted lo V.end.f irlince 1031 AV M. n IP M at hla lata residence i. on. . i Vrtfihu, oiid t. eni oiiAtjr t in.. .- - ff 1?DC 1 !'iW y iijjjiu; Int. I . AtH ."f B DO AD AM t 7 M-J i'..unllB 1 aaSasaSaBaaaa.B.SBBtaBtBfJSaVBBWalaMBaaW.' Ji M