f iJ- ' 'ffh i V vf f" H jn BT r J i,'i. ,ti' .Tf -C - A -j -It I. .! tv .mv'' - ' ; A r s " y MONDAY, J'UE 27,' 1921 K;,'" EVENING PUBIjIO LEftQtiR--FHILAPELPHI AVE OFFER State of Pennsylvania price 101 nd ,nt "et Yield 4.93ft' Federal Land Bank 5 Bonds , litis Mo .?'.., Trlff 100 l""1 ,n,' Nf Yielding 5 Government of the French Republic '"'irioW1 :vt" ",,e Price 95 and Int. Yielding 8 Isaac Starr, Jr., & Co. X. E. Cor. 16th and Sansom Sta. Members rhlla. Stock Exchange and N. Y. Cotton Exchange Will the Mark Come Back? If so, when and hoiv far? C.W.Barron, of Tho Wall Street Journal, Boston News Bureau, Philadelphia News Bureau, etc., after full inquiry in Berlin, answers these ques tions in this week's number of his new financial weekly Barron's At Principal News-Stands, 20c. A dozen exclusive and timely articles for those who read for profit. SPECIAL OFFER: You can have the next six issues mailed to yrfli by sending One Dollar to Barron's, 44 Broad St., New York City. Philadelphia Office 436 Sansom St. Current Information on Grain Markets li of vast importance to those interested in this commodity. Through our private wire serv ice we are constantly in touch with the leading markets. A telephone call at any time dur ing business hours will ac quaint you with the latest quo tations and developments. Boureau & Evans Mtmbers l'lillu. Mock Exchange Chicago Ilonrtl of Trade 130 South 15th Street Philadelphia lecutt USl Race J7S1 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE UllKim MITIAL INhVIIANCK O. rhonn 1,hiii,i QII7U 2JVJS So. Iftlli M FINANCIAL N0TICB Is IILKLIIY UIVE.N T1IAT. UV nmin?lui lon. r th." -Board of Directors ot 2 ".... 60n;?' Inc- ft special mwtlng K.,te-,,oel!?0,,',"ra. ct. aald Company ill bfen called ana will bo held on Moo- the office of tho Company. Tacony and ??Sr-"Hx ". , Phlfidelphla. to Uks SSS,.i,i.n ."1D?r(l or t disapproval of a BRK. "f? li lnc,r the morteasfe IndsM. ISoooo Company from 140.000 to p.,,,' , .pro A 8TBKLK. Secratary. Phl'fdelphla April 2 1021 I'roimsiilB fr.u.Kn piHn;si wii.r.iiBRECEiTOn t nom 'Hi Cllj Hall until 12 oVlocit t;0""'! rimrwli. .Inh 7. 1031. for "ewer" m Tiurwlu. .lul 14. 1021 for I rld n,I lor Schwlul "A main sewer " .H0,.'"w",', t"t'n t!7th ae. north and Anvr-ewn ave. n Ogoiiij ave letween Andrew ave and i-d ave north Vd'htonnr 7M av' north ".?Hifh"K, t'rln'" w""ntn Ian, .Jf"r'?rf.t "' ,,etttn present terminus Bchedul "H. brlilire BUS? "' RU,h ' over th Schuylkill n ,,, '" t ii a 1 1 Unue iti,'"n .h'-ol nulldlns. l.nnedowne 5NI be made ?a LBfi'S.L ?''''.. "qndn school Dirertn. .. VL, " ."' ine "oaril ot mTdm&ftir&z l0nminu "" 5,oop In 20 years, Said y,Ja....XT"' ana M0.O00 In 80 vnsrs m may b. subml.t.HU'r'i tr.if "' 8"i Tax. In Interest free or ,i.f0r."iy9 bo,,a tr cent "r ft'! ner li"' p'r C"H. lnufd 2A rer cent Tlieee bonda will '. Tovvnanertnd"Fll.Wt,h ."P'nlSn 0 fhliadelrhla p?i n!ilil0,, Rn,l ftrunson, of tJ !fledPtVci3ld,orronmVBcU.bnm,o,Wh, "pSSyVr iJI'bftV "" th. right to HOWARD M. LUTZ p Solicitor. lj!i lilenda HARJHSBURG LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY Hnrrlshurg, Pa. Th. Hoard or tv, Jun'' 2I - finrTTTtrrT " HT0Nn Treasurer. '"MIIBU.IIIA iSS-iLu-MvSv tlrd 1 dkiden.1 nLr,,clors has his day dV trnt Ui4?!,V 1',1,,,f "w ''"! nnr-qunrtir per rmpanv ,,l "V, ,h." . 'referred stock , if thia A. J!"" 3i 10 ? ' ,he clu"e I" bul "TTll" tlN 5'V,!'K WV .JTreasurer. I 'il H, T VgJi ar'rr" hnB '"' ""? I t.!F r"" and an ,ATi:!,r,nu.'!.1 "'"'nd of a. J. Monnio.' chir. n New York Bonds SALES If; $1000) Am Asx & Ch Duq Light 6a N r llys el &s 7is rets 1 .... 04 n 04 1 04 4. SO 10 .... B'4 N T Tela 4V4 ft . 78H N Vk Tele fla 3 ' 0OH Nfk A W'n 4s I . 74H Nfk A W cv 0s 3 .. 10014 1 1D0V4 North We'n U Tele'n "a 4... . 00 1 v... 00 1 .. 0V4 ft ... 00 1 .... 00 1 .... 00 3 .... 08 1 . 1 . t A, 80 j 80 K 80 14 Amn TiTclj 2. 80?, i..... TB'-j Amn T A T fti 1 83 0 82 Amn T & T 0 1... .. 07 Armour 4Ws 1.. .. 7'i 3 . ?7t A T A S Fe 4 1 .. 7H 1 (sale) 74 ' 2 .... 7ft 1 .... 7ft 1 7ft a nfc ct n' 1.... 100 a1 ,. ion run Ohio 2.. . 07' 1 07 I ii & Ohio a1 1 .... 81 Unit & Ohio 1 .. . 00 Dull A Ohio " 1ft 08 0. OS Unit A Ohln i 2 . . 87' H A O Hwn 3 1.. .78 Hell relepho of Pa 7a 1 103 2. 10.1 1 tleth Steel Is 2 . no Hkn Ed I D 1 2 ... 07 ttrkyn n T " 1 .. . 48' 2 . 40 Hkn HTci: ft. . . 47 2 ... 47 1... 471 llrkn Ilapld ' ct 7s Ma 7 .. . 45 1 43 2 . 48 Duf R A P ' 1 . 711. Canadian N" 7 2 ... 100', 3 .. 1O0V Ctl Leather ft 4 ..87 Ctl Pacific Is 2 ... 71 3.. .. 711, r . 7m Cerro iln Pnsc, Copper 8s 4 10fli C A Ohio 4 'a 1 . . 72 r'k A Ohio 1. 1 .... 87 U 1 ... 871, 3 . . 87 ' C'lc A O cv ft 1.. .. 70 ft 70 . 'rla Oent Men 4 .... 401 'rle n U cv A 2 ... 30 'rla II n cv tl I.. .. 30 .ne'l i:ieo fl 2 ... 88t nut ear Tlrr Rub 8s ft .. 081, 1 . .. 08'. 1 ..... P8H ie't rrenci t 7,s rets -'.... OR Pacific R 4a 1 .. 78'4 2 .74'; l W'n II CO n Co 4a 2 . 00 ickant Motor 'nr Co Sa 3 . 0ft I 05 4 . 11 itm I '4s I 7I4 ma tl R9i I . 82 nna R tl' ft. 1 ft ft Oft Oft Oft Oft -. Oft ft ... . Oft 1. ... Oft 'i v n s ft 07 1 .... 081 1 .... 07' 0 .. .. 08 ft .... 08 1 ... 08 '.'.... 08' I .... 08 . 07 ' Trunk rot 1 ... 1001 I .. too, I . . lnU, I . 100' 1 . . 100' Mh Rly " ..00' 1 ... 00' Hay A W 00 '4 07 H 'I .07 1 .. . 07H 1 .. UTS ft , . 0714 nna R R 7 1 10IS 101 ij 1 1.' 1 n rhl A I. n fta I 70 H dine Ry 4s " . 72 1; 72 , II Chile rits 0fti4 I . 01 HM A A iu a 1 14 a lift 14 . A S I' Hi I 0 1 14 114 1, I, H I' In 1. . nm fti V4 II .. ftl'4 r.m .' . ft2 1 I. A 3 Pran -lea A il . ftO'4 l' R0-4 1 .Ml 14 'UH l"rnn . rlea C 2 . . SO I. Sow'n t,t I 04 P 1 A PlnJX il 7a I 02", ai Paulo of rn:ll ct 7s il ft- id A Man 38' II I ft 1 I n 'ft I 18 88' 88' 38' 38 80 3(1 31 3'i 30 ilb Met ft 4' 1ft 2 1ft' ntb M ct 41-2 1 12' 4 .... 13 2 .... 13 I .... 13 1 13 ft .... 13V ft . 18' Inlboro R T f r.r r.ft" ft", ' ftft ftft I M Marine 0 77. 1 . 78 Iowa Cent' I 4 2 30 I 1 1 'eah'd 1 1 .. s ft 04 i 04 0ftV4 L b 3014 8014 30 30 C A A char fti 3 . 8ft Chi B A Q Km 1 . . 7SH Chlcaso n A 1 Jap Gove't la' I 3Hi 4 . 004 Chi B4QH 7 . . 00 on 10 84. ft .. 84 '. I . 84 1 84 . J 80 lenb'd A ! la I .10 enb'd A ' 0s 2. 47 .nclalr C Oil Corp n 7'ja I 01 20 01 1 01 S ft no. on! Jnp Qoe't 4 3 . no on r n A Q fli,s 11 . om., 4 .. . on 1 ft ft 11 SO (11 00 no'; 00', (IT, s :i ns Chi A O XV 4a Kan G A 10 48 Chicago Mil A 2 fti', Kan C A S S 11 Pncltlc 4a St P d 4a 1 ft. . ftft' 1 7ft 7ft 1 07 ij South' n Rlv 4s 1 . .. 1134 4 flft Chlcuro Mil A StP fd 4Via 2 ftOU ChtcaKo Mil A Kelly flprlnc'd 20 . . ftft ft BftS Tire Co 8a 1 07 1 Swlts'd Con 8a K nelalum 0s 2 . . 10UJ 1 .. 104 M 1 . 10414 1 . 01 1, ft 021, a fti. StF em 414 . . .. . .... -, f IC of O Drlt 1 . . 71 2 01 A I'd 1021 Chicago Mil AK DelK m 7il n 00 s. StP cv Bs 2 .. . 04 Chi ft N'wn 7 2 . 101 1 101 V, Chi R I & P fj 08S.IU K of O Hrtt OS'sJ I .1 1022 08 1. 074 08 , 07 08,iU K of fl llrlt 08 iv, i I'd 1020 08, t .. . SS 1 . fllH Chicago 8t P'l1 MtOcn 2 07i t fsalel 08S, j S8'4 2 OS., i S8H 07", I U K of Hrlt f U Sta 4 Ha I 08 , , 1 d 1037 10 78 H Chile Cop'r rt 1 . 72 City Rerno 8a 2... . on. 1 . . 07 8 . .. 07 City Rord'x fla 1.. . 78'.i City Chrla't sa 1 07 1 07 Clt of Copi-n- hniicn .fti-ja 2 . . 7ft K Relg'm rets 2 834 3 . 8314 1 88H 1 .. , 88H 2 .. 834 8 (sale) 83 H 8 . 834 1 834 1 814 1 S3', in s.lis, rtah P & I. lis 1 77 1 07 4 1 08 , 1 07 4 Kingdom Den mark ct 8s 8... 00S 1 09'i 1 00 2 00 V 1 0D Kingdom of Italy 11 4 a ft 80 I Kingdom Nor S lirB7ll Ss ITS ' .71 way ct a II S Mevco fta 4 10.14 i t,14 1 100 4 if S Rubb r fta 2 1004 2 . 70 0 . l"04l 2 70 2 . 7ft I 1 ... 74 1 . 7I. 1 74 C N Yk 44'03 ,1 . 884 City Paris Cs 4.. 00 II 2 on it City Zurich 8s 1 . 08 S 2 lOOt, 3 70 U 9 Rub 7 4s fl 100", Kingdom of Sweden 0s ft 84 4 Lack Sleel 'ftfl 1 . 754 1 3 U'd 10 3 1 OS 08V 8 Steel Be .. 04V 04 4 044 . 04 . Chem 1st 84 . 84 1 .. 07 ll.orlllnrd C fta CI'd Cln Chi fti 84 4 St I, 0s Lou i. Nash 4s V C a. 80 2 70 3 Cons'd Gas 7s'Mnrlnnd Oil 8s 3 2 1 . 13 Cuban 1 Cuban 1 . 2ft IOII41 7 0.14 Va-C Chem Oa 100', Mex Petr'm Ss 1 . 77V inni, 2 04 4 Vs-C Oi 74s A 8 Sa Mlrh S Tele 1a 1 874 PUN 1 1 804 Va Irn Covl & C S cviMIn St r Is, Coke 1st ns ' 1 80 4 1 00 K 074 Mo K 4 T 4s IVa Illy & P fta Del & Hud Ts, 2 T 1 .014 I 101 4. New Tk rtl fls' 1 04 Denmark Con 1 RS4 West'n Md 4a ct A 8s 2 SR4I 1 , (11 1 . 0S4 2 H84 0 Bl Det U R 4 4s New Yk Ctl 7s W & B Mfg 7 ftai 1 1014 2.. 00 4 00 4 Do Canada '21 I 100 ' 1 004 IN Yk CeiU'l L) Do Canada '201 Shore 34s I 4. 1 OO, 004 00 4 004 00 1 1 0041 3 S74 Dom Rep'c Ss New Y N n & 10 1 70 4 Hart'd 0s 1 D De NemoursI flO Wil ion Co cv Pvvd r 74s N Y Rys ct 4s 1 7R 074 10 Wilson Co lsts lSVji 1 . fit 10 074 10 Today's Range In Liberty Bonds 11 lft A. M 87 70 87.82 80.70 01.24 80.02 08.38 High fiT70 Low 87.70 87.32 80.70 01.22 80.8S 02,80 Liberty 3 .. Llliprty 1st -1V48 87.30 80.70 Liiiorty -il iVit. Mbert.v 3d J.s . 01.30 Liberty 4th 4V,s. S0.W Vic Notes l4s . 0S.38 Financial Briefs The average price of twenty active Indus trial SIOCKS Huvancru 1 '" mci crm, 10 u( no on Saturday while tvveniy railroads were up 1.07 per cent at (18.80 Directors of the Pittsburgh Stock Kx change have followed tho lead of Now York in (luinorisiiia .r1-"'! uwhm ,,,-Afc tiai urduy. DIVIDENDS DECLARED New York Trnnsportntlon (.n , ftO cents, pavable July lft to stock of record July I t'ubllc Servlco Corp of New Jersey quar terly fl on common, payable June 80 to otock of record Jun 80 United Has and Electric Co . semi-annual 24 per cent on preferred paable July lft to stock of record .'-ne 30 Franklin Nntloinl Hank quarterly II per cent, payable July 1 to atock of record June 30 ,. . Iuro Oil Co 14 Pr cent on temuornrv proferred stork not upon 0 per cent pre ferred, as rrovtoutlv minounccd Dividend I, pnynhie Julj 1 Hooks 1 lose Juno lft reopen "west Penn Power i'j iUirterl 1, per ceirt on prel. ind pnv.ilii.' Auhiist I ( LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Plttal.nrgh Jun. 27 'V1IJ''i'7;ue,ll'l 2000 head St. .ul "lei'a $ .l.'tl K 7ft heifers III 7ftW7 ftO rows Hfil 1 nlvea receipts 1R00 hend Lowe InP 10 ft" HOOS Receipts 72U0 head. Higher Heivtes, 8.:o&8.(0' heavy yortera. light htad. Jllihtr Top shesp. fS.SOi top Umb, llll kw.r. Pennsylvania R. R, May Earnings MONTH OP MAY Retenuea. Increase $'.'311,633 480,800 8,148 584,408 100,801 104,021 11.78S 8,888 fr'L'ht $20,247 127 '"enter 11.210.0J4 $!" 058,(104 ampKM '. 818.001 A" other transport. 710.022 I,nc,'d,n,l .1 410.289 JonJ raolllly Cr. 10,410 Joint facility Dr. 10,847 . "wy- onr. rev .$40,773,400 304,784 Maintenance of way M.".Ud. "ir""'"'.- I.20,1S2 M2.244 128 loniiiiuiiuiM, n i eouloment o.flit.nio 8,760,793 Trafflo . . Tranenortntlon Mlscellnneoua opr. General Transportation for Investment Or . f M.titis . lTH.sxii . 17,870,398 Aftft 400 170. 2U8 1 100,829 48,403 288 35 Rwy. Oper. exp $34,007,830 $9,840,402 Net revenue from Railway oper . Rwy. tax accruals . Uncollectible railway revenues . Rwy. oper. Income.. Hire of equlprrmnt net iToblt ... Joint facility rents net debit $0,185,501 $10,211,130 1.748 780 173,043 2.061 2 804 4.417,171 10,042,007 495.827 520,800 78,030 02,785 Not rwy. oper. Ire- $3 848.008 $9 875,032 Deere ae. JANUARY 1 TO MAY 31 Revenues Increase FrelHht $133 303,60ft $10,888,782 Pnasenier ... . ft4, 408, 1148 7.470,700 Mall 3,000.048 0110,837 Esprese 2 iao.H2ft 3.237,1.14 All other tranaport .1,030,802 182,742 Incidental 8 101,01ft 1 170.000 Joint facility Cr 180, out 6.780 Join facility Dr 74 240 O.SOl Rw. oper. rev. $203, 310,708 $18,037,115 Expenses Maintenance ofway and structures. $23 718,384M10,110,024 Maintenance 0 f equipment . 310.744 7. 007.442 Trafl amc 2.847 no 409,200 TTanaportaitlon ... 94 084,682 8,3(11,2011 Mlscellarwoua oper. ft on i,2ou ftft.0B7 Oeneral . Transportation for Investment Cr. . 6,788 304 301.112 11.834 10,155 Rwy. oper. exp $180 8Sl,110$2ft,406 0.18 Net revenue from railway oper . $18.48.1,608 $40.5.T3,17t Railway tnx accruals. 8 08,1,583 82t,ft83 uncniiPCMDie railway revnnuea Railway oper Income Hire of equipment net debit Joint fncllltv rente net debit . . 12.08.1 llfl JD4 o.78o.ofto 30 727 080 3 050,812 2.02.031 270,098 382 202 Nt rwy oper. Decrease. Inc. $0,370,810 $37 314 047 Philadelphia Markets WHEAT necelnte. 17.120 huaheta. fnr, ket quiet and 2c lower Car lota In export elevator No. 2 red winter, $1 4791 52, Nu. 2 red winter garlicky. $1 301.41 Other gradea quoted at the fo lowing achedule of discounts- xrued whent ne under red win- ter. Nn. .1 wheat 3c under No. 2 No 4 vvhent 7c under No. 2 No ft wheat Ho under No. 2. Sample according to qunlity CORN Iterelpts, 21.207 buahela Dull and V4c lower. Car lots. In export elevvnr. No. 2. 7i4tf7.1'c. No. 3, 72'4'p'73i,c OATH Rrcelpta. 12nSft4 buahcls. Dcm.inrl light nnd prices Mr lower. Car Iota na t, location No 2 white, 484S'4c No .1 white 17f(47Hc. FI.OCR Recolpta. 02,1.140 pounds In sneka. Demand light and prlrea weik Quo- tntlona Soft winter atrnlght. Weatern, $21 WT.nn. do. do nearby. n.8ftij'7 in hir iiJK VrSfa.M'Sr.iL. .r.' , winter atra (S S HO! aorlnir Oral clear ITifflOf the "wnr brlllCS, W'blch lie's 8US 7.S0. do patent 18.2ft 8.7ft, do short pat- ent. $8 7RtI0 2R. fanes spring and cltv mills, patent family brands, III.BOS in. Rve Hour. $8 23S?o provisions stesdv. Quotation, ne.f ln eta smoked and alr-drled ftlc beef knuckles and tenders, smoked Rnd alr-drled. in. nn.I .. ..,11. l,n I..... C f, 1., I'.'ii, ,,.,,,., T..t 11, 111- ' , l.lc him ureri lone, 'JlW'iiif klnneil I, irlc do. do amoked. J7((f2nc hama boiled. bonelea II, nirni' h "lile " M I' c-ureil looae 1.1c do smoked 10c belllea m plrkle. oiis. l.Sc brenkfpat baton 2Jc l-ird lie. HUTTER firm and In fair demand. Quo tations Solld-p-ickriJ trenmerv hlgh-scnrlng L-ooda 37ftS8i- extra :ilc, extra firsts 3IW 31c. firsts, .llffSIc, aeronds 27W1HC. avveet creamery, choice (u fancy .18. 10c, fair to good, 31 37c fancy p-lnta Jobbing at 40W 18c, fnlr to choice, 38T45C. EGOS Firm with fine stock scarce Quo tations: Nearby extia firsts 814 c. do firsts. 31c Western, extra, firsts 314 c. firsts. SO-EPSlc seconda 2ftS2ne: Inferior Iota lower fancy, aelccted eggs Jobbing at 4il42c. fair to good at 8ft40o. CHEESE Firm Quotation,. New York. wbul,. mlll fiats, fancv, freah. 10ri7c, do, lommon to fair fresh lt(1fte. I.onnhorna. fresh in4T17o single Dalsleu, frcli lilff 17c. Jobbing sales of fHncv goods, lOWJOc. POTATOES - W hli jiotutuea, 1 ,- boi Eastern Shore No 1 J2'S 2 7ft. Norfoll, N 1 I 2ff2 4(1. No. 2 and tulls i0c11l .111 L1VI0 POULTIIY--Tho (luotatlnna weie Fowls, fancy, fat. 31 (S 31c. medium 30m 32c. spring chickens broilers, not 'Leghorn good quality, weighing -2(5624 lbs. apiece .10 Iixft2c. weighing Iff 14 lbs apiece. .181f 12c, spring chickens Leghorns weighing 14 (v2 lbs apiece 84lt3ilc, smaller slze3 SOW 32e: roosters, lflfttSe Ducks white Pekln 220 24c: do. mixed colors, 2022e: plceoiu per pair, old 4ftB0o, younc. 3ftlHi40c DRESSED POULTRY -Fowls, freah-kllled dry-picked. In boxes welshing 4OTft lbs. apiece, BVc; wo'gninc 34 Ins H21t'H4c weighing 3 lbs , 2031c: fowls, fresh-killed, i In bblsi dry-plked we'iihlng 4ft lbs. apleces dry-packed 34c. weighing sighing 4f5 lbs : I S'uW'r 242fte ' apiece ice psciieo ;i.io. wei tf!h!27r. nelrhlnv .1 lh anit broiling ch'cVns western 45igiftOc, do. Western ISc lo do Southern Iftffl7c iluckllnta, ,, 28( (.o nearnv. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates (ifflcnt tcllHCOUnt lnlCH at the fee Prd ernl Reserve Ilnnka are us follows Treaa Lib Com I Hkre ctfa Itonds. Paper Accei't Hoston New- York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis , flnnenpolls Kansas Cltv . . . Dallas San frar.clsco . Dlaeount rntfl fl 0 fl n tl 0 0 0 0 54 0 ft 4 noon fl 6 9 0 fl (J 0 0 54 n fl 0 fl 84 ( r .?4 0 fl fl4 0 0 fl fl (1 corresponds with Interest rate borne by certlflcites pledged ns collat- erni, vvun minimum or n per cent Liverpool Cotton Liverpool. Juno 2".- -Trading In pot cot ton was quiet tndav hut pr'oes were flrni nn 1I10 basla of sn advance of 31 points for middling nt 7 Old. Tha sales were OOiiO h-vlcs Th receipts were UOOn hnle Including Wino bales Amerlcnn Futures were nulet In the carls denllnga. Spot prices vverei American middling fair to.02i good middling. 8 fi3d fullv middling. 7 OOd middling. 7 3 Id low mMdllng. fl Sid good ordinary, ft 00d and ordinary, 4.31 d Prices Firmer on Paris Bourse Paris, Jun 27 rrlces were firmer on . Bourse todnv Three per cent rentes ftflf ' ftOc Exchange on lindon, 4(lf B7i Five per cent loan S2f 70c The dollar vvna quoted nt 12f 34c Free from Pennsylvania Personal Property Tax, Normal and Excess Profit Taxes and Surtaxes State of Pennsylvania 30 Year, Series C 5 Bonds DUE JULY 1, 1951 PRICE 101 and interest, Yielding about 4.95 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia ' Hell I.uinlmril oj.17 We Offer, Subject to Sale PITTS., YOUNOSTOWN & A8HTAQULA 5, 1027 r Vn'ry NEW YORK CENTRAL EQUIP. 7., 1933 ... rflnP PHILA. SUBURBAN QAS 4 ELECTRIC Bn, 1960 7 inrV GRAND RAPIDS 4 INDIANA 4i, 1936 . jiL" DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. 7'ai, 1936 ..." ' '' yiJ NEWARK PASSENGER RAILWAY 6s, 1930 . .'.' 950" de: f3 rr r f: . B.VV1IMB,W x Cushmnn Nowhall, Mnnagor 1503 Walnut Street New York Philadelphia Pittsburgh GOSSIP OF THE STREET Seldom hn, there been such montnl confiiBion nx now exists In the mnrket rotntntinlty. The conflicting mnvemcntri of the lnat fortnight have destroyed mnny or (Ik rerogn'jert Inndmnrkg, making n most difficult tnsk to obtain accurate observations. A well-known local, iirnbnr. u m (.enlii.. ..!. t 1.1.1.. 1,..nM.n l,enOllkP 3 nnT HTh u,wnti win, la vviuriy inu, .....' .'5i5j? -. 1.1. ..1. .1..- ..1...- .... Mot. I "i" iilliu-iuiisrrvillivp viunn, mi u"" urtlay, (liicipslni; the outlook, snifi: "FiinilomentolK must be considered In I any tllnRnosis of the stock market sit uation. Therefore. It would oe wcu for any one desiring to enter the market at this time, either on 'the bull or bear side, to carefully consider tho various elements which exert an important In fluence over the course of prices as well at commercial activity throughout the entire country, nnd for that matter, the world. Hull markets Invariably are overdone nnd the same Is equally true with rospcrt to it downward movement. "By reason of the continued easing off in quotations for inorp than a month past, and the grentcr difficulty which Is novV being experienced In driving various Issues diswn to new low levels, he continued, "the argument IT ad vanced bj some careful students of the Investment sltuntlon that the worst has been seen. There, of course, m.v b special Instances where the liquidating movement has not been completed nnd, therefore, the market, ns n whole, no doubt will present a "spotty" appear ance for a time nt least. No one seems to feel that there will be a shnrp re covery in prices during the next week or month, but it would not be surpris ing If gradual betterment were to take place. "In view of the mnny uncertainties obtaining," he concluded, "it is any one's cuess wbnt the course of the nuir- t,n, ..'111 I.. .1....I...4 1.n nn fftu H'nfllU. xn,,,, , there shouhl he a stiff rally In the list, hut just when to expect such n movement would be extremely difficult to forecast." Steels Favorite Bear Targets Over a period of more than six weeks past, the steel issues have shown n re' nctlonary tendency nnd most of the stocks In this group nt present quota tions represent declines or trom hi t" ftO points, t'nited States Steel common I ,nH no Rhnie(l nronort onntelv with the I "!, t siinteji proporiiomueij w 1111 "" other steel Issues in the downward) movement, but onie of the more sken- ticall.v Inclined advance the contention thnt contlitlriiis In the-trnde are suci us to warrant the expectation thnt eventunlly n much lower range of prices will be established for this par ticular stock. Opinion is not universal in this re spect, however, mnny contending thnt while there mai be n further downward movement in the iues, it will be of mall proportion. Crucible Steel Is ("rurible Steel Is ono tnlned nn unusunllv severe decline, nnd u 'nnilervtond thnt the comnanv's ", " ""?i 1" . .fnUIiLtfit plants nre prncticnllj' nt a standstill. This means, of course, thnt that cor- poratlon is not only not making money, ,t u H,iktntiine n mnnthlv loss. --- -- r. --.--- ' . rtecentlv the dividend on tho com- pnnv'H stock wav suhstuntinlh reduced and il I" quite genernl gossip in the Street thnt nt the next "quarterly meet ing (lMiur-cments will be entirely eliminated. Rescue of Cnttlo-Kalsint: Industry Much good wns neeompllshed for cnt tie raisers throughout the United Stntes Hnd It not been for the Initiative on the pnrt of the leading bnnkers of tho coun Irr tlvero tmirlif hnrn rpsnll-pl pxtreme. ) n1n.lr.,,- ni,,l(tlnna nninnr- tlinan en. '.v alarming contutions among tnose en- BnKpfl in ,lln rn,t, industry. 1 lie me- ... To yield from 6.30r'r to 8.10 For July Funds Selected list of Investment Ronds upon request Reed A. Morgan & Co. Wrst End 7'nt.sf JiUig . Vhitn Members of the Phlla Stock Excli rn TltHUIna Cn 1 Ko ioi' CRna. Utilities Co. 1st 08. lU4b Penna. Llghtintr Co. 1st 5s, 1940 Pennn. Water & Pr. 5s. 1940 Eastern Shore Gas & Elec. 6s, 1955 Land Title Bldjr., Philn Pa. Urmbrri I'hilailrlpMa Stock Eiehcngt .., L-c.iSJ,.aci(rh-H- fli HENDERSON & LOEB Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1410 Chestnut St. Bonds for Investment Clrci-Iiir I'pnn Kruueat The National City Company Corrr vpnnrtriii Office lit O. er 81) CIKes I'lill iili'llililu ll'l Chftiliit SL Allantle riiv I2S.1 Rn irdiv ilk C. S. PATTON & CO. 3D A ClirSTNTT STS. BANKERS Succeaaora to SAII.KR & fJTRVKNSriN Ronda nnd Stoclia bought and sold .,,r,urra i-mia. mocK rrrehnnge ft F15 b o I I n dlum hns. now been presented whereby this group of .Interests will be ptneed in a position to more successfully cope with tho exigencies of a most critical situation, Home profess to bnllcve thnt with tho existence of n method whereby tho cattle raisers ire Iu n. position to finance their requirements, all of the 550.000,000 amount will not Op utilized. It will be recalled thnt a few jenrs ngo, when tho $80,000,000 cotton pool won formed for the purpose of nsxlstiug cotton growers of tho Houth, less (Jinn .$.r0,000 of the amount wns nctunlly borrowed by the .Southern cotton Inter ests. Tho mere fact thnt such a pool wns avnllable exerted a steady Influence ami restor?d Inst confidnce nmong tre, cotton people and thereby n possible serious situation wus averted. Some prominent bankers say thnt In times of-strcss it is essential for that chnracteT of co-operation on the part of the banking community of tho country which renders a real service where It Is most needed. This Is exactly what was done In the ense of the $50,000,000 cat tle credit which wns brought about very largely by the Initiative of ,T. P. Mor gan. Copper duration Campaign Plans nre being discussed by some lending copper Interests for n cnmpnlgn ot cdiicntlon in connection with cop. per. . It Is felt thnt mnny substitutes were used during the war because of the lower coat nnd the Innblllty to get copper, and nn effort wll bo made to get tho red metal back into these mnnu fnctured articles by educating the ulti mate consumer to the point where he will request nn article which contains copper lnstend of n substitute. Just wbnt form this campaign will take has nas not been decided, but It is felt that much could he done toward reducing the lnrge surplus of the metal If the matter wns to be handled in n con servative manner, nnd It Is significant thnt some of the best authorities In the trnde are considering the matter with n view to working out the detnlls nnd submitting them to others who will be Interested. Traffic Movement Light Officials of railroads operating east Boles 5.Westood Wombaia PMtLj5iocLExchandjs INVESTMENT SECURITIES LantHitte Bldtv, Philadelphia PHONE' LOCUST 472f Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 Not Tin, but 1 1 Armor-Plate. 1 UT DON'T call that tin -- it's more like E armor-plate I" said a guest at the Nu-Dura-Tin din- ner, at which the bills of fare were mounted on E plates of this famous roof- E ing-tin. E If you handle a piece of E Nu-Dura-Tin it will give a E E new meaning to the old E( E word "tin." Instead of a Ei j thin, flimsy, crackling ! i sheet, it is a heavy, strong, substantial plate of metal, E E heavily coated with what looks E like old silver. Tho steel has E E enough copper in it to make it E soft, tough and easy to "work" 111 Ulllll) UI1 U I UU1. ' E Keep it Taintrd, and it will E is last until your gient-gianci- E daughters wedding. Any roofer can furnish NU E DURA-TIN, nnd paint it any E color. Specify it in the order, ana do saie. THE METAL CI.UR OF PH11,. 801 ARCH STREET. I .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiinumiiiniiiiinii: Where Shall I Send My Child to School?. B rimt question can he nn- B svvtred quick v and satlMf.ap. torllj by i (insult Iiik the Edu cational Bureau (on Riounil floor at I'uhllc Ledger Onico, Indcpendenoo Square) Iloro jou mny obtain completo nnd reliable Information of nny hoarding school for hoys or girls, military academy, husl Iira collego, special -linolh for retarded children conservatory of music, collego or unlver-t-ltv Oui Intimate ltriou ledge of the advantages of the vari ous institution win en.iblo ou to make a l8e choice I' ' I'" ' f I-' Il,l IS , to ferv otif - . v trv. I J 1 in i .i 3K Public Ledger Building , nnnn,. I CHESTNUT at SIXTH ! Dr. Moses, Dental Specialist tlrlglnntnr In this Hit of "SWEET AIR" Mrtluiil of PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH Safe a a ini-n tain Just Hi, tl nu- (11 1. , So II , ff. 1 , fill, ii it .i i No hnimlir N c.w.nc 1 ,m 1 any allli 1 f aim Utr nanie Kstat llahed slnca 1000. Poisonally In charge, S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sta. Formerly on ttaff 0 pntntaeni Hospital SSw Walnut 3000 Main 1G01 " PA11CEL fost" '" from Chicago nnd St. Louis continue to report a prnctlcnl stagnation in mnny lmDorlniil lines of Industry which keeps the total t,raffie down to Small proportions, nnd much below the figures of n year ngo. Coal Is not increasing In movement to any great extent, nnd the prolonged slump In the Iron and steel Industry Is being reflected In the tonnage figures to n great extent. Increasing locnl shipments of grnln have helned reduced the number of Idle cars and Western ronds have drawn on the J'nstern lines, It Is understood, for surplus box cars for moving the rrnln from the hie crnln sections. I.nke carriers continue to secure the bulk of the business In grnln for shipment hast 11 nd lor export. miuning material shipments have picked up slightly nnd there hns been about the same volume of genernl merchandise offerings. THK TUADEU No Change In Raw Sugar New York, June 27 -The raw ausur mar ket continues unchnnsed otr tho baala of 4o tor "orto jticoa, ana itjds quiiieq n'imi- 1 nally 24 c to S'Ar Itennid sugar la quoted I at 8.40c to 5.60c. less 2 per cent for cash. Tha federal, Arbuekle and Warner Cos re- duced their prlcs of reflned at Inst weeiv , to 8 40e lesa 2 per cent Importations of I raw sugar June 24 anil '.'ft amounted to nbout 1 88,000 bass consigned to Hie following 10,000 Cubas tie American- Rennlns Co , 1 10,000 Porto RIcos to Howell Hroe . 7000 Pnrto Rlcoa to Arbuekle Uroa 20,0(10 Porto , Rleoa to federal PUKar Ret nlnir Co tuid 20 700 Philippine to federal Hucar HeflnlnK Co. MONEY-LENDING RATES NEW YORK- Money on call, both classea of collateral, opened today at 0 per cent fo lending awl renewing PIUI.MIEI.riUA Call 0 per cent: time 6 per cent, commercial paper, three to six montn, 0 psr cent Note Theao are merely nominal quota tlona. the lesnl rate of Interest In the Hint of Pennsylvania being rlxed at 0 per cent Plus rremlum and commission, time mon for thirty to ninety duva la loaned at 7 I . 7W per cen' while commercial pnper from thirty to ninety davs la loaned at 7 ti T'i per cent. tSTB,1Irur NOTICES sgular . ...... - KEa Hoi Flr.it i bl Plrit lie) First and Munson tti sEs v. Reyser Dldr.. nalttmore " Drexol BiiildlnR .Mobile Tfew OTlean SE AG ER Li N PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm. Helsini?fors and Reval U. S. MAIL USSB SS "ASABETH" AT SHIPPING BOARD RATES Through Rills of J.ndlng Isaned to nil Norwegian, D.mlali nrl Swedlah Porta. Direct aalllne-a for all Scandinavian nnd Riltln Porta ns cargo offers. SEAGER STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO., Phila. Agents Lombard 6176-7 308 Chestnut Street E A re H Incorporated 1891 U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" (Arrvvvncemeou bare been mnlt for For flpafo and EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, AgcntM Bullitt Huildirur, Phila. Pa. Lembnrd (J?00-S!!0.S;o.a30a N, ,, j.n, i! IHSW ST 7 y',l3Q6aV. I ed'le ri . a; 'taisrusg re t c Old Glory ss row on me aeven &&&$' AJIKltltAN SHIPS AHF. AVAIL MILL FOB YOCIl OCE.N VOYAQK A'etr combination Pasjctiper and Freight Ships, rast Lrurunous Stcatnrra Key number beside ship's name indi cates operator shown bottom oj column, t F.I'HOPE , Donlogne and London From Nw Ynrlt July 12 August lrt-September 20-014 North State (1R0) June 28 usrust 2 September handle Stats (lftol 6 Pan Bremen anil Diinng Iom New York .Inlv IS August 30 Hudson (160). luly 28 September 7 Susquebanns flftOi Julv 2S September 14 Octobsr 20 Comma- (inv Nnples nud driioit loin New York June 30 August 13 Sei temper 24 Poca hontas (tftO) Plymouth, Cherbourg nnd firemen From New York July 23 August 23 August 24 Septem ber 28 America dft8. July an August 27--September 24 Oeorce Washington (150) SOUTH AMKRWA I Itlo d Janeiro, Montevideo and Duenna lrea rrom New York June 20 Martha Washington (01). 1 1 r.n rsT Honolulu. Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai. Ma. ! nlln, Hongkong Itiim San Francisco July 23 Umpire State (10ft) Aunuit 0 Qnlden State MOM Yokoliima, Kobe, Hhanirlril. Hongkong, nil ftla- TVnm 4fltll i,.,. n Sltv.r !tnt 1 mm. ''-"' HAWAII PHIUPPINKS. F.AST INDIA Ilonolitlu. ftUnllu. Hulon, Miuninire. Co- luiniH,, v uiruiia rrom San Francisco July 14 UranKa state (105). , August 13 Creole Stats (105). I 01 Munton tramaliln Line 07 Wall Street. N. Y Tel riowllng Green 3200 105 Pacific Mull X S, Co. 10 Hanover til . N. Y Tel Howling Clreen 4030 1121 Market St San Francisco. Calif Kill riif Admiral Linn 17 Stito Mnet N Y Te lm"n (iren OOlft I C Sin th H!1i Seattle Wash mi 1 . o ftiuii .s. K, r nn. 4 liruait 1 N' Y lei Whitehall 1200 U.5. SHIPPING BOARD WuhiSton.an. U. 8. Certificates and Treasury Notes Mt Maturing Rale Dato Mid Asked Yield Ann, mo r, 32 I so ion I 32 inn .1 32 ft. (HI urn1, ion 7 .12 4 on 100 1-32 Ulll',4 ft ".I KIOH 100 7 32 (1 00 .10'iA ion,v ft oft ino iooa r. .it lonta ino'i ft 31 inn ioii.C r is 100 100 ',4 ft 70 11 Auir t'ftH Kept fl Hap! ftJ4 Oct ft$I Oct. tH Dec 1021 1021 1021 10.! I 1021 1021. 1022 1022. 1022 1021 BJ4 Kel tS. Mar.. i.; .::"' T'DH iun t'SS vliin Bfo ne Exempt from norinnl federal Income tnx tAreeptnhle for pasinent of Income tax I due on date of maturity 1 , , . . , vjui ,.lnn. Montreal Dealer In Woolens Assigns li.yjr "vooien Co and operating i'in eever. ...... thriMtGrhniit CAnni7.t h'xs nrnde nslatr ment to rjorrton W Scoit authorized trustee under the bankruptcv act It became known ,rfip r.iahlllllea were estimated at be ftween 780,O0O and $1 000 0no moat of the money ueing; our wnnrm w.iui. n niiu.'c here and In Toronto KItffiATIONAI. Until Hfxrn Bordentown Military Institute nnniFKNTOWN. s. J. pritl'OSEs The Individual drvelnpment of a ho a character and sc.holatehlp tor the uork of the world In 1 dllege nrlen tlfl achool or liualnea" rAf'CI.TYl A Urge svmpatheti, and edlrlent bodv of Inatructni . .17 ears . xperlence INSTRUCTION: "mill classes In dividual attention Koch bov la taught liOW to stud LOCATION'! Healthful location 01 the rionvvnro River seven mllea frnm Tren lor. on the Pennsylvania Railroad SCHOOL LH'E: High standard of "! I moral student life Purrvleed nthletlcs wholesom food carefullv lejulated dallv program nt work and 1 reatlon and drl 1 produce ao"nd hodles capable mlnd.a and cheerful dlapoalilons f -,r (.ntatog Addrm Drau.rr r tl Colonel T. I). I. mdon, I'linrlpnl A om'l MTBAftWIUP NOTICES Express, Pnssenger i rreight service N Y. to Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenoi Aires S s iiautiia WAHII1NT.TON. 15 000 tons b) July S AJU-:iICAN I.KtiIIIN. 21 uu lD" '"' N . lU'RON. 17.000 tons (a) .......... - - - - r -- - ,,., ii.tv on Aug. 1 Aug 17 Auir. 31 S AEOLUS 21,000 tons (tt) h sof-lHEP.N CROSS. 21,000 (c) . .. fStralKcrs 0 V 8 Shlppino Roord second find third class and secoiwl clojs third class. ror rates nna pnnicainrn nni'u 10 nn; Pnsaencer Arrner or w Steamship Line T xirll Qf.f V.tx- Vnrk ...... u... -----.. V t - miinaeipnin PL lMils Conway niflt.. Chlcars STEAMERS .About July 2 .Main 676$ HE July 20 fmlek rtlarfuvr anre ot cut 4 Uava-uu Ilntea Apply WHITE STAR New York Uv-ernool July u Aug (1 Sept 1 I ,iu: .in .in!. 91 a, 1 'n t 17 New York Cherbourg Snntlinniniiin Adriatic . Ju.v rt Aug 8 Aug .'iiiym . JUI) in Aug la tiepr New lork and Itoaton Aiorea. Olbr ilti tar. ! NanleN iinH l.nm Canoplo . Aug 0 Sept. 3n 1 ,,,,,c .-.-. -. -. Sept. 7 i-iiimaripnin i.irerpoiil l'nverfo-d July 0 Aug 13 Sepi , ,, ' " AMERICAN LINE RED STAR LINE V Y. and Plymnuth ( licrl.onrc ntuern Jul' .' Auc Pt in ' ',-ird i! ,r 1 o i and Nev York i rhurl i lu'v 10 ,ic j,, spt m Ji lv SI A.1.E .- , Inn an a rr -in. Hamburg 1 1 1 'lirrhoun: Ju'v II m .' .iui : i t I -win Mlnnekahda Dnorr to llamburi AUg 11 - N. Y.. Hamburg. Llbau D.imlg Wis'. r-aminna ma class oni' OoiMand (3d clam onlvi ,, Philadelphia Clnagow m.,,.. , ,. l, ., . .- . . ... Phll-ulelphln Hnmhnnr uiyju Jun ; I July S3 Phil"d,ihi,?,".'"'"" i,.-.. . ...'. -..". ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE Phll,lelrl,l-,lnn V em Julv ; p i-th an ,,. , 11DI I 4Vn MIIMlloi ...,. .-1 irn',,"''"''i-ntrr.inm " , ' " 1 1 v 23 Internationnl Mcrcnntilf .Marine Company 11(1 STEAMI US 1 ."11 (mo TON'S Passenger Oftlce. 1810 olnnt Ot .' Phils, rrelcht Oflloe. 405-411 Hours. Bide., p tin. DIRECTiJIiMSERVld T Danzig Riga Libau Stettin Trom PHILADELPHIA JULY 10 USSB "OronoU" SAH INLh IHOM Baltimore July 15 Norfolk July 17 New York July 20 HARRISS, MAG!Lr&C0., Inc. Agents Lorn. at2Q.li Main 7.". Lafayette Hills Dixie Steamship Lines Now londinr; for PHILADELPHIA, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, GLASGOW I ' II s s OPELIKA 1 MMllul 111 X ill l - 1 1. l HIM LIU N( 1 uui.s Hairiss, Magrill & Co., Inc. 2SJMJlUi Hdg- '"Indelphia lmbard fin- Main 7330 t$&r -r-L'uti juir . ci yinmn ti,i ic i ' ... "'I" nimhorgl ihnn s n,nr"g ' feJ R O T C under T H tv,J'"?r' ". ' w,F! - ski: w ss? 1 SChLfeH sfaV h$ mTATinNAI Ilntti Srvra S IsnUHrWttaH PEIKCE SCHOOL or- BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Summer Course for Teachers' Tor teachers who delf to pre pare to teach commercial subjects In Public or Private Bchools Pelroe ftotiool hss arranted advanced ourses wiileh Intensively Instruct In the Pelrr.i practl sl methods ttost mean so much In actual business oday Ijromsr School Opens July Btb. Write for ftflib Year Pook rm H- xv t t Itrnrt A OOOIJ POSITION AWAITH SOU Btudy to bo a stenographer cr a bookkeeper, Jur courses are complete In .svetjr detail. ursea are compiet in r nfTIrA fealnlnff. lndtv lrcludln lnaiviauai mnnw uon. Day or night clsatea our rsfsf enca are exceptional. ;ataiog. 1'IIILA. 11UHINICMS COLI.KOB nnd t'ollree of I'ommrn 1017 Cliratnut St. I'lillndelphU hctinnt. ion exceptional children Hveri facllltv In n linutlful suburban lioin.' f..i Hi" edu iitl'.u "' 1 hlldren iinab to at' nd public or private a, hools Domestic 3d me 14 mllea fmni I'hlla Unoklet .1101.1. IE . UOODH. Prlnrlpnl. Ilnv'171, Roalvn, I'll , BANK$ Is the School (bryou Z7toVfJ'DayS,clioollpJil School QQLLEGE i2oohlnultS..t'hlln. Many splendid teacning noaitlons now being filled In Pa N J D. I Md and N Y. Fr-e enrollment Modern Teachers lliirriu. 1002 .Market St. 5TRAYP'3"v The Het llualneaa Srliosl 0 " '-" J 807 CHESTNUT ST. psaltlnn euarin'd Enter now. Dir or nlcbl ANN VILLI!. PA , LEIINON VH.I.n fOLLEOE - Co Ed 1 oiii-ge Academic Music Dratori C"olIaM ies Jim ii III.' Mda'e r.iiea $372 to 1401) l-i it ig -idd-.aa DR. . D, i.llssARI) liinvlllc Pit. UEAlllNfiPA. e-chuylklll Sem. lti-adlng'a Jr. CnL. Rending, I'd. Prep Jt College couras Cartl ficntea ncc pted bv colleges & universities New athletic field dining hall ti ndmlnlstr'q building ' Yenr $470 Yeir opens Sept. 12. UARREN 1". TEEL. A. 51. D.D., l'res. IllNOHAMTON. N V. THE IllNOHAMTON TRAINING HCI100L An Ideal priv home school for nervous, back, ward tc mental defective-, No ngs limit. Phy sla culture Manual training & all branches. Open yr around rrma $75 per mth A up Ml' and MRS AUOUST A POLDT. Huct Rlnghamton New York 1 1.' Tnlrvlsw Ave NEW 101UI 000 PEOPLE In every thrusand receive benefit throngH iplnnl adjustment given by competent DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC The public Is rapidly recognlilng the valus of this method of drugleaa dealing, and will require an Increasing number of practition ers. Send for literature explaining tht rntirse , NEW YtRK COI.LECE OF CinROPRACTIO Dent. S. 21.1 IV. 72(1.. New York. .V. V. DXYTON VA Shenandoah Collegiate Institute and School of Music Dayton Va. Co-Educntlonal Uate j;n (0 1300. Send fo- C'ltnlogue Washington D, r 1101.1 CROSS IIA11CM1, Walilngton, D.O. Overlooking the National Capital S'ardard and E'e, tlve Courses For cat. lopues address Sunertore.a Holy Cross Ai'ademv W'nalitngtnn, D". O. Y'nnng Men and lloya r.EQRfii: sriiooL, p. (iLORCn hCHIHIL, Counti y School for Doyi and CUrls. Separate dormitories Courasi bread nnd thorough Student studies undsr supervision of prlnrlpnl Graduates succeed In college Sjclil cour.es Athletics gym-naslu-n iwo! 22, v-onded acres and opsn eountrv on Neshamln- Creek Undowsd. Fv ites mrderate. Catn og CF.OItor. A. W M TON, A. fti.. Iln 3SS. fieorge School. Pa. jnjBTiiiriirM p. Bethlehem Preparatory School" P-lirea for I i ns "leges Extensive p md Junior Sitionl. Jolin II. lurreT ft! A., llrndni'ialer 11. UilHimi PB. "" CIIITKIt. PA. PcnnsylYania Military College DegTees In Civil Unglneerlng. Chemistry snd ' ommercs and Finance. Preparatorir Division and Junior fcchool. President Harding saja 'If I had ten boys I would end everv one to Cheaper " COLO.NKL CHARI.LS n. HYATT Itox 22. ( lifter. Pn. III FN ion s p. Allentown Preparatory School "r ' .- , ,. i ,, ,ehool a"- ' i - I mair ic-in a so ' ' ' ' L ' "' J r-l' KOe I ment "lole-i I. Il dings. "" i ai iioir 1 , lleailmnater e r i i oj - ' 1 - Tl ' u- r 1 . K I' , lltMIN M Ni-(, N i.Ul"TH, P n7ki:th II M.I. MILI r,KY 'AIFMV llox flO. Nimrelli. Pa. Foundeil 17 'u, Pr paramrv Husnes Courses Sr Ini.r. meliate and Ii tn-pta Athletlca mi ...... 3 llf' He fl rha.ler D D Prlnrp"Y HF.LI.I 1 ONI H PA. Bellcfonte Academy '-'mifd t0 i0a I up lift,., vear A.h neid'ySMo'a1 ' ' " "- HMH P IIU.iii-s .' '' llriunmater. llellefnntr Pn. " .. N I P. si. LI M Sf'Ilrw,, I'll Muln I Inc ". K. , ,, ll irleh llinrv -rout. A. 11.. , ,,; MA.sJ"Ni!i!1Ni) t. Till. I Ml LP i.Niri.i) sin.s toirri.r ,IV mtlkinm: m ,, -.i'L'1- 1' Opens P' lft v rite f r I Htg 4 i.r., . " ,V';uU";l: ','LV to"0"' -.-- -ln"nsi'in D - HAlMIsllOHii yt riNHIU HNK MlLirAKl "St-7lTrr r' !V.r ".?'r"H,,,""..a"'l businesii M.rflll iiiiiiin.' 11 III III, NS i.,i llov 411. H nnealmro. Yo. 1 NTl NTIIN M Staunton Military Academy I ,rrisi 1 rn ,re ,v nemv t the la. p ei .1 - for 'f'srait'., novernmaot ri 'em as or IHialnea. !17ft 110(1 Iwrraclc. ll,t. i'nn s.nd f r oat, o "rrcg Col Tho- II llnaaell, w Prealdenl loi 1. N,iunlnnili.h1e xtntlnnt v. IAVTN VA Chatham Training School " CHATHAM VA HATES ISO'S "MAKIVfl MKN-NOT MONET' "Jend for fstalogu ounK Women anil ftlrla .11 NMNIIIWN l' " ' 11NN-IVNIv II NMN'Ii.wjj v. un 3EECHWOOD SCHOOL (Inc.) I" ' v o 1 V 1 11 urrtl an 1 Prae I ' ' ' ' .i 1, 1 1 i.in I'repftra 1 14 l'-'i iinniua ' ma ivstorv of V - V ' ' .1 a' 1 I ' .11. n rt, - ( 1 - - 'M, lni. iIwm Hi.')., S'orriM K ' - ' 7 ' inmliiB 1 ..1 I.,ri.e ne.v 'i -. m M 11 ll -,., ., , ,.r,, LI llll ItMI.J.L. MD. Vllll MI (ill iTm.!-, titn HIIMKN l.illll nlllr Mil. An dal '.Urge in si is equipment locating and uraes of a'uilv The fHi-ulty Is large ni 1 all- Two and foui ear rnursas for 1 igh who' I grailuHtr-s 1 nnwi in music pp.. rs m dnmeatl r.lnre and arts, 1 'i -,i', -I..IIIII ! ,n'i eio, uilon. r ferre I ( nla'. llo X WKSf CJIrHTr.il. PA. The Darlington Seminary, Ind. West Chmtor. Punnsylvariia 1T1 M HI K I ATF. :il leir l-na H..itpml,rr 21 I0SI J in r - n. 1 f, r . ung girls lor 1 at ni. ki addiesj hrlaliiie I. Ibr Prlnilpnl Hot 010 Fill M'MIN l t Mlpi, Mill NI POCHNtl. I' "" pink mix ( v(. ,. ((IltlH Pocnno ni fcui li jr fiom Phliadelohla Mis. IILAKCIIK l I'llirw. IllSioV . " 401 W School iii, PhlluVpl,liI.r. c7 i'rn 1 n .f.J lti W .H i & 9 ti fa r A A V L-XVI .'.1 ", . J v'"J.,., , ,n rV , rWH, ift i