"if.";-' -'- y ' EvkmM-mSTiHipmtvB.iK ejatpbday, jvmz 4 flat Band and Organ at 9; . Organ at 11 and 4:50 Chime at Noon WEATHER Fair WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S Store Opens at 9 Store Closes at 5 Almost Everywhere You Look Here You See Evidence of Lowered Prices ..' i , -I ' f t After Much Thought and Observation, to Some of Us it seems plain that many parents do not properly Value or treat wisely their fast growing children. Quite a large percentage of the children are little, men and little women with good thoughts of their own which need encouragement. It will not hurt the boys to split wood or run errands, nor harm the girls to wash dishes or sweep a floor. But toadd to their duty of learning their public school lessons for the next day, the running of errands, the bringing up of coal from the cellar, and keeping them constantly on the go at something, with no time to play, seems a hardship. It seems like what a mother told her little daughter, "If you don't look out, I will wipe up the floor with you." A horse or a dog likes a pat on the back. Signed June So, 1021. Women's White Novelty Gowns in an Important Clearaway Important because, first, it involves two hundred dresses. Second, because the dresses are among the finest of tho season. Third, because their new prices read $50 to $100 a sav ing of $25 to $50 on every dress. There arc Canton crcpe3, crepes do chine, Georgette crepes nnd some fancy weaves, such as a satin-blocked crepe. As for the styles, there is al most every type imaginable, from a heavy white crepe de chine with horizontal lines of black hemstitching, to a white chiffon enriched with white silk embroidery and bends. Others of these frocks have just a little decoration of finely pleated ribbon ruflles; or drawn work; others, again, arc fringed; 'others have circles of ruffled satin ribbon. One ex quisite example has dull blue beading and a blue lined sash. Each gown is exquisite, and the entire group contains some thing for almost any hour of the day. .) (I'lrrt Hour. Low-Priced Glove-Silk Underwear for Women Another shipment of those rose-pink silk vests, bloomers and suits that we aic selling at a little moic than hnlf regular prices. Made of good, fiim, soft silk and well made. Ve3ts in bodice style, $2. Bloomers, $2.50. Step-in suits, bodice top, $4. Bodice and low-neck union suits, $4.50. (Went AUle) Philippine Nightgowns at New ift Lower Prices lr Think Of ffettino- (i nint lmtistn niehtffOWn With linn linrwl om. broidciy and scallops on it for only $2.35! And we have other Philippine nightgowns, all white, at $2.85 to $5, which are wonderfully cm bro'clcrcd tho $5 style hns an elaborate and charming design of ?rapes nnd vine leaves, which used to be very much more ex pensive. They nil have kimono sleeves nnd pointed necks, nnd will bo found in the Litt'e Nightgown "alon. (Third l'loor. Central) Cool Summer Corsets L. It.'s of coo! open mesh mav "e bad in three models. One is n topless with c'.a'tn- and n lone; PKirt; one has a medium bust, is we I boned, and long over the "'Ps; our. ls tl ph m0(c wjth medium bust and shoit skirt. - ia th price of whichever yio you choose. Third l'loor, Chen! mil) New 35c Printed Voih les foi , ,."?bt. "I" kin'l of pattern, nrr dnt'1,a,lisl cher board and E i ' ' (fph'Kii3. There aro nu ,' i ark v,lJ "if'dium colors. ts;h;a? und very mod- first l'loor, ChfMnut) ffwtfa HI I JhtiPk Central) Lovely Cotton Frocks for Girls and Young Women Specially Priced at $10 and $11.50 "Lovely" is the only woid that describes tho organdie dresses at $10. We earlier sold the same kind of frocks from tho same maker at from $7.50 to $15 more! The organdie is a fine quality. The dresses arc simply and daintily fashioned, with no "fussiness" to spoil them. And the colors arc what young girls look most bewitching in flame, orchid, tomato, palest wild lose, jade, or more practical navy blues and browns. All-white, too. They aro in 12, 14 and 10 sizes only which helps to explain their low price of $10. Slip-On Frocks of Imported Eponge These arc in four colors only, so Miss 14 to 20 may take them for $11.50. In the smart sleeveless model, cut on good lines, with V neck, big pockets nnd narrow patent leather belt. In beige, rose, light blue and Copenhagen. All size from 1 1 to 20. (Sri-nnil floor, C lies! nut Easy Choosing in Women's White Shoes Here Most women have a very definite idea whether they want white 'canvas, buckskin or kid oxfords or pumps or strap slippers all-white or one of the clever white-and-black or white-and-tnn combinations of the season. Even on these decisions we enn help, for we can show you every possible good kind of white or combination-and-whitc footwear. All-white canvas oxfords, in eight styles, from $6,50 up. All-white buckskin oxfoids, in six styles, from $15 up. All-white canvas pump3 and slippers, with or without straps, in ten styles, from $8.50 up. All-white buckskin pumps, with or without straps, in four styles, from $12 up. White kid slippers, with or without straps, $12 to $18. White canvas or white buckskin pumps nnd oxfords, combined with black or tan leather, in many styles among them the very smartest of American and English sports shoes from $9.75 to $20. (I'lml lloor, Market) TOMATO red, burnt orange, tangerine, apricot, jade green and Harding bluethese arc among the latest lovely colors in Iceland and silk flosses for the favorite uvea tern. The prices arc 75c a ball for Iceland and 55c a ball for silk floss, and it lakes only two or three bulls to make one of the more trifling slip-ons. (Htconil Floor, Central) The Coolest Silk for Hot Weather Wear We say it i3 Japanese habu tai what most women call "China silk." In navy blue, brown, black or any of the dark street colors, it makes ideal shopping and traveling and business dresses, needing only n touch (Flrnt Door. Fashions Stand Still Where Mesh Bags Are Concerned For years past the sterling silver mesh bag ha3 held its place in women's affections, and it sccm3 as though it is much too firmly entrenched to ever be given up. There is little, if any, change in the shupe, the squarcframc bag still being in high favor, together with tho newer long, narrow bag with tassel end. Most pcoplo con sider a sterling silver mesh bag a good investment, and It Is. A new shipment brings square-frame bags from $40 to $58, and long, narrow ones from $37 to $53. (Jewflry More, C'heAfnnl find Thirteenth) A Dustcoat Is a Comfort on the Shortest Trip And for a long trip a woman finds it indispensable. Loose coats of linen-color lincno nt $4.50 and $5.75 arc cool and inexpensive; and tho collar, pockets, width and easy arm holes arc just right. Big, all enveloping cloaks of the same material arc $3.75. " A good-looking long cloak of dust-shedding gray mohair is $10.50. Smart loose coats of natural Belgian linen nro S17.50. An oxford-gray coat of linen-nnd-mohnir mixture, with raglan shoulders, is just right for any kind of summer traveling. Triced S20. Pongee coats in plain-tailored or dressy models start at $30. Klrt riuor, Centrnl) N THESE days of motor ing and golf-playing, of heat and wind and dust, there is nothing more re freshing than a good facial treatment taken in the Sa lon de Beautc. Appointments can be made cither by telephone or in person. (Third Floor, Chrtnut) of gay hand embroidery to nmko it ns distinguished as it is comfortable. In all colors, dark or light, $1.25 a yard. In black or white, $1 to $2.25 u yard. All a yard wide. ChrMnitt) A New Book By W. L. George "Hall, Columbia!" Is Its title and its author gave six months to travel and observation in thi3 country beforo ho wrote a lino about us. Price, $2.50. (Mnln Floor, Thirteenth) 50 Women's Fitted Cases to Sell at $25 Each Black, long-grain cowhide in a dull black finish is the leather used in theso cases, which aro all moirc-llned with end pockets and equipped with ten whito celluloid toilet articles. Good-looking, well made, eerv iccablo traveling cases, light in weight and unusual at tho price. Ordinarily they would bo a half more, but this is a special pur chase. (Mnln l'loor, Clienlnut) Such Dainty Voile Blouses as Larger Women Fancy Just arrived and they are par ticularly good styles for,womon who require extra size waists, both as regards tho way they aro cut and the flat trimming. There is a nice choice in tho shape of the collars, either round and flat or tho square shawl col lar. One may have hand-made filet in a very pretty over-blouse model, or hand crocheted or Valcncinncs lace. One is hand embroidered. Prices start as low as $3.50 and go up to $8.75. (Third rioor, rrntrul) 600 Cool Summery Waists Specially Priced at $2 Blouses that are just the thing to tuck into the vacation trunk nnd, more than nil, blouses that spell comfort for women staying at home. Find some delightful handker chief linen waists, othci-3 of ba tiste, dimity and a few silk tricolette. Mostly white, but some have colored stripes or a touch of color. (KiiHt nnd rut Alnlci) Beautiful Novelty Sports Skirts Now $22.50 As it happens, the materials of these skirts are so fashionable that the demand has outrun the supply and we arc having diffi culty in filling in missing sizes. That is the reason that prices have had to come down on a num ber of quite new knife-pleated flannel skirts with broad white and colored stripes, tho prettiest thing you can imagine for spoits wear. Also on somo lovely tine white prunella cloths with light pastel stripes. These are box pleated and especially nice for sweaters or sports jackets. (tlrt Floor, Centrnl) Now It Is Net Guimpes With Sleeves These are the latest cry, being intended to be worn with sleeve less frocks. They are square necked with straight vests in front, or they have Peter Pan collars, or collnis with jabots; and always the sleeves end above the elbow. luch style shows lace more or less of it combined with the net. Prices, $4.50 to $S.50. (Mnln l'loor, Ontriil) What Is Sweeter Than a Small Child dressed in a cool little low-necked and short-sleeved frock which shows its dimpled pink curves to perfection? The Children's Stoic has at present an excellent collection of sheer white dresses for tots of six months to two vears. A little feather stitching, minute tucks, wee laces or embroideries, are all the ornamentation, and the prices nre $1.50 to $;i.75. (Third rioor, C'hrttnut) A Good Assortment of Whittall Anglo-Persian Rugs Nothing sensational about this statement, but to any one who knows the rug market today, it is rather remark able. See how many of these fine rugs you will find elsewhere in Philadelphia! There is a fine range of patterns in the following sizes! 9 x 12 feet, $120 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $109 30 x 63 inches, $19.50 36 x 36 inches, $11.25 Whittall Peerless Brussels Rugs 8.3 x 10.6 feet, $57 6x9 feet, $38.50 36 x 63 inches, $10 (fioirnth Floor, Chettnut) 100 per cent Phono graph satisfaction is insured in getting The Brunswick Brunswick 107 $125 Music is often called the universal language, and so it is. But language can be garbled, clipped and debased by un couth, careless or incomplete methods of expression, or by a harsh or strident voice, even though .the actual words em ployed be drawn "from purest wells of English undefiled." It is the same with music. To truly charm the car, par ticularly a cultivated ear, the composition itself must be ex cellent of its kind, whatever the kind; tiie performer must be skilled in his art, and the .nstrument of reproduction, be it the humnn throat or tho sound-box of a phonograph, must be full-toned, true, sweet and sensitive. If it is a phonograph, it must also be ABSOLUTELY faithful in its reproduction of the music just as it was played or sung by the artist when at his very best. The Brunswick is one of the four makes of phonographs which this Store is willing to sell and to back with its guarantee, because we know it to be equipped with the means of correct and scien tific reproduction of records. Thi3 does not mean merely its own records. At a turn of the wrist you can play any record on it, with the correct weight, nnd with the correct needle, (whether steel, fiber, sapphire or diamond) placed at the correct angle. Nothing to put off, nothing to put on! This ease of adaptation is accomplished through the ex clusive and unusual feature of The Ultona arm. Another unusual and valu able feature of the BRUNS WICK is the oval all-wood tone amplifier, or sound-box, which eliminates all harsh or strident tones. Our Phonograph Store can bliow fourteen different models in RRUNSWICKS at a price lange of $125 to $175, and in styles that embrace not only tho simpler upright shapes, but a number of elegant period models in console as well as upright style. The model pictured above is $125, and may be had in either nnhogany or oak; dimensions, 13x19x21 inches. (Srroinl I loor. Central) T IS near the time when a Utile incense is fine for mosquitoes, and the Ori ental Store has many kinds, beginning with cones at 15c a box and ending with rose-and-violct powder at 50c; and temple powder at $1 a box. Incense burners run from 15c for porcelain af fairs about as big as a quarter to $10 for bronze. (l'ourlh l'loor, Chratnut) American Porcelain Dinner Sets Special at $25 Special, as applied to thce sets, means that on each one there is a saving of about $12. They arc sets of 107 pieces In two patterns, ono a con ventional border of blue, with pink roses ; tho other a conventional border in pale yellow, with pink roses. Both have gold-lined edges and gold-traced handles. Other American dinner sets specially priced at $17.50 up to $47.50. French china dinner sets are specially priced at $75 to $400. English porcelain sets are now $35 to $65. All are sets of 107 pieces. Savings are from 20 to 40 per cent. (Fourth Floor, Chrtnnt) New Madeira Linen Tea Napkins at $9.75 a Dozen Anybody wishing to give a bride something of daintiness and practical worth can hardly make a better choice than a dozen of these excellent napkins They will he a really worth while addition to any linen closet. Hand-scalloped and hand-embroidered by the skilled needleworkers of tho Madeira Islands and priced somewhat lower than any goods of this kind that we have seen in some time $9.75 a dozen. (Flmt rioor. rhrttnut) Imitation Ivory Toilet Articles "Seconds" And because of some almost imperceptible defect, they are marked on an average of a quar ter the usual price. Women who are starting or completing a set and the many people who like to take these imi tation ivory articles away with them will appreciate these little prices. Mirrors, SI to $2.50. Hair brushes, 75c and $1. Combs, 20-; and 25c. Puff boxes, 50c and SI. Hair receivers, 50c and $1. Soap boxes, 10c. Trays, 10c. (Wfdt A Mr) Summer White Goods White swiss organdie, perma nent finish, 75c, 85c and $1 a yawl. 1 1 inches wide. Fancy voile, 75c and 85c. Pajama mull, 18c. Plain gabnrdine. 50c and 65c. rirt Floor, Chettnut) Imported dotted swiss with embroidered dots small ones 75c a yawl. Plaid and -tripod fiaxons, ;)Sc a yard. Striped voile, 88c a vnrd. Longcloth, $1.45 and '$1.75 for the ten-vanl pio'e. Nainsook. $J.9." and $2.25 for the ten-yard piece. ( V est llc Many very attractive and serviceable pieces furniture are wearing new low pric? tickets. These reed suit of six pieces, for living loom oi porch, at $250, $37o, ?450 and $595. Some of these are fin ished in golden brown, some in green. Clinir bncks and scat cushions are upholsteied in cretonne. Among the individual pieces there is a high-back fiber arm chair, spring seat, upholstered back and reversible seat cush ion in figured cretonne, 21 Rocker to match above chair, $22.50. Fiber rocker, wide nrms, finished in brown, upholsteied in figured cretonne, rovcisible scat cushions, 15.5(). KLZZ-L.IU WfFJIJ m 3E " i tiJtJi I IffiiP Jl um" Hi" J'-.i'i " "i "Ti iY" fff p-ftTi BwrJuBr & !pil To People Who Think of Buying a Player-Piano Intense family thinking goes into the selection of a player-piano. First of all, the whole household wants a good, ' sweet-toned, TRUE instrument. No amount of automatic playing compensates for a rattling tin-pan of a "player." For this reason, among others, we strongly indorse the Lindeman Player-Piano which has behind it the eighty-five years of piano making that have made the Lindeman piano famous in this and other cities. Into the making of the Lindeman player goes all the knowledge and experience and skill and musical under standing that have helped to make a high-class piano since 1836. This counts for much in the musical per fection of the player instrument. The Lindeman is a fine piano or a perfect player piano, just as you want to use it. "Any one can play it," with knowledge of music or without. But to one who understands music its player action responds with an infinite variety of gradations of tone and delicate nuances of expression which make its performances as much a delight to the finished musi cian as to the amateur. We have a limited number of these fine Lindeman player-pianos which may be purchased now for $525 Their usual price everywhere is $225 more. They may be purchased on convenient extended terms. Vr'e will ship them anywhere within a 200-mile radius without snipping charge. (i;cMtlnn Hull, Ground lloor) Oriental Rugs of Unusualness $27 to $75 Rugs of four different weaves, all of them good, dependable pieces, ate embraced in this interesting collection Mosuls, Daghestana, Shirvnns and Kazakh You can provided you do not wait too long choose a rug of any one of these type: out of this lot at $27 and at any one of beveral prices up to $75. As reeards texture, color, de.-ign and general character, tho assortment holds a real interest, the boldne.-s and vivid effect of the Daghcstans and Kazaks contrasting with the rich and more somber shades of the Mosuls. At their prices, these aro rugs that should appeal to any one look 'tig for something unusual, and capable cf knowing it on sight. Sizes o.l to 5.5x8.1 feet. (rxentli Floor, tmtrnl) New Shipment of Men's Beautiful Silk Shirts e have just unboxed somo fine, cool taffeta and broadcloth .-ilk shuts for men. They are in a wide and attractive variety of colored stripes nnd are just the kind of shirts men want now when the weather permits them to discard waistconts and sometimes even coat. All sizes in this lot. Pi ice Si. 50. (Vluln Floor. Murl-el I Good Handkerchief Specials for Vacation Time lor women a binnd-inw importation of tl-nsi- wuinliifu' SI "0 a to on Inh linen handkerehu ts plain heni-ni! hed and nwU- carnally for us to -c'i tit this Mnall pi tie. I or men -pln.n Iti-h linen n:ti. .'kerchiefs, nitv qu.iltty nnd u and 'ne-ijuartrr inch hem, . 1 a dotn. MVi'ht Vi-li'l Summer Furniture Opportunities Are Many Ivory finished liber aim chair, uphoNtered in cietonne, SUi. Rocker to match, $17. Fiber brcnkfast-i oom suit, finished in brown; buffet table and four ch.nrs, .112 50. Ivory finished table with round top, 512.75. A rocker, all-fibei. in a brown finish, is now $8.50. A brown fiber chair with cietonne uphoNteied seat and back and spring bottom, now 15. You can buy a brown fiber cluur or a rocker with cretonne upholstered seat and back and spring bottom for $20. (Sixth Moor, Ontrol) niraH i'i ' J '.1 ' i v...rtaBriM 1 and suits in roucl a fid fiber All these other piece also h.'vc cretunnc uphnb tercil seats and backs and spring bottom construction. foir -foot fiber settee, blown finished, now 21.50, and another at $:S2. A bi.x-foot blown settee now $37. A frosted In own chair now $21. nnd matching iod:ei at !'21 50. Another chitu of the -Mtfo type at $22.50 and a locker at Tlieie aie frosted brown sette... at 28, $,'(5.50 and $11.50. J ' 1 V73 :-m M 1 'i'l 1 V i i -j 1 .v. ' ,r ,s'A . V i L b.".'..Jl