EVEUlir PUBLIC EEDGEIPHTiAOTbPHIA, SATUBBAY, JUNE 2o, 1921 -J . i , J . a". rj. Lettcre to io cfftor ) . ..... -nd Honor tho Flag . viuorol ini Kvcntna Publlp l.edgir: p,r?M of Juno II, Wl. "Flu Day." W. 'fact of our ucttln my photo l.(h.,""nultlnB out "Old Olory" on ?. buBS Z I b to .ay that! .?.., late this. a" "' - V." ue tno "',,', J honor I hove In doing no. i rW".f, .. having l)en born anil rained IM 5elL . unrk In lhli city where Old 'J J., born, and at-u had tho honor aJ7n.ndTni OI CHrlt Church with my f ,wnd.lI?? ' . .jeorse Wauli- ?V.'nn lrhlpcd tho lit Inn Ood. who trachea 't.m truly proud, na every American I am iru' , ,. lhn. i.nrn In 'iroditn tnouiu - "--"- ,,h ,h. lllr,n. 2S; and'cradle of liberty, to uphold and T-V'saulh. the' banner wnicn God has hon ...a with victory. ha nccr, known defeat J?M. the llf blood of the flower of our ill 'win, reteallnc His story, which la In fill DJBIVI7. a ', .1.. Bu American women and men, es k ,iy thOKe of Philadelphia, be reolous th brine and honorlnc t'.o moat beiutlful ittzen earth. If wo do not. who liould7 f WW LAUItA I-'. KUEL.Y. ,' Philadelphia- June bi. iu-i. !, The Scandal-Monger ft M Editor ol the Evening Public Ledger: . g-I hftta a menu who uhh mo repu 'titlon among nil her friends of being not 'much mo" tnnn B "candal-mopger. Sho ill a ctner woman, tnereforo Is tolcratod. . .. In. 1.,1in nnv lilnn hpfnrn If liaa.i Him? Many women, who call themselves a .... nll MidV t,, IImIoM tn 1M.I ha. llen'any 'He tale about any ono of their orn e. v. t... ..... ... ... uu...c It would be "oil not to r-m'tit a scandalous report till wo hae sonc proof of Its truth, If (ben. And, lit thnt. tho truth should bo ' ipoken only In !oe. The Indulgence In scnndal Is partly due to Intellectual shallowness. It Is more i..i. ,.i. In Imnnrn Irnntrinnf Inn, hut It -la chiefly due to a malicious disposition. The clean ana ioin npiiri sees me uesi ana teUeven tho best of othcrj. To be with out ell thoUKhts Is God's best sift. D. I. W. Philadelphia. June Jl. 1021. The Workman's Side To the Editor of it J.'ftnlittJ Public- l.rdoer: Sir Tho nnprra carried tho nws tho 'ediM' day that the Industrial Conference H'ld at Washlnston announced that living niti hae falltn 10 per cent since last 'July, but that they still nro 03.7 per rent higher than before the war, so that If food f colli have fallen 10 per cent, tho wage ' worker l qulto as bad off tecauso wages ittte cone down from 15 to 30 per cent In many lines , Food Is not nil that a worklngman must liii. contrary to tho npparent opinion of ..i ..! njilllinn antn n vtn a Ttflnfa IlIROfC nm' iiiuiiri .1,11.. .u. ..lu.e. .... ' ... .... rli.. Ilhl trlnnl.nnn. tn.lrtut nt. rO UK '- .". .v.-, tcntlon. amu'cments Insumnce. taxes, etc . (ate not been reduced, and It Is sifo to sn trtr nerer will 1 Many articles are as dear as at tho high tldo of war. Tako coltan. for Instance AUo proprietary rem tdlti. bread milk and man kinds of me it. We still eo 40 cents' worth of leather la the form of a girl's or woman's shoo marked $10 and $1" n pair. There are pl-ntl of men In I'hlladelphln now work in for 40 cenls an hour who wero getting n and TO cents at thla tlmo last year. There are tnoso w no necu 10 ktiow inai n Ktrklngman c.innot live on beans, maca roni and cornmeal, which arc reduced In trlcc. That sort of diet Is no more con vene to making 100 per ctnt Americans tfe.n ! thn "better Uass" citizens who. be- Lcame a few minor articles drop In price. '. ... . ... . -. , .. Dk.i.tlil t L r. BOM mat HI" HUrHIHMlinil n.iuu.u ...... .. U cut As long as the country Is run on till basis of greed, selfishness and hypoo flir. "e cannot expect to hao nn thins but Ue present turmoil and discontent Philadelphia. June 2. 1021. The Antl-Volstead Parade (Me Editor ol tho L't'oiiiio riibltc Ledger: Sir I note In the newspaperi tlm 'juu.im fran ta aynArtf.fl tn TlATadft In 1S6W York July 4 ns a protest against prohibition. What a contrast In tho spirit of the iiaderi and that of the men of '70' Th. Utter wire inspired by the loftleit tiotlvci In their efforts to net foi til principles that ou)4 uplift humanity, nnd tlmo has shown tkm in be of the greatest bleilnc, not only to our country, but to the world nt tirce. Tho motl of those back of the proposed tirade li for a retuin to the reign of booze It other words it Is to bn n grandstand pinv for the ber keg Wo doubt not but that tltlr "floats" will carry displays of men Jliptntlng different brands or "lire water TUn itrlpped of Its camouflage this whole flair stands for debauchery, degradation mil death to multitudes In Its final nnnlysls. it li an appeal to the low. sordid and base natures of men It Is a challenge to America to protect Itself. If It dares, from the ruires of the rum power Tten there Is another pluse to the nus Won of putting on of thnt pvarte--namolv, til encouragement It gles milliners n icmeof th men In that city who are operat or latoons in dflance of thn Iw should see irch a great armv tmrch by nnd em told tliit It ns n protect nrnlnst th prohibition ct tn llouor tnrric, their contempt ror inw ir.4 order would bA greatlv lncreasd. No Mtitlon aboil It It would embolden th-ti. In their dls oalty to such an extent that tier would be rridv to ue force to "protect their righto ' as they mistakenly call them. And the moment an "oart net." as Oen- tral Jarkion called It. Is committed thnt J ii treason, nnd the person who rncour- Ifed It ts ns llnhln for tmntnhmorit hs Mi one who did tho deed There Is no Mraplnu that lunrlunlon. 1'nr.idorH had tilter go slow, for 1'ncle Sam mty be fcore wide awake to that kind of dancer ,t!in lome peopio Imngine .iomn t pnE.vrici.. rhlladelphl.i June 20. 1021 Far Union of Technical Men ft fie Editor of the .'ifmuy 'uhjf. f.nlocr.' Sir- I am glid tn fee some of our ills railed englr.ers bringing their pltlfut pMsht eiOrO the lllhtll. ftf thl.a tin. nalu a....u !l i", lr . . tnl and dangt-roiis mom and Jat from rmli emplocs he need not expect Im best that is In th-m Honker It Is a healthv sign It has non the engineer w.io has heretofore e-tlst-.?,'.?" '"'hMdiuil that In union there Is lumbers iinelimlsts. Inkers, tailors, ete , "receiving a niurh hlKher slur than lm ""' "" I" "" Pnes only a mln ram amount of ,,!u-uilon nnd Intelll- iciicl lih arR "'" or-"""ed unions of today Wnrn.i ""'" ','1 f"r H" ut,l"' ' I!?!.'."1."1, n"'1 'h-ro Is no iue,tlo it to r... ,'" '" n '" '"'" "mtrj were tied u .iV1' ""'", ,ho ""intrv would bo r"l,"'r I" twentj-four hours than If K'n'ral Strlk.i uf ,.11 lr,l. .,!., .. (lllll) ,v- " "'" ttout'r' ''l"su,"'', engineers, that Is our Olhir ' l-ro "ot n,iuilnted with eirh Indiii't...! "r" ""' organized and we art ns Md f, enmpetlnir In an overcrowded reall,. .. ' . 1.,!er,, ""mil. We Imo got te lr h,t, ii0 "J1" "ot ""'r demands Cof wor, : h";1a B,roK" r..nlzed c.rp'en"rerrr ", Till " J" '" -' '- "W It 1m tt.Aa i iniiioi-ii vie nna tnl. ,trL ,f"r U8 " f"rm Kond power ki 'S"a,Un,"n ,n M,,1,h ,ho Interest, of th.t lnrnK Profession will l, t - Ijiou' ,,'" '.'" " a ojmfortable llv t ., or, "" profession Pieties .,,,.,. ,.,.y f""11 ,n" ongne-rlng "Piyu 1 wl,1'1 ",0 ,pn '"" 'hl. "' own inn"? ' '' ''" orKnnl",lon 'or lion. i.".ln,'r,,,, 'Hher similar nrofB. '"laatlon ,,Tn , pPrf,''c,lnB ,,uc,' R" "r PhllXUl "' .wl,y "?t we' s. U o. "". Juno so, 1021. Questions Answered Thn Ml-i. . . tother ana Coln Purchases I '"? I ti Ini n, a,. .... ... Slr-iw. ",r ' '"l Mbllo Ledger: Chit. ... , " llm I'nltPll Htlllf. Mini r.,,.. h"0" iVl ,,C!!nH 0I tlw 't I'1C6 n VHlUa iff'?:'',, Jun. .,, ,. - " l'lN Vu MullliilMl or uncurrrnt "It siiil ii V "rn arci.pp.i)n cle- ! cl!n fu, i """" l,f ih l",'",1 I"ll'I 'or nt "' '1 im -a n,o .Mint iIo-h nnt I c Wdleeoiirag- furth-r study In this field, but It Is bringing to Mw attention of our Indus. "Ill magnate th fnC flint Ilia analnaa. 2 t" V "r'nlnr V"u7.IK ?'!! np,tBr, d,,.l,T L , "irrrn will he annffrrd. 7W PEOPLE'S FORUM ItOttcrs to tho Editor should be a orli'' and to tho point aa iwsslble, avoiding anythlnp that would open a denominational or sectarian tfla cusslon. No attention will be paid to anony mous letters. Names and addresses must bo signed as nn evidence of pood faltli. although names will not ho printed If request Is made that they be omitted. Tho publication of a letter is not to be token as an Indorsement of Ita views by this paper. Communications will not bo re turned unless accompanied by post nco, nor will manuscript bo saved. undertake to pass upon the value or char acter of coins or decide questions In nunHs matlcs, whether referring to coins of the United Mate- or of foreign counties. To Motor to Camp Meade To the 7,'dltor of Jhc Vventiio Public Ledger: Hlr Pie iso tell mo the shortest nnd beet way to motor from this city to Camp Meade, Md, I). C n. Philadelphia, June 21, 1021. Tnl." any route from any part of (ho city that will take you to Darby nnd then take tho Chester pike to Chester. From Chester go to Wilmington, twonty-elght miles from Philadelphia, t'rom Wilmington pass through Glasgow, Rlkton, I'erryllle. tavr do Grace. Aberdeen, Churchvllta, Pelalr, Klng.nllle to Ilnltlmore, sccnty-ftvo miles from Wilmington. I'rom Baltimore tnko Columbia aenuo out of the city to Elk ridge, then go to Wntorloo, to Jcssup and to Admiral (Camp Meade), twenty-ono miles from Baltimore. Fate of Napoleon III To the Kdt'or of the i.'fenlro rubl)c Ledger: Sir What became of Napoleon III after the closo of the Franco-Prussian War? I.. O. P.EYNOIaD3. Philadelphia. June 21. 1021. During his captivity he was held near Cnssel. When. In March. 1871. he wn liberated he rulolned tho Empress nt Cam den House. Chlselliurst Kng.. nnd remained thcro until his dea'h, January 0, th73. "Rip Van Winkle" Play To the Kdltor ot the Kvnho Public Ledger' Sir When was "Ulp Vnn Wlnkla." tho play, first presented nnd when did Joseph Jefferson first eppenr In the part of nip? HAI.EN T DISSINOBH, Phllndelhla. June 21, 1021. "Illp Van Winkle" was first produced some tlmo In tho thirties of tho lost cen tury. Joseph Jefferson,, first appeared In n orslon of the IrMng story nt tho Walnut Street Theatro In this city In 1840. Mr. Durke played Hip and Mr Jefferson Scth. Tho piny later presented by Mr. Jefforson In which ho appeared as nip was written by Dion llouclcault nnd was produced nt tho London Adelphln, September I, 1803. Union Fire Company To the Editor of the Kvrntiw Public Ledger: Sir Does the Union I'lre Co.. founded by Ilenjamln I'r.itiklln, still exist" If 03, is It honorary or actlo? It. W. I.. Phllidelphla. June 21. 1021. The Union Tire Co. was organized on December 7, 1730. It continued to exist actively until the olunte-r flro department was abolished In March, 1871, and tho paid fire department took Its plac We cannot toll you when It went out of existence ns an honorary organization. A Problem for Readers To the Kdltor of the Evening I'ubl'e Ledger' Sir -Please have your readers answer this question: A ollndrlcal boiler, thirty feet long and four foet In diameter. Is partly filled with water. If tho Uiller Is placed In a horizontal position tho water rises to a depth of twclNo Inches How many gal lons of water Is In it? A. L. Philadelphia, Juno 20. 1021 Meaning of Creole To the Editor ot flic Evening I'ubllc Ledger: Sir In reference to a recent query re garding tho meaning of "Creole." let mo say a "Creole" is n combination of pure English without admixture of any kind nnd . - ... I.ab-. In .nml.tranl.nl allvnnfn pure 1 rencii, uuni 41. . pciih-h",'.".. ...... ..v Th s birth condtt'on Is nec.'si-y. otherwise it Is not true, tney are uu exuiuoivi- i-mss. a crcom:. Philadelphia, June 20, 1021. Lake With Long Name To the Editor of tlic Kvctiluo Public Ledger: Sir I noticed recently that ou printed In our People's Torum a number of long words. I think I have one that will beat them all. It Is "Chnrcoggagoggmanchauga- gogg." pronounced cnauounn ltungamaugg. This Is the namo 01 k iuko hi euiior. Mass C D. E. Philadelphia. June 20, 1021. Radium Under Microscope To the Editor of th Evening 1'ublic Ledger: fitr Please state for mo In your People's Torum whother radium fan bo seen tinder a microscope If. V. I.. Philadelphia. June 20. 102t nadlum Is found In such small quantities that the examination of material containing It under a microscope will not reonl Its pre'-encc. Ordinarily radium or.' carries onlv a snm'l fraction of .v grain of radium to the ton It Is formed b the slow decay of uranium nnd decays Itself and changes to other elements so rnpldh thnt It does not accumulate In any amount that Is tslblc. "C. n. O " Tho address of the Pennsyl Hnla Historical Society Is Thirteenth and Locust streets, Philadelphia. "S. I.. E." Pomology Is the study or cultivation of fruits, particularly pertaining to the apple family. "A. Tt." We cannot gle space to print ing tho rules of ptnocnle. You can Hetnire a little book gl.lng complete rules for ten cents nt any book store. "O. P. V " The sobrlquit "Old I'ubllc I'unctlonary" was f.ninrtlnv- glen to James lluchanan. who first epplled the expression to himself In hli .mnudl message to Con ricii in 1SS0. "I.. (. I' ' A stand of iinni In a com plete et of nrms for one soldier, consist ing of a musk.it, hajonet, iiirlrldno box und blt, with or without a sword Poems and Songs Desired Wants Some Doggerel To tin i:dttor of tin Erenina I'ubhr L-dger: S.i--I will appreciate It If ou or ono of vour rad-r can ge inf tho Kholo of till-, doggi-rrl whli li wa -r popular dm Ing tho Civil War Tho ere" IrglnN1 "'Nrith a rjrg-d palm-tto a Southerner Hat fl-M-"rTrnTmirMlT1f nramr ii ii a. i ,i i , a m 1. 1. i. .. J .fa-ail, an , I i T7ZZ,:. ll,ll-l-"-M-.-"a.Maawa.lilp.wjlwjilllHIIII,l III UI,.lllIIIWWClaaajajaajnawwgJaaannKMlwWy --v.Banaavu-K.aaaa.aBB.ginHajMaMaaM.airaVN.a.a.P.a.naaMHMMMaHaBMuWBaBB CHESTNUT STREET BELOW TWELFTH STREET THE PEST SHOW IN THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN! .T.T tVUKK A HlWrMI.H WHIUI. Ob' COMllDV AI Ml 311 On "The Mezzanine Floor," with Hattie Darling OVK ACT "SOtllaTIIINf.- V UKiniAS TIMIIKItr. MABEL BURKE j Analmni b 11HI.KN 1IUI.I. IH'PII hl'KC'IAI, rOMEIlY rnAVK l.I.Ultll. FESTER & GSLMORE In ' HKIt IlSIIPt'I. HOtlKO" PAUL, LEVAN & MILLER I in rnnvT 'i'tt Hfitniu" I PATHE WEEKLY AESOP'S FABLES TOPICS OF THE DAY Extra Added Attraction l, AND Extra Added Attraction 1 RGCHARD tHEAN & CO. nisTiNQi iKiinn t'HAHAt-Tnn ai'toh in hckni:s i'hom i-i.ayh I'tt'O HHOWH PAII.Y. S V. M.. 30c and Site. ton.io. mci.t;uina wau tax. BBA-ra TO 1 1 1 A-twIstlng the band of his panama'1 hat," And ended t "And so he kept 'oli-lng' for what h had ' not, Not contented with owing for what he had Kt'" 1. E, T. Philadelphia, June 21, 1021. A Familiar Verse To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Who wna Jt nho wrote the linen nnd what Is the correct wording of "Thero Is so much bod In tho best of us," etc.? W. L, E.UOIIY. Philadelphia, Juno 21, 1021, "Please, But a Penny, Sir" To the Editor of tho f.'ueiilup Publla Ledger: Sir Can ou give me, through jour Peo ple's Forum, the tltto'und remainder of a poem beginning thus: " 'Plcniso, but a. Penny, but a penny, kind sir,' A olco was heard mld th- city's stlri 'I hae no bread, no fire, no light, I nm all alone on this dark, cold night.' " AMIT.RT T. MOHCIAN. Philadelphia, Juno 21, 1021. "Did You Give Him a Lift?" To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger: Sir Would It be posslblo for some reader of the People's Forum to aunnlv tlm fnti pcem of which the following lines form on stanza: "Did you give him a lift? nc's a brother of mine. And bearing about all the huidens he can. Did you give him a. emllo? IIu wus downcast and blue. And a smile would have hHped him to bat tle It through. Did you give him your hand? He was slip ping down hill. Ar.d the world, so I fancied, was using him 111. Did you give him ,11 word? Did ou show him tho road? Or did ou Just let him go on with his load?" II, w. 1'. Philadelphia, Juno 20, 1021. New Stanley House Named Karlton The newest ntMltion to the list of Plillntlclnliia theatres 13 now bein erected on the sito ot tlio KtiRlcr Hes tnurant by tho Stanley Co. of .inerica. It In stated that it will open in the early fall. .Tule.s E. Mnstbntim, iireMdent of the Stanley Co., nnuoiiiircil jesterdny that tho new theatre will be called Kurlton. .Mr. Mitftbaum Muted that,tho policy of uiu noitbc woum oc mo precntntinn of fcattup photoplay combined with ar tistic music. MOVIEGRAMS FROM SCREEN TO PATRON T7I0XTA1NE LA HUE, a well-known J- character nctress, under the nnine of Dora Itodcers. used to be n very nnughty girl that is. while the camera was turning. .Vs the vamp In many former IMaek Scnnctt comedlei. Miss La Hue. alias Miss Itodifcrs, wrecked mnny a lioino nnd caused many a poor comedy husband to sleep standing up because of the beatings ho received from his irnto wife. Home montl.s nco. how ever, Miis Uodgers decided that she was tired or leading n terrible llje on the crcen. She changed her name to rnntaino La Kue and deierted the com edy lot for the llelti 01 (irnmntic char nctor ucttng. Miss La Hue. by virtue -f her work in illinm Do Mille s latest produr tion, "The Lost Itoninncp," at the Stanley next week, has redeemed her self for nil the screen havoc she caused as a comedy vamp; CHESTER M. FHANKLIX, who di rected "A Private Scandal." com ing next week to the Stanton, began his career ns n cartoonist for a news paper. His latest Kealart picture, starring Mnv Mt'Avoy.thc charming little actress who made such a hit In "Snmtnentnl Tommy." gets away from humor and tells a grlpplngly dramatic story. Moving day in photoplay form Is a feature of "The House That Jazz Iluilt," Wanda Hnwley's newest photo piny, adapted by Douglas ISrouston from the Sophie Kerr story. "Sweetie Pencil" which was published in the Saturday Etening Post. It will show, nt the Arcndlu next week. j PAULINE FREDERICK, the pop- ' ulor Robertson-Cole stnr, appear ing in "Snhaxe" at tho Victoria The- ' atrc next week, is thn recipient of thou sands of "fan" letters every week. , Recently the star received the following letter from an unknown ndmirer in 1 Japan : "My Dear Mis, Pauline: ' "1 hne (o introduce jou a old bn.i. I Who Is n old boy? It is me. 1 aui n student and cry found film pic ture. A bote all I found jour film. Your name Is ery famous in Japan, 1 respect jou on a nctor and character. Pardon me but jou please that to say following. Would that send me your photograph. I loping you nrc so kind as to give me Yours sincerely." AFAMOI'S racing car is driven by Wallace Reiil in "Too Much Speed," his late-t Palace picture, which will be seen nt the Palace next week. Tho car won first prize at the open ing of the (.peed conr-t- nt Ilt-verlj Hills, near Ilolljwood, Calif., on February -.a.'. UIUO. THOMAS MlaU'.HAX is announced ns the stnr at (he Stanley Fourth of July week ami he will appear in the first showing of his new est picture, "White nnd I'ninarrictl." AT THE Arcadia as the feature the .. ..I. ,.e r..t.. .1 tn 1.- im-i.- ih.i. "Urn. Ill .11111 't l 111" 1 in .aiuiP- Eool." a screen adaptation from Jack London's "The Little Lady of the Hlg House." creature who attracts all the men in- Itcil to tlln ti.'llntiill linnio nf her luw. band. The husband knows of her weak ne.ss for .moonshine socletx, but pnys MlllgMa-ri HaWlH.MIWaHaWlaWlMI, I lAfitX BROS, PALO & PALET 'I.KS IIOIMTONS ML'SICAI." rF-ATl'UKS IlAYMQNn MAIUK WVLIE & ARTMAN In ' Hl'KOItr AMI AITTR" m... - LIBBY & SPARROW m.v may h run nnm-ixcr. en- vovi i,tv HOXU! KRc, NHHITM k O'CIOPK an I on gAa 6Nu'""ifKii'l1." auvaVicu0 I no nttentlon to. It. Then enters tho third party, nn old chum, who iuiih desperately in love nnd in loved in return. The hunband given his wife the choice of leaving him. A limousine Rpcctli down the driveway nnd the hus band stiriendurH himself to despair. The working out of tlnf situation U suld to bo masterly. C.pKCK'S HAD 1501'," Btnrrlns -t Jnrkle CotiRnn, In announced as feature nt the l'aluco week of July -i. This will ftlvo opportunity for thoic who were unable to view the film nt the Stanley leconlly to oeo tho child actor who t-cored Mich n big lilt In "The Kid" with Chnrllc.Chnplln. JACK 1'ICKFOIU), fjolilwjin star, substantiates IJnrntim's well -known quotation, "There's one born every minute," in hiu infest picture, ".lust Out of College," which Is announced nn tho feature nt the Stanton week of July 4. The story is one of the best ever written by that famous writer of funny talcs. George Ado. AX EXTllAOIUMNAUY dotiblo bill of drama and comedy fa announced for first presentation nt tho Stunlcy week of July 11. The comedy will bo Ilnrold I.loyd's "Among Thoic Pres ent," while the dramatic feature will be the (Joltlwyn picturization of "Tho Concert," the stage play which fifrved I.co Dltrlchstcin ns a starring vehicle. "pKPL'TATIO.V," tho newest Uni tv versnl-.Tcwel Htipcrfeaturc, star ring I'ribcilla Dean, N announced ns the feature nt tho Victoria week of July 4. THE news tells of the possibility of a mysterious submarine which may be used by modern plrntcs to rob ves sels at sea. J. C. Williamson used thnt idea as n basis for his sub-sen picture "Wet Gold." which Goltlwin Is re leasing nnd whicli I'renidcnt Harding snw during his recent visit to the home of Senator Knox nt Valley Korge. The story of "Wet Gold" follows along the lines of the investigators' report to the Washington officials. HAVING scored n succes with the Initial issues of his nlmnnne, Tony Parg comes back with "Why They Love Cave Jlcn." This shadowgraph pic ture, prcsdntcd ns nn added attraction nt tho Stanley next week, is said to be mirth provoking. Sir.- Snrg, long and favorably known ns an illustrator, has borrowed n leaf out of the pages of Chinn's achieve ments. Eighteen hundred ,rnrs ago they had moving pictures In China, nccordlng to Mr. Snig. Guide to Photoplays For the Week to Come New Photoplays 8TAXT1EY "Tho Lost Romance" wa tt rltten by Edward Iuiouiock nnu( William Dc Mllie made the produc-1 tlon with Jack Holt, Conrad NnRClj nnd Lois Wilson In the east of another tnarltnl story. Added attractions will bo tho Tony S.itr Almanac, "Haby-1 hood". Huhler prologue, "Dreaming Alone," with Kdttard Albano, the tenor, and Ncwd Pictures. Sr.4.Vro:V "A Prlvnto Scandal," with May McAvoy. the new stnr Hector Turnbull wrote It and Chester Frank lin directed. Ralph Lewis nnd Kath ryn Williams are In support. Uratl- 1 tudo to friends lends the heroine Into I n series of dramatic 'complications. . Music and other surrounding features. AHCADIA "The Houo That Jazz Iluilt" brings Wanda Haw lev In a little comedy of marital life. Penrhyn Staulawft directed It, with Forrest Stanley In support of tho star. Sophie Kerr wroto It. VICTOllIA "Saltntro" shows Paulino Frederick In a story of mother love. ' Milton Sills and Ralph Lewis oro In bupport. I Reviewed Heretofore PALACE "To Much Speed." with Wal-I loco Rcld. j Ca-l'rO-, "ThrouRh the Hack Door," with Mary Pickforfl, J BO BAT "Dream Street " 1 COLONIAL "Married Life." with Mack 1 Scnnett plajcrs, iltst half of week my IN IIUIC NK.H'i:ST 1-LA Tlirough the Back Door LOOER I.ANCASTKR AV. A nllhT 8T11KKT .MONDAY. TUESDAY A Wl D.NKSDAY D. W. GRIFFITH'S .Mntit-rfiil Deplrtlon f the I.ove of Tun Ilrn-heri , "DREAM STREET" TIILItSDAY. FltlDAY .V s ri III) Y WALLACE RE ID in "THE LOVE SPECIAL" NIXON'S AN llrnml nnd Montrornrrv, F. n. NIxon-Mrdl'mri-r. !:13. 7 A 9 Ofn. tltr. Vi-it Mrek llll.l.l III UM".s "TANGO SHOES" Hair Itutli Archie & (.rrtlr Pnlln Mmiilj. Mill 1-r nnd 1-1 Slnnlrj . T.l.? Tl,r' rhiims" THAI I.AII1 TIIK I. ill nrv i-i.i. TttKoH, did Itrl tl irlir-t Wl. .Mat-. SslS. r.xun. 7 & 0 ii iili.llMl At'TH Nrit Wrrk A I, WIUTi; I'ltTSI'Nm his "1921 SUMMER REVUE" :'';. .t iri-v ,i.oih,i:s titi'i:Niii:it hi "Tin: ttoMn-it tiv- 0CU4l S'JII I Ol I -.T 1T . DIM lll.r. IHI.I. ' A 1,1, MAT lll.KK In "NOW OR NEVER" EflJCS in "The Mistress of Shcnstone" leJ2X-'hV0H(l',"" "" 'Wii DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "TIIK M T" TliniSIlW. nilDAY A SWIKDAY WILLIAM FARNUM In "HIS (iltKATr..T HACItiriCr." 1 R.lwil fi)d nnil Hitnanm -it SIOV . Tt'KS.AnCO. EniTII HTORKY nnil M'KCIAI, ( AST In Bfc.At;H Ut UKKAMS Thuri... IYI.. Hilt MAIIli: IIIIUO In , "MIDNIGHT GAMBOLS" Cofl(iUt"in;,ar--',,i,".u,h CMttii:i. ii:m:hs nnil n.st r (i i "GILDED DREAMS" Hut. All-Miir Cunt "llllllil N (ini,.. Tl I .mnii ,sr. m V'ANin IIAttlKt und m.1,.,11 list In "HER FIRST ELOPEMENT1' et Weik rirt N. IMillu. s,ohIii naiux iTi n rr a nekrora D 12 .O JL "Peck's Had Coy," with Jackie Coo Knii. inut half. MAKKET HT. "HtralKht Ts tho Way.' llrst half "Tho Passion Flower," with Norma Talmndge, Inst half. IMPEIlTAJr-"Through tho Hack Door," With Mnry I'lckrord. anKAT NOM'UHUt! "Twin Hecln," with Carter Do Hnvon, first half. "Two Woeks-Wllh Pay," lnt half. AliIIAMIIIlA "Are All Men Alike?" first half. "Bucks and Drakes." last half. L00U8T "Tho Mistress of Uhcnstone," with Paulino Frederick. nlX?.Tit:'.'Th'' IJ"rnch lf Dreams." with Edith Mtoroy, first half, "Midnight Onmbols," Inst half. BWiltoNr - DouKlns Fairbanks, In "Tho Nut." first half. William Far nurn, in 'Ills Greatest Sacrifice," last half. TjE,AU.FR "sT ,"Pr,'n"1 Street." first half. Wnllaco Helil, in "The Love Special,'" last hnlf STIIAXE 1 "Through tho Hack Door," with Mary Plc.fni CUPAll Ilav Stewnrt. "A I.one Ifantl." Mon. and lues , "The Pleasure Hook ers,' Weil, anil 'rhuiu. ; "When Dawn Came, with C'olccn .Moore, Frl, and 0 iV.n-i ; nrmel Myers, m "fJlhled Yrcnms, .inn nnd Tiles ; Aokl. In "Hreath of the Uods." "Hidden Code," Sat. """"l nll 1111(1 'I MOM 'ruillr. Weel : ,nd Ff. Lrrrnu:cTio.v stanli:y MAKKKT m:.t wi:i. DE MGLLE'S PRGDUCTDON or i:dvaiid knoiiiack s tut: LOST ROMANCE A PAIIAMOUNT PICTUIli: WITH JACK HOLT, LOIS WILSON, CONRAD NAGEL aiiiL.n TONY SARG'S c,;rini,."WHY THEY LOVE CAVEMEN" tor-AI, PItOI.OGI 1: PDUARD AM1ANO SOLOIST MAItlvKT HKI. SI.Ti:C.STH NI.VT vi;i:k Itey EVacAvoy iN- A Private Scandal A lirnltrt Pli tur Kathlyn William is Included n p.vrnnllnnnl .Slinnnrtintr CnSt -o cm..vrxuT iiklow iotu NEXT WEEK IN HEAlaAUT Plt'TUHE "The HOUSE THAT JAZZ 11 Adnp'cJ From ihf saturdar FenlnR I'o-i S'ory "Sw-Ttle I- arh ' ! t-ophle Korr 1 DUOAP X SNYDI.ll AVK.NU1- M.NT ttL'EU The 1'innus Stnr of the Wh rl of ( 1 Town" e. A-&Isrri HY l'llANK OIITII Oftcrliik .1 IlrlKht Ill-tirt ot 1 .ii ii ...I nsi MaryPJckford-.r.L'iK M ih vl i T I i nurn MAT MKI.K a pi'Pi i u qi ArtTF:r BiSOS 61TY FOIIil Com dv i -"-iiki H.tppii inil"d nn. i f ii tst.r.n tiii ni-AY Till HI'I t I ORTHER H-.,ad Url Mm 1u a Hul in: UA I N "TWIN BEDS" ii, f. ttnlivu' M XT tt r w MARY PICKF0RD "riiriniKli llii IliiiK llnnr ' SERVICE CHAROESl SAT.t-3. MIDI. IK MILI.EK unit Hi r II"' I rli'inU In MIlK.ir III II Wl. W)l I1SI I 1 FOUR AU.K.UT f.IKI.S rrinii ' '"in lilt' ( iiinpiini MNC.I.K and DKI.ANEY iMimillnii il I iironi" in lliiiiiir-i UOY .S. Hl'DDOCK it- itil.' IliuirrH OaVBTI LOESER'Si:S ntrr IT St. Four Bip Reception Nights This Week: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Every Tiiesula.t and Thursday THE TANGO TROT Is Taught " ' "' mit-Nt'iii'dl bu tlr rriuik OnrnH. IlnnilliK l,ter l'ik! Clii 1 ueil i A 'lluirMlin Prlintf l-uh(in-.. 11.30 . M. In tOll I-. tl. mTinrraniTi ill ii TrnmmTi . VollcrsDancing niii st. Mi!Tii (ir tixitmrr " OPEN ALL SUMMER RECEPTIONS "'"w. iimday NOVM.TV Nt.Ts, : I U tlON. rid. Private Lessons Day & Evg. JACK LeROY and His "ORIGINAL FIVE" -J aMCjyDii B10APW CROSS MS I I' J S Woodside '-ini tXajuiutjn.ijt.1 mum ux i -,e I IN Theatrical Billboard For tho Coining Week Vniidovlllo KV.trWH Four Marx IJrothcrs, ver antlle comedians, with Hnttle Dnrllntc; IUchard Kean and company. In scenes from rilava : Fisher nnd Ollmore, In " Hashful Jtomeo"; Raymond Wylle nnd .Mario Hartmati, humor and song, Mnbet Hurko. nsslsted by Helen Hell Hush, "A Itomanco In Song" ; Palo and Pnlet, musical buffoons: Paul Iaovnn nnd Miller, knockabout come dians ; Gcoriro laCbbv nnd Ida May sparrow novelty , pictures. fVfaOWr "Hnrmnny l,and" will bo the hcnullncr; Kddlo Cassad, minstrel Verna Mersoreau. ternslchorcan tal cnts ; l.anc nnd Vernon, "Who's Hoss ' I.e.w Welch, comedy playlet , Tom Mcltne, In "The Tout" ; the Willi Mng Erfords, aerial sensations; Shaw and Campbell, harmony sohirs. CI108R KEYS The Hlson City Four, singers and comedy makers ; "A Tele phone Tannic , Schwartz and Clifford. company of America- AT 10T1I 1214 MAItKHT STIIKUT N'BXT WEEK Wallace I.V TOO MUCH SPEED A Paralnount PI. IU--B Cast includes: Agnes Ayres and Theodore Roberts 1C1D1IA MAHKKT ADOVn NINTH Next Wceli . II H U 1 1 II V S A. Frederiokf IT MII.TON . f l SILLS I' GLOBE H'NIPEK .MA1IKET STHEET3 T.T WEEK A MrillSY AGOREOATION S nun Uuni nnil Clalrty ENT1. ' tUI'l O ATTHAl'TiriN EDDIE CASSADY I f iMiim.nt h Mlnsir. in 7J t M , . NL 1 ttl'l K "Throuch tlii IIiicK Iiior" MARY PICKF0RD REGENT -Market hl 17 NK.T Vk.r:K n tt OUIFPITU s "DREAM STREET" GUnMANTOtV.V . Clli:i,TKN Am. Mon Tufi tto.l Murk S-nnrtt,ai 'MARRIED LIFE" 1-lh A .tin r Muti. ,l Tu. "rp Ml Mm A Ik-" MAY ALLISON ,C.,l' I I t. Jifk. No a 333 Market st. Tiii:.inn tl i'l '1 UI-3 tVii "Straight Is the Way" Enjoy a Cool and Delightful Trip Around Beautiful Fairtnount Park Something Doing AH the Time Phenomenal Success of ITV II 9 jLmroanno s Concert Band Ercole Durbanno, Conductor Thclma Melrose, Contralto .SPECIAL EVENT JULY 8TH Children's Toy Day 300 Toys Free 300 Fireworks Every Friday Night WILLOV GROVE PARK PATRICK CONWAY and his HANI) 'loj.o - I' n inlMinm I iiinmnndi r Nu ;,, Ki iglils Ti miliar Iiuj KriTM Ull1, i i r ,i I i iiinmndfri Han.l at .-, -, i. T l.munoM-t -tor II, rlmu t His urtli ii, ROSELAND DANCING TONIISIIT Brond Above Columbia Ave. 1015-17 Market St. Trocadero uu, Tlie Rainbow Girls PALACE jHV-V a. vSPyi Ronffrt and patter: Jonea nnd Greenly, Mtlt! Hen McrotT cotnnuny. HoimrJ (lanrpH nnd inuslrf, Pntilcttu nnd Itoy, ' lroteiuo Acro-ology " NctV hill la-U hnlf of wool 0,l.?Jl.'ir--Mlle. Annce Cody, com edy offering, the photophi) featurt, will he .Muiy Pleuford, "Through the Hack IJoor" ; tho Modcrin Opera Co., BliiKltiK trpat; Cheater .Tohnson, tho daredevil rider. New bIioiw last half or tvecK. 1 aV.YO.V -- "Tho Wonder Mini," with, OeorRe,M Cnrppntlcr, tnovlo ; Hilly' Hoinicer'H ClrcUH ; Al "White's Hevue. dnnoci; Chick Yorlt and Uoso KIiik. klt; I.eona nnd Zippy, Mirlctlc? New, program uhI half. WALTON HOOF Mldcle Miller and her hoys, floiiRH nnd dnnces j Konr WrlL'ht I 'JlrlB f-0111 ".Sun Klst" Show, DhiKle and Dclaney. Hennntlonal danccra. u t,i J, i7 , .vo nniU- ,,,p fvcrpopulari I'lillad-lpMa entertainer, "Tanim Hfioea." novelty . (ho KhIIh. In "A Few I "nil!1 T,,",0,r11"' , Mu-r and Stanlov. I "nice PuddlnK." skit; picture. ! I McCIees Galleries I 1307 MAIa-NTT ST. I PAi'STivfi.s m:am:i I nnd JIKKTOHED I Al.l. KINDS of HM-AIItlMi V .IXImnlfn Clicrrfnlly f.u... 301101 aocnoc COME HAVE MEENEHAN'S CAFE SUNDAY SPECIALS Lobster Dinner, $1.50 Unit Iloilcd Lobster 1 rnb Meat uu dentin I ln of a(-. jar Sauce Varbn-urd Oysters linked Ihttnto Chicken Platter, $1.50 Hnlf llrnitcd .Vii-iiy ( hicki n Vrn rorn rrif(rr-, I'nncli Erird Pnlntnn R Roast Duchline Platter, $2.00 J llonxt Duckling " Mailed Pntntnr V... r.-. Apvle Unure Roast Sirloin Platter, $1.25 Itonst Sirloin of Heel I 1 1 si iiisiromin ll'.kid Potato -!(nii, Ileum S 'IitiI 7 o n. it : 2 OE3 O E3 O C3 O Z TK,tl'.lll' VeTK K . 4t fk Blifey 'n ''le Pal year more than $300 H fi 1 J r ffH Hrr r ',n ')ccn added to the value of tlic I fcftJni wr m!m 1 Stcarni throufrh mechanical im- I sSkJmjtF provements. Yet not a dollar has I H? f been added to the selling price. I y Jy jj More than ever the Steams is a 3 K t sound investment. Mny we eJ.- D TilrfhS P'ain to yu- personal'y? I H Scolt Motor Company Z .miMom uun.Z: 1 908 North Broad St. .aWi-li JJJt WL1U "Sj55j I H Telephone. Poplar SU g v jdtrw a 1 I f Jj flKr fl H H rl I -Jffs.'-i-u. SSj JTtsjrJtSm.- 1 a3SSfflSKPf yisi5K!I SEA GER L i N E PHILADELPHIA to Christiania, Copenhagen, Gothenberg, Stockholm, Helsingfors and Reval U. S. MAIL STEAMERS USSB SS "ASABETH" About June 30 AT SHIPPING BOARD RATES SEAGER STEAMSHIP COMPANY, INC. W. J. GRANDFIELD & CO., PMla. Agents Lombard 5176-7 308 Chestnut Street Inrnrpiirnt-d 1B01 U. S. Shipping Board Stre 1 Steamen Regular Freight Service PHILADELPHIA to HAVANA SS "COQUINA" July 2o lArr.inteui-ou 1it r-,,n , tor qoi-k .lurhnrc- or carta l lluvimaj Tor Bporo ond Iiatr Applr EARN-LINE STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Agents Bullitt Buildins, Phila. P. Main SJSl V v : .. tf v A KH'-IA ft ""'P ,0,'", a"J The Gold-n Horn, with V O tliensded interc-tof a lsltto pictureiiqu N tf Naplrsby tie Fan Mail Meamrr v-arrrmc u .s Mall Sall.ne from New York JULY 16th, 1921 , lit cabin t;no and up rot m-i and mfci-malion arpl) to Ottoman-Anitric, 1 1- o5 (iKKLIN (O., t'ui.ii, r and I rnuht StTticts I roni Nt-tt 'S (irli. i HI- I 1 1 ' - I I II tMl I "" nriti m. tin t .inn- an iu. ih si-pi tUllTtMt .lull .". .Ini) '.'tl Auk MAIKI'.TM ! ! XiiE II Srpl. ti I l 1 III ii ii. rAIIllM Ini - lulr an iiir. 27 rATl.l J"l 0 j- M.IIAMt uiriii .lull 12 Auk i s,.pt .7 ( Alttl M .lulj HI ub M -in. in 1 I itilll III IM'l'Hill Itil J lltVIII'ItH SWIIMA Jul '.'1 iis- SO (lit. II 1 (lN!iiM P.l.t Mi i,l tSi,. U ( tir,KOM iiii-iii .rnl) 'i .lull Itil tno. 27 MOI.Itllllt .lull 111 til.. II -rpt. Ill tl.l.r.KIt inr 40- , t inn i ii it ti i tn i-.vi itA-i im ni(i i viK ri.nTi ru-.tir ( M.tllltIA Julv -7 I HUM (IN Tn I It 1 Kl-nui, 1 SxKI Jun- 28 rilll.MiPM III t Tn I IVK IlI-iHH ltlllST-iI. (tliinnjulhl SUANM.A ' ltll I 1 . .im, 7 I t'linuril und tuilmr liiinmlilii I Ine. l-HKTiiRfr OIIW 1SIMI Hcilnnt . . l-hll rrrtghl unite lliiurt- Hid. I'hll'i. Dixie Steamship Lines Now loading for PHILADELPHIA, BRISTG.-. MANCHESTER, GLASGOW U. b, b. II. S. S. Iliitldnon Cauau for ROTTERDAM r. B. H. II. S. H. f,rn ll.o, AT COMFKIIENCB UaTES Harriss, Magill & Co.. Inc 425 Lafayette UldgH Philadelphia i-ln 1ST :ini!nimiiTOiiiiini3ariiiiTiiiiii,i'ii.'i OTIHIWfHWRSBWIHIIMWi -t . ' a Stays fresh, over Sunday Victor Bread Big loaf At All Our Stores mi BTOPCS CO. iflilbl I. :,!!!i!i:in,i:ia:,ii:iii!i!!!!!;i!rra:i:!riiiiiiiii:!iiiii;ii?i? roinoc aoaoi A DINNER AT 62D & WALNUT SlS. Mccnchans Special, $160 Lohbt r Ihri mt'lur fi Uttt rub Flj't of n Tnr Rune f i-MMJ. 'OM tt Unmto'jn Votatntn Veal Platter, $1.25 ttrr, tnl ml fttnh Y ii Sin mi i ,'p nU' Vntnlarn . ntrt SVifi( ' '! Salmtu Mnunxr- Vtf'f Town orv ft 00 f ntd Pttnst Hrf potrlto rtUvt 9100 rr,r r r t t p into XnUui stss I' , H, nd. 1 oils ' s nm Vl-rl-. 'i' tttilni hi out ..- , Oiru, locaoEss josaor sTKttlllII' tlllll l.f Main 6765 Oy An rrortui it v 'imn unuiunl vnca J tlon ui tlif near Kasi.cruisinc nmong t IfGrccUr IllanJfitOtll-DMr,'nnll. GUL DJE!V2AL ( MAW tons dtirlairm-iit ) 108 South llh St. I'lu'.i. -J AMERICAN SHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR YOUR OCEAN VOYAGE Nevr Combination ''assc.ifrer and FrciRht Shiph tafit. Luxurious Stcamrrs, Reliable Freight Ships THE STANDARD OF THE MARINE WORLD UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Sailings from every port in America to the lead ing ports of the world. OLLAWH AMERICA UNE 0 New York to Rotterdam Via Plymouth and Boulogne-iur-Mer RYMDAM July 2Aof. CStptlB N. AMSTERDAM ..July 9 Auf. 13 S,,l 7 N00RDAM July 10 AaJ.20 S.5 24 I ROTTERDAM ....Jul, 30 S.pf. 3 Oct I PiutuKr Offiet. 1531 Wi.b.I St. FUU, 6C 1 M KM tl HlfJ " 1 -1 ': J fP ' 1' "'" m i 1 I H I I V 1 3 3 n o n o H ta x i i ' 4 .( 4. V - 4h ., , i '? j V ' J .f ., JlitJS