Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 24, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 13, Image 13

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V '
Organ Plays at 9, 11
and 4:50 .
, Clilmea nt Noon
What a Gool Pleasant Place This Wanamaker's
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wmHM"A w l
.Above wc !.". - ; --?, ;
""d-ed yfthV iitror
fom fifteen to twenty-two. and It
, upon 1 background of white
?rte de chine black roses of self ma
,rfil embroidered with white.
The organdy collar benefits by the
ume eornber blooms und Is edged with
tilencienncs. Thin same lace binds the
ihort sleeves and appears in two row
j Insertion on the corsage.
Making More Money
TliM Mn'i Jobs
Ever nines Uie war commenced to take
Id toll of male labor the newApapern and
Brtlnes have been full of accounts of
women who were filling men's places and
folnr men's work so satisfactorily that
It ts doubtful If the male contingent
would ever be reemployed. But there
li at least one woman In the country
who Is doing more than thin thro..
tlmd as much In fact, for Mrs. Ann
Kosta. of Adamana, Ariz., Isn't content
with nlllnij the place of ono man, but
It performing the work of three I
Adtmana Isn't a biff station, but. on
the othei hand It li of a slso sufficient
to guarantee It HKnlnst oversight by tho
Binta Fc ltnltroad Therefore, when
tho station 'iKtnt resigned aomo months
no the officials of the road commenced
to look around for sAmo ono to fill his
plice. While they wero looking they
intruded the telegraph operator to "flit
In" for tho station agent until, a fow
diyi Uter, rame the news that the bag.
t(6 master had also ciult.
"All rleht." came tho word from tha
kill office to the man who handled the
ukimph ky, "look after that Job, too.
We'll have somebody down theie In a
few days."
But when the "few days" stretched
Into a week tho telegraph operator de
cUed that the work was too heavy nnd
l followed the example set by the othor
tt: and tendered his resignation, to be
sTeetlve Immediately. Hardly had the
ibrupt new a eeised clicking over the
wire, however, when a message followed
- message ulilch read: "I'll handle
the three Jobs until you get somebody
Sown here." and tho signature was "A.
Other matters of Importance came up
Immediately afterward and It was n
fortnight before one of the officials of
the road dropped off at Adamana to see
how "A. Kosta" was getting along. To
hit surprise he found that tho "A." stood
(or Anna and that Mrs. Kosta had been
dicing care of the trlplo post so well that
there hadn't been n single complaint. So
the ttayed there and continued to draw
three salaries !
Down Stairs Store
Dresses Like These Are a Real Delight
Inexpensive frocks, refreshingly new,,have
arrived at Special Prices for Saturday
Picture a cool voile frock with small blue, lavender or
black figures on a white ground, white organdie pipingB and
a crisp white collar of organdie only $3.85 1
Or a sleeveless slip-on frock of Hnene in rose, pink, tan,
blue or wistaria with a fresh white guimpe for $4 1
These are examples of the practical, charming and
inexpensive frocks which abound in the Down Stairs Store.
Frocks of gingham in all the pretty plaids and checks
that Summer smiles upon--$4.60, $4.76, $5.25, $5.50 and
Figured and dotted voile dresses and voiles in plain
colors are in delightful tints light blue, maize, rose, tan,
navy blue and black. $5 and $5.50.
Plain navy blue and black voiles, trimmed with sheer
white organdie, $6.76 and $8.60.
Flower-Like Frocks of Airy Organdie
Start at $6 and $7.50
for pretty affairs of lavender, light blue, Copenhagen or
white and of dotted organdie in navy and brown.
Other charmingly youthful organdies are in jade, brown,
rose, Copenhagen, pink, light blue and peach. Some are
made over white foundations with loose panels ; others have
scalloped skirts or are trimmed with organdie flowers, $10,
$12, $13.50, $15 and $16.50.
. , -: r
Special Groups at a Third to a Half Less
THAT is often heard, especially when people have just come in from tho heat and the glare
of the street. It is a relief to find such a place in the midst of a hot Summer city.
Fresh air is being pumped in all the time and not alone fresh air, but coo, washed
air! The air is sent through sprays of cold water, both to cool and clean it, so that when it
comes into the Downstairs Store it is fresh and sweet like evening breezes after a shower.
To complete the system of ventilation, the warm, used air is being drawn out all the
time. Thus the air in the Down Stairs Store is being constantly changed and is much frcshor
and cooler than that in the average home.
Many people from West Philadelphia and the outlying suburbs come in on the
Elevated trains to 13th street, get out at this subway station, take tho few steps into tho
Down Stairs Store, do their shopping and go home tho same way. Therefore, they are nover
once up on the hot streets and their shopping is done with economy of time, energy and
Women's Silk
Half Price
58c, 75c
Lovely French linen frocks, In
three models, are blue and pink.
Hand-made French dressed,
also in three stylos, tiro in white,
piped with coral or light blue, in
nil white and in coral, tan and
A collection of checked taffetas,
beaded or embroidored Goorg
ettes, figured Georgettes or plain
nnd embroidered taffetas, nil
greatly lowered in price.
$25 and $29
Sample dresses of crepe de
chine, Canton crepe and Georgette
crepe in lovely afternoon shades
as well as navy biue. Somo are
handsomely beaded, others show
tucked or ribbon-trimmed panels.
The Butter Standard I
of the Nation fi
Tr.rlnvaL 1U I I Nil
"j -y mm iu. m i
1 4
At all our Stores I
" The Best Place for
Inexpensive Bathing Suits
is right hero in the Downstairs Store," say many customers.
In surf satin, that sturdy black cotton material, there is a
variety of different Btylos nt $2.00 to $10 and fittings in all
women's sizes up to 52.
Women s Silk Bathing Suits
With Scalloped Skirts, $5.75
and between $5.75 and $25 there is nearly every kind of good
silk suit that ono can imagine.
Knitted Suits Start at $3.75
and many young women pronounce them the most comfortable
of All. Prices rango $4.75 to $10.
Black cotton tights to wear under bathing suits are 85c,
$1 and $1.25; part wool, $1.65; all wool, $2.90.
Caps and hats 15c to $2.25.
Beach shoos 50c to $8.75.
Summery Hats at $5
Even the exclusive Canton crepe is
represented, as well as crepe do
Chine, taffeta and Georgette crepo.
White, light tints, vivid hues, dark
shades and black ore here in abund
ance for your choosing. Trimmings
include decoratlvo stitching, ostrich,
gleaming motallic braid and ribbon.
Organdie Hats
are here, too, in large numbers, in
becoming shapes with delightful or
gandie flowers. White, pink, palo
blue and orchid are the colors.
Tweeds and Polo Coats
Are Fine for Vacation Low Priced
at $18.75
Coats of this typo have a hundred uses. They're just the
right woight to wear at the seashore and won't mind the damp
ness in tho least.
Polo coats oro In tan, rose nnd taupe; tweeds aro in gray
nnd green mixtures. All arc hnlf-llnod with silk.
$15 Will Buy the Loveliest
Pleated Silk Skirts
Textures are new an3 most inter
esting; colorings aro tho softest and
coolest imaginable. The skirt which
is sketched is of steel gray crepe
with a satin plaid of China blue..
Then there are skirts of Canton
crepe with stripes in the box pleats;
gleaming skirts of baronet; rough
crepes in oyster white, reseda and
some uncommonly fine blues.
The variety is really fascinating.
Tub Skirts, $1 to $5
re ,.,ViWa pnffnn trahnrdine. ninue
a vnfttlan. principally, made in
simple styles which will launder satisiactorny.
Yes, Plenty of Flannels
in stripes of all colors on a creamy ground. $9.75 to $17.60.
n o
i - -J-
Big Garden Hats, $1.25
Lowest price yet for these
large, good-looking pineapple-finished
straw hats. Charming in
pink, gentian or navy blue, soft
gray, cherry red and black.
Flower wreaths to trim them
aro 76c to $3.
Women's White Skirts at
Low Prices, 75c to $2.50
The prices speak for them
selves and the skirts are mighty
good looking. 75c style Is of
cotton ramie, nicely belted and
pocketed. The others (seven nice
styles) oro of smooth finely
woven mercerized gnbardino with
interesting pockets and buttons.
Women's Summer
Combination Suits, 50c
Regular and Extra
First quality. Fine ribbed
white cotton in regular low neck,
sloeveless or bodice-top style that
young women and girls like. Wide
lace-trimmed knees.
Open-Work Lisle
Stockings, 50c Pair
A third loss than regular for
these silky imported lisle stock
ings with fancy openwork ankles.
Full fashioned and first quality.
Tho last lot women snapped up
in a jiffy.
Cool Net Corsets
$1.25 to $2
Athletic Girdles, $1
A topless style with elastic
around the top is $1.25; two
models of pink or white net for
average women $1.50, and two
good models of pink or white net
well reinforced for averago
figures aro $2.
Pink athletic girdles at $1 for
bathing, tennis, horsobacking and
other sports wear. They aro 14
inches long, lightly boned nnd
have elastic insets. Another
model laces in back. Sizes 21
to 28.
Dainty Georgette Crepe
and Crepe de Chine .
Chemises, $2.65
First time their price has been
so low, but a little lot has boon
marked down! Flesh-pink or
white trimmod with dainty tinted
laces and pretty ribbons.
Delightful Summer
Neckwear, 50c to $1.25 '
At 60c some lovely imported or
gandie and embroidery collars;
also dainty vestees that are not
imported. Then at $1 and $1.25
enchanting styles of collars and
collar-and-cuff sets, simple or
quito lacy.
Remarkable 25c Neckties
We would almost vouch that
any man who wears these fine 25c
neckties will feel as well pleased
with his choice as though it cost
four times as muchl Crope failles'
in stripes and all-ovor figures.
Four-in-hands and batwings.
$1 Envelope Chemises
Unusually soft fine materials
make these summer underthings.
Trimmed with pretty laces or
fancy stitching.
At $1.60 exceptional styles of
pink or whito batiste quito elab
orately trimmod with lace and
Dresses in Extra
Large Sizes,
$7.50 to $8.75
Navy blue voiles with green,
whito or henna dots or figures
havo embroidered organdie col
lars and cuffs.
Hairlino stripe voile drosses
are in blue or pink.
Checked voiles are in laven
der, navy and black.
60c for 2-clasp gloves of Milan
ese silk in white and black and of
tricot silk in pongee and white.
They have ono - row embroidery
or Paris-point backs.
75c for 2-clasp gloves of
heavier quality Milanese silk
with Paris-point backs, some in
contrasting colors. In black,
whito, pongee, mastic, tan, brown
and navy.
Every Glove Is Perfect
from tho top to tho end of the
double finger tips and there are all
sizes from 6 to 6V4 in overy
color. In somo colors, tho sizes
go up to 8V6.
Women's Cool Linen Suits,
$9.50 and $12
In the natural color, In brown, white, and blue, the comfortable
Summer suits aro made with loosc-fllting jackets with narrow belts
and Tuxedo collars.
Wool jersey suits, In white and dolectable tinto of pale pink and
blue, are $15 and $28.50.
Pongeo suits, natural color, ore $23.50 and $25.
i (Market)
Bath Sprays, 75c
White rubber hose, five feet
long, with large sprays and one
can have a shower bath anywhere
that there is water I
Talcum Powder
20c a Pound
Big pound cans of fragrant
powder in rose, violet, corylopsis
and trailing arbutus nro worth
almost their weight in gold in
hot weather 1
. (Chestnut)
Are Best to Wear Under
Summer Dresses
As the hemstitched hems are
very deep 20 to 22 inches the
petticoats are virtually double and
shadowproof in consequence. Lines
are straight and the petticoatB fit
smoothly under any skirt.
In fieih or whito batlito at $1 and
In fieih or white sateen at $3.
In white tub lilk at $3.50.
In flesh or white wah satin at $5.50.
A Concise List for a
Man's Benefit
Khaki-color trousers are $1.90 and $3.
Creamy all-wool flannel trousers are $10.
Striped all-wool flannel trousers are $7.
All-wool trousers in various mixtures and stripes
to match odd coats are $5 to $7.50.
Cool Palm Beach suits are $16.50.
Men's All- Wool Suits
$16.50 and $20
Excellent choosing and worth-while savings in these suits
of good all-wool materials, tailored in the reliable Wanamaker
way. Sizes are not complete In every pattern (if . they were
prices would be considerably more!) but a man is pretty sure
to find his size among tho various suits of mixed cheviot and
blue serge.
Other all-wool, well-tailored suits go gradually up to $35,
at which price there are some unusually fine worsteds and some
two-trouser suits.
For Summer Many Men Like
Shirts With Collars Attached
Good Bhlrts of striped percale, made with soft pointed
collars aro $1.60. They're roomily cut and exactly right for
vacation wearing.
Cool silk broadcloth shirts In a great variety of cluster
stripes, are mado with neckbands, and are fine for $6.50.
Men's White Sports Oxfords,
Of that practical white leather,
resembling buckskin which cleans so
quickly and easily. They are built
on a comfortable English last, with
full wing tips and whito rubber
soles and heels. Fine to wear with
white trousers.
Tan Oxfords, $6 and $7.50
Good business footgear of tan
leather with serviceable welted soles
and low broad heels English last.
Special at $3.50
Men's tan calfskin Oxfords on an
English last. The price is exception
ally low for Oxfords of this quality.
(Gallery, Market)
The Celebrated
Boyshform Brassieres
nro making for themselves hun
dreds of new friends because of
the maker's special introductory
lot at the low prices of 85c to
$4.75. Particular favorites aro
the attractive pink, white, black
and navy satin brassieres edged
with lace at $2.76. From now on
Boyshform brassieres will ulways
bo found in variety in Wnna
mnkor's Down Stairs Corset Shop.
Come at the Saving
Price of $5
I Flesh or whito Georgette
crope of tho heavier kind
dainty Valenciennes lac! and
a cunning sash in tho back of
Georgette all prettily demure.
First shipment ready for this
vacation Week-end. They will
be charming to wear with
white skirts.
White Habutai
Blouses, $2.45
A wonderfully little price
for these cool white silk waiBts
that tub as easily as a hand
kerchief. Fivo different styles
with low or two-hvone collars.
Plain and tucked fronts. Not
all sizes in each kind, but all
sizes in tho lot.
Toilet Soap,
5c a Cake
A floating soap that lathers
generously has a largo percentage
of beneficial cocoanut oil in it.
(Center Alhle, Chestnut)
Cool Overalls for
Children, $1 to $1.75
For camp, seashore, mountain
nnd country overalls nro the best
play clothes that children can
have, for they need wear very
little underneath.
These cover-all-over kind nro
mado of jean or denim in Copen
hagen, navy, khaki and stripes,
trimmed with blue, rod or tan.
Sizes 2 to 8 years.
Charming Organdie Frocks
for Juniors, $12
There is a distinctive charm about these frocks of sheer pink or
peach organdie. The skirts have deep hems and are trimmed with
corded ruffles over the hips. Round necks, weo puffs of sleeves and
wide sashes complete their youthfulness. Sizes 14 and 16 years.
For Younger Girls
of 6 to 14 years, organdie frocks are in maize, pink and blue, with
ruffles or tucks, at $3.45, $5 to $7.75.
$3 and $3.25
are the small prices of gingham frocks. At $3, they aro of blue
gingham piped in tan; sizes 6 to 12 years. $8.25 for frocks with
blue skirts and tan waists trimmed with blue rickrack. Sizes 8 to
14 years.
Skirts and Middies
$1 for pleated whito Jean skirts for girls of 8 to 12 years.
SI to $1.50 for white jean middies, bizes 8 to 16 years.
$4.50 for the smart new skirts of surf satin in blue or white,
finished with tailored pockets, pretty buttons and separate belts.
Lengths, 28 to 02 inches.
Last of the Ready -Made
Window Awnings
Marked Down to $2. 75
SO- and 48-inch sizes in khaki.
30-, 3G-, 42- and 48-inch sizes in Sicilian stripe.
All seams are sown with two rows of stitching. Scalloped
skirts are neatly bound with whito braid. Finished with brass
eyelctB. Mounted on strong iron fiamcs complete with screw
eyes, cleat, galvunized fixtures, rope, etc. You will be surprised
to find how cool they will mako homo seem.
18 Styles of Women's Low Shoes
$5.40 $5.90 $6.40 $6.90
The most desirable styles of the season, too! Plenty of the black-and-white and tan-and-white
combinations that are so fashionable for sports wear! Not only are the shoes
good-looking, but soundly good, made of high-grade leathers and canvas, with long
wearing soles and heels. The only thing that is cheap about anv one of them is thr nrico.
Oxford ties of tan leather, with welted soles and
medium heels.
Strap pumps of ruddy tan or black leathrr with
straight or indicated wing tips and low, medium or
Cuban heels.
Strap pumps of tan leather in the most fashion
nble shades havo light soles, baby French heels and
indicated wing tips.
Strap pumps of white leather with rounded toes
and many perforations have low heols.
Fine whito canvas Oxfords have straight tips and
medium heels
A remarkably varied assortment of smart sporta
shoes ut this price!
Oxfords and strap pumps of fine white canvas are
trimmed with tan culfskin or black patent leather.
Real whito buckskin strap pumps and Oxford
tics havo saddlo btraps, straight tips and many
Light strap pumps aro of fine white canvas
with very narrow bandings of black patent leather
for trimming. Thoy havo baby French heels.
Lnst, and perhaps best, ore tho whito loathe
Oxfords with many perforations, rubber solea and
very low rubber heels.
I li
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