", K ' " " .u " fcr u i h tf F' t' P IKV m V i. I q?H ? . t jr X, mtmi " ICMiiiilmu u ii i VmV&TT' TJ-TIU 1 MWIMUUHIilW ' -'V '"vf . - . " 4.'-i. t w ' 41' r, ' ',r """ r , .- I. , 4 t ,. i - - y r raiLADEtPHlA; THURSDAY, , JUNE 23, . 192i . - iT) m1 . , S? .v , DO YOUR OWN SAILING. Borrow your neighbor's wash tub. Also ask if they can spare an umbrella. Then hunt a river or pond. All this must be done on a windy day wide world iioto WHEN THE THERMOMETER REGISTERED 04. Summer's first full day was hottest of year. John Inge befriended Billio Coon, of 419 Spruce street, when ho tried to get a drink in Independence Square, but was too short to reach tho fountain. Two neighbors, also of Spruce street, took turns in using a newspaper as a fan idBor 1'hoto service GIVING THE TREES A DRINK. In all of the parks of Philadelphia caretakers arc busy, duo to the lack of rain Lcdner rholo SerUie apvrffit ' .. ."ii" -J wmsjd7R'V3&m " 'hihii i mmsmti TC&tf&EiYJ&MP!W i DR. ADALBERT KORFANTY, the Polish Insurgents' leader in Silesia, is one of the busy men of Poland. He was photographed at Oppeln, Upper Silesia, with the dog, his inseparable companion tnimtion.i CAMP MERRITT'S THIRD FIRE. Virtually all the wooden buildings left in New Jersey's camp were destroyed. Fire companies from a score of nearby towns, including New York, gave assistance. Many explosives were destroyed c i I .... .J" -- "iJM;M.M !! n i i i f "!.- .',..' (f-ft w ,! .". .i V' "U feX-VvrS? ... ui7..'tB J !.' ' MTM 4 THE OLD LADIES' HOME OF WISSINOMING, benefited by the garden party, held at the home of Mr. E. I. Bacon, Jcnkintown. Clementine Webb is taking an "orange" from the prize tree. Katherine Stevenson sells a balloon to Morton Fetterolf L. p. s. Wmmmgm KpII teSStl BARBARA CASTLETON, u. tress, seeks divorce from V band, a Canadian lawyor k. v. c RICHARD SCHMIDT, band con-' ductor, talks on public concerts ia an Editorial Page interview IN BROOKLYN. Federal Jud?e Landis, head of organized baseball, at the flag-raising ceremonies, on Ebbets Field. In his arms are the children of Zach Wheat, the Biooklyn outfielder iw j &. i denvi i MISS MOLLIE THAYER (left), a finalist in the women's tennis championship of the State of Delaware. She will oppose Miss Eleanor Cottman, of Baltimore. At the right is Miss Helen Sewell, wno reached the bemi-finals i .Krr l'hoio seme. MADAME VARELA, wife of tho Minister from Uruguay, is sum mering at Rehoboth Beach ' n" I' POLO PRACTICE. While the United States polo players were defeating the Brttfak four in England, local enthusiasts practiced at the Philadelphia Country Club, iw are preparing for a game, planned for charity, on Saturday afternoon u Pt 8' OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO jgHHHH ttKi' ' i r x 'n.. vrH - .7.wjf' x m iifflii vtiiAM&f&xs xbv&z&iJP,, rstJHv&Frprtt&kx,.- : ",' ,& B.ti i tr.-rfi ... rr n v "r. nf joivnrainB. 'v p tr j bk'vmi t,r(y.uwr jym-tiv-'WKntt ,. ; y ,v vstrntj. rvi'iv. i "if v Ai'vjrr "- jivi -v m mi ffai KOkwsr ifw nkm' v v- m wim i ""I" ' , i : m W rmBBm...aSmwt. i in i .faAW-smr; JBftBJfeTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTftTW ' -i M rfJATViO?3aiHflM p . - , , , b, mBMI mmtmF4xmMmmmmmmmmmWim1'!mWMKn ' IdWA I v3BBMMBrC2M?ldfC9 ,i'"'i i i :jff tnssasssiBww-Kc lies r 1 '' ' ,ff?r 'mSSmSSncSS? $aL I J ?..' tz?".i,: ' --'-. r ; ., 'Vk'ftrt' jfX JQPwAz-;tf?v Milf. JW ; i " mfMJmJMajM...nliM.j i ! mmmmmm OPERATING PIE-MAKING MACHINE. Ruth Smith, 8520 Harley street (left), and Mary Smith, 2525 Lombard street, at the bakery of the New York Pie Baking Co., Xwenty-flitb.and Lombard streets. 12,000 pics are mtyde daily i-" -" I'l""" tw DOROTHY ELLIOTT, who danced at the bene fit given for the St. Christopher's Hospital. She lives at 2802 Lee street wuii m MAIL! TWENTY YEARS IN SERVICE. Jesse Leister, looks after mail delivery from Fourth to Fifth and Arch to Vine streets i i- h Horace Boyor, of the Reading Terminal, before their two-round go. Uoy.r son fifteen yours ago White- NORMAN MAXWELI-, f i. r- t.... f Inli 111 toUr forgoli chnmiii mhinofll'U" M fi U 4 .& t i. A.I .-", M -Atxnt-i,-- .jiJtfclriff ' A . .," ."'-A - U..l 1, . v ..(.Ifl.!. ,. y&wi$!&Ahm. iTdM