?'Jr - ! ' (F-v-frf?vv, ::;'! t .- ' t. y. a.'c . f ewji'. .' ' ' .-v- '- . -, iy , , , I'QKV A EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 19215 I IH KENSINGTON HIGH Wonderful Anniversary Values in Sporting Goods! 5 2 k, :,...,' WILL GRADUATE 65 Exorcises Will Bo Hold at School Tonight for Award ing Diplomas STUDENTS iTO READ ESSAYS - vmmpnrrniPUt pxpitIsoh (if tln MrrotR. r.Vnlcl.t. w lion -.Isty-flvo pupllH will erntluntc. DfMomns will bo n warded tbo Rtytil ... iw I)r K. t Hroomp. wipor j&nt " "iiool;. Hole. IMIth WooK Prfsldont of Hie Rrmlmit nK S-M Ulll ren-1 n mnww to tlir rtu ,f. niiH c-ifnvt nn Americanization i iV rend by Margaret Ellxnbpfh w PoSnrll 5 d Hrntricp 8. Monkovlt.. ThSJ will V n wilnti. to tl.P flag b l ip do ffl. vprnl rlwruwH nnd a sour, morion tlm Benutlful." .i.. ..n.iimipR iiru nH follOWHI , -.i,. rnnmp Knthryn .Tfnnott" Mori .AciMvd P?o"n. Madeline Acncn ClUeett. fr LIOM1 tiuii. . M.pin Tlniitrhertv . A tmV.i hrown. Madeline Acncn eiiiiEoii. ',ry,tif rhi Davl" lUith M.irlo Dourherty. ';! tiry Wrick. Mao Munro Fulton. Bannr ".' Mildred Margaretta. Horn Al iL.Wftwc" Kennedy", nc.ilnh KHz- r,hhr Mr'romi"ll . Iln.y Miller, tlenlrlre. H E."Vth- Mn.Sr"t U" 1" rrltrh-inl. Jean ?,0,K. W WWa HMlln. Marcn ret Anna Hunter nit-. ' J , t Marjnrfj Ktra n. fcinhen"Otl . ' M'V . . .... .if-.. .r..rln ,.rcS"'??Aro:MVrtwluiiVh &rdr,con,5mh?"'l-Puri.f - IVhel Nancy r.H??J vry lillil",h Hi-mmoud, Helen S7'?,! TnonWii Cl.rtrii.le Wilson. ?J?In Klia Hovel. rtt.lreil Wolr tlrunin. ?K?Ollv; CampbPll. lojpphlno Chamben. 4'.? B Slnrnn. Madeleine Snjon Paune.. Sinnr Slairaald Homlne. Carolyn V. S?1CJ! lulla Kennrlly, Hutli Dom'he.i SSP.r Ver. Marie l!er. Dorothy Mnrle tKinnr Mllrtreil KHen Logan, Huth Rllrn lffir M.riwr.1 Anna .Marl.pl. I mm. SKWdSir BMiSheth PfrtwoVthV "dirt, . P.,' RVitphard Kilna Mary Qulnn Mario ftoMncJ nellly. Helen Mlllce. Ilulh K Florence wwt No One Need Buy Guiicura Before He Tries Free Samples SMoOintnent. Ttlcom. 2Se. erm;hr. SmpWi Utcct CitUiriLtriili, Ep. X, ilium, Vui, Save Freight time and miotnke.8 in shipping by having Bullinger's Potal and Shippers' Guide for the United States and Canada. You are then ASSURED of finding the proper routing and ALL the lit tle places on rail nnd water lines. The authority for 50 years. Over 1200 pages. Delivered anywhere for $5. Write the Publishers. "Bullinger," Boston, Mass. r CAPE L'AIGLON iinoiincft CHARLIE KERR and ins KINGS OF SVftCOPATIOM "Mi.ipnlest Dunce Muvlr In Tun u" IMnrliie 7.30 To Clmlne CWCTNWar ' CICTCtl.TU K8W0S .1 ' . r) Sifj3 ....V o Wo Tell r tlnglo soul that they cannot onjoj t graceful freedom In their ulmy wai:tsond lowcut cowns. Do tell tlicin what awonderful little secret jou have found in Delatone or let them Uyjust once, your ".Is a scientific preparation randobybeautycxpertBlorthe purpose of safely rumoviiiB hair from the face, neck or underarms. Ueauty tpcel&lista n Dtlatnno bccuao It leaves the tkln "i iinu uuu porsucuy smootll. Dclatono U caay to apply ilmplo directioas with At Any Druggist? ih. scfc.-u(mcni otorc Market and fourth Sts. PHILADELPHIA Getting Ready l'i'epuralncss f o v c -Mulls emergency. National lrepmcilne.-..s '' i t c h conflicting; 'Jpmiont.. "ut no one qucstionH Hie necesMty for per honal prnparodn esa Winnt want and old "?o and disaster prc Parodnoss for opportu nii.v, for happiness, for "JPl'l'oS. I'rnmrn I.y Imildinp; n -aM'iirs aoount here. CAPITAL & SURPLUS, $l.Sftn.nnn on ,-"MtuiU8llU Outdoor Dance Thursday Evening The next of our compli mentary Summer Evening Dances, at Sixty-third nnd Walnut Streets. Our custom ers arc invited. Admission by card, which may be had nt Main Desk, Filbert Street. Motor entrance, Sixty-second and Locust. Gfrtoi.. White French Voile Blouses At $1.85 Exceptional Value . A fjreat variety of models, sev eral in the favored vest htyles, and some in frill effects with em broidery; all with phort sleeves, having turn-back cufTs trimmed to match. Some trimmed with Irish nnd Valenciennes lace, some with Venetian medallions and Valen ciennes lace. A fine lot and excellent values. StnuvbrlJco & I'lothlor Second Tloor CVitro Coty's Perfumes At Still Lower Prices In the Anniversary Sale ' The host of discriminatinpr women, who prefer the refine ment and the delicate yet lastinp odor of these fine Perfumes, will be delighted with this new price cut: Heliotrope now $3.75 L'Orignn now .$5.20 Ocillct Cyclamen, Lilas Pourprc or La Violctte Pourprc, 2-ouncc bottles now $5.20 each Straw-bridge . Clothier Als'e I), Centre Morning Dresses Checked Gingham $2.85 Alto s ether as smart as a woman could wish these Frocks for home and morning w'enr. In black-and-white, blue-and-whito and a few in lavender-and-white nnd red nnd - white. Wide sash, and with white organdie vest and collnr, as sketched. Far bet ter than the usual kind of House Dress at $2.85. Striped Gingham House Dresses, Special $1.65 Strinvbrldge & Clolhlor 'I bird Floor. Filbert Street, West m TIMELY FEATURE of the Anniversary Sale is the great collection of mJ requisites for out-door sport. With vacation-time and play-time now. upon us, these and the many other values throughout the Sporting Goods Store are of greatest importance. JJM5lwJ!&v ' CSf'Uv Eill IPiiarl kfnlli U dSt)njDuj tit A. WSWmh White Canvas irmmitll'd Sneakers fljuMaikiBFfa Low-cut, with white vKJJ3SBjB$fa n,1(l black uppers. All i iWWIIM Inlr'Tt children. 1 1 sirf5 I15S w 1 liliP aw 4n - . is'. STRAWBRIDGE and CLOTHIER I Player-Piano . Rolls 25c and 35c Word Rolls, an excellent as sortment of fnvoritcs; In tho Anniversary Sale at 2Gc nnd. 35c each. Strawhrlilne ClothlPr--flbe.t Kireet. Cro Alsla ) $1.50 rubber soles; vfliite sizes for adults and Tennis Rackets $2.75 and $4.85 Dependable makes in assorted weights close to one-half original prices. at Life-Guard i Bathing Suits I Blue flannel pants, white wool jersey, white web belt. $4.65 Boys' Pull-over Sweaters $5.00 Men's and Boys' Sweaters $5.00 Bicycle Tires. 28x1 2 $1.50 Men's and Boys' Bicycles $39.50 Boys' Play Tents, 5x5 feet $5.50 . Canvas Basins and Buckets 40c Canvas Leggings, worth 4 times1 more 25c Leather Puttees, less than half price $2.00 Canvas Bedding Rolls, for campers $2.50 $66.00 10 Ikise Ball Uniforms Just fifteen teams can benefit by this value. Ten Uniforms, each con sisting of shirt, pants, cap, belt and hose lettered with the name of your club, or with monogram for $00.00. Children's $5.00 Children's Tandem $14.25 Children's Hand Cars $6.00 Vutomobilcs, not new utomobiles Base Ball Gloves $2.00 and $4.75 Croquet Sets, for 8 players $7.00 Schraeder Tire Gauges now 95c Wool Motor Robes, fringed $12 to $17.50 Lawn Swings, 4 -passenger $9.75 Grass Porch Swings. Cretonne cushions $32.50 Paris Express Wagon $3.75 Play-ground Slides now $12.50 Clothing Rolls, for campers now $1.00 Reach "Paramount C" Golf Balls Six for S3.00 Twelve for $6.00 CLOSE TO HALF FORMER PRICE. We have secured 4800 of the famous Reach "Paramount C" Golf Balls standard size and weight. All fresh and new, and the kind golfers have been paying 90c for. Triangular marking. Close to half price, while they lnt but that cannot be long $0.00 a dozen; 50c each. Reach "Eagle o. 1" Golf Balls, 31 pwt., 65c Eighty dozen of these popular Golf Balls, selling regularly at onc-hnlf more now 05c ench. hp Straw brlc-Ve ft Clothier Kour'h floor viSLSfet 4000 Men's More Than 500 Finest "Reach" Golf Clubs Irons, Drivers (TO A A and Brassies ( pOlv CLOSE TO HALF PRICE. The finest products of Reach experts. Well-bnlanccJ, cnrofully fashioned Drivers, Brassies, Niblicks, Mid-irons, Putters and other popular clubs with shafts of well-seasoned, long-grained wood. Every one perfect now at close to half price $3.00. White Canvas Caddu Bags, $5.00 Good-looking, well-made Bays of durable white canvas, with black or brown trimmings. The saving is fully one-third. Mraubriiicp 4 riothler -Fuurih Kloor Automobile Tires at Great Reductions A well-known make, which we have sold for years, and which has alwavs given satisfaction. Fabric construction- -all fresh and new and fully guaranteed. Size mxSVi inches in the Sale at $12.90 Size 32x3 V2 inches $13.34 Size 33x4 inches $18.63 Size 31x1 inches $14.79 Size 34x4 inches $19.13 Size 32x4 inches $17.75 Size 35x5 inches $31.09 Red Rubber Inner Tubes, 30x3V2 $2.30 Tops for Ford Touring Cars $S.25 .. err. i l ari ""22? T-yj Siferttfj y. Mi IlIBi tj 9 Tun lii rtltr wia"' m 6& ' '"v7 i ?? "i.Hyp' iff" JL '&- SHIRTS Extraordinary Value TO-MORROW At $1.55 These nro similar, and equal in vnluc, to the Shirts recently sold under the Golden Special sign 3300 itt one day. On most of these the saving is about a dollar, and on 3ome even more. Chiefly of fine woven madras, in handsome stripes; made by our best manufacturers. -y -HtrawbildBo i. Cloi'ilcr Kasl Store, Eighth Street , These Are the Dresses That Have Had Everybody Talking The Values Are So Extraordinary Ginghams and Voiles Special, $5.00 to $7.75 Tunic and straight-lino models, some ruffled, some trimmed with organdie bands. Medium and light shades. Dress sketched $7.75. Organdie - and - Gingham and Voile Dresses, Special at $9.75 Tunic, straight-line and tier effects. Light, medium nnd daik. Dotted Swiss, Checked and Plaid Ginghams, Special at $15.00 In tunic and straight-lino styles. Fine Gingham Frocks, Special at $18.75 Dark colored checks nnd solid-color nnd nov elty plaids; somo combined with organdie. Silk Dresses Greatly Reduced Plain nnd checked talfetas, Canton crepe, crepe Gcarge.tto and soft crepe meteor now $32.50 to $57.50. -.- Hlraubrldtfii .1 Clothlei -Meriiml P'ro.r Market Hlr l Si i b-L -si?!-ies twTjij-. VSrtya Men's Spring and Summer Suits The Lowest Price For Suits of This Quality Since Before the War M lip WM D HE price is somewhat less than the present wholesale value. CO OPERATION on the part of the manufacturer accounts for the low price on several hundred of these Suits, while others are odd lots from our stock reduced in price. Chiefly "ALCO" models, with a sprinkling of Hart, Schaffner & Marx and "Wickham" Suits. Worsteds, cassimeres, serges plain, stripes, herringbones, checks, mixtures. A good range of sizes in all proportions. $26.50 is about half last year's value. Seven Other Extraordinary Anniversary Sale Groups of Suits, at $19.50, $23.00, $24.50, $31.50, $33.00. $36.50 and $42.50 NOTE The Suits at $24.50 and $31.50 have TWO PAIRS OF TROUSERS an economical way to buy a Suit and they are very exceptional at the prices. U&HSH cHnya TO-MORROW Five Hundred Boys' WASH SUITS A Remarkable Value At $2.00 I'nder the famous illuminated Golden Special' sign, to-morrow, a really wonderful collection of Boys' Wash Suits, worth one-third to one-half more than the price, which is $2.00. All new Suits, excellent materials, fast colors. Oliver Twist, 3 to 7 years. Middy and Junior Norfolk, A to 9 years. -- i-trawt-r'd;.. t. i 'hi. -- S on. T'oo- Killwrt Street Eat ;2.oo Several Hundred Men's Straw Hats A having of more than one-third, duo to a liberal price-concession by the manufnctuier. Several smart now shapes for men and young men $2.00. All our Panama Hats reduced now $3.05 to $11.75 All our Leghorn Hats reduced now $1.15 to $5.75 All our Bangkok HsUh reduced now $5.75 to $9.75 - - StrnvibrlilBo ft C'Wuhirr Second r'oor. Market Street, Kant Boys' Suits With Two Pairs of Knickerbockers at $8.95 One of the many remarkable money-saving opportunities afforded parents by the Anniversary Sale. These are of fine all-wool suitings, in desirable mixed effects ; well-tailored in smart styles for boys of 7 to 1G years. An extra pair of Knickerbockers with every Suit $8.95. Among other attractions in the Sale Boys' Blue Serge Suits, 7 to 18 years $10.75 Small Boys' Wash Suits $1.35 and $1.95 Large Boys' Washable Coat Suits, 8 to 16 $3.95 . Hiruvibrlfli; f. . 1 iltn. i i.t tuij Poor 1 llbcrt Mr ... Kaat All-Wool Storm Serge at, a Saving Now One-half Last Year's Price We are selling Storm Serge rapidly these days, especially NAVY BLUE For these sturdy qualities make, the most serviceable of bloomers and separate skirts. Manv cirls liko a smart capo to match. Most of the following also in black. All-wool Storm Serge, 36-inch now 80c a yard 43-inch now $1.00 50-inch now $1.25 54-mch now $1.50 and $1.75 a yard More Summer Millinery Fresh To-morrow $4.75J5.75J6.50 More of those beautiful ALL-WHITE HATS nnd dashing effects in navy-and-whito and black-and-white in straws and silks and crepe Georgette, trimmed with flowers, wings, ribbons and airy feathery fancies. The pretty little Hat sketched ($4.75), is of crepe Georg ette in white, with a coquettish little curtain edge and a soft swirl of white ostrich around the crown. Flower-trimmed Garden Hats at $3.95 Open-work straw's, in white, black, including the brightest tones of the season, nil kinds EXCEPTIONAL at $3 95. light and dnrk shades, wreathed with flowers of Sports Hats Special, $2.95 to $12.00 RIBBON SPORTS HATS in all-white and white combined with drfrk or delicate shades thousands of them, all shape's, styles and sizes. suuuiridr .th1T Soronl Ploor Market Street WH o. f& Btrawbrld ClothlerAlale 7 Ontro 400 Porch ROCKERS Unusual $3.25 A remarkable purchasn for the Anni versarv Sale, just v. hen the demand is so great. Large, comfortable Porch Itockern seat 211; inche-., 28 inches from seat to top of back, weight Hi pounds. All painted in green. Very unusunl value at SH.afi. Tim entire lot should be sold to-morrow. -- Ptrawbrld & Cothl.r Third Flow Women's Raincoats s0m?u $18.00 So light that they seem to be 9 ! no extra weight nt all. But they ." . are eminently practical in show- i i crs or hard storms. With high J collar, belt and wrist straps on the sleeves. bmart-IOoking Rain coats in blue, brown, greon, pur ple or tan. The special Salo price is $18.00. H rawbndirc & ciothlr -Serand Ploor, Filbert Htreat Men's Four-in-hands Worth One half to Three Times More ) nc Than r yOC I Are in the Sale at this price by reason of a fortunate under price purchase. They nro all of heavy SILKS, the products o foreign and Americnn looms. Tho quality nnd patterns are of a character unobtainable at this price. even in pre-war days. They must be seen to be ap preciated. S-rbrlde 4 ( oihler--Alilr i Market Street More of the Values Thai Are Making The Corset Store Exceptionally Busy Showing thnt our customers appreciate the Anniversary Salo savings on Corsets. Good values continue, these among them to morrow': S. & C. and Other Good Corsets, low or medium bust now $1.50 Royal Worcester Corsets, $2.65 " American Lady Corsets $2.85 Heavily boned, with low bust nnd long hips. Designed for average stout figures. Nearly half price $2.85. Cool Net Corsets $1.50 Brassieres, now 38c to $1.50 Strawtruien A Clothlar -V- 'il Ploor. Mfrket Strrnt, West Envelope Chemises "Sale Specials" $1.00 and $1.35 Several dainty models of white nainsook purchased at less than regular cost and priced accord ingly. Trimmed in pretty effects with lace and embroidery. Chiefly styles trimmed in back, also. Cambric Petticoats trimmed with embroidery, now $1.15 Sirav.br.tiso A Clothlor Thirl Ploor. Weit I ? j..- vA