. V w it v 1 ' c B f ' IBIS' Pffei BBBB4ttttt&vtt$';'l3v2& ttK T ---" - - -,... ,- I 'a I .- 1 I I I I II I lJ Euening Jlubttt lebger , - . ' ' I. i . BffJHHHSBBfc3r x. JkS &"m55$3IS-$S3iBBBBBB BflBfiBfi&3t3&4&&V9 A S ijKI fjfrMixwaSflflftKaBHfeH bbbbbbbs ' -bbbsSbbjbbbbI'H bbbbkwBSI jFHHBHH BBXk&fMkJ IM? ltiPP"lff?itf rmT'T'iBiinMffB ALL FOR THE M YOR. Members of the police tin n.nir class show Mayor Moore how to attack unruly prisonei , during his vis't to t c city's model farm BSfT" 'IB?MBE5&Bff'1' TtB1i vw a Bf8"VJ'; .'" ?'BBBH ' '' , - ' PHILADELPHIA, 'WEDMJSAY,- JUNE 22, 1921' ' i PBWM."'BKBH!HBB;-1-' JPf-,K;t ,j,, -; v -1 PWBHBBBB r. .-- .-JHl ll a- '- -:- - ' - ...... Mi ii I " IN' THE DELAWARE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP. The semi-final round was reached yesterday. Miss Virginia Caipcntor (left), representing the Philadelphia Cricket Club, eliminated Miss Mary Porcher, a clubmatc, and wjts then defeated by Mrs. W. P. Newhall, of the Gcrmantown Cricket Club. At the right is Miss Mildred Willard uitsi-r J-hoio sorw , wmmj ! 'i " i' '" 'SUM ,'ifeBw" ': , ''HyitMHB ' AT WILMINGTON. Mrs. G. G. Green, Woodbury, N. J. (left), and Mrs. M. S. Rupert, Wilmington, battle on links of Wilmington Country Club i.. r. s. A FIRST PRIZE JUMP. M. nrM L. Redmond, a Now York society owner and rider, on Radiant wide world rhotA EUGENE CORRI, well-known English fight referee, who i on his way to this country. He is holding twins, prize winners at a London baby show in Tn . n SAVED GOVERNMENT $10,000,000. Major M. .1. ( cnnolly stopped destruction of war explosives !r u-mg material in load building n i ' FASHION SHOW. Gins of Biincy Public School, Ninth and Lin i ley streets, show garments made under tutorship of their teachers. Charlotte Lewis with kimono and Marie Weber wearing sports uit ,--- "i siix.-: .' . a li i(Tlt : jj-t V. j. ,. B u i i VRHI V- " - ' A. V . "5 i n 1 H. V . . U 'Sxi.r!i'v.ir ' ' .- . ... jmm .-'v i. ' .. 4 f vVDP3b 4 i f? WT "5 H V f " yBBBBBBBBg '-A St JBBav tA JlRiWvBBBBBBrs ViBBBK.ll "w-q iT? .h) 'jr Tt .. An: .; lwBB""rlii .i '-&iw iljBBmr' T!Tt, IhuK. J ffr tm Jf 'uli?1 'M .A ..jH IN SCOTLAND. The First King's Dragoon Guards acted as escort to the Lord High Commissioner,'' the Duke of Suthorland,.at opening of the Scottish Assembly. The guards are just leaving the St, Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh omrai n. rhoto. f & 'hkFkb' i jv j&fly tJH jh 'NtttKKL o &?$$ " PLAYING VAY ACROSS CONTINENT. Professor Charles Seegcr, formerlyofthe University pt California, his wife and three sons, arrived in Philadelphia, yesterday. They areSin their way to Nc Yoik. When not in tents, the fnmily live in the trailer lAierSboto sn-vi. SAND PARTY Mar Hu-hr and Mario F.c-ming, both citizens of Germantown, dig into the beach at Atlnntic Cit , as they spend a short ai.ition ' . FORMER Jl'DGE MAY'ER SULZ BERGER talks on the great wai ir-ult- in I'ditorml Page interview TWO LONDON STAGE FOLK. '1 he Dolly sisturb were met in Hyde Park, as they gae their famous collie dogs, which are well known to English playgoer, an outing u i .i s pimt ,' -" Iff OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO . SgMlSS MAIL! ) lf TODAY'S BOAT RACK. The varsity eipht of Cornell University, as they skim over tho watcrt of the Hudson, preparing for the hard work ahead of them, this afternoon, when they take part in tne lcguttn, at Poutfhkcepsic, New York IBBB; fcin will1 JpU1 Ibbbm IHflL, . BBBl3FBBEBHRlB9BBaH2'Sc.' bbfS Hh 9bbbbbbbBbb1 , VjBJ BMHHMMHH BBBBBBBBtttH "wy .fji - -' Lf'' -i:ife?HiiivV'. a "3 Wi, , "rv' . yfrJH tM&M&vgWrlz9 l 'w&C'& iXstfumms urQBaLfr '' AjmLx&n v " hj?tJ! '"v ' hBBBBbV WtBlBBB Bk. -j.tx'jtfrVpvttBB sBPBrS . v. IB v h Zt4lm&Fs3Bi fc r'i.I'?iB?r BBBBBBBBBBBBBBDH' j- '-yv.-vt'r'v v' " w,tCJTTJ. & ft A, A 'L17ARRTW MVtasmr.TlHRnnn 110,1 p.,.1 .).) ,i'n,,ftr, n mnchino that cuts t-HWut.tbft,,Tator Alty dozen a day in the mill of the McCaffrey File Co), Fifth ; v n Pr - . - t . ., fitfallow Berks f v" idm nio svlo AGNES RINDGE, i Rndcliire, bcnior, visual- CHARLES AI. DARRAGH. Twenty-tw'o years in izfhg how tho college girls nre 'rnsing tho the mall delivery service, Route: Eleventh to roof' to1 ga endowment fund - Tweuth'onU Arch to CollowhllMrccta u. v. b.v JOAN ELAINE DBUSGH. She was BBck;Eycd Susan in pageunt 0J7 the J. h, Kinsey School, , . ., i. rt$A&g iLLjJa'..jL..t.. L,.., bfity ,., w,,.4jft&fft!,.., . ...jjtoflai nWCTON'S Y00NQB3T AUTHORESS MJS& niiXVrA,jBfca,i,IlcW Preacntcd llrst copy or,n ii autographed to. Mrs. Harding unaprwo4 Vl ftfrS ; Hiyfeto ftvC. .meakj. yatitBgiifew,..