Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 22, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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I ' '
f i , in
ftr i "
letters to the Editor
UAes of fcari
,.,,,, the Euciiii mono '"
".r-.1M "
Hhen the opportunity.
ureal cuy uciiik
th dally perue-
B' Hit t, "K ..f.fp" to
nutiancei which can
J",?,y.u'limTnt'l H R" anomaly
'nt i-4int-loolcln Ice waaon or ml k
An Innoc'" ' , rfrt t a early
u.ron on
Kn "pnn,l..""i.il
Muht to the
fwr "1 .1 but U U nt fiendishly lnconsM
J '' h'
.iu urn and owner
a ihA acnoem pi iivi
wif"i ,'
..4 wet'
lire through the window of
?.M0 KtP'" pn'"" e"
itiornln' .. -1..1 c ,lnlri can
l'nl" ?!,. .jvanixar to advcrtlio that i
I"1 " .-nine deliveries will
.Mr metnlnir '
lb"1 " i..tni dllvrle will ho made with
rci, a nirineeni
mpWhJiM MrWlnly ba paseed at ones
fdu"n.M f re. the i of rubber home
iwt JVrubb.r tires on all early morn-
'' tJ... onreeenerale limes, when six
,' i'ent milk wawma atop td. make
tM0 din""1 ,mB bock, each vagon
: ?,' KSf rk belnx rwon
with "' .I.tunlnlir and annoying many
'Wc rSS like to sleep until 7
"! .Ttrho need the rest. It surely
' 'cih in I lo "consider seriously this
li,'"lbrW of early, morning t.ui
,6jecttonabie ion clAUKBi
-FMUdelphla June 10. 1021.
Dangerous Employments
tkpZMorr! tl t.venwu '"" ..."-1.
. -.. in nrm ni juur
VT n ihe subject "Is Wlmlon-Waahlna
r C"u"' (- of ,v,naow.WR,hers th
Sli'li type nd th 1P that walks around
.l.h hUHUle ladder under his arm. I run
' ! .tw.leJ.cV a helper and Co eom. high
' .k mi self. I have watched these wln.lo-
I ' -!!2.m7 work ""d It lno cinch Vet
f.t .11 thoir nerve I Iiavo not et mt one
;K, Wlalk up tho side of a 150-foo.
1 '"itry one to his on work. 1 know a
i fP nhn lump, from n plane In a Pra-
Sit. nt he as afraid to eo up flfty-nlne
f ,t In i bosun chair- High work la
SllVht but Is It roally dangerous to the
5- Bin ''tip on inn' ? I do not consider nv
V ;rk dnerou strictly ap-aklnj. as I am
i' JTn irslklCC on level ground. Vet ff 1 was
irtril to no under the ground Into a coal
!!t tiles I "Oiild lose my nerve and come out
J I sm afraid to go on ft Ferris wheel nt the
' mi's becsuse I nm under th fear that II
J Lliht full or The ct"nl" on lh' frfls
' mules hli boat Into the slips ve.ry netl
." instlnijs-et I would knock down the
rtole Camden rher front before t could
' iMn to pt Into one. . I say ngnln that
, rimlon'-washlns: Is clanueroue. Po Is .1 child
e' ilx with a piece of candy. C I. Kankln
' mom fs'ialni enjov his high work and Is
hippy e. In as how be rejoices In hU
' serk
Mr Kankln have you vr watch'd n
v ftntt from the ireet and looked up on lh
-tfp floors of tall buildings and s-en m-n
' b sre emplo- d In off'roa slttlna nn th-
'tiljti ef window s Do joy consider voti"
trk any more dangerous than a ni'.n nho
I, didlnr innn f-, under ground A't n
irfn ho works on tall church's If he hlm-
illf thinks his work 's ile-n.erou snl h
Hll si r.o n F.
rhlladelphla June 14 1021.
A Home In the Country
rs ike Editor of" li' Krri'irio Puh'.ir t.'tlnrr:
fr- I would like to a lo M. I. Swart.-.
shs letter appenred n vvek ago. that his
r'An for a horn in tho rountry (?r suburbs
In abiolutelv right but for one thing He
ipiiVs of renting He should huv nnd jet his
IM a month go for paying on the home In
I'ctl o an accumulation of rent receipts.
Hs should do ihi even If he his e to
ptnd for furniture. Also an ni rt Is Ua
mcth for r man to enro for prorrl when
U toes to business during th da.
Chestnut Hill Pa June l.'i. 1021.
A "Plain Girl's" Opinion
f fk ITflioi o tht t'te(s(7 Publir J.edo'r
. sir T hsve hern deeply tnteresied In the
iVmeitlc discussions In jour People's Forum
f iid tMnk It affonls an ertellent oppnrtunltv
' t give th people e rhsnee to express th'lr
is, I nm embracing this opportunity in
W s feu uordu tp the People's Forum
d'mmlnn of inocl.rn dres. the plain girl
IM the popular : rl
Cnfortuns."! naiur" hi placd m
t ItroTg th plain gl-ln but thnt Is no reason
shy I should not dislro to have a Jolly good
. tine occasionally. Just as much as onv
trpoljr Ctrl nelng Just twemv. I fel en-
l.tliS to all th ii.v-t of twenty years. i
think I express the fellng of most an
nrrmtl, thomh plain girl.
I have alvras. dressed rather n.nlnly as
Itl'l purn Is not quite largo enough to dras
two women extravngantlv It of coumc, re
Qilred sime severe control on my part n
'he French In me longed fur expression In
Ihst.plral vva of the French extremist
Now 1 he r kep house with mother I
virtually evervthlng I enr also cook
t'.oit plain glrH do Relng Southern born
I hid y oecom lirotlclent In th IIikj arts
II we1- as to be accomplished In the do
iseitl arts so that music, elocution and
Plintlng have from childhood len a part
et my fsmllj. rout.nc aside from school and
lbs horns work
' " ......T" I IV II I HUillts lllfw - -
"' TrlmmeU In nny
IS1'. V'. u"
JclJ to Injure your
nil "ii VrV.'., S''! u..ciMSi
riAI.t f 1,-X.0 O tana- n . ......
s.Vi. :..""" .!r"n". .
48 N. 7th St. .. Phone '
"rr,n iii.
KTA A, KRAIKS ifiic w.i.... c.
-ewcts. wm icatuui ui.
l?h-n ,Lapne Knpnek
none, Spruce 4J0S
7"KRMIN.Cfrira mi.)
. larvae quickly die
"hen VERDKH is
" s d. Positively
linrmless to hair or
Ra3li36 Bowman Inc.
...Mfa ',',rnicuti(
Sii,d,r ,A, PllUt
r f --'
1'VI-I Salon
icrmancnt Waoina. $r p,.
ii lltS,carIcss Electrolysis
Ue'..0' sJ'"uouh Ilalr. Mole..
l-5;nM" '"" "IrthmnrK,
late und sinic. w...,,,...,...
....... .(.1 . .Hiiiin
loaH sVl
LjUera to the Editor should be as
brief nnd to the liolnt .ih possible,
avoiding anything thnt would open
a denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. No nttentlon will be paid to anony
mous letters. Names nnd addresses
must ba signed as nn evidence of
food faith, although names will not
uo printed If request Is made that
they bo omitted.
Tho publication of a letter Is not
to bo taken us nn Indorsement of Its
views by this paper
Communications will not be re
mitted unless accompanied by post
age, nor will manuscript bo raved.
One would think that after such a train
ing It would not be very hard to find, the
menna with which to enjoy clean compani
nnd ft good time. Well. In tin Houth It
would not be. 1. of course, don't know
what your Northern vouni men want In
gills, nnd. frnnklv, don't think thev know
themselves. .A Southern custom still ob
served In our household forbids any woman
In leave the houss for nny rason after
di'sk unless In the company of an escort,
either famllv member or friend. Thus, not
being one of the "popular type." with plenty
of escorts, m evenings are mostly Bpont at
t v'-ould jay m the plain girls In general
"Drn't worry yottrselvca to learn am thing
either about the house or of any ntlir lln
! Is not worth the encrlflee. The young
Northern men prfer tie more popular gins
who have loan nrrompllehmenta." Twelve
(earn out of the twenty that I lnvo lived 1
have sacrificed In studying those subjects
they call accomplishments.
As to dress, It has llttl lo do with lis
f.uenclng one's character, generally sneaking
Now, I don't care personally for the fllmsv
rttlre of the modern girl I would not adopt
It. as up here tre cllmatx Is ton cn'd for jre
.to go about unclad nnd I nm too Southern
to fancv freezing mvnelf for fashion's soke
llllll, If vour Yankee git Is can st-ind It and
like It. It Is their prlvllfgp to dress ns the
lik. I don't liellnvo thev dree that way
lo .-'tract men, bpt merely hcausj It Ii
the style nnd they happen to llkn the etylt.
Of cours-. It must bo remembered there are
exceptions to all rulea.
Phliadephla. June 0, 1021. ,
Happily Married
To lh' Editor of th' Fi-cnlng Publir t.(darr:
Sir In recirl tn ('. V Arlington's lcltr
asking for ndvlc. I .'itre say I heartily
arree with David I. WHtno-. I was married
In .Tun- six vnrs ngo. and my hubby and I
are "very happy.
V.V--. had very llttl money to go on. hut
with great care and economy we pulled
through. Wo now have two f the -dearest
Uddlesi also a. neat, llttl. home, furnished
as nicely ns folks in ordlnarv olrcnmslnnr-s
isn expect. We dtd not bin it all af once.
Ore or two piece at n tim- via on- limit.
I ill let me trll vou. Mr . the luld v. ho
r,fts her horn" furnlshrd slowly apprrclatf t
e; rh piece of furniture mure thin th" one
v--ho geti it nil nt once Each irtlo'rt has
It.i own roman"-" pred rlmut It K.er;
rouple should mnrrv In thlr Ideal month.
IVrsonnllv, I would rather hive vory stm
llvvddlng In June than to have the inns'
elaborate affair In an other month of thr '
j ear.
I .idmlt our wages nre low but if vou
and jour bride are rareful .n-i enn ge' a.oo I
fslrlv well until vou get .our ria-1 No
man. .unleas he ' o mill.onslre. baa I
"enough" nionev to mstrv on. So Mr .
if vou are going tn wilt until vou hav
enough. I'm afrnld -.nmohod-. else will have
captured our fnlr prixe Take her and run
right to the mlnlsn-r and have that fata' I
(?v knot tied. Mn J nu both live long
happy lives teg'ther I eincorely hope tha
one or two 'e.ir-4 from now will not find'
nu In the divorce courts jioin man ano
woman must sacrifice something or other
after marring". HAPPY II'. VK nitlim.
Fast Itetsburg, Pn Juno 10, 1021
Defends Her Sex
To II r M for of 'lie lCfn.w I'ubhe l.criqrr
Sir "Men hale shams I would say
I would
Mr. Henry S Wallace
in regard
.Porch Chairs, $5.75
Let Us Re-Seat
Your Old I'n-rli Chnlrn
r.io n. nn. . Pop. ii8t
.rrwhs (Id i.rcryicncic,
Soldering Furnace
and Appliances
sesd row (.ATAi.oaui:
L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
3rll, Market BM Krvitonc. Slain 4000
Tliat Will
Not Burn
1345-47 ARCH ST.
rhonesi iwnii aag4 Itace 44-,'U
ASK F01X iqilTlOV NO. 4
1 Reliable Information about trusses-, mo.
lure and Its freorrnent. Also testtmonlni.
nr,tvivr. n i'i uvittnij mwu
Auru.t 31
n hen nil
fall. Can
attach to
most any r
id(e 7Md (a preieure but center dctm
lilfte. Thumb screw adjust, pressure. Ak
omlnal belt, nnd supporter, of .unccrlcM
. Consnllallon Tlfhont Tharr
i. n. Hrnr.KY. iM7 walnut ht.
rnt Ont and Keen for Reference
PVbnrHigh Slices
CMlShoe Seemce
Philadelphia Shoe
Repairing- Co., Inc.
533 Chestnut
1229 S.niotn
17 S. 11th
17 5. 13th
114 S. 15tb
1S02 Cheitnnt
ii.-. it
p- If
1 liMnl
ijl -, iLkLrW
iMCupa original method trans- m
W forms any high shoe into
I the prevailing styles at very
v ' - .. nv
remarks about women" nnd their "shams."
It seems to tno to be a case of "six
and six " Taint and powder on the face
can nt least be seen and tho decolt nnd
shams of some men cannot. Who Is the
greatec. offender?
The use of a. little paint and powder
does not necessarily destroy! diameter,
which, after all, Is the main requisite In ft
man or woman No trun woman wants
a man who does not want her. so let him
look nnjong somo remote tribe for ft part
ner who will be n, alnve and a fit sub
ject for his domineering spirit.
The dally attacks In our papers from
American men on the little vanities of
their countrywomen la a deep reflection on
their lack of courtesy and mnnhood.
We arc not Imbeciles and It Is our privi
lege tn do with our faces nnd hair what
o please, and ou Uo I'.ie same.
Philadelphia, June . Ip'Jt.
Self-Determlnatlon of Nations
To llir Kililor o the .'win? PubIt' .rrfner
Sir 1 nm a disabled veteran of the World
War. now In training at one (1f nur lmlnes
chools here. When we declared war on
Germany my full-blooded Americanism nnd
patrlntn conscience directed me tn a recruit
ing office, whero I enlisted. After a few
months' training hore I was ordered to
Franco nnd finally to tho front line, where
I gave the very best that wis In ne (my
very blood) for the.-cause of Old Olory.
Admiral Hlms, by his recent epe.ch nn
"Jarknaei'"," lias given food for tuanv dis
cussions among th protegcx of tho Federal
Hoard for Vocational Education. Among
th manv that I hnvo Heard was on" frn.n n
lOD-per-cent American along thene lines
"Sinn Fein Is tho Oaellc wn- of saying self
drtetininatlun. The do-In nitum nf tilt
'fathers of the Irish republlr' l a hlnod re
lation of that divinely Inspired document
born h"ro In 1 iT(. Fatrlrk llmrv '(live
me liberty or give me death" was etlll ring
ing In th" young eoia o' Ter' ir. Mi.eSwlti"v
when h was going through that awful
death In Ililxton Prison. One of th" prin
ciple thnt we went to war fot l that nf
self-determination for mnl nations Ire
land Is a small nation, and everv American
whn did his or her bit during th" nit l
now a traitor to tho principle for which
V"o fought unless he or rho trie t h.iv-o
thnse principles nctutillzcd.'
From tho foregoing thre Is nnlv one thing
left for ms to maku my Amerl"anlm 100 per
rmt namely, to give the prlneiple nf "Sum
Fein" all the moral support that Inm en
rable of nnd use nil m" power to have this
cntinM) through Congress. ii.,int7e th"
ycung hut vigorous republic of Ireland
If according to this rensonlng th onlv
way for me to be, a real American t tn Li
en setlve worker for me 'irlnclplo of lib
erty " no ma'ttr by whom or In -Aha' slui
jxpresed then It must enunllv fi.inw that
those who are against the Sinn IVIn"
principle are un-American. uch a onn Is
Admiral Sims. From his speech be has
I roved it As an American "Itlzen all
thnt is Inft fnr mi Is the hope in.l -lh
thnt Mr Denbj will dlsnilsn him frrm that
brsn"h of the eervlce made trulv American
by ruch nn ns Paul .lone and fomnioion
Philadelphia. June HI. 1U21
A Good Cop of Coffee Makei
Anj Gocd Meal. Try Sun-Lite
Brand. Al Yonr De.ler'i.
John Scott & Co., Inc.
American and Diamond Sis.,
t ) II I in ir-r-T-
Don't hide sWn
trouble-Acai with
This treiitmont gets right
a, the loot of th troune
The rleh, cleansing Inthet
of Ileslnol Soap rids (he
pores of Impurities while
Iteslnol Olntinent soolhes nnd
heals tho Inflamed spots.
Tree trll Dent tl-T Rcslnol
ll.iltlmorc-. Sid.
I u.l sl2e at jour druggists.
Pennsylvania Eye Clinics
Open to the Public
For the Treatment of All'
Eye Diseases and Errors
of Vision. Treatments
Absolutely Free
733 Walnut Street and
S. E. Cor. 9th & Filbert Sts.
Open Daily From 9 A. M. to 5
P. ... Monday and Thurs
days to 9 P. M.
1nr. iiriiiiiiiiiii iihiiiiii,
a'ii5Z"i?i,'4'fv-5 iv; ',- .0',, I
Adelphia Roof
There's n certain little
nir of cozy comfort nnd
good breeding on the
Adelphia Roof thnt makes
it n very delightful place
for n man to bring
his wife and daughters.
Then, too, the prices are
tnodernte, the food good,
the music delightful
nnd 21 stories from the
heated street you'll nN
ways find o breeze stirring.
sjTTtr, ,TiiYSNNN.rs
jfi Panciup M
I S.30 Till Ctostug ij
w 'ckAI
Questions Answered
Removal of Smith's Island
Totlf J-Mltorof Ihr r.rcnlno Public t.tAotri
fllr Will you please, publish In your Peo
ple's Forum the sear and dato when the
last of Smith's Island, between Philadelphia
unci Camden, vvns removed?
Camden, N. J . June 111. 1021.
The removnl of the Island was started
In ISnl, and most of the work had been
done hy the latter part of 1NU.1, though It
wn. not fully completed until 1807.
Copenhagen and Dr. Cook
To the r.dttcr ol th' Kvtnino 7'iiblie l.rdo'r:
Sir Did the University of Copenhagen
pass Judgment rcgntdlng Dr. Cook's claim
to liavn dlscoverid the North Pole?
n. n. c.
Philadelphia, June 17, 1021.
After examining the records the authori
ties nf the university announced. "Tho doc
uments handed the i nlverslty do not contain
observations and Information which may be
iegaid"d as proof that Dr. Cook1 reached
the North Pole on his recent expedition "
Solution of Fence Problem
7o thr KtUtnr of thr Kvrntna I'nb'ie l.nlo'r.
Sir Oeorgo T Mason. Heading, is quite
right In saylns his fence problem, published
In yriur Issue of Juno 13, enn be solved, for
t solved It msclf
The tract of land In emestlon contain.
23,iltn n"res. or 1 nr)a,022 ton suuare feet.
so every one of Its four sides must bo 31, ISO
feet long and the four sides together 120.720
feet Icing To make n fence around his
property the owner use a.l.fttn rails of 104
feet length each putting three rails In ft
Clink! Clink! Clink!
Here's a Drink!
Best for Iced Tea
Simple as
2yn Guarantee
Z(JaU&6 Ac&Afc
June 29th, July 5th & 7th
Millions of Yards of
Also Large Quantities of
New and Reclaimed
Clothing and Equipage,
Cots, Tents, Stoves,
and n large variety of other
,) mcrchaiuli.se
Goods Will Be Sold by
Quartermaster Supply
Officers at
lit Ave. & 59th St., Brooklyn
1819 W. 39th St., Chicago
twi itrrll 1
WUTCSadsV' 14" K
I jir 1 I SOLID j
V lAmt) go"! J
j y point y
Candler Warehouse, Atlanta
Ft. Mason, San Francisco
Write or wire nearest address for
complete lists of items to be sold
and details of sale.
pnnel. 'Therefore h ha. 7080 panel, of 10V4
feet each, In nil 120,720 fet namely, eg.
actly tho length required to fence In tho
property. pt g.
Philadelphia, June 10. 1021
"Christ of the Andes"
To the IMtor o the Kvtnino Public l.tdvr;
filr Please glvo mo a ichort historical
Ketch of the statuo known as the Christ of
the Andes' nd tell mo where I can get all
nnn'-'T K- v- AVI.MEU.
Philadelphia. June 17 1021.
Tho MM, i. f i-hr, of ,n, AntUn (K,
,i.'i. . T Ani1"" was erected nn tne
!V.mi- I'i -he .A,u1'"' ,n ,h,s Argentine rte-
t'lni i.'i h,",.y,n ", "Iot,, of "n Ar'
tine lady and Mnnslsnor lleneventc. Hlshop
.. ,n ,'U ('u, " " colossal
t'VJ' 'l,".i.T ''nr', w,,h " cro'" m " ''t
hand and tho right mlsed as if bl-aslng the
"J L ?.." ?",,uc '" '"'"," tr ohl broni
ci.nnon left bv the Spaniards, and Is the
)0T...?J. e. 11'e " "u'Ptor. Mateo Alonso.
It 'lands at U.OOO feet above the sea level,
on tho lino which divides the Argentine Re
public from ( bile nn, rommomoratea the
arbitration nf Jjdh nations nf the boundary
question that more than once endangered
lnTt'lm Kwnfc V.01.".!" T"! aWfar ,I,I
Z u. ,'"nK ! " ' llKT. nnd nl.o
)? !" , '""'. '.'lo 'CfSSr "T
ellsriiss nx tltnslj toiAen will hn
ni- ,Tfll "" "'IM'stfel peKWs. hi
tlons nf Rfnrrnl Intrrrst mIII bV n
nr Intcsil.
nil enifs.
Girls' $3 & $4
for the "Fourth"
4 $145
Made in the be
coming regulation
style, smartly
pleated and box
pleated, in splen
did clioice of ma
terials and colors
white and Cop
enhagen Lons
dale Jean, crash
with blue collars,
white l rani and red ties, green
nnd pink. Sizes G to 14 years.
Girls' $2.50
Gingham Dresses
Of very attractive plaids, com
bined with self or contrasting col
ors. In the favorite styles with
pockets, belts and various collar
effects. Sizes 6 to 14 years.
Girls' Sateen 70-e
Bloomers I VC
Choice of black, flesh and white.
Cut particularly full. 6 to 1(5
year sines.
bNFLLFNBURflS Ecnmy Basement
51.25 White Lingerie
Tailored blip-over models;
very full.
Women's SI. 19 Extra
Size Drawers
Of fine lingerie cloth; trimmed
with clusters of tucks and ruffles
of deep embroidery.
Women's .$2.25 Extra-Size
Envelope Chemises
Of fine batiste; cut very full,
in built-up shoulder style; finished
with trimmings of lace.
Women's .$2.00 Extra-
Size Skirts. .
Of fine lingerie cloth; trimmed
with ruflles of embroidery.
Women's 1.19 Extra-
Size Corset Covers
Of fine lingerie cloth, trimmed
with embroidery.
.$1.79 Extra-Size
Bungalow Aprons
Of striped materials; trimmed
with neat piping. Made sith
sash, belt and pocket.
Tomorrow a Wonderful
Sale of
Boys' $2.00
Washable Suits
At 85c
Oliver Twist and Billy Hoj
models of plain and striped ma
terials; si.es ; to 8 earn.
Boys' SI 2 Norfolk
Mixed cheviots with extra
pants, full lined; sizes (1 to 0
years and !'! to H! years.
Boys' S1.S.75 All
Wool Suits....
. $8.95
Blue serge; knickers full lined;
sizes G to 18 years.
Boys' SI. 35 Washable
Knickers. . .
Black and white cotton crash
and striped mnterinls; sizes 7 to
17 years.
SNELLENBURflS Kconony Basomant
thslr mutusl pssc ,V csnnot tsll you
where you can secure much more Informa
tion tlmn this, but ou might net It from
booI nn Arxcntlna cr on the Ancles.
Deep-Sea Temperatures
To Ihe fdilcr of Ihe nrcHt.io rulillc Ledocr:
Hlr Is II possible for thn rvop!e's Forum
t) state whnt nrp thn ile-eti.sea tsinpcra
turM? o. S I.
l'hlflclslphln. Juno 17, 1021
Wi t.resumi ou msnn ths floors of th
occnti. Tf eleep floors of the- oceans ctery
whero nre coer'rl with n Inyer of rompnra
tlvCly rile .(r In file. Alliintlo, Iiidlan
and Pnt-lfic Oceans the temperature nf this
"bottom water" vnrlcs from about .13 to .17
decree Fahrenheit. In the polar sens It Is
below the. freerlns point of fresh water, the
bottom temperature of the Antarctic belnn
about 31 denreea Falnenhelt and in the Nor
woulan Sea from 8 '.' to I'ft.ri d'Krees. Uur
Ini the last H-ccdlsh Antarctic expedition
there was recorded a bottom temperature
between South Shetland nnd Graham's Land
asJow as I'll dcKrees Fahrenheit.
To Bracket Formula
To Ihe Filitoi or (..- ; urritiia Public l.rdoer:
Sir- it sn'iiiinn of the "Iifpoelt and In-
teres! problem whleh appears In today's
'paper is nut correciu primed. The pi
j presslon "(I pine IDS' minus 1 ' was
"bracketed' In ihe copy furnished for the
prirter but om'Mcd in printing This would
SIVKDX1WIM1, .11 M: 23. 1031 f
51.00 $1.00 S1.00
Splendid Choosing Among
krJ $1 "
Voile Blouses
A Wonder fid Collection at This Very Small Price
Dozens of lovely styles, as plninly tailored or as lacy as ou like,
some all-white, some with touches of color in embroidery or elsewhere.
The little Peter Pan model with collar of pretty checked ginghnm
is a favorite for wear with the slip-over sweater, especially if its
colors match the sport skirt.
Overblouses with colored embroidered dots.
Women's Extra-Size Blouses
Specially Priced
Extra-Size Voile Blouses, .$1.00 to $2.95
Extra-Size Georgette Blouses, $4.95
White Gabardine Skirts,
Exceptional at
Made with good full skirts and
and finished with wide belts.
Extra-Size Gabardine Skirts ....
Generously cut, well-made skirts for the larcer
figure, finished with fancy pockets
New in ihe Dress Sale!
A Fresh, Attractive Lot of
$7.50 to $10.00
Gingham Dresses
For Women and Misses
at $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95
Xk. . Lii.i'ijrj) y I
Designed to com
bine coolness, and com
fort with such practi
cal, becoming style
features a s huge
pockets, sashes, or
gandie trimmed oei-'-kirts,
Inrge, snutit
pearl buttons and
trimmings of plain
white linen. Splendid
60c New Process Floor
Coverings sq. yd. at 0?ir
5 Pretty Patterns Full Rolls 4JK
2000 yards, to sell for this da only; a clenn-up of seconds from a
well-known maker; 2 yards wide. Ktndl bring room dimensions. No
mail or phone orders. None sold to dealers.
$20.00 Fine Tapestry Brussels (J!1A A A
Rugs, 9x12 feet I U.UU
$60.00 Seamed and Seamless fcOQ AA
Axminster Rugs, Size 9x12, jAjKj
500 Japanese Grass Rugs. . . 0C? A Ea
0x12 ft. Pretty border designs-one Qj.UU
good color. ALSO 200 size 8x10 ft. at $3.80 ea'cli.
Let me
me formula once more:
S- - (I plus rt)N minus 1
To put It In common lansuaire. we
th quantity within the prenthse.a to ths
Iiequlred power and thon subtract 1. then
multiply the remainder by the quotient nf
"3" divided by "II" ; but taklmt the formum
, ns It appears In the paper. It would read
that "minus 1" was to be subtracted after
I the multiplication had been performed.
Of course, mv t.? riu-r has no "brack
destroy th8 formula entirely.
ets" nor "brncs. ' eliher of which should,
hae been used Instead of "(. ' I would I
nirn call your attent cu io ihe fact that ihel
ireblem s prititecl, or. lather, the solution
of It, appears anonymuiialy when It shculd
iihv ucFii n.Hneci 11, M II, .M
1'hlladeiphla. June in nm.
'Poem and Songs Desired
Who Is the Author?
To the fcilttor of thr A. r no PubHt f.rilorr:
fllr The poem entitled "Remember the
Day" credited lo Harnh II. Lawrence la
virtually the same hs u poem I hse had
In in serapbook for manv leara ninth i
called ' Af Set of Sun ' nnd Is credited to
Klla Wheeler Wllc-ox. f'nn an render tell
nie who wrote the poem originally' The
version I hove lKlns
If we sit down at set of sun
Specials for
clever novelty pockets,
and wide belts.
t.NrJJRflS Economy Basement
An entirely new
shipment, nnd "priced
down almost to half!
And certainly the,'
arc among the very
fmrt values this
amazingly successful
dress sale has yet
produced all made
up out of pretty,
checked and
5Ni"LL NiV-V5
bNELUENBURflS Economy Basement
II Us !
IL Jill rti
f I
give 'And count the thlnus that wo have) elom.'
rhlladelphla. June tn. 1021,
Wants Words of Two 8ong
To Ihe Editor of (Jir Uenlio Public I.cdatr)
Sir Will some one kindly send In thn
sons; containing the line:
"This world la a. Ocfflcult riddle."
Also tho'onK containing the folloirlnr!
"They are loolcins tonight on old Tom
He's a relic of former days "
rt. u'Dunoia.
1'hllaclelphla, June 17. 1021.
V. D. V. ' nski for a little
poem whUli
. en.i.
, clod cornea down
In the rain.
And tho crops (trow tall.
This Is the country faith.
And the best of all."
Miss Matl.da Wells. Kdaemoor net. We
mailed ou a ropy nf the poem you rl
eiuested and also nsve you Information yovl
desired, but the letter was returned to Us
marked "Unclaimed L'nknovn '
' if J. T." a",.m for t
1 lrir Ito a Testlmonj.
ply It"
pnm cnMlled "Tti
Can n reader sup
"(" I. H ' desires the selection rsllel
"The Trailer s Deathbed. In tleorir l.lii
psrd II deplete tho deathbed of Benedict
A re old
$1.50 & $2.00
at $1.00
Extra special values in white
sateen Petticoats, heavy quality
and shadow-proof; some with
double panels. Various styles of
flounces, also scalloped embroid
ered edge.
Also at this price extra sizes.
$2.00 Petticoats at (j Q
Women's extra fine tyM.tJs
quality sateen petticoats with
double panels; pretty ruffled
flounces and rows of cording.
Wonderful quality very special.
Sf.F.U ENBURfiS Economy IlaBcment
Specials in Our June Sale of
$6.00 Corsets at . ,
In pink coutil with
medium bust and long hip; well
boned; Mcrito belt; an especially
fine model for the stout figure.
Thompson Glove
Fitting Corsets
In summer weight with medium
bust or rubber girdle tbp, in sires
to fit small or large women.
Women's 50c to $1.00
Bandeaux & Brassieres
29c10 69c
pink or white, tailored or
trimmed, hooked back or
fV"" r i5 JRGS conmy Bawment
A Manufacturer's Entire
Overstock of
Women's & Misses' $7.98
Wool Worsted Jersey
Bathing Suits
Advanced 1021
beach or bathing
summer's favorite
models for
wear in tho
plain colors
aiul color
lust rated.
combinations. One ll-
Women's $8 Silk
Fibre Sweaters
In the favorite Tuxedo model.
"""JTrLS I-'."onoin3 Hanenient
200 Matting
Suit Cases
Reduced to
Formerly Sold at $1.80
Roomy, light-weight, 24-inch
sue. Strong handles, locks and
Mail or phone orders filled
yhilo Uhcy laa.
i)NEU-ENbURJaS Economy DasentMt
..JjJvff!aftffly.v'afcJ .
t .WMml
vftfVtffrfU '
'"Aw i