fn.i -J t ,..v w frs wwi8?'V TJffl psVZ4 '' UZ EVERY BIT tif DAINTY, SAYS MRS. WILSON t Lxuriant in Appearance. Does Not Always Mean Expensive. k Thesa Recipes Plan an Excellent Luncheon and Dinner for Small Family of Two n. I ny MBS. M.A.WILSON fpyriiht. 'jtffaeM rescrvi&l v ' . -ii femmc. who la Just ' KrtlE o kceP bou-e for the wee Xitarting w many rclli ftBllyoj ' tho tablo has a truly , livery mi. vl nerved In a dnlnty lw?r"?..iiia nnd Is set 3f IWSp" "bSilUm. or perhaps B?uf 1 nnnctlrlnK -boup; tbo tnent VS p W wbtSd into nn ttt,iVwedekthe cooking lesson will , . .n I serve n luncheon nnd dinner SUe wco , family of two : for a work- &&.W must plan the menu first. ' DBJBUNDn (LUNCHEON) Bouillon Camycro iifflB Mushroom Sauco Ft" Bonaparte Dressing jUlila Petit Fours Cafe DINNDII Bouillon au Flnclle - .ffi XoToravy ' BS8trningg Beans Beets H",DB Lettuce 0flfo BlKult Tortonl Bouillon Camycro 'M-rffi Kin0 X '"'k fine riaco the suet In a bowl Mf'cpoi-ni?(;:,oM rowsitesr' OZ'Ir'fmpoon of pepper, vw"--.- unttioon of ftlmo, ""'i"ir tho steak And roll very ' BP.rcad . hnth ends and the side of tiihlly; BCV,te string nnd darning ttertU i'r and brovyn the rbll wt, i, o fat. LI" to n piece of SKctoth $ tie into a sausage shape. Ztlft heef bones, . Tico onwns, Faoaot of soup herbs, BrrthUnrPolnt and then fifth then return the stock the saucepan nnd add White of one egg, One-half cup of cold looter. Best together slightly beforo adding to the stock. Whip the mixture wath a & ipoon nn'l t,,en brinBr ft , boil ctek for ten minutes. Lift from the Son and add one-fourth cup of. cold "fcr. Let stand for five minutes and then ino a colander with two thick -Sites I paper napkins. Set the col uder In a large bow and place a cup or small bowl beneath the colander so tbit the stock may quickly filter through. Return the stock to a clcnn tincepan nnd ndd, aftr placing the nest In the Icebox, Three bouillon cubes, Bait and popper to taste. Bring to boil and then cool nnd turn into a pitcher ami placo in th0 Icebox. To srve for luncheon : Place one nnd one-half cups of the prepared bouillon in a paucopan ana Drinj? io u mm mm I Yolk of one caa. One tablespoon of uaior. Beat to mix and then odd to tho boil iit bouillon nnd stir with a fork. Serve in a coup plate. Cheeso Souffle Grate cither Chedda or dairy cheese. Now place in a saucepan Three-quarters cup of milk, Three tablespoons of flour. Stir to dissolve the flour and then bripg to a boil nnd cook for three mln utu. Turn from a uauccpan at once into a mixing howl, containing One-half cup of orated cheese, One-half teaspoon of salt, One-quarter teaspoon of paprika. One-half teaspoon of anion extraot. Stir to mix' nnd then hlend. Now let tool and add jolks of two eggs. Beat hard to blend and then fold in cnrcfully the stiffllv beaten whites of two eggs. Now butter two individual casserole dishes nnd turn in the prepared mix tore. Set tho casseroles in u baking rn and add water to one-half of the pth of the casserole?. Boko in n mod 'rnte oven for eighteen minutes and then eervo with mushroom sauce. Mushroom Sauco Peel and rut in pieces two ounces of Bnrtrooma. rover with boiling water nd cook for five minutes. Drnin nnd then add Two tablespoons of butter, Two tablespoons of flour, .jT S t1"" mushrooma to blend and then m threc-fourtha cup of milk. Brini; ,.. bo" i?nd c00k elowly 'or ten rain . Add One taofejpoort of butter, 'inf'haif teaspoon of salt, nitci of white pepper. Turn cheese- souffle from the casserole Sii? verj! tIlin slice f ,0ll8t nnd cover 2 1? roosliroom sauco and then sprinkle Un finely chopped parsley. Bonaparte Dressing throSrtt.hetpulp 5f S?0 smal1 tomato urSuh n slevo and add Onl aX "p00n of.fijV orated onion, nc tablespoon of finely minced pars- One-half teaspoon of salt, if f pepper, 4AZP of hhhlv stasoncd "'end and then serve. RfllKto p0tjt rour9 fonT. 1ll!DB,water 0Tpr one-hnlf SShSur dn r.alsl,,s flnd let s,and '" ater 2 "J? .nnd, thcn r,servo this "er. Now odd to tho raisins o''f ea!Ppon of lemon juioe, thmtn, " tCamn of orated rind '(-quarter cup of finely chopped boSn ulde to blend. Now place in a 0 '"' teaipoon of ,lt, "m fraipoon of bakinn powder. taMeepoSn ,,hnCf" r,"1,.int? ll, flour tl,rt'c Iloll out nn nW0.tnb t,,,n(,0,1B ot water, ta fonr.inehq nrter lncb th,ck nml c,,t t'Cles ami inmixtUreu ,Km over Into Wbtho tonAiay ? n "fkluR sheet nnd fcutter TMf 1)astry w littlo melted . BnkJ,?ount, wUl n?nlo four "ParedCansyfollow8CR SrVe WUh BaUC0 Aai,VsTUr UV f ,oattr' d'alned alii."'"""" of wrntrrrA. 'or C J' t0 a.hoil nd rook slow lutes and htvo. Dinner CoVo? trtutiion, adti on-ha ral"dwokforAny nlP,linbet """ bullion cup, n mtnules- 8e"u To Beef .. . "" "amtojra I fefiS? & JfeJL. !?? kM&H,fW M the T."t' : P BSWSWWBBfW WUIimMNK ;wrrrv ffijM " . , v .-1 OF FOOD; slowly until tha mushrooms are soft. Now ndd four tablespoons of flour nnd brown. Then ndd One cup of bouillon, One-half cup of cold water. Bring to a boil and cut tho prepared meat Into four sllres nnd lay In gravy to reheat for thirty minutes. Cook slowly nnd then lift to a thin slice of toast and form a border of mashed po tatoes around the edges of the toast. Baste well with tho gravy nnd servo. Biscuit Tortonl Uso the' largcairo plaited paper cup, which can bo purchased nt tho sta tioners; ask for tho plaltod paper cups used for serving Ices. Fold into one-half pint ot ice cream One-quarter cup of whipped cream. Pack into tho paper cases and covor the top with finely chopped nuts nnd roll in wax paper. Pack Into a little kettle and bury tho kcttlo in a mixture ot crushed ico and rock salt for ono hour, Cream may be purchased lato in the nfternoon and prepared Just beforo be ginning to prepare tho meal. Pack in the ice nnd salt mixture, using three cups of crushed ico to three-quarters ot n cup of rock salt. Thcro will bo sufficient bouillon !ett over for tho aecond day. Alio pick the meat from the bones for preparing the stock. Minco this meat very fins f and add Ono onion, Tiny bit of parlie, Two branches of parsley, Two-thirds cup of cream sauoe, One toetl-ocolen egg, Yolk of ono egg, One-half teaspoon of salt. Pinch of pepper. Mix thoroughly and then cut n slice from n crusty roll and scoop out the entire center. Fill with the prepared mixture nnd then place in n baking dish and add one-half cup of stewed toma toes. Lay n strip of bacon on top of each roll. Bake in a alow oven for twenty minutes. Lift carefully, using tho griddlo cako turner and sorvc. To plan a meal for using the meat crustades t DINNER Bouillon en Tasse Radishes Olives Meat Crustades Tomato Gravy Peaa String Beans Cucumber and Onion Salad RniBln Petit Fours Whipped Cream Coffee Cucumber and Onion Salad Pare small cucumber and two medium-sized onions. Cover cucumber with lcc-cold water for fifteen minntea. Now grato both the onion nnd cucum ber and drain well. Add Five tablespoons of mayonnaise, One tablespoon of finely mfneed pars- lei), , ,. Ono-half teaspoon of salt, Ono-quartcr icaspon of poprtfco. Mix and eervo on crisp leaves of let luce. MRS. WILSON'S ANSWERS Dear Mrs. Wilson Can you give mo a rcclpo how to make an icing that will not break and fall off when the cako i cut? It is for a fruit wedding cake. MRS. E. D. Three level tablespoons of cornstarch, One level tablespoon of butter to every two cups of sugar. Just add sufficient boiling water to mako the mixturo spiead. This will give jou plntn icing 'that when spread thickly will be soft and creamy nnd yet glossy o'n top. Tim DAILY NOVELETTE The Flute ot Ab' Yuasufa By KATE EDMONDS "Turned you down, did she?" churklcd Undo Oliver, ns he faced Dorry Lander's crestfallon counten nneo. "You're no match for the girls, Dorry, my lad!" . "She's not only ono girl, Mr. Wylie. Marlon is a dozen girls." "One girl with the essence of a dozen, ehV" went on Marion'B adoring uncle. "But I surely thought she liked vou a llttlo bit, my boy." Ho put his hand on Dorry's big shoulder. "Pshuw, Dorry, when I wno a young chap like you, wo knew how to ronko tho girls like us, whether they would or no." blurted Mr. Wylio impatiently. Dorry smiled. "You, you never married one, sir?" "True, my boy but, she didn't llko me even a llttlo bit. You, Marlon " hp paued and rumpled his thick gray hnir. "Come Into the study, I want to show you something," nnd Dorry fol lowed Morion's ur.ole into a small book lined room He crossed to tho fireplace nnd took a loug, narrow box of hammered brass from tho mantelpiece. "I'm going to glvo you a love pliiltcr," he announced. Dorry Lander stnred and then his deep, hearty laugh echoed through the house. Oveiheod, in hor own room, Marion Wylie heard it nnd smiled, while a faint color stained her soft checks. She blow a Wss down through the floor to Uncle OHvor's study. "Dear old Dorry," sho thought. "How pa tient hn is Uncle Dorry's so fond of him, and so are mother and dad and am I only oh, dear well, I must go down " Sho could not guess the strange Every day fresh, jpood, wholesome Abbotts Cream Buttermilk is scientifically mado. Care, thought, effort goes into It, for not only were we tho first to mako crenm Buttermilk in Philadelphia nnd nearby seashoro points, but wo havo established a standard that we jeal ously guard. You'll find it different from any Buttermilk you over tasted for it has the fine, clean, old-fnshioned Buttermilky flavor. Phone Us to Deliver a Pottle Tomorrow Paring 0705 Abbotts Alderney Dairies, Inc. 31st and Chestnut Both Phones Atlantic City PleattnUville ', "AT"' . "" y JJBHKWfmfflMWf ""'W'MWHMWBMr '' i I.V.V pv; ' y yj ' ..t...r lUVgUJNJ&iy 'FUJBJLiIU THE SUMMER GIRL KEEPS TO PRINTS By CORINNE LOWE The English print is going through many new additions this summer, let last summer wo began to think It would bo out of print, so constantly did this quaintly patterned fabric dot the shores of tho Atlantic Ocean, nero today wo show a charming llttlo morn ing dress made of English print, com bining blue and lavender in Its sprigged design. It is mado up with whito organdy and with dull blue grosgroin ribbons. Thoso latter will bo noted in coquetish little bows attached to two side pockets nnd to the vestee. things her undo was saying to Dorry Landers. "You can laugh, young man, but the love philter is not exactly that it lias a wooing charm that wius the hardest heart." Ho opened the box and pulled out an ebony flute inlaid with molher-of-poarl and filigree silver. "It is a lovo charm." "A charm?" repeated Dorry politelv. "Yea. It ia the flute of old Ab'Yus sufa, now a venerable sheik, and pa triarch of his trlbo in the Arabian desert. Ha tnlil inl wnndn,. ttnrioQ nt its power to win the lovo of a maiden ' just play it beforo her that's what ho said and believo me, Dorry, he must havo been a bandsomo rascal in his youth. I took the flute I thought I might uso it some day but deuco take it all, tho only girl I hod fancied mar ried while I was on that trip and so the fluto haa never been used. I havo kept it as a curiosity." Dorry took tho caso and thanked tho donor. "I feel like a fool, Mr. Wylie. I never played a flute." "So much tbo better. Just blow It gently in her car, or under her window, or somewhere nway from the house by nil means," ho ndded emphatically. "Oh! I'll try the rose garden bv moonlight tonight," muttered Dorry, looking very red. It was not until after 10 o'clock that ho re-entered the Wylie grounds nnd mado his way to the lovely rose garden which was overlooked by the south side of the old house. Marion's window was on that side and a faint light shone there behind rosy curtains. Tho result was so wonderful that he charmed his own senses and sat down on a marble seat among the roses. The most entrancing music enme wandering from the flute of tho old Aiab sheik. It was like all tho love songs of the world it plojcd itself as Dorry blew gently into tho mouthpiece. The wooiug strains seemed to klfw the bending roses, seemed to meet the falling dew. seemed to lift up to Marion's windows. He forgot her for tho moment ho was en tranced with love Itself! All ot once ho saw a misty white form coming across tho lawn, it drew neaicr, nearer, and the moonlight shimmered on her golden hair it wai tho girl he loved. Now sho hurried a little, ns if drawn by tho melody, until she ran breath lessly Into the rose garden and poised beforo him, n smile nn her lovely face. As he dropped the flute and pumped up she turned and buried her fnco In a glorious clump of roses, pressing tho cool, fragrant petals to her hot checks. "Dearest," whispered Doiry beside her. "Dorry," she answered In a muffled tone, "were you playing tha't for me?" "Of course." "I thought when I heard it that some ono had stolen Uncle Oliver's prized possession and I came out to rescue it, and it was only you playing to tho moon!" "Confound It oil," said Dorry im patiently. "I knew it wouldn't work for a cent! You'ro only laughing nt me after all!" He picked up tho flute and turned away, hut from among tho rosos hor voico camo sweet nnd low. "Don't go, Dorry. Undo Oliver meant well, nut you don't need the fluto to win my love, because " And Uncle Oliver gave them the flute for n wedding present, because hn said he wa9 actually afraid of its influence Ckeam BUTTE,HMI1K Wildwood Ocean City Ask !!iiw erlflLoTtt - ;;.,. , - LltT J4 ,,- TUJdiBUAX, in the nossesslon of a confirmed bachelor like himself. Next complete novelette "Tho Man The only w "increase in fare -we want in our town is Post Iba&nES Best. 'Cora Flakes BORATE Is milk without ivste With . the cream left in! "What will we have for supper? Well, of course, Ancre Cheeie. . . Couldn't get along without it these warm days. . . Certainly, it's clean. Couldn't help being with its sanitary, coated, airtight, moisture proof wrapper." Miffo(int9qoffartfZtt$ir: Cuticura Beautifies Your Complexion The dllr use of the Soap cienea and purifies the pores of theskm, thus prevent, lag blackhead and pimples. The Oint ment used occasionally, at needed, eoolhes and heala any Irritation or roughness. They are ideal for the toilet as is also Cuticura Talcum for perfuming. ItapU Iiik Tnt fcy f 4fl Addrem 0iUeir Lk. MMrtj,DBi SI8. UtiUa l, Utii." Sold crj. whr Soiptts. Ointment JS and toe. Tlrom tic. SVCuUcnra Soap (bcrct without mug. YOU GANNOT HAVE BEAUTY If Your Complexion 18 Marred By Blemishes It ifl . well known fact that beauty, cannot bo if tho complexion tn In any way marred by pimples, dark, sallow discoloration?. If you suffer nny of theso akin Dlomlsbcs bopln at onco tho uso ot Black and Whito Beauty Bleach. This clelluhtrully perfumed cola cream compound will malto tho skin clear, smooth, delicately tinted and romovo unsightly blemishes. Whoa applied It forma an Invisible coatlntr on tho skin. Tho regular uso of Blaoic and Whito Soap will keen tho ekJa In perfect condition. Clip and mall this advertisement to Black and White, Box 1D07, Mem phl, Tenn.. for freo lltorature and samples of Black nml White Faco Powder and Incense of Flowers Tal cum Adi, MV LiyN i NCRLEr CHEESE 1 Mndt hr ShiunU,,. 'a- , m t'SSSm M fiMfinV bleach yjem i. WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S The Best Glove Sale of the Season in Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store I thy mt ''ir' 1'iw!-aViBamsiaKaBaaE!aV Ma'feaBa3a All Ready for the Waves ! Bathing Suits, Beach Shoes and Accessories Are Full of Vacation Plans Every woman who expects to go anywhere near the sea should pay a visit to tho Down Stairs Surf Store ono of these pleasant Sum mer days. To see the smart suits, gay caps and shoes will set one's head humming with anticipations of vacation fun. Prices Are Very Moderate starting nt $1.90 for a good bathing suit of black cotton serge in a simple style with contrasting pipings. Suits of surf satin, that sturdy, durable black cotton material, aro in a great variety of interesting, well-cut styles. Sizes range upwards to 52. $2.90, $3.50 to $10. Silk suits start at $5.75 for black taffeta with a scalloped hem and go to $25 for quite an elaborate beach costume of satin. Black cotton tights, to wear beneath the suit, are 85c, $1 and $1.25. Part wool tights, $1.05; all-wool, $2.90. Bathing caps, 15c to $2.25. Bathing shoes, 50c to $3.75. (Market) White Toilet Articles in a Sale Now is the time to fill in the missing pieces of one's own toilet set and to start or complete a set for some one else! Any one of these pieces would be an acceptable gift, especially for a girl graduate or a June bride. Many people will buy complete sets and have them engraved. All are first quality and perfect, except some of the mirrors, which have very slight imperfections, mostly unnoticeable except in their extremely low prices. Shoe hooks, 15c. Nail files, 15c. Combs, 25c nnd 50c. Shoe horns, 50c. Soap boxes, 40c. Puff boxes, 50c and $1. Hair receivers, 50c and $1. Hair brushes, $2 and $2.75. Frames with velvet backs, 25c, 40c, 75c, $1 and $1.25. Trays, 15c, 40c, 65c, 85c and $1. Mirrors, $2, $2.25 and $2.50. The shapes are especially graceful and the glass thick. (Center AUle) fate Opp orbmibe Flouncing With Darned Work, Radium Lace Allover and Georgette Crepe Come Down to $1.55 Yard Beautiful affairs for afternoon and evening frocks. Each one is now offered nt the lowest price of the season. The ivory-tinted darned lace is on a fine net 32 to I1G inches wide, and the dnrned work designs make a very deep and intricate border with scalloped ede. This darned luce combined effectively with taffeta makes n very hand some pown. Now $1.5o yard. Radium lace. n inches wide, has a wonduiiul luster and soft nessand comes in jade, peacock, black, brown, navy and Copcn liapcn. Now $1.55 yard. Georgette crepe nil silk in black, white, navy and more than fifty shades, is 40 inches wide, nt the new low price of $l.no. Odds and Ends of Blouses Much Less Than Half $1.90 Remainders of various half price blouse groups have been still furthor lowered to $1.90, be ginning Wednesday. More than 300! Hardly two alike. That means variety. Tie-ons, smocks and waistline styles. , . , Embroidered Georgette, striped taffeta, eponpe, white voile, white batiste, embroidered tricolette and others. Some with frills or lace. Mostly legular sizes, but a few "extras." Good luck blouse day! Women's Pretty Porch Frocks $2.25, $3.50, $4, $4.50 A number of stylos of fresh ginghams plaids, checks and plain colors. Also voilo frocks. They have collars, cuffs and trimmings of snowy pique, or organdie. Quite pretty enough to wear in town, nml many young women get them for business. Odd Sill: Petticoats, $2 Twos and threes of a kind that have sold in our own stocks for considerably more, all now marked nt this low prlco to send them out quickly. Silk jersey, mossaline, foulard in dark and pay hues. About 200 in the lot. -w . , tJUJMJli 21, iUWJL Rubber Caps, Doris Petticoats Are Exactly Right to Wear Under Thin Summer Dresses Hems are so deep 20 to 22 inches that each petticoat is vir tually double. Waistbands are gatheied on to elastic and lines aro straight and slim. Doris 'petticoats are in flesh pink and white in three ma terials: bathte at SI and $1,50; sateen at $3; tub silk at $3.50. (Central) The Cool, Refreshing Atmosphere of Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store i- as easily accessible from Chestnut Street as from Market Stieet. The ie are two stairways, on cither -ide of the main Chest nut Street entrance, that lead directly to the Down Stairs Store. There the long Center Aisle is before you, with its many ex ceptional opportunities of econ omy. Three other entrances lead to the many elevators and stair ways on the Main Floor. Summer Frocks Prettier Youthful Than Ever $4 'fS .i r 4 i f i ! 7 i r, v ir rjxx l 4 ' . I 1 I J I thtfW 'ki'i( JJimOLjllJia ilIL.ll II II, 111.11 3000 Pair of Women's Silk Gloves Half Price at 50c and 75 c A fine bit of luck for three thousand Philadelphia women who need silk gloves ! A manufacturer had more gloves than he could handle, so we helped him out. All of the gloves are perfect, without a single flaw from the clasps at the wrist to the end of the double finger tips. In every color there are all sizes from B'o to 7. In some colors there are sizes up to 8V&. At 50c Pair 2-clasp gloves of Milanese silk in pongee and white. They point backs. J At 75c Pair 2-clasp gloves of a heavier quality of Milanese silk with Faris point backs some in contrasting color. In black, white, pongee, beaver, mastic, tan, brown and navy. (Central) Repriced ! Men's Ali-Wool Suits, $16.50 Not many suits, so the men who come early will bo the fortunate ones. These are good, sturdy business suits, semi-conservative as to style, all-wool cheviot as to material. Principally gray, green and brown mixtures. Sizes 34 to 42 in the group, but not all sizes in any one style. Wanamaker Shirts for Men Are Different From Most Shirts Dimensions are something We are most particular about; in fact, we have a set of specifications that all shirts must measure up to. We insist upon more room through the shoulders, no skimping in the sleeves, double center pleats and perfect buttons. Materials are in every instance the best obtainable for the money. In the Wanamaker Gallery Store for Men you will find Wana maker shirts at moderate prices. Right now men are interested in: percale shirts at $1.30; woven madras shirts at $1.6i5; artificial silk, silk-and-cotton and silk-strinrd mrirfr.is shirts at $2.65; white silk shirts, pleated or plain, at $6; , pongee silk shirts at $G; r fancy striped silk shirts at $6.50; white cheviot sports shirts, with collars attached, at i $1.65 to $2.75; white or tan mercerized shirts with or without at- ' inched collars, $2.50. I $3.50 Is Mighty Little For These Men's Good Oxfords Of tan calfskin, on English lasts, in straight-lace stvle, thev have solid welted soles and low heels. The right shoes for vacation 'or for business. Boys' Oxfords, $3.90 priced, these Oxfords are of dark tan lonthor in Specially straight-lace style, with round toes 10 to 13M-. flip boys Oxfords of dark tan saddle straps Sizes 2 to 0, $4.90 r,.illrr.. Most Summery of All - Organdie and Gingham Hats $3 and Just right to top off gay frocks of organdie or gingham. And how low the prices! All of the hats ore crisp and fresh and thero is a most charming va riety. Little poke shapes, covered with checked gingham, have big, fluffy bows of organdie in the fiont Broad-brimmed hats, of organdie in pink, light blue, orchid and white have bows or (lowers of organdie for trimming. Hats of Narrow Ribbon air .mother Summer fancy and are highh popular for wearing with swenurs. Brushed Wool Brims of snowy white occur on turbans crowns are of glisteniner baronet. 1 and $3.85 for all of the pretty hats (Mnrlifl) i j - y 4 . A M4r $io.tu. rke) E " ftti . I i lllllli r ( . v A X i $Jt silk in white and black, or'tricot have one-row embroidery or Paris and stuivlv uwltd cnn, o;--. "-... uw,.U. .JI.V.1 leather are in brorur stvln -,tl, Market) $3.85 and on larger hats. Often the and More to $16.50 I I igured oiI fioeks wih scalloped skirts, ootted oiles and fiowoied oi'es arc in many models foi oung girls nnd older women. Thc aie all -o f i e-h and dainty nnd cool looking' , v.').:.!, So' jinn $7.o0. SoJ.") for a gingh,im frock with a pleated skut and a broad gingham va-h. It is in theil. f r'lik blu', gieon oi black nnd white. Other cheery gingham flocks at 54, $4.75 and upwards to ,M5 and $16.50 for fine imported ginghams S6 for a oiie frock made with a surplice bodice nnd organdie trimming on the collar, cuffs and pockets. The voile is pink or blue, plain color oi figures. S10 for an organdie frock that in truly delightful. It is in Copenhagen or lavender dots on cool white ground, made over a plain white organdie foundation. Organdie points Hiul a broad sash are just the right finishing touches 'This frock U "ke'ehed New Black Frocks t'onl rv fiM-ks nr- of blnfk .laiiunofo ilk, me tii'i'iu'il w'tb ! eei white organdie collars oi fri'li- of the silk $8 and $10.75. A group of voile frocks allows choosing among thoso trimmed with white organdie. Also frocks of black voile with whito dots aro finished with not frills, $6.76, $8,50, $10 to 'JM i A J 9 A! SU .. K 'III & . .' . ' I' i W s f 'J -j- mhv,ur. , 'VflOK. yery w.f'f,:i i&t-.V J: . -.