rt'rf' .1' ' "' : . r r r ' " h 7,, ' n .0 v' " i ' i- ja. r .... """"- ' ; . '.,.;., u' . . . v ''if ( I" ' ' ' -! V, i-V Hi J' t Kfs ' I'--" I V I I ii r Euettmg Public ffieftger PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 20, ,1021 GOING FAST. Another pla in the polo match for charity, "Inch was witnessed by a huge crowd at tho Philadelphia i ountry Club. Many society folk acted as aides i r f NEW CHURCH FOR LOGAN. Ground was broken yesterday afternoon at Thirteenth and Ruscomb streets for the ANXIOUSLY WAITING. W new Logan Baptist Church. Tho Rev. Dr. Russell H. Conwoll is shown as ho moved tho first soil. Tho Rev. 'Francis Georges Carpenticr, the prize Stover (left) is the pastor of the church '-"tor Photo seniie Baby Jacquelino is with mother.,. ifo of J fighter. ' 'M & Herbert POLO FOR CHARITY. Two picked teams battled at the Philadelphia Country Club in aid of the Clirnt Church Hospital, 217 South Thinl street IIS PLAYMATE. John Jacob Astor, son of Lady Astor, and a huge tortoise, at their St. me- Square home, in London. Sir Eustace Fiennes, Governor General of the Seychelles Ts'aids. presented th animal to the lad 'wi tm l'hot COMMANDER RALSTON L. HOLMES, chief naval aide to President Harding t n v iwAlSiNG THE DUST. "Jimmy" Briggs, third sacker of the St. Paul team, landing safp on .rcond base in tho game against the Forty-eighth Ward Republican Club. The game was played at Broad street and Oregon avenue i.cnsc i ) u tr WONDERFUL 1REA1 Anmfucan Lfgion pot sees that many orphanb enjoy the stunts at a carnnal held it1 South Philadelphia 1- VMILY OF NEW LEGION HEAD. Frances Emory, Mrs. John S. Emery and Jean T mcrj i . i nder i MRS. FRIDOLYN GIMBEL FLELSHER. The cup in golf tournament at Philmont was named in her honon.fii. i ri-, j TENNIS OFFICIALS. Increasing number of tennis tournaments gne these two men plenty of hard work. At the left is Paul W. Gibbons, president of the Philadelphia and District Lawn Tennis Asso-iation. William P. Rowland (right) is the vice president i. r Mi!S. CALVIN COOLIDGE. New and striking photograph of the Vice Presi dent's wife narr i i "' OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO "orlrr 13 "" ' l- SEMAPHORE SENTINELS iVOU HLOl'l i mn rmui BBJ?.fS .rr!P TININCJ. -Mien M. Bradford, 416 South 1 ortV-fifth street, working on iM'a v"cA.DOa i the workrooms of tho Lester Piano Compkny, 1300 Chestnut strrct. urnuxuru jo uiiuu. LUr Photo Hon leu All. CAROLINE iUJ-ADDKN, hnalint in U girls' tonnin tournument bold at the Philudelphia Crakit ("lull. Slit' niadr a luitd fight i ' DOING UOLL-KOOM 1)1 i 1 Hi t..i- J'atiol man Charles Orme hn- bet n attached to the police forro hi net 1008 i rhoto i lhilOt '11111' UUlNLLANDhli iiihtMi.iiir.i , . .. followed the drdiralion urpmoiiitH , , , ,V,,t, fe", , MISS MKGAN I-J-VKS ! Hit engagement to Sir Philip soon is again ruinun." 1 n i Kaa jtiOKsiTsf. ( Minm. I la ; "SPTit'ic-t'iii i. t 2iAi . .i. ??VAlKt(- v.. tj 'tmS) jd.,.. .fwfcri.A &&&' -ttZL.