!V.JW ryjATT-, "if. ,f ,' I ViH', t, ..!' ?' ' trt- i ' ' i4 'i ' - J iV, "y v7 lk' EVENING PUBWO IEDGEB-PHlLADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 20, l2l 'he Winds of the World By RVtsx . AXKKS i uTkm Phtmttm Lever" "The. Matter Man? "The. Second mi. iinAA then r s " 'iv:.; rv. nOWT ne :: ..V. -J. HiWiM aulto weH She. row to I VP 7 Vnd SOU I ,way and go W.J-Tnld h m. trying to epeaa taUktrirShimd shrilly from a""" -- IT1I1UUV .--- S.ld IiTCSm. hundred mile ffeliteWSl Ut he m there Jl indhln between J"! '5-fflffi. A" wiUed her -with 'Ert VaS Wto rilwe.. then Jill SWilw. Sturgew. T.. 7VWhrike off. Somehow he JaiW that It must be Tal ;WS diiortry that t wo not .. ZJVe'r something pf a doc.-. "T, oh, l thkt you. nthr pause. . ,s ted. watching, Ralph?" un her Hidden iw tho nallor ?i! Jilic;rSS out the eager flush r.7iuUd him a moment since j tatt E. vTdoujiled him a moment JfflS an anxious ep 'orwaru. .'."Waal " " lt"nQt b,J new8"what ill .-. a v.im mechanically. her '-taTwonded expressionless and dull Tjfi i Yy ' sistcr-she'e very 111 tljy've nt or me''' CHATTER XI W tk. atoHj ol he doing. Into tha i, jtc ot tho don. ft-re wu dreadful silence over the. & JlU thought, shrinking y. aa ah; Si for a moment In tho big hall at bet HUljatd's. , , . Jlai Af na I-T3II1L Ml UU UUUIIVIU ' tt71uaA in reaulre an actual nhyatcal kt to moTt on Into the drawlnc -room. nRri to her excited . imaTnatlon, .M4klH IfHIKMI rUlDKVU. WVi (UUI wwt to dtooplni Jo thtr Taw a rtk.cf mtgazinca strewn anyhow on '" .lit. u,,hai Ka wllAlA TrtrtlTl hrl iiiort of neslected appearance aa U t tarfiat that there were other mat tct t far creater importance to be MrtW. mi iMnt nvcr ta tbeV window and tow back the curtains; she felt stifling; kt float the window wide to the night ut4 tlit street outside; Ton tno rum bli&f 'of distant traffic seemed muffled. tiUone heard It through the enveloping feMt ot a tunerai pan. JlU tblrertd and turned away ; If only Matt on would come to her, u only the tot the worst knew what waa nap ptdai upataira. It spoke eloquently of Retrained relationship between her Klf and'IIIUyard that she folt forced to wit thera'forraally, instead of being at kW to 'rush up at once to Kftthy. But a moment later the door opened, ui Hillyard himself walked into tho neat he looked very white and drawn, utl for tho first time since she had boH him a flood ot sympathy filled JOVt hurt aa she rushed across the ram (award him. "Ho .are they? Kat by Ralph, tell m. la.Mr eagerness she caught nis band, hMint him fast. I- H looked away from her: when he 'leoke ae nardiy knew sis rotco, u waa N itralned and altered. ;8h's Jll very IUs the the doctor )ld me to send for vou It's vou she 'Wilts jou she keeria asklns for not M he has nevor ouce asked for me." . There. was something heartbroken in I . nvmai "AS T am nww e. Kn I till w- uiu e j out a j wub vraia au.riint wnen tne worst is over. at Words wprA ntflmmprd and Inpn lMti "rinlDta tha child " Afid now It Pf.mfl nn fttAFnltv fifnrA U iatwered her. "A.hoy It only lived nn hour." He dropped suddenly Into a chair, Wini his face in shaking hands. "Oh. Bir find I T wlh T'H hn bin,) ' hT'. miM navo been. It wasn't i awnt love uer sbe must know it win't that I didn't love her." Jill stared at him for n moment with iful sinking nt her heart." Twice tritd to speak, but no words would wne; when at lat sh forced her voice, hardly rccognhed It. ,nlpli jou dou'tmean Kathy " The doctor says there's only the oDst chance for her." B.?Vpo?r I"51 I?00r boy!" oae knelt down beside him and put 5 round his shouldera; for the m..mft, h? Jauo dWlk that bad wars existed between thew waa wiped -'""j fo,r8tten 5 they were Just Mther and sister In their mutual grief ad dread. After a moment he struggled on I re been to selfish. I might have Mde her muci, ilnpper. rj .. he W . t0v hls (eet ns 1 bo hardly knew I'ito.br himself. "Oh, I'd give OT SOUl f 1 rn,,l.l .-- ,u. " "L-. fnna.iL -wPM IlUt tj ill CSV 1UDI Maths ovr again," he said hoarsoly. ttme back to uhorc Jill stood whlte- W7, ykn.Tv I to-.h." he said Jsti A ... .C"- ' "" l"u .B" w HUliT.. ". nny ono la lne world. I' ar.tn,akP n" nndcrstand." ''ttat'' tiii ni. ncc''. me t0 tel1 hor '!i!I.?tt.?0" always cared " Hh Weal .V. , ,n monent; then sud 'V.?.r,eac,.e(,.un anrt kissed him. ud wit ni i?,ny s alle' ene "u. thi m0" dtk ln Ka'y,B room, so dark MtUnr.- oment,8ie co,,l(1 distinguish "oodbeshh. .VnV'.U f.orrr,d blindly and eidoMn, ,s ',nerc' " n I'ttle way toftTV.11? iM "'P another form. third keenlne BiiiifiniLir (.... ?l01fUrl KV-TlS. lu-1" " 1 of dVath." ' B" " ne8U nftori1Cr:r8,stcrnmnniia Hut K. ., .. ttrMfheri, .T ll"8 ,,,.cvcr cr(,n flut rfl,V(ace.n f"lntC8t ",,lver e "8h. U"e.,a",' forward. ? lentlr l'.,V,r ,ymV x 1,lnk." "he ,7 &sanuv."0 Im8 bee" a8klnR ,fll. 'lobbing" 80n "B T 0,,l,," Mld H It aiuin K:nthy; '""1 the tragedy g flood Vr ,,,t,r ,n ."n ovef- . artln thai. u . i"r""i uirounii n..?,'m. elilldren mmrpaii .u ,i. TtmTtyhPWb1 ' had first' swn li s, "T.1110 . iVrvcnt Hnlvntlnnl.t "ctly It hV.n," hri 1" wonladl. fv. . seo of lli " Mte'yjWHMwome Ihnn.i. .. ",lu IMC linrhni. n( .f,,. it ?WL'r0,ial,l1lIIMI' inontliH uro, iftiW" of cdi Sss fcrih- "?ffi IW5a, Brt wl,cn ,ie trl and ?" . , nn?.h.vh"(, hJtcahr life then hfl had never hcn nun vt, ir.tt.. u- 1.3 1' M J rfm yif j n UU II tall only ashed to. be allowed to atay In the ?i i ".n,P,cac thei harbor, and whoae .,.,., uw;n xeruseq. ne oau seen taken out to battle with the wlnda of im worm nn me mineting watea o greatness, and they bad been too m.uft for her weakneaa. And now waa it tP end like this? Had the frail, dell, cate boat been washed ,up Into l Be th latlby the guiding hand of Jill dropped to her kntea and hid hr face, i Poor Kathy poor, poor little Kathy I Though sho had married tho man ahe loved, perhapa only JlU knew what a disappointment to her that marriage had. teen ; even the happiness of looking forward to th coming of her child had ocn overshadowed by the knowledge that he would have to shore him with ptherawpuld hove to give him up for half hla life to the care of a nurse of whom she waa alreadj afraid, She had dreaded It so much. "I shan't even be allowed to have my own baby." 8q ahe had once sold to Jill. And now there would be no baby ne had been robbed ot that Joy. She looked at the white face on the pillow with Its cloud of goldenThalv; oh, it could not be trne that ahe wa dying reallv dying I God would not be o cruel! God would not tako her away; aho wa so young all her life waa beforo her. Jill hid her face again, and a wild. Incoherent prayer went up from her heart. , "Oh, God, don't let her die don't let her die!" Ilalph Illllyard's remorse had touched her too. She told herself that sho had not been free from blame : that ahe had been hard and unforgiving; that she had cherished bitter thoughts against this sister whom sho had onco adored. To be given one more chance Just one little chance how many agonized hearts have asked that when they are brought face to face with tho death ot tome loved one! The doctor was bending over Kathy again: Jill watched him with bated breath; but thero was nothing to bo learned irora his grave race and after a moment he turned and spoke to the nurse. Jill Just caught his words. ' 'Hilly ard-r-wnere la he?" She rose to her feet giddily. She felt aa If her whole body had been changed suddenly to Ice; she caught at the bedrall to steady herself, and tor a moment the wholo room seemed to be whirling round ln n mad race. All that followed was a nightmare the moment when Ilalnh. white aa the girl on the pillow, stumbled forward and dropped down beside her the mo menta of absolute silence interrupted only by hla agonised sobbing and bla broken crying of her name : "Kathy, Kathy !" For nighta and nights afterward JlU could hear that henrt-broken cry; It seemed to haunt her with its agony and drive her mad with its despair. But It reached the far-away con sclousness of tho woman who loved him ; It penetrated the clouds of weakness that beat her down and out of tho world and for one llttlo moment tho white lids were lifted for one little moment the flicker of a smile crossed the delicate face ahe half made a movement toward him. "Darling!" Jill caught the ono breathless word and the last look of ineffable love thut filled her eyes as they rested on her husband and then a great wave from the ocean of lite caught Kathy high on its crest and car rled her away, away, safo into harbor. CHAPTER XII And thsr romoi mist and a drlvlnr rain, And lift la navtr tha tamo attain. The rain beat itself suddenly against the window with a sharp rattle, and Jill looked up from tho book she had vainly been trying to read. Outsido, the street looked wet and cheerless summer bad gone Octobor winds had torn the leaves from tho trees, and lett branches bajo. and shivering beforo tho coming of winter. Two endless months sinco Katny j died! two endless months since Jill I heard tho sharp whir of tho telephone! In thin varv rnnm. fniinmnnlntf her to I her sister. The world had teemed a queer place since then sho wondered how It had seemed to Ralph. She could not bear to think of him to look back on those first agonized days of his grief. "Hiliyaru naa aged twenty years, young Morredew said onvo to JlU. "Poor fellow poor, dear old follow." It was mitte true the loss of hla wife bad (truck at tbe very root ot hla life. Tallentyre and ho were always to gether, JlU knew; Tallentyre bad stood by his friend loyally and saved Ralph from utter despair. He had stayed with him night and day, till tbe first awful shock had passed. She herself had seen him once or twice since, but neither of them had given a thought to their own affairs, Hhe was sure life had completely changed eincc Kathy died. Since Kathy died! She heard the words ho often, nnd they still seemed ho empty to convey so little. Though two months had passed, (the still found herHdf thinking ,lI must tell Kathy this thin will amuse Kathy." But Kathy wus dead I JlU rose to her feet and wandered restlessly about the room; there waa an odd sort of feverish excitement In her veins, as If she hnd been told that something of great importance waa about to happen. Hut what could happen now that would matter ot all? hat could hap pen now to give her either joy or hap plncss again? Rlgden and tho Despards she thought of them ns ono thinks of char acters In a book characters whom one has never met In real life. Itigdcn had tried many times tp see her. but she had always refused. Kathy hnd not liked him Kathy had asked her to give him up Jill thought of the night when fthe and Rlgden nnd Tallentyre had all dined at the Hlllyarda' of the song Rlgden hnd sung then, to plenie Kathy. A copy of It stood now on the piano, nnd Jill went across the room and turned Its pages absently: Ut nlsht I w dramln; of the lova. waa ilremln! ; , . .. I dreamtd thou wert Uvln. my darllna, my I clreNmed"thVt I hold thr one mora to my brtaat' The tears rushed to JlU'a eyes, and blotted out tho words. To have her back again for Just a day: Just an hour! She stood quite still In the silent room and pressed ber hands hard oror ber cyea. ...... Some mQ tapped at the door. "Will you see Mr. Hlllyard, please, hVam?" llilfyard -.nlled faintly as they touch- ed hnnua. "I haven't coma about myself this time," he said. "Vou'vo been so good I enn never thnnk jou enough for what you'vo done. No, I know you don't want ine to talk about It," he added, as she tried to stop him. "Hut I must; that's why 1 am hero. Jill, Isn't it time you let mo do something for you in return juat some araall return?" CONTINUED TCJftpRROW ..ji-.V 5yMsWi't; i i i i iritfTff i , iii ,ii . THE GUMPS We Have With Us Today : , ' ' - : BV si(nU Sh rX'M,&''ffi'&' HOOTte tven WM AW LUCK OH I rT?Utt GOLF OMJVHE UNKS'I 'M NOOHE OTM0E WOOf W A, WHDfcP W TO botft 0 ) t GQVT MVKS5- W CW TMK OH I WHEH THE CAPPV TAKES S ClUiTS AW NoUTtf ' JOUPWJ- HOOP U- r m unks mv? smcK rH ml (xm i jkflDW $mn- tvie e&h j ) To tw cwi ouse & nr my Jl pk mx movh tx ttwavrr- J VS585 tLSS ) won- thi: ctu hovj. ANTW rcnfwi p STT wTST' " ) LsjtwaJWljaa4IWP- ' ' T " n '" ' aaafcaaaataafc-il- " ' i i i mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmimm a PWmii !!' P '"""1' ! Hail if ii mm a i aj pap I ay, Mliai I H W T''' i ' ana.ia.ip iMa n mm, mm a i n i im ' I n i m i i i i I SOMEBODY'S STENOGh Your Bo$8 like ThlT CopyrUht, 1021, by Public tdsr Co. By Hayumri . $ DCWUW. Wl OtJrteMTH A-r l, bsZn A TX ( I00 JA6TJlf ARM SWIAJ6S IAJ THE LETTER 46 1 VArl fi Jlfel VNU; A7 HAhlh'WLtX WHOA! A O0UmihE WORDS LOOK THE- SAm WHEAI - n Jtf& Jc IH VilvQ REPDESr J J HH & fttAU.) I they're wrtttea whether ito (ypk-' HI ?cOSTEf?o s ,' jjmLL 'emor aiotT; ' A-E.-HAcrwi?D-a ! I i ii Ilii ii, i I I I i i i i 111 I i I r - I u ii ... I.ii i i , i iii i) The Young Lady Acroaa the Way AFTER THE RETURN FROM TIJE HONEYMOON liy FONTAINE FOX The young lady across the way saya thero seems to be a great ro vlval of Interest in wrestling and the young men talk about the Dempsey-Carpentler match nearly all tho time. 5v V VoHC NtWUYWfiO StATtS TO THt OFFICE yJBiicy .; i'. - aV THrtOVVlMG KI5SCS fO HlS JUNE BRIPE ahd M jX WAVING AMD -THHOWIKG t0W K'SSESONTIU sY?? ,''"$ wTllli W ' T -5 S Z2,$ -tfrr Hfi HAS DISAPPt'ARfiO FROM Vl&V. SCHOOL DAYS By DWIO i j P& Go oor to cuhw vokTeftvMnaeu ' kctch TV)B.Tue3 rfi '?J2 tSJsi w&&& &&2tz: s. Z te.- co oown 5C- W s ." -, -re DovRR. 2-i-i' - l...aen BR0e J U l ;Xs? ww. as p.m pii 7u PRKCTice, Teu. voo TVut oL 5wKmee ...... ipaH MS CVJI W W STUB'S SPPWU M1K1.B ' Svi vjp MR PeHwts fta AROAiHttt!- TKw T(AT cv(wA J.r YWMCH wnA bbb r mW . i im o" 9Paaa v, - ta IS naaaVaalaBPaaBBa!BBaBBaa IS3 ?oRS PETEYThe Big Fight By C. A. Voight ry.:j. i ' ' "' i"11 ' ' ' ' ' .' ' i ' iii i mnivw ' 'i. "i f . -, S- 1 v fcN ii s r-.Fne.l C".-.v..-v l LJ--MABeL--SCe. CT--. 0io DEMPacV lc ) WL I ftkiM -A week " - -vJ i rau?in ts mL ' W Sri wJEn THE CLANCY KIDS A Bird in the Hand's Worth Two in th e Cage By Percy L. Crosby r-J Mciy;5Pioef?. t (vms uorrebsE s mll i did was- I (A fMr ) A l V . 4j i i ' ' ' ------------- A . . . i jj ' aa vu . i Li , lafi v-wHn- v . m . i irr v i n w .. aav .1 V 7k ' ;iV I .XB '..' . .IHft j - . i . .,!M-! - '''. aaaaWlr.-'i' I , I''' iaUaaaal ' , f ' .Pan-1S.i jjtif yaaa j ' iVAb-'iSitiirf 4-N xtr..W.vH m. -, ." W.v"Vi'i. ,-y: i' s',i