wm w. ' Si A1 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 1921 W r w ! m t - & ry 1' B' th, vr. 1 - FINANCIAL LUKENS STEEL COMPANY Vint Mortgage and Deed of Trust, Dated November 1. ltrlO Bankers Truat Company as Trustee under tha above mortgage gives notice that It will receive) at Ha Corporate Truat Department. .No. in Wall Street. New York City, up to o'clock r. M., on July 7. 1021. Healed Propotala for the ealo to It for Hie Sinking, Fund at a price not exceeding 107 4 and accrued Interest of sufficient lit fotgage S0-Tar 8 Gold Honda iasued under eald mortgage to exhauat as nearly as practicable the turn of $100,000 on hand In the Slnklns Fund at the date of ttils notice. Such pro posals ahould ho made In tested envelop" nd rnuat reach the eald Trustee not later than a o'clock P. M . on July 7 1(121 Notice of purchase of bond will be mailed on July S. 1021. and the bonds ao purchaaed must b ellvered to the Truatee before the close of business on July 12, 1021. on which date Interest thereon will cease. In raae more bonds are offered at the same price than me Trustee can purchase It will be determined by lot which bonds will be taken. The right la reserved to reject any proposals In whole or In part. Federal Income Tax Ownership Certificates covering accrued Interest Khmild accompany accepted bonds Dated at New York, this 7lh day rf June, 1021 BANKERS TRTJPT COMPANY ne rffSTKB By II F. Wlt.SCN. Jr.. Vic, President. KOTICE Th TiTeUEY (Tl F.N THAT. nY a retolu"on of the Board of Director of Ollllnder Sons, Inc.. a special mjetlnt of the stockholders of the said Company tile been called and will be he'd on Mon day. June 27. 1M1. at It o'clock A. M.. at Ihe office of the Cnmoany Tacony and evereaux streets. Philadelphia, lo take action on approval or dlsann-o' at or a proposition to Increase the mortgage Indent dnesa of the Compattv from 140,000 to (240.000. (IPO. A STEELE. Secretary. PMt'b'i "!' n '""1 riiTT'pATcrNFRsi'ii' "iii-retofoke Ex isting Iwtw.Tn Chnrl-. . Mickle. Jacob Jl Centime and John II. Miinn, tradlnii i Meekla To., lis. been din'vcd .T"n 13 1921. The bualne.., wl i -..ntltni'd "" der th Mm nntn In '"hark Mm-Un and Jacob II. Crone (Plgned ril Mll.KS A MV.'KIt: JAi'i'R H. Ill' " SK .ICtlN H SHINS' Dltlilcn.U Pierce Oil Corporation PBEFT.nnr.D Divinr.Nn no. Th Po.ird of Dirrttors of tliU Corpiirtinn Tits declared a recu'ar Tiarterh dividend of 2C on ih Preferred Stock, ratable Jul.i t 1021. to Htnokholdor of re..rd at th -l"e of business on June .', Il21 .itks ill be mailed to eueh re. nr.l hollers bj (iu.ir nty Trust Companv. Transfer Agent. Trnnc far booka will n' cloe r. WAl.TKIt IIANDVLL Se, i Nw York. June 17. lfi'.'l. ATI-NT1C LOIIOS OII.7'OMPANV " June S. J 21 The Poird of Directors of the Atlantic Lobos Oil Company has this d iv derlnred r dividend of H per share on Ifa preferred itoek. Class A. and a dividend of a.2,82 i,rr ahnre on lt preferred sloe rinp b. p;,v. able July 1.1. 1021. to stnrkhnidtri of record t the coe "f hus'ness June lm. inst The difference in the dMdrnd dfclaralmn of the t0 clissea of preferred jtock as above. Is by reason of the difference In the date of lsue. In subsequent declarations ni of the preferred stock. includiiK both classes will b entitled to 'he mm. ntrt'etpntlon. chas. n noT.DSHonnpnii. Secretary and Trnsurer " H'lI.oON CO., INC. Notice of Dltldenil on Preferred Stork The Hoard of Directors of WiNon A in Inc.. has ilec'ared a quarter! dlvnb-nd of One and three-quarterH per rent Mr,) n Its preferred stock, payable July . 1021. to the Preferred Stockholders of re, nrd m the close of business on June U.I !fi;j. Checks will b mailed. Dated. New York. June lfi 1p;i Or.OP.OB D. HOPKINS Secretarv. D. W. GRIFFITH, INC C-. .'.. rtrriarj. ae-Ull" in, ijij "HIE VIMfNSYJ.yANIA COIIPAXY FOR IN. aurunoea on Llveei und Grnntlng nmiltlcs .Til no t i mi J. n. CATlPENTF.n tn Treasurer aUAR-XTF.E FINANCE Till ST 31t Chestnut st., I'hlln.. Pi. The Directors hnve ieclsre.i th. r'etrulir etiarterly dividend of 37r rr tliare on the ilraf erred stoct, payable July l. 1021, .-, stockholders of record June 20. 1M1. Checks win bo maiica Jun 0 SCHI.E3INOER. President. I Iloth Sres PEIRCE SCHOOL or BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Tho tv1 o uih'.i o t' s v r the rajniUr ouriiri a P-lr RhooT ran do t 'Mi 5in it r Coutpob In Buin, Adm ntatru t!on (two years' c-'intinur Mwn ye arl, O- nea Huslness r. yar, 5Triria tenf t tv jeariit, as nsmana' p m-, vear Plnorraphlr nx to -uni- months- Sllfflwor Rrhni ' ' 'P. n .' ii "trli it for .r,ih Tnr f. V r r - V f , f J - , ) SrENUCillAPllKRM WANTED Tov-vg men or women knowing shorthand and cfnee management hold the test positions. Our course will duality you for any place. Individual Instruction Day or night classes Catalog. rillXA. RF8INES8 COIXKOB and College of Commerce I0H Chestnnt St. Philadelphia COLLEGE PREPARATORY REVIEW LAPSES 7 weeks lginmn .lure i'7 Day or Evening C'asa - '.r 'lutortng All High Schoo' Subjects Tuition Fees M"'leiate Y. M. C. A. CENTRAL Hl'Tl.DINO 1421 Arth ht. BANKS0U Is the School f6rTJll liOTrrjaySchoorlpJitSc1iool QQLLEGE ioWiilnul'SLl'hilfi. i .Many upleniiid 'ariitnjr pTi-'onj now htini: III lea in fa j iti n una .. y Mfxlfrn Tfsrhfm' niiifao, lOOa Afarkft fit. STRAYER'S Tb;n,7.,I"l,'" seho.i "V, ,j ., ?0' HESTM"X ST. i Fsslllcn itiurun'd. Enter now. D.ty or nliht i IIING1IAMTON. .N. V. T1IE UINGHAMTON TRAINING SCHOOL An Ideal prlv. home-school fur nervous, back ward U mental defective No nge limit. Ph.. atrat Culture. Manual training & ail branches Onen yr around Terms ITS per mth & up MR. and MRS. AL'Ol'ST A HOi.r)T Hupt ninghamtnn. New York. 11? ralrvtew Ave NEW YORK 1)011 PEOPLE IB every thousand receive tenedt through plnal adjustment given by competent P DOCTORS OF HIROPRACTH The publk- Is inpldly recogn:ziTii the value of this method of druglese healing and will require an Increasing number of practition ers. Send for literature explaining ths course. NEW YORK COLLEGE OF CIIHtOPnACTIC Dept. S. 2S W. 71d HI.. New York. N. Y DYYTON VA Shenandoah Collegiate Institute and School of Music, Dayton, Va. Co-Educational Rates 122.1 to JJOO. Pend for CatAlorue Voting Irn und Pole (HESTER. PA. Pennsylvania Military College Cerrees In fiui nineartng, Chemistry, and Commeri'. a'i I t.naiict Preparatory Division and .Igni.r School. President Harding says 'I' I had ten boys I would end every one to t hester ' COLONEL CHARLES E. HYATT Hoi 32, Chester. Pa. OEOItnE SCHOOL. PA. liEOROE HCHOOly Country School for Boys and atria. Separate dormitories. Courses broad and thorough. Student studies under supervision, or principal. Graduates succeed fir college. Up cUI courses. Athletics, gym tiitilum, Vl,. y.'7 wooded acres and open (.uuirrjlri Nrshamlny Creek( Eudowed, tieorge. A dividend of fifty cents pr shhare out. atandlnnr Class A Shares of D W. Griffith Ino.. was declared June 15. lfijt, payable Jnly 32. 1011. to stockholders nf record at ttte close of business on July 1. 1021. A. H. T BAN7.H1P New York. N. T Ths Board of Directors has this dsj ,e. elared n. regular quarterly dividend t.f ete'n rer cent ? P'r share, pay.iblo ,IUV k. 1071. to stockholders if record ut th- rnmd of business tn June 13. 1021 t'.iit. jin.jH'.ii rresn'. 10-t STEEL TFI1E COMPANY OF AMERICA The tegular riuanerl) dividend of one and three-qoariers per cent (17C) ias been de., elared on the Preferred Stock of this Com tiany, paj-abe July 1. 1031. to stockholders i ox recuru at . :i. c7 v, EDUCATIONAL. Young Men and Hoya WAYNE. PA. 8T. MTKK'8 SCHOOL Wayne, (Main Line P. II. fl.) Tit. Cliarlea Henry Strout. A. M.. Headmaster HETtlt.F.HEM, TA. Bethlehem Preparatory School Prepares for . leading colleges. Extensive grounds. Junior School, John I). Tuggrr, M. A.. Heodmaster. Dcthlchcm, I'a. HEADINO, PA. Schuylkill Sem.. lleudlng'a Jr. Col.. Ileadlng, I'll. Prep. A Jr. College courses, Certi fied tte accepted by collegee A universities. New athletic Held, dining hall A admlnlatr'n building. Year $170. Year opens Sept. 12. WARREN, F. ,.TEEL. A.M. D.D..Frcl. NAZARETH. PA. N.ZABKTH II M.I. M1LITARYACADF.MY lln 111), Nnuirrth, Pit. l'uunriril 17 IS. Pr. p.iraters A Uualnor-s Coiirs... Sr., Inter mediate and Jr Depte Athletim. Mllltnrv life Il A I Thaeler. D D.. Principal hi.llefonte, pa. Belief onto Academy , J;Xlf ? 'n1?9 and ii" li:.Ui year Ath. field A ,,, MoJ' rales Kt..J JAMES I III lllllift, .. M ileiiilm.istcr. Ilrllcfnntr. Pii. al" UAMII NlilONiJluil T,,K nTNA'SPr7iF 'n,srl;, ,.n fnr '? f zv,rlx" 2 c sirrei NW Wash'nctton. u. c DAYTOV VA. "Chatham Traininj? School" CHATHAM VA P.ATES $303 ' MAKlNfJ MEN N"T MONKr Pend for Catalogue WAYXIHIIIO. VA FISHIU'IINK M1L1TAKY MCliooL I p., cures for universities find business nr i p?Ss"-A 4!'?,,flund.,nff,$S!Sv1J:?V.ftl vear New $200,000 fireproof equipment ' Diploma admits to a'l colleges, ntti T jijor: . I BrrlPR encampment nejr famous caverns at ' orottoes for n'l Ptudents. Catalogue. I Itnx 1IJ. Ilnjiieebnro. Y, I Staunton Military Academy i iyreest private Academy In the East. , Prepares for Pnlversltle. Oovernment I Academies or Puslness $7 000 barracks ttnles jnon senn inr cainiuir Col. Thos. II. Hus.ell n. S.. President Hot L, Stinnton (Kible Station). Va. Young Women nnlrlrl T.r CHESTER, PA. " The Darlinglon Seminary, Ind. Weit Cheilcr, Pennsylvania SIXTY ACRE ESTATE 71st Year Opens September 21. 1021 Junior School for young girls. For Catalogue, address ( hHMIne F. ne Prlnelnal Ro ta 1 o jjMiiiTovp...r HOLY CROSS ACADEMY. Washington, D.C Overlooking the Nallnn.il Capital Standard nnd FlectUs Courses. For cats loirues address: Superioress. Holv t roas Aclemv. Washington, D. C EPrCATIOXAI. CAMPS SfMMEH CiVJlr FOR 1IOVS Between ages of S and 14 under supervision of rerrular teatiers "lates reasrnnble MRS. M. W. niRWELI, 3 M a Locust St Phllt.. Pa. Preston 2P78-.I moi'nt portiNo. p.. PIM". TREE CAMP TOR 0I1SLS Pocr.no Mts . four hours from Philadelphia Wss lll.ANt HE D PRICE D rector tot W School I.nne. Phl.adolt'd.i. Pa. SI'M.MKR RESORTS J1EIUWARK LJIVAJER HAP. PA. K1TTATINNY the mointain ruiinimni paradise DEiaMAHE WATER CAP. I'A. landing llctil ef This I'"inous Region Cap r.no. open to Dec Ever. mod. ap pointment High ultltude f.igni(lceni scener Onlf. Tennis. Saddle Horsfe, Cunoolng Hath I'lrb dly . nn erts and dances Exceptional cuisine. Amer pi also a la cartx grill Car Hklt road maps A terms mailed John Purdy Cope THE GLEiWOOD Delaware Water Gap, Pa. ' Now ODon t'HPttCltv 100 Modern hrteW hotel, has ballroom orchestra three clay tennis courts, baseball diamond golf nd all amusements, garage and supplies; rood accommodations at moderate rates. For booklet address ITII.T IlllOS,. Mgrs. f ".H HOIgfl ,.,, A.I..MARS1I. NORTH DEL. WATER C..r. I'A. ! Cataract House NIor,h w,er 0'"'-, vL j wuu.u . -w- jjom cooklng, modern, all Indoor and outdoor sports, garage, rates reasonable flook et A E Vlnegartl A Hon l"t5.sJ ciTROFDSRI'Rr, pa. SUNRISE COTTAGE ft? '-, forts goon fooi. rates on application. MRS. J. I HISHINfl. Turn Villa n RushklTl' rike. Runa I urn v uia r),T( nMMnlln, rates. good cooking. Homelike. CHAS. MILLER. MARSHALL FALLS HOUSE Table Suppllrd from Own Farm. Rrantlfnl areiiery on lluahklll PlUe. Norman Holfmaa Tile Mupletitiret Inn. East 9troudsburg. Pa Ac. j:r. Spacious verandas, shady lawn farm ga-sce MRH, M A HACIt. MT POI ONOPA Pocono Mt. House ;"," 1,nf.: four caro iurerah.p minagement. Ilooklet. Hawlhornp Inn " '"'"'U,ekeepiiiB iot I Mm th l".n hook'et I, r. DENOLER. TYin rMnir-mnnt Home Looking. Modern, ine -iainnoni l;t,.tr,0 ught, KllrM ini'denile. llnnklet, C. L. SMITH f.l FN dARIFF New "od. throughout. den prodiictn Hklt Cleorge 3 Armntrong The Ontwood tn "-11 "r- Accom. Ejce: table Kki E I I EV ARTMAN FAIHYl'EW INN. Mt. Po"rono." Pa. Auto n.'.irlst hdirs touil lab'e. pleasant aur--'f.l a- rk'- .ii re'iueat O. L. Mesnrgel. rNAIlENiIS The Mountainside ln Pocrmos. Mod'n, i nt, tviounuiinsiuc . comfort. I able Rates reaeenahle. Rklt Wm Ixmg, Mgr. MOfNTMN IIOMi:. I. MONOMONOCK INN Comfort wit bout f itrnvntfRnt'e. .iirtld ftni tirT')ijrylin iN'ew rinj entirely mod hntja). rr- xrw. DUlt. H. E OEIfiSINOKK ' TOHVHA.VNA, PA. t-nicnesier nouse lng h,nt -,;, rono.. a,i. lv for rat-e Mrs E L. Chichester. fSi I .a.. TI. Wr.nlTnif. nilhin M, "1 aih- K.(.l.t MERE. PA. Until Allegheny. Eagles Merc, Pa. Remode.tru I u.'.di-r new man g't Amer plan. Rates mod I I VAVNA, PITvE CO.. PA, REECHNFT ( OTTAOE. ln the Tomr..; Mts home ''ooMr rales 114 pr wit ur O ii. It Parsons I.aanna Pike Co . Pa YERNERSVILLB. I'A. Tho Hirfhland D"ghtfuiiy nftua'tM "o 1 nc niijlllcuia south .fou-.taln Ov r miking t' '..ii.ous l.el-mio-1 . .. . ii, ,i' i.'ice lu et. -ii i jjr vacation 'jr .- neet. end Rates mod. rat- Write for booklet. J JJ2wAnnFRIES President. Hillairln Reautlful Ecenery. Prlv. Paths. I1I3IUC v,n) ;u prnj Kath a8rhart MT ORKTNA. PA. Hotel Conewago m"..' Opens June 2Mh. 1821. For rates address I-. L vvtiiiir.il. t-rop. HEDFOKD SPHINOS. PA. REDFORD M'KIM.cJ (PA.) HOTEIe Etcel- lent cuisine, all sports Martin Sweeny. Mgr NOIIKISTON. I'A. HAMILTON'TioTEL, NorrNtiiwnT Pa "iVelJ. niipnlnled subiirluiii apt. houaesi hruiitlfiil tesdentl.il Micllum triiusient and tourists' nnom.i nnfiirti. ants, fall Nnrrlslovsn 184, VALLEY tUIKJK, PA. WASHINGTON INN Chicken und Waltle Dinners DANIc-l. J vrxirllli ES Proo SCinVENIvSAILI.E. l'A. PF.RKIOMEN JN.-Io.eal modem sort. High location, prlv. batn, lboatiog. b a to lug. nahlnc. tennis. Pooklet I C. iinukii. DEVON. Fi WYNBPRNE INN On .MHIn Une. ' EaDeelally ds valrable f. tvialness fiir tvn larn : ..with .families. kionabls rates. Wd veranda. rtanclnr. I vu gro, nnnnia nrj us in lnono .Don, n 2M si'MMr.n resorts ATLANTIC riTV. -'$&Bfm Where a Nation Plays ATLANTIC CITY list been truly (leilineiid ai the play ground of a nitlon. Its In tlrKtlbable faiclnitlon hsi given It a poiltlon equated by no other pltsiute rtiott In the wotld. And In theie gotvcoui June days Atlan tic City, with ha marvelous beacb, Its Moardwalk, lunetb motor rot Ji and deep ira fiililng gtoundi, It unparalleled In Inttttit. CDlxe Ainbussatl or efftu hotel retftctlon at modttate tatei. Large double room with bath at 16 rer day lor one or $4 each lot two in room, European Plan Sun deckt, indoor latt water pool, tea and dinner dancing, and umphony concern. Write for floor plant and lllui tilted booklet. New Yoik Office, The Ambassador, Patk Avenue at riltvljrtt Street. Telephone Rhlnelander 9C00. Tht Ambassador Hotels System Tht AmlvuiaitV TJie AmhaiiaJof. Atlantic Cuy Lot Anjttci Tne Ambiiuaietl The Attrandtia, New Veil Loi Angelti tmmmmmmeBmmiammmnmMammB THK HUMIT OF TIUNfiH CESS So I'aro " ,i Ae c se to Ileach & Steel Pier J bi irKs ti lend'itg Prot Cath I Churches I, a g si moderate rile hotel of i brick, steel and stnne construction. Kiev to street Hot ft i ..l Mien ng water In guest rms Prlv tuths Am Plan 3.80 up dlly. ' $17. SO up wk'y Fieneh 'hof- Orrti . Dancg. rtee Path Houses .t. Showers fnr surf bathing with entronc from P Ik llnoklet. auto rod , map and street Kinle mailed Tree. PAI'l. C ROSECRANS Owner A Prop. KENTUCKY AVE. NEAR BEACH Comtr houic; opn furroanrJiotrt rrnUr of all attrao lon.-i and Pitra. Running water In ronu, priratabatha, II thing privltffrci from hotel, with frta uu of thowtr batha and private bath hontes, DactHrltj throashoutt i Elfrator to atreat Tabla tmcifallfd, 13 W up daltyt 117 W up weekly, Amerlean plan Mailc, Dancing. Carair Thona 4tf-J Booklet Ownerahlp Dirwtion. ! RALPH UKCKLEV a B. KINO LEXliiTilN Parite and Arkanua Asea. Capacity 800. Oae block froaa Million Dollar Pier, Iteadleg deM " beat balk. Ids beach, 75 Tlalh hoetet with ihowert for aarf batbera. PrtTate way lobaacb. Eitanilreporchra and ball room. Eire. Ilfhla and running water In rooms. Private batha. Orrbema and dandng. American plan up dally; US l ap weekly. Eoropean plan II 50 op daily, tlreproof dsraae. Dokl.t. rhone:00. Wsa. oLlIaal.lt. PLMMIE Whole Block on Ocean Front Coolest location In Atlantic City. Ideal family hotel In Chelsea Section. Capacity Five Hundred OwDerahJp Direction Hookl.t. W r. SnAW ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Directly on the t5cean Ftont An American plan hotel of distinction CAPACITY 600, GARAGE trailer J. Butby Let Ce Mnke Yon Feel at nam In th HOTEL MORTON ocean End Virginia ao SI...,., Pair, ttn.t.. a Canselty SOO. KleTstor, Private Daths, etc. WKViSt gyy.KA u. nr.i.i, j i-aui. m, n U IB fail II I) i I 1 Inl B 11 fl N. J. ajii.Jr-!JJjCTliM?B ljtlioffflifWta. IN PHIii illll Bal MH HI Oi W WELLSB0R0 m$ M ... cZ) i i HIrtl V ti ijilH 1 i W- 1'rlnli ave. and bench. Hot and cold ma. , ring water. Private baths. Rates 14 day cp special weekly, 0HCAR li. PAIN1 Capacity Hon. cltv Hon. nnoklal. tf.r itARoi.n rJSno! MorrncELLO Kentucky av near IHach. Cap. 300; modern throughout; elevator; run water In rms.: S3 up dly.; 117 HO up wklv.. Amer Plan; bklt. FETTER ft HOLLINOER Creston On Boardwalk at Jfontpellnr v. Suites with baths Running water nl1 rooms E'evator S-pec ,Iune ft Jti ra-. It Jl REEVES CTTotel XojrcfiziG s-t Charles Pi i neari. Fresh & sea water baths run nater In rms.; elev. Superior tahie, eppc rnt.v. coach at trns A li WAGNER. Prop. W R I.AYTON.Mgr. HOTEL CARLTON Chelsea A & Fear4!. Rms, eneulte with prte, bath. Every room hot & cold run'c water. .fnd rates wn-ehln mgt. J. B. jiair.au. SENATOR nr.of First hotel from irdvvnlk and Rte 1 Pier nn Virginia Ave T, nar- kind of Hoi. Newiv fu i tshed and -ervthlng nrrange.i for yoii' omfort tt us send you booklet and rate.1 VlrvlnlA av Bd notl from T'ourt Pr- bfttha, run water, eltvator, Amrlcnn ntiin- AM ELLI3. kVMKLLia. Owner. N. J. COLLINS, lUfi fiflaTlborouafiicnlieim J0lh vvrill A rSeta Cornpawias. IROQUOIS fi?,c,Carollnr'i" "" .":" i "7'vwv''"' 130 rms A baths, cuisine a I 1 rl c unexcelled a. H CREMONA, 0a M-r '-irr . u ih Trayinnre and Oen Mgr SL .A mA'j ""'", J n. nARATTA. a avt. ' TflRflR INN "eean end Connecticut ava. I .r... ..... ideal location, large airy, .corns Rathlng from hotel. lBtft ssason mil. i at. n'o. J P aV A. M. D"N.V, I Hohel Boscobel Kentucky Ave. Return. 1 nuai uuw,uut;i1!iw(nl nWl I it nil an'l i-nona in. a i iaiuun Calvert Virginia ave . near Beach. I Open all vsar American i and European elan Tennessee ore. A Reach. Running water nil rm. Hathlngi ahnvier. Euro ailed, uklf. J. J, Jojre, 1.50 A j2 uu Uly. ArMinM i.mii 1'acltlc. LuroD o un. Ki. VaVUTf m Tv. baths Mr, B, riortwln. " " VI .SIT It K N I H . V O V H The World'a (Irentest Amusement Enterprla i OCEAN "CITY. N I. I NoiiAisjjcioiE Canacltv Cuu. ocean ir , s i.aaiii: notai id eDpolmment and aervice upena June au, wk 8poclal July Rates, J. HOWARD HI.OIL'M. ,eBsee-JIanagfr Former Manager THE (.lU'.I.Mlltll.K White Sulnhiir burlngs. W. Vh. HL" Ctvnel Wesley av. al uth , rn wtr, l ne airanQ Nl(S jmiivhon ronet Tl, Imnorinl " " r lex. rntes. WILLJ,MS Ocean view Fry. Owner I'V- ,.-.- jun, Jurv ( . II TO AVMORF th A Weley a ivr- ,- , onms l P u 1. 1st nf Ocei List of Ocean (' Lending Hotels In this imprr on teilni'silny evening SE JHI.E C1T1. N. .1. FTe U....n Centrall hs.uti-d on beacb Olin iiuuov. fron, w K Struthars.Prop. SEA IHI.E CITY Hall. Bea !; '!; Wrtte (.Ity Clerk city T foe information The Princeton Avalon, New Jersey, Mar" p. Leeds, Mgr p ' v. iiier- mod rates HOTEL AVALON AYAI.ON. N. J. OneiiK .lime 'II, STONE II HHOILV .1. SIli.LTV.R HAVEN HOTEL 4th of July S pet la I. Sat. to Mon., SX.OO f C. SEMON WILDWOOD, N J. TRIESTE on-S Italian and Amer P. Manolll, Prop. Ntvi Pnlnninl All outside rooms, Prlv. A tW (-OlOniai pub bth, T nyron. Prop. Ui'nnna Wild, Av. nr. beach. Prlv. batha . , ...-.. (lwn mBnt;.t. Mr,. p. w. Fisbsr. Mnlnl D.l. Eu nlan. Ceda ' ' ' aaiant. m. rj Osl HOTEL rENWICK Open all pun. Dpeciai rates, way, June, r Av. nr. RchM ireli'iee, prnpj year. Europji ,Q ,fcM..l?eralcJi. rt'Ml WMMKIt TlKSOTiTB IVILHIVOOD. N. J. Vacation is hi hand and you must look for the most beneficial resort. JXll?..,0 w coonTmoiiT HMITII. Secretary. Uoard of Trade. Wlldwood. N. J for Information on North Wild wood Wlldwood Treat and by-ihe-Sea, WILDWbOD MANOR Cap. 40). Whole block ocean front. Amr, Dan. Ronnlng vrslerlnallrooma, Ptrete hatha. KleTStor. Oreheatra llanrlng. Tennis ALKX MrMURHAY a SON lroea HOTELlAYTON' WIMn on), N. J. Rnoma with hot A cold running water. Private baths. Furceas due to nor aerrlee and table. Caoaelty itO. Booklet. F. W. McMURRAY. Prefu Jt.N IRAL INN " llo'n lienrh & Taylor nvo. l'lnn table Home i onkln neasonabln rtes. O, V. Mll.l.l'.lt Hi'iirh fiout Cop. 130. llun. water. Prlv. liallia llkll Ownership Mat. W. II. Oerstel. "HOTEL ARLINGTON 1'esrh front location. Cap. 200. Mod. rales. Prlv baths. Hun water. Ilklt. C. 11. Topham HOTEL DORSEY ONK-HALK IlLOfcK FHO.M DKACII Kooms With Hath, Attractive lutes. SHELDON Wlldwood'a Finest Hotel NOW Ooen. Hrtee. anrlv stasnn rates Ownership .Mgt. D. .1. WOOOH EDGETON INN -mmlly located Near Peach. Cep, SMI. Hatos fod. Cyrus Itaub, Prop, BREAKERS I,7? ."'. reoma wlth u.,uo.v..w or w,ho-ut prV b(llt) oult par. . unto eerv O. K. fllnnamon Own A Mgr. I AI MA Excellent table, illock to Hoard. iiim ,VBlli central bathing privileges. I MPS. M. HLKAKLIIY. 810 E, Poplar Ave, ! BEACHWOOD Capacity 200 C. KURTZ, I lixtiris Ocean view; bathing from house, jrouii. w A JhM1c(!i ownerahlp.mgmt. WH.DWOOD CREST. N. J. MT. VERNON Enrellent Table. K. JOHNSTOV Rplmnr ,(,,'nl location, airy rooms, excel uciuiai ab(, ,,),. frnm hotl Mod rates NOLI, & TIMMES. Props. Ocean Creat block from Reach. DkltT O. T.' KINO, rron. CAI'E MAY. X. J. CONGRESS HALL CAPE MAY, N. J. OPENS JUNE 25 FOR THE SKASON t nsurpasscd as to comfort, convenience, servlc and atmosphere, JOHN V. 8COTT. Manager HOTEL CAPE MAY CAFE MAY CITY, K J. tlrnninlcd nnd refitted tbrnnghout Will Open June 30th C. B. KNOTT, Lessce-Mannncr New York Office: 1180 Droadnay rhll.idflphla: F. JI. Pearson. Asat, Mgr. - ene-trittto'rt Wednesdays SOUTH CAPE MAY HOTEL Ocean front rooms, community plan; car space Special month nnd reason rates. Capo Mav y24-D HOTEL COLUMBIA Cupe May, OPENS MAY S ' mo1ern. J. W. HfcCray ft tlm. Nevlv film. VTAR.VIT T A Ocean ft Reach! cap. 150; . vatnr. owni-rsnip mantrt. i-, m uiiiiihh, THE MARCY. Cnpo May. N. J. Apt.. 1 i furnish!) rnoma, use of bath, three month 1200- ainffle rooms. 1H to Sift weak. NORTH NEW JERSEY COAST A Warm Welcome Awaits You North Jersey Shore Resorts MONMOITH COI'NTY. N. J. Writ a tha Mayo is for Informatlo n ABHFRY PARK. N. j" mB ff.jiarayaife; EDGEMERE 4th A vs., Ocean Ulock, Anlmy TurU. v. .1 Reflixd .Invvlah rf'mn'.c run. waltr phon. tn- i niuft" MnricrHts ratra THkt I At Hmtm Aeoury i-arK N.J IW . . --Hungarian cuisine Jenlsh pa' Imp. booklet and ..... ... ...... '- V- M. L. KRAFHR inp o-eati & Donrdwalk. Hat f: cold runintu wa'er rulslne unexcelled. Hklt. M tiATEH Hotel Kentuclry S04 First Ave. Asbury Park. N ,T 14 to J.i dally to 60 doub'e J24 to ISO weeklv; single 140 FIRH ft ORAVE8, Owners. I 7TH AVE. INN Accommodate 12.V 4. Illock to taoean. Horns tabla. C. WILLIAMSON WINDSOR THIRD AVE. ALL, OUTSIDE ROOVfS AMERICAN PLAN. MODERATE RATES. PnasntV 7th A Webb. nun. hot A cold wtr. rosstuc a rm(1 KxcfU Kosher euls. New mat M Welkowllg. form. Sharon Spgs..N Y. Continental Hotel & Restaurant n 1 I . a.man n i" ( m A I'll n1rt i fr aosi Ak(i-eln !(d Ave.. Ocean Rlock. AmeV., . MDerucen rrench ft Italian euls real. altac'ie.l Phone IflHl. A. UUONQIORNI. Hotel Hercey ' ave.. form. Htratford ouae. 3 bins from ocean. Excel I'm Mod. ratua. Mrs. A Hercpy. Hotel New York "g,:08" Liceii. nt ctilslnei dancing, O, M. Oattle. VSRFRY PARK INFORMATION Wrlt MFNKIPAL HUREAP Roardw'k. fnr hotel or other information! free & authentic "HOI F.l. IHKDFORD 0th Ave., overlooking ocer, alt rooms -with running water; nuliee with bath. Harry Dufflctd, Own. A pr OCEAN (IROVE. N, .L GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL M1 i i leach aves.. Ocean Orove. N, J Lur p hotel A cafeteria; under now own'hlp m' .ateterla stat. 1100; q'inllty, service. ruurti.j. Tel 147(1. M. J. WOODRINO, THE MAJESTIC DIRECTLY ON THE REACH Elevator Service. Clement A Clement. HOTEL WHITFIELD CHranrnnr. CaUUClty 200. Overlooking ocean. Chas. M. Herman. lneAabury 1I. BkU n,... Uniian 72 Main, Ocean Orove N J wv" a.w Tc HOT-It Famtl' Hole' Amer iJJi i "P ISO. H. IDuiican V I ei OCEAN GROVE HOTEL w. Auditorium. All attractions, A M ORIGilil ' Surf Ave llnmp One block lu Uracil. re New managt nklt. P. St". N.'. riJnno1l formerly Heaumnnt. 40 Ocean UOrdanClie PlllriWBy. bet Audi orlum nv , and Rea. Tel pah-W W LORD Till .. ,.J fi Abbott ave oveili-iokl- L,llltK"ulu Ocean. Quality. Cleanliness HorJi!nJPy WTif I 1IYKA. nwnsr-.Mur slt'A nria1SIA I 88 Main eve. KeaMBeaeii jf?. iinnwiiou an(1 auditorium, mclern improvements, Cafeteria. jv jt. JBTT Chalfontc Directly on ocean front. H irci lanuy notel H v. Eli'era vnsr .. fX"? " noon pixce to hoard' 1 sVassar House. Ocean Orove. N J Short h erK from ocean Lowrntes. Le Chevalier Cor;, Central & Webb At. F. Dorpiniis. Prop COLONIAL IB MAIN AV American nnd Eurooean plan pill NT PI.E.ASANT. N. .1. THE 0.ARROLLTON Ideal Situation Facing Oeean Hpitnnicj Table All .loorts open June lfith Csrrnlton Hotel Co. nEl.IAR. N. J. TVyTol,v,n Irits 10tl i. Ocean Ave. Modern lYleiroSe inn ,,un(lrlln Cuisine Kosher Mush- Dancing. Hath. free. Cap 400. Ilk t Spec, rates July 4 Wundsrmsn k Levins CAPAMfiRP AT REACH Modern, bath 3jVIVH-liVI- how, showets. excellent eulalne IJooklet . ANnBLOROONETTI Sl'ltlNO I.AKF.. N. J. THE ALLAIRE srRINC, LAKE HE CII. N. J. On the oeean front Cajsjlo200 MAUD C. HOLMES. Sl'ltlNO LAKE REACH. N. J. THESHOREHAM 6FBINO IjAKB IIEACII. N. J. E. E. HPANOENRERO. Proo. HEARRIflllT, N.J. PENINSULA HOUSE fleabrlght. New Jersey A rfellnliirnl lintel un the ( Ocean. N. Y. fftce. Bherman flauare llojel. Tel. Col. 8(00, UUtt 4. ni agr. IA7ILDW00n BuuZSCsT BtlMMKR UKSOftTa BRVSIDI? PAKK. N. J. The GLADWYN yw,;S: HKACII IIAYKN. N. J. THE ENGLESIDE SK& Private baths with sei nnd fresh water; five tennis courts, booklet, It. I KNOI.B, Man ager. Also the Cnvlnaion. West Philadelphia f I11MC1I HAVKN CIIKST, N. J. CREST HOTEL "t'Wr Two minutes from Ocean nnd Ua'rnrgat Hayi opposite II It. station on Iho Tloulevardi rapacity loo. Open nil year, nates and booklet by rrn.ue.st, Hates moderate. " CHAS. A, .IQHNHIa ' TTin Ri-nltr Plnco to spend the Fourth, j, ""'rv" ""f'y. ratea,nikt. 2 "LAKinioi'ATrONO. N. J. Hotel MontlCello A reildentlal hotel of Hopatcong. Wrllo to Hotel Montlcello for terms. Landing. N. J. Phone llopatcong 321 Lake View House &a fc liGc,i2l. T- ". MOOItn HOTEL CX). IPPLK haijaxaT'Tkb. nT y SAKANAC INN NOW OPEN m the Ilenrt if h Adlrnndarks. CKIlTIFiKD MILK. A SUMMER IIU80RT of th hlgheat aharactor; gupe'.b cuisine; an nvtronaasat socially daalraola on VFOXnKRFIIL WtTKR DAHANAO TJIK Modem IK hole golf. Btate roadi, all sports and nmnsementsi at their best. HARRINGTON MIU.B, Manager. E. O. FlTZnF.RALD. Aea't. Manager. Address UPPF.R BAHANAO. New York Bartlett Inn Upper Saranac New York .. ......... ..... k,,n..lnii tn rent with hotel service. Comblnlne; ths comforU of an Alrondack camp with tha convenience of a modern hotel, . J. II. REARDON. 8 W. 40th St.. N. Y. O. Pol rctints risMttp Potntg nionMQWNT. w. t. Jlllllll1 "" S e- I I lTULeJ I I I I.? litl )'7 Wrv" mmmLmsis "A City in Hull," Highmoant, N. Y. Norv Open for the Season Cnder'Neiv Management F. SEI DUN 220 Rooms Wltli Every Convenience Hot and Cold Running Water AM. OUTDOOR HPllRTM Jewish Dietary Laws Observed Rites and UooUet on Request LAKE PIAC1D. N. Y. AD1RONDACKS Grand View Note LAKE PLACID. N. Y. Opens In June, Extensively Improved' flnen electrical equipment, running water, private bathrooms elevator, porches, dancing. flRNISHF.D COTTAtlKS FOR RENT All out-of-door Adirondack diversions, Clr, JL II. MARSHALL. Mgr.. Lake Placid. N. Y. LAKE OEOROE, N, Y. HOTEL MARION ON LAKE GE0KGK, N.Y. i 78 milea north of Albany Directly on Lake Shore, also State Road from Lake i George Village to lloltcn Landing. Modern In equip- ' saant Liberal managamtnt. Adjoloa Lake George Country and Yacht Club. Jus to Oct. JOSEPH B. MARVEL LAKE I'l-ATHI N. Y. WKSTEFACiE INN LAIiE PICID. N. Y. NOW OPEN uoderti lo all Its appointments. .. . . J' finxNEY, Maaavsr. Winter. Hlgh'and Park Hotel. Aiken. & C WOWCOE. N. t. LAKEWOOD A MOUNTAIN rAM SUMMER HOME OF UNUSUAL CHARH INN ROSCOE.NX Ing Distance Telephone ADIRONDACKS. N. Y. FOR ADIRONDACK ROOKLET nnd Infer- matlon apply to (eo. V. Rynn. Ner'y.. Platts. burg. . Y. FOR MONTKEAL-qUEHEC IIOOKLET illilllv to Tnitrlala llnrenii nf M IrralOOO New Ulrka Hide.. MiintreaL2ao. NEW LONDON, CONN. THE (SKISWni.ll Eastern Point New Lon donL t'onn. Most lefrcshnic a. ashore resort. VERMONT VERMONT FREE HOOKS "Vermont Motor Tours." "Green Mountains ef Vermont." "Hotel Directory." "Cottager to Rent and for Kale." Write Varmint Publicity Hureau. Montoellsr, VL PACIFIC NORTHWEST COOL SUMMER CLIMATE, plenty of Kolf. every variety of trout ami sal mrti fishing, and the most uomlcrful nattnal fcencry on nrih, rrarhed by rijll atriunor or bv IB, nop, mnCH ot Milinillrl lilshways, offer you an Ideal ncatlnn In the I'aclflo Northwest, Ore con. WashliiRton and British r'olnmbla. Write for free Illustrated booklet to Herbert Cutlibert, 1 C. Smith Bide.. Seattle. Wash. CANADA 0 awsr U bapoliMee-swar la tba TMnvniUal fine eoeo4,sletp gl'log alrnf Mu.Loka l.aki, TharV K - Jl.l. '" wi" flaxl thia lloul. feyal MiKaw,,',rArcr MARYIND , Vacationing tn the Plus Rldgn Mts.i far de - scrlptlve bklt. list ot hotels A brdg. housss ln lllue Ridge JHs. write. Oen. Pass. Arsnt. vteaiern .Murian a;may iiatumore, AJO. DEER PARK MD. Deer Park HOTEL AND COTTAGES Der Park, Maryland. Tbe Fumous Resort of The Allrglianlca- Altitude 2800 rt. OPEN JUNE'20 (.OLF-TENNIS-HORSEIIACK RIDINO 2 RWIMM1NH POOLS-MFSIC-DANCINO in HOl'PEKF.EPINO COTTAOES Di-oking Office. Hhoreham Hotel, Woshlngion D O until Juno 20. THOMAS V. Mt LI.INS, Mgr. iLb'b Mgr Wlliani Penn A Furt Pitt Hole's, Pltisburuhl JEFFintSON N. II. New Waumbek HOTEL and COTTAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN THE HEART OF THE WHITE MOUNTAINS A Distinctive Hotel of the higher type SEASON JUNK SB TO OCTOBER EXCELLENT 1B-HOLB OOLF COUROB TENNIS. RIDrNO. FIBHINO, MUSIC Rooking Office, a West 40tb Bt New Tork Frank r. Shqtr, Qanersl Manager. fl. Fuller Nje. 1 Vy O. Pluroer. I "ist. Manarere. fHIMMKR RESORTH tiANADA 'Ci. w& .eA& Arriving at HISTORIC QUEBEC On one of the Magnificent Canada Steamship Lines Steamer THE all-water trip to Montreal, Quebec and the Saguenav River U one of the grandest trip in America for health and recreation, livery hour of this inland water Journey has its revela tion of grandeur nnd historic Interest Niagara, the sublime; Toronto, "The Queen City of Canada;'' the fairylike Thousand Islands; the, thrilling descent of the marvelous rapids; the great Canadian Metropolis, Mon treal; the miracle-working snnne of Ste. Anne de Beaupre; the stu pendous Capes "Trinity" and "Eternity" higher than Gibraltar on the Saguenay River are all on this route. A Thousand Milts of Travel A Thousand Thrills of Pliasurt For full Information 1st agents or send lie in stamps tor Illus trated booklet, man and guide. "Niagara .1 .u. .j. I' Incmaintr rnlea. etc.. tn .?. t,;natrC5;eim,,htSTln?'.:ain,,d,.M,ain0 '"" ' -, i a t. tin lrilnff. Montreal. Canada. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES TfniTK MOUNTAIN), V. H. WHITE M0UNTA1NS.N.H. Famous for Golf COURSES - 27 HOLES ALL MOTOR ROADS LEAD TO BRETTON WOODS , THE MOUNT PLEASANT open June is,-closes October I. C.J.DUNPHY, MANAOga THE MOUNT WASHINGTON OPEM JULY 7.- CLOSES MIDDLE OCT. C.J, R0OTt MAMAgni t,New YonsJSooMNO Osficg 243 FIFTH AVENUE i-rSl MAPLEW00D HOTEL White Sits., N. II. lR-Hole fiolf Course, Rookltte; Oftlcc. UR0 llrniidnn), N. Y. IIETHLEHEM. N. II. THE SINCLAIR WHITE MOUNTAINS BETHLEHEM NEW HAMPSHIRE FREE TltOM HAY FEVER Modern, I'p-to-Date Hotel, Golfara' Head- ouarters. lS-llnle Golf Course, Saddle loraes. All Outdoor Sports. Oarae. Patronized by Firtt-Clan Clientele Rntes S pr jay and npivards hpeclnl Rules During 4th of .lulr Week WILLIAM MrAFLlFFE. President WINTER HOTEL --THE ALCAZAR Florida EaHt Coast Hotel Co, Flagler System St Augustine. Fla William McAullffe. Manager PROFILE HOUSE AND COTTAGES Open June 30. N. Y. try. B W. inth St. Onion Town A Coun- NAnilAOANSETT PIER. R. I. GREEN INN Narragansctt Pier, R. I. On The Oeean Front Golf, Tcnnio, Bathing Henry W. T. Dutton, Prop. Room.3 Single or En Suite Open June 15 to October The Imperial Narrarransett Pier, R. L OrEN JTTNE TO OCTOREB An eifluslTe hotel for dl-erlmlnav-tng people at one of America's Finest Seaside Resorts. POLO, Oolf. Tennis, Rathlng, Daa elng, Welt kept Btate Highways for motoring. For reservations sddres JAMK8 E. OALRRITi'. MANAGER. Narragansctt Tier. Rhode Island. FOULTNEi, VT. The Colonial Inn nno..cr.ec Ml. nO,aer crnnna. flhsde. snorts, good table: near n. n A trolley; 1B0 iuestsi modern Improvements! S14.no to 180.00. Ileautlfullv Illustrated Booklet. Hox L. C. L. LEONARD. Mgr. SIANrHESTKKi T. EQUINOX HOUSE NOW OPEN Mnnchestcr.ln-the-Mniintaliis, Vernmnl A, E. MARTIN, Manager DIXVILLF. NOTCH. N. II. Balsams i$A A MAJESTIC RESORT HOTEL Plctures'iiie.y located Among the H'lls ant Lakes of Scei.ic Newllampahlre. Fireproof ia-llOI.E OOLF COURSE. RIDINO: BI'ORTTJ Hroker's OPlra, with direct N Y. Wire LUKE GLENNON. Mgr. F-jy nt? HV4"'l' t. TH. Vand't tlM NEW F.NdLAND New England Tours WHEREVER YOIR INTEREST LIES. EITHER IN MAONIFICENT SCENEFA REVOLFTIONARV LORE. (Ill .IPST A (IOOD VACATION WITH MOTORINU OVER SI'LF.NDID ROADS IN Till r, LKHITl'IL CLIMATE. XKW KSaY.AND MILL PLEASE Mil'. WAYSIDE INNS MODERN CITY HOTELS AND (IRE.VT RESORTS OFFER E ERY FORM OF COMFORT AND RECREATION. S'nd for free Illustrated road mat. In colore. puhMshe.1 hy the NEW ENO. IAMI HOTEL ASSOCIATION. "umprlal lng -JO0 of tho best hotels. '"P"S- WILLIAM M. KLMHALL. Secretary. Drarer Hotel, Northampton Mass. HUSTON. MASS. WHEN IN 1I)ST()N STOI HOTEL VENDOMtt CommwiweaUh Avenue at Dartmouth J3(reet feTONI WOODS I a. IS 1 P0S INPOtrtATIO UTtt (TC APt " mimiiiiiiii'Mnrrn T HIIMMF.R RESORTS .... CANADA all. ShuiUV Kwutawmmm. jam jKawwohanw mm M Jnciulro of all tour Shooting the femoui ri.Y.MODTII. MASPi. MAYFLOWER INN PLYMOUTH, MABSL Capo Cod'a Flneit Wolol Onlf. Tennis. Dancing nathlng. MOOHEHEAD LAKE. MT. KINEO. Ml'.. MOUNT KINEO HOUSE On Mootehend Lake, Kineo, Maino OPENS JUNE 30TH Special rates in July and Krplembtr KINEO ANNEX Open now for Hprlng fishing. .Salmon and Lake Trout, (iuldrs und tackle nvnllable. I'or (nortnorlon and booklnpa oddrejs RICKER HOTEL COMPANY 11)10 Rroadwar, New York, or Kineo. Me. YORK CLIFFS. MK. Passaconaway Inn Cottiifjca for rent in connection. Address CHAS. A. WOOD, Hotel Bcllevur, Boston, Mass. OITTII IIARPHtVKl.T.. M. MERRICONEAG HOUSE Mouth Ilarpswell. Maine. Modern hotel ol 40 rooms. Fine view nf Casco Ray ana Islands. Hklt. E. 1.. KEHEW A SON. Props. n,n nAR.noit, me. i The Malvern j BAR HARBOR, MAINE Opens June 30th ERNEST G. GROB, Manager JSeatijs "AHXEh -At Morrlivllle. Pe . June 17. lfUl H. FRANKLIN RARNES. aged flO Jests 10 months. Rolatlvea and frlenrle. alsi Rristol Ii. P o. B., 070; Red Men of Rrlstol officers .ind directors of Morrlsvllle Truat lo and Union Fire Co. of Morrlsvllle, are r.vlted to atlvnd funeral at his lato residence, I eniisylvanla ave und Rrldge at.. Morris T, . " lies. June 21. 2:30 P M. (day- ''.'.'.'.'.'IXLl? "mr)- Int Mnrrlsvlllo Cem. 1 LATTr. June jn KAT1IER1NE D niiKhtei of tho late James and Annie l...tt.v. formerly of 2114 Oreon et. Dti. ii. Hie of tha funeral win im ivcn. HEPINilFIELD. In France, Oct 13 PIS JOHN ,T Co. M. .loth Pioneer Infant"' husband of tbn lat Florence 1, nnd son of .'.".J"1."; l'A ,nn'1 Rf'dget nedlngfteld (nee v.K'e; Relative, and friends, nlso loc" No. II Aklw-Moi Workers. Ge-rge Imhoft P'at No lf.3 A L. and National Anveei. an War Mmhors. nro Invltnl to attend fu mral Tuos . 8:30 A. M.. from his parents' tnstdeneii. 2401 N lAmvler si Solemn 'etjulem moss at Our Lcdy of Mercy Church 10 X M Int. IDIv Cross Cem IH.ACK Suddenly. Sixth Month loth day, at Ro-lyn. IV, JOSEPH S, son of the late Thomas Newbold Hlack. Friends and elatlves are Invited to attend funeral. I'nirth-dav. 221 Inat , ot, 2t P. JI. at Mans. held Mi.otlnc IfnUHe. lliirltnatmi Chitniu M J A'jtrmobllas will nuet train at Borden'. ,';W.'J ' .'; !v.,,c.11 .""vvoi Market st. ferry ir.lR A M (drvlight saving time). ROOTII --At Atlantic city, N. J. June lfl. 1021. MAY. wife of Frederick O. Room (nee Donnelly). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral. Tues.. 8 A. M . from the residence of hor sister, Mrs James Camp bell. 2014 S. Dowey at. Solemn requiem mais St. Rarnabas' Church 8 A. M. Int. Holy Cross PRADIVSrd. - June IB. 1021, ANNIE. daughter if thn lato Sampel and ElUabeth Rradford. Funeral services at her residence. Tuesdaj morning, 2Ut Inst . at 11 80 o'clock. DROWN On June 17. 1021. J. FRANK BROWN husband nf Catherine M Drown inee Moane). IMntlvcj and friends, also II. P O E.. No 2. Invited lo funeral, on lyo;'1'.?' H.8n A "; ,'rotn lata residence. 1408 N Houvler et. High mas of requiem at the Church of the Oesu at lu A. M. Int llolv Cross llaltlmore and Pittsburgh pa Tern phase copv. RURK. On June 17. 1B2I. MARY J. I1URK Relatives and friends. nl"n nil or ganizations of which sIm was a member are Invited tn the service on Monde;, ufiernoon at two u clock st tha Holy Trlnltv Memorial fhurch. .'JI A Sprue., sts. Remains may tw viewed in the chapel after 10 A M Inter ment private Kindly omit flowers.' iiH'-wapi'v A' "'"''J""1' " !" JAMES If i II AH. Y. aged 00 ytiirs .'. mos Relo thee Hnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, without further notice fr0m the residence nf hla son. Chsrles Chafey, 410 8. Ith St., Camden. N. J.. Tues., 3 P. M CHASE. -Al her residence. H803 Chestnut i . on June Hi IU2I HARRIET A. CHAHK Renuiein mass at St James' Church, 3Hth and Ciesinut sts, on Tuesday mornlfic, at li. .iclmk liiteiment nt Nauiuckol, Muse CLARK- -June Hi, no .. ALFRED, hus .and .. i .ithaitne i M Clark and aon of John II. nn.I th. late Ebzabi Hi t '. Clark Hell" tlv.s ami friends also nil so.-ietl.h of which he n a nienibi r nn- invited to intend fu ii.m'. Hi irs. H llil a M from hln lata real- neiii c in. v I'Hlliariie at Ho Ctlltl renill.m tnas.H A. M at St Francis De Sale,' Church. In Int. Holy Scpu c ira Cem. CLEGO June IS, CAROLINE, widow nf hi- Cli-gg. aged Mi. liiiii.V i..j'?il..Sf are invited to funeral services. Tues.. p at ann-ln-lavv'it, residence. WtlllaiTi J. llaiws ll u, wnnart st Int nivaie. iford ' huri'lt ilroundi. Remalna viewed Mon alii r 7 P M ioSWAY - On June f, j. nifmnn '' WAV.i.'J.n "f J"-h". Y-' ''d Fl "nine (",r a Rentlve and friends Invited to fu u.rm services. lies '' :3(1 i t r.., i..u late reildsiiri.. .-,817 Cobbs Creek P.rUu-: llemslns llflv "ck l'H Inu i1 Mnti l(l II i'IihL llil nrlialo lloill S COOMIIS -June n ut lliarle.toii .., nrl.'nN ' !;s,u", FRANCF.H I wife nf 11 lOlllllll. Illll, I,, I U..,I.A.. ...... M ip t r.n, i...:." :r.,.rj' '"""i. -"o'luav .i (iiarlestnii N j interment ("., .erlmvn Cemetery Autoa will meet trains from Philadelphia and Trenton y,,t lie"1?)". 2 20 'OTTER - June IS. ;r)NA MAE daugh r f (l-orge a and Sarah M ('niter ni.,1 10 vears lesldence r,(t Appleti ee i Iteiu 'i7f7' ' J? f t " Bt ttti Church of th Ardinorn l.ullifrun i... fi.-.:.. ' ni.. a nvenlng . ..... ..-..,..,. .., i' i irtini ail tin.. a to and fr:oiti . h su (ii Lratsi. Nn "Til P r""a v k. '' a1 JSr Hr ' i"ir. No! 2.I2', P' A...ALI ht, Albal lYonimanderv. Ni 'aV mysskts: & m i DEATHS nee-day. at -I P. M Friend. Z - lr. IIIMWrORD, husband of Fa .&M, nesdsj-, I :10 it- ..'.-"asKs- ? ftVNo'r Monument Cemetery. "' 'hUtm.ji CUNNINOHAM.4luna is taei . IINK E.. wife tf Arthur Cunmni.iSMA. I7.yh".t. "U8 n"CC' lMo "'l"h?? "20(V DARLINGTON. In West r-h... in inr lum j-ear or n a age, n.iwiii uu. trends are rftvlted to the funeral 'e1!! i IaIa rM1f!nf Jim f ."cral from Vi ate residence, 404 W. Union ... W"" Mi he 21st Inst. Meet at the house '.'f .Tu.'"l7 nJ?ra:B V. "irmlngham C.met.i01: Hnal emeritus of RlmlnhaV i'1"' f rlan.lai lsaia.tA a.. -. . ......u-, in, iicu iu nuenci service. mlngham, Tues,, 2 r, M "rvl" Blr. uiiAiiir;. on June in, inoi ,.., Noof0f:,nera7.aD'"'-i1?. Dl'NOjofrT iejJn'y V"" . beth Dickinson, n.ti.i J.-An.J.' and Ell t. Mslachys .Holy Narni s0?i.,,rr.,Hd.!- -IK jeariy mnenciai Association A,".i"rnfr innn. r... i. ; . .-. .-'ipiure. .. 'npiofej Thursday, at 8:!lo A, 'ii' denco, 2i42 S. Dorrance at. Hoi7miat.' rf mass at .Ht. MalarhVs Chureh .fl'julw lent irnlv rnmm r. ...' "' m A. V st. flolamn mass of ,mi.J '. '.'- Judim Church 10 A. M. Relatives ana f.f'J'" slso employes of John w.n..VA "''Hi. societies of which he was a rnVriln " Invited. Int. Holy Cross f'mW. ar, DOYLE.- -June It). 1051 rn;r-.J"gAKi. Si KT Ann InoTatlon "lothc d Dcklns"'?1' Reverend clergy.. relatives and ttiiSaTX.Ki' li iiiivi .1 saaisinii( . - - vma 10 iiuierai, Tnurs,, the Annunciation. Dlvlno s,.o,ft,A,:,ssIf$ ji. aoiemn requiem mass, uojiesiown, i's. E1SHNI1RHY. Juno 10 A M V tr of tho lato Phlllr. and m.h. S.' n'u" 1 uneraJ services nt her residence, naiv In.,.hprlvAteVC'1n"dBy """""' i "&& or2ArV;-nWnenaJ.UnAVNflF.SMwU,l Jonathan R. Farra. ng..! M RIrV, ... friend, also Auxiliary of Ellis Camp. "07 8. of V.. invited to services, Mon.. 2 p V' at tho chapel of Kirk A Nice, 0301 Oemfs' town ave. Int. private. "errais. FERRERS. - June 18. CATIIAItlXs: widow of 8. P Ferrers. Relatlv.i .fi friend, invited to funeral' .erfleVi "t0 FlTZPATRICK. June 18? XIAUOASlTP wife of the late James Fltipitrick tn Rurke). Relatives nnd friends. St a?. thony'a It. V. M Sodality, are Invited to funeral, Tues., R:30 A, M., resldencV liso i 28th st. Solemn high renulem mail s,i (labrlel's Church. 10 X. M. In!? IWv."fcr.i, C,5?A.?ie,t0.n' M"- Papers please coot, s FRITZ. .Tune 18. 1021. OEOnofi W .FRIT?!. Relative nd friends, also NertV ern Liberty Chamber, Nn. fl.',. o. K, ot 7 nnd Washington Camp, No. b3o, r. o 8 o'i A are Invited to attend funeral srvti Tues.. 2 P. M at the residence of J p Connors, 231 Oreen at. Int. German Lstfr eran Cem. Remalna may be viewed Mon, GARRETT On June 17. 1021, EDfUIt C OARRETT. aged 40 years. Relative, anj rlends Invited to funeral, on Monday, at I o'clock, from the residence of his father-la.' law. William Saunders. Media Shnrt Lln Springfield road, Springfield. Del. Co. let Fernwood Cem. aiRiyi. June, 1R ALMIRA, wlf. of the late Ororge II. Glbbs (nee Samson). Pelt Uvea and friends are Invited to attend fu neral, Tuae., 2 P. M from the parlors el John E. Stiles A Son, 1417 E. Susquehanna. Int. private. GILES. Suddenly, on June 10, 1121, MARY H. (nee Cough), wife of Patrick r, Giles. Relatives and frlerds Invited to fa neral on Weifnesday. at 8 A. M late rail' denee, f104 Sprlngdeld ave. High mail o! requiem Church of Most niessed Sacrament at 0 A. M. Interment at Holy Croat Cem etery. GODSHAI.L. Suddenly at riermont. N. W. June 13. ELMER MOYKR. son e! Amanda and the lato Jonas D. (loditiill. Relatives nnd friends, also Logan. PMIi.. and Perkaale Posts. American Legion; 333th Inf. nnd 82d Machine Gun Co.. Invited ts funeral services, at Olivet Reformed Church, 10th and Ruscomb sts., Phlla., Tue 10 A. M, Services and Int. at Perkasle. Pa, OLEDHILL. On June 17, 1H21. MARTHA J. OLEDHILL (nee Mitchell), widow of Travis Oledhlll, Relntlves and frlenda ate Invited to the servlc.e. on Wednesday after noon, at 2 o'clock, at her residence. Mil Walnut at. Interment .private, at Wait Laurel Illll Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday evening. O LYNN. June 17, CATHARINE K srtfa of Francis J. Olynn. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral, Wed., 8 A M.. M( Jefferson st Solemn high mass 10 A. H. nt the Church of Our Lady of Lourdea. Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. (TRACE. Juno 17. WM. M. GRACE. Fu neral Tues. 2 P. M. Remains maybe view Mon., 7 to 0 P. M. ... 1IAOOERTY. June 10. MATTHEW, hui band of Anna 8. Haggerty (nee Boyd). Rela tives and friends, also Paconta Tribe. No. 31. I. O. R M.. and employes of the Phlla. Navy Yard, are Invited to attend funeral, Mon., 2 P. M., from his lato residence, 3301 Kralf st. Falls of 8chulklll. Int. Weit Laurel Hill Cem. Remains may be vliwal Sun, eve. HANLON June 17. MARGARET wife of Thonias J Hanlon. Rolatlves and frlenoi also Altar ana uossry onu ravrco nw. Societies, are Invited to attend funeral. Tues., 830 A. M.. lste residence. 213 S Ruby st. Solemn requiem mass Church oi Our Lady of Victory 10 A M Int. Holy l'tobb I'tnii HARDING. June 17, 1D21 CAROLfitt. wife of J. Elmer Harding, aged 04, Rela tlves and friends are Invited tp attend tu neral. without further nntlie. Mon.. 2 P (dayllght-oavlng time), from her late i rail denco. 805 Bentner at,. Crescentvllle, rhl ;., and Somerton M. B. Church. 3:30 P. M. Il William Penn Cem. Friends may view mains Bun., 8 to 10. P. M ,... ,n HARK1NS. Juno 17. Mies MARY II KINS. Relatives anil friends alio Charles' II. V. Sodality. Invited to funetl. Tues,. 8:30 A. M. from 005 s. ;'"? Requiem maas at St. cnariea nurca M. Int. Holy Cross Cem. P"rlenda mar call Mon,. 7 to 10 P. M. ta IIAUOER. June 10. 1021. E A. M.. loved daughter of Eva arrt the late CMJW J Hauger Relatives and friends. Arfhwj fraternity of th Ilnlv Family cieered HiiR League and Altar Society renu Treat) BJ' view No. 202. V. II. A . are Invited to at tend lbs funeral, on Tues. morn it JJW o'clock, from tho residence of her wether, 1181 Oermantown ave. Solemn requiem prate nt 10 o'clock at St. Peter's Church, in. "llAWKINH. At her !rK.t!$iJl' DSth st.. on J"ne,10. 1021. ANOKUNt. wife of Richard B Hawkins, aged U.'SS: Relatives and frlenda ar. invt-d to the aerr loe on Wednesday morning, at Jl oclocx, ii tha roaldence of Mrs. Ella Turner. HI w. Locust at.. Pnllsnury. Md. Interment W Mil's Cemetery. Salisbury. Md, ..,.,., HERTZ, June IS DANIEL. husbanS Hello Hern Rilat'ves and fl'nda InvlW to funeral, Tiw.. S P. M . late f"l,!f.B"' 2133 N. 12th st. Int Nrthword l-era. I-i lends m.iy call Mon.. 7 ! OP M.ulh.j HESTON. June 10. DAVID J huaoaja nf1 lata Mary in.l son of late Denn , and Ellen Heston (nee, Sulllvair). Rl'lvA, 'ft friends. Court Pride. No. 42. F. of A., i" ytted to funeral. Tues.. .sibu a .."v'.f.-j: rnneml Tues.. 8:30 A R chmond at. uoieinn re'i""u;,"',V, Holy II. V. M. Church 10 A. M. " ""'' Sepulchre Cem. .cirmr 1UJHSONG. Suddenly. Juno 17, JOSB'".' . . V' . .. .iA... iiM.mnv inss zwirneii. .it a:i vears. Relatives and frlenoi ar; Invited to attend funeral services. Tun.. I P it., st Ills late lesiitence oil vvj.. -vj J...j. m r mi Itnrle urh Cem. rrienoa Hnrlelgh Cem. , Ulll... ii. .-. . .., may call Mon.. i io v i . -.. JORDAN.-June 17. WK.T.AnuincIT1bl iielatlvea and friends, nls Manaulng 1TU-. No. 118. Imp. O R. M Invited to (erytc. 'rne . 2 p. M . rei residence 2 4 DupoK aw Manavunk Int private TTiruuD iii- - J,J?;r.fi,A,Nr-lK.'..a' in action In SrMiM Franri. ett. Id. 1618. (. orpi .1. JORDAN, of CO. I, i"i" , .,.. MIIIam and .Msr jor u, .. "";P-pn.n. tlves and friends. .ale" vJ1 ,'?.,,l to atM Legion Post, of 80th Yv ard. '"ViVldenc. I funetai. iineinl. Mon. A. M , P-f'K" I-.T. churt "hnson st. Solemn requiem mass a (.nujc f tliu Epiphany 10 A. M Int "o'r ' A. M , Pare,,..' resldenc.. Jc r.iAni.F.S W. belo'M ' KAEHN. June 1 , w. I nil IN 1' Rill' . ...... i.'.hn inae u'i lluauni.u w.. ,'"w:"-llT,i, " . I.HUI.O....'-" ;- .... to funer'.. 3"".t lives and menus iiii" 1 .30 P M.. late residence 220. I1 IU st. Int. ("helten ion St. int. imimii '" TiimilS KELLY. June 18, THOMAS the Ute Mary Kelly .f?'""?, 'V M.. late residence. W-J,.,.',"?, Chnse High, mas" ', ' c !! ' hunband at ues s..-. roau '-.: Church mW Church, 11 A, i ' "" fun i'Vni. - .....nucerfi r. KOKNia. .Tun 1 1 ';"," .. wtii: t ai. .. i.. VaKil niinrl .""' : i-sv (ti v hoffl. Relatlyea and inen'i" ii him iniaD oiiihm ." j. are '.' i m ii"ii- .i .1 ' Htlend funeral servlca, Tues. i. M'uniaii. funeral apartments of Harold inth et e r.-j KRBPP. - June 1H, t..,u.i.,l .- llifi lalfi lllL'l. rifi-L iul Fredericks K"!',.', Rertsi-hl. agof 7'.'. RrJ,,,,'a I eitw .- -..!. a P Mm "' aie Invited t" funeral """ nt, dene. ML'7 N. lUtH l. ate. Mt Vernon. , iois. CM. Solemn requiem mass ai - dMn,,r c Cliuroh. 10 A. M Int. ""'iJ1 "huatapil '. LKWINE.June 18, MAJvi ..IXos,''!' llnsfn l'w he.j Relatives and WeM Nu. 184 L O. V B. r; invited. Tiftern initriiri:!iTvw,""'',.':""'":l"av- NEIL, beloved husband of Annl. rTiUiuI (t.ee p'Hara) and son of i51lsU,h .e5hfr" Frank Dougherty, Funers TntL" n in, r.. rertiT, hta ,i. ...I....' :.L'r.. can i liouohbiity. June 17, WILT.TAt, i. hand of the lata Mary DouiVertV vlui"; Tuas.. 7 30 A. St., from his lai... iHn,'l aoiH W. tayflelci' stHllgh ".," Jt lumba'a Church. 0 A. M . also H, ' ,CV InL Holy Sepulchre Cem "r &0'lf. A. M. int . Mew '" in-i MART A. k. KERNAN. -Juno IH 1021, yri,i,f i ilauVhler of the. late Francis : and Marr y Kernan. Relal Ives "'' 'f,"d," f which I' M Sodality and other "'ll'fl,0nr,ral Tui;, waa a member, are lnltrt o jun'j ' ,, j, ID A. M.. from her late resiaence. .ludson st Solemn requiem nua. l;.hj , srlfa ami iiermanmsN "'Vi, ,, rrienns mav can .vinn. - J,.-Tti.tfJB inas KOIILMHYKR. Junj A.KohW"''' Schumucher). widow of """.rPendJ. Mnl"' lu r.Oth vear. Relallves am '."'W'' chuK."' gallon of St. Johiitmls I.v I.utn f y Invito.! to funeral (jrylces. Men -ernl,eo IflSl N 1311. al. Int g'' '.' ,J 'p. J. ivm Friends tnav call Sj n ', "nKBlcK. ''F.IHLE. .; in I ran" -" -.; 4n, BtirP' ., Tra'Ued'r'l. e.M.ndprrlej J. j .ic8Uo',o7nM' j- rS.r8 1 SSSr Si A EV,ef'Ad.in ffi&SlA. ,P..W.IfPH',",.f I i iuuvrai. a..J 8?.u; .iii"n! ssjsaj";-",! .'ttc-.vt ., , V trl l? rcl?i