'WtaKK&zfWft' i" ' '?nvrmrjmmYm a. te'V&i&B1BBnnM&fAfi&&lGKnJk"MttfHF r-"- rrwtnffTsr'Bnuvf & we vrtf. -f - w n r i - - ' - rifVT ' , f - '(- W - '-"fj' JiTf:i ivn iM"jyj ". ? 'TSF; ' T J - " 1 V T ' ' i" " '" . . . i J t g '"mTim ' LEDGER- PHliELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1.921 ' V :' r . and organ at 9; organ at 11 and 4:50 Clilnifn at Noon Band WEATHER Unsettled 7i a WANAMAKER'S Store Opens at 0 WANAMAKER'S Store Closes at 5 WANAMAKER'S a h Good News for the New Week at the Always-New Store vt,. i 'J 11 H 4 it "a wj MfM.IP'H A Community Composed Only of Men, Say What You Please about it; would in course of time become a company of barbarians. Women are a necessity for every city to become a city of homes, of gentle speech and refinement of manners. To exclude the women would be to go back to an Indian camp similar to the settlements in the States of California and Colorado, when the craze was on for gold and silver mining. A good woman is sunshine every day, cloudy and rainy days inclusive. Signed tM 18, 1921. Fine Semi-Evening Gowns Whirling Out at $100 That new price means a saving of $25 to $75 on what ever gown a woman chooses. They are the lovely Georgette crepes and chiffons, beaded and occasionally embroidered the work exquisite always, but not used too freely, for moderation is one of the things designers have learned since the beaded gown first came into favor. And the colors are as exquisite as the beading Chinese red and various orchids, pale violets and jade greens, peach and corn color and grays, besides black and white. A rosy orchid gown has its edges outlined with milk beads and an overskirt of wide-meshed filet. The girdle is blue and orchid. A gray Georgette straight-line dress has its lower skirt of pale gray lace and its upper part embroidered with blue and crystal beads. This has tiny sleeves, where most of the gowns are sleeveless. A Chinese red Georgette over satin of the same color is beaded with rose-colored and crystal beads. A jade chiffon has the material cut into straps and each trap outlined with crystal beads. Hardly two of the dresses are alike and they are all in good condition. (Klrnt Floor, Central) Millinery in the New ' Pill Box" Red "Pill-box" red isn't very different from tomato. Perha'ps it shows a stronger note of yellow. At any rate, it is extremely gay and chic and jaunty. And especially in millinery, as the saucy new hats we have designed in this color will prove. They will be shown Monday for the first. And it is hard to say whether darK-haired women or a certain clear typo of blonde will look loveliest in them. (Second Floor, Chentnut) Monday Will Bring New Low Prices to. Handsome Coats and Capes Some of the most beautiful garments now hanging in our cases. Some have never been reduced before, others have already had their prices lowered once before so they are now very much less than in the beginning. New prices are $30 to $75. The coats and wraps arc of tho finest all-wool materials, such as tricotine and velour. The capes are mostly of silk, including Canton crepe and satin. Some have slynx collars, others are elaborately embroidered. For every woman who has need of an extra wrap for cool days, this is a remarkable opportunity. (First Floor, Ontrnl) Pumps That Will Trip the Boardwalk Serenely Because nothing prettier or more becoming to the feminine foot ttill be seen. Of fine white canvas in a suede finish, trimmed with stamped leather. Tho leather either black patent or tan Russia calf is used lor the instep strap, the straight tip and the top and back trimming. Baby Louis heels and light turned soles complete a very dainty pump, They were made especially for us. And the price is $11. (flrit Floor. MnrUM) Letitia, Corsets Here are some models designed expiessly for slight women and Bins who are still growing. A short, topless model of cool pink batiste, lightly boned, $2.50. Wai Aleother pink bntiste wJth a short skirt and elastic" insert in the j .Elding corset of pink striped broche, skirt short in front, longer m back, wide elastic gore nnd no top, $S.50. net $fi''8lU'y kenod model of pink batiste daintily trimmed with dotted Another with few bones and embroidered ribbon trimming, $6.50. (Third Floor, ChrNtiiiit) White Flannel Skirt "Specials" at $10.75 and $11.75 gD, Prand new, of courso, for whlto flannel skirts and particularly ut v " Prices, are haidly hero long enough for us to advortlse them. ,rijWc "re three very pretty sports modals with plain front, gath toM ,.,nT ?.nd aB mnny dlffotent styles of pockets; some of them triin m(l with tiny pearl buttons. RV .1 y ?ro' Bk'rts that women are wearing with sweaters and tho w Bleovelesa jackets. (Flrit Floor, Central) mi "'" ""J-"'11--'"'-'''-vL.''dt I'jpwMfo rrt&h.-!''- This Is the Place to Dress Miss Fourteen to Twenty TT BR mother wfll think so, J.1 too, when sho examines tho charming frocks shown here for all hours of the day and evening. Rows upon rows of bright colored ginghams, all so pretty one scarcely knows where to stop in choosing morning dresses case after case of lovely organdies and Swisses, surely the most flower-like frocks in many a year the most fascinating little dinner and evening dresses and dance frocks sports wear ga lore; cool frocks of thin dark stuffs for practical street wear smart silk dresses and just the right wraps to wear over them all. Surely the young woman and her mother will find choos ing easy here and prices very moderate indeed GINGHAM FROCKS, in cluding the finer imported ginghams, nre $7.50 to $17.50. COTTON VOILE DRESSES in dark and light colors are $7.50 to $35. SWISS AND ORGANDIE DRESSES the pale and gay hued ones, and the practical dark blues, very smartly fash ioned from $16.50 to $46. LINEN DRESSESat $11.50 and $19.50. (Second Floor, Good Silks at Fair Steady Prices Without sensational sales or sensational advertjsing, this Silk Store has gone right along doing a good, steady, day-in-and-day-out business. Women know Wanamaker silks, and the following qualities and prices speak for themselves: FIGURED FOULARDS a new shipment in conservative small patterns on black, blue or brown grounds, 36 inches wide, $2 a yard. FOULARDS from our regular stock, in larger, more striking all-over designs, 40 inches wide, all now $2 a yard. CHANGEABLE TAFFETAS a very beautiful quality of these rich, glace silks m evening colors, (Flrnt Floor, A Little Sale of Toilet Articles at New Low Prices Many things that one needs in the way of Summer supplies will be found in this list and the economies are so great that it is wise to purchase as far ahead as possible. Toilet Soaps Gieen olive oil Castile soap, 35c a bar. Violet soap, 10c for a box box of threo cakes. 35c for a dozen cakes. Spanish Castile soap, 15c a cake or $1.50 a dozen cakes. Rose bath soap, 15c a cake. Violet toilet soap, 15c a cake. Brushes Tooth brushes, 15c and 25c each. Shaving brushes, 15c and 35 each. Nail brushes, 18c and 45c each. Hair brushes, 50c to $1.75 eaK Cloth brushes, 35c and 50c each. Other Articles Bay rum, 86c a pint. $1.65 a quart. (Muln Floor, Women's Lisle Theso are flrst-trrade goods that regular stock. Tho reason wo can sell them for so little is because they are incomplete lines, although thoro are all sizes in tho lot. 2400 pair of full-fashioned, open work ankle stockings in black, urown, BmoKe ana navy. (W ) ofctfvfoiVi!ti . fyy .t.wHy,vtfK;fy Vav.ti. A,wi.tU'KSMft, j., WDOI JERSEY DRESSES, $11.50 to $25. TRICOLETTE ono - piece and two-piece' drosses, in dark or gay colors and white, $18.50. STREET AND AFTER NOON DRESSES of dark taffetas, Canton crepe, Georg ette, foulard, charmeuse and crcpo do chine, $25 to $95. Delightful EVENING AND DINNER DRESSES of silk, satin, chiffon, Georgette, laces and nets, from $35 to $165. At $35, for instance, one may chooe a very pretty din ner dross of navy blue or black shadow-lace over satin; or a captivating little frock of radium taffeta in orchid or some other lovely color. She may choose a useful SEPARATE SKIRT from S4.50 to $29.50 beautifully tailored white flannel ones are $12.50. For a COOL TRAVELING SUIT there is a pongee at $27.50; wool jersey from $20 up; and navy tricotines and serges from $25 to $95. SPORTS COATS from $18.50 to $32.50. KNITTED CAPES at $10.75. CLOTH WRAPS, COATS AND CAPES from $32.50 to $125. Chentnut) 36 and 40 inches wide, at $2 a yard. SILK TRICOLETTES in brown, black, navy, jade, orchid, rose, Harding, henna, gray and othor colors, 36 inches wide, at $1.25 a yard. DOUBLE - BLEACHED ORI ENTAL PONGEE whiter than the usual natural pongee a firm, substantial quality for suitings and other uses, 33 inches wide, $1.50 a yard. Cbeatnut) Witch hazel, 35c a pint. 65c a quart. Chalk and orris, 10c a package. Coconnut oil shampoo, 26c a bottle. Shaving sticks, 16c each. Ozo, 18c a jar. Sea salt, 26c a large bag. Benzoin, glycerine and rose water, 20c a bottle. Rose and almond cream, 15c a bottle. Eau do cologne, 75c and $1.50 a bottle. Compressed powder in met al box, 76c. Bath sprays with large spray end, 75c. Waterproof kitchen nprons, 50" nnd 75c each. Metal hot water bottles, $1.15 oach. Manicure scissors, 35c a rmi Several sizes. Chettnut) Stockings, 50c worn threo times that much In At.U) The Last Touch Is the Bead Necklace Somo times it matches the color of her dress or blouso, somotimes It is tho shade of her sweater or hat. In any event it ndds an attractive note to her costume. Tho prettiest blues, greons, reds, pinks, jet, white and nil sorts of combinations of colors, $1 to S18. (Jewelry Store, Chcitnnt nnd Thirteenth) A Splendid Lot of Traveling Bags Between $8.75, which is tho new low prico, and $25 for a bag that was much more cxpenslvo up to a short time ago, wo have a very unusual collection of traveling bags. They are all made of selected cowhide in black, brown and rua set shades and are all leather lined. Thero aro single and double handled bags and tho bet ter ones have sewed frames. 18 to 20 inch sizes in full roomy shapes. (Main 1'loor, Chcntuut) :nt, A Boy Will Feel as Cool as a Trout 4n ono of theso good, comfort nblo, woU-modo, neaMooklnjr wnshablo suits. And besides) fifl the -washablo suits in styles nod colors and fabrics, we have all the other cool garments aa well, such as 'washable trousers and blousos. that a fellow can feel flno and happy in even when tho heat gets awful. For lads of 3 to 9 Summers wash suits in all the right styles and colors, $4 to $5.50. For boys of 8 to 18 real Palm Beach suits at $13.50, gray crash suits at $10, and tan linen suits at $8.50. Washablo trousers in 8 to 18 year sizes, in Palm Beach, gray crash and plain white, $1.75 to $3. Sports blouses, khaki, plain white and colors, $1.50 to $2.25, in 8 to 15 year sizes. (becoml Floor, Central) Outing Wear in the Sporting Goods Store Serviceable clothing for men, women and boys who spend much of their Summer in the open. Plain khaki trousers for men, $2.30. White duck trousers for men, $3.25 and $3.75. Khaki riding breeches for men, $4 to $6.50. Khaki coats for men, $5 to $6.50. Khaki shirts, $1.50 and $2. Khaki and gray flannel shirts, $3.25 to $6. White duck and khaki hats, $1.50 to $2. All the above made in boys' sizes at prices a little les3 than the men's. A fine selection of khaki clothes for women: Riding breeches, $5 to $8. Shell skirts, $6.50 to $10. Norfolk coats, $6.50 to $10. Leggings, $2. (The Onllery, Jnnlper) New Japanese Cotton Crepes at 35c a Yard Many colors that have been rather scarce browns, tans and the soft pastel tints that artists like for smocks. But the greatest use these Japanese crepes nre put to is the making of women's and children's dresses and kimonos. Thero is no end to the amount of wear and tubbing they will stand. The width is 30 inches. (l'lrst Tloor, Clientnut) Philippine Nightgowns Women's, made with square and round necks, kimono sleeves and an unusual amount of fine hand embroidery. The finest of all have a good deal of ribbon on them. $2.85, $3.85 and $5. (Third Floor, Central) Girls' Summer Petticoats The white sorts nre usually of cambric, with embroidery or lace trimmed ruftles, and prices run from $1.25 to $3.85. Silk sorts nre of wnshablo satin and crepe de chine, in pink nnd white; mostly tnilored and very often double paneled. These are $8.85 to $6. Sizos in either group nre 32, 34 and 36. (Third Floor, Chestnut) Remnants of Awning Materials 35c a Yard Woven nnd painted stripes. In lengthB from ono to ten yards, 85c a yard which is an average of about half price. Peoplo who want to make up a few awnings or drop-curtains for themselves will bo glad to have them. (Fifth Floor, Uukil) AOWNy The Fine Old Cathedrals of Europo aro nearly always good subjects for tho picturo giver to choose. The Rose-Window of Rheims La'on Poitiers St. Mark's Westminster aro among tho subjects still left in a fast dwindling collection of largo colored etchings that have at tracted much attention. Framed, their prices nro $45 and $65. (Fifth Floor, Market) Only on Rare Occasions Are Chelsea Clocks Less This happons to bo ono of thoso times and it is because these clocks havo cases in stylos which are to bo discontinued that the prices ore made "special." They are all mahogany mantel clocks with tho flno Chelsea move ment. Bedroom mantel-clocks, 'without strOro, $8S. With hptmmdKhalMumrirjttDco, $76to$85T Wfth ship's bell, $80 to $87. (JmNOrx Stare, Onaitnat nnd Thirteenth) A SPARKLING comedu JtjL of a man in a maze called "Rogues & Com pany" is written by Ida A. R. Wylie, and costs $1.75. Wc suggest it as a good book to tuck into one's vaca tion trunk. (Main Floor, Thirteenth) Chaise Longue Quilts Quilts of elegance and cool ness. Tops of brocaded and fig ured satin; borders nnd backs of plain satin. Each quilt lined with a thin sheet of wool and tufted on both sides in silk. Beautiful, decorative and prac tical. In rose, delft, yellow and lavender. Price, $27.50. (Sixth Floor, Control) OUR latest shipment of Moorcroft pottery in cludes larger pieces than liitherto this season bowls, compotes, covered jars and vases. The designs are the pomegranate, the hearts ease and the orchid. Prices start at $1.50 and end at $22JiO. (Fourth Floor. Chetnnt) June Music Rolls "Supremacy," a spirited match, by Lieutenant Keifer, of the Phil adelphia Police Band and all the other latest "hits" in Republic, Melodee and Q. R. S. music rolls. Among them: "Baby," "Hum ming," "I'll Keep on Loving You," "'Peggy O'Neil," "Croon ing," "Cherie," "Moonlight," "Pucker Up and Whistle," "My Man (Mon Homme)," and "Just Keep n Thought for Me." (Second Onllery, Market) New Bedspread Sets Very Much , Liked Shown this season for the first time, these spreads have jumped into favor. They are made of a light, open-weave material, really a curtain cloth, in a rippled and striped effect, each stripe about an inch wide, while the space be tween the stripes is in a brocaded effect, the general appearance be ing quite unusual and distinctive. Somo are in solid ocru, others in two-color effects ecru and rose, ecru and blue. All have bolster-shams to match. Single-bed si:e, 7299, $15 n set; double-bed size, 90x99, $18. (Sixth Floor, leiitriil) Many Bedrooms Need Just Such Good Suits of Furniture as these we are showing in such interesting choice at very substantial advan tages in price. In medium-priced furniture we don't know of better goods than these. In construction they have the soundness that means solid service, and in design, detail and finish they have every feature that excellent furniture should have and none that it shouldn't. t A saving of about 30 per cent on such suits is something really worth looking into. Four-piece Adam suit in mahogany or ivory finish, $178. Four-pieco Adam suit in ivory finish decorated, $215. Five-piece mahogany or walnut suit in Queen Anne stylo, $314. $ ,i IJ'''I!" w. Oriental Rugs in Large and Unusual Sizes at Unusual Prices Rugs that meet unusual and particular requirements requirements in which size is an all-important factor. In weave and coloring they are good, dependable pieces, rich in furnishing value ; and they are very moderately priced,1 considering their quality and Kurdistan, 18.10x11.0 ft., $950 Sorapi, 23x15 ft., $985 Anatolian, 17.5x11.2 ft., $750. Serapi, 1(5x11.5 ft., $1075 Bidjar, 19.0x12.0 ft., $1250 Kurdistan, 22.7x15.1 ft., $1465 Hamadan (a fine old (Seventh A Great 75c Clearaway of Men's Athletic Union Suits These are suits which under ordinary circrJk', stances would sell for two and three times this price. They are the remainder of a very large lot which wo acquired from an overstocked manufacturer and which wo have been selling at higher prices than the figure marked on them for Monday. It ia an almost unexampled opportunity for a man to get all the underwear ha will roquiro for the- remain der of the ummeror ftrr an even longer period. The materials are checked nainsook, self-striped, figured and plaid madras, self-striped cotton crepe and a cool, fine cotton. Sizes 34 to 46 In the lot, but not all sizes in each fabric. (Mnln rioor. Market) (Down Stulrfi Store, Oullery, Mnrltet) Men's Handkerchiefs Extra Size and Specially Priced It is quite rare to find "specials" amonp tho larger sizo handker chiefs in theso times. Thoy are a very nice pr-ado of Irish linen, plain hemstitched 'with narrow hem, and nre $6.75 a dozen. Many men like the machine-embroidered initials on such handker chiefs as these. For threo letters, 76c a dozen. (West Aisle) Irish Table Cloths and Napkins in an Unusual Disposal Prices Lowered One-Third This is a linen event of the first importance. The goods in it have been taken from our own stock and lowered one-third from the regular prices hitherto marked on them. They arc linens of the genuinely good kind, woven of pure flnx, well bleached and finished, and as sound and dependable for service as ever came from the loom. It is a long time since we have made an offering of this kind, and it should be taken advantage of immediately. 200 Linen Table Cloths One-Third Less Three distinct groups included, at throe different prices $9.50, $12 and $15 each. Sizes, 2x2, 2x2U and 2x3 yards. S60 dozen of napkins are now lowered to $9.75 and $10.75 a do7en, all in size 22x22 inches Hitherto they have been one third moie. (Tlrnt rinor. Chestnut) Fine Colonial Rag Rugs at Good Savings We have just received a special lot of Colonial rag rugs in regular and odd sizes which we can sell at prices averaging one-third less. As the quantity is limited, early selection is advisable. 912 feet $i:i.00 Gx9 feet $6.75 8x10 feet 9.75 12x12 feet 17.00 12x15 feet, $22.50 Other Rugs at Special Prices 91J "eet Rush lugs, 511. Oxl 2 foot impoited stiau rugs, $9.75. 'iMontli Tloor. rhentnut) Fivc-pieco walnut suit style. S.lti'J. mahogany or in Louis XVI Six-pu'i-o walnut suit, ?:J50. Foui -piece rmhognnv su.t in Louis XVI st! '.si' Seven piece I'.nglish stli' maharfany suit. S41.. (BUtlj Floor) fc V JJ,-.trt.s I market value. Kashan, 14.5x10.3 ft., $2165 Khorasan, 16x11.8 ft., $675 Serapi, 15.4x12.2 ft., $1110 Saruk. 16.4x10.11 ft., $1475 Anatolian, 14.8x11.5 ft., $1050 Mahal, 20.8X13.5 ft., $1476 pieco), 28.8x7.9, $3150. Floor, Central) Sic-piece mahogany suit, Se en-piece mnhoganv suit, $510. Eight-piece walnut suit, $r..'15. S,x-picce walnut suit, $(580. Nine-piece walnut suit, ?770. :wui&fci ,m M vi 1 1 M M M