Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 17, 1921, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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Jfctigra o c Hcfftor
" ,, children Off tho Streets
K ..-.k.wiloro ( i-'uenlfo riMfc wf
fch "'." .11 it.. Iiwi itnalnat craisr drlYrra.
B'v i iimnilGr. nmry road ho nnd huplM
U,TMbM cW i ve the llttl one..
ffr musi uo "" ?;.-",."- ".i",."
f ' .v. .(rft. It U ft W.JII nnuwii miu inu-
Laxtrlati iciim an ..., ..,,. ...
?," Ti9 p.deatrlan la arreateS for b-ln
, n ovr. and Is arreted vn lflia Is rteal.
i..i.liir should tho patents, RUardlana,
. ";.....,. r ncslecters of little children
hll responsible for the children being
they could be run over. Those terrify.
?.. iiiin. butterflies, dartlnv In and out
Imonr the speeding wheels, across strjets In
t;sy ooam" .-" -.... .. .
nh no fear or any rein, are a .menace
. ileady driving-, a shame to the commu
j?l "and certain Invitation to"ehild kill-
It Is not alwajs you will find lint the
Md has no other place to play. That Is
.ihhnih. InvMtliate and In nine cases out
(en they belong to people who have nice
Utile back jards, alleys clean ami wide and
' uirbr playgrounds. It Is not, either, the
'child of a laboring woman who has let her
feck run wild while she slaves. On the con
, i-ary, such children seldom 'get run over,
" ' 1' H. I. C.
rhlUdelphla, June 10, 1021.
Men Hate Sham
U l Editor 0 lie fikcnlno rubllc-I.eiger.
Sir I have read many discussions In the
People's Forum gf your paper rezardlnc do
Bull ubjects, the marriage state, espe
rlilly. A letter recently Interested me which
aiked the question ns to why so many men
refused lo (set married. I think I can state
the reason nnd that' Is that men hale de
ception. Men, as a rule, would like to nee women
mil dretsed. They Ilka to see the bloom
of lealth on th" face of every woman, but
tin imo kind of man bates shajn, He
ddeits the mannish woman who would smoke
n4 whore voice Is loud. He would shun
tin society of the painted face. He couldn't
he Induced to klaa the face soiled with
route. He doesn't want the company of
the flrl who uses In public the powderpuff.
If such ulrls want the nltsactlon of un
principled men they can get It on the street
ny day and are fretttne It, I am sorry to
Some of the best women of the Nation.
iscended by clergymen and laymen In au
thority, published an appeal several months
i(0 wiring women to organize agalnat the
daiwen that threatened our land by In
v.nt dances, dressing, swearing, smoking.
painting faces. ei I know of men who
refuie to accompany their wives unless they
wuh the paint from their faces.
Terhaps the time has come for unmar
ried men to boycott every girl that has o
lor an opinion of her beauty that she has
to dub her face and hide under Muffs of
ra'r her beautiful ears. The healthy minded
mn who will make a good husband wants a
wife free from the shame and hypocrisies
.1 ghlch disgrace so many gins innny.
PhlUdelphla Jun 13 1H2I.
An Economical Wife
Tttht VJUor ol (lie Evening Public Lriatr:
Fit -Will wise readers tell mn whether I
sm extravagant or not? My husbanl give
me ISR a month, anil oui of that I nay J2S
a month rent for a few rooms and the re
minder for food, gas, piano and Insurance.
) He scolds me and mi that I should be able
10 provide a better table than I do. Here Is
my account Twenb-flve dollars for rent,
'" 110 for piano. JS.nn for Insurance, M for
nt (rooking nnd. light) nnd 3 to building
and loan total, J4u.10. On the balance
I must keep the table nnd buv clothes. Am
Ifitravaeatit? SHIS. p. I.. P.
Philadelphia, June in. 1021. v
Impudent Street Car Motor-man
ft Hit Editor o (lie livening Ftibllc Ledger:
, Sir After rending In the' Teop'.e's FVlrum
'Cpmplalns About' Conductor.' I nlao have
( t little to say In regard to a motorman
t ibo runs a car on Sixth street. Not to erv
ago my baby took sick, and 1 rushed
It up to a certain doctor on Sixth street
' Mir Cumberland s'rct. Upon leaving the
i '''doctor's office T looked to seo whether a
trolley was coming, for It waa raining pretty
liMy, and, besides, T was anxious to get
home with my sick baby.
I rushed to the nearest corner, being un
anxious of the fact that It was a sklp
ttop. The car stopped and I got on. not for
a, moment knowing that I had gotten In the
car at the wrong co-ner,
, What do you suppose tho motorman said
tonii, sfter the doors were closed, and In
the nastiest form of sarcasm, too? "Don't
Tou try this again using n child as an ex
tuie to get on a trolley car at th neare.t
corner Just to suit o'ir convenience," he
The car n crowded with people, and 1
snow everooay in the car heard this man.
i reit so embarrassed, and actually I was
artamed to turn my eyes up. I felt more
me crjmg man anyimng else.
And. furthermore, I've Heard some of th
norn cursing going on among -armen In
the pretenco of women and children that I
m commencing to wonder how much longer
. muiw ini nnve to aiana ror such an
noyances Vou would think the conductors
sua mo'ormen own the P. 11. T ami oi. ii,
rriiKcra on me car.
Issuers to the Editor should be R8
nrlif nnd to the point an possible,
avoiding anything that w6uld open
a denominational or sectarian dis
cussion. No attention will bo paid to anony
mous letters, Nnmes and addresses
must be signed ni an evidence of
good faith, although names will not
ho printed If request Is mode that
they be omitted.
Tho publication of a letter Is not
to be taken as an Indorsement of Its
views by this paper.
Communications will not bo re
turned unless accompanied by post
age, nor wIJI manuscript be saved.
June 10, 1021
u n, si
Home and Hearthstone
To th, Editor o Hi- Kvcning Public l.edgn:
atv f7;".Jhl" ,h rcr da,vn of a bfr
y ror th masses of the American peo
Pie when ench patriotic family shall posss
a home of their own? Could a better thing
JS .'i? ror ll" ancement of clvllliatlon
nd the nearer approach of the millennium!
iia u.1" thB "reatest thing In tho world.
..,. i "nerally oosldered to be that es
I... l "rl,y' where ca" u t a b'tBr
i. .. moro frfect development than
a family circle, comprising father, mother,
u!i v,.ancI brolhr? Isn't that a prospec
tive heavenly quartet?
"I am the master of my fate,
am the captain of my soul."
rsaslr. f,nn.ot re,,at tho" two "nes as
InlK '?ua "nid nou" '18 "
,m ,m ot hls own- Som Poor mortals
In rf.iJ ?i-.?. ome counterfelt satisfaction
It i. .lnr ,nat " ' cheaper to rent than
"is to own your own home. Tes. It might
ttinlST t0. I'.y ,n ,he South 8ea Standi
n . n Lhe clv"l" United States.
We whi m, 'i3.ths uf9 .of ""'"'nc with peo
5arW,"?M'rJ" ,n IoollnK through a glass
thins u. . "' would not ,l,lnk 'hat any
And H f !'i0ru va,Je ,nan m"0 mony
Plne.i . ' ? ,tnc.m ,nat ,,cal,h ana "OP
than n.n,di "'t'icUon wcro of more value
iS w2,wuM l00k at ou ln amaxement
tale 7Z, , h0W you hai ""P'd the pro-
wii . f.or " many yara'
whs M v arl,,' ' human kind Is right
J ..w,bar'nF' ceaae" ,0 be vlrtue ana
vm. ?, "ly palnful wrsonal restraint pre
la oJ -n fr0.m ,olUnB tnem wra to head
i,"." - ' wo tiellevo tho majority of
""American cltlxena will listen to reason
utMsti m 0pn ,0 ,v,lcom8 helpful
fcklV.... . - v...uuinii llieill UIUIIK in
,:,;" DI " And now nbldeth grip,
Jr.... I"5 umPtlon. these three, but the
.i ui meio ia gumption
June IS, 1021.
Criticizes Members of Art Fellowship
Kdltor 0 e Eueillno Pnhlln l.cdatr!
tie!. l n"ce'' "Ith appreciation! your ar.
ti t. ..' "le "ona ot certain officials of
o t "nwhtr of the Pennsylvania Academy
i.m. Tina Arts at the recent "ball." My
wii i w" mcnned as one of tho members
Betii. IC,lBllll from that body, with cor-
Bseii''i A" one who has had active con-
leH ?r Vany 5ear" w'lh he cathetlo dl-
i"V rS things has been, ns teacher, stu-
throh , Wntr. so to speak, at the heart-
Th. "Uch-Permlt me a few words.
elent'vV' mov,mnt In Amorlca Is suffl-
th i,Bmp"rca by "' rather low level of
'na.r?ln. mln'1 ,hat " Cornea a positive
tsnio M,,,n nn Individual with silly. Purl-
ttZnlJ a" ' p'""11 I" a ppsltlon to
?miner any affnir iv.n ,.. ... i,h..
- ivs ij nit nth wj
Fishing Laws Free
-"11 for mir ,.,.,. .1
Jersey fishing K
Tcnnn nJ.i ?."r c"l'y of theso
Uvvb. u cw
An'Prt dnhcrman U on hand
to adv,tB the bat hind of
tlh m. A- . .
8 Broi!fev Cycle Cov Inc.
fU' sv-s;:,l.,?f??" i-nfri"
too'eSSX" st rHitA1.
Puch a spirit Is bound to crush the best In
jdea, and concept nnd produce but barren, re
suit. The esthetic mind needs all tho breadth
and freedom which may bo given ,lt. and It
cannot be permitted too much. The at
mosphere produced at the '"ball" was that
of a joung 'ladles' seminary fete a wholly
rerulslva feeling for an affair attended by
not only students, but by many professional
men and women.
That It offended the majority tho present
outburst shows. And there are many more,
too, who feel It, belonging to the gray,
timid creatures who only speak when a
cause Is won. I have felt for years the error
of placing as competent officials those whp
are so Inferior and Incompetent as Jurors In
exhibitions, an hanging committees and as
officers ot art Institutions, Such our latter
piesent concern deals with. Is there no pro
ductive qualification necessary, no standard
of understanding, not only ot work, but ot
people? It Is like putting In the peasant's
hands the ruling of a nation.
This la only a small example ot the con
dition of affairs; there are worms at the
roots of almost all of our "art" arrange
ments. The it)' things are conducted Is a
allocking disclosure. I have had several such
In recent years. And before thi esthetic may
begin to grow they must be removed, ellhcr
by cure or operation.
nut sufficient for tho present to the case
In hand. Here Is an excerpt from my letter
ot resignation to the "fellowship":
"Miss Dutler I feel that I do not desire
to belong to an organization which may
vim.. . nn uiiiwci in aumoriif 111 nui nv
harshly rudo. So herewith permit me to
tender my resignation to the 'fellowship'
"I have discovered In dealing with peo
ple rnd I have had nineteen years AfriellVo
clrss work that one gains more ln the ond
In meeting all In a human. If not polite,
way than In a domineering snlrlt. the atti
tude or puny, mediocre mlr.de.
"Frobably. as I Judge by the actions,
publlo contact is a recently acquired at
trioute ror sou. one must learn by ex
perience. However, It seems to mo that
any one placed In any position of command
by any Institution should poseess sufficient
tact to understand the social requirements
thereof. Thus might I modeetly suggest
mat tne 'fellowship' appoint officers who
have knowledge or may wo call It Instinct?
of dealing 'fellow' to 'follow' without of-
Philadelphia, June 10. 1021.
What Is American Term7
To the Editor of tho Evening Public Ledger:
Sir I nolo In your quiz column of itomo
time ago that a "pogrom" Is a term applied
to the slaughter of Jews In Itussta.
Will you kindly Inform me through the
same column what Is tho term applied to the
slaughter ot N'egroes in the United States?
Philadelphia, June 1 1. 1021.
Questions Answered
Origin of Saying
T6 the Editor ot the Kienlng Public Ledger:
.?r Wh0 rIlnated tho saying "Blood Is
thicker than water"? p j, y.
Philadelphia, Juno 13. 1021.
Many think that this saying originated
with Commodore Tatnall, of the United
ru,atL,Navy' who "sted the English In
the Chinese waters, and In his dispatch to
his Government Justified hls Interference
by quoting tho words. It Is, however, an
old English proverb, and Is to be found In
nay's "Collection of English Proverbs," pub
lished In 1072. Walter Scott, too, make
Dandle Dlr.mon: say "Weol, blude's thicker
than water: sho's welcome to tho cheeses and
the hams Just the same."
Beginning of Standard Time
To the Editor of the livening Public Ledger:,
Sir Please Inform me whst year the
time was changed to stnndaid time and how
many minutes It was changed. n. H. S.
Philadelphia, June 13, 1021.
Standard time was established by mutual
agreement in 1883. primarily for the conveni
ence of the railroads. Tho United States
Is divided Into four sections, each of fif
teen degrees of longitude, exactly equivalent
to one hour of time. Each section differs
The People's Forum will appear dally
In the .Evening 1'iihltc Ledger, nnd also
In the Sunday Public Ledger. letters
aincoaslng timely toplct will be printed,
ns well an requested poems, nnd questions
of general Interest will he answered.
ff!1? n.t ,0'11 " on hour, and the
time within the section Is uniform.
An Answer to Boat Problem" ,
To the Editor o the Evening .Publlo Lcdccr.'
h- "",? y ,h,a ,ln In answer to
v? i 0at p,ro.b.ln." signed a "Kan," rh
your Issue of nth.
If the scout. Instead nt i-awIhb- in n.
hi!I"J0i.poln' ono m" nrcr to C, he
i..;. . i "Si""8 or P'1" hours 1e
but has to row 0.A27 hn.. i . ...- ji-
tanca from A to that point being 3.102 miles.
so ne saves U.1IO hours. This saving of
!!l!I'i iri",Mifor R wnll,, wUh ry me
j..-, ..,. mm i cnosen farther from
n i L r ,. " ror " amounts to
0.18(1 hours Jf two miles nearer to C.
0 222 hours If threo miles nearer to C.
0.238 hours If four miles nearer to. C.
v. .?':i2 Tr?. If. nve ml, nrer to C.
but then ilf, diminishes, amounting to
H2? ,iour lf alx mlle nearer to C.
0,231 hours If. 7 miles nearer to C.
and goes steadily on. diminishing to the
end. If tho scout rowed all tho way to
i- no wouia only save 0,004 hours.
So, I think, the scout win in w.it in row
to a point five miles from I! and ten miles
irom v; ana men walk by foot to C.
F. S,
Philadelphia, June 13, 1021.
Snakes In England
To thcJidltor of the Eientng Public Ledger:
Sir I have notlcod the queries regarding
snakes In Ireland nnd England. There are
plenty of snakes 'r the country sections of
isngiana.' I wav In ShorncllfTe In 1000 and
was bitten by one whlln out on military
maneuvers. I had quite a bad hand for some
time. It waa an adder that bit me. I
have heard It said among the country peo
ple of Kent that adders have ben known
to kill children up to six years of age.
Thero may be other snakes there, but tho
adder Is the only one I ever saw The one
that bit me was n greenish color and about
two nnd ono-half feet long. There are plenty
nround tho challc hllla of Dover and Shorn
ollffe. I have even found them under tho
tent boards when wo shifted camp.
Philadelphia, June 13, 1021.
Rail and Fence Problem
To the Editor of the Bfciilni7 Public Ledger:
Sir Replying to the "Fence Problem" ln
tonight's Ledger. If the plot of ground be
040 acres or 27.878,400 suarc feet one side
of the square will be 5280 feet Using live
raits to each .panel (thirty-two panels to a
side) equals 128 panels all around the square
or 040 rails. Result: 040 rails needed to
put fence nround 040 acres. II M W.
Philadelphia, June 13, 1021.
Poem and Songs Desired
"The Last Fierce Charge"
To the Editor of the Evening Public Ledger:
Sir The following Is nil I can recall of a
scng written about fifty sears ago Will
some one kindly help me to find the remain
ing words?
"It vvns Just before the last fierce chargo
Two soldiers drew their rein
With a parting glnnce and n touch of hand,
They might never meet again "
S E. D
Philadelphia. June 14. 1021.
"Green Grows the Laurels"
To the Editor of the Evening Public, Ledger:
Sir Can any of the readers of' the Peo
ple's Forum send In the words of an old
Irish song called "Orcen vlrovvs tho Laurels
Tho first verso Is:
"I oft times hae wondered how girls could
love men;
I oft times have wondered how they could
love them.
Rut by solf-experlence I very well know
Ttey'll follow their true love wherever they
"Green grows the laurels, and so does the
..rue-" A. L. T.
Philadelphia. June 14, 1021.
The Soft-Shelled Crab
To the Editor ofthe Evening Public Lcdqer:
Sir I will appreciate It ry much If ou
wilt print for me a poem called "The Soft
Shelled Crab,"
Philadelphia. June 18, 1021.
Thero was a soft-shelled crab.
A very queer young fellow.
In colors pink and drab.
All spotted In with yellow,
Who greatly shocked his dear mamma,
His uncles and Ills grandpapa,
His aunt sedate, his cousins eight,
Because ho would walk forward straight.
Jne day he went away.
They looked In all the places,
Where once he used to pla.
Then said with solemn foce:
"This child to some sad end has come
A soup, stew or aquarium,
"l'ls an awful fate to be cooked and ate
llut o:i see what comes of his walking
issHlL ) nncr!J3CLrs
The hotter the day, the bet
ter Abbotts Cream Butter
milk tastes. It cools and re
freshes you.
Abbotts Cream Buttermilk is delicious, bracing, and
has the clean Butteirnilky flavor.
PAoie Us to Deliver a Bottle Tomorrow Baring 0205
Abbotts Alderney Dairies, Inc.
31st & Chestnut
Both Phones
Atlantic Cilu
Ocean City
LEE Tires
We sell you miles of service
with every fabric, and more
miles with every cord 'tire
you buy, and our responsi
bility does not end until
the miles you bought have
been delivered.
"If you want to be en-TIRE-ly at case,
remember LEES, please."
K6I8-2 North Broad St PopUr 4MI
4 r ss r r M frmtt
Corsets, Belts
and Braces
Sold Exclusively in. Philadelphia at
N. Sncllcnburg & Co.'s
Known All Over the World for .Their
Health-Promoting, Properties
they teach
you to hold
yourself in
n gracefully
erect pos
ture which
induces cor
rectly deep
the circu
1 a t i o n,
soothes the
nerves and
tho entire
Nulife Corsets
for Misses. ..
Nulife Corsets
for Women . .
$3.50 t0 $5
$5 t0 $16
Nulife Belts for $2 75 to (10
Men and Women O.LO DO
Nulife Braces for Men, d? AA
AVomen and Children -"V
Expert Corsetieres to AdvUc You as to
the Correct Model for Tour Need.
Special Fitting Rooms for Men
Willi Extert Male Attendants
Continuing Our Phenomenal Sale of
Branded Corsets
at Extraordinary Savings
Bn Ton, La Bonito, American Lady and
H. & W. Corsets, in plain and fancy bro
cades and pink and white coutils, with
fashionably long hiplines. Note these ex
traordinary savings:
$3.00 Corsets at 9gc
$3.50 Corsets at $1.79
$5.00 Corsets at $2.39
$6.00 Corsets at $2.79
$1.25 Warner Bust f
Conflners 0"C
Fine mesh diaphragm bust confinoi-s.
SnELLENbUrgS Second Floor
A Special Lot of
Women's $7.98 Silk
Poplin Bathing Suits
On Sale
Tomorrow at
Stunning straight
line suits in navy and
black, piped with white.
Several clever styles
and all sizes. Just the
thing to slip into your
bag for the week-end
trip to the shore! And
at a saving of $2.
Women's $10.98 Fibre fcO QC
Silk Tuxedo Sweaters PO"d
In a splendid assortmtent of colors
tremendously popular for sport or street
wear. SNELl! NBJRflS Second Floor
All of Our Splendid
$25.00 Couch
Now Sharp
ly Repriced
0 K--T- " tvj n
Every One
an E x c c p-
It i o n a I
Awning Extra
Several goo'ooking styles to choose
from, having nil the unusual features that
make, for comfort and attractiveness
Some have the comfortable upholstered
back many have reclining head rests
nnd others are made with adjustable wind
shields. All are strongly constructed through
out, jind all have excellent springs. One
Folding Iron Stands for Couch
Hammocks, Special at $3.95 to $9.00
Awnings or Canopies for Couch
Hammocks, Special at $3.95 to $11.25
bNELLENBURflS Fourth Floor, Toy Dept.
SFItlUAY, iVJiK 17, 1021. Storo Opens Molly nt,0 A. M. Cloam at B P. M. f
A "Wonderful Sale Made Possible by a Special
Purchase of
$5 8c $6 Dainty Georgette
Blouses & O verfrlouses
Made" to Wear With Summer Suits or Silk
Sports Skirts
Only $2.95
$2.95 - ZzZgSJ 52.93 $2.95 $2.93 $2.93
Charming blouses cool, dainty, bewitching. Trimmed with Val lace,
tucks, frills, embroidery, ribbons, buttons. Charming sleeve treatments
delightful neck "fixings' collarless or with Peter Pan collars.
In Plain Colors flesh, white and bisque.
In Stunning Combination Effects gray and tomato, bisque and gray,
bisque and navy, porcelain and gray, porcelain and bisque, bisque and Copen.
Wonderful Little Blouses at This Very Low Price. Five Pictured
b.'.ZU r NBURCS Second Floor
Women's & Misses' Stunning New
Polo Coats
That Earlier in the Season Sold
at $29.75, in a Special-Price
S,ale Tomorrow at
Good-looking belted models, cleverly
pocketed, fully silk lined. Ideal, indis
pensable coats for travel, for summer va
cation wear, for the day trip, for sports
and general service. Made of fine soft
coating in a good assortment of tho fash
ionable tan shades.
Two Pictured
Women's Linen and
Linene "Dusters"
$7 CntodMI OC for the
4J I QtJJ 4Jai7J
$2.95 to $5.00
Full-length, belted, serviceable gar
ments, in a full line of size.
NEL1 CNBJRlS Second Floor
SI 8.30
Underwear for Men
At Prices Way Below Regular
Men's $1.25 Athletic 70
Union Suits '"
Fancy white madras Athlctn. Lnion Suits,
with elastic belt backs. A high-grade make
Shirts and Drawers
at7r Eacl1
Selling in Other Stores
at $1.00 lo $l.2:
Otis fine-combed balbriggan shuts with
short sleeves, ankle drawcis.
Suits for Little Boys
at $2.25
v -1)
mse& .-ri
-r-w "
Well-styled suits, trimmed with braid
and emblems, broadfall pants. The style it
pictured. Sizes 1! to (I years
Children's Dotted Swiss
(,'olon.d Swiss frocks in pink, blue and
maize. Trimmed with white collars and
cuffs, daintily hand stitched, finished with
sash. Sizes 2tc B years. Pictured.
Sizes 1 to
Children's Muslin Combinations
Daintily trimmed with lace.
1 1 years.
Children's Muslin Bloomer
Sizes 4 to 10 v(iir.
Misses' Underskirts q t j
Of cambric or sateen, hem- P 1 I )
5l:iltchScli cnlroIdory or laco trimmed. 30,
32 and 34 inch lengths. '
bNELLENBURcS Second Floor
Proved by Use
Cord Tires
at Extraordinary Savings!
And a Pure (iiim Kcd Tube (Jiicn u
I'rco With Each Tire Purchased
Conl tire an'
not to bo con-
( fused v ith
" cord tire .-
made on fabric
molds in fabric
'sizes. Berg
ougnan Cords
llll!!ltl nfn .ill .l-.i.l.ln
jtmHS&I? oversize
m'.MJ till VS1 ,
they weigh 19
pounds, a n d
.no largo r
than :Jl4 fnb-
I K's.
Extra Mileage Easier Riding
Protected by Triple (iuarantee:
1st By Bergougnan Rubber Co..
Makers for 27 Years of Highest
Grade Tires.
2nd By A'. Snellenburg S: Co., Re
liable Merchants for 17 Years.
3rd By a Bond Issued by the Na
tional Surety Co.
Adjustments Made Right in
Philadelphia Upon Deliwry of Tires
I V5 yQsL
Bergougnan Cord Tires
30x3 "
32 1
33. 1
321 " ,
33x4' 2
35x4 4
36x4 i
N.S.. CI. . .
N.S.. SS..
"iile I'rlie
. 27.50
. 34.75
. 35.75
. 37.25
. 39.75
. 41.50
. 42.00
. 42.75
. 44.25
. 49.25
. 51.25
Bergougnan Fabric Tires
llur I'riie
30x3 i N.S.
32x3 '2 N.S.
33x4 N.S.
35x4 Vi N.S.
3(5x4 2 N.S.
35x5 N.S.
. 21.02
. 30.85
. 33.47
SnellenbUro5 i
m 4
Men's $6 & $7
Pure Worsted
Bathing Suits
A Special Purchase
On Sale at
- i I " ".yTaWfc''
Two-piece and Pacific Coast styles the
latter with shirts and trousers knit in one.
All colors and color combinations, including
the stnnrt heather mixtures. Vulues not
likely to be matched at any time during
the season.
Carleton Old Town Canoes
$72 t0 $90
, Famous as tlie finest canoes made nnd
here in all the newest 1921 models.
bNf.l! i NBURflS Third Floor
Women's Glove
Silk Vests, $1.95
Puic silk vests, bodice style, with band
tops and silk ribbon shoulder straps. An
excellent quality, not to be confounded with
the cheap goods generally sold at this price.
A Splendid Lot of
$5 Choice Quality
Silk Petticoats
oZ $3.95
Excellent choosing
Mcssaline, Taffeta and
Jersey Top models, with
ruffled, shirred and pleated
flounces. Plain nnd
changeable colors. Also
Washable Satin Petti
coats, flesh or white, in
the lot. Extra good
$3.95 Paneled White
Tub Silk Petticoats.
Of fine quality silk, with panels back
and front, finished with hemstitching and
scalloped edge.
$2.25 Extra-Size White f CQ
Sateen Petticoats.... Pl-7"
Of heavy quality sateen, scalloped at
the bottom.
Good Quality White Sateen fl
Petticoats, Special at P
Hemstitched and scalloped. Extra good
SntlLlNBlRgS Second Floor
Women's Dainty
Silk Undergarments
Are Now in Great Demand for
Summer Vacation Wear
Values Like These in Our June Sale
Arc Always
A v
kf $3.95
i V WV -V
". 1
' te.J
J i
Women's $3
Silk Under
garments at i
$1.98 !
l.melopc ilir'nii-o-aiul
stop-in li'oomi'i s
of heavy iiepe lc
chine, prctt 1 1 y
trimmed with Im-es
and ribbon-.. Oiu
fiylc shau a.
Women's $5 Silk Under
garments. . .
ri-pi lie dune en elope chemise, and
ntgliim.un -beautiful heavy quality, lace
tiimme I o' ta.lored. Extremely dainty and
Women's, $3 & $3.50
Silk Camisoles. . . .
Oil no
l.aJer. silk uunisoles, daintily trimmed
:A Xtlrsr.
Women's $-1.00 Silk
Petticoat-, nt' handsome quality silk
made with f,ont anil back double panels,
-eall.iped at the htm. Elastic at the waist
line Practical Lingerie Undergar
ments in the June Sale
Women's $1.59 and $2.00 QO
Undermuslins at O
Cow in,, envelope chemises and stcn-K Y
bloonieis ol lingerie cloth -several modclH. I
uice and eniDroniery trimmed.
Women's $2.25 to S3.no
t .. -r -- w
(tl t a t a a ,
Envelope chemises and gowns of lingerlo
cloth, in many attractive htylcs, laco nnd
embroidery trimmed.
SULUENflURaS Second Ploof
$1.50 an" $2
" ..
Tiri c ir i.
UIVU (X sJ. .
iii . n y vit. . ijim
. .
'yjS.1. 1,- f)l ,
V SIAW ift jff'
ftM vt
N. SNElj