JW- ' ,. 1. v Mi -J. 1 . ; w L t, ' fc V ', m M OT II 1 m m c 1 f . 0 E X B If it' Euenn0 flubttc lueftger PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE, 16, 192f T" MMBWBBhiau ' in "WWII I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPRjWBJrV)., :?'fc?BBiBBBBBBBBBljfeWV.i8-.'Ji' of bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbmb&!jSn cHbfiHMri.Jn BBSiiiBB&7HBBBvHB)Mu3MBBBBBfiBaBBBlBBl$flBi bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWL bbbbbbbbbb1bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1bbbbbw il IHBBBBLBBtf'? 9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1BK9v 5t bbbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl WBB MbbbBkjI BBBBBmIBBBSBBBPIBK: BBfettflBBlBBBB BBBBBBBBBBmBBBfe-'Bf ,!- DIHhiM BBBBBBBBBBBSBBBB&iBr f iBBBfcBBBBBBBiBBBi Tr -. "bbbbBBBBBBBBBBBbN bbbbbbbbbbIbbbbb v HHH VBBP& .JBBBBBBBBBYBBBBJN Ik? VhbbbbbbbbSbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbbT:;: xcHr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbV" rj-v tL. tw- x--" ,.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 bbbbbbbbbbbvbbbbbbt. (a ' xdt- wi'- ,vbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 bbbbbmCb! - H aaITJ (jHHr bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI &Hdyi:F' " '"N.- bbbbbvH BBBBBBBBiBMBBf ' vBBBBBlFVBM bbbbbbbbSbbbbT" ; - ? - HBbl HT&bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft bbbbbbbbbbb! VijHB" ' bbbbbbbH r "T(C r SIIBBBIIBBBBBBB9 v '' ' jtWWBBBm JQy'i !..., . ..rr KA -vs w,4U(Sl "V"'"-! S3. AM: sMNP4Hx- t.fc&j h iTp'1ELiClfiT ngBBBBBMBlBBBBBJ t Era bbbbbBbbbbbB r.7Ulii.iJ 'JIIM?. ' - &".? ' -'.X i , - 1 ! ; " " - ARRAIGNED IN OHIO. Mrs. Eva Cathcrino Kabcr, widow of Daniel F. Kabor, a wealthy publisher of Ohio, for whoso murder aho Is being held for trial. Mrs. Kaber is shown, as she appeared before Judge Bcrnon, at Lakewood, Ohio u. " WORKING GIRLS AT BRYN MAWR. Margaret Hickey ' Holbrook, N. Y., and Rose Finklcstein, Boston, telephoned! upcrakors, uuiujiy iiiu uuiti; duiuiuu ai.uuuiii,a icicphone1 P-.H ONE OF THE "POPPIES." Miss Edna Weil in dancinjr pageant, Riven by 1021 normal physical education class, of Temple University. The class graduates tonight u . n AS SUNSHINE. Miss C. Anita Preston, of the Temple University physical education class, dances in "The Gardener," at the home of Mrs. .-. ... m1l.. CL 11.111 ...-. fu....c.. UODSOn Altcmus, rails oi ccnuyiKiu 9t hj?HvW, j,5?r- V 'I I i . ill I JUMU ,L I . III Tit , ' I """r '" 'ill imiiiiiiiiiii i ,,ii I , w , IA.'J , a. i laUBflPSt V v,i.-y llv3I M-.f f ffij&r- MmJi eJ-!t!'AB VI l ' ? s..- , vs BEHflslll! iv f vV HiAV' wail hm v" iuv ki- r - m & m, v m7x'...vj9 z u . m& j.'raL,---' 'i:-v;. - , ' 'i;:Mi'";: hh -.--'.i iip,.5-?i!Wi3i.;.3E i VERY SERIOUS MOMENT "HUMORIST" WON. The field in the ENTERTAIN CHILDREN. A carnival is being held at Broad and Biglcr streets, under the auspices of MISS GERTRUDE GILMOUR, of Los Ange- Mt0mKKButfT annual Derby race at Epsom Downs, England, a bhort distance from tlic the William T. Shotzline Post No. 96, American Legion. Fifty children of the Southern Homo for Des- les Pastime Clearing House, which collects BMHl ' 'wB2amfflEm' ''iH finishing tape. The winner is owiied by J. B. Joel central :cs i'im titute Ciiildrcn enjoyed the merry-go-round and many other attractions yesterday ivdRcr i'ii.t smiro. surplus amusement tickets for needy r. n H0'-'sRwBHHIHHW'H MRS. JULIAN FLEISCHMANN was selling hats and the Egyptian PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY. Kaarlo Juho Stahlbcrg, first statute, to aid the Ita'ian babies, when she was snapped at the Villa president of Finnish Republic and wife. Finland's chief executive Marina Fe'e Lone Island 'mi . rhtt ra u former college professor. He was elected by the Diet MARSTON WINS. Part of the gallery ut the golf classic, for the Lynnowood Hall golf cun. on the links it th ltnnMnmlnn Vniw rnnntrv ClflK during the final round. Max Marston, of the Merlon Cricket Club played J. J. Bt'S&m. , .,,, vi.w 1-uiin.ov iimi mi imager i'noio ccl'w OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO f Sj j, . j. VBBBBBBBvhUMMHBWF trfiI5lc""if j& "ij5tfo fKsSt A ' S i X 1 ,-ifV 1 5'llr SEMAPHORE SENTINELS III I " 'I " .!. , , JMML :.v1 .., 'V'-.SEf 5V'I.-.v v L1& i1Sifi-!iS?ii mttlituEtt&. "Nffi&riR &&.x&.4 y IttiitfBrffi ffr' ft . vuMKJfM&4Pt3K ' . v '.'..- .y-v wi.a' Ui W r flBHHr" ' - ' -Mfr . r 9VM6 Cn ?WJ , MU ' ,9 Vis " "W" fe7 L4- 'f' ' H .' ( MrV'irw IFTV' 1 lMiMb bh ;s. . ; fecaas m. n; m:.-rm , Simrj.iiBBBW-Kia BBBBBBBvwtitdtiKv9KS BBBBBf Wmm ' J&;.., -..,mm.y W ? ' ieBBBBKJBBBBBI piiHbnp MFJV - whhwhi X" ' v 'i vH !'t kJBBBBHBShkJy 'T1 bbbbI j K'bbbbbI vl 4 bbbbk&bbbbbbbB LsTH n bH 1 :- HbUHbbbbbI KKt- v" -fM'-r KwJp; bbbv Xf ! "HHIbbbbbbI 5ftWliV"ifiiSBBBB 'tytJr"smm lS ;" vJHH "2ifAf rMSBBaSBBBBBBal v 'siti ".'ili'V !,' aBBBBBBBB9Hu4 htMT"!?Ai& 'fiilBBBBBBBBBBBl -" jfaSt&J; ' i&4$m i i JBBJBBBBBBBSeB.- lPSiBBBBBBl - ;i ';s;;:"s W&0 ' ,' JBBBBBBBBBBHH V CSnBSBBBBBl H V'fiJlli i&:v; J ys b1bBBBBBBBW NPir?lS iIS :-J4bbbbbbbI BKlliS VJtllJI lkSiq 1 1 BBBMBi imW .Vr I -kd lfc 4 IKJ&tKi Uwy XA.rff . -.,, .MJ1 KOt'CC t'1 t A! TWKfM ti&&, S-JiifK l 11, irr I ? FRANK CRAVEN, 2622 East Vennngo street, operating u mucnino that cuts Ui'h in hand says, at tfie saw factory of Henry Disstoni& Sons, Inc., Taconj. The. .lichinu has a capacity of VQOO saws a day v IxJtcr l'huta Servli'o MRS. ELI KIRK PRICE, Mrs. Charles S. Wurts nnd Miss Elaine Darling (left to right) helped at the fair, in Chestnut Hill, in aid of Italian women AT FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS. Ho Ih Kesorvo Patrolman Thomas Toon, who Uvea at 0852 North Marvlno otreot u v. a. .&i?ENy' JU-,' of "arvard, P'Aed.to play against tho Cam' brldgc-Oxford tennis team ff&SRSfN4BbWja ox Ueorgo Grey Barnard undsrwooa WndarwcM- , ft fh v- - - i ft .- ii, -, j'frv1 ji