. v ,? v-- , .y i'-1' . SCh: r"jm,mml le " rcfVLA nourc BOSTON .. . f C m s-iVta-u .'' "iiJur tTio p.iS?Dr ii. "" HewBUferalLlaa ,y exe. Fun,. I.v. Pier 40N.il HouatonSt.,OP.M. HMUMMU" I. riec4N.I. Hew itt St.J.0 P.M. JK' Drht . Tlaaa Tlckfta nt 1311 nnil 1.130 Chealii'it St. BALTIMORE TO HAWAII and return ... . t Havana, Panama Cannl, Cl AnrriJi Bun Franclaco nii i.uxr. HTKAMKB HAWKBYB STATE , M naltlmoro fcr lliwnll July Hllli ,,'ison Navigation Company JiaiWJl Y o 8 shipping llouril "!li'Lnl h liar HHltlmore, Mil. I Mo? Jnr '' Mf"tni.hlp ogtnt VACATION TRIPS nY ska rllII.ADEI.riUA TO . '.led.. '8:00 P.M. Sat., 2!00 P.M. , ?irHSONtI.n ' I 'l Dnllsht-Sa!ne Time .,,, nnd rrtli on main deck Included. . "?,I. .Viri chnreca for nccommodatlonn on ' '"S.'n.de d?ck. Throueh ticket, to prln-1 Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. i J.8IBDI1BMCU JOU-i ' uiiloni of pasaenirerg carried not a life Inst ' lllf IS 8. ' A"' Te1, ,'"ubr'l " ERICSSON LINE J l? DAY BOAT m FOR BALTIMORE i oVIock In tli mornlnir. dayllclit mvlnc f itarblnnlnB Thureday. Juno luin. Every ltiin.( " ... A a nnd 4a til rrla V. I'ara ', U0 to "altlmore. 2.n0 round trln. iloit ' Ihnilful water ride out of Philadelphia. En for ramnhlet. I'l.-r 3. H. Delaware Ave. i HUDSON R1VKR NiailT MNE8 Knv YOKK CITY IP NEW YOKK STATK PARCEL POST , V CORNS & CALLUSES I w nemoved la L "2? F1VE DAYS ABBOTT'S PLASTER . M inconvenience. No trouble to u? ihoei while ueltu. Only a dan SSlel Verr thin medloated plaet.r.Prle, iVVil lf. All KruK Btpr.il or by Mall. IK AIinOTT UFJIEDIKft CO. m and Olranl Are.. PhnnlelnhU New Pianos, $225 to $625 New Player Pianos, .$385 to $1050 Baby 'Grand Pianos, $375 to $1500 Rsproducinp; Pluycrs,$795 to $1750 fid for Cntalorne 1'na.v Terms Open Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evgs. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-845 NORTH SIXTH ST., PHILA. ", . i r P t P-" !,V"ii""MoiurJ!!!- " r i hi imiiii 11 lll25tegf fPWEIlf New BiSGI I 88-Note MMEMnll 1 1 Player Piano JBBBBXM 'I 10 Rolls Mnslc. nSsaSaSnffl ' I Brnch and Scarf IHHBsSbI i BBySCJL iKR'5gisW'''JliaslWJlS IHaf'S lx4fliBni(riViilRiil3KK iriaw.i twii.i jiv uHS jBE3sH--eT Sf'HulailnVVrlViM af:iawTiaaWlil."-Br4asBKca UdiMs ICnJiriH-ZaVwFSMHDl? -INJttflnWnTlriPrlTllJl'XEQflHE? uei ivenng its message through its building THE new plant of The Procter 6s Collier Company, advertising agency of Cincinnati, is said to be the most completely equipped building of its kind in America housing advertising executive offices, plan and copy study rooms, a data library, a scientific business research laboratory, an art studio, n graphic arts gallery ond consultation room, and a complete printing plant nnd bindery. And it is noteworthy that the ideals embodied in this beautiful new structure have in no way interfered with economy and practical utility. It is logical that for the roof, the choice should be -arey Asfaltslate Shingles richly colored, non-curling strong and enduring, they are fitting wherever unusual no lasting beauty is desired. Booklet sent on request ASPHATPfofcASBESTQS BUILDING AND INSULATING MATERIALS "A Roof for Every Buildintl" Wo oro headquarters for those matoriaJa vfowican &s6u&i EXCLUSPE DISTRIBUTORS OF CAREY PRODUCTS ROBERTS AVENUE AND STOKLEY STREET w rvKkT ''- 1,1"'. .li V H ' . 1 1' x "''.'.' PARCEL POST' GLASSES Low as $1 HVEH IWAUIMitn uiiut. --.. -..,. .......w .i.r.r. . i., i.nvi, Ta;i Hansom fit. Prracrlptlona Filled, Arllllcla I Eye. Inserted. P J O ' l"" ,ml,"h ,nr ''nr. vfc ptwioa nnd nnlomoblles, flOe l"r rnni 8 eons for Stl. postpaid. Howard vincknt. fm-.38-nso n. nth Rugs No Seconds No Storage lloueo Ruga All Rugs guaranteed firel quality and perfect Do not buy a nameless rug, a dealer who docs not advertise the names of the manufacturer of the rugs ho handles go slow 6c- ware. 97vKA AlnnhnUnn Tap- SI flfl IXJt mry urtIei J..UU ?TvKA Alex.Bmlth ft Bonn 1 fiC .IAJ Tnpeatry Ilruatrli l.U 27x54 A-gj 2.50 97VC4 'folm llroiulcy ft JO QC .IAdt Honit Axmlnatert tt.UO 6x9 un,-S!SSrd '14.00 6x9 6x9 Alrx. smith's S17 7C Nrumlran Axmlnstcr I I ! O Alex. Hriilth'B SI n cn Scumleaa Veltet k I OV XKJ 6.00 7x9 7x9 7"Q Alex. Hnllth'a 1 fl Cf. S'eumleaa Ilruaaela A v W Alrx. Smlth'n S1Q 7C I Att SeiiinlrH4 Aim nater ' 83xl0 MmTtltu'' '12.00 Tapeatry Ilruaaela 83v1fl Alex. SniUh'a 0( (( X1U Heamleaa Velvet VJv 83v1il6 Duah ft nlamnnd SOC.nO Xlll Axmlnater &0 83vin" ArXt Hmlth'a 07(( AiU Henmleaa Axmlnaler- I .UU 8B1 flO Jolm llromley ft ton tin AlU Hona Axmlnater OU.UU 83v1 An rinnfonl ft Hoim ?QQ Aft A JL If ssnmleaa AxmlnBter.UU 9x12 Wool I'lber 7 9K 9 .IrftJ Mnnhnttnn SI 1 C( Senmlesa Ilruaaela llwv Alrx. Smith's SIC flft Senmleaa Ilruaaela lO.UU 9x12 9x12 9x12 lu,lZrml '26.50 Q17 Alex. Smlth'a SOpnfi Alii Senmleaa Axmlnater O.UU Qv19 J,,,,n "mmley ft SOC fifi VXIL Sona Axmlnater Otl.UU 9x12 el '37.00 I handle all standard makes of Rugs, such ai Alex. Smith & Sons, Stephen Sanford & Sons, John Bromley & Sons, Bisrelow-Hart-ford Co., Roxbury Carpet Co., &c. None of them have any di rect tellling agents in Philadel phia and none of them retail di rect from the factory no manu facturer of Wiltons, Axminsters, Velvets or Brussels Rugs retails them, not one. Your Money Back for the Atkins If Not Satisfied JOHN LOUX 2552 Germantown Ave. and 2549-51-53 Germantown Av. and 126 N. 10th St. The Only John Lonx Himself No connection with any other hou.e Open Monday, Friday and Saturday Evening l'linnc: DUmond 2337 . , .. .. l"rpe Auto DrlUcr; "ill Order Salle ted s.iiisrnciion (iiiarunteeil a GNESIA Tion i PHILADELPHIA C'2-21 &'!?&& :;:-tMnt,S JVBVr EVEHING ' ttrt&lb PAIIOEIi POST Slot Machines , "&,& n la, Tieneia. Jech Pole Pin Mnrhlnre In fltoth Premium Boards SJgAn,,, KTC UIO HAItOAINS AT M.m0' Banner Specialty Co. 7W N. 7Tlt BT. nin,A., PA. Best Malt Extract Hops and Isinglass SPECIAL CARTON OP 2Hs Ibi. Buckeje 100 pure Mali Kitratt S oza. Choicest Hope H-o, Ialnilaa $1.25 IF YOU WANT Tim BK8T, Inalat on hnvln the IIUCKKYI3 SPK(.'tAf. CAIt TON. If your dealer cannot aupply you wn will and bya parcel post. Phone. The Mack-Grater Company 1 South Front Si., Phlla.. Pn. V PBAI.nnH AND AOBNTH WANTKI1 t LOST AND FOUND PIN I.oat. sapphire, pearl oreicent pin Hun. day afternoon. Howard It return to Uar Ina H90. PlN Lot. rn June 7. diamond crucent pin. 18 to 20 small dlamonda. Reward If re. turned to 8928 N, lflth et. IlINO Lost, on Friday or Haturday, coInK from IllclKe ave. and lKth at. to I'heatnut at., aolltalro diamond rlne, atampt-d K UHU J. E. C. & Co. Ileward If returned to J. IJ. faldwnll tt fo.. Juniper and Chumniii el. PERSONALS UYKll k SHAFnn. 102H-.11 Hacn -t.. have thin day old their mf. plnnt to Morrla Welabrod. Hettlement will he made at 10 A M.. Tuesday, June 21. 1021 at Itoom 72, 1011 Cheamul at. rredltor. If any, will preeent clalma on or before that date. CANDY STOIIK of Ham Cllbanoff. 4K1 Oreen at., haa been sold to MIchaM Wnldman. (lredltora If any, upply M, V.inman. cor. 2d ond (Irnen ata. I WILl. NOT be responalble for any debta unleaa contracted by myaelf, M. TANUN. PAH.M. 10H2 South at. HELP WANTED FEMALE ' CLEnK The accounting department of the Public lyvlaer Co. dealres the serv ice of a youne woman with at least 2 years of hleh school tralnint or Its equivalent. Apply 6th and Chestnut sts. Ask for Mr. Wleat. CHOt'HETKRHl experienced, wanted on ahadn rlnns to take work home, do not write: no work Riven- out of city. I". w. Maurer Sons Co.. 4311 Wayno ae . near 18th and Oermantown avej DESItlNER FOR LACE CURTAINS. PHIL ADELPHIA CONCERN; STATE AUE AND EXPERIENCE. REPLIES WILL UK TREATED IN STRICTEST CONFIDENCE ADDRESS R-B7. P. O. UOX 3443. GIRLS AND WOMEN, experienced In selllmr advertising- for magazines, tiwrnipora, Monram. directories and special edltlona: thla proposition cnlla for real aalemanshlp: do not answer unless you can produce, to 1 rodiicera drawing account up to 1H0 per week can bo nrransjed. fl S. SCIIEETZ. 12(1 S. llth furetalri ) HOSIER Y TWO EXPERIENCED TOPPERS AND KNITTERS ON MEN'S IIAI.r HOSE HIOUEST WAOKS APPLY WALLACE WILSON HOSIERY I'll ORCHARD ST. UI3LOW UNITY. FUKI'D. OIRLS. 17 YEARS AND OVER. TO LEARN SKEIN-WINDINQ. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR WILI.INO WORICKRS. APPLY NORTH AMEUll'AN LACE CO. STH ST. AND ALLEGHENY AVE. HOSIERY IOPPEHS AND KNITTERS ON INFANTS' WORK Lh'l STIUNU KN11TER.S AND I.OOPERS APPLY WI.LCE WILSON HOSIERY CO UP.i'HAP.D ST UELOW UNITY FP.Ivi'D HOUSEWORK, aeneral Uood plain cook and asalit with children; no washlnc; 10; sleep In. Apply 29 W. Phll-Ellena at.. Qer inantown or phone Germantoun I82S J MENDERt). exp., on aultlnea & coatlnas Ulrnrd Worsted Co., llowartl A Huntingdon NURSES wanted for caro of Insane; pay. S.'IS per month (board. lodalns on! ordinary laundry) Increase of $2.n0 monllily to JflO per month, references required state n-o imthlty. dvil atate. etc. Annlj to Superlntmdent Ulalr County Hosplt.il foi the ItiHHiie Hnllldi.shurg. I'h ' bAI.ESLADlES. c-xperinnced, to eell sweiiT- era. Aindv bureau of employment. D F. Dewees. 112-'-24 Cheatnut. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A.N UNUSUAL STENOORAI'IIER We nre loo ine for a thoronthly experlencd aterBrnpher We want a Klrl of wood up-paranco- urn who has brnlna and Is not afraid to uto them. For ft etenocraplur of this typo wo hae an uttracthe proposition to offei Should ou meaaure up to theae requirements please call at our earliest convenience to ree Mra. Linda Pattnn, Employment Depart, ment. Curtis Publishing Co. Oth arrf San som ata STENOGRAPHER- llrlkht. ambitious ounc woman, who can nlso do gener.il cleiicil voik He.idv position. Illncham Cn , 130-41 N .lunlner st. TELEPHONE OPERATING FOURTEEN DOLLARS V WEEK Is ral.7 to Ufglnnera In telephone opeiatlng. , to inrejent a nation-wide ruiioiiin d ,in A tonstintlv growing bushie-n offering .mi annual bui.lnesa of , PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT WITH NO LAY-OFFS SCO 0DU OoO Miss Stevenson will be glad to receive- aroll- catlutM from voting women betwoen Is and 23 eara of nse at 1(131 Arch at THE HELL TELEPHONE CO WAITRESS-CHAMIIEUMAID Wun'ed an experienced white woman, over 2.1 lia tlnn English or Scute h preferred stiiult po flllon. small fnmllv- sood vv-agea: best rcf-erene-es renulri'd Roy 3d. Radnor. Pn WI'.VVERS on loom work Glrnul Worsted Co . Howard and Huntingdon six WINDERS (SKEIN) EXPERIENCED. AP PLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO . hTH ST. AND ALLEGHENY AVE. YOUNG WOMEN 17 YEARS AND OVER. TO LEARN SKEIN-WIN'DING, GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR WILLING WORKERS. APPLY NORTH AMERICAN LACE CO.. STH AND ALLEGHENY AVE. lOl'.NU WOM1 N sillcllors fur hi ,h-.ii idd m.iuazlno proposition drawing unburn for ptoducers MMRT PUI1LISHING l-O 12.1 S. llth (upMiiIrs i GASOLINE ALLEY Fine -HH S (TUCS. (TS ALL RIGHTS S A Coco W I MC uwLcTr"zT" T J ftwe AFRICA womcn) ( Bot YooVe cTot To Have ) 7 much - rM Rr !fBill cv -em y? 0 Mtpsiy V .KWtf fc, .... . ,- -hAL- ,.Q .-.,. lL . ' - -.a ' L. Gfel-PHtiSiiHlA, THURSDAY, HELP WANTED FEMALE tlenernl MAKE MONBT AT ltOMB . Tou can earn from SI to 12 an hour la your ipare time writlnc ahowcardl aujcxir and eaally learned by our new simple method no canvaailn or aollclttnri we teach you how, sell your work and pay yo u c h eJ weekl full particulars and booklet free. Write toiay io American Bhow card awiooi. j Ryrle nidr,. Toronto. Canada WOMEN winted to learn nuralniri. demand greater than aupply good pays learn ai home In apare llmej earn while learn nai en tire tuition enn 1 earned In few wetkai ape clal offer Including freo nurao'a euulpmeni. write for full particulars. . ... CHICAOO HOIIOOI, OF S'WISINO, 421 S. Aahta nd Illvd.. Chicago, 1". OIIU.3. clerks, atenoxraphera, typlata wanted nt once by Onvernment: rood aalary: eaay hnure; raold advoncamenti write for Inatruc- tlflna tiarticulara. M (Inn. T.edaar Office. IlUHINKSS HEIIVICB CO,. 1110 Land Tltlt- Ilkpra, (much.), atenoaa., co'tometer oprs. HELP WANTED MALE COMPOfllTOIlS Wanted, non-union hand compositors, capable of fllllnr In and maklmr up book and ad matter, In a town ot 00,609 lnhabltantai located leas than 7IS miles from Philadelphia! permanent por tions guaranteed; wanes $80 to 40 Per week of 48 hours nlua a bonua to cover lUltiK expenaea for the first month. Address M 110. ledger Office, . C'OMPOSITOn. hlirh.irrfldA man. familiar llh flr.t.nlaaji dlflnfav Ami cntaloff make- lip. Apply ninthom Co.. 180-41 N. Juniper atreet, ; COMPOSITPns. atone hands, monotype key board operators. Stephen Ureene Co., N. K. corner Arch and 18th ata, CYUNDKlt AND UOTAnY PHESSMEN WANTED WE HAVE HErunED AM. THE PRESS MEN REQUIRED AT PRESENT FOIl OUIt BUACK PRESSEfl, HUT 8TII.I. HAVE OPENINOS FOR ONLY FIRST-CI.ABH A-l PRESSMEN WHO ARE THOROUGHLY EX PERIENCED ON COLOR WORK. Forly-clBht-hnur meek; open shop; perma nent work aa Ion aa scrvlcee are satisfac tory! scale 100 to JP.8 per week, with IB additional for night work 0 Apply by letter, clvlns; experience In detail ana at least 2 references on your charactor and (irallly of our workmanship, to ' EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT CURTIS PUI1LISHINO COMPANY LADIES' HOME JOURNAL HATURDAY 12VKNINO POST COUNTRY OENTLEMAN DESIGNER FOR LACE CURTAINS: PHIL ADELPIIIA I ONCERN; STATE AUE AND EXPERIENCE REPLIES WILL HE TREATED IN THE STRICTEST CON FIDENCE. ADDRESS M K0. P. O UX 3484 HONEST MAN Can connect with large corporation where his future Is assured and where UNUSUAL PAY will be the reward for hard work, loyalty nnd co-operation; experience not neceaiary: reference required Ca.ll Spruce 0807 for Interview. JOR PRESSMEN wantd 43 soura a week. one ramuiar wun .Miner automatic reen r: n-i saJr-ffi rariXW&E ei LOOMFIXER. first class, cn 7j In. C. si K looma. Olrard Worsted Co , Howard and Huntlnidon ata. MAN We call for a mnn and we mean Just that, a man who doesn't belle tho nume, who Is aasreaalvely ambitious keen to act ahead. agtr to make a dependable connection In some capacity that will reward him continu ously permanently and to a degree greater than he will be likely to command anywhere else. Our sale department haa room for auoti a man; preforabl over 30 years of n;e. Call between 10 and 4 at Sulto 1108, Ijind Title and Trust Did. I MEN A laru") lianklmr Institution, headquar I tera In Phllndelnhla. haa openlnaa for men who are nmbltloua to make an Independent I future for themselves In the financial field. , prevloua fxperlenoe unnecessary men of cour age, energy and tart required, permanent connection. Immediate carnitine 1 C H24 Ledger Office. I MEN ATTENDANTS' in hospital for th In sane, u nrst montn. increased J2..10 I montniy to '.iri tnoaru, lo.ixln.T. etc in eluded), married couples, both worker, ur reptcd; atato age. health, etc. trnnsporta Omi not furnltnitl Applv to Sure Intcndenf Illfllr I'nuntv llispilal for the Insane Ho' I'divabiirg, Pa. OUR CORPORATION'S GROSS SALES LAST YEAR WERE J.-.7, 000,000 We need a man who Is well educated, vigor ous and determined to get ahcid Write, giving qualifications, for Interview only the man who wants to better hla at.indlnir In life need anawor. Address P 1202. ledger Office PRINTING i OVPOSITORS MONOTYPE KEYIlOARD un.'i: TnR3 CYLINDER PRESSMEN CYLINDER TRESS FEEDERS JOU PRESSMEN I.AIIOR TROUHLE S HOURS PEP. WEEK STEADY WORK FOR EXPERIENCED MEN TRANSPORTATION REFUNDED IF SATISFACTORY APPLY TRANKLIN PRINTING CO .118 LUDLOW ST PHILADELPHIA HIGH-CLASS SKt 'Miin SALESMAN Now l.asjnr nig dividend"! on In'ri urcf ri 'il nil., . i.iiii.iui, nii'civ. IIIKOei I'DHII - taunt Is given In nnv bank. For m i..li nm n' i.ill ..if,, i imi i. limn wii't between 7 mill p M SALESMAN Exprrleneeil Ht, i sin in.,., rr door demonstration; nn,i n d. montr.itor must bo a good talker App'v .12u .Mai'cet st. Kejetone Traclo.- Sales c. SALESMEN We want meli- , ,,!. Hu. uresalie and amlj tlou i.i hn-l'.. n m mi attractive and diversified lit- .if v. ut.i.ei txperlanco not rssentlr,', w. o m r.im uiii, iidvertlalnu- and lends. Writ- .,i ,,,n im Stcul. ExchJiigo nidg Mr !! n. SAI.LH.ME.N Can use 2 more aaleameii. nmb t huh men who are desirous of making .i permanent connection with a growlns concern, nietcun tlle eupcrlcnco prcfericd. Apply Room b03, I llfl S. IVnn iiemare salesmen of mat ui.ti, n.nux i pirosTnTt p-riotmllty. who have h ,d at last 3 veaia' relllng experience Apply John II Martin d Co Penn Square Rldg. WEAVERS- WANTI.I for Africans we unn t promuo to start mm at tne very wiai, mi.ijvuai i iik 'liijuxNO, KNA11E, top of the ladder, but we do offer unusunl H.VRD.MAN. SC1IOMACKER, III.ASIUS. opportunity to a clear-eyed, atrnlnht-thlnklna LESTER. LUDWIO. HEPPE. CUNNING man to make very drairable earnltiKS. with i HAM AND HUNDREDS of other inukea quick Increaae and steady advancement, runitlne In price from I7S up 1111 St'ltn m M 1 . A. I I :i 1 'II I I' A .. V - I T-.-.V ?.,-.. ,CII m.l.ll.ir- r..v . i.. ci 1111,1. J'.ll IV Mil. I.KAItN- ..Alli ll nivjll-vtji- .v o-m ...k.c..s ING EXPERIENCED MEN iN M A. I 1'ER AVE.- AUTO F.llN ICE, Sl'OIl.VU FRO.M 4I) 'I'll Sllll PEP, WEEK VPIMV PACKING. LONG DISI'AVCE MOVING. ;iViuT'RNN-D1I..',i.,,;.i:vv.' L tWTohTiThmads cd ill! Ul AND I l-.HI'ill NN I.. I bio-sge. paelelng m-virg carpet clsanlni l167-B0 LANCASTER ASK. WEST PHILA lr.i , &' , I HELP WANTED MALE HAT.HSMAN Wo want a forccfil man hre expilenp fully demonatratea that ho haa afllne abil ity of the lilnheai nrdr; he muat be thor oughly versed In modern inrrrhanillaliist and aolllng- aa applied to the tire business: If otl hnvo confidence In your ability to make good and meaauro u to th - atiove reiiulreinenl. roll at our office Thuraday or Friday, of thla wc-k. The .Mler Ittibber Co , of New York, 008-70 N llrond it. S1IOKH Kxperlenced cutters wanted en ladles' fine shoes. Ijilrd. Schober & Co., 22d and Market, second floor. flenerat TKXTII.F. KOItKMAN experienced on knit Kood. sv eaters, aport roata, etr , must be able to fix and adjust knit nnd sewlna innrliinea. handle about f.0 operatori and examine room layout work: keep up production hire nnd fire. Apply Industrial and Mercantile. Hervlco, Inc., f.2B T.and Title tlldK. CIVIL HKHVICIJ exnmtnationa July and Au- ut many vacancies: aalarv 11400.18001 write f.ir sample teat. Jl 1)1)1. tdcr Office. SITU ATIONS WANTED FEMALE COMPANION Trained nurse wants position with Invalid or na companion nt aeiehore or mountain"!! refnreneea from phyalclini. Addrrsa Dorothy Hover It U. B. Hell phono 238 h, PnltetoMn. Pn SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR- A nuno- churchman, who can handle am kind of ear or truck, de- slrea position Addre-a f. E . 223 B. 3d at. MACHINIST, all-nrmind man. requires work; Teflon '3d "st "l-hlla ""fl BP"- Aoar"s WOULD like iosltlon wltn constru.-tlon c.o. aa (tencrnl clerk or timekeeper, 4 vears' experience; reference U 007. Ledxer Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY 1010 Rlttenhouso Sq. -Re- iinu.n nvip ouinn-(i una wamea. AGENTS .. , . AOENTB Thla Is your opportunity to learn of an un usually fait-jellini; summer Item which may brlna VOU H fnrtllltA 111 A..n.rt u.nm.,,. iwhlch we ask you to send to cover postaite. jwlll provy tho hiat Inveatment you ever iuue. uu, upvni jirB i-0-i Dunuesne, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SECURING BUSINESS CAPITAL QUICKLY rurcpiui, mim powered . onvlnclnc pres onttttlon, thrnuKh riitlu chonnnla, based on oriBlnal. lnieliKent !? plani will Ret de jelopment ir workini; ( ip,i..l In any amount In record tllllp l,n.l at ntlnlmum mat Wr. eleclall!!,' on everv phn-r of fln.incl.it writing and i Irect-b.-tnnil selllnK 12 vears' aue- .i?iul "nerience Adelmcro Hums Co., JJItherapoon llldK . Walnut and Juniper eta. Tilep) one Walnut ms.V AIT. HOUSE containing r2 rooms, nr raiiKed In smill h-.uselteeplnir sultea; hot nnd cold runnlnir water nnd sas rangea In .-no n'nr"ncnt. fuiiy furnlsheii. Income over 100 p-r month. Lutes. 7n.1 Walnut. TWi '"V!J- ror r"" KUBMntced Invvalment . t.,,s 7". VS cenl bonus at end of 5 years; a I hlladelpnla Co. mnnufai turln automo- .,"?,, ,,1C,'V0,ie, Investlxatlon Invited .' lll'i Ledger (if fir... ACTIVE, energetic business man has I30OO or more to Invest in h aucresiful Phlla- rluIniilA ah&kb1. . . ... . . i - " : " ",1-rl vtit..-. si au. ami talilo for rent In beauty pallor t- Ji manlcur." with following. Apply Miss " " "-." i ' v nesinut noom 4ia PHOTOORAIMIEItS' htudlo. well located In .North Phlla Fmll Si huritot 4227 Clin, ave Wi5iM p,ln,,'ll"hl butcher business In No'rth j nun i.inij .-.cuurgo: 4227 Utn. ave. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS THE OIIEATLST REDUCTIONS ever beard of are bi-liu OFFERED by ua ot our ''a13!', Uriinil rianoa, which Include SEV .-iim m.'u i( n.in )-i-iere rhinos itnl visit our WAREROO.VS to see THESE WON DERFUI. HAROAINS and to net the Plane of jour choice ot a 1J1G SAVING. ano Send lor caiuioKue. HOWARD VINCENT 836-838-840-842-844-846 NORTH SIXTH STREET Open Mon.. Wed. I Frl. Kj.jjntlljtjiVloek BABY GRAND PIANOS" We hive sveral verv HE VfTIFUI. I1RV GRAND PIANOS whirl, ln lude STEIN WAY. CH1CKERI.VO SlliiMEP. DKCKI.R iii.d cither standard n1.. tung.nT in d 1 from .;17." up CALL ail see THEM o send fo.- CAT I.OGl F. HOWARD VINCENT h.1i,.h'S-MII.S2-H4l S4I1 N SIXTH r OPEN MON WED AND Fill EVGS VICTR0LA BARGAINS Vlrtrolas several like new. Inclining cab! nets and 'I 10-lnrli duuble-fared records cheap and several otli.-r makes. Including Edison phonograph nml for full descriptive list of these bargains we offer Open Mon.. Wid. and Frl evfcs until u HOWARD VINCENT sail-a.3S-'tl' ! H "Id N '.Til T PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS Hint ed nu pajci-Pianos co'ttii all the meat Pin ' l --i l-new ss not uc inet.il tubing aul uii-r.t nt J3S.-, 5u '-nd for iitatosue. pUnus at Y-- HOWARD VINCENT R3I1-138-S41) "!.' M-''ll N UTII OPEN MON , WED AND FRI EVGS. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WANTED, lathe SO ,nrh. munt be In good nnl.r. nlsn power pliw-threiiulns machine. nn tu incnee win ph) i 3bii. -uaresa 1 .eeter Piano Co l.lnO Chesnut st. ELLCTHICAI. M'TOHS M.J I'll INE TOOLS po I'll h'Jl Il'MLNl' O'llRIEN MAi RIN'l ll Y i o ll'i N 3D ST. STORAGE AND MOVING ESTAH.I'Mlh.D 1S7J CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20th St. ab. Chestnut MOVING STORAGE PACKING ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPE1S CLEAN! D -t-v "' RFD-SlcaLD TEI.EI'HON'K I Oct -,' tt.i,,) l NU Mll.NTll I UEI -I VI LIVED ss, THE EXCHANGE STORAGE CO. I I ,'n N .Til - I' I'lID'' li' ! 'Nil I T t SI PAHA1E I'." I V' 'vlNe, VnXI.Nij CALL AND IN 1 1 It Utl 1Im1.se LONG DISTANCE MOVING The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO.. Inc 37TII AND MRKr STS. PALING l.'OO VICTORY S'lORAGE Pr ne llelmnnt 4971 I" e- e a i row vatl' . I 1120(1 Fllbrt ioita 16, mi ( USED AUTbMOBILES DEPENDABLE USED CARS A CADILLAC, no matter if it has seen a year or more of service, is still a CADILLAC. It has in it CADILLAC design, CADILLAC material and CADILLAC workmanship. These qualities are available in a used CADILLAC, thoroughly over hauled, repainted, equipped with new cord tires, and backed by our 90-day guarantee. We also have a few used cars of other makes, all in exceptional con dition, listed at attractive prices. NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY USED CAR DEPARTMENT 1 42 North Broad Street Phone, Spruce 02-10 FOB SALE Typewriters at a Special Sale On UNDERWOODS. REMINGTONS I. SMITHS. ROYALS. CORONAS Mi l - " real opportunity. Just think. wlr.dow fu arel over 300 typevvrltera In our ahowr om wltli ln,. nrl.. nirm An rfllt n! OPe MHrJ look around our ahowroom. nnd if you see what you need ask one of our ail"smen " wal- on jou Five dnvi' free ir'ol ana one years cuaranie. ............. . 1005 CHESTNUT ST TH W VISIT I BUNDY TYPEWRITER CO. DI MOL1SHINO HOO IS'LAN'D II' I'KL N GOOD TIME' TO GET THaT IIFILDING MATERIAL FOR YOUR IIUNOAIJW OR YOUR REPAIR WORK. STUDDING JCIIT SHEATHING SIDINO. l.'UiOIHVi tt.I. KINDS OF DOORS, HUNG COMPLETE WITH HARDWRE. COMPILIE WIN DOWS THOUSANDS OF SASH PLASTER HOARD TO LINE PARTITION' oil YOUR PUNOALOW TOILET.". WASIIHASINS. SOU. PIPE RADIATORS STTAM TRAP- VALVE'S PIPE AND nniV'IH PI.NV SALVAGE CO D4TII AND TIM' I'M A L PHONE WOODLAND 41i3 rvr-r-ir-r- m trjMlTlTnr NEW Urrlt-E. rUIMMlUIXU, RTOR Tables. Chairs riFC,r'C1 New Old Lljrt Tllea rartltloni Uoiikm ft so n 1102 ARCH 911 WALNUT PA. -OFFICE FURNITURE TO. WAU 1U OFFICE FURNITURE Desks and chairs, steel and wooden filing cab inets aectlonal bookcases etc. new and hi ght'v used get our prii e before von bu NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. 000 WALNUT ST BOTH PHONES OFFICE FUlTVltuni. 1 .irge lot of desks, aafes Hla. tab n-ts anf genct.il nfflce furniture store flxlurei . We l)u !! nrd evehuiu'e PATTEN FURNITURE CO ( I.Oct ST 411711 llii Ml' ll -i . A' l'. -'l'J i fv OFFICE FURNITURE si.u 1 Large Assortment of a Retter Grade CF.NTRALSECOMD-HAND FURNITURE CO I 1104 CALLOWH1LL BT F1L.HERT 410S 1 FOP. SALE 2.1 .lckhouses Oxl1 f "t f hlgli atntabl" for bu'ngalnwi t d gaingis ,..,-.. unn .Arh can Le eeen u ' Iloir Island ilite 3 Ask for M- P ob.ntkv We lua.l I ,,., i-nek n- frelalu iv a'''JllL'v.l.,'' ' ,imiNEv. SAI-'F.S ell !' icjs than cost iu tml.e loom i ash rt imii- lli cale i i Mlfl A ch ' svj'ES. tlr-proof lull sllKhtl used all Hlirs styles ana 'K'S 2 vr i. 1 P' P-. s-.-s .'Ml i it tr i. 1'lg i..rgo'n ' Phlla Irlnters' Supplv. It S. ,1th st BUSINESS TEKSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT ln P4.WN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS KELLY & CO., 932 Chestnut St. '-' .-.! f TL Q?r S" rV '-' '!! J.V.-V' DIAMONDS BOUGHT II i I'!"' W -t I r If 717 -. I -T hui'"i N fiiihlT"!'. inune i.a .. .a J po- cer . n.i ,'ian.ot d. I I.fKDI.i'. - 12o ?Ia'e- t I POULTRY AND SUPPLIES I jiAin 111' KS Mured P.MDoini Rn . RUoue is nm Ileus. n nur .. .iiuunr Leghorn" frum (Irst-cliisa stock 13 per do? can be it" afe'' 'o all parts 1 PJr ! post E C able 310 Market USED AUTOMOBILES NOMA Roadster Claaslert car In Phlla Small amount down, balance term. ROYAL MOTORCAR CO INC . 020 N. 11 ROAD ."PEN SUN AND EVENING. FOPIAKi' i rvAI1 AMH ,l touring. Ho- eon'l late UANLAnL' no lei. ftri-t jnoo takes It nnvvl. Mi'T'Hli V't CO INC 'JO n JIMl 1. -VV ' . w, v ... i-vi. I'iit .1..-.1 ItROAD ,,.--. -. -r. -: .- " rr r..T?f". vti io nlei P" 'igin haa i-jst ben niii In rerfert rd r new tliea, elrn-n bv present owner onl in" be acen at iesldec Phonech-''nu ""' Sli" mU'IiLAM' louring 1WJI. i.)ir i 1171 d'WIl I'll'"'"' '-'' " 'ek. IIOVVI MimiPCAR ' IS' J1-1.1 N URi'AD OPFN SUNlvY ANDKE. P.OP.Jl!il -.V.TTT.miiiu 'lie I "'Id 12"0 l,.il ., tiiivAl. Miili'lt' Ml 'O. INi (1211 N HHOMi iilEN -' N NI' K i: I'QP HQ.i : Lj2ij)o.i i 1(1. In 'i.'e 'ent iVrT.-itLE" " '1"1' moii'i au. in 'i.'i 'ent condition . ml. -" ; : :'"' c. pt m, . urdn and f"'d --'-.'4S- N and..lidi dTTaMPR '" "" '"'" H""n eM- h" "' tvJrtllI-.lN n,. on Ki-guln. lonki, ,ik new- llllVM. l"l" 11' Ml -'ll INC (l.'ll N HROAI. .PEN sl-M). y AN-i, eE- NNt)V; Ml I Ml 1'illd r57vAtli7l? i"- r '""' v-i rttiui-.i , , , , ,,pi imoAii pop 7S20 OPrN st N'i vm K KNIM1S STANI CI M T'il"llllI CM CTAMHARn " ' ,'- ll'i P.I.N'G. A t,icl ROAM. '"I"P.' NR in. I.,' ... - HReli "I'' v 'i - .v rx':!on tiii.in ruNiii.iu s ua !hw " iTiVv iiii,irr, w'r 1. I. Twill id'lV-.l'v . l-c- STANLEY Nl I'. i.M'i 1II.E ( (',' " itorage Battery ?,."" 17 12 wilt i ll III. II..U. n,'1lvelv mmr 1sl-ef.es ...1 I.lhettc Q,nH ago HatterleH 3.11 N l.'.tl. Spruce SH13 CT1IT7 11120 ll....'. i from lie . i . die . , .mi . uv-r. ROYAL Mol'iMH Nil . i LNC ii.,i N Rio. ul. open Sun u I I p.ip 0"JU ' 4. V USED AUTOMOBILES t,.T;j..u.H.ii::iniNtniMjriMi.Mn!!Mu:rnaK!LifiiririMinru!;ni;Mnf;r.!i;T.unji;irjTir:ji1iut:;t-i::riin:'ii:inif!ji "Where Ideals Are High IS && Smdm Elan 59 CADILLAC New Tour ing. Run 1 4 miles. To day's new price $4350.00. Our price $3850.00. 59 CADILLAC Victoria. Run 400 miles. Today's new price $5030.00. Our price $4000.00. 5 7 CADILLAC Suburban. Run 16.000 miles. Price $3000.00. JORDAN C o u p e. Run 4 1 0 miles. Today's new price $3550.00. Our price $2500.00. f!Btt IfeOe--, fA a $SW Many cars of other makes priced at new low level. SWEETEN USEP CAR CLEARING HOUSE noil. Spi-c. 8.130 44 1 North Broad Street ''llllilViglHilMil,,!.",'!,;!!! , I-Wffiiiii,,! j,,i u,,,, MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMOBILE PAINTING To visuall-'e and dascnb the Mirtln A exand. r ba'dng rr.ievn if iewnls.i tiir R'Jtoinubilr would b" to s:n t i half doren of the r.aert mi'l-es of cars on when no expense v.'as ?..-,! in p.ilntlng and finishing. Voir T-. If rflrlshed bv us will enual In app arance beau v of fl". an I wear the best of tl'i i" ears ni.i. MPod if 'efitila'i.ng con -l'gi tlv r- .. 1 ut . d -c'd d'v n r r-nnon.lca In th. enu u.l 'Ti lest be d. srrlb'c. us in. li cii i-t f a'l'o n bile pa ntlng v.' vl.l nip- elate an in.r-r'lvi if ...ir 'or.: and w.li prr-'r s .).- n ,- -lor-e.t time nossib'e. MARTIN-ALEXANDER AUTOMORH E PMNTING , 120-12131. R"el st. OriTor 2Cni Mnin T'pri'.i CAN YOU RAISE $200 In Lib-rty bonds or cash nn ' Pkv the ba' ance in 1 ytai on eas- -erm ' We have several cars to offer as low as 5300 ROYAL MOTui'AR ti LNC l-'O N. BROAD ST. POPLAR WM "PEN SUNDAYS AM) EVKN i NT,- CORD TIRE SALE P t-iitv must . i- rf. t 1 1, m. r.c in no- . ii..l. UU '', i,, :i-'' i O.'j .i.i , .2 33x4 l c.'l i ,t.'..t ;: nut .m J3 .H4 J.J4 3214 1. 34l ; 3D H.V.I ' . till 1012 W 1., h ,1, p . u ll Ull Mill ntilrs , .1 A I 'T' I IS' UNN I EH Mum be in s,Mj .i, i.h rib "id -ip-uce Li;u 7(i7 N i Di 'iri' DInx .1. I'H RIN'i, I i, ,.,, ,,P. . s ,!i ii, - .'id in r t p 'i l.-( :''' ti'") tj,cs it luiy.ii, ' ' ' INC i, ,'n N lil(iiNi) " VNi l N r pmpi.ai; .,.,! ,, r i. 1 1 ti'.' BL'ICKS 1".'" .v-'7 n ' niu.1 'a an j .1 'Nl) !. ,- , I ''..' V llltiiAD I'") Mi noil' nii hi i N s, INi I V i Di urfc Od Is l.l'l URilA ). -:o open sun a i-,v M"HI'.'. ell UvJlv,iw p d r.TNI l X M 'HUP ;,'.." 0 I OPEN M N I'tn jel bn an- tnrt i 1 ll'i.NIi - I J'iih ;v., IN M'NNl.l y A I I i"n I - , MAVVv hi I :i,,,i,,i''-ii f'. : '. iu.k. . or-. I linn i- - tne-iii lin. I 11"N Nl. lb l"nR I'll; cn I l- l v 11 11 I !. P , ll.'" .N. '.Hill MERCER k ' ' I -.f. Isn . ar . !' lit' I VI .1,, i I .,. . .ii N HHi i V 1 1 up, N I MP1 Nl. II I ll. Ml -IN M IN. NM ' N I. i A r LI ' i I iNAoii .pi s M'N' Nli ' v 1-1 u.v l."N, P. -I N I 1 rf II ii 1 . P 7. 'i i ll'i Nc' . i) l i By King i.- i'O, . t ,,. J ' v '! USED AUTOMOBILES .. Siy msrM.tr.nn.'qtrFr.-i.rnnrifij'in iDijnifMfr.i.'i. Where You Should Buy" One Unchangeable Price Is Marked on the Price Tag of Each Used Car We Offer. We Want Your Confidence. 5 7 CADILLAC Touring. Run 1 7,000 miles. Price $2250.00. FRANKLIN Brougham. Run 3600 miles. Lat est type. New price $3750.00. Our prica $2850.00. COLE. 1920 Sportster. California top. Our prico $1750.00. BUICK 1921 Coupe. Run 6000 miles. New prico $2510.00. Our price $1800.00. , ir,,',lfflj, 'Vfmmmmawmmmm 1420 VINE Liberty Auto Exchange l 1. "I P. i NHS Ml!. AT ROCK ll'Jl IliM PP.,1 i s Suitablp Tim ni3 ns Low as 25 Down Balance in a Year IlUicks '"J"" a"J Roadster 150 Ki.SSel ''"deter a 9nap JI75 down RGO l'.ugl,',n20l,a,."'vn"",1,!l' "" " Overlands ZZ".Ul Mt" MnVWPll "oaditer and Taurine; 1100 -uu "-11 ilow ri Chevrolet 'roul2l;, and Sedam; like X , . "" "ul down Dodges mX1 an1 Jan; from Paiges M";'a' " r..,n.w,. "handler ",'i""1,",;" n'1 Tour-nn. t:so Oakland T.'," "e 1"-1 down baune. Kranklin ' 'm't WeSCOtt T '"""nser A .p Doclpe ' "- ""- Serippy-Bootli ,"'""1:"' "yiit- ! inn Trucks of All Meikes OldS S e l,,. I., ,n, Xash i Fulton - on. Dodge ! .-. .,, Autocar r , ,. ... ,,, a' ''. .'..Mv.'rV -j" --" -,-' k. are i-outiil 'l-o .,.. ... Y,'... '"" "oora I nl'i"" .i-vr... "ii h(ret I.UIi'K Illlli 11. m. t Uj; :,.".1 lll'iciv i.Ki-m - M I i , , --':v'..wtw,; I c.rtlr . 1 ' I ll I ' M . P Nl CADILLACS '" TnVlilXtin, 'line est di i... .7 i"a".inri .fnm.. i . x- a i ... . 'iJ itn. . -, '-' IN1,'" ..mV ( PF' vi v "- N ' ' M .N 4. I'VE i nn.. . ..."..'" ' 'I '' i , aii ii r .' ' ' 'i ei' ' li e CADILLAC Z?ttruk " N I'n.a.l ii,,,,, ,.A . ''-.ndition. " ; TtS lJ-Y:AUTOM,J,ii;,J''c CO tMtVKULLI S' late model atarter Manv '"" "r1 3.M (uUea It .1, ... .. ':."""'. lU'IA . NIOTOll -Id v.. Pra,lr-,W.V(, "r U"" Hun. I'DI'GI til uir ir In f. nvn . . . li i . f in, ;-,.... '"' new . VINE Ope,, ... 1370 I'l'lel' ' -" PI ell.. W l' I l'lll ill,,', absorbers 1707 Vine I . It U 20 i,i. nmili ,j7j ..erfei i nw. 'wn 17(17 VIV2f jlp7n' 'v " HUP ;i; iUr , , , .',.. " '"rlc elart.r and ll.hts, wl fltet ".IT", uiii. i .1 IIiival viiW ii Ml " IN' U.l. .N I)R Jad OPSN "S -.D EE POPLAR m.?n' MERCER urreni n idel 4 passi igr. . ti. 1 i 'built f. i.alnleij, eott f 1 70(1 prbe $320u HARE'S MOTORS. INC. 2111 2322 MA fib' FT HT FT HT .UM I leiepiiupe I.ill ,, TRUCKS M"ck " '" w"" iouti so other makea, dump trtiaka fnni s in .1 inn Maid. International ",": truck Corp , 23110 Cheatnut at. Locust 7()3n. lUUOAl'H. I'HCrfa, I'Urlntna for nil inukea of' uto.j will m cueay, 31 J3 Vttktotiy, i ". ; r ".". Ml fl a t,fl ! Jil tt I ir, iii' f"r,1,"i. M l nir avi m