s'i KmKwm'r'XPm irrnm 'J' S'TTTCMa.-WrT CTWPfTTS''WJilBWWB 7 H!RaWP"74,',v., MH . Wi (- . Vr v Mr .. .'v t . l w i. . VA '1V fflw' kr y .. f J ..f - 1 , ki.Tf T.iWV " '.T ."Lf: 'ff"' :ft vti- ,'v "! .tff a ."',;' .? ' " -r ?J, ? f J , '' r4t wm I sr? :m S; - & - w- ; ,;: .tCl-.J"' wwwwwy ' '- tij , , - i 1. If i 1 Tift. . If'li fc'K'-. '1 fttm&' j -' :.iJ.W' -"n' k J--7v.',' " Jr - . mU "i ,,j. - . .IV EVENINGS PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILAPBUHlA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 fee Mnrfs o" e Worc? ? By RUBY M. AYRES Wi. ,,Tlte phantom lover," "The Matter Matt," "The Second Covvrlohi, MU v fl ffvnrffoau, h. nf AUTS THE ST'OBX IB.flTA'"0. . . M, nfefl C(ir0 f. ' . j Z.a n "love in a " K??SWiMtfflE ft Mh rewl ' ""M telfi'1 lfl$h ana ; :'. ntoiMf. "-'o'' '" W' 'W"1?,,; HOW DIM' ' 0.0""' $M A.ffe ff er pwmm fcW-"Jl to the rich teaman ?1.'7 rebuild hit fortune. ; tf. WJvhmorithc street next dai, W ' V ! mii eanarattlhta Vi. -i r ,.nH.i thotwht vou had K-m i ir,i ,0" itM ii";-, . "Ii.l-.'J If Jmum AJm THE GVMPS-L-Fire! Fire! , Fire! 4-11 By Sidney Smith 1C ?KSSiato i 'i ina uci" fcP .JlSbllBRB IT CONTINUES ?LftwiiivpvnB roistered n vow that Si Jfiey were married he would W&ln vo'nan'H hop.n a bull ifiSffiJwverblal chlno; he won- ii1 fit would lmvo wcnncti mm BHb hTC followed .1111 round-to P itW by while hn bousht pretty ifWhm been calleil upon to do nftethcr blue or pink suited hot wKtiij Iin'1 fwohitely avoided ffi,vinrof her. If he could help It: hod Snio.n,bea ftrtVr, and sit nenr lu-r. and talk toll'' . .- i.i. 11n.,t Tllcilrii. Iin rinnrt wns there nny truth in rfiMrd'i suggestion Hint Ho wa; pny SfSKlned attention to Jill?, Tli (WJKOV ,i utio u-nntil mnrrv hmsnnddelibeVatoly iwllhe, memory of the early nyn V " '"l':. , ... a i. little xnnoDy houbb n '"'-'' .viiu iii iir worn, rhenn clotlien JHUssho used to look up from her Vt. I,. ..nm.. Intn till! OttlCe Jill Itte.bsd looked when he first Hold ho M her. They nil nnnscd before Ms fad like, a series of beautiful picture.-) Uch had onco dcch ni, uui im:ii ; (A man cominj into the rtiont Rlnnced Billr.at Taneniyro nmi nun ""i'i'-". k by the hnrducsn and unhuppl- MlHallo, Cig," he said abruptly. iTilluuyro openeu nm eyes, unu w i'wlth on effort. nullo!" Jic felt mccnnnicnuy ior un uette cane. "Have n smoke?" i'.".l.. I Tim ntlinr innn Inok II 12K. n'r,l lit It sllentlr. watchlnz ETunt.ro nil tlio time. He hnd dropped Uci:sln into the depthH of IiIh elmlr, Fv.'iVIn irnll.kprit hniids liniiirlni: lldt- MiMtnvDr tlio chnlr-nriiis. the old blank Iwkl boredom fallen ouce more over fcU"Colng anything tnnlBht?" Merredcw IM carelessly. "If not. come nloiiR J'to rteJDcsimrds' with me." b "Sorry, I'm dfnlns with "Hillj aril sir juit accepted.' P11. you won't want to ntny there I ,) I'm not- mint? to UCSliarilS Bjlftlll about 11 ; the fun never be- rin, till Hion." Lrrhe.fun?" Tnllcntyrc opened hln I bifnti ti little wider. "Oh. you menu l.tle;gmnblln(?. If Mr.. Dcspard rMMint'lopK out, sne'll nnu ncrm-n m u J ntbtri'unnlcnsnnt cornor ono of these l-.W." be added listlessly. bd,n' clmlr, and sat astride it, his fnliloil nrrnhH the back; li"Y(ni,re friendly with the IUIIynid Iwfwry' friendly, aren't you?" he asked 'Mmlr. K-'II am-why?" i',"univ Decoiise t tiuiiK f-ome one ouriu )ftlllllynrd to drop Mrs. SturKCss a W1 He looked away now, u trace of (unSatransincnt In hLs face. y "I don't understand," Talluntyro M after a moment. . ".No and it's rather diWcult to ex Wa." Morredcw rubbed his chin iirI ittWIy. "Iook here," he went on. "you blow u-lint n rrnwwl llio llpitnnrilu are. 'fin U'liaf an(f nf nAniija tr,l.v tyf.f 1'ntlllfl !W, It's all right for nny ono who ,wwi tho ropcH, nnd Just now inr to strati them, lint for n clrl like Mrs. Stur- I.llMl it'H It's a rotten Hhilino that Ithert'i nobody to look uflcr her, and iiirncr me unit. i vxou mean tnnt tncyro uecemp ;; rcrr ' i' Mrrdaiir nrulflml . Kit 1ia1oi1 rmlnfl :, tli room apprehensively, and drew hln . wir nearer to Tauentyro m. .'. 'IxmK here. CIr," ho nald. lowerlnR .icuoice. "I'm intercftiMl nmi 1 jwntmind ndmittlns it. She's u rip Tiazworann MrH. Sturpusi nd .'J - ' " he rolored, and brnl off. 1 wrugjing his Hhoulder. "I ro to tho '.pardu' a lot, nnd hIic'k nlwnys there, j jnere a a common bounder nni'iecl ulR- ',yim he rnmo from, or how tho Des- firai picked him up. That'll lllo li,ii tliov Inf nm. nun I,. . . ...... ......, , .....v vv ..j w... . ? on any one with money, thnt is, mhcu to warn mm, bturKegs 1 Knew would be a delleato matter sho's a oman with spirit, you know, and, of Wrie. I hadn't nnv nnhinl rlclit tn miv i I unrit hnf .....ii t .li.i ) ?aued ri'lleetlvely. ' . JM," t.nl.1 Tnllentyre. , .,i"'jv " iu oui, nnu wen niiu wrntaon me; I never wuh so Hurnrlsod , JJll my life. She nnld Hint sho didn't " nil? l ttt J'r8, IJcpnrd was hIio nald , ihe got little enough pleasure out ,i,' 'e. and that Hhe wiu RolnR to iMrt.I -" '" " " WIl.V. II VIIBV Vk. :'? mone' they're welcome to It,' WJ ld nhnost hysterically. 'It's no H to trio anyway it can't bily happl- .W 'es- "'"t'H what she tfc lvonl- l Mt rott,'i. I can ' ImJ w3u3t rottcn ! r'1 n,wn, lnotfcil :,2,l".' wonmn who enjoyed every ?S0( ,wr f only shown how ibVim,,.nn,J .':n.,! tnUe '011 " wlen ('Well?'- I""t "' '? twiKHfi".1.'? M" Irrlcw sold t lJ S i l nPolMM(l--I said I'd tkm ?h L'.'i ? a Wpnilly hint, nnd Indian XtlVV2 tearH ln '"'' -'ye. joui"'nttoh' J fc,t rotten, I can tell "I am t red I didn't Ket to bed tl! the early hours of the morniiiR." gh ndmltted. "1 Imven't hnd nnv beaut cep for weeks ; I'm settliiR (pilta A'.u ' f'NM,i8ho btlu KCB 'o Despnrds?" t..55". every nlht. I hnlLV. t K ' L l0n l ,lk" the look of It. ! h ' Z n,?r!?' ! .don "" that ? H but " " tte ,tr,nl1't. and all f that mi niw,an-1 wouldn't lh; T ." . !0I1W Itlirden nnv fiirtW WKSi ot cv. Vou .kL:'1. it likely vi t.iu. .. .. lit a ; mL1"U? "w to iii8 ;'t i.il"" f,nr to Pespords aldaho waat Mcrr?dcw ttn, I.HlUaFfui Hmii m7 ")y.cr.c(l' "Sho told mo she was 1li.lns ?. - '!,r?t oml would como along after ward, i.?!?. dln," nt Hlllynrd's. Look herori como along with her lfI can." a..?. rroIow lookfcd, relieved : ho was Jiuito o youngatcr, but ho yns genuinely In love with Jill. "llintlks tlionkn nwfnllv " Iin mil.1. .i (,i '"'"..J'0" to co for youraelf how tho land lien; I'm not naturally n sus plclou chap, but I ha'vo felt Jolly un comfortnblo onco or twice lately. Tlicro'n plaeo' ,nHfi9nIt0 focllng nbout th0 Tnllentyro nodded, mj (n0w; wcj I'll come along," niiJt.1 V'c,,t .CacIc .t0 " 'oom8 nnl wnSc,l-Tin.nd rcrhol Hlllynnl's house doo landnulet drew up nt the toEftV'10'1 t0t 1,Cr' nni1 thoy wcnt '" tih'?!!'!1?.!.!0" wncxppctAl plcnaurc," .Till Mid lightly. Sho nvolded looking at 111' ll0 t'lojight, though her color lind dcei cned a little, nt alglit of hi mnnJr'1 1? 4 wnK. Vtrlxnna the sotnbor Ured. mn(1 hcr '00k pn,c an'1 .MlLeri wicr'! """''own beneath ho'r cvm which ho hnd not noticed before, 'nnd'n ,: ..Jm,ch Tf, something artificial in her volco and Inuith. t,.? . ,"lr.Ily V'n,tC(' ff "n aiiRwor to her remark; she left him .standing in Btnlrl n folIowci1 tl,c mal(I "i'- ."Yo" .ncvcr 'P1'1 mp Mr. Tailcntyre was coming tonight, Knthy," kIio aid on Rho It Hcd her sinter. Her voice hounded sharp nnd excited. "Vou nald tnat Mr. Rlgden and I were to bo the only two guests." "T knowbut Ilnlph met Mr. Tnl lentyre nt the i-lnh. nmi nuin.i hi.n come along. Jill, you do look tired." Jill laughed; she throw (Town hcr cloak, nnd dropped Into nn cntiy chair, strctchlnir her wlilin nrm. i am t rod I didn't Ket to bed till ." she beauty I,. ,1V. slpnted." "Whcrp wcro you last night, then?"' Ivathy asked, , "Th.? Wcspnrds. Do you know' them?" "Yes I do, nnd I can't stand them," said knthy quickly. Jill laughed. "There are not many people you can stand, arc there?" she nuked whlmsi cully. Hho rose to her feet. "Give me some powder, there's n dear and If you've got nny rouge, Knthy " ,.,V,?OUBo1" 8altl Ka,liy blankly. "Why, I never Jill, what do you want rouge for?" "To put on my face my dear, of cournc," Jill said lightly. "I look a perfect washed-out ncaroerow. Haven't you really got any?" "I nm afraid not. and If I had " Knthy looked nt hcr sister witn (llstrcwied eyes. "Oh, Jill, you never uncci to use It. "I never used to do lots of things 1 do now," said Jill with Irony. "Hut one mtiht movo with the tlpics. Don't look so shocked, Knthy I'm only doing what every one of your friends ' Elrlcn Hewing, nnd all the rest." jK "Elrica!" told Knthy scorrjjdil-. "She doesn't count." "She counts a great deal," Jill averred, "SIio'h got money, nnd a title, mid beauty and Cyrus Tnllentyre!" she milled with a little IniiRh. "What an achievement for one person!" Knthy made no answer. Jill seehiod like a strunger to hcr tonight; many times alii) fancied that the old Jill hnd quite vanished, leaving in hcr stead half a dozen personalities, all of whom were more perplexing and less under standable than the other. "Has Mr. Itlgdcn come?" she asked presently. Jill shook her head. v "I don't know; he didn't come with me. Kathy. what did vour worthy fhusbnnd say when he knew you haa asked Mr. Illgden here?" "I don't remember," said Knthy quickly. She did, but it seemed Im possible to tell Jill the many uncom plimentary things Italph hnd wild of Il.gdcn, mid of Jill, too, for that matter. She roso hurriedly. "Arc you ready shall wo go down?" "1'es I wish you had somo rouge, though," Jill complained. "I'm glnd I haven't," Kathy an swered. "I hate it." They wont downstairs. Tnllcntyruand Italph were talking together in the drawing room. Italph greeted his kIh-ter-ln-Inw rather coldly. When ho turned away she looked at Tnllentyre nnd shrugged hcr shoulders will) n little tmilu. "Itn'ph doesn't lovo me, vou know," tho said presently, when ho nnd she found themselves togr.ther for n moment . "I do so wonder why has he ever told you?" "I've never discussed you with him nt all," Tollcntyro answered quickly. Jill laughed. "Why arc you storing nt mo mi?" she nsked. "I know I look washed out, but that's Knthy's fault ; I asked her for somo rouge, nnd she hadn't uny, I wonder she doesn't keep some for people who are not fortunate enough to hnvo rose-lent complex Ions like her own." Sho did libit look nt him ns she spoke; her hnuils clasped nnd uiuiiiHpcd one nnother restlessly in her lap. Tnllentyre tried to think of something to say, but for tho moment ho felt t-tu-plrtly tongue-tied. Ho lulled tho Mppinc; of hcr words, dud the bright, linrd lolk In her eyes. He noticed tho way she glanced again mid again toward tho door, tho little flush Hint came mid went so quickly in her ..hoiks, "I'm going the Dospnrds Inter," he pnld presently. "I suppose you will rot be thero?" She turned her hecid tdinrply. "You me golnc there! 1 thought you hntcd cnrdH!" "So I do," he admitted, "Hut I like to look on sonutimes while other people loso their money," Sho bit hcr lip. "You nre not going, then?" Tnllen tyre repented unemotionally. "I don't know I may do; It nil de. pends; 1 " she broko off, and her lyes turned nRnln to the door ns It opened, and n servant announced: "Mr. ItlKden." Tnllentyrc's first thought wns tint ho had never seen a more handsome ninu ; tho second, that he had never seen a face ho trusted loss. Ho wns nctunlly conscious of the way Jill looked nt tho ncwrowcr,; of tho eager wny Itlgdcn turned to greet her, of the unnccoBunry length of time which ho held, her hand, nnd n sudden hitter jealousy surged through his heart. Was thW tho mnn who was 'to llll tho place that might huvc been hit? Itather a thousand times that n liciuc living, honorable boy like yeiing Mer rolew stepped In and captuml the prlr.c which ho htmrclf had valued n little, Ho bowed stiffly when he was intro duced to Itlgdonj his sleepy eyc took prejudiced stock ot tho other iiiuii'm Iiftndsomo fnco. Well-cut features, nnd vqry blue eyes, a drooping brown mustache, nnd excel lent tccth-l ho realised thnt there was Komethliig In this mapt'n personality which did not altogether, depend on fcn tures fpr & cnarm. j)NTINUED 3J)M0nR0W i. n. i .i i..r" i.,.jrr-. ! 1 4 V t f j . jj.n sa-jm .v-'i'i ( N T 1 Vi ' ' , - irlil fill'"" - f. rcm UrkvitW aA S N f $.&V 1 , v , NELL- . I ivtsr w r k.t-vi i i,"n i-"-? riAc Vaihh vimitt ti i ... j y . .. ... "...it "V MCI I l In luuu rtrtyt. i vj. Mvittl ic. THM'i fSUU MML'lt S TTTJl JM ( HNCN00- CaCn tLll TNOWyf i 4p Tm ivl . p iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHlvlil,,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.v K Ir .IHthId Kf HIV 1 m 4. W Hil.iftiii illfl illiliiJl .lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllKl cv m .m ft b 'j"'jj i n i 3UHL: . ij yaawmmm c 1 k" SOMEBODY'S STENOG Normalcy Copyrlsht. 1021, by 1'ubllo Ledger Co, By Hayward BOSS, AUSS OFLAfiE, just Telephone o sm VJOHT BE I AJ' TODAY. ir- C7.2?) It I I-j (SbiSH-ITS AS f ' j)UIET A A TOMB M 'RD0A1O HERE'. f H ' Ji 1 CANT WORK ! J -H OH tV!??! . I i'!ii:''i.-l!:jl-i::!l')t;i.iiiili'!;ii':C Wmtfwzt- mMWM - "' Ncw .:! .:!:!:!. :!'.; i JJtiiliiiihlii!;! h'2r PERFECT LOVE tfVJT V l-N i! ! : il.li II y '-' ' j iiiT s- V s' '"lil'V tYoVr55-ii . . i $Q&fxjfaJ mrT T'i'f ;'" DOOO tiSfi &66 ZS&Zk hWfiv o- v7 i I Jt v . I w x-' ffif -YarpVr li'ili hiiSi rate i:I:!!il A-E.-I-IAY wkRD -'" Tho Young Lady fcroea the Way I MRS. JONES BEING DEATHLY AFRAID OF JUNE DUGS - By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS ft V 0s') 'rho young lady across the way says she understands the (Sovcrn ment la going to try to refund the Victory bouds nil nt once nnd no wonder tuxes can't como down nt present with nil that ready money to ra.Bc. fW' CfOHf 5 HAD MMogUVRCN. T Hr YtfiH MINUTS SO AS svv- " &k NOT to hit the June Bug & W Trie DlKCCTlOH OF HS WlFS.BttO. "ffb By DWIG mMfilSnmMi " m0fm'm WlBFA Tv,?tiejT iw.hw6 I wr ewe. s ve cw W'g(Wi PETEYA Slight Mistake By C. A. Voight VJEll. WEU HfUO ARTHUR.. Mows Tmiugs COIWG 7UST GOT Ikl TOWW siwoKie, MSC SMRiMtR: NAllOWAt fMVEWt.oM MEUO WIFE SAV 'to COklKliTR HANE u)iwhewiThaf-richo OF MIME A -Boo-Mnn-I L-T3AH-Ht2Rf ,WAT LL I GET s. Z x wi rAUNiic 150oMnr- Litriirt liiicc Asy 1 . I i'uu "UU"1 " MVC.W ;i,oll..h nwufcw.,ru w,. - i VJLIflT J, U, L'Rau.iI I Unin Af2Tui 112. I I ' '", nriNiN i ii. rMiuro umic I t SJs. I l.-t .J -'r-n nil I u...nN.r,.r".. '- && r,tt,,c- Tr.r. ; mfp1 ) of mime a .. ( sV' J 2pv v s y T 'E52? r-A-r' 7 MVSTlC 5URIUF13' ."si 1 X W TJ t. YY ' "-. -. 1J1 -- . L,WATLL f - he. hao The nerve A 10 rWrJt rlt IHri riu ; wa'5 GoiucTb Dme. miTh agiru a miss J TlCKSMREIWE i THE CLANCY KIDSTimmie Took a Chance By Percy L. Crosby mm W7I .MMANwO(;oe5AR0IJN()wlrHA p J tpUAse (Jive t r.NVST one .,i ijc, r WHAT ARE yaV sbaH,. -.-,uxJ .,. , ,..,M . . , , , 'jKKr"" ' ' .;iM MJ.v.., k'hry&Z-W ;..y .-, ..niis ..V.J ': i 4 w; ifl n'i MM" mm m m cr