1 ' 5 x n Y " h fi fW ny s J! F4-v .i 1- 4tv. ,w W'i - f - ID U K V LV .0 24 N; OFFERING: Dated June 15,1921 .-.:.-. ' .. ' United States Treasury One Year 5J2 Certificates Three Year -5 Notes Price 100 and Accrued Interest MATURITIES: 5 Certificates duo June 15, 192a. M Notes due June 15, 1924. , TAX EXEMPTION: Free from Federal Normal and State Income Tax, YIELD: In view of their exemption features the above issues yield the investor, as compared to taxable investments, the equivalent of about 6.10 and 6.37 per annum, respectively. MARKETABILITY: United States Treasury Short Term issues enjoy a BROAD and ACTIVE MARKET, which permits of their being in stantly salable at but SLIGHT VARIANCE IN PRICE. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Subscriptions to these issues may be mad: through any BANK or TRUST COMPANY or TiSAsrm. Proposals COMMONWEALTH 01" VENNSYIAAMA (15,000,000 Issue (if S30.OO0.00 Loun Series t S Per Cent 30 lean Due July 1, 1M1 HIKE FROM T1IK PERSONA!. norEBTi TAX UITOSKD H XHK STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA . ,TI EXEMPT FROM THE XURMAL AND AM, SIIBTAXE.H. AI.SO KXCESH PROFITS TAXES OF THE FEDERAL. INCOME TAJL li.MIMl bA.inil.-MI Ilr. Ofllce of the Auditor General. I Hnrrlsburir. way . v' i com principal and Interest, ana to or vj Sealed Proposals will be receded by the able both at to principal and Interest, at the General at Hnrrliburir. until 17 "'''"'k I in noon -. .. .... ot tnti fnr nrteen ! llllon (115,000.000) dollars loan of the Com- onwealth of Pennsilvnnla on tho follow- monweal ,, lUllUIMUMS, -,. nnn AAA This Issue Is a part of a loan of eoO.OOO.OOO , authorised by an act approved the lain aa of April. 1010. (Pamphlet Laws. Pane- 0 ) mended by an act approved the lpth a ay of February. 1B21. and together wth the pre vlous Issues Series A and Series 13 makes a total of J38.800.000 Issued under the authority fronted ., . ... The bonds now ofered amouitlne In the I eeireaate to 115.000 000. vlll be ded -July 1, 1921. and will Le pavab.y at the I hi a-, (lelphla National Hank of Phl-adelpMa Fiscal Auent of the CommonweMtn. in law ful money on July 1, 19(11 ... Interest at the rate of five (5) per f'ntum per annum wl'l b paid seml-armuallv. nn i ! A..-..,.,-..-. January 1 ana July l. at ine omae u. .- Fiscal AK'nt of tho Commonweaiwi in , J IIII.U3 PDIKt . HIM U7,1U-. HIV fACH.fc ,.v... ---- - All bonds Issued under the proilslons of bich may be levied or asuencd thereon ov this act if-iall be eiemot from taxation lor th commonwealth of rnnsslvanla, ana ail State and local purposes .,, . I listing- Fedral Income times No "ia ,1 Certmcates In registered form will w bo considered unlosn accompanied by a cerii Issued In such amounts as the purchasers fled chetlt uran to the order of the Iiofou'1 may require In the sum of one thousand of rOUntaln Hill. Pennsylvania .In the 'sum ot II1000) dollars. Ave thousand ($500(1) dollars. ona per ccmun, 0f tno amount bid Jo,l;S,0'l ten thousand ($10,000) do'lars tvventy-nve of successful bidders will be applied In fir thousand ($25,000) dollars, Hftv thousand tal pnjment of the purchase price of the (JSO.Onm dollars, and one hundred thousand bldi acce,)te,i, uu tontract completed by ($100,000) dollars, and In coupon form In tn(! bldat,r iC btjH ar0 ACc-Pled and bidders the sum of one thousand ($1000) dollars. rau to complete contract, thin the amouiua Said certificates will be Interchanseable as 0j rertineJ checks will be forfeited to the to form. ,,, . , boroudh. Check accompanying bids not.,";1c" Negollnhle Interim rertlflcatei will be Is-1 vXtli wm be returned to the bidder whln aued If desired, pending the engraving r I forty-eight hours afier the opening of the ilnnltlv certlftcates, and may be obtained bldg N0 allowance for intTect vvll be made from the Fiscal Agent on the day that pay- on aawnc0 deposits. All bids shall provide ment Is made for the loan, or thereafter. (or tl)e najment of actrued Interest from nkt..j.it.i. Proposi's must be made upon the pre scribed form of blanks, copies of whicii may ! obtained upon application nt the onire ot (he Auditor General, or from llio riscal Ajrent. 1 .. . , .Am. riO ma will n consmereu uii' "'""; janled by a certlfled chclt or ;"!' ' deposit drawn to the order of the Common- panylng bids not accepted will be returned b mall to the bidders within forty-eight (49) " tioura from the tlmo of opening of the bids Tt.n..t.. M ........ f.. I U.M.T utll he (ID. f'herkK or eertinpates OI tieposu nqcu.ii- I'.jni.iiB ... nu-1 mo . i. '.".". .-... --- Piled In partial pasment of the amount or , tho loan awarded to them No i allowance will u. maup mr iiit.cii .... . ".-' . . inent from the time a b'd Is submitted to the tune or settlement. I Ritlement fop tlie lnnn awarded must le ii ado vv Hli the Pj.llndelplila Nailonal Rank. ' Fiscal Acent for the Commoniveallh of I'piinsjlvanla. In the following muniiei. t wit- It will hi optional with bidders to make settlement In full on or before Frldav JulJ 1 1921, ot H P M or to make It propor I'onuto amounts five partial pavmenls, to sttp in.OOO 000 nnd premium Frldav July 1. 1021 fa OOO.OOO and accrued Interest. Monday, August 1. 1921 $3,000,000 anil ercrurd Interest. Th-nsday Sept. 1. 1921 $3,000 Onil and accrued Interest, Saturday, October 1. 1021 $3 0(10 Olio ai I nccrued Interest. Tuesday, November 1. 1921 The underslrned reservu the rlcht to rejec any and all proposals, or to ai-a'd all or any portion of the loan for which bids shall K. reUrd . mil l, ,l.m.,l - th. h..t , Interostn of tho Commonwealth of Ponn liunll, VI!h the exception nf Ihe $12,000 000 Issue Series A nnd tll.RflQ.oon Herles R atssve referred to the Mate Is free of all I onded Indebtedness not no provided for li moneys In the Slnlilnn Tund Of the r'nresald Issues HgreKatlng $23. Sun Olni the State has repurchased bonds to the h mount of tl.. 100 100, These boi Us aro u legal Investment for trust funds VM C. SPRDl'I.. Governor. HAMl'Ef. S I.HWIH, udlloe General ("HAS A SN'YnUR, State Treasurer. hEAI.ED RIDS nil, I, UK RECEIVED IIY the Comm loner nf llaverford Tovnshlp lint I 8 P. M (davllght-savlnc time) Prlday June 21 1921 when the same will be opened at the Township llulld nc Cmkniont, for th innfl.nMnn nf .i.nllnn. uan... ..,.. consisting of approximately 33 miles, divided )niu sen sections. Kids must Le made nut nn proposal forms accompanying the spiciflcatlone and must bn accompanied by u certified cheek for J1000, made payabln to thn Treaaurer of llaverford Township, Delaware County, Pa Plana and specifications may be obtained from the Tonshln Engineers Milton R, Yerkes and A F. Damon. Jr at the Town ship Ilulldlne Onkmont. Haverford Town ship, upon the deposit of $.1 which nniounl will be refunded unon the return nf the plant pd specifications In wood condition. 'me v uniiiussiunern reserve ine rignt Iff rejtct any or sll bids or lo nccupt any por tion of unv llld find tn liwsril tllH pnntrnrl tlon of uny hid as Is deemd to tho- Lest Interest of Haver. as is aeemd fnM 'rnvvn.hln All bids muvt he sea'ed nnd addressed to If. A. Krttsclimtiiiu, Sucreinry Oalnnont. fisvrrinrn jovinsiup, ueinvinru county JM unu , marKPu on mo ouisiue LoSI. bewer I'ro- i T (SUned), HOnATIO O itivn i ( v4 , 'Slil PJ-oposal In (rlpllcute will U rS I rL' "i UnHsK.1. IVMr Iteed O-nera Ijospiufl llopltri Vp, C, Oovern.mene reaorvefl elated on thk preferred tt-ept uraject "rjf all bMj. I panr. payab'4 July 1, 1 ?.v.- -H...H;iiiBiiiiiiiiv"jiBBHiBiasi i or DISCOUNT HOUSE SALOMON BROS. & HUTZLER MKMBKR3 NEW YORK STOCK (XCHANQK COMMERCIAL TRUST DUILDING PHILADELPHIA TELEPHONE SPRUCE 7591 NEW YORK UOSTON FINANCIAL NOTICE TO I10ND RUYERS $101.(500.00 BOROUGH OF 101'NTAIN HILL. T.EIIIGII COUNTY. PENNtTTA'AMA IIOHOL'GH BONDS Sealed bid win b received by the under signed until 8 o'clock P. M. Monday. June 20, 1031. for the purchase of 101. 600.00 bonds of ths Uorough of Tounlaln Hill, Penney! anla, said bonds to be In the denomination! of $1,000.00 and J3O0.OO each, coupon form, with Interest at the rate of HI per annum. navAhlw Hml.3nmi.Ui with rpfflstr&tlOn DTIV- ilexes, either a to principal only or ns to tho City of Bethlehem. Pennsylvania. The Kap,.., a.-j. .. , mii nA mature as follows: 15000.00 on the 1st day of June. -- jauoo.un on the 1st day of June. i--JOUUO.oo on tho 1st day of June. -. I500O.OU on the 1st day of June, -. JOOO.oo on the 1st dy of June. 10-rt. S3000.0O on tho 1st day of Jun. -' SSO0O.no on the 1st day of June. l- S&UOO.OO on the 1st day of Juno. 19.3. $3000 00 on the 1st day of June. 103" $5000 00 on the 1st da of June. ljnl. $50011.00 on the 1st day of June. JJ3.. J50O0.0U on tho 1st iIaj of June, IMS. $6000 00 on the 1st day of June. lOJJ. 43000.00 on the let day of June. 133. SJOOO.OO on the 1st duy of June, 103H. .00" 00 on tnc lit day of June, 193,. $3000 00 on the 1st day of June. 1935. $3OU0.OO on tho 1st day of Juno. 10.1 $6000.00 on tho let dy of June. 1940. $0300.00 on the 1st day of June. 1011- .. i.. ...,.. -...... ft-nm nil laxrn tYiMTnnt ! hnnrtfl l.olni? sold subject tO de!lv the date of the bonds to the date oi oeiivery ery. The Uorough of Tountaln Hill reserves th right to reject any or oil bids No bid for less tn in par anu aiu "'- ,,,, in iv. mn.i.i.ri. D U1U 1U1 II Dlds must be enclosed In a s-aled envelope :", .:P T a,,;., noroush Secre- v..- T SUMMERS. TlorouKh Herret.trv 1127 Stniley avenu. rnmrsln H"l r..-lhlbrm Penna - - rANNh,TOS to,I, MI rilliK ('I)M j.jvf-j" i KNT FIRT MOIITGAI PA.NY ac ioi n noNDr Pj JjU 1 1930 . ... .. I '..b.'. .i.... ..... n...'..4.. in h" " .ne,'h,V "-V.ire d.to.l June .'n 11)10 f (.1) of wi.il bends r jiimiii enpi' mimberel a follous 3.1 I'.l. 104 4.11 ami 5S1 hive Irrn drawn for redemption hv the Sinking Fund at par ind nc-nied In'er .st as of lulv I 1121 when all Interest thereon w'll u-ns. t'w above bonds wi ' he paid on and after sill dste, upon presenta tion lh coupons then due ind all unnni ture.l . ourons nttneht'd at the of flee ni 1 IDKI.ITY TnCST COMPANY 3J.1 I hcs'iint etrfet Phlladeiphlu In which trut rim pnny th" nion. v has hcn deposited loi said rrdcniPtloWuTT TRUST COMPANY Irustee 1Vt P OI'ST, rr-sldent Ph 'ail nli'n Tnni- 0 1'IJI 111 HOI.ill.IO OF l.l-IIK.ll (Oil. M) v a v i (. A r I ii n co. ovoi.inrr.i) MI1RTGAOI. SIMllMI "Ml IIIIM1S viirt u h.reln i.in that the I.ih'lh and Navigation Conmni bus rtiiml tn ,( cnlsc Its ngl.t o' r'demiMin In h. . i I nr with the terinx of Mm mo Ker to tie p-nn sylvonla Compan for Inwimmes oi Ilm nnd (iBiitii g Annuities tnlte datei' rai i , j. mil Unl r the prols.ors of Artlo.n 6 Section 2 of avid irortiag (he foluiir.' bonds hivo b vn drawn fm pavrivm s l"5ll 1515 JUriO 3413 0IH1 SIS! 11101 1?'371 12 :87 13 1R1. 1.1 ISO The prlnjpal of said bonds wi'l be raid Ju' 1 1H21 n-10"-i and a Trued interest, ai the of fire ,f the Trjstee, .117 Cheatnut stieM Phlla , iifier wh'cb elate all liitenst on saul bonds sua . nil; i'i;nsiuam compny iok .N.lll.N(I OV I.IM.S AM) (illANTIM. ANNLlTIi:. Trustee DIvldrniN iiin.vin.i i'iiia riNAXci: t o. w nmiTMA.v inn, dint. Tim dlr'Ciors hiivu ileelftted u rezular aunrterl dlvldnid of 2Tr on thn iiroforr.d 'A ' sloe1 lh'r on th prefe.-ied "n" stoclt nnd 10c 1 r entire on thn rommon stock i).iiRtl In rjnli. nnd nn pir,i d vldrnil nf r. l."17rc on tlie rummnn stocli nnjnble In common Mocu. nil dlvldpnds imsnble July I, 1021, to stockholdi'rs of lecord June 1M. 1021 ChneVis nnd rertdiates representing Block dividend will ! niallnd ciini.i:'iA sfiivi:.s-iv TreHSllrpr on Ire of Till' I'VITKI) tiAK IMI'IIOT-:IKNT TO, I N. W. Corner Hrond nnd Arrli Sis. l'hllld, Iplllll, Jllllr h nc'l .-.. , I.-.. .1, , .t.. .,--, . .,., .. .llvlilen.l of one tier lent (50n ,. I share) on the Common Stock of this Coi- lysines. Juno ,'lu 1951 Checks n-ui be ' J" "' '' Uinqti I v. VtrrtnrH. Tremurpr. t Tl'IIJJ COIII'A VV OK A.V115UUU rujnilAr nurtrll ,VVldl.n,t nf mnm ln.1 (iTrrvqunrters per nut (UM'X-l -iaa hteit de. A oi , mis. iom- as t atooldiaJdera reooru i iu cia, ,jun EVENING- PUBLIC "A. New Customers from Old Customers -About 40 out of every 100 ncio customers come to us from, satisfied old customers. Will you piv c us nn opportunity to demonstrate to you the value of our brokerage servireV Well informed representatives vull furnish vott without ob ligation concise Reports on New York Curb Market stocks, lutcst quotations, and late market news. Ask for "INVESTOR & TUADEU," 12-pogc weekly, which contains articles on ac tive stocks, and u review of the market trend. Furnished on request. Ash for TU-iiH. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE WIDENER BUILDING Telephones Bell, Locust 1730 Keystone, Race 5861 BALTIMORE OFFICE 133 EQUITABLE BUILDING Telephone St. Paul 8131 Dircet Private Wires New York Chicago Boiton Philadelphia. Pittsburgh Detroit Baltimore CIcTtland Jones & Baker Members IS'etv York Curb Market Foreign Exchange Explained An lnlerpMl is t iok t rxplalnlna in Hlmiilt. IniiBUHKe nil Important MiMprl Imopiors uml l.uslr is ii n will (lnil It of rrcnt alus bent free mun requeat (ur booklst Wm- H. McKenna & Co. 221 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ilrll Trlspliune! I.uuut 1778 Bought, Sold and Quoted Ml Stocks and Bonds of Cities Service Co. Land Title Bldg.. Phila.. Pa. ibr I'll luilcliihia Murk ,'xr ifinrje Mr Cities Service Henry L. Doherty & Co. I'AKTNKItMHH'S THK t'MlM Of A. WAXJUN A- fOMl'ANy, c.'lui'Uiitd ol Al;ru in ivxiuaii, Mux Wx' a.!' mnn mid Jlnrk IVnxiiisn, baa been Uth day or J unv, IUL'1. dissolved. Tha l.n.ln... will 'lit be continued fit tho same pluca by brum Waxnian and Mux Waxmsn, tradiLr A. Waxman & Company. aB AltnASf WAX t fl WAX M. WJ LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1021. UTAH WELCOMES WOMEN'S CLUBS Governor Mabey Greets General Federation Council in State Capitol STATE PRESIDENTS' DAY Salt Lake City, Juno 10. Formal oppniiiR of tho Council of the General Federation of Women's Clubs took place Inst night when the delegates were welcomed hi the State Capitol by Gov ernor Mnbpy, Mayor Nchlen and Mrs. E. O. Leatherwood, president of Utah" Stato Federation, nuil wife of Repre sentative Leatherwood. There were day meetings of board committees and conferences of club presidents with divisions nnd commit tee chairmen. Response to the wel coming address of Governor Mabey win mnde by Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, ot Minneapolis, president of the General Federation. Four resolutions were read by Mr.". Winter at a joint Fcsslon of Stntc presi dents nnd directors, as follows: FirM. tho Stato president should net as Stato director, thereby lowering expense; frccond, the biennial council should be nbolNhcd and nn annual business meet ing substituted; third, Stntc presidents should meet to work out a standardized constitution; fourth, the vnrlous State federations Fhoitld nrrange a schedule for speakers going from one State to another. Mrs. J. IX. Schermcrhorn. of Ea.it Orange. X. ,)., Invited the Executive Committee to hold Its next board meet ing at Atlantic City in September. Mrs. Elmer Blair, of Now l'ork, chairman of the Public Welfare Com mittee of the General Federation, dis-cus-ed the provisions of the Sterling Towner bill now before Congress at a luncheon of the Public Health Division of the federation. Prior to the lunch eon the health conference nnd public health meetings of the council were held. The work of the Utah Public Health nirUion was recommended to Ihc gen eral council for consideration. To day uill be "State presidents' day," tin ec subjects being nssigned for the morning- session, tho afternoon bcx sion to lie devoted to open discussion of the morning topics. Yesterday's speakers included Mrs. Walter S. Comly, president of the New York State Federation of AVomen's Clubs. Tomorrow will be devoted to departmental reports of especial Inter- est. Among those reports is one by i Mrs. Percy V. Pcnnypncker, chairman I of the department of American citizen- . l1.1i. nml n nnnnr nil milHnll -lliptlirc ' problems!)) Mrs. Woodallcn Chapman, of New Yoik. sovieTcavalry en route to halt greek offensive 50,000 of Budenny's Horsemen Re ported on Way to Aid Turks f!prclal Cnble Wur-n'r''. CovvrtoM. Mil Paris, June lfi. Greek headquarter here assert tdat 150,000 Bolshevik troops, ehlelly cavalry, are en route across the Caucasus to re -enforce the Kcmalists to meet the Greek offensive. Units of Budenny's fnmrtus cavalry, which smashed General Baron Wran gcl's army and then proceeded to Azer baijan nnd Georgia In-t winter, are re ported on the march toward Angora. Greek naval foices have begun to blocltnde tho Turkish Black Sea ports to prevent the Bolshevik! from trans porting several Red divisions concen trated nt Scbnstopol acros-. to Inodol. The Allies fear the Russians ninj be used in a thrust against Constantinople i while kemiu musses the iurks against Smjrna. It Is pointed out that the Reds ictain some vessels of the old Russian Navy nt Odessa nnd Scbnstopol, which I might bo used to transport troops for I landing on the Lsniid peninsula. DENBY TAKES ON WEIGHT Another War Only Chance of Reduc ing "Embonpoint," He Says Washington, June 1.". (By A. P ) If the United States doesn't go to war 'null some of the noted henvj weights will have a rival for honors In t lie lerson of Secretary of the Navy Denbv, "Every time wo go to war I lose twenty to forty pounds," the Secictnrj told the graduating classes of George town University lnut night. "But this country Is so kind to me in peace times thnt I gain it nil back ngain with In terest. You san see for j ourselves that I inn faring pretty well now. I would luiti" to see another war for this Nation, hut we will have to engineer one if this thing keeps up." Secretary Denby boasts of holding the record of the Marino Corps for weight icdmtinn. He says he lost more pounds during ills tirst mouth of training. as n "buck" pilvnte than any recruit in the liistoiy ot the coips. LOSES $40i000 NECKLACE Mrs. C. L. Tiffany's Jewels Vanish While She Is Wearing Them New York, June 15. Mis ('ii.uh, I.. Tiffnnj. wife of a member of the linn of Tiffany & Co., Filth nvemie jiwelers, lias lost a pearl necitl.tcc ion tuining niiiely-si'vii of the tlliest tjiiiil -itj pciuls nnd valued at :$ 10,001), it be came Known vesterda.v. The. nv.'klacc has been gone sun e I June 7. A reward of .f'J.'OO bus. been i vijcrru oy ,ur, iiiuiii.v ior mo leuilli if thu ni'(khiit, which is hciicvml to liuvc hccii clliipt'il oft hy n tilrkpudcci or j to imvo tn'coinc untnstciR'ii nml m11ihpi.ii 1 i out ltn owner's inch. The ncckhiiv was cACPnttonnllv st i our: and toiihl not h.ivo iiwiimic tinta tincl very ciiKily, it is miIO. On tin- tlipon thnt it vv,i lost in Oji-tcr I5.iv, hitwu'ii Mis. TiiTnny'ri uuinmi r liouu ninl tin luiliond stntloii, iniili pcoplf nf tlint town InTv hen svimhlni; the rnml fioi.i the iiiili'oiul station to her iiuuku on Hi., blioru drn j. GASSED MAN NEAR DEATH Gather Swallows Salt Water; Throat Contracts Because of Injury Atlnntlc City, Juno IS. A hvvnllow of r-alt v liter while ho wns hiithitiK olf Indiana avenue, proved nlnuist fntnljes tenltty to .lames Miilllxnii, of I'ittshriiKli. nil ovii'suns veteran. IIo was taken from tin) Mirf hv d mills ltlddlo nml Kertland, who lw 1,1m go down u hun died fci t from chore. l'lijsicJniH who '-evtvcl MiiIUr-.h Pnld that the fact that ho nail heeu k.I'simI while overbeds, canned an Involtin'.irv continetlon of the throat muscles hen he got the mouthful o half water. c of the pulinotor nnd liinsn(,'liix nf the neck prevented suffocation. It was (lie hrt tase of tho hind liontcd on the beach here. Pittsburgh Honors Phlladelphlan rjltnliiirr.il. June 1,1. (Itv A 1 i I Ilonormy drgrpcx will bo conforrcil to- uuy vy inu univfiouy i 1'Klsutirgll upon becretary of the Treusttty Jlollon; OeorgQ AVIisrton l'epncr. of Plillnilel- nm; rornier unnnrcnor namuol Ijlnck IcCo.r'inlck niid ;AstJir. W. .Tligmpson, 294 RECEIVE DIPLOMAS West Chester State Normal Exer cises Close With Dr. Kelley's Address. West Chester, Juno IB. Two hun dred nnd nlncfr-four graduates of the ' West Chester Stntc Normal School re ceived diplomas yesterday from the hands of Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, the principal. The commencement exercises, which started Saturday, closed jcMcrday. j The address to tho graduates was mndo by Dr. James Herbert Keller, executive secretary of tho Pennsylvania State Educational Asoclntlon. Tho , members of the Alumni Association lind their banquet nt noon. Golden Eagles to Meet Here Tho Knights of tho Golden Eagle, Grand Castle of Pennsylvania, have notified the Conventions and Exhibition" Bureau of the Philadelphia Chamber ol Commerce that the request cf that body that the 1022 convention be in Phila delphia has been granted. The tlmo set by thnt organlrntion yesterday was the r'econd week in May. No! Hard Times Are Not Coming Just Soft Times Going Business always roquiie3 a conservative nnd complete banking organization to function properly, particu larly so during the present times. We have every facility to lender satisfactory banking service to individuals, firms and corporations. Wc solicit your inquiry. Third National Bank In the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station OUR VAULTS AT 1415 Chestnut St. win i:h'ii'im:i to ori'r.u s.vi'i: nin'osiT siiiivicr. Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co. 316-18-20 Chestnut Street 11 IS Chestnut ht. 0 H. 52(1 St. French MILTON HEIM0CO STOCKS-rOREICN EXCHANGE dONDS MIMOIBS " PH I IAOHPHIA, STOCK EXCHANGE- 1622 Chestnut Street I'lioncs! Ilrll, hpruip H0M-;-3-l Ueyslniiei Iturn TB'j t4 Ilrnndivay .1 489 Btli Ave., N Y Stamford. Conn, Surlnirtlrld. Jl'mV Investment Bonds Welsh Brothers 328 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 1-oinlmrd 1513 GE0.A.HUHN & SONS STOCKS ,mi (IM), Menihern of the l'litlndelnhbi, Ntw Vorl, nnd C'hleiiEii Moil: Kvrluines Ne iirk Cotton KxrhuiiBH Commission Orders Executed In All the Principal Markets Liberty Bonds Dounht and Sold llillevue Court Hldii,, 1 1 IK ulniit St. N. V.. Ill llroiid.i. Atliuilo City AmliiiNiiilor II, ilcl .iiftv Ilondfl nf l,cu Di'Tilntion Fidelity and Deposit Company ' of Maryland Connelly, Schwcfler & Bryan ' Phlladdphln Hrnnch M.inai;pra I I03H H IIIhM.lt III ll.IlINd I AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE IIIir.P.TV Mt'Tt'AI, rbonei Loriiht 0050 iNJiitAvci; co. an-aj so. i3th st. PARCEL POST SPECIAL SALE WONDERFUL Serviceable Clothes For Men and Young Men Unrated" nnd Cusilmeres. nlsa fine I nn of Moluilrs us low us 18. Our lot .illon jiiiir suvlnir. A Trial Mill Convince You M. I.AKCH, Hrllnble Men's Clothes :s, r, i or, ui imiiiuriuse riion-: liinb.inl (1001 bill. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Ilrlng uh your dlsmonds If lou want t teslixe tho tilKhest popilblo price for them. No tnattei what otlwra tell you they are neilh. Ket out price before. you sell. We nay 111,00 to 1100.00 for each diamond mere thsn nthera pay. Be us and b convlnrM. ,. . tv;e buy anv slt. "hai-ya eolar. rivm ttcwets tnT dlaw bcutht. KEIXT CO. CAM. M,CHKSTNt I 1 WMiM AHl. iv PAHOEIi POST m s rsinminnri and Til nnd TrtADKMAItKS I fl -I'll ft 'I'W Hfnirnl WILLIAMSON & WILLIAMSON 1325 ARCH ST., PHILA. Dully. 0 In Hi Mon. unit Tlmrn. Ktp.. 7 to Q AVOID FIRE You rnnnot afford to be vrllliout a Standard Watto CO) Paper Baler w This it n Special Reducod Prico A tlillil enn rnirrnte It. KnroiirnKF nffltnrss in connnir In schools aim Institutions. tiiv mm rnsTAf, PAKCBf. TUIf.BT fAl'EIt 10,000 hetti 4K x nti, 10 rolls for $f f Within 00 miles A uKJXJ of Philadelphia All Kinds Paper and Twines SYLVESTER S.GARRETT Bm Snntli Third Hlrfft. rtilln. Barrels and Kegs FOR HOME BEVERAGES Wholesale A ItttaU Manrifncturtd by General Cooperage Co. 8. 1 Cor. 2d and Willow Sis. Slnln 21BIS MUt. Hit All SIX'S MR. SHAVER! Our evory-day work consists o grinding razors for barbers, al so select new ones. We can do this for you as well and give you reli able service. Itftzor Jllades Ilf.Khn.rnpr.ed siNoi.c 2r Dounr.B ?- KDOB EDOR ou Comnlele Orlndlnir KsHbllshment Filbert Grinding Co. t220 Filbert St.. Philadelphia, Pa.K Toa feet more like mlllnr when your teeth are mude sound and wbite b niT PAINLESS WORK Mr 11 years rxperlenee, modera nppllanrm nnd thousands of satis fied patients irtnnintee too per manentlT snllsfncforr reralta. JIt nrlee are loneat In tovm, r.itrae. tlon fre. Fillings 60c & $1.00 Dr. Hyman 9th&Market SI N. 13th nml Uronchci BIG-VALUE Hrovvn Scout Shoes, made of eo'ld leather. Kvery pair ruarantecd to lv real liard wear. Tour money back If not satisfied. When ordering be eure to Rlvo sour slie. $ L eJ3 Pared Poll, 10c extra Hndlcott Johnson stamped on each sole rallonliiR sires ami prices: Little Genti' 8 to 131b, $1.95; v'- -0 Boyt' ... 1 to 512, $2.15; Val. 3.go Men' ...,6tol2, $2.40; Val. 1.00 Mndo bv the world's sreatest shoe, mnkera. Kndlcott-Johnsnn. Co. Mon.y oraprs and checl.a accepted. No. C. O. I). These nliovc shorn will lie rnrrted In Ntnik nil .veur nroiind. .So cut out ml mid rcini'iiibi.r nnme nnd uddrrss. Open Uvenlnes GREENBERG'S rut Trie Shoe To. 712 South St. ATTENTION! PIes nolo tin followlnR Inierestlns priced at a srat savins to jou, (SKND VOR PIlICB LIST) fclisiSs p9S0mtfm sst 0 MM e5v 4trorft 'i r.ntnbllshrtl 1R Philadelphia aHSBS Our hloie Is opn Uvenlngs to u P. M, for iiicnminndatloii to our (.us tomurs who nre unable to come In during tho day. rot'NTAlN SPHCIAI.S CnU" Covers (12 Inih) .ench J!l 51 Candv Train . . pr do7 1 "2 H oz "conn uliope soda cup per lil'in t r. H ns. Vone shape ' poiIh cup per innn I '." 10 i. "cone shupe" soda cups limn B" VI oi "cono nlmpe' rodn cupa loun r. 'J5 li oz. "rnund'' sodu cups . loon 7 nn r.c tunes (special) .. 1000 .1 Oil fl.lnch spoons (silver plated) do. 1 r.O 8-Inch spoons lallver pliiti'd) .ilni. 2 in O'hsh tumblera . . . ppr doz. 47 (Slazlnn linw rnsns 18 by 21 8.10 fllll Ice cream lioes per 100 Sa Joclc frost snowball machine 22 Oil 4 lb snunro Jars Uround top) dor 7 '.'(l i, pint Ice crenm boxes ... perioo ,0K Pint Ico cream boxes .per 100 ,ni Hoda utrawx ... . per liimi r.'l Thermos tiunrtH (for len crenmldoz, 12 Oil Thomos holders (for Ico cream) dus ,18 Lakoff Bros. H22 MAHKI5T f-T , P1HI.A.. PA. VhnleMnle ConfecHonerH nnd fl'neral Merchandise nt I'l'T I'lUCCS. TENTS Ml Me nt Y2 Fric 7x7 ft., $10.60 7x9 ft., $12.90 8x10 ft., $14.00 Other SlreM nt Ipce'nl Prices Files Mi I'rln. of Tent Our 2-in-l Wall Tents IS-ox brown tcntctpnof-treutrtl urmu Juvlt top, toith it'hlte t'li ,Vo tlv ntciied Mado In our on n taetorw iinrniitd! complete tilth pools, tttnhes nnd rono C'otmcf he V-wnht chctihetn 3x 7 ft., KIS.1B intis ft n!0ll, K10 ft.. KW.75 i;xt4 ft.' ,3.sn J.nrg'r ei'r tents ami jirices uriiljhci o.i itjiptlmflo" Heavy Government Khoki Canvas 29 in. wide, 31c yard Tenti & Covtni All sizes. At Special Pricei. Carnru Covdi of All Kindi (Mall Ordrrs I11I..1I Burnett Canvas Goods :e Mnuiaurera lUtVSl.. PkiL..'P. PAItOEL POST PRINTING ZX nunlness Cnrda ....l9. lfnp.lnrw.a BOO tl.-lt 1000 Jt.M 3.2(1 1000 4.711 Itnerhrnda fM 3.B0 JOOO fj, nillhend 800 S.60 10OO 5 Ilnmmcrmlll Uontl Paper Used Other work proportionately priced GEO. S. McGINLEY, Printing IliD West Slnynmenalnit .Ave. IStli A Torter, Oreiroii 2780 lorn n.3ft :.i Samuc Ratncr Wntch Repair Shop riNn WATrii nEPAiniNO At ItediNinnble Prlrea. All AVnrk Oiifirnn(.d. 128 S. 8th St., Phila. til Fir. Front, in. !" ".- Better Printing forvLess Money 100O I'RINTED I10M) MyrTTCIt HEADS, H 1000 VlilNTKI) liNVmiim 0i size, $1 All Commercial PrlntlnK at equally low prices Hootleta or Cntntocncajit Iivejt Prices fipreMi Atfcntloii Olvcn to Long Runt tn Contract Work AuRand Printing Service 152 North 6th Street Second Floor Hell Plionel Market Silt) Grocers Butchers Hotels Restaurants Refrigerators FOR EVERY REQUIREMENT Compntlnc Scales. Eteetrlo Coflfee Mills. Meat Grinders, Cash Ilextsters, Hafts Cash Prices with Privi- lea' of Easy Payments. Illustrated Circular on Ilcnuest HOWE Scale Co. ""WipV,- RAMIE SMOCK CLOTH Linen, 42cYd- 33-ln. wide! wiiite. pink, black, tan, fawn, llBht blue, oid rose, Nile Bren, Copenhagen blue. Peacock blue, fast colors. Just the thin for spring suit ings, skirls, children's dresses. Won. derful value. Order now. No less than r, yards sold. Suite colors wanted, hent via Insured parrel rost. 40 n( Organdie, 47c Yd. A fine quality, dainty colors In blue, pink, rns, white, orchid, silver, maize. n:NN rAiimo .11 ILLS (icon Wvnlnslmr Ave.. Phlln.. Pn. rMalt&Hopsn STAR BRAND 100 pure, the best you can buy. 1'hone Povlar 881 or icrlfc Will deliver anywhere within city limits. 2ij-lb. can Molt 3 oz. best Oregon Hops 1.15 4 Cans with ITops 84.00 12 Cans with Hops $10.00 Wilt send by Tarcel Post nnywhere No extrn chances FINLEY BROTHERS sons nnHiE avkxpi;. phila. Pat. Pending- m Special Offer 1 STOT'f) HANDY CAPPKIt & HPHBAD Kit. ALL MKTAI.I 1 BPONOB l'lLTKP. A 8YPHONINO HOSE. l minus caps. i CAN WHITE LAtlEl. MALT AND HOPS. 53.00 DEL. White Lnbel Malt & Hops $1.25 Riinrnnterd 100Cr Turo Hurley Molt Parrel Post, IBo l'.vtrn wnoi,i:sAi.n prick, sio.oo peu CASK, WITH HOPS, Manufacturers of All Kinds ot Corks and Crowns A 17 QTflV '838 Frnnkford Ave.. . 1 . OlUl Philadelphia iinnr piioni:s Why Pay More The Best Malt & Hops 75c Dl'eetlons on Kvery Pin PRUNES, "Sunsweet'' Pitted ! without atones) .$2.50 Box Packed In M lb. Uoxei. SAM KASSER'3"-1. JiJT""1" iieivveen 4111 v oin nt. ADove tllrard Are. I'HUi: DKl.IVKKY ALl, OVEU PHILA. DISEASED EYES TREATED FREE In providing; Klaet,es for our pntrons, If tho eyes nre tlls iased nnd require ri'cclul trentmtnt we mako no chnruo for tlio Bcrv Ice. Wo guarnnteo nil our RlasBes to tic satis factory and tho prlcen nre alwayn within the means of people of moderato .Income. Treatment of cilseaied eyeu nnd rnrreitlnii uf errors In vision our epicUlty. Pennsylvania Eye Clinics 733 Walnut Street and S. E. Cor..9th and Filbert Sts. Open llnlly (o 15 1', SI. Monday mid Xliursdny to 0 1. SI, FLY A CLEAN FLAG BUY A GOOD FLAG I'Oll IXlH'.lTMIK.Nf K DAY JULY 4TH MODI, lll'VTINO ri(lS ,, . , ' "i ' ,?, llrs un" "tripes. Li of! .-K'SS ,'!-" " .75 e12 rt Jia.tA l.'11 ft S2II nil Sx .' A";!!.0 'AUS,X " ,io V, .4 . "" " s.i"' iS-r ,' .H. 1("r, " "-n i ,l0,Vi't. ia,0 Cxl! f- u.nu linll i1"11 t'y.t.ton F1"K. fast culois. '"u"lrl on ullt spearhr,,,! stuffs poich d,uirutlons, piridos nnd ,i.i., . .IKn mi .,.. hail onomtB yiULBoXroiwa nF rHBBiT wv UT TB II MO ffHLTEXTSAiCr. lfi nw' .(f Jiatir.Wn,ysri I H 1!p','.fs.asJ-p' j ij2s x lintlU SI fill no- .1... "7i t- v i'vi UU4CII, 9iw,uu per iriotiti f-UP YoilZlSiV iJot Hl-lled WE S-y COMPANY xa moor ta8ii a?.n-- ' AftCEIi POST "" Tty REUPHOLSTERING r " OP THE IttOllP.n n.!l fiimlttire. 818. "mbT Jft'! Slip Coycrs. Awnlrui! ' In flpfVstflis a . rnSrnnUed "pt?,7."9i. I Ordera taken foe new bISS furniture at Mnnf"7 PAIer Quaker City Upholstcrlnc Co j v--.,. -.. .., ... jLsiiinuB rn ji YOU CAN HRT.PTn" ' PREVENT THE SPREAD Op Disease & Breeding of Flies llr keetilns: your rarnare . cans MppI... nntlsept llttls ptlc, clean nm d mteet by the nsr:." VI UitHbU Wonder of 101 UiA On sale nt most flrst-clnss hsrdwnre, heru furnishing, dre. seed nnd ceneral s mtZ sent by mall on receipt or rnicn-w cents ' SENCO MFG. CO. IUVERSIDK, N. J. , EYES EXAMINED FREE. NO DROPS USED SPECIAL 11 Bifocal Glasses $ pm Gold-filled Frame faaQU Hpeclol Vnluw 10.00 All prescriptions filled at a sarbu of LTi o B0. Glasses made on tn preml"eii while you wall. MYERSON OPTICAL CO. 8 NORTH 9Tn ST. '-Open Mon. & Sat. Evj. Till 9 P. M. -J Direct From Wholesaler iSMITHS JOo Popular for 81 rears pnt to you day ordfired, f r e s Ii front our roastlnn; nyUnder. In C-lb,, lou. Whole or Hrund. Nample nn Request Hivve Itetnll Profit by (1 o m I ii k or 24 Lb. riepidlnK Direct. Delivered within BOO miles S7e ft. SrKCIAL Formoia Oolonj Tea (lb. or mors), 25c lb. (If ordered with Coffee). Satisfaction Gnarant'eed or Money Bid Robert Smith's Sons 1219 S. 3d St., PhUa., Pa. Coffee Test Peanuts 'Established 150 ssssssssss HARDWARE iiiCOMPANY Ridge and Midvale Aves. On the East River Park Drive Jutl Bolow the "Cafe La Riviere" t Big Garden Hose Special A strictly hlKli-irrade Rubher Oaratn Hose, '4 Inch, 5 ply. fully Ruarantfil In every respect. Now etorlt of llvi rubher. Other stores are Kettlnc 18c jut foot for the enmo Brad- of hose. On account of the unusually low pries wo can n'low no more than 200 ft. ono customer. None sold to dealers. In 25 and CO ft. lengths, complete wltn coupllnxs. 50-ft. lengths, 9'ic per ft. 25-ft. lengths, lOyJc per ft. Pare.il I'ost charge". 2.a extra for 50 ft. and 15o extra for 25 ft. i "tVe have a limited quantity of 4 IneJ. tl-ply wire-covered hose tn 50-ft lenitni only thit wo will cloan out at a very spe cial price. This Is new stock of live rub ber. ,A blfr bargain, 50 ft. lencths, 2ic per foot. fompVle with coupllnrs. I'aroel Post. 30y extra for each 50 ft "Gem" Hose Nozzle Made of heavy brass. Tor a spray as fine na the moat gentle rain to a full forcible stream or may bo closed perfectly tlsht. lies;. Price Our Price $1.25 75c I'ahccij post, r.c uxtra "Quality" Hedge Shears !. f j , , ... IC.! At hSlt iiuuu lurficu, rcu naiiuic. ..,." - - quality stvel und will stay sharp. Itee. I'rlce Our Trie G-in. Cutting Ulntle, $1.75 SJ.10 8-in. Cutting Blndc, 2.25 1.25. 9-in. Cutting Uladc, 2.75 l. 10-in. Cutting nindo, 3.00 1.70 i'.nci:i. post ir.o isxtra run rA' National SCREEN HANGERS Japanned Complete With Screw niRI'CTIOXS. Hlldo sish up and lianvor v I i 'innk hiiiu. mstlcal'y. Tho 'landlept and InoKt ptnctlcal screen lumcer nude. RISQ $1.50 OUR PRK'K $1.10 piticr. IT.lt DOZEN SKTrl rarccl Post, llic Kxtra Per Do" Handy Set of Auger Bits 0 hljhly Polished bllJ of finest luJJJ tool steel, f,. r..lil, ',. ,V4. . ',f. In neat wooden box with sll" 00" ) livery bit ituaranteed, . PR1CH 9-0 PRICK ." 1 FARCED TOST. 100 UA.t FALLS HARDWARE C Rilgf nsl',MI'lvaU At., fl IW SSLAi i'ALLj 00 M . . .A'jLjsMssisssasttJr. nsmsssi i