,"! Wt,C w Vv-, i" t " v V " v - Xy 4 "W- EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 19211 !j22 I L r ti W t bf' - . hi $ m- tftf SrlKATlAL DROP C I W- IN MEXICAN OILS French Republic External Loan 20-Yr. 7& Gold Bonds Dae ltit Direct obligation of the French Government. Can not be called. Strong; sinking fund payments. Orrred, subject to prior salt, at a. price to Yield over 8 Circular ott request for PE-SOr The National City Company rniiaaaipnia I4ZI (.beatnut 5t Atlantic City Ch.lfonta Block 1228 Boardwalk BumiitiKiminmiinainmarretnimrriarmnnim: 32 Dividends Annually Amounting to $46 can be obtained through the purchase of one share each of eight listed stocks at an aggregate cost of $450. The return on the invest ment is about 10 per cent Combined purchase can be made on a First payment of $90 Balance in monthly pay ments of about $36 each. Write Dept. PL-56 for de scriptive literature whicl' will be sent together with our booklet, Thrift Sav-inge-tnvettment. No obli gation in writing. HRRLEsRClflRKHDNi SB 66 BROADWAY NEWY0RH1 jXCUSOWUMO OREEH 4020-2 KiittnroamimmHimtiiataunaistiumHmuomrnn High - Yield, Long - Term Non-Callable Bonds The only way to be as sured of a high interest return from bonds over a long period of years, is to buy at the present time non - callable obligations offered to yield from lYz to over 8. A number of issues of this character have been placed on the market re cently. Particulars re garding some of the more attractive ones will be sent on request. Write for Circular E-57 Hemphill, Noyes C& Co. Member New York Stock JTcinJs Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Maw York BoaUn Scranton Buffalo Albany Urreemt Baltimore Whole Industrial List Crumbled, but Short Covering Chocked tho Slump Now York, June 15. Storting with a sensational break in the Mexican oil stocks nt tho opening tho stock mnrkct canio in for another hard frrlllliiR dur ing the morning, resulting In a fresh and nlarmlng crumbling of prices, espe cially In tho Industrial divisions. The rnlls wcro only moderately changed, but ninlnly downward. Additional bearish ammunition was furnished tho professional contingent In the report made to the Congressional Committee on Foreign Affairs, asserting I hat the production of tho Mexican petroleum fields is dwindling. Wlillo the charge was virtually a rehash of the recent repeated statements concerning the oil fields of Mexico, this addttlonnl icport, coming apparently through con gressional channels, naturally had a illconccrting influence. The spectacle nf the somi-col!app of tho shares of th principal Mexican oil-producing companies was alono sufficient to upset I en a stronger fortilicil mnruct than I tho current weakened affair. I On a veritable flood of selling for both J accounts, coupled with n multitude of I "slops." Mexican rctroieum, selling cx dirldend of 8 per cent, was carried down 'to llOVi, as against 1.10, last nlghfts flnal quotation. Pan -American natu rally broko with Mexican Tote. It was I also cx-diUdcml (l"t per cent), and I 'old down to 48. n compared with jesterday's closing of 53. This all occurred In the firM fifteen in!ntitis nf the trnilini. 1111(1 natural!) had a depressing influence upon the other oil shares, particularly those Moving foreign fields. Most of the entire group, however, increased their opening losses during the morning, especially Atlantic, flulf and West Indies common and preferred, ltoyal Dutch and General AsDhalt. Virtually the entire industrial divi sion was affected, for the steels, equip -iiii uts, sugars and numerous other mm- I'llnncouH issues continued to lose .round steadily. Weakness was mobt ironounced in Crucible Steel, Ualdwin and American Locomotive. American Sugar, United States Itubber. Amer ican Sumatra Tobacco nml Interna tional Paper. These and sundry shares were from 2 to 4 pionts down. Virginia Carolina Chemical picierred lost 8 points. The sinking character of the market attracted moro attention because of the 'vidence of continued oiistmcnt In uionoi j murkct conditions. Tor the tirst time in nuuost two j cars me renewal can rate was fixed nt Blj per cent, while moucy was reported to be offered freely In the outside market nt 0 per cent, with somo reports of even that rate being shaded. There, however, wub little demand for call funds, as virtu ally what little bujing there was rep resented lnrgcl) prutit-tnking by the short iuteicst ,who were prompt to take advantage of the further breaks to cut down tlie large outstanding commit ments. These covering operations not ouly clicked thu downward plunge of prices, but befoiu noon brought ral lies from 1 to .1 points from the low levels of the morning. U.G.l.WEAKSPOT IN LOCAL MARKET NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS .. . dv- Sain in I 400 100 100 ;oo too 300 100 100 700 100 700 100 200 100 CII90 J mSOO 100 300 100 700 cm oo too 100 300 100 1100 17.100 200 14200 200 400 VT 700 C3M0 000 3 (too 100 E3 700 ., 2on 10 100 &2700 800 10300 100 5 BO Itlrh Advnnco Itumely 13M .. AJax Rubber 214 4 Allied Cham & Dye... 30 4 Allls-Chnlmers 3J14 .. Alaska Oold Mines... H . Alaskn Juneau Q M.. 115 Am Agrle Chcm 39 Am Beet Sugar a7 Am Bosch Magneto... 38 Am Can js 7 Am can pr ro 12 Am Car A Fay Hi Am Drug Syn S Am Hldo & Leather. . 11 K Am Hide & Loather pf Sly 1 m Intomnt Corp 87 Am loo 8114 0 Am Ice pf 61 1 Am-La Franco Engr... 8 Am Unseed J3H 0 Am Locomotive 804 Am safety Itasor. . . . 8ft AmSmeltftltof 80ft 7 Am Smelt ft Itef pf . . . 7I Am Ship Com 8ft Am Steel Foundries.. 27 7 Am Sugar Itef 73 7 Am Sugar Itef pf .... so J4 Am Sumatra. 87 0 Am TVI ft Tol 104J4 12 Am Tobacco 122 12 Am Tobacco b 122 7 Am Woolen 70ft . Am Zlno Lead ft Smelt 854 . Anaconda Coppor .... 38(4 . . Assets Realization ... 2 7 Atlantic Const Line . 87 Atlantic Pet lo?4 20 Atlantic rieflnlnjr . . 850 8 Atch Top ft S F pf . 70J4 . Atl Oulf & W I S 3... 58 . Atl Culf ft W I S S pf 31J4 7 Baldwin Locomotho., 74 . Baltimore ft Ohio.... 3SJ4 1 unmmoro ft Ohio pf . . 00 lilll French 7'2s, 1941 to yield 8 Kelly Springfield Si, 1931, to yield 8 Railroad Bonda of ail descriptions to yield from 6 to 9. VYlDINlB rilDO, PHILADILPMU .V itrr, PMl,'pkta lid Ami Vers &xt iifr wtw vaaa uiutiTH. m j. m To Average 7.47 A combination of certain Bonds of the following companies and governments arc obtainable. Standard Oil Co. of N. Y. Penna. Power & Light Co. Milwaukee Elec. Ry. & Lt. Co. Govt, of Newfoundland Govt, of French Republic Send for list and particulars Reed A. Morgan & Co. Membara of the Trilla Btock Huh. Wett End Trust Ultlp., I'hila Sensational Developments in Gas Case Were Received With Surprising Calmness In view of tln sensational develop ments at the public hearing before the cotinrilinnmc cnmmittco last night on the report of the gas commission, in terest in the local market contend moro or less around the trading in United Gas Improvement. Thu uigent request bj tbe compniu for Immediate relief in tho tetms of the gnu lease, decluilng that the continued operation of the gas woiks was onlj a matter of weeks un less suc'li iihef is granted, whs not altngethir pliasint leading matter. This alarming admission, howowi, was leeeived comiilnrentlj, although the stock wns depressed Hi po.nts to .1.1. Such a decline could bo expected bj rea son of the general unsettled market conditions. The selling wns relatively small, Iihh than 100 uliares coming out during the first hnlf of the session. The disclosure wa not altogether stir prising, as those In close touch with the management were familiar with the existing conditions, and long since rec ognized tho necessity for the applica tion of somo drastic steps to relieve un tcnablo situation. In tho heavy selling movement last December tho stock wns forced down to 2(1. but since then iccov ered and sold as high as .13. Trading in the other local stocks was quiet and prices were irregular The iolvnf breaks in the larger moiket. of oin ue, had somo effect but the prin upiil one was to fin tin r lestrht nc thitv About the oul important n ccbbloii occurred in Kleetnc Stoiag Mattery, which iililn to par, a net loss of a point 1'iunsj lunula Railroad after a dim opcnln-;. shuded to H.Ik rim Philadelphia I In trie slimes were well sustained American Stores con tlnued to show iioie,orth, tinnnubs. 100 11000 100 300 1700 '. 300 800 300 100 too 1800 700 800 100 200 500 800 3800 1500 100 700 300 100 300 200 100 S 100 200 100 500 000 100 J00 2.80 BarnsdaJe Class B... ! 20 Brklyn Itanld Transit low 8 Bothlehm Steel B.... 81 .. Butto Copper ft Zlno. 44 . Caddo Central O ft It. . 13J4 . California Petroleum . 43 7 California Petrol pf . . , 73 a Cal Zinc ft Load i 10 Canadian Pacific ....110J4 .. Central Leather 38J4 . Cerro do Pasco . . . . 2614 6 Chandler Motor .. .. B1J4 Chesapeako ft Ohio... 58 !4 .. Chicago ft at West .. . 7H . . Chicago ft at Wost pf 17 . . Chicago Mil ft St P. . . 28 . . Chicago Mil ft St P pf 40 8 Chicago Northwestern 65J4 .. Chi n I ft Pao 3114 .. Chile Copper lOtf .. Chlno Copper 34 . . Coca-Cola 38 Col ft Southern 33 Columb Gas ft Elco. . 58 . Col Graphophono .... 4 Comput Tab Records. 7 Consolidated cigar . . Consolidated DIs Ins . 7 Consolidated Gaa . . . . Consolidated Textiles.. . Continental Candv . . 4 Com Products Itef.. . 7 Corn Products Itef nf. 10200 2 BO Cosden ft Co 8)4 3174 25J4 0J4 85(4 18 hi 1 04 on 32 5814 18 m 30 38 H 8200 8 Crucible Steel . . 1000 .bo Cuban Am Sugar. . 7700 .. Cuban Cane Sugar. 3400 . . Cuban Cano Sugar pf 100 i Dalson Chemical ... 100 o Delaware & Hudson.. OS 1210 10 Del Lack ft Western. . 270ft 100 1 Dome Mines 17 1700 o nndlcott-Johnson . .. 83J4 800 .. Erlo 13 :00 . Krle 1st pf 19(4 1300 g Famous Players L. .. . 88(4 300 .. Fisk Rubber '12 300 .. Freeport Texas 14J4 JIOWO . General Asphalt ... 57 100 s General Cigar 60 200 s General Electric 135 4200 i Ooneral Motors 10 300 0 Gen Motors deb 6... M$ 2700 . Goodrich B F 33)4 300 7 Goodrich B F pf 08 ' 300 Granby Consol M ft M 20 3700 7 Great Northern pf. ... (14 300 4 Gt Nor Ore ctfs 37 100 2 Guantannmo Sugar . 8 100 1 Hupp Motor Car 11)4 300 00 Indlahoma Refining . . 4 300 no Indlnn Refining 71j 100 .. Inspiration Con Cop.. 33J4 100 7 Illinois Central 88 100 Inter Con Corp. . . 3 J, 100 . inter Con Corp pf ... 10 )4 200 Intemat Agrlcul . . 7)4 100 5 Int AgTlcul Corp pf . . . 30 200 a Int Harvester new .. 85)4 100 . Int Mcr Marine. .. 12J 200 International Nickel.. 16 6G00 .. International Paper.. 84 100 . Invlnclblo Oil Corp .. 13 3400 Island Oil 3)4 200 .Tones Bros Tea 18 800 . Kansas City Southern. 21 ( 1300 4 Kcll -Springfield Tlrs. 38)4 11W 12 20)4 30 33)4 114 38 27 88(4 3 80 131 5 11)4 80 Vi 33 81)4 01 8 33 78 A 30)4 73 8'4 27 Gft oo)4 83 104J4 131 123)4 74)4 8 38 2 84 l)4 860 70 U 23)4 10 71 37)4 60 20 10)4 40 K 13 43 73 110 38)4 28)4 60)4 58 VI 7)4 17 28 88 06(4 30 10)4 24 37 33J4 65 8)4 34 28)4 0)4 88)4 lh)4 1 M(4 83 31 '4 53 16 8(4 38 35 03 320)4 17 03 13 18)4 59 I 30 Net Clou Chit. )i 14 4 )4 12(4 lKa 8)4 60 126 or. 01)4 31 87)4 20 03(4 27 8 llh 4 ?'4 33)4 89 :u, io)4 7)2 30 85 '4 12H 15 80 14 17 3 IS 24 30 '4 12- 20)4 4 3-32)4-H 1)4 - 35)4- 3)4 28 - H 80 otP. 131 - )4 6 11 n V 60)4- ! 30)4- 3 61)4 01 8 - 5 3)4 73 8)4 27 -00 - 0)4- 83- 10474 12a- 133)4- 74)4- 8 - 38 - 87 3)4 18)4- 4 880- 328 70)4- J4 33)4 10 - 72 - 37)4 80 30 10)4 40 - 13J4 43 - 73 -- 110 301,4 30)4 oo)4- 86 7H 17 26 40 -I- 68(4 1)4 30- 10 24 27 33 -51 -8)4 34-2 35)4 0I4-- 'j 88)4 ! 18)4 1 - C3J4 96 -31 V -8)4-28 -36-03 -220)4 17 r,t - 13 18)4- f 88 - 4 !4 W "i)4 !4 1 J4 0 H 3)4 !4 74 3)4 1 )4 1 1 !4 1M Dlv. In t Hlth 0 Kelly-Spg Tire 8 pf. 79 7 Kelsoy Wheel pf DO .. Kennecott Copper ... 11)4 ,. Keystono T ft R H? .. Lackawanna Steel ... 40 Laclede Gas of St L. . 53 3 Leo Rubber Tiro 3774 8.80 Lehigh Valloy 3 Loewe Co H 1 Loft Candy 10)4 7 Louisville & Nahvlllel00 7 Malllnson ft Co pf . . . . 03 7 Manhattan Hlev guar. 87 . . Market St Ry pr pf. . . 38 .. Marland Oil 17 .. Maxwell Motor 3)4 May Dept Stores 84)4 12 Mexican Petroleum ..U3 ft M Inml rVinn 21 2000 l.oo Middle States Corp... 11)4 "" .. MldvaJo Steel 31(4 1 .. Minn ft St Lout 1074 00 .. Missouri Pacific 30 100 .. Mlflsourl Paclflopf.... 30 100 3 Montana Power 40 100 . Mont Power pf S 200 .. Mulllns Body 10 10u .. National Acme Co. ...18 00 n National Lead " 1000 ONOTex&Mex 1)4 8 New York Control.... 07 100 300 1800 4300 SOU 100 100 100 2300 100 800 100 100 100 600 100 100 40000 100 100 g.50 New York Dock 31(4 8 New York Dock pf . . . . 83 .. New York N II ft II.. 1074 7 Norfolk ft Western... 1 a North American 67 7 Northern Pacific 07 .40 Okln. Prod ft Ref 3 .. Pacific Oil 37 0 Pan-Amer Petrol .... 50 e Pan-Amer B 44(4 .. Parish ft Bingham..., 10 2 Pennsylvania R R. . . . 34 (4 .. l'enn Seaboard Steel.. 7 .. Peoples Gos Chicago. 40)4 3 Philadelphia. Co 30)4 .. Phillips Pet 31 12 14)4 1J5 10 oi(4 33(5 08 20 )i 1)4 1'A !' )4 174 2)4 Vt 'A 4 Vk 1)4 1'4 1 1 04 114 27 - 8 11)4 4 7)5 33)i 80 3 7i r 10(4 f- 7 Vi -V 30 53(4 13 3)4 1S 24 -30)4- )4 )4 'A H U )a 1 'A A 1(4 300 300 100 100 7600 1800 3000 ,38000 1500 300 1438 1000 1000 300 10U 800 100 30DO 800 100 100 300 100 100 300 100 10O Pcre Marquette 20 . Pero Marquette pf. .. . 40 . Plerce-Arn.w Motor. . 21 . Plerce-Arrow prcf ... 47)4 . Pierce Oil 774 . Pittsburgh ft WVa... 37)4 8 Pitts Coal 67)4 1 Pond Croek Coal 14 8 Pressed Steel Car 75 8 Pullman 01)4 Punta AlefTe Sugar.. 37 4 Pure Oil 38 100 8.41 Rand Mln Am Shares. 10 400 b Railway Steel Spring-. 70 800 .. Ray Con Copper 13)4 4 Reading 08 2 Reading 2d pf 41)4 2 Reading 1st pf 4174 . . Remington Typewriter 1874 .. Replo Steel 28)4 20 Royal Dutch Amcr. .. 54 . St Louts San Fran... 23 . . St Louis San Fran pf . 31 .. hi Louis southwest... 25 .. Saxon Motor 3 1400 300 100 100 100 7400 300 600 100 100 000 0400 300 800 100 200 100 100 39300 100 100 100 10400 1U0 1300 100 3100 2300 100 300 tOU 600 ion ' 1300 200 100 too 350U 100 200 8700 100 24100 200 2400 1100 1100 200 200 100 400 100 500 300 100 700 300 200 Scars-Roebuck 77 .. Sinclair Oil 33 4 Southern Pacific 73 . . Southern Rail 30 . . Southern Rwy pf 43)4 5 Standard Olt of N J... 133 7 Standard Oil of N J pflOO 7 Steel Tubo pf 75 7 Studebaker 70)4 1 Submarine Boat Corp. 7 . . Superior Oil Corp 6)4 . . Tenn Cop & Chem. ... 7Ja 3 Texas Co 34 (4 . . Texas & r.iolfia 33 1 Texas ft Pac C ft O. . 23)4 . . Third Avcnuo 14 )4 5 Tobacco Producta .... 55 . . Trans Con Oil 8)4 .. Union Oil 20 10 Union Pacific 110 4 Union Pacific pf 04)4 8 United Fruit 100)4 . . Unit Rwy Invest pf . . 30 S United Retail Stores.. .. U S C I P &Fdy ..US Express ..US Food Products... .. U S Ind Alcohol 7 U S Ind Alcohol pf . . . ..US Realty ft Imp.... 8 U S Rubber 8 U S Rubber 1st pf.... BUS Steel . . Utah Seo . . Vanadium Corp . . "Va-Carollna Chcm . . . 8 Va-Car Chem pf 73 . . VIvaudou Inc . . WabaBh pf A 2 Weber ft Heilbroner. . . Western Maryland . . . . Western Pacific 4 Westlnghouse E ft M .. Wheeling ALE 0 .. White Oil Corp 10(4 .. Willys-Overland 7)4 . . Wlllys-0erland pf . . . 33 0 Worthlngton Puma .. 46 Ci-dtxldend t Ex-rljhts. 85 13 5 18 80)4 90 48 60 0474 70)4 10 30 37)4 20 13 0 20)4 43 Low 70 90 10 10 40 S3 3774 49 1074 10)4 108 63 87 88 17 )4 84)4 31 11 23)4 1074 20 30 40 03 10 74$ 40)4 0)4 31)4 63 10 4 67 64)4 3 30 48)4 43 10 33)4 !4 47 30)4 31 30 40 10)4 47)4 74 37)4 7)4 14 75 91 27 28 19 79 13'4 67 41 4174 1874 33)4 51 2374 31 25 3 75)4 31 73 20 43)4 133 ion 75 74 7 )4 774 33 32 23 14)4 5474 7 20 "5)4 04(4 105 30 ' 64 13 6 18 83)4 00 4S 57 0474 7474 10 20 25 00(2 7 20(4 13 9 20)4 44)4 8 10)4 7)4 33 15 Commodity Markets COTTON MARKET New York. June 1." Harly trade in tho cotton niaiket was narrow. First prices were .1 points higher, followed by reactions to the basis of last night's close. The only feature was moderate selling by Liverpool and Southern wire houses, which was partly nbsoibcd by New Orleans, nnd trade Interests. Tho market at the end of tho first fifteen miuutcs was easy and about 4 points net lower. Tho receipt of cotton nt tho poits for the day ure estimated at 18,000 bales, against 1S.-118 bales a week ago and (MHO bnJcH n vear ngo, nnd 115,2.1!) bales two ears ngo Prov rioso open u ai 1? r 1:30 Net Close Chlte. 701 90 10 - 74 10-3 40 833 3774 14 40 .. 11 10)4- J4 109 m 63-8 87 38 - )4 17 - !4 . 8)4 14 84)4 .. j 133- 414 31 - 11 - 33)4- JJ 1074 H 30 - 89 49 m 93 191 18- 114 74)4- 14 81)4- )4- M 81)4- H 63 1074- 14 94 87 - 07 '1 3-14 87 .. 80- 44&- 3 10- V 33)4 - H 7)4- M 47- 1)4 30)4 31 - )4 30 40 - )4 10)4- 1 47)4- 14 774- 14 37)4- 14 57)4 14 75-0 1J4- 37-14 38 19 - 1)4 70 (4 18)4 14 68)4 !4 41 - 1(4 4174 74 1874- 74 33)4- 83 - 1)4 3374 31 )4 36 J4 3- 70)4- 74 23)4- )4 73 20 )4 43(4- 183 1(4 100 r )4 75-1 70 )4 7 )4 8)4- 54 774- (4 33 22 23)4 14)4- 1 8474 - 7- A 30 - , 118)4- 1 04)4 10574 - 20 (4 65 - 13 )4 8 18- J4 88- 2 90-7 48 r- !4 87)1- 174 0474 - )4 7374- lu 30 . 25)4- 1 66- 77a 7 - 20 ..y 13 - - 14 20)4 1)4 14)4- 0 -0)4 )4 7)4 A 33 - (4 45 .. PETROLEUMSTOCKS DOMINATED CURB Trading Was Orderly and De dines in Tropical Oils Were Slight n n n ni 1 (10 n is id 711 1 1 ii'i i:m I J S11 n 1.1 Philadelphia Stocks mh l. Am Stis. 00 KlOtCha'dlcr Motors. (10 U 202 i:iieStorl(ll',t :." I Co X A 2! 1 200 Lake Hup Leh Vnl If)lj (W2 I'u lilt 31 III Phila Co ( urn pf .11 a, "7 I'hiln l,. 21 if. 201 do prcf . 2". "'I ;or. 1 a j ,-u 20011' S. Steel 75s SO West Jer A. S 27 l,OW no 00 100 2! I M 10 .1.1 Vt .11', 21 1 j 2"' .1.1 7i''x 1 r. V M ."1!) Net 4 (101,-1 100 1 211 h t 10n44 I i 11 J II '! ', I . ' 1 11 2.- K .1.1 IK 27 . MARKET 15 Wheat sUl tod Snt 1 linnvff mida b enrnn mson m'h 'J un .New Vork btncK ELnnrurf rilll.AIIKMMIIX HtlNUS .1OI10 ictory 4 11,00 Amer Gas &. Klictilc ,'is 1100 lnterHtate Im . 2000 Lehigh Vullei Ci.nl .".- .1000 riilludelphla i:in Im .". fl .10 72 .10 l.1i. SI WILL BUY FOR CASH UNITED AUTO STORES COMMON STOCK Make Offerings c. .i"l " K- ''B 2res -J. C A." Box 372. CL rfi a. V ew xon JX . Uall'Sta DIVIDENDS DECLARED Kerr L.lk Miiip I.lil U'j ruits jis ak.lt Ju 15 U stoik of rfiiinl luh 1 tho Llttln bchuylklll Ninlnatlmi Itallicnrt Cnul L'i. 1 paab! full in us lOKlmcreJ Juno 20 United States Treasury Certificates Quotation today on Urrllul Htaltn Treas ury ccrtinraiia nre n rouoii Ini .Mnturinir ttmn S(i July fl AUk- fV sept 0 Bpt, 1 . Oc Oct, Dae, KU, Date Hid Jtl 10' 10ft IR21 IQIJrV 11)1 '00 1U.U 10 (V lu.'i II.U T HI lft 16 l lOil lOOrV lu D2i ino.. ivn iw Mur. If,. 21 1IIOU nvi rrom normal reaj income. roir paymens Aak) V I e I d 1111 1 iv l on no n-.vj n 00 8.S. s.oo S.oo 13 1 'j i 100 8.8 100 T-H2 I 100 K- 100A 83 lOHrV 0.11 .ST It. miu . n.:in rwrin nov- aW.ft-' lu Oi tnbf r tJpnil.LT lanuarj Han h 111 I GRAIN Cliliazo. June with .luh 'ji to 1 hi' lower nnd S'l tenilwr 1 '40 to 2V&C off, with piomi nent coinmiH'.lnn houses selling, while hajmg was sinttered and weak He itipts iiisncted jesteidnj, fortj-slx eais. las jcar, tliuteen nrs Cash morket eas , with further downward rerlslon if premiums Uomohtlc shlp liing demand moderate. Crop and weather londitions generally faoruble, with additional ruins in tne Xorthwcst: model ate temperalureH and mostly fnlr conditions in the Southwest Morn fa nrable deelopments In tho legislate e situation expected to revive conlidenco in the trade. Sentiment In tho trade Is mixed and nbout evenly ditided Corn opened fairly steady, with Jul 'hc higher to c off, and September unchanged to J,fcc higher, but weakcnisj icndil) after tho start nf scattered com mission house helling uud luck of Impor tant )ii.iug. Outs i.i.c'iu'd ' ic to "V lower for July and 'si' to 1 i' off for September Corn minion houses had small wiling or ders. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Sew "orli, June 1," Mining oiiIith b a tunic 1 i.iiimissioii house tor Jul iotitiut rausfd an Initial upturn of four points for that month on the opening cnll of tho local coffee futuies matket this morniug, when other por tions were two to eight points lower on liquidation nf old long accounts. The fact that Uracil in 11 hhlppcrs hae re cently shown a disposition to sell collee In the cost nnd ftclght market and hno lowered priies somewhat, has led to 11 belief In some quartern that poHslbl) the Federal Government had uitlid in. 11 its suppoit at least tcmporarll), and this may have accounted for some of the selling of December nnd later inontha today. ' i Prv. Cloi Cloa rubr ' fl.su w o JiJ.iA Dtembr. n.7W70, 8.7 - Hi' '..'v.:..:... T.isoDin t. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Xew York, June 15. Sterling was higher and firm at the opening of the foreign exchnngo market toda. French and Melglun bills nlo displaced strength. The other major exchange" showed an Improved tone, with tho ex ception of lire, which were slightly easier. n Quotations were: Sterling cables, "7i, demand .1.70; franc cables fi.04, checks 8.03 : IJelglan cables 7.09. checks 7.08; Swiss cables 10.85, checks 10.82; lire cables 5.12, cables 0.11V6; pesota cables 18.04, checks 13.02; guilder cables 38.1fX checks .13.05; Stockholm cables 22.45, checks 22.40 ; Christiania cables 14.C0, checks 14.45; Copcnlingen cables 17.15, checks 17.10; marks, 1,41. After the first hour the quotations 111 foreign ixchnngcs represent! d gains 111 most of the major exchanges. Ster ling cables were 3.78Vi, demand !l.77'j: francs cable 8.07, checks 8.0(1; llcl ghin cables 7.08. cheiks 7.07; Swiss ca hies UI.K). checks 10 82; Hie cables " 12'j dieiks 5.12; marks 1 4.i. Central Kurniciin exchanges were ir regular There was a moderate ad ano In Creek ilrnchmns. Quotations were: fiici'l.. 5.20; Rumania. 152, Mulgniian. 1.15; Austrian. .21; Poland OS.-,, Cecho. Slovakia, 1.40, Jugo SlaUu, .70. MONTREAL The rate of prniilum on Xew York funds today was 12 5-1(1 pir tent. The into of discount on Canadian funds in New York was 11 per cent EBTEKDAY 8 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Sterling Francs l.lio Uulldorn Demand 3 75S 7 tin n in n 95 Cablea a 77 ( 1)7 n IS 33 U1 TODAY H 01E.NIN(1 OUOTA'l IOKH bterllnar Trunci J.lr Oulldera Demand 3 7()K S f) IU IS 11. 81 11.-, Cables S 77U s lit'. HI.' ",3 10 LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS (hieiso, June in 1 VJTl.!. lie elpti 111)0(1 tnud lltef alten ricniix tj -, lower, ton heavs Mofra IK lid, l.ulk. 17 no WS 50. die rlotk dull unit uii'innlj lowi-r1 bulla, ntotkere and fn Icui v-vuk bulk lo- Ionia duIIb 4 r.llV 4.70 canes stiaU) . wnl. eia largely ts SOtf!) liin,M iinelpia to SSc hlsher tni iioiiiI lSc hlaner jj 1 i itacil nl tou p;a 11 1 Mi) ii uily 11 000 lie id Slow Hi! i jestiidav'B nwrno TOP. tS 80 Ml. ,Mj 9 ."i bulk 1s''iS20, built fla nilik Sir Tai 'HHKI' Hen-linn IS OOO hmul Verv i 1 IuiUiil uneenlv but sliiirpl I 1- 1, tlti.n, , rii tWf be the! t. lit jrj 11 f. d i uillngu t ' r) I'llUliurch. Jun- lft HOa.S - Rrcclpis 1100 hud 11'i.hrr IJeae s 15WS 2 1 r i und llulit urkers end plus t Oufji IIIKEP AND LAMHH Ilielpl 300 head Steady ion ahecp J'. B0, top Iambi, 110, (alvea rccelpta 1.10 head Top 111 BAR SILVER lyondon. lune in liar silver waa Sd lower her today ot 33d Liverpool Cotton l.herpisil, June 10 There n only a limited demand for pot cotton today with price cailer on the bail or a decline ot 8 wr 1000 bales. The recelptj ware 20,000 bale. Includlna- lfl.SOO balaa Americ.h. V. J Urea wars qviet In the ary deai'ngi. ; Spot prtcea warat American mldallnc fair. i.'-" "... -.--.. .-r i-jj.:. .,-..... ..IIU- llil, low . m IWUIOaVr O.tUd) EOOd LONDON STOCK MARKET' Trading Was Listless and Was Lacking In Leadership Imdoii, Juno 15. While the Stock Exchange markets wero listless today, with leadership lacking, the undertone was one of stability. The attendanco of brokers in the house was again light. Generally tho feeling was cheerful. Changes In tho oil department were narrow, but the group was flabby. Shell rransport and Trading ns 511-10 nnd Moxican Eagle 0 7-10. Gilt-edged in esttnent issues drooped, as rates for monoy were firmer because of advance preparations for the turn of the half year. I rench lonns wero firmer on tho appreciation In the franc. Dollar descriptions wero weaker, moving with NW York Exchange Home rails were nuict and easier, on fears about the labor situation Argeu-m- rn Is wwe iiiegulnr, but lower in the main Doubts about diidcnd piij -nients caused Kaffirs to tag Rulilir shares erc maintained Industrials wero inactivo. Hudson's Ilaj "1 u! MONEY-LENDING RATES if 1 IvnUIng and ienewln ' ,cr ccnl PIHL.UEI.riII Call 0 r.r ..,., .. ouiu ,nTO nro rnerxly nomlnii ,,.....- )'no. Liiv irjKiii rnin rtr ntae of Tenn.y icanla t-,lB' fixed ii ' V feni Iuh premium and tnminlaeon time mo.S., tor thirty to ninety da. loaii, nt 7"? ,or thlr t,t..H . ' ' . "V" cu!"n'rcial pap, from hlrt. to nlnetv dtn lu hm,i !..M . '"'n tnt . 1 th per c Reserve Banks' Discount Rates O'lb-lai redle count rate at the lweIo 1V.1 oral Iteicrro llanka are us follows Uoiton Ne Vork I'hllndelphla CI 1 voland Richmond Atlanta ( hl n SI I.ouls M nneapol'a KanHm Clti tlnllun San Krnnclico Treas ctrs. a a a n a a r'4 a 0 a Uoiids I'aprr Accept 11 II M4 11 11 11 H It II I) (1 fl n nw 11 n n n Ma it r.'i n fi DUcount rata enrresnondn with i.,.i .. rate borne by rertlficate pledged, at collt era with minimum of 6 nor cent In tho ca", Sf m'a'delph.a'"''1 "" Cnt '" 'h, "M Louisiana Oil Prices Reduced Mirrteport, June IS Standard Oil Co of Iiuliluntt announce! a rodudlon of 25 tenia a hair I on nil driid'ie of North Lnnlklnna crudo oil exiept Caddo haavy and Arkaneaa iinlrh will remain at II and 70 centa rel apertlvely. Oulf and Texai Coa reduce CriIiM heavy oil 20 cents, maklnr the new price 80 oenta a barrel. Raw Sugar Market Steady 1 '." V.orK' Juno A"1 TThr r"w ,,ueRr mar. 1 et Is steady on the basis nf i 0 I f A falrlv larae bualness was transacted In mi m jtiw vu 4uur un nit, auove paalu At the close. the Federal Sugar lleflnlnt co acquired BS.uuu pais anoat brlnalna the total transactions (or the day up to approximately 67,000 bats of Porto nieoa anoat and for shlsmtnt thi, last half of June and Are, half of Jufr. th ..iA i ,. l)fl Arbjikts Jlros, befnB ! . ...ttri... . if. Sugar Jleflnlna Co. tn buyers. lOJi 007. 13't 07 New York, June IC. Special interest was again attached to tho dealings of tho petroleum Issues on the Broad Street Curb, but tho market thero was far moro orderlv lhan hnd generally been expected In vlow of the further cuts in tho price of crude oil and pe troleum products. Stocks of some of tho tropical companies xvcro in supply. Marocolbo falling to 23V1 nnd Carib Hyndlcato yielding from 0 to 0. Tho Cities Sorvlco Issues, which were cx-dlvldcnd, wero fairly steady, hold ing tho moderate recoveries tnado from tho Jotv levclo of Monday. Bankers shares wcro traded in nt 14 to 14, tho preferred at 45 to 44 and ttie common at law to 127. Low-priced issues were irregular. Hudson Qll was in fair demand. Pro ducers and Reflnera unl.t nf !tlf, nml 3. There was n moderate amount of OUmnCS.S in Hlrnmo nt 70. nml 77, Anglo-American was firm, selling nt iu o -iu'S" international rctroieum was traded in at 13. Industrial issues wero quiet nnd without special change. Lackawannn rights wero traded In at 35 and Southern Conl nnd Iron sold down to . Colombia Emerald was heavy with sales at 1. United Retail Candy sold at 7 and United States Light and Ucat nt 1 and 1. I.NDUSTKIAUN 11 00 ilivS Tyim a r Acmo Coal ii4 ii i''i Amor leather IB 13 13 Columbia Kmerald Ill 11, 1 Com Finance , 42(4 42(4 42M V U ft w riaht Vtfr 8.1H 8814 Inter Rubber 8V4 8rt 8W Mitchell Motors 4U 44 4H Perfection Tlrs J, ', UHI.4H ... . l' 1J 1 U 8 Ship Corp A H 2 U fl Steam ....:. K 2 2 HUlf"! ft olt Sharing .. . IK 14 1 Unltod Itet Catxjy 7 7 7 BTAMUIU OI1A Atielo-Amer Oil 10 Stand OH of Ind . .. . 0714 INDiaKNDK!tT OILS Allied Oil 4 Halto Pet 5'i Uoone Oil l lloaton Wjomlng 7B Carlb Synd H Cities Service (old) ex dlv.130 1 C t Berv "II" ctfs ex dlv 14H Clt Sorv pref ejt dlv . 46(4 Denny Oil jl Knglneers Petrol ' federal Oil ii Ouffey Gillespie 11 Hudson Oil ,v Int Petrol 13 Maracalbo Olt .. . i-JS Mexico on i U. Mountain Prod ex dlv National oil N J Noco Pet Noco prof ... . ... Omar Oil Producer & Ilenrrera. . Salt Creek Prod SImms Pet Skelly Oil Teaon Un Texas Oil United Itojally MINING Alaska Ur Columbia ... Atlanta 131c Led re ltooth lloolon & Montana . . Caledonia Mining . Calumet & Jerornn Candelnrla Mining . Cortex Sliver Cresion Uold ( reticent MacXamara Dundee Ariz Kureka Croesus . Eureka Holly . . Uold Cons Oold Detel Oaldfldld Kloict-e Uold ICeuanau Oolif Sllor 1'lcli . Uold Zone llicln. Mining . . . . Iron IJlosom Jumbo Intension Knox Divide MacNnmaru, Mareh Mining Mother Lode new National Tin ... North Star . ... Hex Cons Hochestrr Mines .Jan Tov . ... SlUer King Divide So Am P & U Htar.M Slher Lead . Success Mining . . Tonopah llelmont ... . Tonopuh Cash Hoy .. .. Tonopah Dllde . Tonopah Dxtcimlou Tonopah-JIm Uutlcr Tonopah Midway Tonopah Mining Tonopah Mlzpah .,, tonopah Mnntntri , ., Tonopah ltcscue Dula United Eastern Victory . . Vst Hnd Con White. Caps Wllbcrt . . . . S. 11 s ioj5 no.NDS 102.'. . . 1VJI. Amor Tel Us Amir lei 0s Anaconda fis ... Anaconda, 7s 1020 Anglo-Amer 7 Us . Armour 7s Ileth hteel 7s 1033 Ctn Nat P.vry ea 7a Cltlos Service 7s II . Otloa Senlco 7m C Cities Service 7s I) . Copper Kxport 8s 1U23. C'opiwr Kvport Hu 1021 Kmplre Clas Ci 1024.. Emplro Oaa Bs lll-'4 . Grand Trunk 0Vs. . . Oulf Oil 7b Humble Oil 7 . . . Llbby-McNelll 7s Houthu-oit Iloll 7s Stond Oil N V 7s 1927 cm s . Sun hnlft 7s W a:u uvi S7 l'2, io". si tin si 7S f0?4 8 i 87 1)3 "S tnw i)Bi; nau mi ' oo uiii. Cotton Consumption Wonliliurtnn, Junn 16 Cotton i iinaumcd during May amounted to 430.884 bales of lint and 47.8(13 brihn of llntero, thn Ceniius Uureau announced todas Consumption In May lust ear amounted to 611,377 bules of lint nnd 32,072 of llnters Cotton on hand May 31. In mniiimin. establishments nmnunted to 1,270,314 baits ni iini ana iu oon uuies ni iinters com pared with 1, BOH, 831 of lint and 282 831 bales of lint and 201), 108 of llnters torn pared with 2.B8i,8tiS of lint and 303 37" of llnters a year ugo Imports during Maj amounted to ll)At bales, compared with 15 707 In Ms lust jur Kxports for May were 473 040 lairs Including 4840 bales nf llnters compared with 3114,004. Including BOW of llnters In Mav Inst year. Cotton spindles active during i- number 32,1131,031 compared with 34 01)0.711 In ll, lust ycai. More Gold Arrivals Issh York. June 16 -The steamship Arena arrived with fourteen bars of gold from Colombia consigned to William Schaal t Ca Steamship Mount dn brought sevents-clirht l....AU IImu f. Iliin..ll T- ...M yr Chailes Hardy Si Itupertl. Inc I'roposTls KlItT Mll'JJ, VA. Si:.t,KII l'lini'iis , ,Z . In trtpllcatn will be r.celved unit u a w June 2, 1031. and then opened for' ,M rcconstnictlon of roida within reet-nii"i' new rouds and drains around lamidri ni-" also tlinl.w cent trestle Ooxirnment Si serves right to nrcept or rrj.et ni" "V " bids Information can he obtain, i i?J " plication to Conntrtctlng Qinriormi..np" loom 2418, War 1 rnd- llullding thh "i". N W . Wuitilnktnii n i. "'" celM-d In Hoom 210. City if. m ".',., TS o'clock noon on Thnrsd V. !.. ,.!fn' 1.3 and opened at that tlm- In same ,S?.: "El I Qencral ronslructlon fnr it.. r.....'"r nent of Independcnco Hall rronn of bJiM lugs, restoration nf old rtu i,,' II'I"' prudence bmiare, Pnllod.lphli j.," .'"J'' s v" nitti n5 utiiiin nrii im ..ii x... i.. ... :. : "v rnrein "-iw7 ' aV'."'." :,y ;"" 1l;i,wihiR rhuntiV of the Amorlcnn inxltut or mo Ainericnn insmtut" nf Arel.ii.V.. under eontrnct with th- Illy nt pB Phla nuthorlr-d by ordinance of CrVuncl'i" IBO deposit renulred for plans and spseif- cattons : Plumbing work for general enn.i-,,. ton for tho Improvement o It i1,innd,S5: Itall group of buildings restoration m city Hall, Independence tluare I'hn.d.1.1 Phla. Pa,. In anordanc. with th." plan" 2fd' these spec Hcitlons prepared by th t.Mi. delphla Chat ler of tho AnYmln insM. V of Architects, under contract with !!m! S.'iW "'!,. byWordin'c.Cl0l ,. u.fv... .muirea tor plans and BDeeftcatlom Plans and specifications ohtslnahta ni... Kor iniormation and jfu I partlsulsrs in. nulr. at Iloom 118, Clty'llsllf "8,"r ,n" I i. Wtgntdy WIANK if. CAVEN. Self Insurance as a Means of Saving Five thousand dollars invested under a voluntary or living trust, through the action of compound interest at 5 per cent., becomes $ 1 0,487.84 in 1 5 years. In 20 years it will grow to $13,425.30. This form of self insurance is not offered as a substitute for the ordinary life insurance policy (which the uncertainty of human life makes advisable), but as a per sonal sinking fund. The establishment of a living trust fund is an excellent way of saving, of providing money for any expected or unforeseen contin gency, such as an endowment for yourself, an educational fund for your children, or protection against a "rainy day." Consultation with theTrust Department of this Company will familiarize you with the many other uses of a living trust fund, which may be added to or drawn upon at will. Member Federal Capital and Surplus Reserve System $10,000,000 EFFINGHAM B. MORRIS, Preiidtnt ORARD TRUST C0MBVNY eharttrtd 1836 fi OJ J'.'-'.Ti J i-i Philadelphia A BANK that conducts its own affairs successfully can be depended on to safeguard the interests of its customers. In not one of the fifty-five years of our existence have we failed to add to our surplus and undivided profits. Central National Bank of Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Fifth Capital $ 1,000,000 Surplus and Undii ided Profits Earned $4,400,000 "I1 If1 New Issue De Kalb County, Georgia 5 Road Bonds Population, 1920 census, 44,051 A substantial portion of the City of Atlanta, including a part of the residential section, is in this county. $50,000 due Jan. 1, 1945-49 inclusive Price: To Net 5.75 Full Information Upon Request HARRISON & CO. BANKERS 106 SOUTH rOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange ANNOUNCEMENT. We take pleasure in announcing that we are now represented in Philadelphia by Mr. B. Hubert Cooper with office at 798 Drexel Building. ARTHUR PERRY & CO. Investment Bonds Providence. 19 Milk Street, Boston Philadelphia. talEGNEMOCKEVMn c5SAqtento WILL BUY CONTW of tny !ar rompuny nssdlM w capita), nivs particulars.' nurobrr pf holdsrs, tc.j to r.Tlv MUntlon m