' rgf'rxam rviw i HJ-T IV i ' Stfv 'I v t, m -C" V Kv.'jxa - FiKENEW ROADS Jjfcfaaa j IK VERMONT HILLS i9sss9isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMksbssssssssssssswH sssssssssssssssssssssssMMBF-iiiif i w)ff 5inH EVENING PUBLIC LEDG Ell-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 15, 1921 21 Historical Places Mako Good .Resting Spots for l Tourists 1812 WAR LOCATIONS Orea't Country for Those Inter ested In tho Smugglers' Law j Near Smugglers' Notch ' Speller, Vt.. June lU.-Tho Vcr wont HlRhwny Department will open tMii itimmtr n new scenic route through Bouwlers' Notch, at the bane o( Mount Minefield, which ha an altltudo of 1457 feet, being the, highest mountain in Ihe State and the loftiest peak of the Green Mountain system. This will open one of the most picturesque re rloni In New England. The name Smugglers' Notch was glten more than 100 years ago. Dur hjMhe embargo period, when' trade vlth foreign countries was prohibited .t4 during the War of 1812 that fol ied. many artclles were smuggled ieroM the Vermont border from Can lit many of them being Intended for the 'Boston market. It wns discovered tkit a route through this pass from the Canadian border to Massachusetts was shorter and less likely to bo frequented by revenue officers than tho regular fclibway. Consequently many smuggled roods were carried through this moun tain defile, and the name still lingers u a reminder of the rowsnuo evasion of an early period of American history. There are two routes from Lake n..mn!nln and Borllnzton to St. ,' Jobnsbury and the White Mountains. One Is oy way 01 mt vinooKi xiver Valley and Montpellcr. thence through Manbfleld, Cabot and Danville. Tho otbsr and more northerly route Is by war of Essex Junction, Undcrhill and tbe Lamoille River Valley towns of Cambridge, Johnsqn, Hyde Park, Mor rlitown and Hordwick. This new route connects the Wlnooskl River nnd the Lamoille River Valley highways. It may bo uicd either as n detour on the way to or from the White Mountains era short trip may be taken from Bur llnrton, going by way of ono route and returning by the other. If one follows tho Wlnooskl Valley kllbway he will proceed from Burling ton to Watcrbury, going thence to Stow, from Stowe through Smugglers' Notch to Jcffersonvllle In tho town of Cambridge. The distance from Watcr bury to Jeffersonville by this route is probably a little less than thirty miles. For a part of the way through this mountain pass the cliffs rise per pen- LAKE FISHING A PLEASANT PASTIME dlcularly for a thousand feet or more. During past ages great boulders have been detached trom theso rocky heights and hnvo come thundering down, mow ing n path through the forest. Somo are very ancient nnd moss-covcrcd nnfl others nre of comparatively recent ar rival. Some of the cliff fonnntlons hnvo been carved by the elements Into curious shapes. One known as tho clephnnt'n Dead resembles the head nnd trunk of an elephant. From the base of n great rock in the notch flows n spring of almost ice-cold wator, said to bo tho purest ever analyzed In the Vermont Stnte Labora tory. This spring Hows at the rate of 200 gallons a minute nnd nlmost imme diately forms a lnrgc brook. Within a short distance It falls over the rock more tbnn eighty feet, nnd Bingham Falls Is one of the beauty spots of tide remarkable region. Through a natural flume the water pours down Into a rocky pool, from which the mists rise In rainbow lines. Luxuriant ferns and mosses form a charming setting for this picturesque waterfall. Mount Mansfield itself may be reached by a good carriage rontl with easy grades, which can be nicendcd by all except the smaller nnd less power ful nutomobiles. Mount Mansfield Is supposed to resemble a human face in a recumbent position. It is about five miles long nnd the various pernio arc called the Forehead, the No.c, the Lips, the Chin and Adam's Apple. The Chin is the highest penk, nnd a few hundred feet below it is a little pool fed b mountain yprings and known as the Lake of the Clouds. A hotel is located at the foot of the Nose. Among the interesting features are the Rocky Terror, which projects over a great precipice on the eastern face of the mountain, and the Cave of the Winds, a deep eleft in the rock formed by some convulsion of nnturc. Pro flics resembling human faces may be Been on the Nose. 8PKMEB TtKBOItTfl BtlMMTHt BESOKTB CBYSTAL HKACII. ONTARIO CKYSTAI, ItKACK. ONTARIO CRYSTAL-BEACH Buffalo's Famous Summer Resort Best Fresh-Water Bathing Beach on Earth 25-Mile Lake Ride on the Finest Steel Steamers on the Great Lakes (capacity 3500 persons each). Hourly Service 100 Midway Attractions The Lake Erie Excursion Co. Buffalo, N. Y. J! PORTLAND, MAINE, COOL AND LIVELY Visitors Begin to Fill the Hotels. Good Auto Roads Roady SOCIAL ACTIVITIES AT ISLAND HEIGHTS Summer Cottages Aro Being Opened Now and Dances Are Given at tho Yacht Club Island Heights, N. J., June 15. Island Heights, extending Its fullest invitation to the summer -vacationists, Is welcoming the vanguard of pleasure- seekers to the resort. Just now the cottagers are opening their summer homes on the beautiful bay shore or the riverfront. Social life Is beginning to feel tho impctiiH of eager society ioik Rarncgat Hay Xncbt Racing Associ ation, will play host to many visiting yachtsmen this year on the occasions when the nssoelation's races arc sailed over the Island Heights cou-sc. Dances, cards and tens will enliven things at the club also and add to the social brilliance of the season here. Last year's affairs proved so thor oughly enjoyable that n scries of eventa is to be started within a few days. Most of the social leaders have already returned to Island Heights for the summer; and there will be some notable entertainment in many of th private homes as well as the yacht club nnd other centers of activity. Many out-of-town nertuinn nre awnlting the opening of the Mnplc Inn nnd other Island Heights hotels. Tbe and pporting events nro getting under wny. Everything nt Islnnd Heights !s ut Its best these Juno dnvs. and it Is 1 Portland, Mo June If!. Portlnnd opens the summer season of 1021 pre pared for the greatest vncntlon crowd In the history of the Maine const. Already there Is a movement toward this "Sunrise Gateway" of America, and by July 1 the coast resort season will be In full sway. No ffncr snot exists in Amcricn for tho summer visitor necking health anil pleasure close to the ocean. Nituntpil high above sea level in sen -cooled sum mer air, the city is the center of stt-f bathing, sen and lnko fishing, canoeing, golf and other sports, which vary the days and innke u visit one of constnnt pleasure. Combined with these ad vantages are the facilities for comfort nnd convenience of a highly modern city, which has everything that the urbnn dweller mny desire. For motoring Portland offers facili ties that nro almost beyond comparison. Excellent ronds lend through picturesque mountain scenery, with lakes, bays and almost innumerable Islands. Forests for miles furnish cool retreats for motor outings nnd spots of historic In terest an, on every hand. Good hotels are at the service of the visitor, nnd summer quarters in cle gnntly furnished homes can bo ob tained by those who wish to remain for n long or short reason. SUMMER ItKKOBTS expected thnt throughout the summer it will be a place of marked life nnd gnyety. Its picturesque location makes Island Heights one of the most popular of the llarnegnt Hny resorts. The cottage and hotel colony Is nestled among the high trees that skirt the shore line and overlook the wide expanse of Barnc git Bay In the direction of the ocean. It is always root here because of the many branches of the bay, which vir tually surround the resort. The Islnnd Heights Yacht Club, one of the affiliated organizations of tho HUM M Kit BEHOBTfl Maple Inn has had n very successful history and Miss M, V. Cook, the.own cr, is contemplating its enlargement In the near future. It Is tb scene of ninny Interesting social events during tho summer months. . The John Wnnamakcr cadets nre to be hero again this summer for their nnnunl stay. They will bo quartered In the barracks and will .give dally drill exhibitions and pnrades, LAKE STEAMERS Exceptional Service Offered for Lako CrulEes of Week The famous palntlal lake liners, North American and South American, offer the vacationist this season many special features to make their special one-week lake cruises enjoyable. A splendid orchestra provides music for dancers in the beautiful ballrooms each evening except Sunday. The epicure will be delighted with the wcll-llgbtcd dining rooms, completely equipped with kitchens and well-filled pantries, which aro the largest and most completely furnished on the Great Lakes. The particular person will And modern bar bcr and tnllor shops. This jenr's va- - 1 w. fintlnn ftfilllnrra Inntlutn PMnnirn. MnOlr innc Island, Parry Sound, Iloughte vv nnd Sault Stc, Marie. At MacklnAf Island are to be found the most ex clusive of Lnko Michigan's resort,' while beautiful St. Mary's Klver end the immense locka nt the "Soo" are M fascinating ns tho 30,000 islands Cf Georgian liny. In past seasons thti4, trips havo proved quite popular, ns the1 offer n complete, change of sccuo that Hj ' most easily enjoyed with the aid of the t cool lako breezes. ; v., ,V; 8MIMF.lt BICHORTS MIMMKIt KKBOBT1 MAOAUA-ON.THK-I.AKr:, CANADA ,t HD.M.MKB BK.SQHTH 8PMMEK BKSOBT8 TORONTO, CANADA TOBONTO. PANADA THE KING EDWARD HOTEL J TORONTO, CANADA 1000 Rooms 1000 Baths The Social Center of All Toronto's Society and Business Activities Under Direction United Hotels Company of America GEO. II. O'NEIL, Gen. Mgr. NIAfSARA-ON.TIIK-I.AKK, PANADA NIAGARA VAM.TM. CANADA NfACIABA FALLS. CANADA NIAGARA rAI.LH. CANADA Goll Tennis Dancing I'ANOUAMIO VIEW OF TIM! FALLS, SHOWING- PIAZZA OV "THC CLTFTON" THE CLIFTON NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA WKITK FOR IIOTKL FOLDKU UNDER DIRECTION UNITED HOTELS COMPANY OF AMERICA r.r.O. II. O'NEIL, (Jen. Mcr. V. G. CAHIIY, Mgr. European Plan A la Carte Service THE QUEENS ROYAL HOTEL Niagarn-on-tho Lake, Canada Directly Across the River From Fort Niagara, New York Season June 18 to sept. 200 rooma, 00 with buth; nolf. tennis, lwn tiowllnir. boatlnr. bathing, dnelnr In C Biilr.o. Karnftf. 14 miles from Niagara Fallt. N. Y. : direct motor road. Send for Illustrated booklet. Under Mipervliilon of the, Queens Hotel. Toronto. , M. MacTAGGART, Proprietor W. J. MORRIS, Manager CANADA CANDA NIAGARA FALLS NIAGARA FALLS NIAGARA FALLS Gigantic Recreation Pier 1 Jfe.Ii.. Saturdays Hlglhilaeds of Oetario THE MUSKOKA LAKES ,,, ,Thir n no more dMIihtful aeotlon on tho American continent than the famd tllltnUnds of Ontario. Ihe vacatlon-teelier as well an tho seeliar of rest will tlnd cemfort tiealth and one of nature's moat delightful plajKrounJs. rish und game In bundtnee. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ii the Ileal Itouta to the Muskoka Lakes. 112 miles nortli of Toronto. Illustrated ottcrlpttve matter, roars, rates, etc, may be had on artl!catlon to any local ticket tent, or to A. 11. Chown, Villi Uroadway. New York Clt, N. Y. Bosteau, Ontario, Can. Monteith House Owned and Operated by The Rossenu Hotel Co., Ltd. J. (I. STRATIIDEK. Mcr. Cipc'y 21D Hot and cold runnlnir Jter, slmni heat, electric lights, llolf, Tennis, flshlnc, Boatlns. Uooklet. Open U Jear. UIKord Ray V. 0 Ontnrlo. Cnn. The Milford Bay House Capacity 100. Bprlng water. Bandy bch. Reduced rates to families. Booklet. R. J. STROUD lay r. P.. Ontiirln. run. CEDAR WILD MILFORD HAY HARRY J. SAWYER. Royal Mimkoko F. KMusKofe Canada listtl im ktttl, la lie heart cf the MuikokA lilies (Romrau, KitMl Iililllll I m h$L iW Wifc il Sil I tVm I m 'jvkwM' excursions 'mmilllmi m tft&tG?Z: IK ffite- via Picturesque '""'I 1 HiMlV V uatauu,v&j2ma!m0& Wffijfifis Wjaf 'l. 'lip mwfQYfmmjxi&Afff.T&aaQK u Yyfti (,rujikdJjcY7fJ0A' jFSorrtiyBz4viiVi M.msimJiAilr' l CANADA CANADA Complett immunity from malarl and hsyertr. Rtitrvatlon $ ihoutd b madt irtll In adtmnt. Optn Junt 29th. MAN0IR RICHELIEU HOTEL AND COTTAGES Murray Bay, Canada An exclusive summer resort where the best American and Canadian families so year after year. Overlooks the tidal waters of the Lower St. Lawrence, 400 miles Inland, where the ea breexe mingles with the pine. Cuisine unexcelled erery comfort provided salt water swimming pool, tennis, coif, saddle bones, bowUni, bllllardi. etc Write or wire for booklet to W. S. Detlor, Manager HOTEL TAD0USAC Tadouiac, Canada Beantlfolly situated on the Lower St. Lawrence at the mouth of the far-famed Sieuenajr River. The hotel U thoroughly modem with all conveniences eaters to the best American and Canadian families. Fine fiihlnc camps, for hotel guests only, g olf, lawn bowling, all In connection with the boteL Booklet on request. F. B. Bo wen, Manager Tho. Henry, Supt. Hotels Canada Steamship Lines Limited, Montreal Canada Reading-Lehigh-Valley Through "The Switzerland of America" Season 1921 July 9, 16, 23 &30 Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27 Sept. 10 & Oct. 1 ROUND TRIP War Tax $1.34 Additional Tickets Rood in Coaches, or in Parlor or Sleeping Cars upon payment of Pullman fare and surcharge For complete information consult agents or write tor descriptive & booklet. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Lehigh Valley Railroad $1 6.80 c55 JotcpnanaMUMOHB i All outside rimi, l (uclnillnKvltofforit like nil llaml I nMf. flihlnj. bathing, ttnnli, tailing. II MalarU, and hsy ferer unkn n Murt I n enjormfnt forltn niontr thn or- II wtitr elie In His world, I'.ytrr e-om IJ. rued nt,, Acoommodslion In Julv aianr. i NIAGARA FALLS NEW YORK and CANADA cd. Booklet RsitlMaiksktr.O., Oatarl. Mortimer' I'. (I.. Ontnrlo. Can, PLEASANT VIEW Doatins. Uathlns. Fishing. Capacity CO, Booklet. A. It. IIICK.MOltn TEMPERANCE HOUSE Quiet, hnmellke. centrally located, orpoalle Depot; 4 up per day, American plan .' up European. V T PHFXl'S, I'rop. IMPERIAL HOTEL Opposite depot, three blacks from the Falls. Writs for raics. S A. anEKSWOOD. Mar. BEIR APARTMENTS niTht rtowntoNvn 8 hlocks from the famous Cataract. Rlnirlo & rioutile rmi. Day or ltH, lleimmirlM I'. P.. Ontnrlp, Cnn. TEMIMARIS HOTEr XJTmuskoka. lake xi Accessible by automoMlo und boat, MttsKnka Lake, Ontnrlo Canada Unsurpassed loca tion. Jiruileru In Uetall Aeonimoilatvs 'J5II Oulf, Amusements, llonklet nnd floor plans on ren.uet. H. V. TIl'I'I.K, Mrr. WAlrTtlN 1IOL.SK, 81u-i;i) First St., two blocks from KhIIh, Hot oold water. Private Nuns, Mrs C II WATSON Kuroneon. lost conwietent TIIM KDIIINhON, .IIS l'rosp-ct Ai One bloik from Tal's. hotl In the rltv. CATARACT HOUSE overlooks the American Fails Rapids float Island and the Ilesertatlon a 00 Itonmsj baths, mliiln, danrlnt H!.09 un. Till in INN Ilest residential iotlon, home like surroundings: hot and cold water all mi,' tl RO tip TI J. AfinOTT, Prop. Till: KDWAIiDH, 842 Proeiiect Ht.i near Falls: tea room end restaurant In ronnec Hon; rooms reasnnBhle Mrs, D C Kdwards, IIAVKS COTTAOK. 8T2 First st Flrst-oluss rooms, 1.B(), Amer, plan Mrs C. nuss THE CLIFTON N"aAgANA5ALM Direct letv of American and Horseshoe Falls l'uropenn. a la Carte srlea. danc Inr, etc. j under dliectlon United Hotels Co, of America. OrKJIKC. CANADA OUKIIEC. CAN AD Ferndiilf P. .. Ontnrln. Cnn. t.PKC,, ,0. I-.ikn Mow, !'- llathlnB. iioatinB FERNDALE HOUSE Special rates June and Sep- nates Sin to S23 per ueek. riahliiff, Tcnnts. VICTORIA HOTEL p- American Plan. Rates, Ji, $3 & $G Per Day. II. FONTAINE, Prop. TORONTO. CAN. TOItOXTO, CAN. THE LAKE OF BAYS ON THE GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM iL,ninm T0rnnlo. Cand.. faBt express trains nro tun po'ld to Huntsvllle. "" l"lnt lor the Hieamer trip In any of the pnlntH on the Lake. tie l)orrt. Ontnrln. Cnimdit The Narrows Mo?.p,?;"'V Dr1,,lU l'",""'! "-ellent low ratts,"' """"" etc. Writs for J. t. McNAMAIIA. Mr. 4 . Wi t ' r""" ' ' - :,J I'ox Point. Ontnrlo. Cnn. ISLAND VIEW Cottages und rumps open for fishing Hen. son. Cap. no (JuMt'H und supplies fur nished. Central illnltiK rnuiu. Itutia mod. T. SALMON attention t alon Ami TOHONTO'S TWO FAMOUS HOTELS Valker I House Carls-Rite "The Horns of Comfort" manaisem'nr pi p-"i'L"'' ivnsre in manneement pass particular I o ladles and chl'dren travellnc attention to ladles and children travlliiK -ler'csn and Furmvan plat" I alone American nnd Futopean plans I J sEakl "The House of Plenty" Whero the manaisem'nt pijs particular TfJtr Where a Whole Nation is Instructed and Entertained Canadian National 43d Consecutive Year Aug. 27 Sept. 10 Inclusive Exhibition, Toronto EXPOSITION of Canadian Resources, skill of men, wealth of resources. To be opened by Lord Byng, Canada's new Governor General mVKIIIT. ONTAKIO. TANAOA The Gouldie House . j- The most beautiful louitlon on th lake, Hplendld balhlnp heJI'h. Niatliurl und A. WJiriuu.iiir,i uw llshln. A TttlP TO CANADA I. INCOMPIKTH WITHOUT A VISIT TO TUB CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO AIM,. 2TTH Till! ANM'AI, OKI.D'H rAIR HKPT. 10T1I An Institution unluuo In the rwiosli on world enmblnlns Internaaqnal Industrial exhibits, manufacturers' und azrlfultural ex'ilblts with amussments, ' 4id Ctnei.utle Year -l.Oou.tXJ0 Visitors In lP2n Famed for lis superUt o pnKt-iinte on world's largest stage mo hulMlnas- 2(11 acres of uvnuuiui uruunua niui """''.". A.tLjVV.v.it 1 niiii i mue or waionront "llir wjii.a , rt.,-,uyi, i-.viiT m UK qrniirc UARTH ' qui:iif( Visit the Celebrated Montmorency Falls Visit the Far-Famed Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre I'AKR TMM niKf!lAt. RLROTnIO PAItLOn TOttmam n-nituu r,,i,,,v,, nxmnn.. 0.: A. M. AND .'115 K M.WR 8TK. ANNH nB ngAITWlB iNn'MQ!TSl3llRfjrr A'J-... "VLDIfl. BXPlfAINB AW WINTB W INTBHESfr. FARM II.BU nEtliliSf. .T.TK rTHKHl AlllllliraO V a isi.nnn. . ... .......... KAl.l. OUIDlfl KjfPlAINB ALf, POJNT8 Ote JN1 11.1.UHTIIATKD PAitVHLBTB FIIEE3. ADDItliSS J. X TJIIP NO TOUK1ST TO qUUOiSO SUOVILD UMsCv a, uvsiiGLu auix, gUBUUC- 'asssssssssssssl "asssssssslssi ' HHsK: 0 ITffT'fMsstrTlTsali frij"y!ii!L HHHIEvliiviKMiH WmgiBHmmJmmmlSAKiiiUrTm'J ssssssssassssss?-JL..ssssegJssW ' At x. &JMHHHssisf . J ' I i im.mSS I'e' trTl!tTBBBBBeSWBBSBMJSBBBBU-J ,i ' t i- j, . Decidedly above all previous standards 1 ,152,000 Visitors last year. 264 acres of education and inspiration 80 permanent buildings 1 mile of water front. OVER HERE Super-pageant of regal magnificence dramatizing vividly record of Canada's origin, growth and achievements. Gorgeous costumes and scenery Wonder music Color, symbol, allegory Hundreds of performers. ART A magnificent collection of British and Canadian master pieces. Graphic, Applied and Commercial art photographic salon. MUSIC H. M. Canadian Grenadier Guards, Anglo-Canadian Concert Band and two score other organizations. ' Bynp Boys World's largest collection of war photographs, ividlv recall ing the Canadians' gallant charge at Vimy and their exploits in other famous engagements. Auto Itaclng America's largest and cleanest Midway. Mile-a-Minute Motor Boats Trotting race bettor farming and industrial exhibits covering the three gient divisions production, distribution, con- umtikiuii .uuimuuiu iivL-.ttutri Hiiow .-vcres 01 iruciors and farm labor saving machinery Women's,, children's welfare and educational exhibits National Auto Show, Government displays and demonstrations Dog. Cai ttttit a uui,i ouun Stupendous fireworks spectacle nightly features only to be seen at Toionto. the Cat and scores of other wonderful World's Greatest Annual Event j$&&i l V m TV ssssssssstmfTJssssssssssssH U4r IQssissHssssUSKwsssssi Ml n fl Ks -" . ,. in'H'J- MsssssssMsssssssassssskJi - . asttl