BSKSHHHi yyfflfs;? 3!EW..alV j ' ' -rr-r ,'-' wrirrw.,vi ' EWiPTfTSKTOCFr . rt crk-Si "T'7?-3SWF0(W7!y"r'v-TWTwrs'W ss; v ;" :" ".V"? ',f?7fW "' X "'"i ' -. ' , j -. j f 1 .. f'.1- f ! :m m 20 $ VEXING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 ipATER GAP SEASON WELL UNDER WAY (Outdoor Sports, Sconory and ,vFl9hing Making Mountain Re sort Popular This Year Delaware Water Gnp highway a a link to commuting avenues, the v tela oro not behind their supply of the thou Eands of motorists en tour. Plans aro already being mode for a bit: Reasons and In view of n visit to these parts of Governor Sprout, for the week -end. nnd other prominent State ami political heads, the indica tions point to "Old Monroe" maintain lug her own as a place of peculiar hospitality. j RucliVfOod Inn Filled The famous Uuckwood Inn has been ' to tilled with the fashionable and ultra- j fashionable that a score of leaders have regularly participated In its initial golf iim.. ..... ....-n tournaments, whoso fields arc always H0T0RISTS AMONG VISITORS! law. Across from. Uuckwoofi is a rsew Jer sey State preserve of (5000 acres where the deer nnd playing fawn frequently dnsh to the river to ploy In shore nooks or drink on the river's bank. Nearly every hout-o in the region ha added veranda space, and many have Increased garage facilities. The spring bookings of ficvcral large houses include the names of many women of high so cial rank and leaders In humanitarian circles. IIojh' camps In tho region will include those of the Lcnignton uoyi i. BALTIMORE DAY-BOAT SERVICE IS RESTORED ' Gov; Sproul Among Notables 5 Expected National Figures to Pass Week-Ends There Delaware Water (Jap, June 15. Never In thi lilstnrv nt thin resort. v. I., i.. .1.. "...... .i rv.i ! limnl. Ions maintained by .lames , . ,. , ,,' , Illnkslec, former Assistant Postmaster Mtfl Stroiidsburg, has the sra.on opened f:pnrni.' nn,i other devotees of the or- ,,..,......-.--.- no suspiciously. Increased patronage has ben encouraged by means of agencies that make Delaware Water Gap famous. Its tennis courts and golf courses have dono much in this direc tion, while the new paths to the moun tain nnd scenery-view ndvnntages have added their share to the dellghtfl of the sojourner or week-end visitor. Delaware Water Gap has spent mueli money to Improve highways and for a conization and Its splendid work. Tho Casino has done much to sup port the community pleasure program. Excellent tlshing is enjoyed In the Dol awnte, not to forget boating and horse back riding. Filers to Visit Kesort One of the knding nres is expected to gle a new order of stunt (lights at Del uworc Water Gap tills Keason. The?" flights were a remarkable success lost yenr, having been conducted by long time students of the urt men and women WHO new at winter resoris us brilliant new strcct-liehtlnir nlnn. The, Hotclmen's Association nnd prominent well resort proprietors hnve arranged facil- .1. Tardy Cope has directed a new Ules which heretofore have been tin- order of vital features In his propria reached to tho degree marked this yenr. , trrhip of the famous Klttatlnny Distinctive among the summering Hotel, where some of the leaders in places this season, the (Jap holds out I oonntrv development are expected to a. trcater offering in the way of hotel j sojourn this season, cuisine than ever before. There is uot Foreign diplomats hao not lost sight a hotel or house that hns not been i of this resort. The week-end visits to tinted inside or out. or both, while the I the Delaware Valley of noted Japanese, landscape gardener has lost no time to a report has it. are seV'duIcd for thts nrnvlile thnsn external Kettlniru wlileli . .n.r.i. Vr f'nnn line enterfnineil m.inv oorve the purpose of a "cottage-home j guchts of national repute, and Cnblnnt As many motorists are utilizing the coming this year. thoc htTMMKR ItnSORTR HUMMKIl nnSORTfl Ericsson Line Steamships Penn and Lord Baltimore Again Plying Through Canal The Ericsson Line has restored Its day-boat service to Baltimore, adding another delightful trip that can be taken in a short time nnd at comparatively little expense. The launching of Its day servlco to Ilaltlmoro several years ago tilled a long-felt want for those who wished to travel South by water. During the war this service was discontinued and the Penn nnd Lord Ilaltlmorc, two of the mot modern and fastest steam ships that ply these waters, were placed In other service. The trip to Haltimore by water Is one of the most delightful and historical that cau bo had In the Kast. After leaving Philadelphia, the first stop Is Delaware City. Hn route many of the mighty shipbuilding plnees. uch as New York Shipbuilding, Hog Island and many historic points of interest are prosed. On entering the canal at Delaware City, Fort du Pont is seen on the left, while beautiful Lorcwood Grove offers opportunity for a day of recreation. On leaving the canal nt Chcsapenke Citv a delightful sail is had down the Elk Itlver on to the broad waters of the mighty Chesapeake. POPULAR TRIPS IN LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Unimproved Land Prqves a De lightful Place for Nature Lovers Good Fishing The region surrounding the head of Lake Superior is fast becoming known throughout the continent as tho ideal summer vacation land. Clear, cool waters of the myriads of lakes abound with "muskles," bass, pike and every game fish common to Hint region; tho numerous streams, well stocked w th trout, offer in return for reasonable effort n full creel. To the lover of the groat ont-of doors, tho primeval beauty of these lakes, streams and virgin forests has on irresistible nppenl. Hero nre scenic deiigiits in grent variety. The "outer1 may take his favorite form of recren tlon In the Improved Bcctlons, with their park-like stretches, or he may choose the wilderness districts of the towering pine and ncmiocK, tramp for days with out seeing a human habitation. Tho rivers which penetrate the tlm bered belt connect large numbers of mKos and provide a variety of attrac tive canoe trips, n most fascinating form of recreation. Tho angler wielding n iiuuuit; in uhmc xtrcoms enjoys ex citing sport en route while exploring new regions, raddling through leafv SOIMKIl RKSOKTA nnrVT lakhs spmmkh rtEsnnTS onnAT LAitr.9 1000 ISLAND HOUSE CROSSMON HOUSE Alexandria Bay, N. Y. Tho two leading hotels in the 1000 Islands are now under on' proprietorship, offering four hundred rooms, mors than half with private bath. Fineit fishing, motorboating, trap shooting, golf, canoeing. Daily hydroaeroplane flight from hotel dock. Attractive book with beautiful pictures and auto map sent on request. WILLIAM H. WARBURTON, Proprietor Ml u t 3tf v "" " 1 1 " MMShl EH yf - ' ii y jff I" i , , i rflL -isZr Kffii i 111 f ' ' VrL'h r JVKt Vacatioa Trms of over 2000 Miles of Beautiful Scenery. Shore Lie. Islands, Riven and Bays on the Big, New Cnnang Sh "North American" and Sonfh American" Crimes Weekly from OeveUnd, Buffalo (Niagara Falls), Detroit, Chicaoo and Duhuh, via Mackinac Ii, Georgian Bay (30,000 Islands) and Return Call or writ for pamphUt and information aboat th takm trip that havu ho qxtal Amrrlcnn Kzpress Co., Travel Dept.i Wnnnmaker's, Chestnut St. nnd 143-143 ??i"'i 'Jf001, S' IJ,n.r,,"M T?,".r Co- 20 8- I3,h ' T""- Cook & Hnn. ?:. ' ro.a'l.Bt,!.?"l""pl"' Klnnorts & Heard, 1118 Wnlnut St.; ltaymond ,,lj"'t c?-. "38 Miilnnt St. "Ask Mr. Fouler" SerTlcr nt Ktrnwbrlde & lt,iieZiJt'SlonTth fe,reet utlonn' HaaU. 131 8. 4tli St.; l'rnnU Tourl.t Co., X v o, lull) Ht flTKAMBIUrS STnASlSHIPR STHAMHHll'S STEAMSHIPS ymEfc3i A Trip to "Yesterday "Niagara to the Sea" i i T JP this great river came the men of old to build an empire Cartier, Champlain, Marquette, LaSallc. Before the Pilgrim Fathers were bom, they laid the foundations of Que bec, and its citadel still broods over the swift waters below. A journey down the mighty St. Lawrence to the ancient capital city of Quebec, is like a trip to yester day. Thoroughly modern In spirit, Quebec still keeps her ancient language and customs, still dwells in the golden atmosphere of other days. Romance lingers in her streets, and the spirit of ad venture seems always around the comer. "The greatest river without comparison that is known to have ever been seen," Cartier told the King of France, nearly four hundred years ago. His words arc echoed by thousands every year, as in perfect com fort and safety they traverse the leagues of water which cost Car tier such hardship and peril; threading the intricate channels of thcThousand Islands, TI-IS. FAMOUS CITADEL CHATEAU FRONT ENACv-A QUEBEC tpiiAWt V-JOMtO JtjL'" "zzz mwwmmm )l v TAOOUSAC " k .W"M'. V iistetefer Jc TfTV i lUii VAC TIHHITV X IK,. T. " m& ,r I VH m -- ' STE.AN OB BEAUPRE " 'LONG KINGS' (CXH TORONTO -zr1 &iU .Vniaoara pall a A MlftACLE WORKING SHRINE Or STE ANNE -Z; i'iuii i ncmi'l: .. . CHINf . APID8- .- Cd RiplJ : Rock Upii P.lpidt JK''j " J5s iZj e . r Vx (. k Nuriu rs MyHKAY.AJ.1 I JM'.. J MUHRAY.egfr s'uz 'Vf cjlC? sAULr,g,:Cot"'a BAPIDSAP 'J&MB' p r o c k v i l y!At-'lf jm Mju rl wrii 'rHrw. t5S?S?r???srr -5Scr-3i . . -Ffa"Tv-' - m a 3.--r ' - i- N ' -T T HAMILTON OUO 5l $ I. - NQ ISLANDS ." CHESTER Thousand Miles of Travel Thousand Thrills, of Pleasure SHOOTINO THE RAPIDS hanging a breathless instant upon the verge of the rapids, floating serene upon the placid bosom of a stream thirty miles widel Look at the map. You can begin or end your journey at Niagara Falls, Toronto, Rochester, Alexandria Bay.Clayton, Montreal or Quebec. FALO Up-to-date Canada Steamship Hotels at Murray Bay and Tadousac, Quebec. Golf links and a salt-water swimming pool at Murray Bay. For full information inquire of all tourist agents or send 2c in stamps for illustrated booklet, map and guide, "Niagara to the Sea," including rates, etc., to Johj Canada Stea F. Pierce, Passenger Traffic Manager iship Lines, Ltd, 116 C. S. L. Building, Montreul, Canada rati ""win ft SHIP LINES- thoroughfares by day, the constant chnogo of scene, tho preparation and cnthiK of meals in tho open, the inak ItiK of carap and the eocinl cnmpihcn, (he sleep nnd rest beneath the arches of the forest make canoe trips joyful outings ncrcr to be forgotten. Compe tent guides who possess Intimate knowledge of the territory nnd who may be relied upon to care for the es sential needs of the canoeist can be procured. iJccause of the elevation of that re gion of lakes nnd forest, there prevails a dryness of atmosphere whlcli tem pers the heat: the nlr is pure nnd brac ing, tho days aro bright nnd tho nlgbts cool and refreshing. Fogs nnd sultry weather nre almost unknown. Sojourners who take in tho area stretching back from Lake Superior and embracing the tlmberland district find relief from hay fever, asthma and bronchial troubles. IJesort centers are of easy access by rail, and individual resorts and sum mer hotels are conveniently reached by nutos. Accommodations nre available at all of the resorts nnd camps nnd tho services of guides nre easily pro curable. Summer liotels, where comfortable ounrtors may be obtained, aro numer ous, and if n long stay Is contemplated cottages are available at mnny of the lakes. Modern resorts, where every accommodation is provided tho sports man nnd vacationist, nre many and con veniently reached, There are numer ous wilderness camps, ideally situated in the heart of the forest district, where finned, furred, feathered and antlcrcd gnmo abound in great variety. Hero nnd there, on the shores of many of tho most attractive lakes, one will find cottago colonics. At present those lake domca generally represent but a small investment and a grent den of summer comfort, but with thi rapid strides being mado each year In devel oping the region, tho investment will prove desirable. It is suggested the matter of summer homes be looked Into during tho summer trip this year. "WERNEBSVILLE Wcrnersvillc, Juno 10. Tho sun shine syndicate, which has Deon fur nishing warm and brilliant weather during the last week and has sent the thermometer on its upward Journey, was responsible for the surprising reg istration hero at Golen Hall in the mountains this week. Tourists from nil parts of tho country were among the many guests who marveled nt the most tilcttircMiuo scenery to be found here in the romantic nnd scenic South Moun tains. Nature did her best to make this locality, which overlooks four fertile valleys, a bcatitlful and In vigorating summer and fall resort, nnd Its thousands of patrons nro loud n its nraises. The transformation which the nlr nnd scenery of tho environs of Galen Hall works In tho visitor is really won derful. . ....... The ideal golf course of the Galen Bf h Hall Golf, Club is the Mecca many lovers or the ancient Scottl.K came nnd Is the uppmp nt .. ul"'1 Ited contests. Tennis again fs p if! popular at this. resort. '"' Among the Phlladelphlans reality.,! nt Galen Hall uro Mrs. James iff1 Mrs. Samuel A. Bodine, Mrs D 15' Cramp, Miss Lnura Cramp. Mi . . ', Mrs. Paul Spencer, Miss Sara W rvDd ley. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. K. lSir ?V Morris, -Mrs. .lames Sullwell ' V. Samuel W. Cooper. Mr. and Mrst O. Osborne, Mrs. Ituthlcdgc. Mr ?J Mrs. John D. Martin, MrVand rni Norman V. IJrowcr. "U Bfr' SUMMER RESORTS MOXTIIKAT,. CANADA RCM.MF.:: nr-soitTH MONTREAL. CANADA FrjittLTminxnmisraxzxnmaaaxin CANADA'S LEADING HOTEL S JW"J2J T j1 -,! Stye Hmftaor Dominion Square Montreal, Canada European Plan Executively 700 Roomi 450 With Bath Tariff $3.00 Per Day Upward The location of the Windsor is unsurpassed for beauty nnd convenience. OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS Automobile Club of America American Automobile Association Automobile Club of Canada Automobile Trade Association The Ideal Hotel for Touritti and Commercial Men JOHN DAVIDSON, Manager. t .jXUi .iu . i-i .1.1 A tt .i.i : jiu.ULll,ia,iiJ3.L!.l J .12 .! I riXI"I"nii TULLT SUMMER- RESORTS HWSlMKB KKSORTH ROSCOE. ti. Y. ROaCOE. N. Y, ' -s : mm inn .ROSCOE NX' A. CHARMING1 SUMMER HOME IN ,THE MOUNTAINS 'THE CODLESTRESORT in; NEW YORK, STATE 2700 FEET .ELEVATION No Mosoiiitos -No Black. Flics-' Only. iaO Miles From New York . -. 'FOREST "PRESERVEPRIVATELAKB MODEL DAIRY FARM AND GARDEN1 MODERN HOTEL "RESIDENT .PHYSICIAN. WATER SPORTS) SADDLE'HORSES- GARAGE ORCHESTRA. TENNIS. PLAYROOM. LIBRARY Open May 28 to Oct 10REBas$atiAf.-, LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALL, LAKEWOOD FARM INN, ROSCOE. NEW YORK CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA TORONTO'S TWO FAMOUS HOTEL j Wsj3p rC THE, WALKER HOUSE )n mimUlmpMl , 'pftWHHP fe THE CARLS"mTE m THIS OLD WORLD HAS Provided a Very Handy Repository for Dead Ones vnA health In n crMt tta w.. n. . i i . . . rlnsA tinitti 1m n & -- T- -a .. .. . ... vjswvm ihwhi ix KiuL HhiiPL nnw m&nv nr iih rrv rn unn i i ! . .. . - alon when a ho iday In MUBttested. So Ih tho Undertaker vsry buv. WhyTo ff, i 11 5ySfCh,.tlJle?M0h' x um ,0 buBlr' ' otttn an xprs busy looklns otter our health by partAllnK of Nature's remedy frenh air chan V J2J5,JrSZ. ?V vrhy not e" ouraalves nnd our families more enjoyment than paying- doctor'u bills. cnanga of scene., ohunffo of environment? Monoy apent in traveUnr brlna ., .. .V,slt jN'ftVlr')'B ffnt'ist work on thla Continent N'Unrt Falls thru .,u, , , Kalln is i oonforrlnK wonderful benefltii on mllllona of ueoplo by prorldlnr tfL fih ,.h .'iSW1"1. h '""-neosed. Tower developed from ths lrnposBlblo If It hd to bo provided throuch tho combuBtion of coal. UMnrt , Cl fnr1 c,n.I,,,liKht' '''" Power a uervlco that would be othsrwlw Niagara IB only uslns your Interent. The scenic beauty and crandeur of ihl2r J"F,..aiy .purpose o.eatlnjr Into your capital: UBlnrfhi white oottl of th" !' don't heMtate to take, a trip across uAn Ontario on tha " bSuafur.i!? J?. h vl"lt 'm any part of the world.' And whm vTiTtlM r .. a s . ii m .. - -- n ttiiiri a iiTicriiTirii' n nrxm !(. .. a . . --. . - s nnii rr 11 runnnin rn snm ft. .,(.. ....u . . .l-w... .. ,,,, v,iiu oi uurn, me corninif nation or tne Twentieth r,n,iii... . ! "'.JFfJfJ?. putchM"!K yalUe " thl" "lrt of le line Uian It to on vou r own '-lA W'?,re Canadian funds, ou will be Rurprlsed how cheap a holiday can bo n ade LZ in ituf ,the. Home Town, Ih the seat of the I'rovlne al fnr .1,. ,j J..i.i.?.w.lnH t0 this feat with that spirit of good s acrosa tills mugnlfloent aheot of wnr from vour sireat I IK tunnel .,.! . A i -. - "-"-'", .--!-.- Is worth from 10 to zu or our American money inio your favor. TOnONTO. Oar w are ,waiunr you your money, owing; to th war. I: i lino. Don't fall to exchanee y uro of exchaiuro. whirl, in i. -... fellowship that haa been bo thoroughly cemented by 100 vni??1 I,I0.v,TO,n In the Dominion of Cana " ua. ucuuni us iiH:nniniinn i u h, s j IIffiST-5 , in the form of a Pullman ...ui.Bi.iutiu.ia Kivcn to visitora nt nny time. """" "um xno power ot tho grent and mighty Niagara. nltMMiIJ0 m?st unlq?, attrfction3 in Canada. Goldfish aro attractive enlnrc nf !. , , r ..... anu see the goldfish. They are all alivn nnrl rnntentod hecauss here from fnjoym they get Jii Vvmpfr about 1HE WALKER HOUSE AQUARIUM n i all parts of tho world. Th,, fln ,ii,J 7r .V'u.Alulj.ftl ... ent. If the kldilinn i. ;i i- .C ;.' ,V.V"'.". K,.U1 l" ".UP. P an the lota to eat at "The llou, 'S7n I tv "UUy w,in y0U' DrlnK ther" own "The reason why men who mlnrl rhir mm ,,,c. . , . .. business by looking afUir '"""0 aua ls uccase they have so little competition." Wo endeavor to mind our Toronto's Two Famous Hotels The Walker House The Hotel Carh-Rite :iU The House of Plenty1' are "The House of Comfort' "ZZtlrl S ff .th0..welfa" ot the ladie3 and kiddies. while visiting Toronto, the Queen C'Joi th Walkor IIou&c ' the Hotel Carls-Rite your homo Plan, J'SS hCnf.PZt0i.!h!. . Vhn h rates that are reasonable. European J our daily menu cards, demonstrating that these twe hoili!I.W,,I,,Upp,y you wl,h lltcrnturo nd cP!estu' - Mica ?hnirii. nn , oA-.l-..i . . . l"t8 lW0 nOtfllS SOrVO thn rrrnntn. I 1 fm. thfl . wo--i "u buuiuini OI America 0'v,,VDl uun ur uvoimm mum, i V. mr if R M, CARROLl ... j 'a Jra nf WRIGHT iiLir'vi VW1V (t.. tdiftmtmZi". Sfe!feiX-'- '