sTqfS7?rr!T"1RWlSiBPj ' ' 'r TJH7r?;'? T JKTTTJfjtf" ' S . V .1 M .' '' ' .is '- t" " ri ffi' "' ',j.T' 'i w.j ya J 4 ' " J "'f -' g , J! I " Vi .n i '.r fl' '-V l c. rWffP EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 192 19 MP TOM BEiWIANDS I gs-Bottom Boats and Coral Roofs a Troat for Nature-Lovers INEXPENSIVE TWO-DAY TRIP I Bermuda Is Cool In the Sum J ; mer, Being Far Kemovea ' From Tropics '. i The newness of the Bermuda TriiinJ. lSlJMpW-n,3r two dnV M by Klllcnt ocean liner, from New Yorlc 1 "l always nn nttrnctlvc feature of . trln to T0Btlonl8ts. Many vnca- ' Clt nnot consider n trip abroad. n ... irin alone to and from Europe would ronstime all of the limited Wrttlon period. tit hi. therefore, proved n Rennln lliht to such vacationists to know that jkrmtido. I the summer p,a,!0n' mcets tkehappy medium of a limited vaca tion time and moderato cost. Con nntmr. s it does, but two days time la a delightful ocean voynce. the vaea tlonldt has a maximum of time to spend In (Ight-seelne in those quaint six teenth century islands. The railing itkedqle of the palatial steamers on the jftw York-Bermuda route includes sail iipt every five days, so that it is pos lible to adjust onc'H vacation period to meet the frequent sailins dates with out low of valuable recreation days. In the matter of cost n Bermuda mmmer vacation Is also a happy me dlonvas it is possible to enjoy an eight or nine day Bermuda trip, which in dices all expenses for the ship, hotel indlslglit-sepInB trips, at n cost which ,ii actually lower than the rate a day irtsrged by many of the first-class ,lote!s at the leading American sen "ikore and mountain resorts. nermuiln Cool In Summer Contrary to Renernl belief, Uermuda h cool In the summer, boins far re moved from the heat of the tropics and enjoying an nverago mimrncr tempera ture of 70 deirrees. There ii novelty and charm in the 'two-dny rea voyage, where one Ii just it much at sea as the Trans-Atlantic traveler, except that there is Infinitely more charm In eruisinjr throtiRh the re nowned Gulf stream, in traveling the New York-Bermuda route, than the Trans-Atlantic route further north. Wonderful flying fish, schools of dol phins,, sea turtles and even whalea are Hinted: and, coupled with the balmy, tricing, invigorating sea-air. there is sot a dull moment in this nll-too-short tea trip before the Bermudn Islands ire Righted. The luxurious appointment of the IttwuhipR, with large staterooms, elec tric lights and fans, and the broad promenade decks and lounging rooms also contribute in no small decree to the Might of the voyage. Under the heading of "What Can We See at Bermuda?" may be classified the most gem-like creations of scenic beauty tthlch nature has ever devised sot one scene, or ten, or hundreds, but literally thousand of scenes, com bining opal-tinted waters, a paradise of flowers, white cornl cottages and soft nmmcr e-kic. One really never tires of the charming rides and drives, with MJMMKll KHSOUTS NKW YORK. N. V. Make The Ambassador Your New York Home WHEN you visit New York you will find The, Ambnssador nn ideal home. Its beautiful appointments, in teresting atmosphere and dis tinctive service will give you the real home environment and lend added pleasure to your visits to the metropolis. The Ambassudor'8 rates are moderate. Ambassador Restauinnt, Gar den, Ball Room and Grill, dancing in the Garden at Tea rime, during dinner and after the theatre. Write for booklet, floor plans and other information about its rooms and apartments. Ql? Ambassador lurk Avjmir nt But Mrrrt "I. Ithlnrlandrr 0000 The Ambassador Hotels System The Ambamador New York The Arnbastwiior Attantio City The Amvamatlor Loe Anoelet Jmk'jJWi Hi t The Alexandria Jo A Agile, m ii in mi i mmpay every turn In the white coral roadwaji offering new scenic delight. St. George quaint Town The visitor will also want leisurely to cxploro the quaint old town of St. George, built In the sixteenth century, where the narrow winding streets, tiny coral cottages and hlgh-wallcd gardens offer many opportunities for interesting and educational nlirht.Beetnif trin. Bermuda's marvelous Crystal Caves and sea gardens attract the attention of all tourists, and many scientists have inspected those wonderful works of nature. The Criatal Cavm n ihi r. suit of the percolations of water through me coral or limestone of which the islands are composod, which has resulted in the forming of enverno of crystal sta lactites many feet below the earth's surface. Tho caves are electrically Ughtcd and form awe-lnanlrini? nnor. tnclcs of Splendor. The untold centuries required to bring tho caves to their present state of development aro cause for amazement in all visitors. HermtHla'H sea gardens are equally wonderful as natural marvels which havo no cqunl in the gardens on lnnd. lo view the sea gardens large glass Dottomed boats are used and boatmen wbo know the locations of the groups of gardens row the visitors slowly over -too crystal. clear water, whero on tho l i r of ,the ocean thirty or forty feet below tho surface may be seen the strange cornl-lncrustcd sea plants with many curiously formed and varicolored Hsu darting fiom one plant to another. Flno Opportunity for Sports Hut aside from the rldea and drives, either by cycling or carriage, and visits to Ucrmuda's natural marvels, there Ih nmple opportunity to indulge in sports of nil kinds". Golf, tennh, sailing, ""thing, canoeing, motorbooting and lulling nre among Bermuda's daytime sports, while parties nnd dances form attractive diversion nt the larger hotels. Bermuda offers a wide variety of hoteli and boarding places, and everv tourist is assured of comfortable quarters and wholesome, substantial food. With the new and Improved steam-' ship Bcrvice, Bermuda's- charm as n summer vacation resort ii becomlnc more widely known, nnd the interest being exhibited in the islands for the coming summer vacntiotr period indi cates that Bermudn will assume an im portance as n summer vacation resort equaling the well-known popularity of the islands as a winter resort. " cooperstowmT y. Coopcrstown, X. , Juno IB. -Till-? delightful resort is awaiting the Influx of its Rummer populace and the re sumption of tho summer activities which always serve to make it one of the most interesting places in the country. Tho early vanguard of summer so journers has already come" Into Coop crstown. Tho opening of the Otcsago Hotel, which is charmingly situated on his toric Otsego Lake, is to take place on June 25. The big hotel in to be under the management of David II. IMumcr. who comes from the Balsams Hotel, at Dlxvllle Notch, N. II. Under his man agement the hotel is expected to become more than ever nn attraction for ex clusive society folk. ' Golfing nnd tennis nre already under way. The golf course hero is -Bold by many professionals to be without ii peer, and the club plans many tourna ments during the season. Where Rip Slept for 20 Long Years Continued from Prjt f. brush or overhanging foliage. Both thi Catskllls and tho Shawangunks are noted for their freedom from tho an noyance of foliage, which too often Bpolls a cast and loses a fine trout. The open winter resulted In better and more abundant fishing than in many years. atrcams tnrougnout the region an nually are Btockcd with fingerling and fry by the county fish nnd game asso ciations of Ulster, Dolawnre, Greene ana tjumvan counties. The State Con servation Commission each year supplies millions of fish for the streams of the region, and fishing proceeds uninter ruptedly from the middle of April to the end of August, with better nnd bigger cuicnea cucn succecuing year. nor inose wno prcxer oilier fishing, the lakes and ponds, rivers, creeks and brooks of the entire region supply nn abundance of bass, pickerel, pike and other varieties. The immense Ashoknn reservoir, in the heart of the Catskllls, surrounueci oy a iony-iour-mile boule vard, wincn is considered one of the best constructed nnd mniutalncil lilehwnvx in America, yields thousnnds of fish to the sportsman, besides furnishing the City of New York with its drinking water. The only restrictions against fishing In tho reservoir relate to the distance from gate houses, dams and other superstruc tures which iisuerracn nre required to maintain. Dally for virtually the en tire course of the boulevard around the Ashoknn reservoir are parked hundreds of automobiles whose owners are enjoy ing the fishing in tho pure waters or the immense lake. New York City, by tho way. has not completed its Catskill Mountain water supply project, bit is now engaged in constructing the Gilbon reservoir, wnlch will supplement the Ashoknn. In order to make Its plan complete, the city is turning back the Schoharie Rivwr from Its course, and n seventeen-mile tunnel through the mountains of Greene and Ulster Counties will lend tho water from tho Gilbon reservoir to me Esopus Creek nt Allabcn, whence it will flow to the Ashoknn reservoir, miles be low. The marvelous engineering' feats in connection with this gigantic under taking never fail to interest visitors who travel for many hundreds of miles to sco what has been and now I being ac complished. Means of Transportation All these trips nnd many more can be made by railroad, motorcar or motor bus. Tho picturesque scenery every where in the region of the two mountain .anges Is appreciated whether the sec tions visited nre reached by the Ulster and Delaware Railroad, wntcn ir ..... .. rwobitia. tiio Now York, Ontario and Western Railroad, which reaches Sullivan County and through the Shawangunk region to Kingston, nlso traversing southern Delaware County: the West Bhoro,' Now York Central or Wallklll Valley Railroads, or whether the trip is by tho palatial steamers of the Hudson River Day Wnc or the night lines to Kingston, Sauger- linn nnA nntablll Motorists will llnd that wane mere Is extensive maintenance nnd repair work, ab In nil parts of the country where money for the purpose has been appropriated, traffic on nil through routes is uninterrupted and thero are no detours. The only detours aro ou side roads and they nre slight. Sucu pnds nre cross-overs from one through route to another, and tho Joy of motor ing in the region this year Is not marred bv construction work of any sort on the rrnln rnlltpq nil nrn In Ann condition. Week-end motorists arc avoiding the river cities for over-night stays in many cases, preferring tho accommodations and service of tho numerous hotels that are in the "really truly" country. On account of the number of interesting side trips, motorists generally plan to epend more than u week-end in the region. Conventions In Summer Season Important conventions will be n fea ture of the summer season. Delegates, members of various associations and other orgnnlratlons which meet annually in tuo untsKHH or Hhawangunks and their families frequently arrive a week in advance of the tlmo srlipiltilnl for their meetings nnd remnin for the Jal-J ance oi me season. Stamford will be the scene of the forty-third annual con vent on of the New York Stnto Pharma ceutical Association on Juno 21, 22, 23 and 24. Sessions will bo bold at Churchill Hall. The New York State convention of tho Knights of Pythias will be he d at Kingston on July 25 to Tennis Is pomilnr nt pror rrsnrf. nml not Only does CVCrv vlllnro tnnlnfnln it. courts, but every hotel has well -patron - jzcu touriB, on wnicu some of the best players in the country frequently ap pear. The Lake Mohonk courts will be the scene of a national tournament under the auspices of tho United States T ntttit fnntila AoanAtAllAti en .Ttllif 19 ah it u J.VHUI1 iiaaui.iaiiuii uu w wj and tho days following. This week the Armor nnd Arms Club, under the presi dency of Major Bashford Dean, is meet ing nt Mohonk as guests of Captain Hugh Smiley, one of its members, whose collection of arms and armor is con ceded to bo one of the finest in this country. Tho various bungalow colonies throughout the region nre taking on n lively aspect as owners and their guests nro beginning to arrive, Among them are many Philadelphlans. Dr. Hnrry M. Eberhard will again occupy his cot tage in the Roxnor colony at Woodland. siiMMF.n nKsottTH BirciMKB BTCSORTB --V TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU Nowadays a vacation Is incomplete without a Kodak, becnust a Kodak assures you of a per manent, tangible reminder of new friends nnd Interesting places visited. There's real pleasuro in Kodak ownership. Kodaks nnd Snppllen nlich-Ornde Developlnr nnd Flnlihlnr ' HAWORTH'S KA8TMAN KODAK CO. 1020 Chestnut St.. Phila. I JVI I MM I f 1 . Hln.Kft KESOKTfl ' WATKINH Qf.KV. N. Y. tVATKINH Ot.KN', N. V. WATHINH OI.KN. N. Y. , BCTIMEtt TlKSOltTH HTHAMHHira STEAMSHIPS FRENCH ONE New York Havre Parto Now Quadruple Screw Oil Burner PARIS 33,700 Ton. r.ravio ,000 norDimw Jane SO, Julr 27. Aar. IT rtnclinmbtaa Jane 1H July 33 An. 27 Ijt flavott Imie 18 July 14 All. 13 Chlrnaro Jnne 23 July 80 Hrpt. 7 rifavtti July 2 Aur. n Rtnt. 1 I,n Lorraine July 0 Aug. a Hrpt. .3 rrnnce July 7 Alls. Auff. 2.1 I.h Tournlnr July 23 Aim. 20 Sept. 17 iiAvnr iiASintiuo Xlncnrn, July. 8 Sept. .3 Nov. B NEW TOIIK VIGO HAVRE Koaiillllon July 0 CHAS. S. KNOW17TON, Omernl Arnt 211 S. iStb St.. l'blln. I'hontl Ixkj. 2423 SB Ideal Rummer vacations v c yjrruLT rmm jvcnxr rarK xs Only 2 DayJfroinNeWYork 8 Days $91 00 9 Days $96-00u InclLding All Expenses for Steamer, Hotel and Side Trips sad pwird Pajment Insures neerntloni; Ualanci-Bftlllne. ys befor Bermuda Is Cool in Sumrm e (Arrragr .Summer Temperature 70 II sues) All Outdoor Sports Oolf, Tennln. nnd Sailing niching. Motor )iclnff. nnd rish Ins In enchnntn! Dnn and Inlets. Riding. Iyivlng r Cycling oer amooth white coral rudawnys or vlaltlns Bermuda's won derful Crystal Caves nnd Sea Gardens. No Passports Sailings every 5 Days Via Twin-Screw Hteamers "FORT VICTORIA" and "FORT HAMILTON' Send for ritnil tie Ivxc Summer Tours booklet to FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 Whitehall St., New York FlIKNESH. WITHY CO., LTD. llmirNr Hide.. Hilla. smxm II c I ALs,lSlni rV JaMm mmm DUALITY HARDWARE 816 Chestnut Street Tackle of every imaginablo kind nlwnys in stoclc nt Shannon's, nnd our prices aro un rnatchablc: I.nncewood nod, Oi feet long. 2 pleco, Bolld reel seat, double KUldea ttQ nfl Price 0.1 Green Heart, cnlt water Rod, two pleco, heavy re-enforced fer rules), heaT reel seat, trumpet gulden, double holo tip. closely wound with silk; metal dcw-J pled ; welghB 15 07. each IpO.UU Irfirgo nsBortment of Salt "Water Rods, from $3.00 to 180.00. Salt Water Tleels S h a n n o n's Nickel rtooia. tfo ft 200 jards . ip&'W 200-yd. flood Babber neel, 7.B0 250-yd. flood Robber Heel, R.OO Sen Honks, 3-ply gut, 1-0 to 0-0, 00c doi, j Hlmnnon Linen I.lne. ISO ft., 70o spool up. I Sim W WW T- Vl ii - F ' j 1 I 'M' . - JB If vr the Glen Springs WATKINS GLEN. N. Y. ON SENECA LAKE WILLIAM E. LEFFINGWELL, Presidont Not jus an idling holiday or a mere vacation at The Glen Springs but vital, intelligent rest. Beautiful surroundings, friendly companionship and absence of care; sport if you like it; tempting meals leisurely eaten; deep sleep and above all, the intelligent looking over of your human machine and its mar velous engine, your heart. Intelligent rest puts a new sparkle in your eye, a real punch in every muscle and gives the inspiration born of absolute confidence in an unhampered ability to do. This ability of The Glen Springs to afford intelligent rest, as well as every form of hydrotherapeutic treatment, is fully recognized in the medical world. It is the only place in America where the Nauheim Baths for heart and circu latory disorders are given with a natural calcium chloride brine. On main lino of principal auto roads across Neiv York State. Open the year round. In the healthful Finger Lakes Region. Illustrated and detailed booklets on request. o The Pioneer American "Cure" for Heart Disorders Take n Icy-Hot Bottle with yon, In bnlr pints, pints nnd quarts; $2.75 up. Shannon HARDWARE 816 Chestnut CANADA CANADA CANADA CANADA I BIIMMKR UKSOIITS SI'MMKK ItKHRT SUMMKK IH.siiii 11 l'. : -i-S L. i'l 1nUl Vaitatt PENTRAUY located in hopping and theah districts. N"r railroad tcrminalj. Uncjcorted ladies receive fxcial attention. Delicioui food, luxurious PPointrnents, personal ervicef fth Avenue edWrty-firstSt. evrVork City l'AfiriC NORTHWFHT PACIFIC XtlRTllWKhT PACIFIC MIIHil !" i mi Lr'TiIyz!7x-ftrj 6. p - rf g WAWIN3I3S 'j (simsis.isii.i. Js-TsTsij egrnCftjirJCr- - WB,afM'HtJiiPtC' " ifMtm pillliiiiiiliSiiiiil ! nil Mil j - "l America's Ideal Summer Vacation Land ""LIMATE is the most important factor in a va- cation. All the marvels of mountain and ocean scenery, unsurpassed, can be enjoyed in the supreme comfort of a mild, invigorating climate which inspires alertness by day and permits restful slumber at night, by the vacationist in aga the racihe Northwest. The Summer Temperature even on the hottest days, in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, is rarely over 81 degrect. rUHBHRW WsWHs'wWtWurM""rTt if i (tloJSr'VirJMn 1 1 1 Bring your family with you. You may have any kind of a vacation you like in the moun tains, on the seashore, on the borders of a maenificent lake, or on the banks of a mighty river, camping in the evergreen forests, golf ing on 38 courses, fishing in mountain streams and lakes or for salmon in its rivers, or you may hire or buy an automobile and tour fifteen thousand miles of the most 6ccnic highways in America. You will sec the country and learn that the business men and citizens generally of this great region live under the most ideal condi tions in this or any other land. Manufacturers, financiers, farmers, fruit grow ers, fishermen, canners, shipbuilders, all follow ing their vocations day by day, and living in a vacation land all the timev h,re the young people have out door sports all M 'car round. Write for Free Illustrated Booklet to any commercial organization in Oregon, Washington or British Columbia, or to Herbert Cuthbert, Secretary. Pacific Ntmiwest Tourist Association, maintained by government finds iff give free mm. iMMfiMiTHiiii . r. ? v yttMiiftdmea vaaM. COME TO CANADA For a Long or Short Vacation Enjoy your favorite pastime; climb mountains, play golf, fish, ride, motor, kodak scenic masterpieces, hunt big game (in season). To the Pacific via tho Trans-Canada Limited, 02 hours from Montreal to Vancouver, B. C. A fast express with compartment observation cars ana unexcelled sleeping and dining ear service. Canadian Pacific Rockies 500 miles of uninterrupted Alpine Splendors three great mountain ranges intersporsed with verdant valleys, glistening lakes, glaciers and cascades. A Chain of Ten Hotels Set down at every important point from Coast to Coast Wonderful Banff Springs Hotel and Chateau Lake Louise in the Canadian Pacific Rockies also mountain chalets and Bungalow Camps, guides, ponies, etc. Game Fishing in Ontario Biggest, gamiest trout in the world at scores of accessible points including Nipigon, Fronch River, the Muskokas, Knwartlm Lakes, Point au Baril, etc., etc. Guides, canoes und camp outfits to meet every requirement. Atlantic Coast and St. Lawrence Quebec and Montreal, brimfull of old French life and manners; New Brunswiclrwith St. Andrews for fine golf: Nova Scotia for historic scenes Grand Pre, tho Acadian homes, etc. w"rmn,arToenligo"Te,?er,ior, tr'P MoN,CO" ("ear Tor0n,0) t0 Prt "oil'moht'enjo" 'S1'"rt Trl,"' By ra" or Steamship that ofter the llest. Ilccreatlon or Tafitlmcu ALSO CANADIAN-PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES To Kurupr ln tho wonderful St. Lawrence Kouto Kiequu'it (-.tilings Irom Montreal an J Quebec. To the Orifiit Quickest time across tho Pacific from Vancouver, ii. (J , to Japan, China and tlm Philippine),. lo Aimtrullit and New Zealand from Van couver, Ii C, by Canadian AuBtralablan HU'iunshlps. Xo from Vancouver, D. C, by Canadian Paciflc 'Pilnutttb" Mourners. Illustrated Booklets and Pull Information on Request. In Specifying Your Trip, Ask for Tour L. R.-I32 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Irlitnslc lloute from Vancouor. II. beautiful Victoria, thenco to Seattle. C. to R. C. Clayton 629 Chestnut St City Passenger Agent. .. Philadelphia i' ii i i "v"" "'Y . ""--P"ia K P. Perry, General Agent, Passenger Department 1231 Broadway, New York Cit"ei)artmcnt. Q B ora iimmLW N . 4Ctv tjgm 1 n hWXl mm a awjfjt . K iit.ti. VK i b & $m V- yST'w . yr ffVTCrrvff""??1'""-