A iv J- ., .f .5 , ft'' "- t i ' ft i '- .' , ' 11 -. 'H i ?3 . " IS. t . u tt K M JBRIP SLEPT FOR 20 LONG YEARS ICatskill and Shawangunk t Mountain Rocrion Is Rooloto I With Bountiful Sconorv TOURISTS' YEARLY MECCA iFishing and Good Roads Help g Keep tha Hotels Crowded $ With Visitors Kingston, N. Y., June 15. The bis jTBcatlnn Intirl of Rip Van Winkle. In the CnMklll nntl Rhnvrnnittink Motin tnln region, will hnve more of Intcrct thin yonr for thr ummor rncntlonlst iBnd the rxvnMnnnl tourist thnn ever before. A wrnlth of nnttirnl honiity. In many plnren tinMirpnMCil bv any other scenery In America. l nupplemcnted by tnotor routes which hare become fnmom throughout the country, hotels, board In hmisM and cottaice colonic whose equal In not elsewhere In North Amer ic. nnd a variety of attractions for the visitor which are a source of constant pleasure. Each week presents come hip event of overshadowing importance. First, Its location Is In the Catuklll Mountuln ranRc. then in the smaller but equally famous fthawangmik Mountain rnnse. This week the Shawanuunk rnnRC has come into prominence through the con ference of executive officers of the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. nd associated companion throughout the United Stated and the demonstra tion!' of transcontinental telephoning which crc prepared by engineer of the Bell system to show the practical realization of past dream. Ynma Farms, near Napanoch. Flster County, wan the scene of the conference and the remarkable demonstrations. The formation of the Shawangunk nnd Cntsklll range). It alike in one respect, In that each rnnge posseses many sec tions where the mountains seemingly form n complete circle with n crater like center, out of which apparently there is no means of egress. A turn in the road or n walk to the brow of a hill always shows, of course, the valleys through which paiunge Is made from one mountain section to another, because there Is no section completely hemmed in by mountains. The Valley of the Uondout at Napa noch possesses the formation mentioned, and Varna Farms, standing on an ele vation In the center of the valley, fur nishes tho traveler with the sensation of being in the center of a bowl shaped region, whose entire horizon is a succession of mountain peaks. The wooded slopes are dotted with the homes of prosperous farmers and busi ness men, hotels and boarding houses, bungalow colonies, inns and wayside tearooms. They half peek out from the wooded slopes, and here, as throughout the rest of the Catsklll-Shawangunk mountain region, nature has been bountiful In verdure, whose combination of. colon from early spring until tho last of the foliage haa fallen defies the attempts of artists to reproduce it, al though all artists try to do so. Bell Telephone Conference Into this region, because of its extraordinary qualifications for experi mental purposes, for its health-giving and restful qualities, and because of its nearness to the big cities of Eastern North America, the executive officers of the Bell Telephone system and its asso ciated companies come annually for their conference on matters pertaining to telephone operation throughout the United States' in particular, and in a general way to consult on telephone matters of the entire world. Spring still lingers In tbls region so far as the youthful beauty of the foliage is con cerned, and even the practical execu tives of telephone systems that are tingling verr second wltL the zest of business life find they can consult to better advantage among the quiet hills and mountains of this region than elsewhere. And the engineers who are engaged in making constant ad vancement in the science nod art of telephony come here also because con ditions for their demonstrations are more nearly perfect than in any other region. For this year's demonstration to the executive officers of the American and its nssociated telephone companies the engineers of the Bell system decided to employ the amplifying apparatus, whlcu was first used publicly by President Harding when he delivered his Inaugural address at Washington on March 4. Hut the telephone engineers decided to do something more. The Bell Telephone loud talker had pMsetl the experimental stage when it was used at the inaugu ration ceremonies In March. One hun dred and twenty-five thousand people massed in front and at either side of President Harding had been enabled, by tstsPnm'!rTTmmm"""""mm'm'msnKimt ' $swPKHjfrt e& ' t& lfBBBBBBBBBBBBBJJBHaSBV-?rrv V iBBBBBBBSBSBBBBSBEBBBBBB&BBBBkBBBtBjBBBBBBfl iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV iaaBMBBaSKKEiBR faBSSSJSBBBBJBSSSSg rfi',l7Y'1 i h i m . v i in ni H eaBv2?JV- lttmmBMsaBS&2TZ.ifiJ. M' iSSS!tZ&JSFmmtiitftttimmi, rnii im i EVJNiJSrU PUBLIC LEDGEli PHILADELPHIA, WEDJbJSJDAY, JUN& 16, VMl ... . .... i i ii " - ' " Sfc-tti , 4Tav '" A mmmz& IN THIS LAND OF HIP the aid of the amplifiers, to bear dls tlnctl every word he uttered. The budding nt his back prevented tho crowd from surrounding him entirely, so the engineers decided to demonstrate that with the use of the amplifiers it was not necessary for n man to fnce his audi ence. How It Was Worked Out At the edge of the golf course nt Yama Farms thej erected n steel tower, sur mounted by steel lings from which the projectors, or horns might swing from the center to any part of the circle. Hnlf of the circle wns used for1 placing the projectors at regulnr Intervals, so that If the demonstration worked out as had been planned one-hnlf of the circle of mountains would hear what the cntiro world wanted to know. Then to demonstrate further, n single projector was (dung from the steel ring pointing toward the mountain opposite. For purposes of comparison between the Ynmn Farms demonstration and the inaugural ceremonies, n chalk line was drawn, with the tower as the central point, eighty feet round. This wns tins dlstnncc at which President Hardlng'H voice, unassisted bv the amplifiers, hnd been clearly distinguishable when ho wns delivering his address. At this dis tance the oflUers of tho telephone com panies listened to n brief talk by one of the engineers. The air wns bo still that smoke from their cigars, nscended perpendicularly most of the time, and only occasional!) did sufficient air stir to waft It to the various points of the cempnss. The movement nnd rustic of n large crowd, which affects the enrrjing power of the unnided human voice, particularly in the open air, woh entirely missing. The only bound to break the stillness of the quiet afternoon was the music of the song birds nmong the trees of the for ested slopes. tPMMKK RESORTB ihe voice of the speaker at eighty feet distance could bo heard clearly but at times rather faintly, Anv man who linn tmid 6n the edge of n large out door crowd listening to a jmbl'c speaker has hnd the same sensation that was felt hv the txectitlvo officers an they listened they could hear, hut the effort required rloso attention, Further nwny the sound of the voice became fainter until only an occasional word tame over the green. Then tho sUnal was given to put In uso the amplifiers, and nt tho same In stant tho speaker began rending the Declaration of Independence. The sound of the voice carried far. It carried across the golf course, to the wooded slopes and beyond, clear to tho moun tain tops, It filled one-half the valley. The air was resonnnt with the sound of the speaker's voice n he enunciated , Parly every syllablo of the famous Philadelphia document. It seemed to come from no particular direction. The air wns simply nllvo with the voice, the tone ami quality the same as the naked voice the audience had Just heard, onlv magnified many times; Inflections nnd shades of expression perfectly repro duced. The demonstration of tho amplifiers showed that the human voice, under the conditions of this region, can ho heard for n distance of three miles. Communication With Chicago As patt of tho demonstration to tho telephone companies.' executives, com munication was established with Chi cago over one of the tranncontincntal circuits. Seated comfortably in a large room of one of the cottages, the execu tives conversed on tclcpliono topics ns the connections were being made. Then suddenly the room wns filled with the sound of n new voice, amplified many times but not as many, of course, ns when the speaker is addressing all out doors. Thp voice was in Chicago, where officials hnd gathered to greet the extcu tives nssemhled in New York State. No Individual instruments were In sight; in fact, the only apparatu visible wo the small disk by which the sound is received, mounted on a smnll stand. Conversation bUwcen the two groups of men. spnnrnfpil hr OOO mtlna linnmn general, and finally musical selections played In the Chicago office were repro duced with nil the beouty of their orig inal expression In tho cottage In tho' heart oi the Sliawsngunk Mountain re gion Connections also were made for a very brief time with San Francisco, but tho necessity of using the Colorado circuit for business connected with the relief of the Colorado flood sufferers necessitated n postponement of that part of the demonstration, Attractions for Tourists Mrs. J. B, Stetson, of Philadelphia, hag been touring tho Cntsklll Shawangtink region nnd expects to re turn to Kingston. She Is one of the many PhilAdclphlana who find rest nnd recreation In the mountainous section of this region. Stamford, In the Western Catskills. nnd Lake Mohonk, on the eastern brow of the Shawnngunk Ilnngc, always have been popular resorts with Philadelphia vacationists. Stamford long has been known as the "Queen of tho Catskills," and the appellation agreement has been justly bestowed. Stamford's Increasing popularity as a year-round resort hna resulted for sev eral years In some of the choice hotels remaining constantly open for the ac commodation of motor tourists nnd those who seek its high, clear nnd dry climate for winter sports when high wnvs arc In the grip of winter. For tho summer vncntlonlst who en joys golf, Stnmford offers tho onlv regulation clghtccu-holo golf course In that section of tho Catskills. It form part of the Stamford Country Club, where visitors are made welcome and where some of the best tournaments of the season annually are played. Kingston also has n standard course, at the Twaalfsklll Club, where the an mini tournament of the Hudson Hivcr Oolf Association will bo played on Tunc 2.1. 21 nnd 25. Other well-known courses through the region arc tho Country Club course at Pnlenvlllc, the Orant House, at Cntsklli, the Cntsklll Mountain House, tho Grand Hotel nt Hlghmount. Hotel Knatcrsklll nnd the Ontcorn Club near Tnnncrsville, Lake Molinnk nnd Yama Farms. Baseball is Just as popular as in past years and the try-outs in every section hnve come up fully to fho cxpcctlons of the vnrious communities. Stam ford's team will be composed largely of KVMMKR riKSOHTS onAMii: i.ahk park. n. y. SUMMKR RKSORTH ORANOK LAK" 1'AHK. Ti. Y. V y$ ti M NQWBUI?CI4,N.Yli Illgh-Ctais Oatlnir rmrk and Plcnlo Grove All outdoor amusements. Dancing. Boating, Doth ing, Fishing. Attractive la Carta Restaurant. Reached by Hudson Illvor Steamers, Kail roads nnd by Motor over State Highways. Special attention to c'hurch and Club excur sions. , For illustrated folder and uarucuinra aaaress Manager OrnriRo I.nke rrk -evbursli, N. Y, IS"" 5 ?-: KINUSTUN. N. Y. KIN08TII.N. . X. KINHHTON. N. Y. A Ripping Good Time in the Land of "Rip" 90 Miles From Broadwav In the beautiful, verdant, invigorating, quickly accessible CATSKILL-SHAWANGUNK MOUNTAIN REGION i? the rotort regions of Ulster, Greene and Delaware Counties, New York, nature and man have joined hands to provide every variety of health, comfort, recreation and pleature for the vaca tionist. Hotel and boarding house facilities abound to suit people of both abundant and limited means. Fine road for automobil ing, golf, boating, fiihing, indoor sports, dancing, freab foods from nearby forms, pure, fresh air. EASILY REACHED BY N. Y. Central Railroad Hudson River Day Line Weit Shore Railroad Central Hudson Steamboat Co. Ulster & Delaware Railroad Saugerties & N. Y. Steamboat Co. Wallkill Valley Railroad PAKI.OIt AND Ol.l'll (Utl HKKVICR LBAV1NO NEW YORK EVERY TUESDAY, TIHJRBDAY AND SATURDAY llllll .Slii JULY Z For trovtl wap, hit of hotel and general information address CatskiD-ShawangunkMountainAssn. Kingston, New York HUMMER KE3 OUTS PAWMyO. N. Y. students from Eastern colleges and" tints vcrsltlcsi Roxbury. Delhi, Andes, Tnn nersvlllc, Haines Frtlln and Cairo have organized teams of acknowledged strength; Cntsklll hns a team which has beaten the well-known General Blcctrlc team, of Schenectady; Inke Mohonk Iioh a team which already la making a record for Itself; Saugerties' nnd Kingston are playing baseball of profculonnl excellence; Liberty, Monti cello, Fallsburgh, South Fallsburgh and Livingston Manor support teams 1'ATHKH.I S N. V. rAT1KIM.S. X. Y. rATSKlLT.8, N. Y. THE MIZZEN TOP HOTEL Pawling, N. Y. offers SPECIAL VACATION RATE $28 to $30 per week American Plan for a limited number of comfort able rooms ultliout bntli DURING JUNE and JULY For illustrated booklet and full information write to P. H. NOLAN Booklets, Information Ledger Travel Bureau -J IIAINHS FAI.L8. N. Y. BELLE-VUE HOUSE jjjji" Amutemrnt KltH. AMtKIlT ft. f.Kaa Houne m.l"i. Mn and rolit bttha. Nexr Pallinlln a I'rnlnmnt I'mrchu Quod nbl Rentier's Mountain Inn Open thf h'ntlre Yfar Devoted tu the traveler and tnurltt. i-iiiiuu. mr huvi Mum nnu aen-rai com' fort, (infage attached. R y. HKXttlSR, I V wtml latskill WTOiTtains "u". z. ) .(ifi LOX-HURST ais Oppoallf Twlllihl and Hunuft Parka Cfotr. tennla, telreraph. Rhone, saraaoi r nil points rf IntrreM, O. A. JIAiirrv 1 &? Thla Most Delightful Resort Section Offers You AN IDEAL VAfATION Fishing Tramping Summing Golf HEALTHFUL REST "Tho Catakill Mountain Limited" consisting ot wiuu jib wiu x-unman unrs wxu proviae nadttlona' service to the Catakill Mountains every other day beginning July 2, 1021. The Ulster nnd Delaware Railroad In connection with the West Shore Railroad operates through trains from and to New York. Direct connection with Hudson River Day Line nt Kingston Point for all points in the mountains. A list of Hotels nnd Boarding Housea revised for the season of 1021 will be sent free on request. T. W. FLEMMING. Traffic Manager, ItimiBTUN, . Y. jH . which are living up to their former reputation. (loot! Trout Fishing Trout fishing holds its Interest for nil sportsmen who have whipped tho streams that danco down tho slopes of tho Catskills nnd tho Sliavvnngunks, and this year has added, a host of ex pert anglers from all sections of the Eastern States who delight in fishing in and along streams unencumbered by Contlnnul on Nut I'sse BUMMER BKHORTH BUMMER RKBORTB BTAMrnwn, n. y. STAMFORD, N. Y. VfowyorA1 In the Western Catskills 2000 feet abovo tho seaboard swopt by thowon- acriuuy cxnnaraung air xor wnicn tnts neciioii ia famous. Inspiring scenery; mountains, valleys, woods, lakes, streams. Land and water uports, in door nraVntv. Stamford haa clectrieltv throuehout, model sanitation, spring mountain water, five churches. Country Club 18-Hole Golf Course Admitted by famous golf players to bo tho most beautifully located and sportiest course in America. Clubhousu recently completed and is tho center of tho social life tor which Stamford la -famous. Tennis, riding, canoeing, fishing, mountain climbing, outdoor swimming pool, town band, dancing, tournaments; no auw moments. , y. BUMMKR RFWORTB WMMKIt HKHORTH. " fiT" ' gaS3BWi . i . 'I ' : -f- J - --' i i i .JLuajr;,!, THE NEW WORDEN Saratoga Springs. N. Y. OPEN ALL YEAR AMERICAN PLAN On the main truilk line to the Adirondacks, in the center of New York State Mineral Springs Reservation. Modern in Every Respect GRILL EXCELLENT CUISINE Booklet on Application. E. C. SWEENY, Mw i , STAMFORD, N. T, STAMFORD, N. V. OCX) ()X)(4 XKTTK1' 0i CHURCHILL HALL StamforUIn the Catsklim-W. Y , NOW OPEN 250 Rooms. 100 Bathroom Suitoi. ' Completely remodolod, renovated and refurnished. Orchestra. Daily Concerts. Dancing i Beautiful Ballroom for dancing and various entertainments 18-Hole Golf Course and magnificent Club House. Tennis Courts Outdoor Swimming Pool, etc. ' Now booking at 1180 Broadway, Now York City, or, Stamford, N Y Booklets, information, etc., upon request. ' ' H. H. Mate, Managing Director. HCK)iOl3CXX cwc Up-to-Date Shops where ninrloua 7 liourn merchnndiso may be purchased at city prices or less. Atitn Trip from New York or Vhllo. fltate Rond nil the JJar, BH honra from N. V. Cltr br West Shore & TJUtcr & Drl. II. It. Address any ot ttieaa houses (or terms: House Guests Churchill Hall 210 nrxmrre 100 Inaleslde 100 Nat? Orant House.. BO OreS-court Inn HO Kendall Place 7ft Mountain View .... 7ft The Madison 05 House Quests Westholm 00 Cold. Spir. Farm Inn-ftO Atchtnron House ....8ft Dronklyn Hall .1ft Pnnford Ixidaa Aft The Valley VHw... 80 i:imvood 2ft Maple Rest 23 House Quests Craft Farm House. 23 Villa Belle Aire.... 3 Terry Homestead... 2ft Ka.r View House.. .. ftft Maple Ave. l"nrm.. 1ft lllllcrest 15 For furnished cottagee or general information address Chamber of Commerce The Country Club 'Xsatxsao Wfyt Jleto 2Ecxmcre STAMFORD In tho Catskills N. Y. In tho beautiful Churchill Park. Finest Hotel in the Catskills Opens Juno 25th. Completely refurnished and renovated throughout. , 150 Rooms. 75 Bathroom Suites Cuisino nnd Service unexcelled. ' Golf, Tennis, Boating and outdoor Swimming Pool,etc. Orchestra. Daily Concerts. Dancing. Now booking at 1180 Broadway, Now York City, or "Stamford, N. Y. Booklets, information, etc., upon request. W. G. McMcekin, Manager. IIA1NKS 1TAT,T,H, N. Y. I1AINKH FAT.I.S. N. T. n" m v gWihullin 1JAilES nnm .Tuna 20 under same manaa-emeni. in tne m flit of a restricted prUnte park. Accommodatea 280. Splendid equipment. Mny rooms wun prnnie mini, itivhio uininK iioom'. THE FINEST HOTEL IN THE CATSKILLS HIGHEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION 2ft00 (eet elevation. An exhilarating change ot air for those who live near the sea. board, 11 road verandas commandlnc a aweep of U"0 q. miles nt mountain scenery. Music Twice Daily. Dancing Orchestra. Golf, Tennis, Bowling Billiards, Boating, Fishing. Delightful Social Diversions Reasonable Terms. Special Rates for Families and Season Oursts. C. II. UBCKER, 1'ItOr. UIUTK FOR IIOOKLET SITMMKR Rr.SORTN RITMMKR RKSORTS HI'MMKB RKSORTH RUMMER RROORTH Travel Without Worry! Baggage worries have spoiled many vacations. Why start a trip to the mountains or seashore with such a handicap when you can quickly and economically put your mind at ease by insuring your baggage and- personal effects? Insure your baggage A North America tourist baggage policy will protect your valu ables for very little cost. It is wise foresight and sound econ omy to take a North America tourists' policy by the year, j Any agent or broker can get you a North America policy Insurance Company of North America Philadelphia "Oldest Amovtcan Fire and limine Immanca Compmtf- Capital $5,000,000 Founded 1792 JL i' i Ill vt. 1 1 I I i LSTEK)F,LAWAF JPLAND FAJWtf i i 1 1 i . ....... ', f , ".fJ'ftaVnfciV flWlon. VjI T-j, RAILROAD .' ljiu. m;. ! 'i kr"i.i: Havirfi7 m v J , . r-.... ..,., i eMW ' ym ,,IM 'A ' '-.iriMi '- -?7 -ni '' f t t r tt