MSMStozM ZW. yxv KfSM t'HW, i rr TY ' W V r ( "V V t t Y i " i ' gN! SPORTSMEN i ttVEttlJNtt PUBLIC LJJDEli-PHlLADiCLPHlA, WlfiDJNJ&JJDAY, JUJNJfi 15, 1021 JT : Fishing In Streams There Attracts Numerous Phiiadolphlan3- , MAKES TRIP. EASY S&'j. i onrfmarks Abound on ..W. waw to Mountain W ' Rosorts w.Al. N. .i June n. - .1 - e fta1ni'tnn - hn numuero u. .....v...---. Tthw mountains frorri I'hllndel f i Puti.v. whoso lucW nt fishing ?'S m-ovcrblal since, the opening rK . Mlow-sporUninn from New VMVy why It 1b that many from WrMn each Hummer insist upon ?o the Adirondack!, instead of ;'A .? Points ncar;r home. Id tnc i' '',""," v-.-" U.rWto.mlne.Urta-drf. IRVKcnrcccruiuof ' t.h.,.J!!Jd "to that question ha,. If ?",! i been put in more choice 'ttft J bu "it l .doubtful if it has VWyi-TrpJiiW exnrcmwl. Among PhllndclphianH ,r...i mrc torciDiy i3finHick hotelmen rniiaucimimui fUlrondjcK " f b Jn ,f nny. ' just "Ptr'fle more particular thai ' w?L.J. ". n nponle from other cities fmiTrriw. !"---, -. , ... - 'Etthat they are nnni 10 picuro, uu, iu !2e"Vof another slang phrase, they ffilly Hkc to "bo hoWn. They ;, fa make otiuih ui -" -- AiSi " That they return each summer ""... ..mWs than the senson I -Wot would seem to indicate they arc M.5ff. " C,. rvt nn-llsf In which SJ)l'MIdclphla pcrcciitago runs high. Tt Travel Made Pleasant f Before the days of automobile travel I, Urcc scale the Adirondacks no Sabt wemed a long way from Phila delphia. Now the trip is a compara- I. ittly short one. ami un uiu v i..--flli ..i it ImHb from New York City I . ' .i. if.i.l.An rt Alhnnv flmtipn C! .v,,irii Snrntocn Snrincs to Lake ' clone, from which point the real trip into the Adirondacks begins. Because ? in Jchool dnys wp were forced to study 3 llitory, most ui u iu ,'.,..,.,,. rtpccrntng iike ueorge. m imii ii.. if hn knows very little of this i ktutiful body of water, dotted here ., thorn tilth islands throughout its ,flrnih or thirty-two mucs una ur- (i " lt.. I..IV.(U k.nnn a vmtnnni nv ciuriuua ikikuio tuiunu. JrtnblnatloD that led the Iroquois to rtriiten the region "An-dl-n-ta-roc- ' te," meaning "there where the lnke is tbtit in-" After one hns seen it he can tttrluniiertnna wny mis ncaunun frtiway to the Iludton and the sea was LiMtrlr nntisted for in the nioneer Ln hn climax" of bloodshed being I. meted in the great battle of Lake PVT1C. UCJ'Uluuvi - .w. .Thlrty-ftcven miles north of Lake QMtm on the Quebec-Miami Highway, w RArnnn I.nkp. one of tho most at- trntlre lakes in the Adirondacks. The TBpre grown up about it is one of the M. known Adirondack resorts. The I" Wt" itnelf wns originally chirstcned f"8wrron" by French settlers ut Crown Point on Lake Chnmplniu. in honor of (Jhdqme Scarron, wife of the celebrated I IIVU IUVl, 111U VMMilUU HIIU lUIVk L- ctsie the Mnciame ue uaintcnon 01 nis toti. dc facto wife of Louis XIV of Iwicc. t Galon ay to Adirondacks, Thirty-two miles further on the kllfiway dips down into the heart of Wjlllc 1'lcHs.nnt Valley, in reality a ptrtof the great valley of Lake Cham plJn. The big Inkc lies eight miles to ue e.Bsc ami tne sicepy uttio uoquct Rlttr winding through picturesque SllMMKK HKMOKTH UtHK OKOKGE. N. Y. Honsnnt Vnlley finds Its way thither. Due east, of Kllzabethtown, on' the shore of Northwest Day, Lnkc Obain plain, is Westport, for years one of the principal gateways to tho Adirondacks, Its prestige in this re spect is this season increased by estab lishment of nn automobile ferry from westport across the lako to Basiu Harbor, on tho Vermont side, affbrd Ing a direct route from polntB in Ver mont to the heart of tho Adirondacks. TTrt boat used in that service' is a sub marine chaser of World Wnr fame. As patrolboat No. 6 it distinguished itself In tho North 8ea, one of its ex citing exploits being the sinking of a German U-bont after a chnse of three miles. The crnft was purchnsed from tho Government, andtaukcu nn ideal automobile ferry. Ellzabcttitown nnd Westport nrc eight mlles'npnrt by the most direct route, but there Is nnotherl nppronch to Westport from the south vln State road from Port Henry nnd Ticonderoga, that rond in turn connecting with roads leading from Schroon Lake on tho-main high way nnd. with the combined State high way and steamship route, direct from Lak6 George village along tho western bliorc of tho lake. I'lntteburg, jibout sixty miles by the Quebec-Miami highway from Ellzai bethtown, Is the northern portal to the Adirondacks nnd is a prlncipul center for all tourists entering the Adiron dacks from the north and cast whether coming via tho palatini lake steam ships', by rail over the Dclnwnrc nnd Hudson system or over tho motor routes. Although tho international boundary is n few miles north, It is nt Plattsbure that Canada nnd the United Stntcs really meet, for many from the. nonunion arc daily visitors there and tho motor travel from tho Stntcs is oven now bulking fully as largo in vol ume as wns predicted earlier in the season by William II. Howell, presi dent of the Adirondack Itesorts Asso ciation nnd proprietor of tho Wlthcrlll Hotel, nt PInttsburg. Famous Au Sablo Chasm The motor highway passes famous Au Sable Chasm, n few miles south of PInttsburg. Nearer the city is IJluff Point, crowned by Hotel Chnmplnln nnd commanding ono of the most beau tiful views of the lake. Also within easy distanco is Port Kent, which is the rail stop for Au Sable Chasm. It is nt the little village of Jay, twenty-three miles from Klizabcth town, that the State highway for Lake Placid, Snrannr Luke, Snronac Inn und Paul Smith's lenvcs the Quebec Miami highway. At Wilmington, a few miles further on. this rond swings into wonderful Wilmington Notch and for about ten miles parnllcls the wind ing course of the west branch of the Au Snblc Itlver, .which skirts the base of Mount Whltcfncc nnd joins the east branch at "the village of Au Snblc. from which point tho Au Sable itself. Knthern momentum for its dizzy dnsu through Au Snblc Chasm aud out into Lnkc Champlaln. Midway of Wilmington Notch is High Falls. Hn Au Sablo Chiism In miniature. which is u favorite spot with sightseers from all parts of the mountains. Still further along tho course of the west branch Is the Flume, which, although Incking the popularity of High Falls, is a wildly beautiful spot. It is eighteen miles from Jay to Lnke "Placid, which has an average elevation of 2000 feet above the sea. This vil lage, because of its central location with relation to the eastern nnd western sloncs of the mountains ns well ns be cause it is the largest resort center nt such n high altitude, has been styled "tho heart of tho Adirondacks." The lako from which the village takes its name is five and one-half miles long nnd divided by three islands Iluck. Mooso nnd Hawk almost nearly in half. At the head of the lake stands Mount Vwiltefnco, Its bald hend tower ing 4871 'feet above the' level of the sen. At its bnso is the summer home of Cnl vin Pardee, of (ieonnntown. Pa., who also has another iwtatc, Hale Brook Park, nt Eliznbcthtown. Through the transfer to the State of hundreds of HIIMMKH BKHOItTH KAKK OKOnOE N, Y. DIAMOND POINT HOUSE ON l.MMOUS LAKE GIJOItCIE. Every lomfort nnd convenience. Alt Boortn. Hates on application. Dooklets at Public Ledtr llort Ilurenu. or write MH8. H. II. IA HAI.r.E. laGeoW QUEEN OFIMERICAN LAKES LAKE GEORGE VILLAGE 'Die center of the jrrent mncadam roid tnstem of the. norlti: lte of the old battle (round at head of lulcfl; Illustrated, hlittorlc honk ot: lint nf hotels and boarc ana road map free. Vinn.HInn tinilfla .'. i.iniuill I'twn n. I.t ". iwli. nnu ... - v. 1IU7MII or TKADK. Lake (irorcr, . flnnrl rnuie ns (v.ns-1 Kaa AAnnaitlnn at In 1 1 avnl n r.M iIia T slra Tha PllVittn Triorata .travel and Itesort Ilureau will Rludly supply booklets and hotel Information. t'nniK on IjiUe (.eorg-f. N. Y. Ilnrus on I.nUe (leorire. N. Y. mcanHou fjdssri r-: MOHICAN HOUSE Uncas on Lake George, N. Y. Modern throuchout. Accommodatlns l'JS. Situated on hlEh crounds, fine view of the 'nke nnd mountain, llrnad piazzas Shady Inwna, fine sloping snnd bcarti for bathlni. Garare, antoa, munches, boats, ranoes pool, bowline;, danc Inir, etc. A resort where the younir people can thoroughly nJoy thenuelvcH. Excellent table Supplied with own farm nnd garden product, nates: June to November, $17.00 to 128.00 weekly. Ilonklet. SMITll SEXTON. I'rop. Lake fleoraf. N. V. Clevrrdnle on Ilie Oenrge. Schermerhorn Cottages MiitJr'9ifr?Smln'l1""J"e Inented In the Si room, 'n A" ,arBe "nd 'ry "Ut mabk? Ki..a"r" ,ln onnnloii. Ilea nd : AuK s J'T"."" on'y Jur"'B July '. Btp"!' .rSToc"! Y ra' dUrln MltB. K. K. RL'tlRnMirniuinv ""He fieorite Vllluge, . Y.' ' --bUtli Day Point. N. Y. PINE REST Nituated on a. peninsula, In a pine arose, whleti stretches fru out Into the lake, commanding an unsurpassed view of the lake. Island, und mountains. Largu, airy vlenplnr rovmn. Uerylhlnc clean and tidy. Home booking. Supplies ro celved from nearby farms. All amuse mentfi. now boats free. Convenient to highway nnd boat landing. Rates moder ate. Dooklet. V. h. nilll.M. Proprietor Clevrrdale (on Ijikr (ieorgr). N. Y, Halihnlli Par Point. N. Y. HIAWATHA Cwldmd on, of the lineal location, on teeth, S Uc'n1odateH :t,1. Home . etc! r,,onaW ra: biWn. boat. MHS. A. MrCAIIK, Prop. Sablmlh )ny Point i-uke tirorce, N. y. SABBATH DAY POINT HpUSE Open Juno 1st Auto'moblllktH going north come direct to llolton Landlne, take steamer there for Hahuath Day Point or coins south vies versa, See All of Lake fleorge llooklrt. II. W. Carney, Proprietor filena FalU. N. Y. Island Harbor Hqu am) crrA(,i:.s 'm,ll.",t?bleC"',"! "ln? !" ae "Noted Unsur ss..:i". ''? !?.n,V "ft ion. Modnri 'In all nXX, lla.uV CI',,nov. 1'wrl.tor "aue on l.nke (leurge, N. V. ' mi j 'illilijfnrgp. y. y, ROCKWELL HOUSE Glens Falls, N. Y. On the main Adirondack Highway, The moat modem tourist tiotel north of New Vor'it. Completely remodeled this season, Preetnan Hold Co., Inc. & Uike Reorgr. X. Y. THE ANTLERS sup iu Dlt0n Hoad' Lako Ge0re Th':ee m,,es fom vJI!n8o llcl'',',Umiir"1wieV"ry ,umm,lr r"rt comfort. Balling, rowing, bathlpg, nshg, ,iW4r( 11 i ,,,.n" ""l driving art among Its amusements, Oood roads. Tor rules ! "'WliUN.-'O, Anlin rli. n.,.. M IT. , ",'-, r? ", " " . tSl?" ,,B holdings nt f.nko Plncld, including Virtually nil of Mount White face, thereby insuring its forct-cInd slopes against denudation by lumber in tcrcsts. Mr. Pardee ha endeared him ffi. F iia. "?i?urner8 not only nt Lake Placid but to Iovcm of tho Adirondacks ns a whole. Crave of John Drown Just outside tho vlllago of Lsko ALB5,l,vPcar the l,(,tnto of the late Miss Anna Newman, formerly of Philadel phia, is the grnvo of John Brown, whoso body was brought to the Adirondacks following the execution nt Charlestown, a.., December 2, 1850. nnd, In ac cordance with his rcaucst before the hanging, was buried on his farm in the heart, of the then comparatively in accessible Adlfondacks. beside the "big rock'' where, before he struck for tho freedom of the slaves, he loved to "sit nnd read the word of God." Mirror Lako Is the smaller and com panion body of water, to Lako Placid. At one' point the two lakes 'arc only about 200 feet nnart nnd conoclsts llnd ft an oris? tarrv from one tn thn other. The vlllago Is principally nlong the western shore of the lake and its places m ousiness, lor me most part ot 11 re proof construction, arc a revelation to the pcrs"6n making his first visit to the heart of the Adlronijacks, little expect ing to find there supplies and materials of range and qunllty equaling those in the cities and .at prices as reasonable. It is at Sdrnnac Lako, however, ten miles from Lake Placid, that the strange contrast of a city In miniature In tho heart of the great Adirondack forests is most strongly tynnhasized. In addition to its manifold advantages ns n resort, Sarnnac Lake became famous through tho 'researches of the late Dr. Kdward L. Trudcau. Robert Louis Stevenson, in the long light to regnln his health, enmc to Snrannc Lake veers nao and there wrote the grenter nnrt of his famous "Master of Hnllnntrne," in tuKlltloy. to doing other literary work. A short distance nway from this village, on tho shores of Ampersand Pond, Emerson, Lowell, Agnsslz and others mnintnlncd' their famous Phil osophers' Camp. Tho Lower Sarnnac Lake, which Is within two miles of the center of Sarn nac Lake village, warf called by the In dians "tho lake of tho clustered stnrs" because of thr number of islnnds it con tains. Completing the Sarnnac chain of lakes nre the Middle Sarnnnc, or Round Lnkc, nnd the Upper Snrnnnc Lake. Tho latter, ono of the most beautiful lakes in the Adlrondarks, is ight miles long, nnd Its shores nre lined with beautiful camps. Among the owners Is George 11. Enrle. Jr., of Phil adelphia, who nlso hns two camps nn the nenrby St. Regis chain of lakes. Many Philadclphlans nre memhers nf the cottage and hotel colony at Hnrnnnr Inn, at the hend of the Upper Snraau Lake. Over the "Seven Carries" route ennoo. parties visit between l,flUJ Smith's and tho St. Regis chain of lakes and Snrnnnc Inn nnd the Upper Harannc during each summer eason. Paul Smith's, founded by the Irfte Paul Smith, pioneer guide and hote man, w locnted on the I,ower St. Regis Lnkc. nnd tho enmps about tho shores of Hint lake. Hpltflro Lako nnd the Upper St. Regis Include some of tho most nttrnc tl'o ln the country. Near tho hotel is Hepburnwood, tho beautiful summer place of Dr. and Mrs. Ocorgo tales Unker, of Rosemont, Pn., who onnnnliy spend tho season there nnd entertain lavishly. Tho muslcnle given each sea son by Mrs. E. O. Contes, of Philadel phia, at the Coatcs camp on tbo'Uppor St. Regis is counted among tho. prln-, cipul musicnl event of the summer. , Pnnl Smith's, like SorannC Inn, Sara- nnc Lnke Vlllngo and other points on I.Mt .Mm nf .tin ... n,1 n t A I tW - III TCaChOU by rail, via the Adirondack division of tho New York Central to Lnkc , Clear Junction, where connection Is mado with Paul Smith's electric railway for tho resort on ono side and wun iue Sarnnnc stenra branch on the other to Surnnno Lnke nnd Lake Plncld. There is a splendid system of State roads connecting Snranac Lako Villagts witl Lake Placid, Paul Hmiw s, ouru riaa Inn, Malouo nnd other points west to the St, Lawrcnco and north to Cnnnda. . Just now the principal pastimes In thp Adirondacks are trout fishing nnd golf. Even the Adirondack trout rec ords nro this senson being broken anil nn excellent bas3 ncosqu, opening June 10, is predicted. Each of tho big hotels has a golf course nearby. Mnny of the courses have this season been improved. These include the courso at Sarnnnc fun ovtnnHntl frnm ntnn In eighteen lioTr! the St. Reels River Golf Club course, nt Paul Smith's; tho Snranac l.nlro flnlf nitih rnlirNf. nil nf UlC UCVeil separnto courses nt Lako Placid; that nt Hotel Champlaln; tho Westport courso and the famous courso of tnu Cobblo Hill Golf Club nt Elizabeth town, Robert N'eilson, of Philadelphia, annually a sojourner nt tho Windsor Hotef, EHzabethtown, is one of tho lending members of the latter club. David S. Ludlum, of Ardmorc, Pa., Is president of the "Tckenink of tho Adi rondncks," leading sportsmen s club, with headquarters nt EHzabethtown. and J. Howard Rcbcr, of Philadelphia, is secretary of the organization. Dccrs Head Inn, Philndclphia, Benja min V. Stetson, proprietor, is u favor ite resort with Philndclphlans and the Windsor of the same village is popular. Other Adirondack hotels, each with Its Philadelphia colony, include Westport Inn. Wcstport-on-Lnkc Champlaln, Lclnnd House. Brown Swan Club nnd Bogle's nt Sehroon Lake; Aubnble ChnMn Hotel; Tho Withcrhlll. Watts burg; Hotel Chnmplnln, Bluff Point; Tho Owl's Hend. Keene Center: White- Unco Mountnin House. Wilmington; TroinblcaU Ilnll, Port Kent; the Slov ens House, Whltcfnco Inn, Urnud Viow, i.aKcsidc inn, ivorthwooris inn, 'xno Pines and Belmont, nt Lnko Plncld; the Berkeley. Riverside Inn nnd tho Alcon- nuln. Sarnnac Lnke; Pnul Smith's, Sarnnnc Inn and Bnrtlctt's, on the Up per onranoc, nnu tlio Lake ulcnr liotei, on Lnko Clear, Principal changes in mntingemcut of tho hotels uro at Lnke Plneld. where K. Paul Stevens In now president of the Stevens Hotel Co., succeeding his father, tho Into George A. Stevens, pioneer Adirondack hotel man. At Luke Placid ulso, T. A. Lenhy, for many jenrs pro prietor of Northwoods Inn, Is now man ager of Lakeside Inn, nnd one of the omcinis or tne operating compnuy. Frank W. Swift, for mnny years pro prietor of the former Lnke Plncld Inn. is now propiietor of Northwoods Inn. Lnko Placid, linvlng purchased from Mr. Leahy, last fall. Horacn H. Nc, for many years manngor of tho Cascade Lakes Hotel near Lake Plncld. is now manager of tho AuSable Chasm Hotel. Joseph E. Goulct, manager of the Hotel Contlnentnl, New York Cltv. is man ager of The Windsor, Kllsinbcthtown. AT DIXVILLE NOTCH nixvlllo Notch, the While Moun tains, N. II., Juno 15. Up here in the scenic wonderland of tho famous White Mountains the curly vanguard of sum mer folk arc beginning to find their way to their favored hnunts. Although it is early, there Is already n Inrgo colony of vncntlonlhts on hand for the early season nctlvltles in tho hills nnd on the beautiful lakes. This is the earliest opening in history of Dlxvillc Notch. Dlxvillo Notch is almost the north ernmost ono of tho White M6urttnlu re sorts. And It Is one of the most licnu ilfut. Ucro' nro deep Inkcs of crystal purity, which nfford the sportiest of fishing and the most delightful boating Golf over tho prlvnto course of the Balsams Hotel Is said by many to bo the finest in nil New Englnnd. Hidden nway in the deuths of tho dense bnlsnm woodlands arc rippling trout streams. Idcnl motor lilghwnys lend hero from the North and from tho South. Eques trinns find tho rugged mountain trails nnd more even bridle paths thnt wind through the magic lilll-lands nttrnctlvr) ut every turn. Tho Balsams Hotel, which Is to open next week, is preparing for the great est senson iu Us history. It Is to he managed this year by Luke Glcnnon, for two j cars Its nsslstant manngcr, and ono of tho most popular of tho resort hotel men. The big hotel is fireproof In construction nnd is beautifully sit uated In tho center of n private balsam wood estate of 4000 ncrcs. Tho hotel is rapidly becoming n fnvored rendez vous of golfers because of the excel lency of the prlvnto courso which is open to the pntrons of the hotel. r SUMMKll ItKIOKTS 111(1 MOOiK. N V. bffg giO&Wi&Ml StlMMKft .nKqfWTH stunreu itraionTH VTESTPOKT. N. Y. WKSTI'OBT. N. V. ESTPORTM Modern camp life on one of the most beautiful lakes In Amer ica, Kurnloh-rl coIIukcs ln connection with the muln camp, Excnllent tatil servlco Hotel Harden Laundry. Auto road from lTt!en T.rinre enrns. .Telephone & te'etrrnph. Dane- inir. tennis nntning. etc. Fur nished cottages tn rent Write ror nnoK'et ami llatei HOY C. IIKIIIV lllg Mooe. V. "Come and be HUMMER ItHHOKTS HtlMMKR IlKSOItTH bUMMKK nKMORTH Al)lnnNIACK MOIINTAINH. N. Y. ADinONnACK MIU'NTAINH. N. V. AnmnNHACK MOIINTAINH. N. Y. ADIRONDACKS f iviyw i jkijjHJs ctiiv Ujujlju iKyujKf ai V tr -rvjo7HBSi fonvlncea " JLi 'BVJtj r not.TON-ox.iXni; (ikok(ik..n, y. ftomr-a'ZZj0" '.PIt am kmm smmm MMrm,:Mn3rrBr wjmtimw imLjar W W'OTTAaKN FOB BKNT . v 4tA I m yards baok from Lake Cham- M& p- B M plnln; steam tieated Uoatlnz. yiinm'f ffillLB iWimmMM H H lnnii courts. O a'r n g e ISlwjB'JWBB'StToSBBsS SfrReC 1 U w'th automobiles for hire. "lgv?lipitiKgjGgaMyj" VjHf Trail of 'the Empire Tours. H J Table supplied from nearby farms. For booklet and rates address H V P. SMITH I g H'ratnort-on-I.ake Champlaln. N. Y. H i AOIKONUACK MOUNTAINS. N, Y. AWBONnAC'K MOVNTAINS. N. , WESTERN xsfe ADIRONDACKf ff r?''-1 THE ALGONQUIN Jjoitonn-rfce . , . . OMirge, N. Y. A select modern hotel, whoro refined people may feel it home. Ideal loca tion on the whore of Bolton Buy. Quiet nnrt homelike but not dull. Excellent rulslno nnd service. Lighted by elec tricity Hot and cold ater baths and flush closets. All amusements, us bathtniy, boating llhlns, tennis, dancing, billiards. 123 00 to $33.00 vr wecu. $1.00 to $5.00 per day. UndiT sanio management L'2d beason, Illustrated Booklet at Ledger Ofllce. j:. i.. pi:xrii:i.u, rrou. I.AKK (ii:OK(IK N. Y. f I tV, x AK.t. "'N-c-iJg - -a; THERE arc no dull moments in the Adirondacks life is all nction and pleasurably so. Tho exhila rating and tonic properties of tho air and sunshine im part the buoyancy of youth nnd vigor. Diversion galore for old nnd young, while tho hotels provide creature comforts and entertainments that are as unique as they ar5 delightful. For booklet nnd particulars address: ji (teren Home, I.aUe Placid, V. V. Tho Ornnd View. I.nke Plaeld. N. . Willefner Inn, T.nke rlacld, X. . I.Rkmlde Inn, r,ake Placid, N.Y. Niirtlnioiicl Inn, Lake Plucld, The I'lneK. I,nk Plnrld, X. Y. The Ilelmnnt, I,nle Plncld, X.Y. It. W'llliiiii llrnrr Hotel I.nke Oeorge. X, V, lintel lrrln Marlon on I.nke ,enrire. V, Y, Itherlll lintel, rintlnhurrh.X.Y. riimberlimil Hotel, Pluttsburgh. I)eer' Head Inn. lniialietlitoivn, . Y. Ilo'rl Kllrnlietlitown V Y, Ilreulunod Inn, I'.llrnliethtoHn, X. V. llimtrr'N Home, nilznhetlitonn, X. Y. "etlinrt Inn, Wenlport, N. Y. Itlverlde Inn, Suramic Luke, X. V. The Berkeley, Snranua I.nke, X. V. Onl'n Head Inn. Krene, X. Y. lintel rhnmnlnln. H'nrr Point on I.nke rinir.nlaln. X. Y. Ilnnd House, Bcliroon T.nke. X. Y. Ilrnnn Swn Club. Sehroon I,akr. X. Y. rnnl mHh' Hotel. Paul Smith's, X. Y. Sn"i'"! Inn, I'pper Saranar X. V. An SnMr rhnm lintel. An Sa ble Ohnum, X. Y. , " i rl Hn s eTn', N. Y. Nlnrt-nr Hotel, Bonses Tolnt, X. Y. Vnlde Inn, l.nerne, X. V An nble Tlnb, St. Hubert's. X, Y. rinnnenn lintel. Mnlone N. Y. 'I he -icnmore. Lone Lake, X.Y, Tho Wtirden. SnrntiiBii iirlnBi, X. V. The Tell lek. Alhnnv, X. Y. The (lrnnnil"in, srmriise. X. Y. The I tl."i Hotel. I'tli-M, X. Y. The ltmkill. Olenn K-IK X.Y. ri'rrernld'H, JlHn I'ulU X. Y. Illtr rnrltnn Hotel, Montreal. Ciiiiiidn. ttlndor Hotel, Montreal, Can- ndii. The (lneen Hotel, Montreal, unaiU, Most tiii: AniitoMiAci;s.MOXTBi:.UQir.Hi:r Torn u the Plctureiuiie nnd IlellEhtful utoninblle Tour Mnrndnm Hlchuuy l.'ntlre I"tance I'nr AIMKONnACK Ilonklet nnd Infurmatlnn apply to RKO. U KAN. ec.. PUVTTMiriHill. X. . Vor Montreal nnd l'rolnrr of Onelwc Tour Booklet nnd Infor mation nnnl) tn Tourists Bureau of Munlreul, 1)09 Net lllrku Uldg., MONTBKM., Cnnudu. HTKAMSIIII'S STHAMSHIPH STi:MillIP. ?2z. M x"'Jl ' JJL?l" B STKAMSIHI'S MEVaTsK3MwBaTaKKKHey3uHaK'll W ill 111 Mil lsTannfiaiM I TJ V i i iBl i fl R'an to visit the heart of th great Ishest and thickest and tis mountain lakes and streams are the freshest aud most beautiful. In surrounding!. When ou visit the Adlrondacke North Woods, wh-ro the trees are the highest and thickest and tte mountain whore the beauties of nature nre undisturbed vou mil nnd many dollshtful summer camps, hotels and cottages, each offering to the ploasure or recreation seeking visitor ft wonderful rango of choice for sports and amusements Host ing, bathing, rancelnir flishlng. hunting, dancing, tennis, baseball, etc. Tor detalUd Information regarding ratc. conveniences, train or motor routes, apply to tho hotels listed below or consult the Public ledger Trael Hureau. FULTON CHAIN OF LAKES-RAQUETTE LAKE OTTER LAKE - The logical, luxurious and restful way TO VACATIONLAND ' "THE ADIRONDACKS" "THE BERKSHIRES" 4 "LAKE GEORGE" "SARATOGA SPRINGS" ;, "SCHROON LAKE" & Largest river steamers in the world, perfect in, comforts and conveniences. Start your vacation right by enjoying the grandeur of th Historic Hudson as revealed by the giant searchlights. DAILY SAILINGS (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) k From Now York (Pior 32, N. R., foor C,nl St.) G and 7 P. M. -s From West 132nd Street, half hour later. i ' Direct rail connections at Albany and Troy to all points. ' '-, Automobiles Carried at Reasonable Rates HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY Middleton S. Borland James A. Emerson, Receivers ?j s,M .13 i s Fulton riinln of IkeH. X. Y. Fulton rhnln of T.nlies. X. Y. NEW ARROW HEAD HOTEL Locnted at Ilead of 4th Lake of the Fulton Chain of Lakes. Accommodates 115 guests. Booms with private bath, hot and cold water In every room; Intercommunicating tele phone In each room. All outside rooms and newly furnished. Good uuto road connoctlnc with principal Adirondack high uis, Ulectrlo lights, open fireplaces, nates 133 to IliO per week. Booklet. C. 1 O'HAIIA, Inlet, N. Y. THE FORGE HOUSE Old Forgo, N. Y. Largest hotel on Kulton Chain. .All mod ern conveniences. Coif and nil ?" excellent table Reasonable pr ces. Tablo supplied from our farm. No tllea or mos quitoes, nooklet. C. I. & It. K. THOMSON. Qtr THE RAMONA AND COTTAGES On north shore of Fourth I,ake: large liv ing room: electric lights: ull sports: sandy bathing beach, home cooking. SP''',! rates June. July and September nooklet. MRS. C. QODSKLU OLD FORGE. N, Y, Cohasset and Cottages Fifty feet from lake: ncc 00. homelike nnd comfortable; Ideul views: ail water sports: May 1 to Nov. 18. Hooklet. Apply J. A. WOOD, oid Forge, N Y. THE NEW NEODAK At the Head of Fourtli Lake Nely renovated and doubled Iu capacity. A good variety of sports, and amusements. Home cooking. Beautifully situated. Write for booklet. n, W. ROCURS. Prop. Inlet. N. Y. THE WOOD nf the Fulton Chain, nda( Fourth Lake m A ill nnfi A modern, all-year-round hotel, aecom mj.Hn. iAO cniextu I.arare. airy, newli furnlehot rooms wun noi una mm . Steam heat, eleotrlc llatit comfortable and homelike. nOOKI.UT Address P. C. HOOD, I'ron.. Inle. N. Y. ROCKY POINT INN Fulton Chain, N. Y. Superb location on Lake, altitude 1717 feet, Eery posslb'e convenience for our guests. A.n. DKUMARSII. Mrr V. O. Inlet. N. Y. KaquettP Lake. X, V, Jtnquette I.nke, N. V. WHEN UV THINK (IF Till: ADIRONDACKS i mmi ur itiu RAQUETTE LAKE HOUSE .Management pi iivmuii .iiioaino irormorly With Hotel UtlcA) 1 throughout und refurnished All modern conveniences rooms ' cold water In every room. Rery attention glen touralts and Under the Hotel remodeled bath: hot and cold water in every room, r.very attention glen tou Hood one-day trip seeing the Beautiful Raquette Lake with Its rugged shoreline of 100 miles. Launches for n nominal chsrge "l """" o with eeit. Island Camp and Cottages Hltuated on the largest nnd tnot beautiful Island on Raquette Lake Several cot taegs, with running water, hardwood floors, etc. Hpeclal attention given to able, Fine tennis court, good btthlng, fishing, and other outdoor spurts, llooklst, JKIKlMn V(l()D. Raquetlo Ukr, N. Y. Brightside on Raquette Raquette Lake, N. Y. In tho Adirondacks. Now open Rooms linmollke and attractlin modern throutfh put: boating bathlnit and laimelnBt cel. lent tttblo. Write for raleu No booklet, J. O, A. IIRYF.Ri:, Mgr. SUNSET CAMP Raquette Lake, N. Y. Rummer In our cottages, bungalows or tents. Kscetlent tablei large New Casino for DancInK and Amusements: silendld rmrdfii: first-class chef und pastry cooks: luntln. tlshlng. bathing, boatlnet modern ImprovementHti booklet II, nBNNKTT, ITop.. Rtiourltr MUc. N, Y. OTTER LAKE HOTEL OTTF.R IKK. N, Y. 1700 Feel F.lriitlnn A. modern hotel In the Adirondack Moun. tains. On state road and N. Y O. R. R. Ei?.?.13' ,f,.?.mlll lakes, which nboiind with trout, . K',000 acres of fniest. with w.ii. Llf.i la ',r,l,ls I" connection The cuisine I Ci..''' noiei are exroiient, Pool bowline, tennis, dancing, bathing and boav '" . O. NORTON. 1'roi.rl.tor Hv " - 'Pitr 32, ;North, River ;, ,-x Telcphme CaniJ 9000 W$ Ha&T3HHHsHaHsalrSBa5li i(i -'C r.Cf;?Ml&!!ft!&f n nHll',. HnaTsHBBaHaHHHKHLS Ai ,A $3il&&sSaKHgfflffl aPBEBBSaiBBMBattSSS LLMOPaWHiLLMalLMWIifa MKKIfl:i:ilBaSBSisHssHswlwslM Sxl - - - -aBsWWiaWMMsWaWIWsWIIKil , n i((mttWffwTT riM ssssBssssaHBsttsHslB7avsissssBs 3A 4 aWV 'tUKBSBKOtmKKStSKBtt f.KJtlSifiV''iM' 'Xfcfa, , JsfctfllsnW'fi 'ntlssssH BaHaHBBSlBaBBBHBBBBHaFi,WMMN mm sZ UaaL, Onrflnf' f ' rMaaMaBaLKl m " Ju; t fill Tew l ill ill .11