SV.w w ri V i r 'ft.' E.iZJfZr' 'm :?. rtV ', T.f"I, 'TWSirfV . .1' n WaC-.-V '. W' I ' .Jh-vAUr " . 31 'tf' -,' j ?'!(! i V a wv,, v 41 - ! .'C EVENING PUBLIC MTOSfllfc- HlliAJjfiiiPJBttA, vJfiDKBgDAr, JUNE 15, 1921 15 MBING AND QUIET mWmCE MOUNTAINS rnnco to Crawford Notch Kcnranrgo iiiimiv inniminini run BSMjr- nuMin rtnn wv fif.rcjc ivmiih.k ijr.niii:i,w ;"'. """ '" MtfiOT pvpniw, ' ,'.". ""' -"' tics to tup ntivciiturott Si- riimHititiPomuar WitHLovm of M?; mm?- Ml I nlO SWK.TiiJfi- -.. .- .- . . - - -.,;...'... , .. -Miur .,.,. nmi, ,iii K:f.nnMHoteis Rapidly mwg Z:::Vk '"" ,ffi . - , - jvhto Horn tain, T W i. , . - n nil . ........ -4.1 lU (i:l.. . I. - ..iHrMAllM. t-A I iiiuuiiijiiii fit in iin iiir iiiu uiHuiuuLiiiu in Sp Mtcu4 : fp,n"j "IL.'w. voii ranyslnlftcnci; Lr& friendly .rord, ? &vi four Pn ninn cnnir w,. S;8''? mtHu.!c.' Were you to Hl'.0iiw;;.r waulil not And n i - an uri pm" . . .... ESSASrS ! ?i. S hi Worrc Irtercit for BEfeSmM, WJL . "S,"! MWr"7i.uU. nrrttflRVflr. III1UUUIUK .WSnSiV of thr wholesome Ration amrmonntalir climbing, nnrt, i it !'.?. W nrocsslon,-of lor i-j- ' 7 ' If. . cry from 1(142.. tho &S.W thirst nuccnf to the Prf. Mount Washington. .thta ..OT.i.ii tun. th He' nrencnt ftt the Intervening ccnturlcf huvo fcffi wlnte womlirs' Iff the sturdy Km that sre Inynlunblo to ths IffL.Ww Wind's fnmoiw. vacn- It V Mlated thnt. Darby - . i.. .iiBtinrinn' ni'uins liiv Kemi Ithegront White, Hill, a; niain'h'.n5",'im.iB,-'r; "ndaysfrvicltyo-f '. ....! ... oarir tinnf mil til riff flBW '?.?",', V'i.t:- l-lmi Pii'compony only of his courngeotis tor upon i h't:;"' "mv. i;,in. to ascend the summit. They I In avre oi tue great V"."! "I" i . ..t.1 hahIiii ir ii it it nr K .nii thA ton. Htnvever. fFitld .pressed on his guides took i awl connnueu. m -AJeent Today Is Easy 'tare binoculars In hand and n m. m.nrtment of sandwiches in Hip lunch kit. rind with HtblKtif the self-Htnrtcr he on the it If automoDlie 10 nic very iop ui i.lllle. 01 mc II I IB, i wiihlncton. It will - t be even ISuttn hours teforc the return has Sataadc and the splendors of the. uinr visias nuvi- iiiaui: nivii iu- UUi Impression on the receptive i . l-wwrr, It Is one of, the most perilous ho found -!n the Knsf. but tho thrill of the accent ls all ,thc , keener because or It. .. ',, ' ' I!ss tiring,' but ribnp the. less thr.llllng i the ascent to tho Tip-Top, House hy way. of the little' cog rnlhVny. nnd here ngaln history wenves -nh. Interesting threacl In the fascinating train of events'," for It wns between thfl years of 1R00-0I thnt Sylvester Mnrsh. of J.m,ton, In-, vented nnd ennstrurted this ebg railway, which wns the first to be built In the world. Oborvntlnn cars from Fabyans hnu'Ilrcttop Woods carry' the passengers to the base of Mount . Washington. where the chnngorls made for'the nnr- ,rpjv .gaugi railway arid' the seemingly tircrinniiicuinr cumn is .apprnacucu. .Incfih's Ladder fs that .rcmnrknhlc feat of trestle ro'nstructlon where the grnd Is nearly 200Q feet to tho mllp. ' Trio Summit House welcomes th'e "lolly groups from the small train nnd tlif nutorpobllcs: nccdmmodatlons for ovcr nlaht' may be linrt. nnd for those .Just Rtophing' "between trnlns" inviting luncudonB are served. On a clear day nnd crystal clearness cometf for the most part through. Jim cloudless dnys In hep- rcmnernnii tictoner one can sec rori land nnd tho Atlantic spreading like a great shfcft eastward, on tho south T.nke Wlnnlpesnukec' unfolds to view-and be yond often the ranges of the Adlron dacks.'are. dlstlngulshfthle. whllo turn Ing the glass to the north rcvcnls a wide sweep of thoCa'nadlnn ranges. Mount Washington towering nbovc the neighboring peaks is the Inst to re lease its' winter snow cop in the enrly summer and the first to don it in the autumn. 'Shows Good. Sportsmanship It remains 'for the explorer of other peaks to make,1 the pilgrimage by horse, burro or on foot, and that there are more exponents of the Inst named mode of travel is an Indication of tho good sportsmnnship that is becoming every vcar a greater asset to the outdoor life in "America. It has remained for that wonderful organization, the Appala chian Mountain Club, nnd the many boys' and girls' camps in New Hamp shire to establish mnuntnln climbing as one of the foremost sports. Innumera ble khaki-clad parties are to be found about tho" mountain from early June until the leaves begin to drop in the autumn. . Mount Webster nnd Mount Wlllnrd, the sentinel peaks at the northern en- t thnt lofty mountain on tho cast side o the I'res (lent 111 Itnnua. wllli Its nm, hiaiKlliig , viW tho steep and craggy Mount Chocrfrua to tho south, offering J,,ntt L$P ,m.,.Ht Precipitous) climbs In (ho , White- Mountain region s Moat Mountain, which is rcnchcd'by Voy of """"i" ui,i, nic ywy jiv 01 W1C nuoni opportune nature, offering -Murdy i'uri nro jvpnn lilttler, Pass- JacKKon nrr Horn Mountn in iJagio.Jlonnta In. nnd hevnmi nrp. Mount wildcat. Carter Dome. Mount Imp and Mount ttortor, , One of tho srentest sltriitu nn th im( sldoof the Presidential Knngc Is Tuck (Jrnian's Havlnc. An Immense snow arch, one of the" Winders of tho mniin' fnlns. remains there ns late as July, and the great slldo of snow that-finds Its way into thcvstrcams vhcn the warni air has vor) nway tho arch la a night thnt rnmnnrntlvelv few nerKon) linuA thn good fortune to' see. On thu west side of Crawford' Notch aro the peaks of Wllley, Field. Avnlon Tom nnd Wll lnrd that aro among, the favorite haunts of tho, hikers, and In nddltlon to those of thcVosidcntlnl Itange." Webster, .iacHHon,vwasi..ngiont .iciterson and Adams, ; there nro . many fascinntlrig points to;bo reached from Oorham nnd Hondolphins well na from Littleton, Uetfilehem. Whlteflcld nnd Jefferson, A Bethlehem' ono'of the most Inter esting niountalns" is Agassist. Mount Starr King nnd Mount I'llny nre the objectives for tho Jefferson comtnuultjr. while the walking contingents at wljjtp Held hnva shell ucarhv nolnts as Klni ball and Jewell Hills. At Oretton Woods there nro many Interesting trans well defined through the deep woods oi Mouht Deception and Mount L)nrt mouth, Mount Lafayette and Mount Lincoln always attract climbers frorn those at I'roillo nnd Francobla, whllo the North and Houth Twin Mountains nnd the Three Sugar Loaves nro: rocky heights that tho mountain climbers from all sections of the, mountains como to ntlmli. i The Annnlnelilnii Mountain Club' hna1 done much to establish shelter comns along tno way, nnu most par ticularly In tho vicinity of Carter nnd llnkham Notches, Forest Preservation The yhUc Mountains, or the greater section thereof that comprises tho largest of the sixteen national forests in 'the East, cover nn arcu of 827,000 acres, and work of forest preservation that is being conducted by tho Govern ment is being promoted in every way by tho resorts -and camps. Thcro is n spirited campaign on throughout tho Vhltn Mountains to nrcscrvo in every way possible the great forests that vyero up to a low years ago in aauger ot extinction.) Protection from the insect plagues Is a work tna,t is greatly occu pylngtho' forestry men today, and' the co-opcratlon given by the walking clubs and camps' is an indication or the great public .Interest thnt tho movement ha deyclopcd" ' It wasth'o grcnt steel .sinews of the railroad that first opened up tho re markable view of tho Baco Valley and Crawford Notch, though the discovery of thnt, marvelous stono gorge lntW back to 1771. Hero is one instance when tho automobile cannot I in pro vo on the railroad for opening up snmo of the Kcenlo wonders, for the motor road winds necessarily along the bottom of the valley, nnd while It is flanked on both sides with beautiful scones, it remains for tho railroad to give the visitor a real view of the mountains nboya aud the valley where the Pjco llivcr finds Its way southward to the s'.-a. From Ilnrtlctt on to Crnwfords there unfolds a view first of the heavily tim bered slonts nnd Inter tho ernes of 'granite rock that pile one on top ol anotner to great ucigiits. qumnt land marks can be seen from the passenger conches nnd observation cnrstlip llttlo, stono: liouao which old Dr. Ilcints, of Plitladclphla, lied built front stone nauicii irom aawycr hock, inucs nwnyi saw ilrld yi the Wllley Urook bridge nnd tho site of the Wllley house, the view of tho (limit Stairs, nnd then that slow nnd carcfui crossing of tho great Frankenstein trestle which bridges the greatest gulf In tho approach to Crawford. "Ilenny" tells of nil this nnd more many. times n day as he exchanges the brightly toned souvenir booklets of the Wlilto Mountulns for the cciually bright coins. "Henny" has been "roycrtn' tho ground" from Portland to Fabyans since he was about sixteen, and he has never tired of tolling the talo of how tho Wllley family perished in that tragic storm thnt cnusod nn nvnlnncho of trees nnd ,rock to slid' duwi. Mount Wllley. The family,- fenrlng they would he burled, left the house nnilstnrted frantlcnlly down (ho mountains the debris gaining speed ru it descended, passed tho house, unharmed, overtook nnd burled the members of the family, Objectives for Illlurs Franconla Notch, In the Frnnconln Hangc, arid Dixvlllo Notch, that north, crly gateway into Maine ore the other large notches to he found In New Hampshire's nlnygrounJ. while on hc east side of the Presidential Itange ire the smaller gorges, Carter') Notch nnd thu PInkhnm Notch, which are among tho favorite objectives for hikers. In all of tho notches there nro remnrkahl. stono Images thai are numbered moif the seven wonders, , , .... Scarcely n poet .whrf has been through thu Frnnconln but has iisld tribute 111' tlnwln. utmc to '"The Old Man of the Mountains," whose profile overhangs the notch from u tremendous height. In year) gone by the Indian tribes worshiped this massive profile as tho "Orcnt Stone Face," Silhouetted against thu sky in Crawford Notch Is tin' clearly defined pvollle of Daniel Webster, while the first lady of the land can be seen in delicate outline' rnrved from the tagged rocks of Dix vllle Notch; the discriminating tourists, soy even the frill of Martha Washing ton's dainty lace cap is dlitlngulshablc. An Indian face and n formation ot rock representing a sleeping dog nre to be found in other parts of the mountnins. nr.HOUTH HtlMMKB KKHOKTH HttMMKH HKHOKTH StlMMKft RKHOHTS vvn nAMt'Hinnw NKW HAMt'HIIIHK NKW HAMI'HIIIRR sy.w iiA.Mi-Hiiini; iitMi'inn;'nRHonTH BtlMMER TtKHORTS VKRMONT YKRMONT e) T rmpnt "Motor s V&i flHXwi r& SUMMER' RKSORTH HU.MMKR RKHOHTS NEW LONDON. CONN. NEW LONDON. CONN. Eastern Point On Long Island Sound NEW LONDON, CONN. OPENS JUNE 18th. Hoipttality and social charm assure happy days at .this most refreshing of seashore Near the site, of old Fort Criswoldt swept by breezes of the yacht-dotted Sound. A radiating cen ter of beautiful motor roads. Golf, tennis, horseback Kindergarten American or 1 GRISWOLD . I TO I WTJk ridinc. sea bsthuie. Music, dancine. v I ivl and nature study classes for children. -r l' Nh European plan. I) I'lflf J9HKMtt.ICWMM.fra. UtU L CMUT, V. P. C..JUKIHI,Ar. I UatTksfeaW Bookintt-The Diltmore, New York S Jv voiin HAnnon. mainb YORK UAUHOR. MAINK , A New Brick House ") FINEST ON MAINP. TO ART .V ....... w. -. t Latest Achievement in Summer Hotels JOcMn or river vlw from vry rnnm Open 'June 25th to Spt. 15th to A Bk - -- . York Country Club IH-lioln Coutbd Excellent Bathing and Boating v ffCy1 801 f"1 of broad rcment ernnda. V"Z Crinntll Sprinkler Throughout Good Roads-Large Garage Un titate Highway midway bafween lloaton und Portland, rmeiison House, york iiardor. mb. x Opfn Junn II to Oct, 1 Under miino manSKament. S VTflJ "m Motorinir Where Every Trip Is a Joy Ride Back of the wheel on the cushiony graveled roads of Vermont it's a JOY of a new sort. Every turn of the road reveals a new thrill in scenic attraction; every mile puts care fur ther behind. "VERMONT MOTOR TOURS" is a new book published by the Stato of Vermont. It's FREE; just ask. Other free books that will help you to a better-planned vacation: "The Cretn Mountain ef Vttmonl". "Haiti and Boarding Home Directory" "Cottage to Rent and for Sale" "Summer Homes in Vermont' "Automobile Dittancet in Vermont" Ask by name for books desired. Vermont Publicity Bureau Harry A. Black, Sec. of Stat Montpeher. Vt. IV POLAND. MR. POLAND. MK. --, WlllTK MOHNTA1VB M It brettonI WfDDS k m ss ssF' kisSK, a S) VfHITEMOUNTAINS,N.H. romous TOT Golf SCOIlDftsrs mm . , -. . i' AU MnI0ff RADS LEAD TO TurTiCy WN WOODS oSejMnSV.nt pleasant oNTWASHINGTON JULY 7. -CLOSES MlDOLt OCT Hl.J"",00T' MAMA9SR " tc ,,lY,Nr.w York Bookino Ornce 3 FIFTH AVENUE liniimnniimTTrmfl JKITERHON. N. H. JmtMlllKI.I). MAWH. TBjff, Mtj r:.cX?8ahalii!wi: mmm V'fTCHINGHAM i.ffic',,'uJLJcl.yV,,K,c,plonal XT Fnhu! r liril'" ."na " ns. Hpa UlM VI'WSM, Auto niirll.. .m. i ""OrrS litr "". nni :" New Waumbek HOTEL and COHAGES Jefferson, N. H. IN Tlir. HBART Of THE WHITE MOUNTAINS A Distinctive Hotel of the higher type HKANON JUNK 2S TO OCTOIIKR EXC13LLKNT 18-IIOLE GOLF COUR8K TENNIS. RIDINO, PI8HINO, MUSIC DooKlne Office. 8 Vt 0lh St., New Torlc I'Yanlc iT. Shule, Oencrnl Manager. It. Fuller Nye, Henry (I. t'lumer, Aiat. ManKora SUMMIT SPRINGS HOTEL Poland, Maine Modern, up-to-date; every summer pleasure. On direct auto route from Bretton Woods to Portland. 79 miles from Brotton Woods. 30 miles from Portland. Within cosy access of every important camp for boys and girls in Maine. 175 rooms, 100 with private baths. Golf, tennis, fishing, lake bathing. Garage accommodations. Perfect Remodeled Golf Course NATHAN BIAUM, Pros. PAR IIAHIIOR. MK. IIAR HARBOR, MK. WIHTK MOUNTAINS, N. II. BURRO UPWARD TO THE PEAKS Wonder Trip of the East iinir. TnnlM. Trullii, Intr. Huprrli Mntor llondti mid Hwlmlnit Pool, (lurax by I'wlerul mm Htulr Rffn .IKIll flunlnc, Canne IniiM llnal (luraxr, HiirrimniJotl mi . I.unrli Notch Cnntern I THE SUMMER RESORT UNIQUE One "..Atop Idrul Tour llnteU CRAWFORD HOUSE 'rawford Notch WHITE MTS., N. H. ' BKAHON. 4VNB XI OCT. 8 , Addre AKON IIOTKLCO. Crawford Hon, CruwIorU tttk,Ji.Ut Visit BAR HARBOR -, 4 Ihtsjeason OCEAN, MOUNTAIN AND LAKE SCENERY Acclaimed UNEQUALLED by world-wide travellers NATURE'S WONDERLAND U. S. GOVT'S LAFAYETTE NATIONAL PARK Aftord. new dellKhl at every turn Outdoor aport under I'IphI natural condition.. Oulf. yachting. (wlmmlnc tennla. aeml-pro. baseball, mountain climbing, etc. DAILY CONCKRTH HY MKMUERH OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA We will ti hai'py to UM"t nnn aaslat In accommoduttons. All taatea and iiumea nulled, Write (or profusely Illustrated booklet PII1ILICITY COMMITTKK, IIAR IIAHIIOR. MAINK gMlllHafttlBBI 1'ori.T.Nia vr PIUILTNKY. VT. The Colonial Inn Poultney, Vt. In Green Mountains; CO-acre grounds. Shade; out and Indoor amuse ments; good table; near railroad and trolley; 150 guests; modern im provements; near Lake St. Catherine; $14.00 up, Send for beautifully Illustrated booklet-. Box L. - ' - C. L. LEONARD, Mgr. mmMBMmjmUm JkKefHZ&Kr iV Jfr Tftm w alsa DixviUe Notch.N.ff fBWW A MAJESTIC RESORT HOTEL In a Picturtique location tuonf the bills and Ukei of icenic New lUmpitire. 18-HOLE GOLF COURSE Every Comfort and Convenience. Firoproof. 4500 Acre Blum Wood Eilale. Broker' Office. Direct N. Y. Wire. New York Booking Office, TOWN & COUNTRY, 8 West 40th Street. Telephone Vanderbilt 2290. Henaon June in ucioner . . ifi,l r jk'T i 'fce LUKE GLENNON, Manager -J '.'tjfJ wrnmm liVAn t&imz ;a rv?z K&SityUtS J(vv) V&z WW -i ... A... .. wmfr? mMmr . -mmmmk mtmi..'nMiiiak!iff'fVyH. ; ' J TK' I fliKBBBBntVBKSHMoawflBl1aBaVBBVIiBHj b TtiB ."'.'. iA.t-yy!miBal3mMMtmmEMBImam4k vlx & i- ;',:'- ?w- s?,,. r:jmmmKMmwmummBmmmz.zi&, i 4 ifij i-rni n f "i 1ltf'lrii 'WjT iiffliwj5ajc v ; A- Ah .' :-' ' ' ''1i5i SV'tft. r!' ,...- '; c.'i. - ' .- "... - , - x wawiWA' WKkWkWKmmmmmmmmmmmmmuBBmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmt rOHTLANn. .MK. PDHTLANI). ME. 'S Tafl-JfTT ATvTT rrx jc v -r-. :c-,C-'frx. itatcofriauu 9 ' r Cimerica's' Sunrise gatenteuf Overlooking lively Cosco Bay Tho Idoal Summor Vnontion Contor 171 ft above sea level and always cool PORTLAND a modern city where every comfort and L convenience may be found, yet 'tis full of historic reminders of the heroic post. Picturesque scenery on every hand rugged cliffs, sandy beaches, fragrant pine woods, beautiful nays and crystal lakes. FISHING, SURF BATHING, GOLF, CANOEING, ETC. Amnl. railroad or steamer service to Portland. Kaaily acccsilble from all points M Knr full Information write KRANK S.Cl'MMINUS, Publicity Secretary Cnnnuer ot lommerco ircrKflnn iJao I JUJUaqiimiy 5p PIIRTSMtUlTH. N. 11. PORTSMOUTH. N. II. IJOTELUEMTWORTff ,1 M&&!U - -' &S&J OPENING JUNE 23d PORTLAND. IIKTHI.KIir.M, N. II. HCTIILKHEM. N. II. WHre ntr. MM - c$a-ffi S Miles from PORTSMOUTH N.H. --. The Most Picturesque Spot on the Atlantic Coast Facilitiei for all outdoor eports. Music by Boston Symphony Ensemble CUISINE UNSURPASSED Fresh vegetable from our own farm Finest of deep-sea food ACCOMMODATIONS FOR 500 AH Automobile Tours Lead to the Hotel Wentworth A'wyo?' IPTCL WENTWORTH PoiTsnouwwJ SOS TON. 60 reiUt from Boatea Send for Booklet J P. TILTON, Mgr. POSTOFFICE PORTSMOUTH, N. H. I.KNOX. MASS LENOX. MASH. rr. HaW BETHLEHEM 30 HOTELS Bethlehem in July offers vacationists unalloyed pleasure among scenes of surpassing beauty. Here they enjoy soiling on n fine 18-holc course, tennis, horse back riding, motoring on good State roads, tramping mountain trails, etc. No hay fever. Thirty modern hotels present good accommoda tions. A live community with n vigorous social spirit. For illustrated booklet address SECRKTART lir.THLKlir.M 1IOTKL ASSOCIATION llethlelitm, N. II. HTIlCKRH(lK.l'AlI!l. HTOCKIIRHUiK. MASS. IN THE BERKSHIRE HILLS HEATON HALL at Stockbridge, Mass. Open for the Season on June 18th A hotel of distinction anil chnrm nn a private estate ami Minmnndinii most HTtonalvo view. Nearly every ronni oonneclK with private hath Hie.i'n heatnl throualiout. anil e'avatnr kerviie to all floors. Excellently kept n,f course. A most convenient spot from which to take, many attractive mnt.-i irlpa. Music of esceptlonul merit. Hntfs, $3.00 to SS.OO per day W. G. HAVILL, Manager . N. II. jr. MKMalHaValbMiTi ' MbBPHbIiHH HIGH AND COOL IN THE IiERKSHIRES HOTEL ASPINWALL LENOX, MASS. A HOl'EL OF DISTINCTION Catering to nn exclusive patronage OPENS JUNE 18 ELEVATION 1400 FEET Golf, Tennia, Saddle Riding, Orcheatrn, Dancing, Garage Deiirnble Cottages, with Hotel Service HOVE & TWOROGER, Managers Win'.er Resort, Princeas Hotel, Bermuda I.UK I.NNIPtS1 KM, N wmatel "'fit.- HotH iiOx iAayAsrr ?55Bdiit &wtt'3L4Z "T-T'..' Lalarf s"n - a ii. i iih. ixMPicsAi ki:k. N. II. 3 85f OTOWIR$ &aJH: YVjrjnriiipejraujKGciJH.n, lilml tor a Itriil Outlmi tlrr July fimrtli JUNE and JULY Ihe Best Months or Tourists I'nxrfc iii mitny pleasurable vacation thins ', io in iI'iim reK'un thnt one never falls to find lusi th 'P"ii or amusement one trams while ra.'T rrbe r KfiJgS,-E5 HOMr, T.Mll.l. It's the social mill si-enl'' will, r or m ri-Kina Motor llonting, li;ithlng, Canoeing, Fishinir, Tennis, Motoring Through tho Mountains Slinliil Pnrtlrs With Our Own Cur Are 1'rnmlnrnt Features com mountain air IIUIJIKRNHSS H OLDER1SESS INN Squam Lake, Holderness, N. II. 720 Af7e from Boston At Frot of White Mt: If you like good food, good ac commodations, plenty of fishing, and a tip-ton region for outdoor life, you will certainly enjoy a vacation here. Drop us a line for particulars, R. W. DAVISON, Propria MAONOLIA, MASS. a H On tho Famous North Shore HOTEL ABORN Magnolia, Mass. An ideal sojourning place for thoso who lovo tho mingled beauties of seaside and country. Pleasant, Inviting. Wrjto for hnoklct wd rates to It. W. DAVISON, Proprietor ! . .'- ... ,. .. . ,"'"" ... .. oter.iihanalnif srennry. Int. r. si in "). u..u. , nciui ill eiory 3U0 llursls I'mnrlt hlop-0er fur Auto Tourist (inriiae Iliiats . GET THE FAMOUS INDIAN HEAD BOOKLET-It Tells the Story l.M'ASTI'.lt 4 LANK. Props.. W KIUS. . II. WII1TK MOI'NTAINH, NEW IIAMPHIIIRK MASS. THE GREENOCK INN L&E, MASS. IN TIlCRT Ol' TIIK BEISHIRES 100 rooms, nrurly, all cnnnertliiK nllli hath. Itlillnr, hoatlns. (danrlnt. rtxln by liutrl iirrhestra, , Dully roll. Sfiresfnillstldtd I FREE CUr out Rale l SLU Ami; S, 0. TS uu nrr day , Ptiin t'rop. FRANCONIA (Wkita Mli.), N. H. Kvery convenience for 800 cueats. Kxc.ll.nt table. Unoblruatve aervlce. Fineit View East of the Rockies GOLF TENNIS DANCING REST Cotlauea, bunaalaws and hundreds ol seres ot lawns and frssrsnt pines, No hay fever. tarirts Ideal for children. fid Moderate Season Opens Juno 1st 'rite fnr Hiialralfd Folder j V. AIIBOTT, Msiata ft "A SSJ y, t, f'i . l s tj fl I to Ml! I W -; r- iv4-.A. i.1,1.1 AJ.vh 'A?? CJW '1 A'k :T1t'f'Jf'J Miim . H. jgl -I ' 'M ' iT' . "V. . .. r- 1 - '. . V1-!..... ,-..., V fc1 :r. 'JAWI ' itaHAtSSsSiiii r -St. Jaj.' VvOi.A', l"tfWwjAAn,tt