V Wl Wiw'frrsl , "fi mi j ' ' -tiM Vf ' I f fw n ilWuis f III IHh N J H V. Llth'-Seekors Cain- Renewed 5T ,nrth In Moun- ' tain Air 1 GROWING FAST (ESPRT I ' ' i . i m. .... 'faeurn Becoming ... 0jJ9-Woafitn ot vyiiu Flowers There 4' .f.n.iVwono.'W., .Tunc 1C rtdbWty arc nature' Gran r out r,,7Mlh mrl(R n the i'oconoa antt SafitSf r.nn.Vlvnn!n. which Focono and Mmbtw'PlM already notc.i ncre 'S100.. '.'mnrn Impressive than wSKu.iiinlbltMottiireIn Sf'.Wt. possible shape, and evry . Z c jinny brings to view tha fintinu nfltfalnln laurel, the rnouo- HW"-.v. t ( Ar1.n'a heat Sn Staler resort, as well as sum L retreat. The excursions to Hie I'n m i ire becoming quite numerous. 2j .hale hotel colonies are rngaRrd ST whole hotel colonies ? v L.r tl.e cnlonrn icrs. lust re ?Tnnn emnloyes nf Philadelphia JrttlT 600 employes nf Philadelphia unti three days' vacation u u .. hree days' vacation enort proper, and 1 V the report proper, nnu uuu mo n....j rf thier lives. Tlio period was devoted ftSluntaln'cllmbintr, motoring, golllnj v.Ter, since the Government a few irt (inco found tic nir of Mouut Powoo k) pure and fnvlKorntinj as to bt (lifted in "prime A" rank, lias there betas sreater trcognition of its value Ii health builder to irtually nil its mldtnU and sojourners. The health Xoriis here are the surest testimonial, git the Government has gone even fur rt.rtfl nrofit bv the obvious. . 'in Mtlv mornintr walk over tbo con- itt roans ot the roronos, moiigD ox- Mora, me cane mignt prove 10 n in Hty.loitanees. is nlxvays invigorating. Ihsnojourner who turns pedestrian In lltfaiountain habitation soon finds lilt WW' increased through exercise and wleJ table oiterings, wmen are re nMedw it seems, by the increasing nD- U( nature wooing brings. Mount Pocoho'B outdoors is the vital force in 'lpipgup." , mij was the scene ot training for irrlce men. including many of the imbulancc division. The men utilized It is a center for endurance marches ltd for motor-train transportation ifanti. These fortified many "troop iotorists" for much ot the work done ty the famous ambulance coips that ure piaccu urivveen inc nospunis ana lie various, fronts in Flanders. The ar tillery programs aud problems will bo forked out here, as in years past, but run even more thoroughness. Many Bungalows Built 'There hate been more bungalows nur clued in the rcglun by metropolitans Itin in a decade previous. iMany trans it! have been made to Pennsylvania i8clls, who j oar after year seek out 90(3 for summering in the Poconos. I A recent luitor was Mrs. Rudolph (linkenbiirg, of Philadelphia, who is a itoffllnent member of tho 'Ppnnsvlvonln titration of Women' Clubs. She is i iipwnrr m a riiuuRe mine monnrmnn. i it regularly joins the laurel inn col- iiy, 'Here the mountain wolf's haunts are Mvtb by the guide. The retreats of tafpoconci are those which the sports fit has to conjure with. Recently an eight-pound brown trout mtaken from the waters of the Toby tuni Creek by n native. Two trout nilejs caught n mess of the speckled bemties that averaged fourteen Inches la length. Lon Pond has been turned Into a (tuning and garden region. '.The Paradise nf Pennsylvania" has iiliineallns sound. , But added to that I tne vital promise of the icgloti. Travelers from near and far seek tho Poconos over good roods. The Mount Poeono-Strnudsburg .conctete highway U fast nearing completion. , illanilets nie springing up as if by Mlc, including Northwest Strouds burg, at the southern end of tho Penn 'jlrania highway link. Mammoth serv jf uarnges already number n half ten. and property values have gone ap along tlie roite. This eoncrote Jillhway. when completed, will moke 'Pblladclplua lo Mount Pocono" and vNtivYork to Mount Pocono" detight fol Journeys. The highway will ox Una to Strouthburg. thence to n main tooth Mrect nf bilck pave a mile In "aith in Stroudshurg. the latter con KtlJ"S ,by splendid State highwrfy with ae Delaware Water Gap resort, thN a torn convetging into the Dclawate airerrond fioni Portland to Eoston. to wjlestoun and thence to Philadelphia. HEART OF ADIRONDACKS S T.flVA IInHHtL, 11. !.. I . 1 i 'WvaWnd to fiRhermcn this spring. Some "vuuenui latcnes nave heen made and H"1" over Decoration Dav who went ...v huiuu 1'iuriieii wiin lull iia ' of tiout. Those who preferred in. r V i,Vlc ,mKe llom '"""i caught ft' of bullheads. The hotel ami rot- !" cre mieri with Ruestrt, and Sat n mo l'n.""e were turjied nway. ffi sbnwcd great interest in tho "iusr nciit SrMMim nvunnTti JBUWlAnr U'ATKK flAV, 1'A. THE BELLE VUE DE!.AUMII. iirimr. .. . .. ""nut", ,?k ,rt,""lnif1 MoJ-rn. few oi(i - 'iiun write for "" CII0i.ud Wm. ! llurruv UII1TK HIV,.. HEALTH srcrcKFvns I'K. w'(ft Hamilton Cottage, .. WHITE HAVEN PA nnv, "t. Con.uVutlo'ni: " Mod Hkh Fallc U 'feICfroSh08u'Ppftrlvt btha vejre incl.,B r?I?n?ur pw.u fiarUen. music. K:' btautTfui""."""!!! oatrilnjr. flBh n ecenVr. w?ierta and anoun moaouTift'., un.?urpMied roads. WILIp V ?,'.. ,ll"a pcok et. LLHiiLHilr-eLLLLH)LLHLLLLLLLLB eLHalLLLHeLLLLHB JQjsJL&mIiXA CAMPING IN THE POCONOS Has Acquired Groat Popularity as Resort In the Summer INVITING rIOTELS THERE Hot Springs. Vn... June 15. Tho t irginin not Springs ns a summer re sort has aetltllrrrl renmrl.'nlili nnmilor. ity the last sK VPilrs. T'-nrmArlv. thi so-called great seasons were tho spring dnn autumn periods. Hummer was tne accented time for the crrnt. wnrlil fn an abroad, at least that part of. it which did not pass the entire summer in New port or on, T-ong Island. The great war changed many things. Certainly one pnase ot American lite whirii it touched was the fashion of natronizina the Con tinental cures, and very naturally. So lasnionaoip America stayed at iiome and for the greater part went to the Vlr ainla Hot Snrines. With tho resumption of European travel the famous cures in France and even iu Germany will jcgain much of their former inttronagc. but It is equally certairi that Virginia Hot Springs has added summer to her seasons in the most secure fashion. Climatic conditions come first In the choice o( a summer place: hotel accom modation comes next, and all that goes with it in the way of comfort and con venience. Then the surrounding coun try must be discussed and its ndvan tages for amusement and outdoor di erslon. The Virginia Hot Springs is situated In a Winding valley high in the Allc ghcnles. The altitude, 2500 feet, in- SCMMKR KESOnTS CRESrO. IA. THE CRESTWOOD CKESCO. I'KNNA. Mugnltlcently located In tlio Pocono Mountains: lS-mlle Mow of tlio DMawnrn Wutar (tap nnd nurroundlnc rountry. NDnrtoua porch: flrBPlncea, 1000 reft denclna floor; artesian well nntsr: dr Ujthttul wal(.s and rldei Lonv-dlstant pfiones. CPclty Tn Write for booklet. WAI.TKK nilDOI.ril KAST HTKOlintllt'RO. TA . Marshall Falls House Complete in appointments nnd popular wjth HUtoinoblllstH and sojournera for tha summer. Table supplied from own 'rm, Ucautlf ul mountain scenery. Flfhlng', driving, etc. Klectrlo llchts nnd steam heat NOHMA.V HOFFMAN, Trop Oak Grove House EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Capaolty, 80. Ovnsrshlp managsmtnt. Tahle supplied frorne1 farm. Home cooldnr. flnstlnir jy sports. Muslo, danclns roderatCf - nooklet. MII8. K. I.iVYCKOFF, Prop. MirFOlRIJM MM Alll.rtmi). rijtl, COUNTY. I'A. Opens June 24 HS miles from New York city; c riommodatos SU most chnrmlni r nort oil tanh of riolMvare Itlveri rm en suite, with tinth Ortieslra, dane Inc. baseball tennis, flue roads, sad die horse hoallnK, bathing; flihlnii Bolf No nrosuultues. Send foi II untmtrd booklet. II. J. DVNKH, I'rou. QANAHKNHIH. I'A. The Mountainside Canadenais, Pa. In thm Pocono Mountain Modern, Convenient, Comfortable Rates Roaiopable Booklet, on Requtit WlVf- A. LONQ, Manager WSBKffiffi HOT SPRINGS NOW CENTER FOR SPORTS JiSllHvi5SjO M torn "xjBi fffiBl ilitTr Jt?it 'tH IMHHKji!iiisin t'li Ullllliimii Liu ii im ii til ii.-ikJI mnn jxs2wa$mi&. EVENING PUBLIC' stires absence of htimldltyi and by the same token, that attentive lKtlo cren ture tlio mosquito. The frequently re curring mountain gaps in the v'.ley produce a constant fresh air. Covering n period of years, the average summer rrmperature in not Springs readies 78 decree for .llin nn,1 .Tulv Anil 77 dccrcca for August. The mornings are tieiigntmiiy fresh and Invigorating nnu nlive with slnclntr birds: for the noon day sun there are wide porches to lounge upon; tno evenings are fresh nnd the air pungent with newly cut lawns. With tho drop ot temperature Inevitable In a mountain region, there is always u call for blankets. Final Word In Comfort The Homestead Is the final word in luxury nnd comfort. The architecture Is Colonial and belongs to the soil of the Old Dominion, ltenhty of design is everywhere beauty of tho simplest and most unancctcd as wen as most ap nronrlatn nature. Kvcrvthlnir Is rela tive at tho Virginia Hot Springs, bring ing a complete chango or mind froin tho glittering luxury of city life. But the Homestead Is essentially modern apd essentially complete. Tho water sup PUMMKK RKBORTW CRFHCO. PA. Old Orchard Cresco, Pa. fll'RN AI.Ti YKAR KIatlon 2000 fet. Table pro4uet from own farm, irodern conveniences. Open nil year. Tennis, music, dnnclnit, bathlne. CHA8. LANOPIELD. Cliff View Accommodates -10: well furhlshed, rleaeant rooms; hot and cold water, sanitary ronenlcnces: spacious eran das, ateam heat: croquet, tennis, etc . fresh meats, Miiretables, fruits. Auto mobile meets all guests upon notification. Write for Uooklet. C1IAB. U KOr.Ti. Cresco. fa. THE OLD INN For rest and recreation In the Pocono Mountains. All modern conveniences, Uathlnr, tennis, outdoor sports. Ratri moderate. CJarnqe. Booklet. New ownership management. O. A. KTAVFI. Taradlse Vnlley, Cresco, I'n. MAPLE LAWN Cresco, Pa. An ideal spot to spend your vacation. Health, rest nnd plea suro await you. Trout fishing. Elcctricallylighted, modern plum bing, good table, cool clean 100ms. H. R. Courtright, Prop. Brewer Cottage Capacity 30 On main automubl e road Near churches Hnd nuclt Hill falls Clean, cool, com forisbls looms Booklet. Bates cr) irusonuble. JOHN L. HENRY. MT. I'lllllMl, I'A. HOTEL POCOHASSET MOUNT POCONOPA. i:ientlon ..'lOO feet. I'le minute' nll from Jit. 1'ocono Station t .ipacltv 7."i suestH. Oixm all vear. Artesian ell watet Urlvlnic, rldlnK billiard pool bowling-, crmiuet, ttnnls tolf llshlni, are a few of the varied amusements llnnliUt on renuesl I., It AttlKI,, 1'rop fil FN fiARRIFF A n.w hotel c uunn uniirr rominodallllK 8i Kursts: modern Improvements open In fireplace cool nnd comfortable iooiiih, spacious verundas. larKO lawns . private mountain unrlt with uislle seats and summer houeea atocked trout stream tennis, golf links nearb. other imiw ments Table suppllod with fresh viae tables from own farm, pure sprliw wntsr (jarave. Auto meals nuets upon notlfl cation Write for booklet OICOItflK 3. AttMSTIttlNO. Proprietor. FAIRVIEW INN ' MOUNT 1'OCONO. I'A. (Vntrally located near amuismenta l.arxe. airy rooms. Good table 1'ieasnnt suiroundlma, Auto tourists Invited. Itatcs and Information mi leuuesc 0. L. MKOAnOrTI. Ovsnershlp Management E. E. MIRWIN Reul Estate Farm., cptt .) bungalowi, boardlnv housea, building lota. Ifur- BselMsJIBseseBWsWsBsa fTsCI tnti&LirTOrMDBHMM BMl5 - -itBmw'jSsVjaU KHuBawmiTaafsBsBBBsfKSflHI sHHVaV HiVaNsasaHHsBsWjasWVulLui LEDGER - PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 ply is from a mountain source, above Healing Bprlrgs. , Tho Homestead dairy and tho Home stead poultry form, nnd tho Homestead imruciis Biippiy me taoie; tne tasi.- Iinmul Inat lt.itM t.. -.... It. it. I.a. ...... ...u luoiumiuii aieu nuiiiiL's uin un til with Ms palms and growing plants. There is dancing every night except ouuuuy in inc oval Daiironm, a crcn- non or roe tote Biantord White. u.ne ballroom galery, with its long win dows looking upon the lawn is a charm ing place for lounging and letter wrlt tirtg. Every feature of the Homestead meant beauty nnd comfort. The tone nnd distinction of tho plricc, and above all its good taste nnd repose, have made it a rendezvous for peoplo of good taste. Hiding and driving are always in smiMKit nKMontB MOHNTAINIIOMB. TA. Monomonock Inn Mountain Home' Leading Hotel Mountainhome, Pa. aaLlHalGMaaHivaM rStoKstaRnHBiKu . ... m.nrtfr I III. A UIUi(U .....-....... The highest houre In the lclnlty; eery facility for pleasure and reM larby: dancing, bllllttrd, tennis: electrlo lighted, pleusam looms nil ro inning- water und some with priate bath! a real acntlon hnmn In an Idea int. flood roads for motorist; irnracp. Wrlta for booklet nnd lates. nea ru spot H. H. and J. M. aOISStNOKn, Mountainhome, fa. llaggHsBaaBiaBBBiaaWHlaKtMssattsttt tsaBBBBsW sffvsVHasst flssssH seWWesWawBl J "'F '' A j ,-, l sMrjrr "AMnVJCX'taj' i sfj1 aM' m talMjtL'l"fty . z Intf aa tOM In triii Henr( nf tlio Pni-nnn Mmmtnina n" m,ln from ' r'"cn R'ntlon. D., I.. in me neari or inc rocono mountains A w u AP.ommodat(B 7Bi nxc.u lent table, nates moderate. Ballroom, music, electrlo lights exrellen' tennis courts. Ilaths. Running hot and cold water In every room. Onr own lawn nnd fruit trees. Unoltlet un iiimllcntlnil, MIIS, FltANK JAXMiT, Atoiintaln Jfomr. I'n. MOUNT POCONO. PA. Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania LAND OF LEGEND. LORE AND BEAUTY Mount Pocono for those whom Nature allures wilt be a ddlght Rrand scenlo views. Relief from rroatratlns heat. Chaimlng walks thiough mountain rosses cool ravlnei and shady nooks. Drives over good roads, amid relies of pustornl beauty ond panoramic view of g'orlous exten' Mount Pleasant House offers all that Is best in Jomfort nnd Service. Two concorts dalli. Danilng and other form of entertainment evenings. Boclot Ulverslona Howling, Pool, Milliards Golf Ten nis, Croquet. Good Carriages, Tars nnd well-trained saddle horse., tit moderate charge . Numerous points of Interest, Includlnc the coal Heidi of Scranion and nf Wllkes-liarre, Wjomlng Valley and the Paupack ore all available In day trip', We extend a corlad Invitation to The Mount Pleasant House W. A. & H. M. LEECH, Mount Pocono, Penna. i-.ast STnornsnnto. pa Maplehurst Inn, East Stroudsburg, Pa. Delightfully located in flve-acrc park: modem throughout : own fnrm and dairy products; ull outdoor amusornents t convenient to theatres, chinches and all points of InterrRt ; trollevs from Philadelphia puss entrance; gataga attuched ; w meet all trains llooklet on application JIrs .M A. Bach. - - t ; .1 MOUNT POCONO. PA. MOUNT POtONO, P. " The Elvin AND COTTAGE MOUNT POCONO, PA. Elevation 1800 feet. Open rar Mil Octobei. Unexcelled cuisine ;ilth sei pon. Newly remodeled, .Man looms with running watei and prhate bath. Shower on ea,ch lloor. llooklet A. J. SM'TTRR HAWTHORNE INN Non-Housekeeping Coltajjes To Rent In Connection With Imt MT. POCONO, PA. Under Personal Supervision of L. M. DBNOLEIt iiooki.e r GLENWOOD HOUSE MOUNT I'Ol'ONO, I'A. Modern family h ns, nvery home enmforf excellent tabu children wl come, uccomoiUta Su mrei-. Wntn fur booklet. MISS B. CM MIIKIf The Clairmont MT. POCONO, PA. rapacity 60. Modem Klectrlo lights, ateam neat. Altltudw 2200ft, ; laitti' Vv.iaruliiM llcuutU il .vv Delightful walks and drives Good liuntlnK and llslilnir Plenty of amusements. Good home cook Inc. llnnklet. 0. U HMITII. , UiANNA, PiKK CO.. I'A. mjtr tfJ,?Wt'y?rrllBlTyT high favor. The country is lovely nnd tho nature of it varied. There arc quaint old placeB to visit, llko Warm Springs with its famous sulphur pools and Its ancient village. There arc the Cascades to explore, a tumbling water- . - .mIIa .....1 i.1f rrtiArn nre mountain ridges to ride along! there is Flag Itock, the highest point In the Atne a.Atn vililnli ntiA ttlflU OftA TTinrft than ''seven kingdoms." ilnth Alum Is In an adjoining valley; the .lackPon Klver Is a few miles nway, nnd the Falling Springs Valley Is n fascinating placo to ride through. Tho scvernl Inns In tho valley and on the mountainsides afford pleasant places for old-time lunches nnu uinncis. Tho cightccn-hole nnd nine-hole golf courses spread through a fascinating Ht'MMf.lt ItESOItTW MOIINTA1NIIOMK, I'A. XmrtNtTttVU Oolflng rooms with vacation MOUNT POrO.NO, PA. fast STitounsnuno. PA. POCONO MOUNTAIN HOUSE hlfvatlnn nbont INOO ft. Few private Ihiiih tn II it. and CottaRe t-iitest sprlns vv nnr in li world capacity 200, foitl-four vcii-e .mi nuous ownership rnanaKenieni Indno ut 1 outdooi amuse inents music Ilmm r K. I . IIOOM It lit , Muniisrr The Ontwood OPEN ALL YEAR Accommodates lull; modern, ol pant location; fine climate; excel lent table; booklet and floor pinna on request. E. L. and E. V. RTMAN Props. NQItlH MATER GAP. P . Cataract House North Water fiap, Pa. Ntoderll thiouk uJl it me lunkinM Kathlnv lloattnd JKiwIlrnt lillllurds Dunclnn Tennis n i"apaiiiv, mo Uaratft, Iteusunsti'i. ra es Weekend KIIOKts weKliuie U e t I ir.UI.. I A. E.AM NEC KI)&SON IIKIAWAIti: WVlllt l.P. I t Laurel Ridge All medsrn Imnrnvsnranti InehMlMM jtolrte liht. baths, etc. TabU pro yldad with the beat product. !' IIIH pUDCSSaaCXiai trsjq-gJaiPniMjl'ri,rpt;tti stretch of rolling country. They nro superbly kept up, and a third course of eighteen holes is being built on the shelf-lamKabovc the Homestead. There arc six clay tennis courts and n wooden court. At tho great tournaments in October William T. Tlldcn, I'd, will be among the players. There are delight fully placed putting greens, nnd in the clubhouse Is n hqttnb court. The club BnMMnrt ntwortTS PENNSYLVANIA sss3;ss3Ss33r:rg:gircEgr; (Vacation Z)ay& HKIAWABK WATKB OAP. PA. DETWABK WATEB OAP. PA. rEI.AVABE WATER OtP. PA. DELAWARE HOUSE DK.I.AUAltK WTKB OAP. P. Open All Year, Convenient to Sn Hon and All Points of Interest ldeH.lv situated on the hanks of hn Dt'Mvwii. Rlvei in Hit. hem .f 'h I imoim Uater llap Thoroughly in de n In ev.TV lepoct with perfect ntta Hrrnngements ho' nnd 10M bavin in eveiv Huur Particularly ec- ten tahi Howling bi'llnrds, pool loa'mg I; n ing and tlahimr lieautlful rroun's n Kinks t.nl driveu Plreprouf gHrase a Kuhed H'nif 'n- llmstrnted bo. Mlf IOIIN YAllltirK. Prni, Thve Mountnin Ptxradise KITTATINNY DELAWARE VATE GAP. PA. tsasou May to December Arosi t tenstve In'erlor and exterior improve mentn usi minpleted make the Klttultnny tha nnest appointed accessible Mountain Retort Hotel. Capacity BOO two hours from New Tork, Lackawanna R, R-: 73 rnllaa by automobile, three hour from Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, R. R., miles by automobile Pullman service snd Oood Roads all tha way Hotel sltuatsd tn private park Wild Powers and rhododendron In profusion UMDlflcant scenery Oolf. tennis, saddle horn.. bcatm. front and bass fli'ilnf, trap ahoottnjr, mountain cllrablnv Orchestra of Soloists .N'luhtlv dancea frequsnt sooUl Matures Brtdxes, eto , tn oharse of Master of Ceremonies. American Plan--also a, la oarte Ortll for Tourists Klttatlnnv veratabte snd fruit gardens and dairy supply abundant fresh produota M opeclal an season rates and to families and i urlst Booklet, terms and auto mans mstled jmis l'l-Hnr rorr NORTH IU.I.XU Kr VI KB II P p JlIH Bungalows Lodge Terrace On plne-covmeil puitea i which drop tit aurvlng' teriHte to uuodfd water front on Del.iwn.ru River l.xtensive acit.age, strictly modern, all out of dour sports; ntixaie 1 it iJiiJns, own tarm products "The Spot Without Rival" Midway betweeii V,u,t on and Shawnee 1 O. Aorth Wa-ei i ip ij W. T. TRANSUE THE HILLCREST l)i:i AWAUK WXVFAl GAP. 1' el14'' V. " A new modern, fireproof house w ih eveiv convenience hot Hnd cold running watei In everv room renUal to nil at tractions e'lurt distance from Delaware Ittvsr. eicellent hoatlntr buthliiK and Uklilnv mni b.) enloved exceptional culs tne .and service moderate ratei, write for booklet V. V. HOWARD. Prop. , BAST KTBOHn.SHUBO. PA. e .,..a. y .vimf erya house itself Is light and airy nnd en gagingly nppolnted. . During the construction of the new theatre the "movies' are shown nightly here. The Casino lawn Is a beautiful place, cozy with its gtcat trees. Morn ing nnd nfternoott concerts are held Iipip. There Is n swimming pool at tached to the' bathhouse with naturally heated and cVer running water The cure Itself Is nlwnjs in favor, HUMMER ItKSOnTE PKNNBYf.VANIA Plan your vacation and hesalth giving Delawire Water Gap. Mt. Pocono, Cresco, Henryvttle, Stroudsburg, Pocono Summit, Delaware Valley Resorts Nature has made this a perfect vacation country. Golf, tennis, boating, bathing, fishing and every outdoor sport You can choose from a multitude of hotels, boarding houses and camps listed in beautifully illu strated Summer Book "Mountain and Lake Resorts' Free at office of J. C Dawson, Com mercial Agent, 1302 Finance Building. Philadelphia; or send 4 cents in stamps to Jaa. FUter, 90 West St, New York City. SKMikfm THE GLENWOOD DELAWARE WATER GAP, PA. WWKKS h333I A modern buck hotel fnorably situnted at a world-famou. lesort of pi eat natural beauty Accommodates 400. Rooms with hot and cold running water. Private baths and electricity. Less than one-half mile fiom opot and near all points of interest. Excellent roads for motoring. Garnfre, Ballroom, Orchestra. Dancinp every night All amusements. Heie you can pet leal home comforts at moderate ratoa. Buses meet nil tram. For booklet address HILT BROTHERS, Managers L REENLEIGH HOTEL In "the Hills of Happiness" Watei Gap's new Fireproof Hotel: beautifully situated on ReenleiRh Heights, within easy .each of Philadelphia and onlv two horns' tide from New York cit. Bath with every room. Best of service Reenleijjh Golf Coutse at doot of the hotel Rates reasonable. Ui.nuerful motor rules; The Swit-er'.and of America Fishing, Hoat rg- Hath ng, Tenn , ietinud sunoundings and comfort ROBERT R. FOLEY, Manager ', 1 RIVER VIEW HOUSE i Forrest House Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Qi-ntr.illy loMted. Hot ,. u , d running vxate.r in all r, n , , vate bathe, xcellen i it, u and etrvlce. "tnir, bati n,B nnd fishing. Ovvifrrn. private auto menta trains Jjama mnnaBeincnt xi year. ifi, 13 summer or winter, spring or autumu, and la too renowned, to need more tha t passing comment. A specially nttractlV) feature of the Homestead Is the Italia t garden with its white marble fountalt, its terraces nnd Its boxwood alley' Here coffee is served after luncheon an t nfter dinner. At night this garden i falrblikc, with its little table lamps it amber globes. SI'MMKR nKTIRTS 1'KNNHYf.VANIA i! i amid the woods g i surroundings of f A j f I GOLF TENN'IS BOATING BATHING FISHING Delaware Water Gap Ueamniodate 150 1 '4,1 I Ite.Hli lua , te.s- 1 mis i. i evwv mi, it modern ii' " n' Hunttiiir linthliiK, 'hi k ', f lltikH 1v tnlnutea' vv 1 li I p i-m l livetllent lo i H I i is , 1 ,. I ur biiuUlet eti ndilreat Mll I I 1 1 i i 4 it li iti, i e,r. .K1VEHSIDE HOUSi I "1 riKI.AU'AUK Wlrru nan 4t M i T ! 4 ill i JA I' 1 . b A k if . i 'I' i H hit 4 V 'I ' Kit "H t, : bu; ' ftr Sfi (. il .. i; (lit? r,tshea or .tiuMrnth4. MtmCNKtir 0TTA(IK. In tha Paoono HINRISB rv""1 ' " V. Mri. Waller. Shellenbwr .jar wi.r...."-!".'" .v. 4. i i'ijiS.Jki I.H8II, Prop, ci .aniuiDs, imsi reat, Vp g"' JjMI JWJte,, TvVi"iI:i,n"li.,""lln ana no . N .1 flfikc"!'nV w j