sKSESlS? wS'ssr' . ' V (TtTTB "ffl(Bkf "fFV1 , v M ft v. ft A :? K' h If w K fc y i Wl, -' ',t , . i , 12 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-'PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 WPRING LAKE BEACH PRESENTS NEW CHARMS Delights of the Beautiful Resort Lure Summer Hosts Hotels Prepare for an Immense Season Improvements Everywhere l! i i Sprmg Lalte Beach, June 15. With an ever new charm and beauty, Spring Lake Bench is luring its summer hosts back to the land of their summer joys. This most delightful of seashore resorts, situated midway between two great cities and so developed as to attract a colony of the finest type, has taken unto Itself already the appearanco of mid nmmer. , , Bports are nt their height, social ill Terslons have been got under way. Out doors and indoors there nro fun and frolic and the ideal Juno wcnther ndds Just now to tho full measure of en joyment which la to be found here. " Spring Lake Ueach Is a city of mag nificent hotels, beautiful summer homes and fino public works. Unsurpassed In Batumi charm nnu position, uie io lm been fortunate In that tue muniii In keeping with the plans which were promulgated some years ago for the con tinual development of the ocean front the municipal authorities aro just com pleting tho permanent paving of the beautiful Ocean nvenuo, a drlvo of more than two miles In length, skirting the very edge of the Atlantic and parallel ing the wonderful avenue of magniliccnt homes on the ocean tront. Other high way work has been dono to mulutnln the excellency of the resort's mrcets. The further improvement of the beach front plaza between Ocean avenue and the boardwalk has been somewhat ex tended and, like tho sections previously Improved, will becomo a beautiful lawn. Kver cognizant of the increasing do mnnds for opportunities for outdoor recreation, great Ktrldes hnvti been made i in that direction in the last year. A tin. 'lived their' new elghtecn-hole golf course Is ncaring thusiastlc golfers, and tho completion of tho new course will mnko possible some relief for the congested condition on tho original courso in ,thc week-ends and holidays. Tournament play is to fea turo tho golfing activities this year. The first of tho Imcortnnt events will bo played on Independence Day, when have, events lor ootn men ana women nave been arranged. Weekly sweepstakes, with bi-weekly cup contests, nro In cluded in tho tournament program just completed by tho Tournament Com mittee. At Snrlnir Lake's other fashionable club, the llathlng and Tennis Club,, still more notnulo progress has nccn made. Expenditures amounting to more than siuu.wu novo ucen mono in mo reconstruction of tho clubhouse nnd tho Improvement of its tennis courts, the bathing bench nnd other adjuncts of tho club. The building hns been virtu ally doubled in size. The most mod ern swimming pool in the Stato has been constructed nnd a smaller wading pool hns been added for tho kiddles. Eight tennis courts hnvo been added, nnd a tunnel hns been built from the clubhouso to the prlvato ocean bnthlng bench, tho tunnel running under Ocean avenue. Locker rooms to tho number of 100 have been added nnd several private baths have been installed. Today the club is one of the most completely equipped In the country nnd there is to bo a big house-wnrining when tho finish ing touches have been applied to the decorations. &...1 ..iiLaBUImi vtvltn It n va hands In tho continual development of completion under the supervision of the place down through many years ' Donald Itoss. It lies to the west of he hvo shaped its growth to meet the; resort nnd adjacent to the splendid -highest possible approval of those who hole course of tho Spring Lake Golf want only tho best nnd find it here. It nnd Country Club, the unprecedented S midway between New York nnd I'hil- popularity of which required the con- QdclDhia. nnu In a section ui uuiuiw '"' ............ buutr and lure of which are second to Spring Lake's summer folk nntfilnir In tho land For natural charms no spot can ex cel Spring Lnke. The beautiful crys tal fresh water lake from which the resort takes its nnmo nestles among the tlnes nnd oaK tnni sxiri ra ""' clad shores. Nowhere in tho land, so scientists say, is there to bo found another such geographical phenomenon as a fresh-wntcr lake fed by deep springs nnd situated only n few hun dred feet from the ocenn And in its depths thero lurk tho choicest of game fish, which accounts for the populnrlt Of the place with the fnh-water Briers. Upon its surface enthusiasts may enjoy boating nnu cnnociug i i-. Hearts' content. First Hotels and Cottages It was about this beautiful body of water thnt tbo first cottage and hotel settlements were erected awa.7 bade in the early l,.t.i:y of the revt. Aid virom thnt small beginning there have come great numbers of superb cottages, toworlng and architecturally beautiful hotel, a business section complete in us commercial independence of the larger cities, nnd public buildings nnd ground--which rcllect at every turn the nyt.ibie piosref.-lvencss of the town s people. New improvements greet the return ing vacationists to Spring Lake Beach. are. en- Bcanreit nEsoivrg nnATKitsronn, pa. SUMMKR BKSOKTE I1RA1HK)CK HEinilTS. MP. HE!aarl:iaia3,i:iri!iiBZ!H;::iiicwiiii5!MWHcnTCrj iiiiu'Tiiiin.m.iimiiiHaiiii'iriini praiiiKIl li':i,li''ii:"lill:!!)iif.VH'ffl O HUMMKR nKSOKTS It Is there that tho important North Jersey Const tennis championships nro to be plnyed ngaln this year. The nddltlonnl courts "will mnko possible a more expeditious playing of the pre liminary stages nnd assure the final stages on schedule time. These matches grown in popularity from year to year until todnv thev rank among tho most important tournnments in the Enst. Water sports aro also to fenture the summer activities there. A. Clay ton Clark, of Perth Amboy, who for years has managed tho water meets, will Dl e in chnrgo again this year. HPMMKB BKSOTITH srmvKNitHviM.r.. pa. II" n- '"' '" ' '" ;'r l"."'11' " PERKIOMEN INN SCHWENK8VILIJI. PA. Modern Improvement!! Ideal locations boatlne;, bathing;, flshtnar. tennis, dancing-. Special Sunday chicken dinner. For booklet writ CHAS. CNOKB, rrop., BehwenVrrtlle.ra. SPMMTtn nKSOllTB MKOIA. PA. CHAMln HOU4L MOTtt iTTnT?"., hav no.. J- ca.i rnoi Try MEDIA, Pa. Dining Room and Grill Servlco Meals at All Hours Deity EvtnJnr Dinners for Auto rattles. Chicken nd Waffle Dinner Every Thuri day. Special Sunday Dinner, 1 to 8 P. M. Or Auto on Daltlmore Pike. By Trolley from 60th St. By Train from Broad St Station. CHARTER HOUSE IIOTKI, COM". Phono Iteiervatlona Media 887 HtlMMKR RKHOBTO HITMMKB Br.SOBTS WBBN.BIWV1M.K. PA. VKBNr.HHVIM.K. TA. t BUMMEK BKaOBTH wr.nwKHHVUi.r.. pa MWAKTIIMIIKB. PA, 8WAKTHMOHK. PA." Perkiomen Terrace Gratersford, Pa. Accommodations for 100 guests. AH modern conveniences. Boating, Bathing, Fishing, Cro quet and Tennis. WILMER a HUNSIGKER, Prop. vaixky ronoE. PA. WWHWIBroi The Seachrist Mountain House Braddock Heights, Md. Excellent tablo; piazza all around the house; hot and cold running water in Mdrooma; bathrooms. For particulars address Mr. and Mm. J. W. FfachrUt, Props. nRADDOCK HKICJIITS. MD. ncrafniiiiai DiBinniiniiiiiiBniiiiBiB DLUK BIDOK SUMMIT. PA SPT i THE Valley Forge Museum OP American History PRICELESS COLLECTION OF" Relics of the Revolution Relics of the Republic WASHIKGTON'S MARQUEE Ttn Ortatnt Retlo of TWuMncfon 7tj Tlret Talley Forge lleadquartrrs OPES EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDJLT tratf) iaben 3nn Swarthmore, Pa. Open All Year Pompndour Ten Room in connection with Inn. Motorists and Tourists Welcome. W$t Hamilton 1201 West Main St. Norristown, Pa. Modern Hotel 120 Rooms Open nil Year. Motorists nnd TouristB Welcome. I QKjHHT TtiEUk A i-swit Strath Haven Inn, Swarthmore, Pa., and The Hamilton Under Same Management You Aro Not Seeing Valley Forge Unleia You Hare BURK'S GUIDE Price 80 Cent and $1.00 ron SALS AT BOOKSELLERS At(D Valley Forge, P. PEN-MAR. PA. CHAPMAN MANOR BLUE RIDOE SUMMIT, PA Open All the Year fceeptlonally pleasant roomaj lar-s porch M6 aroundi; 1400 feet above tm level; dajn and nla-nti dry and cool. Ideal for rest nd reoreatlon. Write for booklet. J. L. CHAPMAN, Prop. ?eartftftcme gall Blue Ridse Summit, Pa. "trst - class accommodntlons In erery reBpect. Heme cooking. Tubercular cruet not taktn The Misses Kurtz PermerLr Proprietor of the Hill Creet. Pen-Mar, Pa. The Bon-Aire Sttaated on the Western alone of the niu Rldg Mt.. rtve mlnutee from Pen-Sfar Station, two mlnutaa from Park Parlllnn; large, airy aleeptns rooma furnlcied with every comfort: our enlarged dlnlni room accommodate! fifty trueeta. noN-AIRE Is lighted by electricity. The culalne and the Mirvlca receive tereonal Attention, and the best seasonable food 1 provided. Write for rates, MRS. 11. F. DIEI1L HrilWKNKSVlLLK. PA. Spring Mountain House open ron QUESTS S. n. CHOif, Schwenltsvllla, Pa. OHATPJtSFQItD. PA. Evergreen bathing, fishing. Hhalli'rnaw Oratereford VALLKY FOnOE. PA. VAI.T.KY POnOK. PA. CMAR "mi i a eii mioi I.AKB COXBWAOO. MT. OKKTNA. PA. Hotel Conewago 'jfaXTK: Opens Juno 25th, 1921 Elevation 700 ft. above sea level. Good meaK Comfortable rooms. llathlng, boating, fishing, tennis, croquet, dancing. No mo.nultoes. For rate nnd reserva tions Bddrns P. L. WEIMER, Proprietor notel Conewako. Bit. Oretnu. Ta. 1VEHNEKBV1M.K. TA. l-lni.iln neautlful Vlens. Medern con en. Terms mod. Knth. Oerhart. THE O-NE-ON-TA Boul Jtountaln inc. Wenervllle. Pn. Modern horn epnmforta. Mfril. rntea. nonklet. GALEN HALL WERNERSVILLE, PA. IN THE MOUNTAINS Every physical comfort to be found in a hi gh-clasa hotel. Good roads, bcnutlful scenery, dry nlr. Now Gnragc. Golf. Tennis Courts open. Long-distance telephones in rooms. Excellent music. Resident physician. Very fino therapeutic baths nnd massage department. Hi hours from Philadelphia (Reading R. R.), 4 hours from Now York (Cent. R. R. of N. J.). Through Pullman. NEW YORK OFFICE: 213 FIFTH AVE. BOOKLET. HOWARD M. WING, Mgr. nFTironn srnivoH. pa. nKnrnitn ErniNoq. pa. EDFORD SPRINGS (pa) HOTEL "In n htart (A uonttrf ul Allephtnu Mouniatnr- Invlgoratlns; cllmtte, 1200 ft, above 10a level, plus excellent tennis courts, colt course, bridle piths and oppor tunity to play and rest during the summer months. Dedford Mineral Waters are -fully as exhilarating; as those of the famous European resorts. Hotel la Tfldely known for lta excel lent cuisine, evening- dances, and cheery atmosphere. Garage service for ruests' cars. neservatlona Insure large patronage this summer. Send for booklet. Open June 18th. MATtTIV RWEENT, Manager Ij WKKNKItSVn.i.K. TA . wr.nNEn8vnj,E. ta. WlWJklafMrisV.'fisssssssssVV s ' 'Vl v m"mm''mmmi BlBsBBeWsHff-WswflM MMsBsslsRsssssssssWrVJslsStiaVBMiBs sassssssssssssssssssssssW AsssRSv 'AssPkIsIsssssssbsssssssssWssssssVssssssIssssssPsss ssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBfliSstfssslsssssssssslsB IBBMffBBSSWSiS, yj l'!rKM8PcMMsssissmlBsBBBBsl " ; The Comfort Spot at Valley Forge The Washington Inn Visitors to Vnlley Forge nlll find tho utmost In comfort and conx'enlence nt this beautiful Inn. Excellent Accommodations, food nnd servlco are always available lor tho unexpected gueBt. Garage Chicken Wattle Dinners a Specialtu DANIEL J. VOORHEES : : : : Proprietor BEVERLY TERRACE. BLUE RIDGE 8CMMIT. PA. An Ideal spot for recuperation during the rammer months. Altitude 1830 feet. Ueau- , tlful mountain view, neflned homelike cot- ' tags; modern conveniences, wide, breesy twrehes on three aldM, excellent table, pure water. I Ho tubercular persons taken. I E. V. PKICK. Proprietor, PEX-BIAn. TA. ; Hffi Jrl 'li ijte, OltWHsssssssssi ssssssfiU11 W flSuS&SBsasVsKsssl bsbbbW BRI 9rB Pss BssB2 sssl B sIbsbI Br si sTJT m mt illrTt I la R7r S.vr9H &MDBSflsnn&.4l sUV !'-'!( 'T'TlJs7CTlJssssl I IM Grand View Hotel PEX-MAIC. PA. Highest point In Pen-Mar Lnrir clean rool rooms. Spacious porches and large, beautiful lawns Five mtnutes from pavilion In park. Surrounded by boautlful scenery. Ideal walks and motoring Rates ruisonable. Personal supervision of kitchen mus. i. y. pitirK. A New Hotel at Pen-Mar, Pa. fje en mocfe 1CBS Feet Above Sea Level The largest and the most up-to-date hotel at Pen-Mar ltooms en suite. Open June until October. Booklet. RANDOLPH DEBRICIC (inner nnd Mamirrr HILL CREST COTTAGE PKN-MAIt. PA. WHS. llOLLINOlSlt nnd MltS JKNKIN8. i Pruprletreaees Open June 1 to October 15, Cottage lo cated opposite poetomce Three mlnuteV walk from pavilion In park All modern convenlericea. Fine table supplied with the holctitiof seaaonabls foods, well cooked and attractively served. Moderate rates. irerms suiisnng irom luoerouisr or con- ui wseaeea noi laven. tinuiara turnisned on request. - . i MALTH niUNK. PA. MAl'CH CHUNK. PA. MvVUCll CIIDNK. PA. " aajjP 1 1 JTtHjTiS V f iiVf .. tr tT sssssssssssssss?tusBBaBssT3 ssl H sl'w. t r.M For full particulars and booklet address Public Ledger Travel and Resort Bureau, Phlla., Pa. NEW AMERICAN HOTEL I The NEW CENTRAL HOTEL Europfcan Plan, Sl.SS to $3.00 Cfe. Drill. Oarage, n. (K aATJ.ACHIER, Prop, nESTAUnANT ATTACHED Trolleys nt the Hoor Convenient to nil Stations a. 11. KEIIKIO. Prop. A. A. REIIKIQ, Mgr. t'. l.JAKX OAKKY, PA. 1QGROV1 Plant - 'J staff Park Stop at Restaurant GRAND VIEW HOTEL American and European Plan .. . Cafe, drill. Oarage. "Ml" rirawagerojnt. Highest elevation for Hotel HITKNA VISTA spnisn. PA. mrENA VISTA M'KIXfl. I ssasslPyTBWBsBsasBBHPfc3te j'BMBIMBMBssBsMssBssssMssttMllstiissBssB sssssssssPIMsssiHsllBDssslnlsssssssssssssssssssssssssf IN THE ALPS OF AMEUICA puena feta prtns Hotel (Dlue nidge Mountains) WHERE "THE BEST IN THE WORLD" AWAITS YOU A Strictly Modern Hotel With Excellent Tables and Servlco. Altitude 2000 Feet. Purest Spring Water. Ideal Climate No Moequttoee SPLENDID nOADS OOLFINO TENNIS BOWUNd RIDINO DANCINO MOUNTAIN CLIMBING Season of 1021 Begins June 18th, Open Till October 1st. DUENA VISTA SPIIINO HOTEL. JOHN J. QIDDONS MQR, lJuena Vista P. O.. Tranklln County, l'a. BE VON. PA. DEVON. PA. WYNBURNE INN wx!$' rz v'kM& i. zMmmm rflBSstttl&MyBSBV-BSBBBPHKSBSBSBBaeBBBBBBSHHEsta ssssssssssssLLLssssnsHIIBsiBBSakSaKsssssssssssssfSSuZif A delightful spot on tho Main Lino especially suit able for families with chil dren. Lnrp-n rrnnnrla nr.A 'i wido, cool verandas. Rooms with or without bath at rensonablo rates. Dancing, saddlo horses and other amusements. Excellent train sorvico to Philadelphia. Phono Ber vyn 23GW. w 71wSf vk" " i&4gApnMMP tyyfcBlrJBBBsBissByliKssssflMssssl Sunset Hall On South Mountain, Wernersville, Pennn. Open All the Year Overlooking tho vnlley one thousand foot bolow. Just tho place for a complete rest. Rooms with bath and running water. Unusually good tablo; vegetables from our own gardens. Beautiful mountain walks. Excellent roads. Best garage accommodations. Write GEO. S. GAUL, President and Manager, or Public Ledger Resort Bureau Not a Sanitarium Grand-View ANArroRiuNi WERNERSVILLE,PA; Pennsyhnnla'H sreat health -tmunialti, SJO feet aboio sop level, oierlnaklm- th. fammi. t k; vnii.. resort) entabllshed 181T. On elope of South nu dry invi5nJn.ini.1 f.SIrii " n?Id "."" f 8lmdy w"Lk na "lvos. Ideal cllmstti , rocreatinn s" broclner n,r A modern resort for health, rest, reouperatlon, rocreatlon. .rr".9 wnr?terfoqrUlrp'no'n,tIfC'rl X 'rvWoSf'" ",W,,S! When writing ask for Special Booklet L REUBEN D. WENRICH, M. D., Proprietor ViT.BT CHKSTKIt. TA. WEST CIIKSTKIt. PA. MANSION HOUSE, West Chester, Pa. OPEN-AIR DINING AND DANCING Bell 'Phone: West Chester B3G-J 19 CHAS. GRAEF, Mgr. THE HIGHLAND "On South Mountain" Wernersville, Pa. 7JP 1Ii,:hl"nd IIotcl Co- J- Howard Fries, President .Minni-Kininn, pa. JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllllllllllllii Washington House COUNTRY HOTEL S Spend your vacaion here and S enjoy gooa rumng, goon air, z: a quiet rest, good meals, Rates Reasonable B. P. YEAGER, Prop. Middleburg, Snyder County.Pa. E nillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir. a. The Finest Climate in the World D e I Ightfullr situated on South Mountain, overlooking" Uw famous Um non Vnlley. Th Ideal place w Huona a. vaca tion. Kat m o d e r t Write for hooK-let. nKnroiu). pa. PF.N-MAH, PA. MT. FOREST INN 2200 ft. HUher Than Philadelphia PBN-SIAK, PA. 10TH SRASON Iy fi right at Pen.Mar ParlcSflO ynrdi ," Uanclne; Pavilion Klve mln. wnib i Trolley and'IlaUroad Riminn HUirUI AMn rvr-nr. . aaivsiibitiiv iniUWtt INN" HtaTion, Delphi' plSSoc Penlf."!!! the Perkiomen Creek, on the Spate lliah" way X mes north of ("11 A i leplnir rooms have hot and cod run! nln water, electric IlsMs, furniture en- . , MDSlphlPoptomee: enna ' nEDKOIU). PA. FORT BEDFORD INl I ZIBOI.KnSVlM.B. TA. lfnjfi WtlJ ? ' 3 I 1) . ' - '"' l'1 3ffiJ mi til i) lt ,fr , -"KATKitsnmn. pa. wiivmi"r.- z-:'Kri8f .w . .ti'r-, nil I .J-4'iK:"SS. ,-Sl iV TJiV 1iSV"r 4 I Us WssmmmmmWFmi y$mmm$sai&4to.. ... a M. .MWaasfirr?' lrrriJLliJUA,!' ltlltPIla NVMiM II sssl I BEDFORD, PA. j New Modern Reasonable ' Special attention given to automobile parties. 80 mliei west of Gettysburg on Lincoln Highway. Open All Year C. II. & P. W. SMITH, Jig rW'AItTHM""" 1A'r-" ' Riverside Farm Gratersford. Pn. AL?affi,0!?f1UIiBT8, An attractive, homelike inn in ono of Philadelphia a most beautiful suburbs, twolvo miles from the city. Convenient to train nno trolley. Large, airy wl,nf1 spacious verandas, modern ir, ,iofnii nulsino II, IJVUi UWHIH, .,1 J anu servlco unexceiitu, n Address , . o. x.riiiiix, rrop, j - (K.rAMKV.vj Plan . 1'l ."'. ""'" Porches. UUflU4 IH-JKWM USX TJH0B gAgVABI .-....-. i--.. t n.r. ' ...... ...p. OAMOB1NO, DANO6 PAVJlflp,.