JUU Ill JHIbiBfejUIIIMIR 'W riffrff?TLw;'jjtF.-p'V5i'-s 'roiwroTO " "mv'A rr rimmrifi iriuii;ttTTTr,viJBBiffOTx.'jT saMHVMP.rr1' ..w' 'v.'iBWirw: "OTi v -WV V r,wwr'r- IW! 1 I? V.'AV- , - -w , - . '. YF ". ' v.i, ; &" lfli J . ''''m1 M w? y i a .-l liULY START Governor Edwards, of Now Jer sey, at mis uoxuigo Early IFFlcW. SUMMER CAPITAL pita'ry Activitfos Begin With r,8Cn00l TUr muartuu jr.( t Visitors Welcomed ' m flirt Juno 15. Sea Girt, which, I W tlrtue of tho fuct Hint Governor M.irfr)' occupying Hw Little White Hme on the State encampment rraer--tWn b already become tho official BBner capuini 01 i'x.-w u;j. - mij inaugurated n most brill-ant pro Mm of social, military nnd political fatcrnt. Tho scasou'a military activi ties hare bent under way here fnr two rU MC!nl plmi'' havc bcp" ,n,(1 for iwUWe fftr ani1 thc Pollt,,,il Pot 'l tt& nnd ilio inciuhnn j M family iivu u,-'c" ot-cinvlni: t.i aecatl" nmn-lnn fnr tho last two 23m ThW beautiful home Is to be 57 km of a most un aunl horien of wuiunrsocrat activities thh year Mis rHiibcth Enwuils nnd M--J. Edwards UtUM dellRlltOll llOdtMMS. It III SUfd that the scniion'H -vent-t will SoutsMne tinv which hnvo tnken plane Mherottnge for many years, the varl (U ,ffir of Inst venr bavin been MctM during their second year in the jttle JVhitc House. Soldiers Are Act ho jjilltnry dulnjo cot tinder wnv almost lio weeks ago with the hrrool of mu WfT which was attended bv about 200 .Sens and men. The school was under ..., A f ItplfnillKP fSimnr.il lllnl Y gocucer, the Inspector Koiitrnl of rifle tricti'ie for rscw Jersey. ;oionei A. '. JIacNab. Jr., proiuulpator of the mt code 01 insirucuun in riua murim BM'uip, which is in n-e lit the nrmy. n Hre as tho chief of Instructors nnd tuanlslf-fl by several other exnert in life work who, like Colonel MncNab, were dialled here from the Camp Hen far.Hchool of Arms at Cutnp licnnlue, Owr.li. . All this wceK omcers nna non-coms of tie New Jersey Nntlonnl Guard have bita. applying themselves strenuously ud thorotiRhly to the nnnunl camp of bitruction. which opened on Tuesday tsdrr the command of nricnilier tJeu tral Howard S. Ilorden. IlcRtilor Army Initructors have been on detnil here to wilt In the instruction work, most if them coming here from Camp Dii. RUMMnn KKK0RT8 DEVON, PA. DEVON INN DEVON. PKNNSVLVANIA Kiln Line Pa. It. It., In the beautiful Choi hr Vallty. forty minutes from Oroad Strrt lutlon. forts -four trains rtally each way, ttrt mlnutei from Devon Station, anil Just et the Lincoln Hlthway. Amnrlcan plan, I'M a la Carte Service. WeJdlns Parties, lltirnonn Tea or Dinner Parties can tM ar ntsed for throuich the mannjeement. Ideally etmrtnlrnt for Suburban Dwellers. Tele (tone Wasne 700, WtPrlvlItfru noraebrwk Ttliilns Mali (InrnitP Hervlrr " - PlIKKW OOP FOItEST. MD. "" 7 Sherwood Forest Near Annapolis. Md. An ideal summer homo community. Offering combined advantages of shore, country nnd club. Snlt-wator bathing, boating, fishing, golf, wnnis, horseback riding nnd other sports. Open to all residents of We community cottage at reasonable prices. For Information address Philadelphia Representative SHERWOOD FOREST CLUB, 1601 Finance Bldg., Phila., Pa. STiiiMsnirs A Glorious Vacation My ' If wSl T&tfl Furness Bermuda Line H) 211 Bourse BIdg Philadelphia n m hvq J II NIPPON YOSeWfCAKHA 5Es!&g3b&& 1 .1 Ktm ' t v. ,P , ' 80 1'REIOHT SERVICER rr Eal-.Kgrtnlghtly, New York to the1 Orient via Panama Frequently for hriu i"rw Yllrl t0 rlUl "IIB PorltMjnlhly. " ' artltujar,, o( pBf . or rrelbt AppI to Company 0(Bws. All branches of the service have been represented Infantry, nrtillery, cavalry, Bignal, engineer nnd medical. Tho stu acnts, who number approximately 800, nro all Attending tho school without tank nnd they arc being put through the most Intensive course of study pos sible within the limited time which the short term of tho encampment provides. Thin camp of InHtrtfctlon Is a fore runner of tho more notable activities, which are to feature the later summer weeks. Thnro la tn hri n three-weeks program of regular encampments during which all of thc State units will bo here for their summer training. Much of military ceremony is to fenture these encampments. Thcro will bo afternoon parade every day and reviews once or twice n week. Rlflo Tournament to Come Later in the season the annual Sea Girt rlflo tournament will bring thou hnnds of people here. Expert riflemen from nil over tin? country will attend thc matches thli car, because the dates for thc matches have been so far ad vanced as to bring them prior to the national matches, wnlc.li aro to do neiu at Camp Perry, O. Tho Sea Girt tour nament, which will again bo directed by llrigadlcr Ucncrnl Ulrcl w. apenccr, the inspector general of rifle practice ful fills State and the daddy of rifle shoot ing In this country, is to open on Au eust 17. Heretofore the Sea Girt tournaments have always suffered because they nec-ebHnrlb- followed unon thc national matches, when all the riflemen were bent upon getting back to their homes. Uy holding thc events prior to the big national shoot, hundreds of crack shots arc bound to come here for thc very excellent preliminary shooting which the Hea Ulrt matelirs will afford tnem in preparation for the Terry events. Gcn ernl Hnonrer Is ninklnir tontntive nren- arntions to care for approximately 2000 rlflpmen. hut tlipse nccommodiitlonsmnv prove inadequate, as practically all of tnc State teams ate expected here. Flying Popular Postlmo Flying from tho State reservation is again one of thc coast's most popular diversions. Aviators from many points arc now mnking use of the very splendid lnndini: Held here and it is au unusual thing for a day to go past without some strange aircraft making n stop here. Interest in Hying will doubtless he Increased too If present plans of Hi"nn:u ni:son,TS DOPIIMNO (1AP. XKWVII.I.K. PA. p Doubling Gap, Newville, Pa. DOUBLING GAP White Hnlphur flprlngi Hotel An Ideal mountain .health and pleas ure resort; amusementa, dancing, tennis, boating. Moderate rates. Klovatton DUO feet. Uooltlet on re quest. Now management. xroBKn & rnicn. vs WAYNK, PA. WESLEY INN " nn" aingio or en suits Splendid appointments, cuisine noted, attrac tlve rnte. Qarnwe Berylco. E. T. Hentman. MOUNTAIN HOMK. PA. Holler' Mt Airv V location. Ilhlt. neuer s mi. zry H E Haller rt,op LONDON. KXOLAND 1I1REE FAMOUS LONDON IIOTEUS Victoria Hotel. Orand Hotel. Hotel Mefroeole, SEASIDE PAKK. N. J. The GLADWYN 'Tnlxt By cean- iiioumin an Now open.Mod.rates. I1E.CH HAVP.N. N. J. The BREAKERS J rJu,n sJf;- June rates. Uooklet. I.AKK HOPATCONO. N. J. Hotel Monb'cello 2?,malnI?u,?,roa Oarage. Uoat Land Inc. Table d'hote and a La. Carte Service, SHERWOOD TOKKST. n. STEAMSHIPS By Sea to Quebec TIVE days of rest and relaxation nboard tho 14,000-ton ocean liner Fort St George. Three daya of the trin un thc ninicstic St. Law rence, nnd the Saguenay River to Capo Trinity, past point nfter point of historic interest and scenic gran deur. Five sunshiny days and cool starlit nights, surrounded by every com fort and luxnry. Eight-hours' stop at Halifax in the Land of Evangeline. Then Quebec with trips to Montreal, tho Thomand Islands, Niugara and through old French Canada. Fortnightly sailings, commencing July 2 no Pn88Prts required. One J ' way or round trip. Rates, $100 and un. eneli wnv. or any tourist agency Fast Palatial Passenger Steamships of 21,0Q0 tons to JAPAN. CHINA and MANILA from Seattle to Hong Kong via Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Manila t EVENING PUBLIC ' 8,a,t? ,nnd Federal military authori ties, which provide for the orgahlxatlon .imof na nv'ntion brnfich of thotato military strvlco, materlnllxe. It is be. Ilevcd that such n unit would not only i'fovo n" Invnluablo adjunct to the . .1 i , mllVn.ry. fotcf!l organization but would tend to increase Interest In avia HS 1" cncrnl- .The Stato reservation nfTon s the most ideal facilities for such .!"!,' ?ny."i0t In tho State, it Is pointed out. Tho long expanso of tho parade and maneuver grounds Is amply large to accommodate many planes at once. The Government Is said also to bo planning to make It a regular sta tion on tho sea coast patrol system. Importnnt political activities aro to feature tha season here. 'While the cur rent year will be a comparatively quiet one In State military circles, It is very apparent that next year's battles aro to bo given no Httlo measure of plan ning during tho political Hold days at Sea Girt this summer. Governor Ed wards will, as usual, entertain nt a scries of these Governor's Day events and much political slate-making is to bo done by both parties. Gubernatorial possibilities, senatorial possibilities, to say nothing of tho various State, county and local jobs, will be' discussed pro and con by tho assembling party lead ers and it Is certain that thc season will develop some Interesting political Jockeying. Tho Government Day nffalrs are to be hold during tho regular encamp ments of the troops during July nnd August. As usual, the Governor will follow tho plan of inviting hero for each of theso events thc political workers and other citizens from the sections of tho State represented at the timo by tho military units then In thc camp. In this way visiting people have an op portunity to witness tho work of their homo soldier folk during their strenu ous camp work. RUMMER RESORTS DEEIl PARK. MD. DEER PARK HOTEL & COTTAGES Deer Park, Maryland The famous resort of the Alleghanles Altitude 2800 feet. OPEN JUNE 29 Golf, Tennis, Horseback Riding. 2 Swimming Pools, Music, Dancing, 10 HOUSEKEEPI'G COTTAGES THOMAS T. MUIXIN8. SIOR. (Late Mgr. William Penn & Fort Pitt Ilolals. Pittsburgh) RESORTS STEAMSHIPS LEAVE ARCH ST. WHARF, PHILADELPHIA For Trenton. Burlington Park and Bristol WEEKDAYS Trenton N. J. nurltngton Island Park Bristol Pa. 8 30 A. M. 4.30 P. M. 8 30 A. M. 1.00 P. M. 4.30 P. M. 8 30 A. M 1 00 V- M. 4 30 P M 8 00 P. M. Saturdays only Alt boats mako the RouniV Trip to Fare 30 cent, each way. Sundays nd M I ItEIOHT rAltltlED Queen Anne Moonlight Trips Every Evening, 8.10 P. si. Fare, lis cents. Bnda Str Springfield STKAMnOATS Oil-Burning Steamers TAX rcriETi iWiW; EijMiajL.h?iyj; Chesler-WILMINGTON-Pennsgrove This Is the Ideal trip for tho summer season down the hlstorlo Dela ware. The beautiful parks around Wilmington aro most attractive at this time of the year, and the old Brandywlne offers exceptional oppor tunities for plcnlo parties, boatlnr, fishing, and the camera. BIG IRON AND STEEL STEAMERS Will leave at convenient hours from Pier 5 North, Above Arch Street. Special trips have been arranged for Saturdays and Sundays, so that patrons can plan for a full day's pleasure and an evening- sail DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Leave Philadelphia 7.30. 0.00. 10.30. 12.00. tl.30, 3,00. 4.15. fl.00. 7.00. 8,SO and 0.K0 P. M. sTA Wilmington 7.S0, 'S-OO, 10.30, 11.00, 'LSO. 3.00. 4.1S 8.00 T.OO. .S0 nnd U,30 P. Jl. ' ' WEEKDAYS EXCEPT SATURDAYS Lcbt Philadelphia '7.30, '0.00, 'ILOO, 1.80, 3,00. 4.15, 8.00, 7.00 St O.SO P. M tears Vtllmtugton .SO, 8.00. '11.00. 1.S0, 'S.OO. 4.15, 8.00, 7,00 & 'njO V.x Steps I'ennsgrovs, fStops Penni grove Saturdays only. All boats stop at Chester. SUNDAYS & HOLIDAYS ""P: n'1 PBVS- OHO VK Single fare. 40oi half single. 20o. TO CHESTER Single. 2001 half sin . lfln. Rates i Dnilv. inrliirltner Snhirrlsws , 1,1 ,1 1 single, loe. TO CIIK31K11 BKQDi SUMMER RESORTS TOURISTS VISITING PHILADELPHIA will be delighted every timo they use the Brown Cab for the trip to the hotel for shopping or a ride through Philadelphia's beautiful and historical suburbs. THE BROWN CAB "Service and Safety-First" is a popular institution in Philadelphia. Brown Cabs are the cleanest cabs in town cleaned and inspected twice daily to make sure all safety devices are working for your protection. Always insist on a Brown Cab look for thc name on the door. BROWN CAB RATES aro now tho LOWEST CAB RATES IN PHILADELPHIA ONE PASSENGER First 1-3 mile 30c Each udd'l 1-3 mile 10c Uy tho Hour No charge for calling or dismissing in city limits. Hour Rum Must lie Arranged Through Our Garage BROWN CAB CO., 1411-1413 &pruce3uu LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, 'WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1021 OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES BEGIN AT BELMAR North New Jersey Coast Resort Has Many Now Develop ments Thi3 Year nelnmr, N. J., Juno 1C. Summer plnns nt Uclmar provide for a most Interesting season of both outdoor and Indoor activities. The opening of tho Inlet Terrace Oltib. thc Columbia Hotel nnd other tenters of activity will In augurate tho season of social diversion here. Tho outdoor sports havo already gotten under way tcnnlg and boating nt tho Inlet Tcrrnce Club, golf over tho nearby courses and ocean bathing nnd fishing in tho sen. Belmar, which is one of the most at tractive of tho Monmouth County shore resorts, hns made giant strides in Its development the Inst few years, the notablo work along the Shark River shore, where tho Inlet Tcrrnce cottago polony has been erected, being ono of the most important realty developments along the coast. Further extension of this important homc-bulldii. movement is being cnrrlcd on, nnd each month Beltnnr adds to Its llBt of beautiful homes. Tho resort's close proximity to New York and Newark is making It a popular ycar-around residence for com muters. The last year much notable public work has ncen dona under the direc tion of Mayor Bamford nnd other offl BPMMm T0ims . Fourth Street itionalBank iSfeaanshlpTlckets Officio! Agents All Lines Cruises to West Indies (GREAT WHITE IT.EET) Bermuda Tours Stcamsldp and Travel Dept. 143 South 4th St., Phila. RESORTS -STEAMSHIPS DAY and NIGHT BOATS SUNDAYS AVn lIOI.TTATB Trenton nurllncton Urlstol N. J. Island, Park Pa. 8 00 A. M. 8.00 A. M. 0.00 A. M. 0.00 A. M. 10 00 A M 1 00 P. M. 3 80 P M. n oo p m. 10.00 A. Jl. LOOP. M. 2 00 P. M. 2.00 P. M, 8,30 P. M. C 00 P. M. Trenton ....m ih. s nrt r f .!.,.. h.oo p M 8.00 P. M. Holldftjs. 40 cents. 'Children Half Tare. ON PABSENOmt ItOATS Bunday Schools, Church Organiza tions. Lodges and other nocietle, desiring bencllt excursions write for Ilooklet L. STEAMBOATS No Smoke No Cinders mm ion TO WTLMINrvrnv m,l F-rV(L - rrr . OHOVM Mingle fare, SOOI half Single, ibc. half single, 10o! sircrwEit RE-soitTs ADDITIONAL PASSENGERS Each additional passenger above ono for entire trip 20c $3.00 Locust St., Philadelphia Race 3284 xH ips?i dais. The unilghtly ocean-front bath ing pavilions hnvo been torn down or moved away nnd new ones of more attractive architectural design opened. Tho bench has been cleaned up In preparation for tho summer bathing senson nnd the bathing beaches aic al ready gay. Social events nt thc clubs nnd hotels will round out n brilliant season of affairs if present plnns nro realized. Tho Inlet Terrnco Club is to bo thc sccno of weekly events of n brilliant nature nnd tho nnnunl minstrels of thc club arc bound to prove popular ngaln this yenr. Tho Columbia Hotel will feature elaborate social activities this season, an will the other hotels. The Sagamore, Llnnymor, Ilucnn Vlstn and other hotels are looking forward to n prosperous season. Outdoor sports include sailing, canoeing, booting nnd crabbing on bcau- uiui ouant mver. xno regattas of tho flPMMER RESORTS TAKE A KODAK WITH YOU WASHINGTON. It. C. The New Oxford Hotel The only hotel property In Washington owned by tho United States Governmont. Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifteenth Street N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. Opposite the White House Grounds and United States Treasury. Headquarters for Tourists EUROPEAN PLAN Special Attention Given Tourists For Rotes and Other Information, Apply J. H. WEAVER, Proprietor $5 Life Guard Bathing: Suits $2.50 All-wool, s'eavetess shirt, blue flannel pants with but toned flap, money pocket and extra quality white web belt with non-rustable buckle. All-Wool Shirt and Pure Wool Flannel Trunks Women's All-Wool Onc-Piccc Swimming Suits Now Tho kind uel bv profes sional swimmers worn by men nlao. I Cotton Suits, $1 Rubber Bathing Caps Ladies', 50c; Men's, 25c Cork Balls le 25c "Water Wings," 50c Just the thing to use to learn to slm. Great fun for tho MdJIes. too. SPALDING $2.50 Cork Center Ball $1.50 Now liar, tats, $10.30 The official b "WJ'S. J10" aBw;,"K $2 American League Balls $ 1 Special at A fresh lot Jw' fMfl"'1 Osnulno hnehldecoTer suarantce.1 for nine In Sfnff "Better lay In half doren. Spalding's 5-0 $12 Catcher's Mitt Now Special ut W50 7 Compare the Identh flng numtorn on them with prices In Htandaid catalogs for same mtttn and ou will reallie 1'ie saving Pee them. I'onWnce joureelf Tirn n leather. Iu'l molded face, patfnt laced back, leather bound, leather strap, buckle fastening $5 Fielder's Glove??50! now Laced palm all leather lined. $3 Bats, Special, Now $1 Ztmmormnn l.oulilllo Slugger PpalAlng. Ilrnrh . u surplua lot made for the boys over there Every Fisherman Will Want One of These Fish Baskets $1.25, $1-50 &$1;75 lf'1hV it j en wn.ov 3f llltl V " rrrtTT "i 1 1 1 " Belmar Yacht Club nro always wit nessed by hundreds of boating enthu siasts, Thc nnnunl wntor sports nt tho Inlet Terrace Club this year will doubtless attract tho finest nountlc stars In tho Hast to Belmar again. These annual events have become sporting cards of almost national Importance since they were started several years ago. Allenhuret Hotel Like a Fine Club AUcnlmrst, N. ,I Juno 1C. The Allcnhurst Hotel will open for the summer a week from this morning, nnd from that time on the senson here can bo said to be in full swing, as thc say ing goes. Tho hotel, for many years known ns tho Allenhurst Club, Is being operated under the ownership manage ment of Harold YV. Sexton, who pur chased tho property a year ngo last winter. Thc Allenhurst Casino, where there SUMMER RESORTS Nowadays a vacation !i Incomplete without a Kodak, hecauso a Kodak assures you of a per manent, tnnglblo reminder of now friends and lnterestlnu places visited. There's real pleasure in Kodak ownership. Kodaks nnd Supplies IHgh-Ornile Developing and Finishing- HAWORTH'S KASTMAN KODAK CO. 1020 Chestnut St., Phila. ..WASHINnTON. II. C. Hot and cold water In every room. Private bathf Newly furnished nnd decorated "M. & H. SELL Save on Vacation Needs at M. & H. Many times the enjoyment of your entire vacation is made or unmado by tho quality and dependability of the pleasure-giving equipment you take with you. Every article you buy here you know is dependable, be it Fishing Tackle, Bathing Suits, Baseball Equip ment, Lawn Tennis Goods, Canoes, Wearing Apparel or the thousand and one other items that you'll want to buy to make your vacation joys complete. And equally as important is that everything you trnr nnrn vnn nw h .?. i-- i .. . 0 ..w j w uuy Aur AUHa Canoes, Paddles Xanoe Back Rests Single, $1.25 Double, $1.75 $2 Canoe Paddles, $1.50 Oars, 20c per Foot GOLF 3 $5 & S6 $2.50 LilUDS. . -fllnflIlllSHw xTiii" r i f in I M IIP iS ctvF Before You Go On Your Vacation Join the 7th Annual M. & H. FISHING CONTEST $300 IN PRIZES FREE Call or write for registration card Conu-t opon to every body without obligation. Lots of fun, plenty of thrills. Fishing Tackle Our Specialty We arc known to thousands of fishermen all o er four States as the foremost fishing tackle headquarters in the city, and we live up to that reputation. A tiemendous stock and a great assortment assure our having the very thing a want. Let us prove it Sfsanaz fl ir r nr-n ' - itn. ran-si ! nf y A VV BzasBz ' '''''TBKJTIaaijliSjA $8 Fresh Water Fishing Outfit, E Outfit consists of SUil ItoJ, Plutr nnU, Dozen Hi Us, Nick- 1 (led Spoon, Kubber Hal', Flit Hnool of Haw SI k l,nc Flat Spool of Braided Oil Silk line Flout. Sinkers ni 1 Mai hImiib N'lcUel- l'lated Click and Drag Heel Nently packed In s rons board box. We Furnish Everything Except the Fish $15 Ocean City Hurt ting REEL, ISO yds. German sliver hard rubber sides, cut goars. $20 Surf-Casting Rod, $1 a Hooks, now Tonauln cane lleautlfuilv ouc trapped Vnuiual alue. , Single and Lpokfof TuteSigtt ttt'kl' - .5FW kW IW3 Casting XW'Vi-V P$in r: X V fii lTiTk. ? isrfyiJl'HlJ1bl'v' ' j IM tMOSVOtt'lTZ fr HTOR&r h i llflii'i flfiHl rf,JWMkittrtc-li i Is a lnrgc open-air bathing pool, will open for the summer on July 1. It has been nnnounccd. nnd tho music will come ou thnt date or about then In plenty of time for the Fourth of July STEAMSHIPS RED CROSS LINE It)!) ALL EXPENSE ft A 00 IL Hay vacation cruise lUuP Including All Essential Expense. You Live on thc Ship. Restful, Healthgiving, Interesting Trip, Visiting Halifax, nova SCOTIA and ST. JOHNS, NEWFOUNDLAND THE FINEST CRUISE ON THE ATLANTIC COAST FOR NOVELTY AND GRANDEUR OF SCENERY FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO BOWRING & CO TOITtS Vacation Trips White Mountains: Quebec & the Saguenay Nova Scotia: Niagara Falls: Great Lakes Six-Day Cruises New York to Quebec Bermuda: West Indies or anywhere else Wherever you plan to go this summer by land or sea or for how long we can help you. We will give you complete information. We will secure your railroad and steamship tickets. We wfll make hotel reservations for you in advance. Our booklet, "Independent Summer Trips," contains many specimen itineraries and helpful suggestions. Raymond & Whitcomb Co. 1338 Walnut Street Philadelphia Tel. Filbert 3864 HUMMER RESORTS IT FOR LESS our s.ogan ior more man -o years. and Accessories CARLETON CANOES $67 Made from famous (le.lgn of renotMcot Indians, strong, sturdy De pendable. Iletter order t dy S2 Kapoc Life Preserver $2 Cushions $5 Golf Bags, now $ lfli In. - With stars $3 Pure-Wool Hose, $9 I A to or and Ann quality $5 Sea Reel $0.50 German ster rnulpp1 with automatio drag and 1E4, ' .Ml ikfl m w i L ' v I IIP Foxy Qmller $ i .23 ;,;;nltb:":,fn(J'"'; Crab Trap , ' .; ilmr lmnrov. r I 35c and Salt Water Rods IJUZUn i rlece Staun hW C r double gut mane. strong 1 Jciefidablo vz UU Lfoltor VENINGSL W A 11 festivities, which nro always n feature at the pool. Practically all of tho cot" tageis arc here and the resort appar ently never looked forward to a sum mer with more promise. NTi;MHIfll8 17 BATTERY PLACE 9 NEW YORK TO IRS Rackets, now Included In tlls finer. n mii n-. .I.. tho "Amorlcan Drher National" and other standard makes The names are sufficient e'ldence of value $13.50 Winner Racket, $8 Tho kind ugrt by nrofMonaU $5 Rackets, now $3 $3 Rackets, now $1.50 Tennis Balls fiOc 1921 Championship uu Practice Balls 1 Cc ist jear's bails JJ Ire and have lot, of "pep " Tennis Nets, $4 Tennis Si ?S Shoes.. I ..... .t.. ki.. fnr Tennis floating. rs.thmg. Yachting vacaon. dtt , Outing $o Shoes. . . 3 fonvai heavy rubber u e f re for hiking. f r tennis etr V-Xcck Pull-Over All-Wool Worsted Sweaters $8 $C Value u $12 Extra Heavy, $7.50 Vacuum Bottles, $1.25 Keeps hot liquids hot 3(1 hours cold 1 quids co'd il hour Lunch Kits, $2.50 Bought From Navy Willson's $1.25 CQc Goggles, now w Vutnmoblllsts n otorcjiiists jachts r n etc tiiknnitUe Flash Lights, 75c Ilk cat nickel Plated brats com vi wit, battery nrnl Intnp 1921 M. & H. Fishing Guide Nearby Fishing ci -ismc m& IEAHBY FlSHINC Fr ee lAiif of new dope and many k I n k every fisher man will want to know ' o moa compreionslva flatting 0' (ir on nearb; I3M110 ever puh-liih-tl t"il rn'jB Compiled nt gi tat cost, edited and prepared by ej-pn tenet' and accepted by Isier tnen as an authority Mail Order Any Article Sent by Parcel Post Anywhere tn the Untteti StatentlOc Extra, Send Ntu mtiyr Kesiutered l.ettorf HUMMER RESORTS Paramount Si f Jo III JfNE.'.RDV V KmilNC K 3 v.1 '3 '8 Hi I n i .H . W ii ,i V4 1 ' (J1 u i m !! I 'J M 'i m i . mw mi Vmm 1 tli M r I t sisi.sssssssssssssisslsils!SBi " '"'m'ij'i ..:.- U