V,- rer ftfZj. .'ww . rvi Vi1? V & I j Hi 'fc Tv 0IfS y VISITORS EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 J) clrnp-Mting Will Bofein Au- gU8t26Wltn Disnwp oiijr . as uuu' Fecial lectures PLANNED Operatic, Concert and Chautau i ;qua Entertainers m h pear This Year ' La,GroTv Jnno 15.-The wnson l. w7en In enrncst, tho many or-Sii- giving the plnce n mltl-summcry iiini Virtually all the Grorc's Mill nd bonrdlDR honsen nre now m wd enjoying a fair measure of IrLeritr, with every prospect of big LgMitu as tho season advances. Many rftte lous nre "Ported bookcd ful1 ifter Jnly 1. Ocwn Grove's entertainment pro mts In the Auditorium Is fcolng nr njftd and TtfH Include many operatic iuri and artists of the concert stage. jfBl. Amellta Galli-Cdrci will appear Ijlhe'r third annual recital August 20. juwther noted artist who will bo heard h'tie concerts Is Josef Kosenblatr the fo'dnrilBhed Jewish cantor, who will Khwrd in recital July 23. Wid W. Falkner, director of tho Octis Grove Auditorium this season, Wain engaged John McCormnck to ' At August 25. It will be Mr. Mc- ttnnick's first concert In this country ha of a benefit for the Irish rollcf. Jfr. yalkner states that ho haa given Vr. McOormack one of the largest lurtntees on record. ,. ' Concerts to Begin Jnly a r' Jlht concert season will bo ushered d by the Bangor male chorus July 2. On Angus MIshel Piastre violinist, tad Alfred MlrovKch, pianist, will ap. jht for tho first time on an Ocean drove platform. The entertainments will be inter tptrfed with lectures by men and Tomen of prominence. Meetings of a nried naturo for the children and Tooag people will also feature the ached- rl, the plans embracing tho retention at virtually all the notable religious futures of past seasons. Tho cus tomary Thursday night programs will tie conducted, although as yet no an nouncement has been- mado as to the participants. In addition to tho concerts tho usual special anniversaries will bo conducted. These will include the Home and For Ip Misslonnxy Societies, tho W. C. T. U., Florence Crittenden Day, rounders' Day, etc. The children's STJMMER RESORTS OCEAN CITY, N. J. concert wjll bo Thursday evening, Au K'1" 18, under the direction of .Mrs. J. W, Marshall. Leotum on Mondav evenings will be conducted from tlmo to time by noted speakers. Mission Conference June 21 From now until well Into tho .fall, rcllclous events nf enmn lilml will fn1n place CVerv rlnr. nlul In tlin i-nnrn nf Jthe season many bishops t)f the Moth- ouisi episcopal Uhurch will participate in the activities here. Through the combined effort of Sunday School workers, local schools, mothors' clubs unu ouicr organizations interested in tho various phases of child training, the International Union of Gospel Mis sions of tho Now York district will lmvo ItH Juno conference on Tuesday,, Juno 21, the afternoon cession to dp in the Ocean Grovo tabernacle and the evening session at 81 South Main street, Asbury l'ark. Offering tho widest range of possibili ties for summer diversion and fulfilling every1 expectation of tho visiting throngs, Ocean Grovo day by day makes moro complete Its standing as "the Happy City." Tho famous resort, which is noted aliko for its religious institutions and its clabornto program of tho highest class entertainment, just now is completing Us plans for the season's activities. Instead of Evangelist Gypsy Smith conducting the camp -meeting that opens on August 20, Bishop Jospph F. Berry, of Philadelphia, president of the as sociation, will be in charge. He will be assisted by several distinguished bishops from different sections of the country Services Begin Xext Sunday Tho aullltorlum services will officially open next Sunday, June 10, when the Rev. F. A. DcMarls, of Asbury Park, will preach at both services. In the course of the season the other preachers will lncludo: Bishop Paul Matthews, ol Princeton; Bishop Ernest G. IUch ardson, of Atlanta, Ga. ; Ada W. Leonard, of San Francisco; "William F. MacDonald, of Washington; Wil liam F. Anderson, of Cincinnati; tho Iter. Otto Bnrtholow, of Mount Vernon, N. Y. ; tho Rev. Gcorgo Elliott, of Now York; tho Rev. Harry Dawson Mitchell, of Washington ; the Rev. John G. Wilson, of Philadelphia; tho Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce, of Now York; the Rev. Mark A. Matthews, of Seattle, and tho Rev. Charles M. Boswcll, of Philadelphia. The Ocean Grovo'summer Bible con ference will open August 7, under the direction of Bishop Berry, withl Allan MacRossic, of New York, as dean of tho school. Among the assistants of thn conference will be the Rev. F. E. Moycr, of London; Principal Smith, of Weslcyan Seminary; Prof. Newton J. Davlcs. of Drew Seminary, and the Rev. Floyd Tomklns, of Philadelphia. There are few changes In tho leaders of tho sido meetings. The Rev. Edwin Forrest Hann, of Camden, formerly of Trenton, will again conduct the young people's meetings from Juno 10 until August 15, when the Rev. C. M. Bos wcll will finish tho season. The Rev. E. L. Hyde will again conduct the holiness meetings. Mrs. Joseph Hud son will be in charge of tho Junior meetings and Samuel B. Goff the twi light meetings. Tho efforts of the Ocean Grovo Hotel 'AsKOciation to lengthen tho season arc evidenced in tho early season crowds which have invaded tho resort. Social and sporting activities have been re vived with tho opening of tho hote'M and cottages, and mid-June finds folks enjoying, a merry whirl of interesting events of a varied nature. Hotels Open Their Doors Tho North End Hotel will open Its doors next week, but Robert M. Watt, tho leasee, has had his smaller house, the La Pierre, open for about a month. Mrs. Frank II. Kunst has redecorated and refurnished her two hotels, the Princeton and the Ocean Sldn. The Queen, ono of tho largest ocean-front hotels, expects Ho be in readiness to rccelvo guests by next week. Other hotels of prominence that have already opened their doors include tho War rington, Whitfield. Honeysuckle, Chnl (onto, Majestic, Ardmorc-Bummerfleld, Wavcrly, Ocean House and DoWltt. It is doubtful if ttic repairs and now construction to tho Ocean Grove board walk now in progress at the north end, will be completed for tho summer sea son, according to Frnnk B. Smith, gen eral superintendent for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, but short patches will bo repaired before tho rest of the walk is torn up. Work has virtually ben completed and n decided improvement effected to the Broadway entrance to Ocean Grove. LAKE HOPAICONG'S SCENIC GRANDEUR Colfiats Find Excellent Links at Northorn New Jersey Resort LOTS OF GOOD FISHING Lalto Hopatcong, N. J., Juno 18. Less than seventy miles from Philadel phia are tho lakes of Northern New Jersey, which would probably be even moro famous than they are if they were an far away as tho Scotch lakes, wltn whlrh thev have often been compared. Tho best known of thoso lakes is Lake Hopatcong ("Honey Water of Many Coves"), with its eighty miles of shore ttn ltd MBiTnm fmrn mnlnrln nnn mOS- nultoes and its cxhaustlcss pleasures of boating, sailing, bathing, canoeing nnU fishing, to say nothing of exploring ex peditions through tho neighboring for ests. Lake Ilopntcong itself is a Bhcct of clear, fresh wnter nine miles long and from five to six miles broad. It stands just 012 feet above mean tidewater, while tho adjacent hotels and cottages are still higher. Such an altitude within less than soventy miles of Philadelphia is without a peer among summer re sorts. Lako Gcorgo Is 000 feet lowr. But something more than puro air and picturesque, scenery is needed to make n vacation. In these regions good stop ping places aro abundant, with nmplo rango of choice, for all tasks and pur poses. Thero are hotels with every city accommodation ; thero aro reasonably priced boarding places, farmhouses wnero an tiio essential comforts of life are furnished at a modest figure. Tho ihuo nns ocen growing every year in popularity and gives promise of reaching tho zenith of its fomo this summer. All cottages nro renting rapidly and the hotels roport an unprecedented number of bookings. Added to the scenic grandeur aro the fine roads, which, are appreciated by tho motoring fraternity, who come here in great numbers. All Hotl Soon to Open In tho course of the next week vir tually all tho hotels will bo open for summer business, and from indications there will be a great throng of arrivals. Tho golf links attract many enthu siasts, and nil nr riwllohtnrl trltl. kn excellent condition in which thev found tho course. It will be the sccno of many 6TJMMKB RESORTS HmiMKR nKBORTR AVAToy. w. j. AVAION. N. J. BTJMMKR BEHOnTfl I1 5w&rtrimnr Running wator tnroushout. ' in"uu"""": near bench & attractions. HPRIWO I.AKK REACH. V. J. THE BREAKERS nml OOTTAflEB ON TUB OCEAN FRONT Spring Lake Beach, N. J. Oprn Juno 18 Running water In all roomi: room en aulte with bath; prlvlleto of two 18-hole colt courses and tennis club with ten courts. New York ofllco, "Ask Sir. Foster" at tord & Taylor's or Penn sylvania Hotel. I.. N. MOSS. THE SHOREHAM 6FRINO I.AKK IIKACH. N. J. .OPKNKI) MAY 28 E. E. HI'ANaKNDERO, Prop. RKTTKRTON. MP. llKTTERTflN. MI. V ow to Reach Betterton by Railroad From Philadelphia All points In Pennsylvania, Nnr Jersey nnd New York! Tnke P itVrtovrn Ilranch of Delaware Division) to StUl Pond, Kent Co., Md, rnnn. R. R. Two trains isd llbfiiyrtown Ilranch of Delaware Division) to StUl Pond, Kent Co, wuiy. - ociieuuio in cnect. guDjeci 10 cnanffei LEAVK niimiJKXrillA. BROAD BTREET STATION. 7:25 A. M. DAILY IXAUE PHILADELPHIA, IiROAD STREET STATION. 3:50 P. M. DAILY LEAAW! PHILADELPHIA. DROAD STREET STATION. 4:00 P. M. SUNDAY . AoUmobVlfs mrt all trains. Beautiful 4-mlle drive out macadamised road to DettertonA on Cbesupcake Bar. Philadelphia BETTERTON Baltimore fins stXsmers. sunerb aceommo. Stlons. TArlAil anrnnrv. ntlj rpit nnrf srdoyment no dust, no cinders vlu ERICSSON LINE 5p.M.DVay sisav (i P. Af. Saturday) Tickets and Stiarooms fbettsr retirve 'cm In odVuice) sold onlj Pier 3, So. DelAwaro Ave. Write for illmtnted folder. Thrnucli the DeluwiLm nlveft Delaware and Cheuipenke Canal and Chesupeuko May Day Boat, Btilnninf Juno 14, S A. M Tun- .aayf, Thundayt, Saturday!, to Bailtmora ESB -. Ft. I? . i- .VfA Bayside Inn Masnlflcent view of VShesapeako Day; hlahost elevation j fine bath inff, Ashing, boatlni;; laiwe lawns: Perfect shade; always Vpol, long and wlds verandas ; modern con- 1..Uki8, Po'y. BK'V fruits, vegetables from our owi farms. ?."!;?'. Catholic, EniHco'val and K..20tV churrhes. Phoio Still '". U., 76 F 3. L. HARRIS CREWE. Hotel Chesapeake BETTERTON, MD. Under Now Management Directly on the Beach Our tablo supplied with fresh vege tables and tea food from farmu and bay closo by. Send for Illustrated booklet MRS. L. M. OWENS HOTEL RIGBte 5i.ui?tci at lna lloatl of the Cho a cf5?i,nftJ'. a modern hotel, ona 5 !? ""!? commanding a line wntlr lew Pure snrlnir wntcr unit tntiV 3.1 ,"1!,.leu with everything frcs 'lm 'arm nearby. Bathing. flsh-H p.. ,." .':" resort amusements. ffiftlM. OrcheBtra. Uooltlot. attention. Opens Juno 26. . HOWARD TURNER, Prop. Long Distance Thone Betterton Casino nnd Amusement Pier Moving Pictures, DnncinfTi Bowl InPi Bathing, Boating HOWARD TURNER, Prop. Owens' Cottage Near beach. Shady lawn. sanitary improvements. Vege tables from own garden. Meet "I boatB. Phono Still Pond 75 p 21. MRS. IDA OWENS CREW'S HOTEL Nicely situated; larss shady Uwns .sanitary improvements; homo cooking; Weretables fiom own carden; auto nets all boats. MRS. WM. II. CRKW -- THE FERNCLIFF. rJ'stfup'hrKla,R: C00'- nulet and ng-Iu',hlh elevation ; home cooU- "ttenW,to rAtM- Kor ,n,0r- I, 0. HAMILTON ,THE EMERSON Under New Management HlgA elovatlon : new sanitary lm provtmentfi. Coolest house In Iiet tortoli. Vegetables from own farmers. Ulootrlo lights. A, r,.Air.iiau.-n, x-rop. BELMONT CO Bsii.,i!.ul.lu"y situated. lr'e. airy rooms, f w"'"'n' imnr-AfAtvwt. ti. ..,h ...sish L-noni: Bini i5SMVi."A v-nM !. corfc ooms, I!j (tables.; V AGE sar Reacti ni ! ttracllon. .uapaoiiy ( V J11J.O. ,. , ftA.VUlln AALON,n.j. NEW YORK iKnoubx Where Nature and Neptune Meet ONS MILE FURTHER AT SEA Midway between Atlantic City and Cap May. Clean, coo! and eonvenfent. Delightful ae batting. Fiah plentiful in both surf and rxranda. Boatrnff. A Rewrt far Discriminathig Persons Beautiful cottarea, attxactinr tho beat class of surraner visitoTa, Sea food for thetaktopji tables, poultry and eggs from 1 nearby farms HILAPClf l5N HsX Vtvl WmlkSj 1IA HAHMONTON Mo MMlloa yr lafannailon write Bornh GUrk . or "TJs-er" TraTel Bows. 'kbyport MMKI sA'.StrttV 'FiMMt Ki5Trr IfOHSrUVCt- rrbWJAWKlrl HT.CXZ I PttMAWtvatE .occan crrv exciting contests this Benson, in which several of tho noted chnmplons will participate There is a project afoot to establish an automobile club in the summer col ony this season. Many of the rrsorters have Ono cars nnd arc adept drivers, especially tho women, who usually act an their own chauffeurs. The pro moters feel that tho automobile owners fchould band together for mutual bene fit nnd protection, nnd that tome con certed action should bo taken for the regulation of speed and the mnlntc nanco of good roads. Horscbaclt Parties Pjnnular Thero has been considerable Interest taken in the driving nnd riding spurts. Horseback parties liavo been the rage the last week and promise to ire favor throughout tho summer. A party compored of Mr. and Mrs. h. Hender son, Mr. and Mrs. L. Purdy, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Young, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pack ard, Mr. and Mrs. K. Johnston, the Misses Lena Douglas, Hnttic Potter, Mnbol Lockwool and Louise Thurston, of Philadelphia, went to tho Morris town Oolf Club links on Snturday, whero they wero entertained by Mrs. Ii. Hoffman, a former resident of Phila delphia. Miss Kathcrine nutchinson, of Phil adelphia, is entertaining a tnliall house party at her motner h coKBge.iuir tu Iows. Among her guests nrcXMIxs u. Hooper, MIsh K. Ferguson, II m I,il Ilan Thayer and Miss Helen W .lllacc, of Philadelphia. V Motoring over long-dlstancwnins has brought Hopatcong Into prominence as a rendezvous for well-known drivers. Haturdny Mr. and MrM. Ii. Hnr.tfcr and Mr. una Mrs. William Taylor, ikcnm panled by Mr. and Mrs. Hhcrwot-a, Mr. and Mrs. K. Mnrshall. Mrs. L. Vferson and M. Mitchell, of Philadelphia! rove to Bernardsvllle. One of the early social events VkR n dinner party Tuesday evening nt Vthe Lakeside Camp given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Jamci Lawrence, of Philadclphln 'Jn observance of the birthday of nhir daughter, Miss Lillian Lawrelic. Fourteen covers were laid for a prtrtt of Miss Lawrence's friends among h. cottage nnd camp colony. ' Fishing continues excellent, and Mr. and Mrs. II. Anderson, of Philadolphili, who are staying In Nortliwoods Camn1,' are having excellent luck. Mrs. Ander son is an expert with rod nnd lino nnV thus far hns taken more fish than somrt of the men who style themselves expert at tho nrt. The Canoe nnd Swimming Club, com prising several young business men who rUYS lANClKD TVCXAHOt )AWstOH THE PRINCETON Avalon, New Jersey Near Beach' and Ammements A mndern hotel, conducted on American ntsn. -wlU srvica and table ffl unsurpassed ; running water In rooms. Reaoonabls rates. Under now pj management. S MARY E. LEEDS, Manager u rormeny uiamic uny ana oivnc uaruor K-H5raS5H5H515H5B5H55555a5Z5S5aSH5H5aSaEHgg5Z5g5rl5H5E53E5Z5Z5B5H5Blfl CAPK MAY. N. J, CAfK MAY. N, J. at Cape May We Are on the Job There Are No Dangerous Bars to Cross delays account of tides. The safest plac on tho Jersey coaBt Trains direct to Schelllnger's Landing leave Chestnut street 6:50 30 8unday. The following modern steamers leavo Schelllnger's Landing dally. Osric Capt. Schellinger Steamer Queen City Capt. Buck Ralph J. Capt. jonmon ursino iapi. duck Francis Smith Capt. Johnson Theresa Capt. Williams Vaud J. Capt. Buoy Lena Capt. J. Farro No ta flsh- daiiy, Benstead & Maguire SANITARY BATHS Beach Ave. and Perry Hotel Virginia CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY Open for Season NEAK HEACn S. H. THOMPSON SALE Seashore Property RENT Wm. R. Sheppard Real Estate and Insurance Merchants' National nnk ltulldlng HS!?n.ir.ont Kurn rm"- Prlv. hou.ekcep's-. Pc. ratoa mon.. Bea. llabcock. 11 a v. & boh 1'QINT ri.KABANT 1IRVCH. N. J. THE LEIGHTON T.n!!f,na1, Exclusive Family Hotel Dally Concerta, nnndnn. (lolf, Tennis. ""'""""P ianaKemni nfiir.KT l. rnnucii AHnUUV PAUU. N. J. The Hotel Beverly 6th Ave. at Park North Aahnry Park, N. J. A,Unrusuallx uwfior tabl. .nd tf"'BS: ", .?. K.n. nt,n moderate, lioow let on request, ranalrment. ooiuiJiiirainia HOTEL COLONIAL North Asbury Park Ratra on Ilraneet. V. KAIIN CLIFTON 109 3d Avenue 8d houae from beaoh. Orerlooklne ocean. Capacity 100 m. k. nicisi.nnr m Cornish Arms Cor. 6th and Kinjiley Directly on Beach CKerlooklnit Ocean and Boardwalk. Hot .and cold running wuter. Oolslno unexclld. HKlt. M. OATK8 HOTEL CHARLES 7th Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. FULL OCEAN VIEW MOPKn.vn: hates e. T. YOUNG. ASBURY PARK'S "IDEAL SPOT" HOFFMAN HOUSE KIl'TII AND (IUANI) AVKS. NUAIt OCKAN, KACINU Bt'lJiJKJ' iiAUis. iiiXimivji wiTI'll INr ttOOMH now oi'kN. ouici.i:t on kkquibst. nXCJKl.IwKNT TA1II.K HI. lM"mi Prop. Norwood Hall, Ocean Block 4th wit... Anbury l'i so w jnii.i tin n ai Wlilto aenlcei ll outlil ronmi 1'nrk, N. .1.1 .0 to SO.OO 'aiy. lxcrmioom winie, iionmri. WELLINGTON 6$t$ ,tuZV.k nunnlnv wator In Every Hoom, eieotrlo. Tlk't. C. w. Hart. Ownerehlp Management. i . ASJUmy I'AHK. N. J. 'The HOUSE OF nOSriTALITY" HOTEL FRANKLIN OPKNS JIAY 20 StMOlal Rarly Hates tiend for llooldet . C. BTnOL'D North Asbury I'urk, N.J. BURRINGTON HOTEL Under New Management 817 SKVENTII AVK. AaiJtJItY P,nit. N. J. MRS. JE. SKHXMAN, Prop. Form'v o thy Bmyiro, Ocijn Or.. S.J. BRENTWOOD nl??tih.lir,ltiA.ve.V ""ry Park. N. J. h?nh. lli w'C'T- "rnw overlookln fJS'niiYJ? lblo.':k f.rom ocen- natatorlum f,1-Brilfolpnl ""ractlons: all homo comforti: till riM ,1?m own rooms; ul i ni": !?!ifvfML?n,1uc.0l1 w'"-i home cooklnat: Ji!i,b.'.n.' 'rJ?Ih ,n "ni capacity 00: ratoi rxasonablB. Phone lHBU At. It. It. Aof" EDGEMERE 4lh Ave., Owait niork Aibuxy Park. N. J. Modern Improvements Uosher-Hunirarlan Cuisine Moderate Hate, nooklet HU-HOri" und CIIASAN. Props. Hotel Nework Capacity 1B0 Fourth Avonuo DANCINO. nOOICLKT O. M. (MTTI.K THE FLORIDA OCEAN KND OS OW1?Mrir a im CAPACITY 100. M. II. APPLfolATHL ' UK.I"iPilll,,Mlh A- ovarlookuT -i,Kr?!L:..u"'i x with runnln water: ultes with hath. Harry Duffleld. Own. & pr. WINDSOR TimiD ave, .. 't-TT AU. OUTHIDI1 rtOOMS AjWJMtitiAW PLAN. MODEItATH IIATKB. fcDGEMERE ixu Ave' fr" uioc' .. . , -""1-"1- Asbury Park, N. J. Biod. Improvemtsi Kosher Hungarian cuisine. Mod. rat. nklt. Llpkntt t Chasan. Props" NJUtTjlASL,KV I'AKK, N. J, HOTEL KENTUCKY over Uwratlon Day. FISH & artAVKS. , .,.. nnil-4lo Rth-Av.-on-irr.!. . vnKB 1 f 11IT1 to fc rUiain 13.. i. NEW WINTHROP 8Tfnth nnd Tark ATM., N. Ashurr Modern througliout; Amerlain-Hun- carlan cutalne; dietary laws ob- nerved. ii. fifir.i'viinu M upend the wcek-i-ml utiil lliclr vacutlona here, ImH oiioncil The members nr plnnnlnu for n tirnMin of IhvInIi enter'' v tninments and many nquntlo worts nnd danres and Hnturdiiy nlijlit pavilion din ners nro being nrrani;ed. Amone; llw members who inent the weelt'ind hcra nrc I. Mornc. IC. LIvln.stiiM, M. Kelley, . N. Hiirton. H. FlrtPlier. K. Jones. lit J. Ooddnrd, M. Hnnford. N. UoRcrs nnd( P. Palmer, of I'lillndelphln Philodolphlans Open Home Ilcnrv Palmer, of PMIndelphln. lift", opened Rustle Iod?o nnd will entertain extensively. Mrs. Arthur K. Krynolu. or l-niia-tlclphln. Is at Lnttclrie Coinn. Hhc h a good strlns; of hordes with her, There Is unusunl activity nmonR Uiij ( members of tho tennis club. Homo ol tho members nrc U Todd. K. Wallace, A. Snndcrn, M. Ulnkemore. D. Fowler nnd fi, Stewart, of Philadelphia. V.vrrv member of the Slimmer colony. Wcternn flshcrm.en nnd nmateurs aV, tools notico when early InRt week' Vhnrles Kramer, n Philadelphia broker, who lins n roiincc nere ior iiib ncnHun, rittirncd from a trip in company with nVnrr Ilendorson. brinclnc with him a J plnt lake pickerel weighing moro than I fiv noundi. The cntch breaks all rec orcV thus far this season. HPMMElt nKSOltTS HtTMMEW ItKIORTH H1TMMKR nKSOKTH , HI'MMIIlt KKSOIITH OCKAN (lltOVK. N. J. OCKAN OnVK, N. J. OCKAN (IROVK. N. J. V OCKAN (IKOVK. N. J. JkT GEM OF THE NORTH JERSEY COAST FINE BATHING BEACH, SPACIOUS WELL LIGHTED PUBLIC PAVILIONS, WIDE UNOBSTRUCTED BOARDWA.K, FISHING PIER, SANITARY SWIMMING POOLS. PUKE AKIESIAW WATfcK, AINU SUftmuK nuitL Av.v,uwmui;Aiuna NO MOSQUITOES Wonderful backjrronnd of fertile farma, and auto drives through Monmouth County, making centre of the North Jersey Coast, SO miles from New York. JOHN McCORMACK GALLI-CURCI ANNA CASE PIASTRO AND OTHER CKLEDRATED GRAND OPERA ARTISTS WTXJC ArrEAIt THIS SEASON IN THE AUDITORIUM, AMERICA'S TEMPLE OF MUSIC Capacity 10,000 yiYkuTavksL DEI.OW ARE LISTED THE TOREMOST HOTELS I TFIUTE DIRECT TO TITEM. Cap. I Hotel. Proprietor. Cap. Hotel. Proprietor. tap. I APARTMENTS this resort the natural recreation Hotel. Proprietor, AMERICAN PLAN Aberdeen Mrs. J. S. Cooper 75 Aurora I,. O. Bull 00 Albatross L. II. Jones.... 123 Arllnitton Dr. P. C. Cooper 250 Ardmore-Suramerneld.. E. IC Shaw 200 Deaudry, The . .Mrs. Helen IJeaudry 4S ntllard E. C. Carr 80 Doscobcl M. I.. Dloren 100 Cordova Harry I.. Woolman 7(1 Clear View Mrs. A. Hushes 0 Colonial Miss S. J. Foster 100 Crystal Wave.E. P. Krenkel & Son 00 Clarendon E. C. Patterson 7B Choleca O. F. Kendall 00 Diamond Stato M. Everng-am BO Dardanella S. W. Lord 70 El Dorado F. 8. Smalloy 100 arand Atlantic.... M. J. "Woodrlnff 200 Orovo Hall . a. llunn 7B Guilford Mra. J. D. Schuppen TO Hanne ford.... Josephine Hannolord ii Interlaken Oeorae It. Haines a InsUlp Hotel. J. C. Doron. E. Lloyd 100 La Chevalier J. F. Doremus ISO La Plerro n. M. Watt 250 Ltllagaard William A. Hyka 100 Iv)raln...F. W. L M. K. RnhMnd t0 MaEnolla airs. j. ji. rnmn jr.incheater Harry V. Pullen 12.1 Majestic E. Clrment 200 Maria Villa Mrs. M. A. Dupuy 20 New Philadelphia E. Clement 100 AMERICAN PLAN North End Hotel R. M Watt New Centennial.. .Mrs. C. A. Levis Ocean House.. IC. I. Duncan ZMIey Ocean Side Mrs. F. II. Kunst Ocean View O. C Prldham Ocean Avenuo House N. O. Nevllli Olive House A. I.. Newman Ormond Hotel. .. .Mm. W. P, Dunn Peek-Inn E. E. MacPeelc Park View Hotel Mrs. It. A. Walnwrlzht Queen L. J. Russell Rhelburne V. C. Haynes Surf Ave. Home.. A. P Stackhouso Stratford Hall C. M. Hockey Stokes Hall.. A. L. B. Strussburirer SeacrofL. Butcher & Hulse Sunset Lodge. Mr.iMrs. J. II Sweet St. Elmo Hotel 15. II. Shubert Sterling-. French L Phillips The Honeysuckle. .. .Mrs. A. Smith The National W. II. Jett Whitfield Chas. M. Herman Waldorf.... Mrs. C. Ward Putnam Warrlnzton M. H. HenniK Waverly II. Hank AND FURNISHED ROOMS Keystone Cottage Mrs. L. Van Deventer 40 Lane Villa M. L. ft L A. Lane (10 Main Avenue House .M. II HennlB Marine Mra M. J. Snow 00 Newark Mm R. J. Jones 25 Pleasant View. Mrs. M. IJ. Faraday 20 Princeton Mrs. F. H. Kunst 25 Ocean Inn.... Mrs. Harvey Bucher 30 Roosevnlt....Mlsn L. A. Hoferkamp 40 Sea Crest Mrs .1. Chapman 25 Troy Place E. A. Weeks 40 Mrs. T. F. Moore. 01 Pitman tv... 20 Mrs. II. J. Nickel. 11 Pitman av... 20 T M. Jones. 0 At'antle av 20 Mrs. J. Blewett, 35 Atlantlo av. . . 25 Cafeterias With Furnished Room. Sampler Inn Mrs. M. Newberry A Mrs. A. Errltzoe Osbnrn House. ...Miss A. M. Van Skltn De Witt House Mrs. F. Voeller Associate Members A CITY REFLECTS THE CIVir PRrDE OF ITS U U S 1 N E 8 S MERCHANTS RANKS Ocean Grove National Bank. Asbury Park & Ocean Drove Bank. Ocean Qrors Times, Printers & Publishers NAME ADDRESS C C. Clayton Btelnbach Co l" Frederick W. Ennel. Stephen D. Wooley. feacoast Blec. Co, 70 1 Harry a. Shreve. ::::: IfSINKSS lVpt. Store Pt. Btors Drusirlst LDrusrlst trlctan .Butcher lutcher ildenco eddltur .Fish" ealer . Fish ikealer Fruit. Pvduca ..Fruit. PVluce James Borce Mrs. James Borce.. Chas. F. Knnyon A. D. Harvey A Sons R. C M. Schadt Harry Woolman William Gilbert Paul Strassburg-er, Orocr and Dllctaen Lrster Waller ico ISiWer Frank O. Wilson Ice I!aW N. J. Tavlor Milk Dtalir Jacob Btlles ExO-ibs P. M. Day Ico Crisn Chas. Jenkinson Pavilion Cunt. Thomas Anrlea Plumr Andrew T. Van Cleve Plumles Green Line Auto. Information Bureau.. Slght-Stelni? Auo E N. 'Woolston Heal Eilali IxjuIs Bronson Ileal Estate Kano Bakery Seacn.iBt Uarace Supply Co. Dr. W. A. Robinson.. . . Dr. C. J. Masslnser.. Dr. C. W. Karsner.. Dr. C. w. Day. Baker", . . .Auto .M. D. M. D. M. I). 90 Fait Train and Sandy Hook Boats Dally One Hour and Thirty Minutes From New York TOR ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE ADDRESS OCEAN GROVE HOTEL ASSOCIATION, INC., PUBLICITY BUREAU l,c7Ai? liC h A Ocean ' Mfl!eS ! 6rove ! fBfV "- i ill L ." ' rfBc!zli3 Dlrrctlv on the Heath KlfMitnr Nertlre. t'l.KMENT A Cl.r.MI'.NT I SFs"SSBSSSSSSSMSSSSSiSSSSJSSSSSSSSlllSlSsMsJ sassasBHssBAsflsaH I Sunset Lodge Pitman and Central Avcs. Ocean Grove, N. J. .: American Plan :: Second ll'oclf From Beach Mr. & Mr.. J. 3. SWEET, Propi. The Lillagaard S Abbott Ave., Ocean Grove, N. J. Overlooking Ocean Modern family hotel wui homelike atmosphere. Quality. Cleanliness. Comfort. Booklet Phonr. Ahury 2J50 SI. WILLIAM L. HYKA Ouner-Mnnucrr 'in 'sglFTr' Grove N. J. overlooking m. ism n IHFVlfflBBRNE y.L.nav ovnerc hOTCCOLO 'KUNMING 'WATea in veav ftoOH New Centennial American and European plani near beach and auditorium; modem; exoellsnt cuisine, capacity 100. Booklet. C. A. LEVIS. NATIONAL SO SLVIN AVE. Near Beach and Auditorium. Modern Improvements. Cafeteria. W. II. JETT yOxerlootyng Ocean Most select, centrally located Hotel In Ocoiii aroe. CHAS sr. HERMAN Proprietor und Manager ! ::::::::. The Allenhurst Pitman & Central Aves. Ocean Grove, N. J. FURNISHED ROOSrs Running: Water. Refined Atmosphoro. SPECIAL SEASON RATES R. S. DRAKE Strafford Hall 7 ISIain Ave. 8 Doors From Reach American & European Plan Baa; C. H. HOCKEY Ocean Ave. Hotel j 17 Ocean Avenue i ON REACH All Outside Rooms New Management N. G. NEVILLE SURF AVE. HOUSE One block to Ilraih Modern home cook tne New management. Ilooklet A. P. Stackhouse r ffrrrrfrrr UJULUIN1AL IS Sluln Are., Ocean Oroie. N. J. American mid European Plan. K. rOSTER. Prop. LORAINE No 8 Ocean Pathway. Full ocean view. At tha boardwalk and near all attractions. Out. sldn airy roomsj running water and new iaulpment. Table a feature; thoroughly ren nvRted Undor direct management of pro- peur. lUteon ti,'"1S01;OiTA!ibUr,r 5io4-w. ' " hoiilami Ocean Grove Hotel 3D Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. !i block from ocean; near auditorium and all attroctlonsi all outside rooms. American and European rlan. modorato rates. Tel. 801. A. M. ORIOOS, Prop. ? TOWER HOUSE X 27 Webb Ave., near Beach FUHNISHED ROOMS LIGHT ', HOUSEKEEPING PHIVILEQE. rtM ii.,,,. ri Slain ATeuue. Uccnn Mouse 0(.clin f)ro,p Nt ,1 Near bench and Auditorium. Tennis, cronuet; first-class family hotel! alrv rooms, roles la ixr day; 118 upward weekly. Telephone UOT-R. Ilooklet. K. I. DUNCAN ZEI.I.KY WINDSOR THIRD AVENUD T T. . wm-w, -. UICAN PLAN. I . Laue, near X!an. fidoot l aocoramodatlons for .families and tourists. linnTeniTU TiItes W'Jn Plan only. aptclal rates Juni MOUI.RATB UATS. and September Miss M, T, P.ICHAHDSON, PARK VIEW Ontrnlly locfttil ; nenr Ilench nnd Audi torlutn : modem ; all outsldo rooms over looking ocean and lake. Booklet. Phone 8010.J It. WAINWRIG1TT THE WARRINGTON 22 Lake Ave, C .m Grovp 'In the Midst o Everything' 3 doors from Ileaoh Phone Ilookut II. IIENNIO WALDORF 76 INIt. Herman Way Modern ; nenr bench ond audltor-lum . rooms with or without board, rtn sonablo rates. M. V. l'l'T.NAJI. ARLINGTON HOTEL OCIUN ROE. N. J. Refinement and Comfort All Rooms With Running Water DR. FRANK r. COOPER. Cap. 200. Ownership-Management KATHNELL SO BROADWAY Furnlsliei roon Corner hriuso nenr beach 1 arye Hlr' rooms Hatrs reasonal-. O. I. HATI'll.l.D (Formerly It Atliuitic Ac ) Occnn Grove N'.J. At Rraeb ARDMORE SUMMERFIELD IMione 278 J New Dining ltuum Laiuclt) 'i;:. A. E. Shaw OCEXN OROVH. N. .1. LAUREL HOUSE A Q T)snirliti ii fsvnn Crtvn V 1 C 1U Ul'UU" i; VIVIIII M t w . Ol I Near llciich tml Auditorium I. Light Iurnlnliol Rooms lr lltasoiiiible R.itra Le Chevalier Cor, Crntrul Atc. and Webb Atc. OCE.VN OROVE. N. J. .1. E. DOREStrJH. Prop. r.d DARDANELLE I'omiirlj llniumont 40 Ocean Pathway " Auditorium r.nd lloo.ti . LORD 'lei 02 Oi-mond Bec. ? S:n i Snsilnus porches I riubMructtd viv of orenn i mi ii mums Aincrtraii p an ftivenciii cuisine I. I.. IIINN -------------- 4 Ocean Grove Hotei 39 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. ill block from esn. near auditorium und nil Mtr lions al outsiilo rooms Amcu'su und KuMipcan plan mo'lerate intra. T I Mil, A. M IJHtUU.S Prop Clialionfe Directly 'on oceau front Khlsrs, Owner, and Prop) THE QUEEN 1 Ocean Pathway, on Ocean Front Ocean Grove, N. J. Near Auditorium: centrally located, first cUssi modern equipment; alt outside, airy rooms; ocean Uew. nooklet L. J. RUSSELL "A OOOD PLAGE TO HOARD" LA VASHAft IIOCHE, Ocean (Irorc. N. J. Hhort block from ocean, Low rates L'a3TW , INORIP HOUSE LTiTwTJlhway. Mod. rata mj 'jrirturo. Wis Ml VtAstK OBANi IXOVO ' CORDOVA 2C Webb na. 1 blk to bea h m I mil side rms.. thoroughly renontd iw ul ratos lor June. I'hono V2ftl It N-w management, , It I, WOOLMAN P ip bury Park ST. ELMO Open All Year I . j' 11 In a Hut und '"'! tut. i i'luins Ne Miiii.iuriiisiii it. it. ouriiKitT MAGNOLItA ll 1'1rln Pathway Near twB.ll iUphon oer oiixinit O T TUIlll.K SPRAY ilEW n (hn wh front. llAnk'et. The Wav firs' ss u'. OCEAN OHOVK. N. J, l,. j wiriTU. J40 Ocean- Pathway, nsw yiaeement, ocekn yiiw, GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEF. Slain t iiea'n vi iircnn urnve, N A nuruti. bolel ii cafttorlii, unilr new nm. hlp-mgt , rafeterla seats ROOt nusl, ri ,i cuursy Tel H7H. M. J, WOlHilNI. I HE AMUR HOTEL lfc J Direoily orA Ocean ""I't All HrlooklntA, ClIAItLEU Vi 11 ill "a tl U I m i fii ii 51 m i :m m M j j vi 'i. $ ' K 1 r:bi M 4f ,iL i teL if jiAwrv, uwnir,