UHJaW - j f 'rj si c V ' f. u 8 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUiNE 15, 1921 w y.rA LL-SUMMER PROGRAM FOR ASBURY PARK tttsr. ;:wopm i - -- i $J$Golden Anniversary Will Be Marked by Un veiling of Founder's Monument and Other Events 1 . t. :1 U' s shnrj Park, June 15. Aitrory Park, aire adj well started on lti olden aaMtrcrtarr, a celebration which will Jawtade a Jooc lilt of notable crenta. is Wlr prepared for on exceptionally busy NMon. The more senerat erfnta of the e&bration will be started in the lat wtwk In June, when the statue which Is betas; erected In honor of the founder, 7anes A. Bradley, the pioneer of the Worth Jersey coast and the "discov erer" of this resort, in to b unveiled. Atlantic Square, one of the m&U beau tiful of tha municipal parks, will be tie aite of the statue The occasion of It unveilinK. which baa been set for June 28. will be made festive one, and not only Asbury Park, but all of the seashore resorta of tha Monmouth County shore Hoe will take part In the ten -day program of fwdritlts. In connection with that ertnt, which will be irlven jointly In honor of Founder Bradley, and In cele bration of the fiftieth nnnivernry of tit birth of the North Jersey resorts. Ms? rlrie narade will bo held, In wMch children under the leauvrsuip ui uoojtinga xar Deiow uiose or. xno present. ir.ii v c,..n. lodges, business One great barometer of business Is tho or musically inclined will hall with delight the fact that Simons Mantla an,l din famous BTznnhonr orchestra hate been enrazed to tlve n series of concert afternoons and evenings at the Bench Arcade. To provide for every comfort of the visitors to the Arcade, a tearoom is being Instituted. A huge pipe organ Ih also being Installed, and will provide tiie music for the sacred and secnlnr concerts which nre being ar ranged by a special committee. Croahers Are DMInr rreely Although it Ih early for the gamy croakers are biting freely. Work is expected to utart this month on the new Asbury Park Fishing Club home on the beachfront, n structure delayed In the building because of high prices of ma terial nnd labor In the granting by the Board of Commissioners of permission 'to John Scezer, Jr , for the construction of a tank next to the Fishing Club for the exhibition of a live seacow, ia seen the beginning of an aquarium as an added beachfront attraction. If there is ono note above another that is sounded In business and hotel ciHen, It is that this season Is shaping up for nrosoerity in a wonderful way. I At this time last year tha hotels showed campment today, having their head quarters at the Hotel Ansonla. Begin ning next Wednesday nnd for the three days following, the annual convention of members of tho New Jersey State Hotel Association will be held. The A abury Park Hotel Association has gone on record as indorsing the movement begun by tho civics depart ment of the woman's club of this city for a woman police officer, declaring the addition of a woman on the police force is a necessity owing to the question able character of some of the visitors to the beachfront and their conduct there, On June 18 the American Society for Testing Materials, with 000 delegates, will make tbelr second visit to this re sort. They will make their headquar ters at the Monterey Hotel. The af fair Is unusual In that it is one of busi ness sessions only, and none of the members will be attended by his fam ily. The conference will continue until June 125. The Pennsylvania Bar As sociation. 400 Rtrong, will tnko posses sion of the hotel on June 1!" and re main until Juno ftO. This will be the first visit of the Pennsylvania legal fraternity, Asbury Park winning over Atlantic City, Bedford Springs nnd sev eral other alluring places. Manager Sherman uennis, or tne aiontcrey note), i ! x 1 i' t r' i H erganliatlons and others will take part. Tha nnvelling ceremony Is scheduled ftr2:30 o'clock. Edmund Wilson, for mer Attorney General, will b the prin cipal apeaker, and a number of other abort addresses will also be sWen. A. toWen anniversary dinner, at which BecraUry Hoover and Charles M. Schwab, of the Bethlehem Steel Co., are -expected to be the principal speak er, will be held in the evening. The climax of the day's entertalnmenta win t a gigantic and colorful ball. Mrs. Vera Lyon, who has already staged a ftrr attractive ballet as part of the dty'a anniversary program during the aportmen'a show held here early in the prin;, ha been placed in charge or that feature of the program by Carnival Director Arthur F. Cottrell. Miss Viola Archer, who has just closed a wccewful tour, has been engaged to jr-ander vocal selections. Rushing Improvement Work The major Improvements whlcb are being carried out by the city will all be empleted in time for the celebration. Tho new bathing group at Seventh ave ne, directly opposite the New Mon fkrey Hotel, la being pushed, and the ftne new swimming tank and artistic gronp of bathhouses will add another beautiful structure to the rapidly de sjaloplng ocean front. Progressive work f the city government Ih also suon fe tfce many Improvements in tne resort. Permanent paving of Occun avenue, the beautifying ot Sunset Hall and sev .iral other notable works have nil been 'Lcomplished during the spring season IThe city has also been Instrumental & the completion of the flno coif course Vnlch the city has constructed as a war tyiro msraorial. This is known as tho Asbury Park Golf and Country Club, And is located about two miles from the dty. The course Is in splendid condi tion and tho scene ot much activity. J itfle Klnmonth ia the president of tho clnbt Joseph M,. Turner, vice preil dmf, Harry B. White, secretary; Harry A. Wataon, treasurer. Details of the summer's program show that tnreepstakes are scheduled for virtually very Saturday. Several cups have also bten donated, the donors Including Dr. Tfcomas H. Pratt, J. Lyle Klnmonth, W. J. Couse, tho Asbury Trust Co. and ethers. Joe I'Anson is the golf profes sional, and it Is duo to his enthusiastic co-operation that the club can boast of sweh a sporty course. I Visitors to tho resort this year who ? convention listing. If the public is Inclined to travel It will be mani fested in tho eagerness of big gatherings to decide on meetings by the sea. Todav closed the two-day session of the I nited Commercial Travelers, New Jersey and Delaware districts, with headquarters nt tho Metropolitan Hotel. Tho United Spanish War Veterans of tho State aUo closed a two-day en- HUMMER RESOBTB ASnURYPARK. N. J. f Hotel Albion BeacluFront Hotel Modern Throughout Hot and cold running water all rooms Suites with private bath. Elevator Orchetlra Dancing EIghteen-hoI golf course, priv ilege of ruests. Capacity 300 E. D. TOW"3ENI Ow7r and Proprietor is given credit for bringing the organ ization to Asbury Park. Denby to Address American Legion Secretary Denby has accepted nn in vitation to attend tho third annual convention of the American Legion of the services of non-members o the club, as well as club members. Happy, chubby babydom is not bWng neglected in this long list of entertain ments provided for visitors. They are to have an inning during the last went in August, wnen tne annual baby pas the Department of rsew Jersey, to beiM,,n vm i,. ,..,, n-k n... .tw. !? 'A ,WAu1 E!? ?1; Joylnr cup has already been donated by"J ""." -"IC ""' "uiu.i v. ", "Major" ueorge Hosenste , of Wana- "is" s-y marine corps gave .Congressman 1. mMta. T1)e , mnsternlccc of J?. Frnnk Antilehr ileltnite assurance, mm he would visit this place on September 35, and deliver the keynote, address to the legionaries on tho opening day ot tho convention. One of tho leading attractions will be a big parade and re view of the men who served the Nation In the several branches of the military and naval forces during the war. A number of posts havo expressed their intention to enter floats in tho parade. Bummer visitor to this city and vicinity wlH hail with delight the for mation of the Ross-Fcnton Farm Club-: the club plan has been mado pos sible by turning the upper floor ot the building Into clubrooms, the rathskeller nnd the farm bungalow to be used for prlvnto dinner parties. Both have been Completely rcuecurmcu jur lui'ir ;-' spective uses. ( The lower floor will be given over for silver and ebony. Mr. Ilosenstcil has been appointed a grand judgo of the event by Director Cottrell. Some changes In tho nature ot the parade are almost certain. For In stance, Queen Titanla and her court scmmkk nn.sor.TS of honor will this year bo chosen from the debutante and sub-debutante class, ranging in fagt from fifteen to twenty years. In (connection with this selec tion, severjal motion -picture concerns have becomi interested, and all the older aDDlIcants will bo elvcn careful scrutiny by their representatives, with nn Idea futuro screen material winj Inruwt tnfri linn find "leads. (decision will bo vested In a wcii-cnown stars, .now 1 isni-RY rAnit. y. J. ABni'nv rAitit. y. j. THE FREDERICK 300 6th Ave, North Asbury Modern Thronxhoati Amrlrn iuid . , IIuotBrian Cttltlm Dinar? I.w OtwerTtd RACIILIK & SCHSENEN ASni'RV TARK. N. J. "fc MOJOKRN nOTEI, BY TO SEA" WDTTAOfM sbury Park. N. J. rKN'B JUNE 10TII .itit&intnr n rf. nit. T1.TC AND HRRVICR OF IUIir.T (STANDARD Runnlar wir In room. Car 400 cit vnia noiei en-. unit. yy onfi. iiwnfr s .Mrr. TA Director Cottrcl 's office for tho regis tlon of all entrants will bo opened on Julie k in the Information Bureau, on tbo Boardwalk. bttmuer nEORTfl Ani;nv PARK. X. J. w NORWOOD HALL Ocean Block 4th Ave. $4.50 to $6.00 Daily $20 to $35 Weekly Exceptional Tabic. Whito Service. All Outside Rooms. Booklet. t 4. iKKB RKSOnTH A4CV PARK. V. j. -A' 3Tl5ii)' 6th AfVe., OrerUildnj; Ocean Alf rooms with ruVlne yiiUr. Suite with uth. "HARRY DUtVlELD Onmer and TroAlHor StTMMKK nrXORTB sunrKn rksortb AHHCRV fARK. f. J. AsncnY park, y. j. 5 1 it Ml JmCitfi tr In n -flritsW. teinbacf) Companp The Largest Resort Store in the World nKE DEijvrarEs to m., tarts of the coast A Resort That h Different a Place of No Regres x-w-x:--x:-x-:-x:' Hotel Beverly 6th Ave. at Park North Asbury Park, N. J. The Seashore Hotel With the Picturesque Country Setting. Two Blocks From Bathing Beach, Swimming Pools and Boardwalk. Everg Room Light and Airg. HUNQARIAN-AMEMOAN CUISINE Unusually Superior Table and Service. Congenial Atmosphere. Rates Moderate. Booklet on Request MANAGEMENT E. Burack N. H. Sternberg xxxxX'xxx-x The West End AMERICAN & EUROPEAN PLAN All rooms with hot and cold run ning: water. Suites with baths 300 ft. veranda overlooking ocean) elevator; Colonial ball roomi orchestra. Booklet. H. TEN BROECK DUANE Continental Hotel g.jg;;:jp-Uitceff 224 CookmtB Art. Asbarr Park, N. J. Block to Ocean American and European Plan Restaurant Attached Free Tail 8rlc from Station. Aberdeen 3d Ave. Ocean Block Am., French & Italian cuisine; restaurant attached. Phone 1881. A. BUONGIORNO THE GIRARD 307 6th Are., Asbnry Park, N. J. AH IK ml Mil Modern throoihout. Block to Ocn. Runnlne Water. Sttem Heat. ngh-Clata FamUiHottl Open All Year. BEAUTY SPOT OF THE NORTH JERSEY COAST, 90 MILES FROM PHILADELPHIA A higldy developed seashore resort where wooded hills, fresh-water lakesiand fertile plains run down to tlve sea. In a section of the state having no peer fr its natural beauty. Maintaining a national reputa tion for ABSOLUTE FREE0OM FROM MOSQUITOES Symphony Orchestra, Concert Organ and New Musical Feature, at the Arcade. 1o milei of ocean Boardwalk. Theatre. Grills. Caalnos, Tea Rooms. Cabaret. Fine Ptores. Interesting Sliops; Seven Bathlnr Deaches; Niitatorlum with Pool and Salt Water Tubs Open All Tear. New Open Air Boardwalk. Sun Parlors. Roller Chairs nnd Every Other Diversion to Mako Yojur Visit One ot Delightful Enjoyment GOLF TENNIS TISHINO CRABBING SAILING CANOEING CROSS-COUNTRY RIDING NEW COUNTRY CLUB AND MUNICIPAL GOLF 1LINKS NOW OPEN TO ABBURY PARK VISITORS Choice of hotels from the richly luxurious to mollest little homey places, at rates Ito eult the puroe of all. SPECIAL WEEKLY AND SEASON RATES ON APPLICATION. CHARGES GIVEN BEJLOW ARE MINIMUM DAILY RATES Hotel Proprietor Rate Cap. Mcr. $7.00 up GOO ... T.00 Nfw MimttrfT Rhennon Dersjli llotft Columbia V. llnrvtr Joiife Ornn Hotfl Kwtll it Crawford T.00 Coltmnn Hooe A. M. Hrton ....Applr Thi- KrUtoI W. V. HII jnrd A Son 7.00 lintel Ilruniwlck Morran & l'anona 7.00 Hot Knil Hotel I,. T. Duano 8.00 Albion Hntrl R. D. Toirnwnd 6.00 Jlunmoutlt liotpl mn. Appltrnte KMat .... fl.oo no ZM ousn ii, 891 394 SSI S33 300 281 t70 Marlboroujh IT. hextnn . 8.00 213 Itotel Proprietor Vmt Tenner Choi. Btrnal uoiei unroin It. II. Churchill 7.00 riaia-br-the ee Jo. Keleer , 3.KP Hotel Thrdford It. DoiTleid. li.UO n.nti RHK) 8.00 ft, Itate Cat, 35.00 SSi 2 VI aA ISA 1.13 1S3 The fillenllr E. K. Hunt Hotel Franklin C. Htrond . Knlckerboeker Airan Truax Hotel Onrdner Mra. II. Gardner .. 2. TCP 138 Tne Albermnrl Wm. II. JIcElror 0.00 10.1 Lrnahamt A. C. N. A. Smith ...... B.00 13S Ardslrgr Hotel II. U & A. MoOotm 5.00 ud 13.1 Keswlrk M. IV. Smith 4.00 128 Tne noriaa M. R. Apfilerate 4.00 114 Hotel Proprietor Itate Cap. Hotel N'eir York O. M. Gnttle 3.1.00 Montaak Hotel H. F. Milter 4.0JI 114 114 114 114 jUNeaiaa Hall J. Orden Hnnlon 4.CI) nt. janiM n. ii. aialone 3.EJ' ISereath Atenae Inn J. C. IVIHIanuon 4.(1) 111 ltie Colonial .Txoli V. Kahn A HA lBlndaor Frederick II. Iledr . 4'.io IIHel Glrard t. I. Sillier .. S.I0 rimonth Chna. Gllleeple . . fl.(K) Annealer Todd A nnll 4. tin Continental Hotel A drill 2.Tr zzu cookman Atb 4.11 p 114 100 03 05 00 00 For epaee In thin block addreaa Sererance AdTerttalnc Airenty, Phone 422, Trout Hotel St. Cljiire- Proprietor Ilate C. A. J. It, ratteraon ... .. ...S.OO M Stlrllnr 50. ft. ffrtl 4.00 M llie Victoria n It. A. A M. W. Button 4,00 on Atlantic Eta Hrodrr B.00 m nniciaine u. i. uuturr ....4.00 op 00 ri Conconrae "lintel Harrr O. Delaflelit 4.00 tnritrr iiniei a urill M. I. Hank. Clifton M. K. Hersler ... Urand Are. Hotel and Cnfctciio J.JB. Fonlor . ronhntan K. Zimmerman Hotel Hamilton K. C. rtock Klheron Hotel Mr. T.. J. Tllton 4.00 The Belmont A. S. HaatMo. . 4.00 llrentn-ood Hotel It. II, Hon 3.80 loot lottnce In A. 'Foot .. . 4.00 2.EP 4.00 2.TSP fl.00 5.00 i iock anareaa Bereranee AOTernainc .Airentr. I'lione 422. Trnat Comnanr nnlldlnr Aht.r i.ir WRITE THE ABOVE HOTELS DIllECT l01i FCKTHEn INFOBMATIoi Asbury Tark f SCMMKK KK.SOKTS AHnCRY PAKK. y. J. l U.A.l v; r mi 307 k Sunset Ave. r TeL. Aabury 478 Anbury Park, N. J. Refined Jewish patronage. Hungarian cuisine. Modern improvements. Booklet and rntes on request. y,tv. faltecWJ uxr-2nrstt,Tr''a-'' WmmliinSmMmM H B JlBrSHru!LJIi-. MFniP'tnKat" HOTEL GARDNER S31 Sewnll Ave, cor. Heck St. Now Ooen . F.nronean Plan. Jtonnlna hot and co'il water lleatonable iraMa. H OAnDKUn. Owner St Manager TAFT HOTEL 404 7th Are., Asbury Pk.,N.J. Superior Hungarian Cuisine ltunnlnr hot and rold water, rate. Matte. Reseonable SHAFER & HERN ! The Albemarle ! 205 Third Avenue One Block From Ocean I Rooms with hot nnd cold water, j Special rates for May and Juno. Wm. H. Madlroy, Prop. ;. jL I tfniEjmiiV'U'1"111 i (' . i Montauk Hotel nnd Cottages Select Patronage of Young People. 20th Season H. F. MILLER HOTEL HERCEY formerlr Atrutford Howie 406 ath AVK.. AS11URY PARK Two blocka trom Ocean, opposite Sun t Lakn! Canoelnc: Kicallent Culalne Moderate Bates MHS. A. HEIlCKY I'hnne. Aiborr 3r.PS eet nurnrrmtrmnnntnitnmDinnninnrjinmmiiinnininmitiiiiu I PASSAIC I 7th and Webb Running ftot and cold water all rooms; excellent Kosher g cuisine; new management. 5 M. WELKOWITZ j Formerly Sharon Springs, N.Y. ifuinnniiiiiinninimnflirriumiiininiinininiiHtiiiiiiiininiiiin; t Winter Resort HOTEL ARDMORE Lakewood, N. J. ffiotzl Huttcfj S. SCHOEN, Prov. 317 Sixth Avenue Asbury Park, N. J. Phone: Aiborr Park 1120 P ia . MONTEREY "UZZSF' I ttOTELi North Atbanr Park Directly on the Ocean I -ewJERr OPENS JUNE 18 I Vlonterey Grill Room American Plan. Capaolty 000. I , . Dally Concerts and Danclnr. I The largest, most not ana cold sea water J, IHI,UE ueuuuiw. ana appro- in ttooma H pride Grill R o o m BnnRSLN dennis. Mir. I - for motorists on the , Jersey coast. ? M.mbTrV N T. SToell Eh.nw p. I " I ajsss veJHHHBJp' 1 3s i I)otcl fentcfeerbocfeer 208 7th Are., Aibury Park, N. J. A. THUAX. Owner Prep. Open May 26th to Oct. 1st Overlooking Ocean nunnlns Hot and Cold Water. All outside roms. Telephone 1470, HOTEL "U EASTONIA 220 4th Ave., Block to Beach Excellent Cuisine Garden Vegetables White Service Apply for Rates ft The New QCEAN HOTEL StATPW $M PKK WKKE TJP. AJI. PLAN lunnlns; water and phone Iri eveiy room ileratari concrete conetruclioni cap 400 Asbury Park's Newest Ioillnc Hotel KWUX A CIlAlVrOKU ytione 9SS0 Ownership Management rv ! THE STIRLING 205 Sunset Ave. Asbury Park, N. J. Mock to neach. ltunnlnr bot and cold water, rrivste twtbs. C. R. WEST K T L ft im , '' HOTEL MONMOUTH Amr(can and European ' Tl!ntW nn Onrtnn TVnrif , 'Hedern in avery respect. ltunnlnr bot 'aiMI'Mto pater. Private baths. Tennis saw, f. Capacity- too. WUsWPLEGATE Eatato THE LLOYD I Corner Sunsefi Ave. ? and Webb Are. "For thosa Beckln : a moUerato rats." L. EVANS, The VICTORIA Open From May to October Location commands toll vlotr ot the ocean. A few steps from the Uoarrt wallc. AH outstdo rooms. Conveni ent to all points of Interest. R. A. & M. W. SUTTON IlooUlet Jtates on ltequest Hotel Powhatan 208 3d Ave. liiNiHiii- Frank C. Zimmerman C . t e r I n especially te younger set. Runnlne hot & cold water all roomi, a'l outside roonm Ci r I at Ian House. BRuffevSSI NOTED FOR ITS H10H STANDARD OF ZXCEU.ENCE. ROOMS ENpUTTE, VTTH PHI VATE BATHS. RUNNING WATRI IN KUtniv Kuum. wpiiMioa. cuisine, prompt ANn ntrirur szioiaruKKiDaEDARopmjHHcrrELKSvcanyts MORGAN & PARSONS llosg Jenton Jf arm, . Situated on Deal Lake ASBURYiPARK, NEW JERSEY MABEL FJclNTON ROSS, Hostess The Luxurious Rendezvous of the Discriminating Ifright Center of the Happy Social Season CUISINE AMD SERVICE UNSURPASSED A LA CARTE SERVICE SPECIAL SHORE DINNERS CABARET DANCING Music by famous Vincent Lopez Band Easily reached by automobiles on the finest macadam roadi Joseph P. Bickerton, President Frank Schindl, Vice President and Manager ' - i . bgfu,ttitta!feai& METROPOLlTANi " JEX-S.OLCVi.v. i VJMIIllWiJJIILWJILUJIlUijS MARLBOROUGH HOTEL Asbury Park, N. J. SEASHORE AND COUNTBT COMBINBD Open the Entire Year American Plan ROOMS AND BATH Runnlns Hot and Cold Water in Every Room Hotel ef Serrice, Comfort, Qnality, Coorteir and P.nonal Sspcrriiioi Guests extended privileges of new 18-hole golf course HAIIOLD W. SEXTON, Manager raifwwBirWflwwwwflrWii lrS7'VSMa tSUSim mSWfmS 12.M- ii. MziiEXi. z ft- t'-gaigjiK iyr.m.iouJLa:! .. . tfo.i.x??fz9aaaxuUsVttjtt (fiXiiiA,U iai summit 11 ifn 'i iw. NOW Oi'EN Naer, modern concrete construction, r.oxnrlona suites, private baths runnlne wntei In all rooms. Elevator. OliCHESTItA. OAl'ACITY 800. DANOINO. Ilnnhlet and rates nn request. H. a. nHEVEB, Proprietor. o. U. liKEHS. JU.. Manager. KESWICK 3d Av. 1st House from beach Suites with privato bath; rooms with running water; many rooms, overlooking ocean. Ac commodates 120. Booklet. M. W. 'iv SEVENTH AVENUE INN 1H.OCK TO THE OCEAN ITOUE TAJ1LK. ACCOMMObATKS 113 J. C. lVIUTJASISON CHATELAINE Asburu Park, N. J. 216 Third Avenue Block to Beach Cap. 150 Rottt $10.00 per uttk , linsle nooiaxT G. B. GUTZLER, Prop. m 11 1 1 Thonei Asbury 1883 Hotel Alameda BAMUl'X ABJLM, I'rop. ' Fbonei Market 883 673 HIGH STREET Msirnrv; K. J. 207 7TH AVENUE AlnrrrarK. W. t. PLAZA HOTEL and GRILL ON OCEAN FRONT OFFICIALLY APPOINTED BLUE HOOK IIOTEL Headquarters for Auto Tourists Shore Dinners a Specialty Only European Hotel on Ocean Front. Running Water in Every Room Superior orcheBtrn, danclnp. All nea food caught fresh oally from our own boats, JAS. KELSEY, Proprietor THE FENIMORE, second avenue elevator I T 1 160 All D . sm. sfism Outside rnvate aiRjJ.Jilil Rooms Batha A $$7,.. , nMninwaiiitr A" Roc, white swemmmsmmBm m::ri Service HSHHIffll Wzl&5$& &Ms?-fV Mmic-Bill Room Sfral Wetklr Dtscu STRAAT &. MAAS, ProprMori Capacity ukmskkWtmSn StrTCTPwq 250 jlPEjpSSifj Booklet rasillSSBHSlflHRi 1 ' 'N 1 asBssiiiMeSBHKri5i!BTiiTn I In . t. ieasvvl I I lr ii ii i i lirsalliT SPECIAL EARLY RATES new TENNEY ASntniY PARK, N. J. Always open; modern; brlcht, comfortable, home like. 100 rooms, tslnKle or en suite, with or without bath ; running hot and cold water In all rooms j unsur passed location; commodious shaded porches. Book let American plan. i J?hon 1785 Asbury. bT SrStaBlM nMlnrfWilllfijJI mmm Martin View 209 Lake Avenue Asbury Pork, N. J. American and European Plan GRILLE May to October Near Bench nnd Cnslno MRS. M. O. MARTIN vWAWw,mw,mwMw, Announcing tho Opening of a New Hotel 0 HOTEL LINCOLN ASBURY PARK 0N T"URSDAY, JUNE 23d A MODERN STRUCTURE 6F CONCRETE, STUCCO AND TlW Kourm Avehuo and Kin2?t.J"'nV.,".'!y-Co'' has Just been finished at the wrnsr runnms hot and cold water aiit eieoiVi, rooms en snlte with Drliiii f.Si S"1' American Plan, Rates htoek .11(1 ftlantrl ilniit. . 'ftul hftndaomlv fumtahti trm CtHuvi .v.- from the boardwalk, capacity -w looinj miMijr i " $7X0 Per Day Up r "TpiEPHOpE sCWif EUQUS(N, PPPrletor jH'!R CHURCHILL, Manager 1 fcUWitffcUj ANWWS' J .! y-t,) ; fJfJiUL,'-! z:z ft p" ' r7'itfjsj BiiSBsaBassu 'jitu .,.. , . i