i Wh wv f ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 7 tf0W4$ :ro ROADS OPEN J' -mt I -m jr M "XT w W-. x - ATI WTO CAVE 1V1A titidUKi i President HfdMg Expected to Visit Famous m New J&seik Bathing Beach 7Social Ilk Actiiities Begin Early This. Year WiiMar.N. J,; A!dil(y I" th'9 rT y " Juno 15.4-Summor krt. hns bean opened expectations. "A Srfttat a newlllfe has $ " Si the'openlnri o! more V," Si improvement of thoBC In c spirit lot life nev social whirl this kotcU nn "-, , (pnrt of wiiiru itr '---r -- ,- JOUS" ' ' 'ite re sort' i 1 r...here lierc . i ..haaI1 ft wbicn di , . f mnkoi Cape 'r-J3lI.lo!th.Att..tl. V The ttngo colony Is lnrgcrthnn w t -Jfnr venrs. ns many now lt,hM tt IS" winter, and the Tl,l,J? of tho e. togcthrr with those Tidy he mlcB n blc Ba!n ,n H' "Si . hVmotofist Cape May will be JtS CXCPHCnil.v invni of State roads wpntv miles Into the !.'. till TPHTr SwtaVa nile system "rt,f?X never In finer condition. SffsB. as a part of its road sys-?J?- ls paved, at n coit of about "MOO roads In this f-ectlon, and Jilwro feeders to tho tcsort. The W.a paved road alotiR its ocean font its famous boulevard, which llrtf along the edge of the ocean, with ' ;K hptwecn the ocean and the ffly but tSlow boardwalk, which H, constructed that pedestrians or .Mr on tlio boulevard have a free ri view while splnnin along the Nt win, fir tnllos of occanfront ' .lAlevard and twenty miles of road In - it country and -the connect ng arteries .t.ter renorts, Capo May is mo meai mmer home. Country and Ocean Meet n.iforn will note another advantage orer all Other New Jersey resorts, cx .lil .,. north of Lone Branch, as Spe May has a combination of conn- W ind seashore. Its location being ' k. maininml. nnd not on a sanded bch, surrounded by salt creeks and eedte islands, it, has excellent foliage Wlf shade trees of Immense size which how on the fast black land within but a fey hundred feet of the ocean. Every avenue is lined on both sides with fine foliage, nnd a stiff breeze foralng from the ocean helps to make it tbmfortable in warm seasons far beyond inscription. 'Coupled with this is the finest bath tir beach in the world, so much so that 'Jronvillc, In France, is called the Cape y of that sister land. The bathing l,tte Is not rcgulatejl by the time nor Between 11 tide, an nt some resorts. nnd 1 o'clock is the fashionable hour for bnthlng here. No life lines nor "life saving devices nro needed while enjoy ing the bath. Tlie tide makes not the slightest of difference for the lover of cea bathing. The municipal' authorities provide n force of beach life guards, but they are n part of the police force nnd arc really there for other protection be sides looking after the bathers. Golf Club In Fino Shape The Cape May Golf Club, founded ttvrntv-flvn vrnru arrn hv aiirh men nn i the late John C. Bullitt, and now under the care of Itlchard Campion ns presi dent, is In excellent shnpe. The bead lot Its greens committee. Dr. Chnrles V. Davis, of Philadelphia, has been here nil spring looking after its condition, end the course is in fine trim. The junkers, putting greens, hazards nnd rtthcr maneuvering points are the best it", has had In yenrs. The women's association will give its uhunl weekly tournaments this season nnd the Jinks were in readiness for the fi st tournament of summer, which was n ayed this afternoon. Its fine old club Muho housed Henry Clay when he vis itwi Capo May in August, 1847. Ilril Ha nt social events took place there nt thft time of his visit, in company with Colonel John Swift, then Mayor of Philadelphia ; Senator James A. liny arc!, of Delaware, and'that fam6us old Bcclt's Bsmd of Philadelphia. Yntht Club to Reopen After being closed three seasons the Corinthian Yacht Club on the edge of the Cape l)Iay Harbor, with an expanse of five hundred acres, is again to be the stopping placo of yachtsmen. The World War caused It to be closed, ns the club was tllo executive headquarters for the Naval Ucserve Station here. Com modore R( 'Walter Star, and Dr. Richard Nctrrls and other leaders In the club arc Arranging for many social events In thp way of dinners, dances and races. Vflfco Commodore J. Wallace Hallowcll who has taken a cottage for the season, is house chairman, and is aranglng to have the clubhouse ready fori next Saturday. The yacht Tech. Jr., of Col. T. Coleman ilu Pont. ot Wilmington, win DC uerc mosc or me season, ai the Colonel passes a InrgeJ portion on ins vnciuiun uerc. The Cape May Yacht Club, at thy head of tlje harbor, at old Schcllengcw Landing, is also in operation, nnd its members nirc meeting there over week ends. It M'as open duriug the war per iod, nnd thcro members ofth Corin thian nnd Cape May clubs ftatcrnnllzed as much as the war activities would permit. The municipal authorities Ihavc again provided free music for the (summer in he Convention Hall on Ihc hach front. lhc full bnnd season will be from July J to Labor Day. but smaller orchestras will furnish music for the dances there on Saturday next, and after J'abor Da the bands membership will lie reduced, butjthcro will te music until labout Oh' iuuer x. j,iio music npnropriaton was Increased for this cxtentled seaon. Oustavus Dlcnk will lead thelorchctra. Hotel Capo May Imnrrivrd The Hotel Cape May, which linA been closed since 1010, and which llurrng the war period was United Statds Wcneral Hospital No 11, will be rcoiieiied this Kcasnn. it win bo unUcr tho manage munt of the Knott Bros., nrninihii-nt lin tel men In New York and Florida nnd ono rf whose firm is IJavlcl u. """! shcrlf of New York City. . Tho, hotel has been repaired, removed nnu u Pr!Kc1-. . . :, I. !,. a. nc notei coot si.uuu.uuu, ami ""; ficst nnd largent on the coast soutn oi i.ti.. f,t- t ...m .nnin i.n ihn neaui (IUIHII. VIT. II .VIII UHU"' " "- ,. T 'iudrters of such oreonlzations as ine I'eniisyivnnln Bar Association, tne Mnryhind Bar Association, tho I'cnn ylvanla Bankers Association, ona other gatherings which met thcro before the war. After being closed for nine years Congress Hall will be reopened June 25, under the management of John y. Scott, of Philadelphia nnd Pittsburgh. The hotel was remodeled, refurnished and modernized nt n cost of about $.100,000 in 1020, and really bad Its formal public opening last September, when Mayor Moore, cx-Oovcrnor Stokes, of New Jerney, nnd other not ables took part In the public function, when about tended. five thousand persons at Housed Four Presidents The famous old hotel hns been the home of four Presidents and other dis tinguished Americans. Franklin Pierce fiHMMr.it. nrcsortT3 wn.MMF.rt nKsonTsy hum m Kit nF.snriTH CAI'B MAY. N. J. came In 1830, the Inst summer of his Lterin, and in 1&"0 President .lames Buchanan was a patron tnerc: in inn and 1875 President Grant lived there. All his Cabinet were here, anil ninny Cabinet meetings were conducted in the Hummer period. When President Benja min Harrison lived in tliu Hummer While House nt Cnpe May Point, Con gress Hall was tho executive office, nnd there Klljnb Halford. hl private fecrc tary, presided. In the season of 1891, many foreign diplomats wro housed. fc, tho old hostelry. Willi this prcstlga tu work upon, and Ittt xplondld location fu the high bluff of land overlooking thu sen, It Is n most comfortable aiimmcr home. BAI'K MAY. N. J. rAl'F, MAY. N. J. FOURTH JULY SPECIAL $Q TTCS ADORDAT. SUNDAY ' MONDAY JQ 7CS Hotel .itlto ter df'mF hTJ.MMKTt ItESOltTB CAPE MAY. N. J. J1UMJTEB REPORTS CAPE MAY. N. J. LMyUXflPIQM3!r?.-flHMHjHF ' PjVa ,A' lrWi cAGt Jersey W J trtn y BEST tOCATED, POPULAR PRICED HOTEL IN CAPE MAY On the Ocean Front and Boardwalk nusutllr attractive. . Capacity 500. Special early season rates 13.50 up fdiilr, $20 up weekly (American plan with tneali), extending to July 15th. Orchestra a feature. Dance Hall one of tho finest and largest in Cape I May. Rooms tingle and en suite, with private baths. Running water In rooms. Elevator to street level. Finest auto roads in South Jersey. . FRBR rtATHINO. HORSKBACK RIDING. Write for booklet and Anto Road Hap. GOLF. PIBRS. TUBATHBS. MOV1KS. ETC. A. RUnWADEU Fornwrlr f AUmUCltr. tat llilloi Beach Ave. & Ocean St. .A 3. ? ' J2 8fflaEaaK-ft4k IW-rTrl Thoroughly reno vated, electric Ilshts, elevator, private baths nnd rooms with running water: centrally located and near gli amusements. DlrJctly on tho beach. Cool, spa clous porches and dining rooms. Open Juno 18 Rates and Infor mation on Request Charles S. Church Ownership Management H..MMKR HBMOItTO Hin.MF.R RKm.RTH Tl'TV CAPE MAY. N. .1. CArttMAY,, N. A. CAP W MANjJ. L k i4rMvy& rt rat ))i n m mwi , ft MffiMM mMA m ffllffi llflklBL x . ill ivxvt rj tvjr irvrxi i , i i i ifci-'itJ i iv .. i x i ! .aa ! ' wei i nusiBua TS ITBT TTI Vll-nil ITT1TT1 itit! imrm fmi nn HOTEL COLUMBIA CAPE MAY, N. J. Service Our Motto Newly furnished throughout Roomo with hath nnd en suite. Large porchcB : elevator. Tho hotel gcta ltb produce and milk supply from Its own farm. Booklet. J. W. MECRAY & BRO. sMIIMIBiKillllinM ELWARD Decatur St., ono door from beach. Ocenn view rooms, running water, private baths; tablo supplied from own farm and dairy. Rates reasonable. OiTTierthlp Mnnmemcnt. Open Jane IS EDWARD NITTINGER, Prop. You are invited to visit this u'p-to-date- Sanitary laundry plant any day between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m. and see how your linen is laun dered. Harry E. Balm rnorniETOit Troy Laundry 295 Congress St. ' OFFICE 405 Washington St. noTii phones Directly on BOARDWALK and OCEAN nKACH. Hotel Cape May Cape May, N. J. UI'ISN JUSG SOTII Amen'ran Plan DENOVATED, refitted and virtually refurnished throughout. dern fireproof con&tructlon. 3G0 rooms. 150 baths. Every comfort njid con ilence; home 'me atmosuhere ; running water In each room : superb broaid beacrfv 'TENN1S BATHINQ DOATING SAILING FISH'fNG DANCJNQ Bathing Tavlllon and fully cqulpppd garage on premises. 'Finished concrete State road. Automobile Itoad Map of New Jersey will be sent free upon request. i C B. KNOTT, Lcssee-Managcr iiooidne onico: nso moadway, n. y. ib nEAririiAVEN. n. .i. REACH H AW:N M VJBt. iV t iiK.rn havkx. k. j. "TniJ PEKR OF SEASIDE ANI) IIAYBIDK RHfiOHTS" Beach Haven In located on Lone LlenC) lalarid, with tho Atlantic Ocean on ona aide and famoua lturnegat Hay on tho other. An Ideal rendezvous for thoie teeklnir reatt recre ation and pleaaure by the eea, Nafeat Surf Ilatliinc, Finest Snrf nnd nny FlehlnJ. Hallhir, Iloatlni. Crubtilnc. An unequulrd summer piny-in-ounil for children. The American Medical Congress pronounced Beach Haven one or the three districts In the United Statea Immune to hay fever. F1NF. AUTOMOnilR ROADS A new bridge across Little Kru Harbor Bay connects Beach Haven wlrh the mainland, making It very ac cessible for motorists. It will be to your advantage to Investigate Ueach Haven before deciding upon your summer home this season. Furnished cottages now renting. Numerous hotels nnd boarding houses. Reached via Pennsylvania Railroad. Address Borough Clerk for Illustrated booklet THE ENGLESIDE Opens .Tune 18 Cnpaclty 300 R. F. KNOLK. Msx. THE ST. RITA Now Open Oapurlty 60 1-. a. ukahk THE BALDWIN Now Open Ciuificlty 400 OCKAN FIWNT THE BREAKERS Canarlt;' 75 ADSTIN 4 AUSTIN .1. W. UKKRV, rending Real F.stnte Sinn KM.IH 1'ARKF.Il. YarhtlnB and Fishing Parties mnVT x riiANMEIl. Contrnrtnr A Hull. I... Jmtmmmmm ) . Mecrays, Central Market The Largest in Cape May Grocers and Butchers Choice Butteri, Country Produce and Fruit Prompt Deliveries Cor. Washington and Telephones: Bell 217 Ocean Streets Keystone 17 CAPE MAY COAL & ICE COMPANY 512 WASHINGTON STREET ICE TELEPHONES Keystone 183P Bell 29 COAL STOCKTON SURF .BATHS CAPE MAY, N. 3.. Strictly Sanitary The Season's Latest Models J. C. LITTLE Manager WINDSOR THE CITY OF GLADNESS . -..j EVERY ONE is happy in Cool Cape May. It is one resort which offers unlimited opportunity for clean and whole some amusement. Here, the visitor is not merely one of the "summer folk," but a member of a great, rollicking family enjoying the pleasures that abound. Excellent Golf in the Invigorating Sea Air There are sports aplenty both on the water and ashore Tennis, Motoring, Bathing from protected Beaches, Fishing, Boating and Sailing from the new magnificent Har bor. Comfort and convenience is assured by numerous hotels and boarding houses with all modern facilities, at prices to meet every requirement. For information write BOARD OF TRADE Cape May, N. J. ifil mmBisk NWi m (p "CrsSfeVfc & i - 2? --"gC.garta. gl Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. All rooms have sea view. Running water in all rooms. Private Baths Sun Parlor Elevator Booklet R. HALPIN V SBSS CONGRESS HALL, Cape May, N. J. Opens June 25 for the Season Unsurpassed as to Comfort, Convenience, Service and Atmosphere JOHN V. SCOTT, MANAGER ISLAND IIF.K11IT.S. y. .1. IHr.ANI IIKIftHTS. N. J. island in:i(iiiTs. y. j. ISLAND HEIGHTS. N. .1. ISLAND HEIGHTS - N WHERE THE BAT RIVER MEE' J. fWlERETHEBAYRIVERMEET lsJ i it i Frank Entriken & Sons CENTRAL GARAGE 20-22-24 Decatur Street Cape May, N. J. TELEPHONES DELI. 12 A . KEYSTONE 303 CAPACITY 100 CAHS ACCESSORIES The Engleside Beach Haven N. J. Ue':li IIhcii luia tho best comliiiintlnii ot Hmnliore features 'Matclii.u i . " AHhiiUo Condi. , , . ,, tTllr i.'vr,Vn.Lfor Biilllnn, alwuya iroo.l IlBhliiKf perfect lieach nnd batliln;;. ana tnii. .9I','Snl': Ima nil modern cuivertleifces, private. ltlis with salt ie us wpl at) U JioW'l Hure relirr trom uny rnibor 2l)Hi. atiltl tor hooHlet. f.,er II . " er ,,,,1 horn. "e, 0.en Juno H, ,o Hrptfl A I'KUFEC (1KAVKI TENNIr) OOUltTB rilR'ENGUESlDE COMPANiJf, Inc. Qjcrs l?Ul' HNUl.pf Trcau. and Mgr. S Bcb. Havv'ai N. J. ft, F. K. SHIMADA Art Goods and Novelties Souvenirs of Cape May PEACH AVE. AND PKKRY KT. THE MARCY CAPE MAY, N. J. Thr furnlnlied rooms. ua of lth. three manthii, J200i ilnnle room, 10 to 118. UiNVJUNTION HALL DRUG SHOP MILLER BROTHERS Soda Fountain Candy : Cigars nVKKAV OV INIOHMATION. rilEIJ SEKVICE Phonei Kvyntonn 23 A CotUiro Trurte Hnllrllrd J. E. TAYLOR & SON Real Estate and Insurance Summer Cottages a Specialty 212 Ocean Street HOTEL DEVON Open All Year. Steam Heat. Centrally Located Near 'Beach. Terms Moderate SMITH'S STUDIO Car. Orr mii mill IStnch Ate. W, It. SMITH, Prop. Actnt for Euntmiin Hmlnk Nuppllm Commercial Work. Photoiraphy!nlBrgln, Copying. t CAI.U or write for Jnfotmntlon regard. Ins le or rent of alttimei.. ilrVtWALilivriTnu iiTHVWT Opq MfyNeyr' J.ereey , Li iir -i ftmr i't New Stockton Villa ON THE BEACH Open Juno lit Unusual Rntea for Juno B. S. HAVI8 THE LITTLE SHOP A. II. VAN nEHVriORT & CO. YARNS, GILTS AND n ART NEEDLEWORK ' ,7"?h,n.fln Street. Care Mny. N. J. Convention Pier, Cape May, N, j. MODERN HIGH-CLASS COTTAGES FOR SALE Ezelusle Iipatlone On and Near . n ."each Tront A Few PrlMito Cntlaitei. for Rent W. J. FENDERSON 820 .Waehlni ton St., Cape Slay, y, J, COTTAGES FOR RENT FENDERSON & CO. G18 Washington Street VILLA FRANCAISE Meiaamea TOUSPET ft MENAHD an. nounee the openlnv of a eummer Penalon ft Cap May, altuated one'mlnute'a walk roro the tathlna lieach. Ine ocean Ylew. The beet Frtncli Culelne. "Rie Penalon of. fera unuiuat fppartunlty for Vrench couver. Twniii I'Rrevnriipuinra wrue; - . A Family Resort With Pleasures Aplenty Not far from Philadelphia and long noted for its healthful air laden with the odors of the pines. Its fortunate location where Toms River meets Barnegat Bay lays it open to cooling breeze from whatever point the wind blows. The people that live here and come here to "summer" are people of refinement and cordiality. Its "atmosphere" is restful ?ind refreshing without the artificial gaudiness and glare of other places. Here you have all public conveniences gas, electric lights, sewers, pure, cold artesian water, etc. Excellent harbor for yachting with public docks open to every one without restriction. The Island Heights Yacht Club is the finest in Barnegat Bay. Rowing and fishing in Toms River for the young folks; deep water fishing in Barnegat Bay for their elders. Delightful woodland rambles and fascinating drives. Music by the band of the John Wanamaker Commercial Institute, which has its usual military encampment here 'from July to September. Fresh vegetables, butter and eggs from nearby farms every morning. Bungalows, cottages and hotels which cater particularly to families of refinement. If you're looking for a place that will "brace you up" physically and mentally, come here, but make your reservations now. The Stanwood Co. (IKNEItAt, 8TOHK . nAKVKY H. STANWOOD CiKOIUii: S. McKAIO Miinazrra Ktntitlhrd IM7, Suernmora to Ptnnnood Broe. Islund Heights, N. J. Hell Trl. 16 Bay View Hotel Overlooking River and Bay All modern improvements. Cheer ful, home-like, excellent table Bathing, boating:, fishing;. Mrs. A. H. Eckhardt CHAS. F. MAISCH Milk of a better grade ISLAND HEIGHTS, N. J. J. Edward Johnson Plumber, Tinsmith, Steam and Hot-Water Heating Repair Work a Specialty For Particulars and Booklets addicss Public Ledger Travel & Resc : Bureau Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. MRS. L. HALLOCK Real Estate and Insurance Bungalows and Cottages For Sale and Rent Choice Lots F. A. LEMING Real Estate Service Bungalows and Cottages Choice Building Lots ISLAND HEIGLrS, olni io the HRmhi7,'l:,J VOUi VACATION QfEbTION VKT' Hav ' ,u fen fo EVi,.i u nrlH?" '"'" after eummer. ner h.)lly eatiefl-'l yet unuiliin. A KFU VrTinvre.."i.J,i?y.?tft . ,1ec,,u "5 '" Vila milliner and enjoy of the A,eJVIK'N""W"kUH ,he ,ltn t nB "It all7 mixea with the fragrance OAK COTTAGE Oak Air. and Ilrnrh A Refined Cottage Moderate Rates Home Cooking MRS. F. S. WALL Onnrrehlp .ilamiEement River View House Airy Rooms All .Modern Improvements II. L. HENDRICKS, Prop. MRS. C. PETO Open all year. Equipped with all improvements for winter nnd summer. Also two cottages on grounds for house parties. A se clusive inn for refined people. by tMV M "K Of the bay are broken tS-Tl l non1 ""nJ JwUhla 2.1. t pr MAPU3 INN, . Helahle N. J. HOIME-MADE BREAD, CAKES, PIES FRESH EVERY DAY MreU-end Ordera Hullcltfd Mrs. A. E. Vanderchcn "THE PINES" ISLAND HEIGHTS, N. J. Mrs. I. OPEN ALL THE YRAtt Schmitt Or .'Ml 'ii rtt (i vu If'. )l, 3: 1 a'iiv,Aw umi.vnfu yV