' T'. .! i V Ml ,fl t , i V " I r'i' soar-' , i. "' t IV B IV i vC ;ean ciiy now ftesorvations for Accommoda tions Will Soon Fill All Hotels 'LIFEGUARDS ARE ON DUTY i Boosters Begin Booming ular Seaside Rc- sort Pop- - Ocean City. N. .).. .Tunc 1 - -Witli the ctnilns of tlic eliool In TMillnilpl phln Ooenn Clty'o "mminpr foncon I prnctlcnlly "on." Thin romtilnntlon ' ninii like clockwork, n i to be e i fleeted. brnti!t Ocean City l noted in the Brent family report of South .Tor iy. nml Philadelphia, tiolnc the City of Homfc, nnturnlly keep to form nml comes to Oeenn City, that summer me tropolis of cottage owner. With each jear Ocean City' name as the colony jet (tome of Philadelphia' bet known, olid cltlrenry growg. nnd the people here enjoy thl pretice. i Sometime there nre occnslo'-nl growN 'at Ocenn City, which Is it sort of family trait, but ltR nil Foon pns.cl. nml th booster Is u heavier booster thnu ever Ibefore. One of the things that ha been an noying even the most pood-natured In the last week Is the seeming overpower ing desire of the electric lights to go out for a moment or two without warn ing. The City CommiMoners derided -th! week to get in touch with the Stnte futility Board to nscertnin whether that J cannot be fixed up in short order. At the sugget!on of Mnvor Joseph O. Champion the other City Commis sioners this week decided that it would be nn excellent plan to appoint n man to net as superintendent of the Uoard walk, and that wa done. Llfegiinnls to Go on Duty Some of the city's lifeguards. In their new uniforms, will go on duty for the season within the next day or two under command of their efficient leader. Captain "Jnck" .Ternee. who has been In the game rears, both as a i United States coast guard and as n i member of the force of guards on dutv on the beach in Atlantic City. He ijwes at the head of the men here last J season nnd brought them nil up to a 'high state of efficiency. Many of the jtnen were given a test a few days ago Iby n representative of the Red Cross S Society of New York and they came out nV.i flying colors. T Those visitors who have been clamor illnR for band concerts in the city's music 1 pavilion for several yenrs will have no icntisc to complain this season, because he concerts are to be given by Ilach .Ujan's Million Dollar Band of about twenty-five pieces, beginning Saturday. Jane 25. The members of this organi sation are all former service men and Jhe band is Bald to be excellent. With Director Bachman's proposition to 'take the city's $4000 nnd himself nnd ills band accepting chances on rnlslng sufficient money for their needs bv charging admission to the pavilion during their concerts It looks as though Mayor Champion's original ihought of a few years back of making too city music son-sustaining may nt. last be realized. I Mayor Champion's contention has ipeu that when the music plan hns Jrached the stage where it can progress Without financial aid from tue tnunlct WMMKB HKSORTH HTONK IIAHHOR, N. .1. LIBERTY GARAGE Under New Management Rcichard the Garage Man JOHN T. RE IC HARD, Prop. STONE IIARIIOK. N. .1. WMWMMWtfMMJffSMMV m m Crill and Cafe Music HAS BAND 11 Shelter Haven Hotel LARRY C. SEMON, Prop. Shore Dinners and Seafood a Specialty AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN m SPECIAL RATE JULY 4TH, Open All Year Round HEA ISLE CITY. S. .1 jmcia? j t II ( ?;' I M I M it Sn vk ? f-il n itMifi 7hc SfyffimsrlRcsortiau rkodavat CN?UST T tion, may the season. bouse accommodations. Excellent pallty the money that has been ex pended jearly for that feature can be used to subsidize some other feature needed by the resort to attract and hold the visitor. Possibly this might apply to baseball or some similar sport. Arrangements have been made to give the member, of nnd viators to the First Methodist Episcopal Church here this summer an unsually attractive musical trent. Beginning the first Sunday in July nnd continuing until the last Sun day In August, a double quartet of Philadelphia soloists will be heard in this pretty edifice. The members of the double qnnrtet will be: Sopianos, Itutb I.. Olbb nnd Blanche Kluth: con traltos. Mabclle Addison nnd Leila M Steele: tenor, Hoynl P. Mnel.ellau nnd C. W. Graham: bnsos William O. Miller and I' rank M. Conly. Ileal Jy Acthe Real estate operators repot t con tinued activity in the sale of Improved property, and they nIo say that more unimproved property has been trans ferred in the Inst three months than In the preceding eighteen months. The Lincoln Hotel will be crowded in July und August, nnd nt the Mir mandie Hotel there me now only n few rooms with baths to be hud for August. The big hotel situation here from the present outlook is most en couraging for one of the greatest sea sons the resort bus ever enjoved. 1 cr sons from many sections of the country heretofore untouched by Ocean City will be here this senon. 11. C. In nek, Jr . of the Lincoln, is brim: congrntu lat.d on his success In his tlr't year as lessee nnd mnmiger. I'or the Nor mnndie. .1. Howiml S'oi urn is making drills bookings tit his oilice in I'titmuei- phla. Mr. Slocuin expects to pass next week in Bull mini e to nriniiKC tor booking innnv of the business people of that section nt the Sormnmlle for the sum mer season. Several holt! owners and managers j In this cit have completed plans for attending the annual convention of the New Jersey State Hotel Association at Anbury Park June 15. 10 nud 17. Among these arc Mrs. Johnson Honey, ot the Strand: Mrs. Elizabeth Illun din. of ttie Biscaync: George Mann, president of the local association, and Sirs. Mann, of the (Jencview; Mr. nml Mrs. Warren I'r.v. of the Trajmore; Mrs. Michcned nml daughter, Mrs Keoler. of the IllinoIs-on-the-Strnnd : H. C. Shnnts. of the Bellcwic; Mrs. M. Stewnrt, of the lloleigh ; Mrs. Wil liam I.j neb. of the Berkeley; Mrs. A. P. Milner. of the Wyoming, nnd Luke Jackon. of the St. George. Mrs. Iliordan. of Coatesvllle. Pa., is nt her hotel, the Arlington, n recent purchnsc. She was welcomed to the meeting of the Hotel Proprietors' As sociation of Ocean City a few evenings ago. Flshins is said to be imnrovin here. and some good catches of weakflsh, king- tisii nnu cronker.s were made in the week. A wenkfish weighing two pounds ten ounces was pulled in at the pier of the Ocean City Fishing Club at Four teenth street. Judge and Mrs. Joseph F. Lainorelle, or l'iiiladelnhln, passed n pait of ihls week in Ocean Cltv. cupula nt tlm Judge a brother. Paul Lamorclie. nnd family, cottagers here many years. Captain Wlllinm G. Bandle, of Wil mingtou. former treasurer of the New lork Shipbuilding Co., is nt his cottngc here. His son. Wlllinm (. Handle. Jr., and wife; of Chester, will pass a month with him. The Ocean Cihr automobile bridge carried HO.L'-ll! automobiles in llttO-lM. The total traffic over the bridge wn liL',.KM. an increase of 35,001' over the preceuing jear. Tlicro Is continued In quiry as to when the bridge and road- i wav are to be free from toll. Herbert W. Wilkes nf tlm nimmn ! Law School, has been elected business manager of the DicUnsonian. the col lege weekly. Mr. Wilkes will this year again be one of the clerical staff nt the Normnndie Hotel in this city. The Twentieth Century Club, of Germnntown. has headquarters nt GOD HI'MMKIt KKIortTO hTDXK MAUIinit. N. J. ORR'S Garage Stone Harbor, N. J. Auto Accetioriet Free Air Repair Work Expert Mechanics Moderate Charges STO.SK IIAIlllDll. N. J. and Dancing Roof Garden SATURDAY TO MONDAY, $8.00 Stone Harbor, N. J. NBA ISLE CITY. N. .1. Isle Crf y, e: o. a g V the place for a real good vaca. where thorough enjoyment always he depended upon. Perfect weather, cool hreezes, healthful surround'ic;e. Sea and inland fishing, boating, htinc and numerous pas times. Fine YacJit Club. Three miles of ocean front from Iloardwalk. SAFEST BATHING BKACH ON THE JERSEY COAST Come down now and rent u cottMge for Splendid hotel and boErding train service from rliiliiitoBiU oa doiij ine renru. nu iteauing juuroiiii. For infortnatlon write CITY CLERK - aiYHH,SeMCltyfN.J' t-r- i- - ! . 1 . 1 -t iM EVENING PUBLIC Fourteenth street, this city, for tho summer. The oificcrs of the club are: President. Marcus Steels; vice presi dent, William Comte.v: secretary. Bob prt Perry; treasurer, Bay Wood. There nre twenty-live members In the organization. Members of the two chnpters of the PI Sigma Sororit.v were entertulned by the Mls-cs Jean and Bettv Btundln nt their summer home, the tllscnyne, this week. The guests were the Misses Mildred Wagner. Mnrgnret McCain bridge, Mnc Beau, Peggie Ilt.tolifTc. Betty Beinlek. Marlon K. Wilson. Leon Hnke. Mne McGrnth, Mary J. O'Hara. Clnrn Graham, Grace A. Preston. Hose anna A. O'Hara nnd Margaret O'Hara. "Jnc!" Schneider nnd wife were chap el ones. MUs r.lbabeth England, of Philadel phia, entertained Miss Helen Bray, Miss M, Eastlal.e. Miss Burtlett mid Miss Mav McMnhnn. With them were Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. P. Williams, of New York. V. P. Fryer nnd famlh. of Philadel phia, iiave opened their cottage. S. Townsend Z.nok nnd fnmlly, of Nnrbcrth. are at their cottage for the season. J. Horace Miller nnd family, of Philadilphln. are nt their cottage. Frank Wolfe, theatrical booking agent in Philadelphia for the Ntxon houses, and leasee of the Hippodrome Pier nt this resort, wns here a few das ngo. prepnrlns for the opening of the theiitic on Thursduv. June 23, with Frank 11. Pintt. a Philadelphia man nger In charge. . . B. G. Royal, of the Victor Talking Machine Co.. Camden, has opened his bay villa. Frank Loux. of Philadelphia, is at his cottnge. E. B. Oarrigucs nnd Mrs. Gnrrlgues. of Philadelphia, have opened their bav villa. Mrs. Oarrigues is well known In Matinee Musical Club circles. George E. Weiss, of Germnntown, H nmong the cottagers, as Is Wlllinm II. Coupe, of Germnntown. both having thiir families here. .... William II. Ilenver. of Philadelphia, active in mcht club affairs, is nt his ccttage. Among the guets of the Breakers are Mrs. A. K. McKce. C. B. Klster and wife. F. II. Bnrtlmialcr nnd frienda. Mrs. M. D. Wilson. J. Wnlter East burn. Mrs. Titlow nnd Mrs. F. Grant, of Philadelphia, and II. Stuart nnd friends, of Detroit. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Roberts, of Cam den : Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Lelbfried. William Henderson nnd family. Miss II. I). Maslnnd nnd John Mather, of Philadelphia, nre guests of the Oceanic. Guests nt the Lincoln include Mrs. J. K. Fulton. Jr . Mrs. John Helfert. J. D Delsel. W. G. Ketterer nnd family. Mr. ind Mrs. F. B. Pldgeon. J. II. Wilfong ind family, of Philadelphia: II. O. Sehnnp nnd famll. of Relmar: Mls Alma Altemus. of Olnev : II. Hnr ris. of Chicago and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse Orraondroyd. of Wiikinsburg. Pa. The Chnndler-White nail is enter taining Mis. E. Shelmerdlne. Airs. William Bomme nnd Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Philadelphia. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. A. McAllister, Ml Helen McAllister nnd Mr. and Mrs. John Major nre Pliilodelphians at the Scarborough. Mrs. Boy L. Keane. of Wilmington, and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. S. Marlon, of Philadelphia, are guests of the Dar lington. Frnncis B. Matthews Is among the Phiindelphinns nt the Oxford. SHIMKII UKsOnTS hk iii.i: citv. y. j. .-s-gJggSgC fPrraiHiiifi BELLEVUE HOTEL AND CAFE The brightest upot In Sea Isle City. excellent food and frood serlcA. MR3. F. CnONECICUn. Prop. American and European Plan WAYNE M. STRCTriERS. Prop. Rates oh Application OCEAN riTY. N. J. 1 7 i m mJHttmur SiisliirTif 10 i rHlrvni3 Beautifully situated but 100 foot from tho Bench. Continuous sea bieezes sweep the spacious porches. Rooms are large, airy and attractively furnished. Bath Houses for Guests Splendid cuisine and superb service throughout. Dancing Saturday Evenings Rotes, $20 Up Weekly Ownership Direction F. V. YATES. Proprietor Hotels and POSTOFFICE BLDG. EIGHTH ST. OCEAN CITY -iiOi jsaw ?'.''r 'j mf-'''y " I ----- vr 1' - ' L. Leslie Headley Co. Builders 515 EIGHTH ST. OCEAN CITY OCEAN Clip's LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE PROTECTED BEACH AT Expert Devotees of Izaak Wal ton Begin Season Early With Big Catches STARTING YACHT RACING Beach II:icn, N. J., .Tune IS. Bench Haven nnd the resortR -which dot the length of Long Bench are entering what promises to be a highly prosperous sum mer season. Summer hotels nre open ing, cottngers nrp arriving from Phila delphia and other cities, nnd plnns nre being made for every sort of outdoor sport and pnstitnp of the const. Beach Haven, Surf Citv. Brant Bench. Bar ncgnt. Hnrvcy Cednrs nnd the other summer cities of this Islnnd ofTer new attractions each yenr nnd are rendy to extend n hearty welcome to the summer sojourner. Bathing nt Beach nnven Is one of the pleasures which reach close to perfec tion for those seeking pastime nnd health during the heated term. A won derful beach, protected from storms by outlying bnrs, is safe for women nnd children and amply supervised by life guards. Already the temperature of the ocean water Invites the surf devotee to dally dips, und beforo the end of the present month the ocean bathing will bo nt Its best. Wonderful fishing. In both the bays and from tue surf edge, acts ns u special lure to the sportsman nnd sportswomnn devoted to hook nnd line. Weak nnd king fish and other varieties teem in the inside waters. Crnbs are plentiful in the same waters nnd the surf fishermen make wonderful hauls of big fish which visit tills section of coaRt waters. Excellent motor lilghwnyH leading to the great cities nud to other resorts up nnd down the coast are nmong the nt ttnctlonB of Bench Haven and Long Beach. A thirty-mile modern highway stretches the full length of the Islnnd, from Beach Haven to historic Barucgnt Light, nnd a fine motor bridge connects directly with the main and the chief sr.M.Mi:u KUHOKTS OCEN CITV. y. J. The Oceanic Junn NOW Or-EN Special low rntta for A. K. 1IAKKH. Atfflen Uth & Central, Hun's water In all "! rooms Table unnurpamid. TRAYMORF l," Wesley. Ocean view Irllnwilrl Openn June lBth. 710 Moorljn '""""" Terrace. .T IC. MOIMUBON. Scarborough 720 Ocean A nAr nch. D II .MeAI.T.TRTKIl WYflMlNfl 72, Ocean Ae Near beach, vv mmuiU;, sn ,nn, p. MH.N'nn The Alvyn . pi. tlun. water, A. YAPOnit June rates. Fleetwood otn Wealey. Ocean view rooms. M. T.. havib. HpnriPrcnn ""1 ABbury Av. Iloarrt'ir flay. "CIlUCTBUn wk. or meal. Mrs. Henderson IDLEWILD 710 Moorlyn Terrace ( entrally located; near Deach. Kuropenn plan. J. K. MORRISON F. LEROY HOWE NEWS SERVICE ADVERTISING Massey & Edwards Building Ocean City, N. J. Malllnc list for direct atliertlslnz DESK IC jmamwmiti(immiffl3jmimxit&i An Ocean City Map and General Information Sent on Request FRANK E. DARBY Real Estate and Insurance I Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim I Bourse Dldg., 761 Asbury Ave. 1 Ocean City, N. J. OCKAN CITY. N. J. 6th STREET T BOARDWALK BEACH HAVEN 8 i i - I Newlylnovated-NcwManageniGitl V,' ;',' nWHii'i't:',,-",1, J. M. Chester & Co. Cottages. Hotels. Bungalows. Apartments for Sale INSURANCE r 1 it 11 AUTOMOniLK TOHNADO COMI'IINSATION UUHULAHY tt T I'1M'II '.ML IU.I HlKV i'n.f !,,,',? V ' f,' M Real Estate I WOST RELIABLE arteries of travel along the Now Jersey coast. Tennis nnd other snorta nre encour aged by members of the summer colony who mate up membership in the Kngie side Tennis Club, tho Llttlo Egg Har bor Yacht Club and other centers of sport nnd social Interest. Frenucnt ten nis tourneys on the courts and weekly racing and cruising events from the yacht clubs are among the standard summer attractions for visitors. Dans already are under way for construction of a golf course, which la to be made the center of golfing events for visitors. Beach Haven hotels hare made n high rcputntion for their nppolntmcnts nnd service. The Englcslde, the Bnld win, the .St. Illtn, the Breakers and other fine hotels offer the best in accom modation nt moderate rates, and nre ronforn at nnlnl optlctfv frm .tunn until October. All nre cln.op to the fine I boardwalk, which Is an Important Beach I iiiivi'u uiiriiciiuii, nnu arc sougni ns n summer and fall haven by those who appreciate the advantages of this resort, with Its position five miles at eon, far beyond the reach of hot mainland breeze. .Special summer railway service from Philadelphia, New York and other cit ies 1b instituted for the summer and fall seasons, and Is at the service of thoie who come for week-end visits or for summer vocntlons. Special sched tiles of trnins serve tho business nnd professional men who bring their fam ilies to Beach Haven and other resorts of Long Beach for the summer. Parlor car service Is included in the daily schedules of the railways, both from New York nnd Philadelphia. SUMMER RE30RTM OCKAN CITV. y. J. OCEAN CITY, N. J. Its tabic, its location, its service, its patronage recom mends it to discriminating people. Running hot nnd cold water in every room. E. BLUNDIN, Prop. The Mayberry OCEAN CITY 8TH AND WESLEY AVE. 1603-1021 under aim manarement noome with both h with runnlnr water. AMERICAN PCAN ONI.Y Open Juno 25th fiAILAII K. MAYIirJlBY The BREAKERS OCEAN CITY, N. J. Only Boardwalk Hotel K. A. YOUNG, Manager Prompt Information THE ILLINOIS ON-THK-8TKAND. OC15AN CITY, N. J. P. W. M1CIIKNKII. Onner and l'roprlrtor OCEAN CITY, N. J. Real Estate and Insurance Clayton Haines Brick, Realtor 411 Eighth St., Ocenn City, N. J. OFFICK CLOSED ON SUNDAYS OUIl SLOGAN "Tlila ofllee maintain nud don trlctly m Irokrrate buln and l In na wr later. eatta in peraonai aptcoianon.-- Clayton Drlck Roberta Elmer Jackson Ifrarl Htmben Ocean City Real watt noard Bra hrirM ft i y-.-v c Mww1w&n&m. XWyM Gflie Jfyncolro mlHBm I I Blw OCEANTY.N.j. " WUBt. - lite TOrIraffcs,. MiwmfSilm I flrais, Superior Cuisine and White Service yKjJmfM thSSPw Finelv Furnished and EQuiPPed ffml ftwBTI lllPi! 4 Gri!l Rooma la Carte Service yp WyfMj J MMW7llll W Orcliestra Dancing Cards MMmlMii n wfwj. w i-wrap . ai fjirjL.'i iil. i rin i .m i i i n i f aijt imi mh P"" Ocean City 400 "SJ v jfjnerican 9lan )f Sioovus -with rniiSPjMM I IgSSiMag1-'""1'--"M lit'iiiKj-" .....-.rii.. i-i. II I i-nri-rii1 '5 V?? ' J i r.n.r...lmV..-. i.-.i'in. ! -L ""Tf JaJJtu)m-mi'-'-'l..a QQQQ0Bq3SL KBBstiliii 15, 1921 W W. V'" " - mrTZXWV-fT SIfv s&ei Xtgr sjy J 'j&2GMir ' FOCEAN CITY 'l 7 HEW JERSEY rpTJT7 tdt a nt? r. tfnnv will find nice people, good hotel accommodations and a whole world of unusual, healthful, never-to-be-forgotten summer pleasures. BATHING, FISHING, BOATING, GOLF, MOTORING BOWLING, DANCING, CONCERTS, THEATRES The finest bathing beach along the coast, f i!ec from dangerouls .' Bi4 :- JV .AVii mmmK &&tMBL!m '" !ZSBS THE LEADING HOTELS OF i Booklets, rates and detailed information will bo furnished upon application to any of the following: CAPACITY NORMANDIE r,00 .1. Hownrrt 81ocum nitiniiTON 3oo it. n. shoy nCEANId 00 A. E. Uakar ILLINOIS on h stranil I IIKNUV itAi.Kinn LOHRAINR U.O A. J. Mlchenir I BO O. II. Henry 12fi Martha Stewrt bO W. XV. Ualley iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiii 1 M i UtiiAJN crrr hfd Mnd Wesley Ave. at 9th St. OCEAN CITY, N. J. Telephone 374 W MRS. JOHNSON RONEY ST. RITA , 1357 Asbury Ave, Near TralnaNear Btach Dtit pf 8rv1ea -Writ for Rates ailUMKR nr.ORTfj nniTAN CITV. N. J. SMT- EVEN THE WAVES FORGET TO BE SAD vnnnfinn a veritable seashore paradise, where you currents or undertow, riammj nu uuaui.8 i i. ji lure thousands of sportsmen. Three .miles of well-kept i j...m ,nnfina jtviIIo rnnlnoa. rnn robma and mterestincr f shops. Three 18-hole golf courses within ) derful roads for motoring. 1 Excellent train service via Pennsylvania V, and electric lines, or the Philadelphia For booklet map, or other information, write HARRY A. MORRIS, OCEAN IMPERIAL 70 U V. w'lllUmi IDLEWILD 60 J. K. Morrison ST. OEOIH1K BO I,. Jacltion LINCOLN !12S ,t. C. I'uncli. Jr. nKLLKVlTK ESS rj. H. Bhnnt MAHKRHY 17S S. K. Mayberry STRAND 1B0 Mrs. Johnson Rony rA IllPITV The OCKAN CITY. NKW JKI18EY OPENS June 30th, 1921, una will be operated on flrst-elnFH lino, with hlKh-Rrnde sorvleo nnd culslno. Large, cool tllnlnK looms, tile Moor nnd mnrble finlahert. Exchange one of the most striking and nttrnctle on the Atlantic Coast. Unusually large bedrooms with bath; splendidly appointed Twin elevator ballroom, etc. Capacity 600. Oceni City's Lending1 Hotel In Apimlntmentk nnd Serrlre Fine Location. Hates Moderate. American Plan. J. IIOWAItll 8LOCUM. LMnre-Mnnuoirr I'qrmorlj Mananer "The Greenbrier" White Sulphur Sprlnns, West Virginia N.J. THE IMPERIAL I JmCWSH H9CM Wa flUMMF.n nKSOHTH Ot'tJAN CITV. N. J. AT iff-rr r Et-ses; (Tr I ji rv, BSUMf "S easy access. Won- R. R., both steam and Reading Rwy. City Clerk CITY, N. J. !?SjwJ?? OCEAN CITY CAPACITY ATOLEN LA MONTE LURAV WYOMING IIANir INN 8T. RITA 1B0 Pursell & Kotnmnn 1C5 Jonsph L. Peacock 7B Vtin Horn & Zelelir 7S M. A. Milner BO L. A. Ilnntfan 40 K. M. Ilodgera Normandie Corner 10th and Central Avenue OCEAN CITY, N. J. One Minute's Walk From Boardwalk Best Location in Ocean CUtl Excellent Table , Reasonable Kates Under Mariaaement C. B. WULIAMSj luai jsatat Idtajrufe? na as, w, uoutK, U1 a.l v Wn T