r :yv nv rB3,sr?w,KW( W?' !'' ,rJ' - . (v. t -Mr-vs - ' r- j fit ' ' ' J n" EVENING PUBLIC LEDQER-PHILADELPHIA, vVialENJaSUAl , JUNE 15. 1921 lUcflVlflES UNDER WA F i t y i jr rr r a y"i yr f ALUJM b-imL& B&An rr" t, i7i7 J?oon On, With New Attractions at I WMWOOU, rr iwivvvu, w vov i x , i. w ! WildwooaLiengtny isoarawaiK l h . .1.. Juno 15. The trio :fmZ-rio r h Wlldwood. WlldwooH illtf Crcst-on Flve-Mllc nt n Mr cniion, and nn i of the f"t nvnllab.e forecast.. H. ?,i -J. Rome of the indication r u tlook tlnucd Some i activity in rentals of Z d and cottages for the entire pertmt an (orth MlODi Dn. I..II. I. ImnnwM' land, and Sin realty wiles, both In Improved W.JLJa Innd. and advanced KILVs at hotels and boarding house. W . n nti.1 merchants report , Jbnslacw, with an optimistic expec 1 .. an Increase over last year, n i.tlon of an mcren. c rnonH for - -... Nnni in liju n.MoMMi' fErwird movement Is the creator ,bt ffifon of the pleasure, recreation ,rfttment VriWHtles of this 1,, of Contentment,' which has ,M a marvelous growth within the t score of years, wo w-.n llliriu j " T" f renrs. ThO UfCBl, ior htropn Ti'ii Sat $1500; today it bears nn as. mum bv v rnnnfio. kw"".1; i'r.no.000. The bul Wing boom which the three JSu have enjoyed the last year is Stcd to the newspaper advertising don" by the Board of Trade and indl THuilsl the distribution of thousands S booklets the country over, the in Aton' appreciation of the natural cbtrmj of tho resorts and the freedom fan taxation for a period of five years fe those who build. It might bo well to add the municipalities" have shown m. faith In themselves Dy mnKing n numuit V ef M improvemems worm riiuwuuu 1. lad Wildwood Crest by building mu- iers and the city of "Wlldwood m by building a wider ana more suusinn- till boardwalk ana preparing piano iur n lidpil v mmorlal building Hunt to Build Two Theatres vr n ITnnt. of Hnddon Heights. N. tj operating moving- picture.thwtres in ' Pblldelphia, Jcnkintown, Iladdou HfljniS, V-ajJB iuujr iiiiu mmiuvui plinnlng to combine all his holdings into em blt corporation t6 bo capltallztd nt 11,000,000. Mr. Hunt entered tho moving-picture business in thia city ibout a decade ago with the Jumbo Theatre, now n battery, and with faith md perseverance became tho head of u irodlcato owning and operating a string of theatres. lie will build two beautiful p!jhouBcs here this year, to be opened nut season. The plans for both struc tures were prepared by Mark B. Beeves, a local architect. The first, tho Kza Theatre, will adjoin on tho ocean ride the Casino Auditorium, where for are years the Municipal Orchestra con certs have been given. The 1'Inza will he a capacity of 2500. It will contain lirce organ and have nn orchestra pit ctpabie of seating twenty-five musi cians. The grand entrance to this ecean-front theatre will bo on the new boardwalk, now under erection at Cedar avenue. The Itialto Theatre will be located on the nw boardwalk at Oarflcld avenue. It will have a frontage of 80 feet nnd a depth of 200 feet. The structure will contain a costly organ nnd every device known to modern theatres. The cost of that playl:ouo will be $100,000. The BIo. Hke the Plaza, will be so con tracted that its stage may be used for notion pictures or musical or dramatic rroduftlons. Mr. Hunt says "the theatre will equal if not surpass the finest theatre on .the New Jersey coast. ' A Journey through the resort from Anjleoea to the Crest will reveal an Mtounding number of recently, com pleted bungalows, cottages, npart aenti, dwellings nnd stores, nnd n ne mal of the order books'of contractors and builders shows $500,000 worth of itroetures yet to be built. Most of the bultdcra express the belief tbe major Cortlon of those new contracts will not c stnrted until autumn. Kntcrpriscs now under way, like the rest room nn tlii North Wlldwood boardwalk, tho new boardwalk In the Srponrl nnil TMr1 Wnrrtn of Wlldwood and the new stores nnd buildings to be erected thereon, will be carried to com pletion this summer. Resort Blessed With Amusements Thcro is one thin? n flrst-tlme visitor to Wlldwood always says, nftcr a stroll on the boardwalk from the ocean to the Atlantic Piers, und that Is, "Ion cer tainly have nlcntv of nmuscments." And a review of the list of some shows tho Ocean Pier, with tn Funchnne. Jov- Innd. for the kiddles; bowling alleys and hosts of other devices: It is a vert- tabic narndlsc for excursionists. A stroll southwnrd from Juniper avenue unfolds shops and amusements on the landward side of the esplanade Stop ping nt Oak avenue, one cannot help' but note the many changes wrought In tho CnRlno Auditorium. The Interior has been entirely changed; a handsome dancing floor replaces the ordinary floor, whero hundreds of chairs reposed for music lovers; a neatly built fene Inclosurp affords dancing space for 400 couples, tables around the inclosure of fering hospitable enticement to tho fa- tieucd danccrn to "nit nut tho next one1' and drink a soda whllo doing so. For those who do not dance the large balcony beckons a welcome. Tho open ing of tho Casino Auditorium wilt be on June 24, when the entire proceeds will be turned over to Byron Pennington Croker Post, No. 184, A. L.f of this city. Throughout the Arcade and the Ca sino Pier property one cannot help but notice the number of new amusements, including the trained pigs, which take a slide when ah accurately thrown base ball releases the lever on their cages. At Cedar avenue the big amusement center of, Rhonda dominates everything the giant Jack Rabbit coaster, Ye Oldo Mill. Merry-Go-Round, Whip Novelty, shooting galleries, attractive stores and other amusements. This Is in itself a regular amusement nark. At Andrews avenue, the Atlantic Pier, long Idle, now shows activity. The entire first floor is turned into pictur esque booths, refreshment counters nnd lunch rooms. Tho credit for this Ira rovements belongs to Frank Topham, an experienced hotel proprietor of Camden and this city. On the second floor on auditorium has been built capable of Beating 000 persons, nnd two broad platzas afford additional space for 200 more. In this new auditorium the Municipal Band concerts will be given twice dally, tho Roselle Band, popu larly known at many watering places, being engaged for the summer season. At the Municipal Pier at Wlldwood Croat a. delightful orchestra of women musicians will furnlnh the entertain ment nftcrnoons and evenings for the 'cottagers and visitors there, bowllpg alleys. shuQleboards and other amuse ments offering ample diversion to those desiring to remain near home each eve ning. Tennis courts, both private nnd pub lic, aro avallablo ,n many narts of the resort. Quoits a big attraction nt the Florida resorts In the winter, are gain ing in form' this season and many con tests can bo viewed at the quoit court on Wlldwood avenue near the Board walk. Tropshootlng seems to be In lomarid this season-, and a number of tho hotels are speaking of having trap shooting tournaments as an added attraction. As a means L,of enlightening the per son who has never been to Wlldwood, it might be well to mention that Its geographical location is in the south eastern section of New Jersey, Is the same latitude as Washln-' n, D. C, its temperature exceeding in dcllghtfulncss beach Insures protection to all n'' bathers using ordinary common jense. However, as a means of guaranteeing safety, the city has paid life JS"""8' who ore on duty nil day during the sum mer. 'A medical tent offering first aid to the ailing; is right on the beach front. Wlldwood, like all modern New Jer sey coast resorts, has an elevated I00: mlnated, .ddlng a tone o r.yety to the nunOTCUB 'll niureo nuu --- --- . facing It. The walk In sonw sections is. forty feet wldoln the new -l-it t nil la an nlfiped Ht&T tnC water's edgo that the strollers may enjoy the brecr.es from tho ocean ns wen sb view the bathers. .M,t To eliminate the fishing nnd crabbing would bo nn unpardonable sin, for nine f nvrrv tn vlnltors snendlng tneir uwvvb- --- -.... " - rt vacation or summer nere enjoy "o both of thpse sports. The ocean, InKe J ..,rin hawh ninui nn n iiii nun u-u w croakers, wcakfish, eu. bass, goodies, flounders, drum and crabs. the year around the Nation's Capita), for it is never too not nor too con Wlldwood-by-the-Sco. BCMMEB, BEHOlVrfl, wiLinvoou, N. J. . Ti- liHAaJ nvnnnalttn t-fttMrl MTstw mr J la uruaui VAuunivu nuauu uuuiuo wm excellent playground for children and adults during and after bathing hours, nnd its broad, gently sloping bathing hTJMMKK BEaOKTH WHJIWOOP. N. J. ..i -i - ' ' " ' HOLLEY LEAVES nooiis, housekeeping pniv. MS B. niO GltANDK AVE. GREEN'S APARTMENTS lf. W. BIO OBANDE AVE. MBS. E. GHEEN Winona WUdwoodAye. Near Beach Attractive and Homelike. Large Airy Porches; Private Baths Ownership Management MRS. G. W. FISHER BPyfMKW BE8QKT9 WTLDWOOD. W. J. KUMMEB BESOBTB wii.mvoon. N. J. THE ALMA 310 E. Poplar Ave. Beach front Central to all amuse, menu. Near trains and trolley. Excellent table. Moderate rates. Bthln from hotel MBS. M. DLEAKI.ET, Prop. - Open for Season The Mm wim Community Plan All Rooms Light and Airy Central Location Hthlin from Homo. ModoraU Bates Mlnei L. A. and J. L. E. Jackion 111 E. Magnolia Ave. DICKSON-PITTSBURGH Pino Ave. Second house from beach. A real homo hotel. Excellent table. Running; water. Open May to Oc tober. Owner management MBS. WALTER DICKSON Lyndhurst Twenty-one years under same owner ship management Capacity 1B0. Running- water In rooms. All mod ern conveniences. 236 Cedar Avenue Four Doors from Beach Mrs. Wm. Oldfield, Owner ARLINGTON Superb beachfront location; capacity 200. Kotcd for tabl. Moderate ratee. Private bath". Runnlig wuti-r. Oooklet. A. n. & O. II. TOPHAM, Onnere .r.ph HOTEL DAYTON Ocean front; porches; rooms with bath; hot running water; Booklet. Auto meet3 trains. spacious en suite and cold music. all F. W. McMURRAY, Owner and Proprietor Leading Wildwood Hotel ADELPHI-WITTE Hot and Cold Running Water in every Room. Private Baths Electric Elevator From Ground Floor Auto Service Nearby farms supply our tables with fresh vegetables and fruits. Special Early Season Rates H. Witte, Ownership Mgt. HOTEL RURIC EUROPEAN PLAN High-Class Cabaret and Dancing DAVID OSTREICHER Owner ft Prop. J """nvwMMMMMUtvitu TPitreTP Pksr JLk Jshaaast HOTEL ON BEACH American and Italian Cuisine P. MANOLLI, Prop. JVIIJlHOni) CKKHT. N. J. MT. VERNON Lotus Road, Near Beach Wildwood Crest, N. J. Excellent table Booklet E. JOHNSON, Owner BELMAR HOTEL THELMA 234 EAST CEDAR AVE. Furnished rooms wlrti kltohin and dlnlnc-room prlrtle(i, by week, montfi or leaaon Writ for rates. una. aEonaE albdb. RALSTON'S Salads, Sandwiches, French Pastry, Ico Cream, Confectionery NEXT TO ItllOAD'S CAItROrSEI, SHERMAN'S STUDIO Portraits Kodak Finishing Eastman Films CASINO PIER HOTEL JUSTICE Near Ucach and Amusements Full ocean view. Bathing from house. Large, breezy porches. W. A. JUSTICE OWNKIIHI1H' MANAOKMENT t tfaHilfis8BBi5PJB flV Capacity 200 If f Ocean Front 1 I Excellent Table I fiato Meet All Trolos. Omerthlp. ansfemeal. s!MfJ"'a' nk"' HOTEL PAC1HC NEAB I1EAC1I Moderate Bates WM. McCUUN Booklet G.H.HUPPERT Real Estate and Insurance Union Bank Bldg. i.w'ai.,0.c.a.twn; airy rooms! oxcol v!l u.a.yJnK -from hotel. Mni. yTi ,"wl a -riMftiKs. prons. till0 Cret klk 'r"" Beich. Bklt: ?Tr-- O. T. KINO. I'ran. W6& hnimi. 'I'.'.-' ' ' " U-.VP".2iuiwooi. K'J;- GREENLEIGH 221 E. Pine Street Excellent tabic Bathing from houso, MRS. M. MOLONEY KhuiIi t'tunt (.'k l.'U A I uutaldii ruuiin. Hunninii wulei. I'tlVHts hnths, lluoklrl. Uwnerimip aritnnit.nient. w. n. uiraim. RfMatrnra law airy roums with or with Drcaiicis out prlVH ijath,,, Qar. Ilklt Auto servlca. O. K. Hlnnamon, Own. A Mgr. iSnlutwn Olsnwood Av. nr. lach. Itun. UiUYryn wtUr rm,, nklet. Mrs. Houi.ly. larralM) ?ltl8 V.I 1( "' (r..noh.l speo. Lorraiae r,, ''Wk-I1(. j,rt, ona, ' "J ALLIED Ti NlUHBDHOOMa; IH f!. PGIXKTO. P. O. Box 245 SAGELS Thp Leading Confectioner of Wlldwood 3 Stores on Boardwalk Open All Year AH Candles Guaranteed Froth Automatic Eyeball Sweet's Block One of the Feio Amusements Still at 5c ijsuinflirojrfflniiranimiuniniinifiaHiniuinmnriiHiaiiBiannar.aBuiciiinniniraxiijt The CENTRE HOUSE 233 EAST TAYLOR AVENUE WILDWOOD-BY-THE-SEA .New Jersey Tins HOUSE IB tVOPATED NKA TIIK HKACM AND HPABDWAUC wiTi.rDU. fJDBAPi Yrr NEW COLONIAL All Outside Rooms Ocean View Private and Public Baths Capacity 150 T. E. BYRON, Prop. Pacific & Schellenger Aves. HUMMKlt nnSORTH J. SUMMER hKHORTS wii.nwono. J. BUMMER nESOnTS WIMIWOIH). N. . hUMMKR lUWORTS VII.VOHI. N. J. .'!: i!i!:'!':';!t'!!i; :i!H-:ili iiii! m liSiBiiiliyPlii . r '' .- ... BY THKfSiii- hrtK; Wildwood Crest isiii and North Wildwood H1 m 'ERE'S a three-in-one combination that offers to' people of refinement every feature that can ue desired at a seaside report, with many natural advan tages not to be found elsewhere. Every person whether of limited or unlimited means can find ac commodations, according to his purse, in our hotels, cottages, bungalows and apartments. Splendid place for the kiddies. The climate here is unsurpassed anywhere on the Jersey coast. The nearby farms supply the choicest vegetables, butter, milk and eggs fresh daily. An outing here is a tonic for body and brain. The "WILDWOODS" are clean places in every sense of the word. They are family resorts par excellence, yet there is refined fun a-plenty superb bathing beach, splendid fishing and sailing, theatres, dancing, bowling, coasters, olde mill, whip, merry-go-rounds and baseball. Well-kept state highways furnish splendid motoring. Good garages. MAGNIFICENT 5-MILE BOARDWALK lined with high-class amusements and up-to-date shops. Nearly a mile of the esplanade has been rebuilt this year and it has been widened and greatly improved in this newly built section. W Sift liiiiiS mm '!! ::-:it:i ft if B ffY. r Wildwood and its sister resort have enjoyed a building boom greater than any other Jersey Coast resort. We emphasize the fact that our splendid beach. with its easy, gradual slope, provides the safest and finest salt-water bathing on the Jersey coast. Over a million dollars' worth of new structures have been built and contracted for so build where the boom is. Cottages, bungalows and apartments, fully furnished, can be rented for the season. For beautifully illus trated folder and additional details write today to W. COURTRIGHT SMITH Managing Secretary Board of Trade, Wildwood, N. J. i:i!!i Jii ii-i: : i iiHi ii: i iiii: A n'ly'" '''iiliiiiiiiiiiiii Some Splendid Opportunities for Investment WW :i::;!i:i:hi:i:i: SHELDON " Wildwood's Finest Hotel American plan. Capacity 350. Modern through out. Rooms single and en suite, with running water and private baths. Excellent cuisine. White service. Electric elevator. Booklet. Auto service to all stations. D. J. WOODS OPEN ALL YEAR Ownership-Management SPS Oattrino to thi TioroujjMy lliated Traveling Fraternity Wxtsr OPEN AM. TTTE YEAR New Center House MRS, B. HARNETT On mln thoroughfare. Furnlnhsd rooms with and without llrht housekeep ing privileges. Community plan. Both phones. 101) W. Wo flrando Arc, VIMwornt. N. J. Ocean Pier Baths 1921 Models Ladies' Suits, Caps Opposite Ocean Pier Wildwood, N. J. Binfiiiiri HOTEL FENWICK ,' JJPEN AM. YEAI Aptarfean Jd Xttropean Dans, flpselal r n H vators; music; dancing. Booklet on Request Auto Metis All Trains Alex. McMurray nnd Son, Props. Formerly Manager Hotel Dayton 1 'n ! I The Wildwood Manor Wildwood-bu-the-Sea Capacity, 400; American plan; whole block; S ocean front; running water; private baths; ele- 9 Centrally located near beach; white service; capucity 250; music room; orchestra; nuto; dancinp floor. Rates moderate. Apply to CYRUS RAUB, Proprietor HBBBBBKiaaMBBMBaHMMlMlMaig f7dr'ssBW JH II I h Wit ai Corner 26th and Atlantic Avenue HOTEL CROMWELL Whole block. Eleventh season. Broad, cool porches. C 1 o s o to beach and amusements. Send for booklet. Running water. M. J. Crpmwell Ayars Telephone Connections. H-'iSSSBBHy THE ABBEY Pine Avenue, Fourth House From Beach Broad Porches; Excellent Table MISS L. DERBYSHIRE i Owner-Mananer Jl -.'- J The Bidwell lleautlMUy altuated. one block from Ueach. RunnttisT water In every room. " Juniperjwid Atlantic HOTEL DORSE Y SH3? ONLY Vt BLOCK FROM BEACH Finest beach on tho Atlantic. Tablo and Service unsurpassed. Rooms with bath. All rooms aro cool and comfortable. Attractive rates; A. McSWEEN, Proprietor THE ROYAL INN A new and comfortable hotel with all modern equipments. Running water In every room. Excellent menus. Rates reasonable. Open all year. Write for information. J. BUSH, Wildwood, N. J. Ownership Management BTIqTl.V HANITAHY SWEKpS BATHS 3608JK1&RDWALK Arcade Cigar Store Casino Bowling; 'te rfti H l t ' Ja' MtW I. M. PKUHIN,-fs1sr Bin, l,,r HARRIS tLe todlM , ftj a - .."JtuJiLiIlM K fii