wJB:mm fJWPBB WWWi' VP Ff'. Tjunwwp i KK,'MAS2 EVBNINiGl ' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 3 i"?TK. .nil Amph KrltrS who nre ? 2 (tie the "M1"" L..if l.lnntlmWwIfle &?", ;V7l,7orrmoiJt fllm com- - M ' i lie Vntcrcd their 'ccrccn stnrB ' ies KiUltlon. A similar contest I lIltie'iOnlllCH"'" ... n Vni. .muter iV Mffe ftVe occMon. Art school. 'nmp,7 cPr-lnndvlVlnK I" 2 rtiaWr-rirtJ. billboard sheets WttfAcnV ihs f .bo08t,ns i ;C a-on,plcted cnllfor the . iJ?.W 7 ffOT AlbanV 9 a TT,iAVo ''arrlvlufs'' on n suitable "ffcfi which 'hey will be lifted, with m, th tt (o Ian 1 tlofltf and conducted W "fttf YlitonS the TirlnplpM sections ,' tf " ? ,g ' i 11,1.11 .own to the I'' TR thJ Million Dollar Pier. k ff! erenlnit the mawjue ball or iscp P l1 'Tm bride will bo Mngctl-a big Eis," In every "nsc of the woju. TMco the bthev revue, k t.!,i",,nrr. nrofcsslonal and nma- i ,Ml, ki..;.iintii will be dropped 2JW ilde of the Steel 1 ler and when ftTf, drawn nslda at Hj appointed LI the parade will start along the V -''Hathlne Suits In Dispute There has been n lively public debate ! SlrJX "ould be permitted In Hie ! ??!?'..; Under decreed that they Kill; tut a number of clvio clubs com Slrf of prominent society leaders fait Med objections. The committee. ffir, Las decided to po through with rtFoWmal plan and the shapely sea Sffibi Twill be permitted to parado In Ibtfr "solo" attire. Members of the police and fire dc Mrtmcntr And all the mUsicinnH will Mhdc In bithine suits ns a part of the Jantratlon. The judges will be Srttnors from five States,, who will Jne their (.elections as the revue passes Maryland avenue. ,Tri the evening the climax of the nwfwill be on the Stcil Pier. It will U tbe Governor's nail and Pageant of tts'-Trbw. Ncptuiio and his ronsoit (Till. make a spectacular exit into the M "flying away on an llluiniuntcd m tlsiio amid a brilliant dlsplav of tin work's over the water. The Governors trill -present the prizes to the winnera t all the events, including the rollcr ciiiij parade in the afternoon, ns the liulfchaptor of the efciiliip. -.1. . ,.1 f .1. 1T.1 "IV- I UBton li. rtrnui'i, -.'i mi- iiuici '"" ' I!m.' president of the Side Avenue Hotel U tin's Apsocifltlon, is sponsor for a I "paint-up week" among the nvenue I iMtelries. 1,'lie palnt-und-brush brigade kk in Mouth finrnlinn. avenue tliH ' i.j, ,A !. rnnrrnetnrK will continue rlibt' through the district, giving n nippy-hued atmosphere that is at- trading much attention on tho youth, wde. The association nUo U busy push -jng convention campaigns nnd has been instrumental in landing many large or ganisntions. Tho Grottoes, 1,0,000 strong, represent one of their convon lion effotts, nnd final details for tho en tertainment of tho delegates will be taken up nt a meeting ofithe aselutlou on Monday night. ' Hotel Convention JSo'ught Tho avenue hotel men arc nlso otit to land the State convcntlfin' of the State Hotel Men's Association, which is slated for Anbury Park jioxt week. They will push tho candidacy oMIarry Lata:, of the Amman Hotel hero and the Alnmac-ln thc-rincs. Lake'IIopatcong, Tor presi dent. There never has been an officer from this section, and the Atlantic City delegate expect to whoop up things for iccognltion. They will make tho trip in machines, taking n Rcuhorc tlioy aiong. , - , The" Hotel Men's Association i thowlnc nctlvltv In nroerci-ivu fenturna for tho improvement tt their facilities Jor tne iiamlllng or the bumper crop of rlhitori this season. It has been co operating with the Chamber of Com merce for tne betterment of train serv ice, nnd 'succeeded in landing several additional flleis to 'the shore. Tho Heading Itailrond ban gone further and Is constructing a special locomotive for the runs to tho sen. The powerful mo guls are of the Pacific type, with grcnt speed and pulling power. Tim first one of the five built is now having its tiiols and will bo 3it in nctive service within the next wck Samuel Leeds, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce and one of tli3 Iladdon Hall-Chalfonte Co.. will ride Jn tbe cabin of the .engine on it first rcgulur run to Atlantic City. The railroa'ds have n",so mapped out excursions from territories heretofore untapped .for tripu to this resort, anil these have been so scbc'duled ns to fill in .between the rush periods, insuring RUMMER HESOHT8 ATINTIG CITY. f. J. Hotel Pitney New York Avemie Near Beach Capacity 250 .American ami Kuropean plans. Noted tor weu-cooura ioou. iarge, lry rocms. Every attention Klven to cotnfoit anel service. Special season rates on application. Ruthlng rrlTllfff J. BICKAR, Prop. steady flows of business througout the summer, . . Members of the Atlantic Cify Yachts men's Association, onmnndcil if skinners t the "Inlet fleet of pleasure yachts, went into servico a niontn aiieou oc tneir rpffiiliir season thin rnr. Thf" ma lority xt tlio boats are equipped with engines, nuuing 10 uic, pleasure or tne sea trips nnd cnnbllng longer runs. "(Vine Fish Running Tlic gamo'fislt have started running, both .outsldo and along the inslue waters. Tho artificial banks constructed by tho hotel men and Chamber of Com merce, about five miles off the city, are particularly popular because of the flue sport afforded there. Weak and, blue fish feature in the dally catches of tho sportsmen. Absence of any of the old-fashioned northeasters last winter has given the resort its widest expanse of beach in man years. Tc(ts made by the beach patrol under tho supervision of Churled llo.mcrt. chief surgeon. Inst week have shown tbe bathing sections 'almost en tirely free of holes, glvjng the safest bathing area the resort' 1ms known since 1010. The water temperature Is far in ad vanco of what it was this time last year. Seventy has been the high mark to date, the daily average being nbov 05 since May 20. The crop of tan and sunburn along the bench has been an early one as a. result. Unusual agitation, even this early In the season. Is manifest against the edict of tho beach censors that ono-picce bathing suits nnd bare limbs shall not appear on the beach. While beach guards nre rigidly enforcing the ukas'e, the City Commissioners have been pctl-, tloned by scores of prominent .young women for more1 liberty, in tho matter of water togs. It is their contention that the modern girl swims and swims well, nnd that skirts nnd hosiery are unnecessary incumbrances that spoil her romps in the surf. Tho edict has" been modified to permit tho wearing of knitted suits vylth brief skirt, fashioned after the ono pieco surf nttlre worn bv tho men. Aat has mollified the mermaids somewhat, but they now insist that tho stocking law be wiped off the city laws, saying that nil tho beaches nlong the Pacific coast give such freedom. There is a possibility of a revocntion of the decree iefore manywecks, because the city is now being patronized to' a larger degree than over by society buds who have been accustomed to such liberties. Because of the danger of accident, thoso In control of the bench have or dered the use of surf boards In tho re stricted bathing tectlons entirely dis continued. That the sport might oe enjoyed, however, they havo set npart a district on tho Chelsea strnnd, wbero tlm BtlpPftfltAra mm nnf lnnttf.. 'The arCS between the Steel and Steeplechase Piers lias Dcen set aside as an open-air iw" tiAutiltn ttrliAFA tlin tnt nvu mllV WCar 1U...M... ,.... v ui, ai uv,.i. .. , ,- uown tneir waistlines with meuiwu b,all exercises and beach baseball. ItnnniiRp nf flin prune following bcadl riding ncndcmlcs hnve won last winter tne city lias permitted tbe opening up of regular academics iu'sido the lloaril- wnlK nt linodc Islnutl avequo anu iu--mlts the riders to itso the strand for canters beforo 0 o'clock In tho morning. Sunrise and .sunset life savers will go on duty next week to protect the bathers who wish to dodge the sun kisses or by RU.MMF.R HKSORTH SUMMER ItKSOItTfl ATLANTIC) CITY'. V. J. ATLANTIC) CITV. N'. J. fllKSHSE U Snecial Announcement m J filarlborougb-Blcnbcim, ATLANTIC CTY, N. J. JUNE, The Most Delightful Month of the whole year, is usually Atlantic's great convention month, but this year because of business conditions, the Rreat'indua.tries are not holding conventions. In order therefore toatartthe great summer season a month earlier, we offer during the month of June only.'a Minimum Weekly Rate of 990, American Plan for two people in a double room with bath Ownership Management JOSIAH WHITE &. SONS CO. 1e!TKBl7SllmKIB!SS Pi lit HOTEL ESPLANADE MSV -.,.1.-dm affirm! ib n t111"1 1 iilll ' iwi UL CooUit and Most Attractiv Location Whole Block Ocean Front Directly on the Boardwalk, Koi to to Sovereign Ave , In exclualie rhi'aea cectlon. Cnp. RflO. Fresh and aea water baths, private and public, and every appointment. Modern hydrotherareutlo depart ment. Orchestra t).tnclntr. Auto bus meets trains. Uooklet. Owner ship direction. W. F. SHAW m nwmMjTompmsvsBonom vmi loAmmcamoMAKEYommMEArm HOTEL ARLINGTON uftededl family U-fotel a w - - CapQci'y 2 so spcrtttiryt Opcrt Ityea.r MICHIGAN AVE. NEAR THE BEACH ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. 5? Srnat 77ot(t prop.' '& m mvtm BES2S2SHSrrl5HSHSE5rlSESESrar2Sr!SZEESraHSrl HOTEL MONTICELLO Ht r ---fcBBf' Kentucky Ave. Near Beach and All Attractions Atlantic City, N. J. Modern, High-Class, Homelike Capacitu 500. An Exceptionally Good Table tMSpS35 Atlantic City's Finest, Largest and Most Popular Hotel at Moderate Rates' reason of commuting to business must taJo their "deeps" before the regular detachment of the beach squatl mans the stations or in the evening when the ordinary tour of work is finished. "Copettcs" aro making life a con stant worry for flip beach "lizards" who annoy the fair bathers with their unwclcomo attentions. Director llosscrt has selected n half-dozen young women who look the part of the tpical bathing girl for the work and they have already qualified, as n very useful part of the beach corps. They are all good swim mers and assist in rescue work when needed. Holng given roving commls rtlons they take in all parts of the beach. A force of detectives, all college boys, working in bathing togs, supplement tho uniformed beach rops n maintain ing order along the sands. Tho "sub-debs" nm uinn.!ki. t many ncw fads, although the season Is still young. Cub foxes have supplanted the Boston bulls and long curly-haired pups ns bearh mascots, and the be ribboned black bear cubs also have made their appearance. Tho city fathers are gradually ex tending the herringbone decking for, tbe Boardwalk. Experiments carried out in the last two years have shown the diagonal planks converging on either side of the runways pet aside for the roller chairs arc conducive to more com fort nnd there have been few complaints of "boardwalk feet" as a result. It is proposed to Introduce the ncw-troadway plan for the entire seven miles of the resort's Wooden mall. But one type of roller chair will be permitted on the Boardwalk hereafter. A city ordinance prescribes natural straw-colored wicker Pullmans, limits the size and declares for uncurtained windows fore and aft nnd nt the slues. A movement is now nfoot to compel the rhair barons to uniform their pushers in olive drab-colored suits. .iPir.n RBSoriTS si.mmi:i: ni:sKT8 HWMMKR RKflORTft ATLANTIC! CITY. X. J. I Y.bur Vacation Problem Solved Atlantic City, with Its famous Boardwalk and countless diver sions, offers the solution of your vacation problem. Tho , Ambassador, directly on the Boardwalk and ocean, affords superb appointments and In dividual service nt moderate rates. Spacious room and private bath at $6 for qne or $4 each for two in room. European plan. Indoor salt uafer mciutintng pool, (taUl concert, ltwcna and priuilfC o 18ftof uolf courie, California bunpatouit u connection. Write for llluitratcd boohttt. CUhe Ambassador ptw'Torti CWon "DiitincitittOhit) Reservations for all Ambassador Hotels made at Ambassador Hotel, Pnrk Ave. and Mat St., New York. Tel. Ithlnjlander OOOo. The Ambassador Hotels System Thr Ambastador The Ambassador Atlantio Cltv .Veio Vorfc The Ambaisador Th Alexandria Loa Angeles Lot Angeles w S Phillips House Massachusetts Ave. near Beach ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Dclightftdly Situated With Ocean Vietv Spacious exchange; elevator to street level; cuisino unexcelled; rooms sinp;le or en suite, with private baths; electric lights. Booklet and terms on request. Open all year. A. C. McCELLAN H0TEL-AUST1NE Pacific Ave. and St. James Place Ideal location; 'near beach and all amusements. All outside rooms. F. H. JONES HOTEL RAVEN ROYD fllflAtll Avn.B nnil Han!. Location commands full Mew of the ocean t few stepi from boardwalk . In heart of Chelsea I'rlvnte Until. Htiimln Vt uteri Klectrlo I.lshtu Ulevntor lo Street I.eicl ISAAC 1IUWKK SPECIAL FEATURES 'Choic Bathing From Hotel Orchestra Shower Hatha Dancing . noice, well-furnished rooms, private baths, hot and cold running water, brass beds ; elevator " for sT e' ' sP'cnfl' location, opposite finest bathing: section. Guests can dress in liotc 5 das nB I'usuaHy attractive lobby, parlors and reception rooms; spacious, cool vcran , a. lhrcc dining rooms; courteous white help. An illustrated descriptive folder of th vm! ma''C(l free on request. Ilouse is under liberal ownership management.' Open al jar. RATES $3.00 Up Daily. . $18.00 Up Weekly imiWMmm lennessee Ave. and Beach New Fireproof Addition HATHINO ItOOMU 8IIOWUK I1ATHS Runnincr Water Every Room European Plan tl op 4 2 UI I1L.Y. Sl'KCIAI, WKLT. ,nJ.,.00J.l?t,u"1 w' f Atlantln City. J0TII SKA80.V. JO.S. J. JOYCK. ffl$?' P.WERSmI?,MANiAGPlKNT...J rssznzg&i . FKkTTER & HOLLINGER - . ATLANTIC CITV. N.J. Dlrtclly. on the Ocean Kront aistinoiio itU w'niy- "t- the ocn ;-MA.i,rfciu-pW hotel of "rC ' -eAFAClTT 800. X. All aboard for tatiorilahd! A1 LL' the smart and exclu sive ideas in Summer Suits, Norfolks, Flannel, Serge and Duck Trousers, Tropical Weight Clothes, Shirts, Belts, Neckwear and all forms of Haberdashery, Straw Hats, Caps, Leather Bags and Suit Cases. JACOB REED'S SONS 424-1426 Cfoestart: Storeet and Men's Apparel Shop, Garden Pier, Atlantic City, New Jersey miM.Mr.rt itKwonTH flflMMRR RIWORTH ATLANTIC) CITV. N. ?. ATLANTIC CITV. N. J. iwimiMiiiM . .J&ZA r, &$)$ mmt m?Rrn riiibe. B2foM'ste y?-i MWSIlTiSmWi''"' sssUssssssssssssWonlsWJbl'iPIl sssssssssssssssssssssssssssnHOSrP! (t i;SS9sllBSBMBIIlBBBIBBBBBljllBIIBBR V 1 tAl'W Sl,h. n ."ii . .n. ISBK "ri. i3T XflV i'LZ ''. ( . ?,?. i t ' mm. IXCe! 1 XlssssssslKAlJVHsssn..V-K.JsssbJlsssssssssssisssssssssssK. iammmm tftJssssttatotAjsssssssstsLsXsl IM hlUtfFfsssHssssBssO ilsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHII "The Salt Breath of the Sea Brings Health" GALEN HALL H Atlant c C tv. N. J. A particularly attractive modern hotel with .ill the g usual anu some unique leatures. uiters nospitality ana comfort, excellent cuisine, good music, golf privileges. Extensive System of Curative and Tonic Baths I I.l011l3li!ltl iiOBinau I- iiiniiiiiiiic3iiiiniiMnc3iiiiiiitvtic3iiiMiiiiiirc7nniiiiiintsniiitiiiiiiC3MtiitiiiiHe3itiniMiiMniiiiiitiiiiTr3iiiiMiiiiiintiiiiiiitnir3itiituiiiiira ? ATLANT? CITV. N. ATIwNTIO CITV. . 4. yVrVlV foWzzfctnS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. South Carolina Avenue, Near Beach OPEN ALL YEAR : MODERATE RATES Centrally located. Unexcelled for cornfort and service. Virnt , l.i ecn to tho most minute detail Running water. Rooms with or without private bath. Correspondence and Inspection solicited. Rates on application. NEW OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT L. B. ARNOLD jf,1itlli,lmSiti THE SENATOR ssBssHrn5sffll3S3iS?PMGfoi4.'- VIRGINIA AVE. AT BOARDWALK ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. TIib new kind of hotel, con ducted not for profit but with tho Idea of now much service we can Blve to ou for your money Our fireproof modern hotel Is tho first house from the boardwalk on Virginia Ae rverlooklng the ocean nt tho Steel Pier, the center of ac tivities. Conducted on Amer ican and European plans vbutulant tnblo w.lth thor ough service. Largest porch overlooking boardwalk and noean Let us quote you rates tOtel New sssF'jS'?1 issT ''' WWtlfcL.- WJHMfe&iisy's 'jaMLsssi lsMisssss a iss A t --- - J iamTtMssisa. ., SrtTTrf -. B CI anon KENTITKY AVE. AND BOARDWALK ATI.ANTIO CITV. N. .J. Open All Year P.cxims en sultn with baih 71 n lunir hr t an I Lld water Klemor to streft Ifvel Iluthhousas tn ue of guesis Capacity 30. Dn -Inj; mom nffordu sentlnc capi liy i liout crowdlnir. IlooKlet Flieproof itarnee connected with hotel S. K. BONIFACE Michigan Avenue, near Beach s The Pennhurst is a hotel that appeals to those who appreciate s comfort and real seivice. Modem. Under the same management for thirty -three years, the S Pennhurst has icon deserved success and is icidely known tor g the excellence of its table and service. 1 The hotel coach meets all trains. Rates and any further informa- g " tion desired furnished upon request. Garage. a WILLIAM R. HOOD, Owner and Proprietor c3iiiiiiiiiiiitajniiiiiiiiicaiTiitiiTiiiicjuitiiitiiiicsiitiiiutiiicaiiiiititiiiic3iiuiitiuuc3iiiiuitiiiiiiintitiiiiicaiiiiiiitiitir3fittiifJiiiC3iirutfiif i MMMMX HOTEL DE VILLE Sunnv Ocean-view moms exclURie district Kentucky ve Just off Ooardwnik overlooking lawn and Harden. The best equipped and moot beautiful MOrEUATE-RATK SELECT MOTKI. In tlantlc City Hot nnd cold running water In very loom pin ate and public bnthH throughout. Orchestra, Dane- n Ing. Spanous Verandas Sun Parlor Conservator .V r:.VVIROXMI--NT SOCIALLV Di:SIRABL,l3. Strictlv merlcan plan Highest standard food, table and service ' (white)" ; SUMMER RATES, $30.00, PER WEEK UP. i .lAHAM'Ki: I'KIISON l. s.TIM'CTION Vim i:KKY rill IITKST, i Ownership Direction, THOMAS M. O'BRIEN. ; MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMiff fmjL, Hotel o JitThnnesseeAveJust offiheBoardwalkbitft Jbeacifxxmt service and appointments at moderate rates. Builtofiyrick&stotte. European plan. Restaurant. 'CW.CARMANy. HOTEL KENTUCKY ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Speclol VerkHnd Hales KKNTfCKY AVE, NKAI1 HHAi'lI Capacity 4ft0 Courtesy Quality Service With Fireproof Addition Kentucky te. Scar Beach Atlantic City, X. J. Msinrui innni" " 'h liot and tni.i runiilnsjr ain SS ith jirlvato bnth Telephone, 0as nnd eli-iiilc llBhts In ery room l.ieati' from strrt lel Ilnthlni; rivifeff frim hOIBl J'rfe use of Hlior.pi bu'hs Send for booklet und poll, a v' inieie' American Plan. Hates $3.50 Up Daily, $20 Up W'kly N. II. KKNXA1). l'ronrlelor HOTEL EDISON JfA ifc-Trafc JwmjM, lraWfr Ira Michigan . r',,, -o beach (In t tr moor beau tiful hotel kci i ion , l.iic, Mocks from ik iteiuUz "ius Park. t.nivMiieiit to all Jtleis nnd amusemt-m , open KurrounilliiKs rui -iiIhb water p t baths. Ameucan plan. JIT nil up w'M, j:i up dalh . European plan. $1 ;.o up u.illj excellent looluni; hun parlor iiuihIc up-. lows porches, free bathlnc pilMlegeH. Hhower batin ifiv hci'mpo and po int m en t. ap- inru COMHIUT MILXNS OtK SL'C( KSS" A KENTUCKY AVE. M Ml BOARDWALK ELLSBORO hSS. J5ffei.T3Sy HaLSJsV IVi',"b Capiuin. -"m runnniK water in rooms; private baths; elevator. American plwn, ?! up daih ; $17 50 up weekly. Kuropean, $1.50 up daily. Dnncinjj. Music Special family rates; garage in connection. Spacious porih Whito service. RALPH MECKLEY c. B. KING TRY CLARENDON HOTEL Atlantic City, N. J. VIRGINIA AVENUE, NEAR BEACH Open All Year Capacity 300 Half block from Steel Pier HoiudwalU and all m menial nln.u e meat Ol'BN SITIUOL'NDINGS. levator "icJ r lo gh Ftooma alnT."8 en suite, wltn pi ivate batha. bi. iioonm single cr ' . ALL ROOMS HAVE HOT ANJO COLD RUNNING WATER 0.rlut 8rtl. WrlU twUmUfAk llonkl.t. Ownership M.a.teaenl Also 101 tlRCLf GARAGE SERVICE THAT .SATISFIES lw8 lor the Auburn, Apperson and Briscoe Cart MJtP.Tir AVK ATr.ANTIP. f'lTV M T . ""w ' AV w -f s. w, Ytfjj s, (K'.t 1 r.! M ll V Vt) i 1's 1 ifj I 1 If i H; 'it Iv i m fiii w . . A 1 n m !S I II Kara m S1 K'ftS WM !! si it m m m T 1 1 mmmjktum tf alter . Bvt ....... .c, . ..nncrsuip maaiitt MONROE HJJTCHINS , ..' .t lllU.NrJI V JA