?f Pl SW T t-;zRHHu.MWK,. . -.&j,hij v vTRmsncnmnnmmy v ws. sac; ,j w.t. iw m.nk. Tjjfc'n' ? ". -" tv . j.- iW &&"' HWx ' I i . i , V " 4 iPgrfTBttwppgglBMgg'; & t v rf ' k y : .ft.' B.J .ft r. . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 8 , irlU bt one of tbe new departures, vrviuiin Kiounus win permit 01 un jamenv erfrct. toward uneisen. t t)lA8 cull for fi itnrt on ths tlons' before September, jprcient excursion district, bo Geottrla and Mlsttsslnnl iwhiim keen entirely transformed bv the In. action of tho ItenilMvmis Pnrk. Im In tho entire block from the W ralk, to rnclflc arcntio, with the qu K And Pennsylvania excursion fl running; In on encli Ii1i. TIib die itrf vfinnnclnj . the park apent 500 CXXWnjthd nrnlnct. w llrh hna r. placid, unslghtlr Bowery shacks, lone on jMdr tq tbo,t section, lonnlatlon of tha. new nil. Carlton liak imiied another splendid hotel to tbi tCbelaen BbnrtTwallcT. That huge brick and concrete caravansary at Iowa arenua' and tbe Kiulanado has been a 'icoi)tpvnddUlon to the beachfront boa jiltalitj' centers, and Is but another monument to,' tlia ImpUcIt confidence financier have in' the resort's future. Muafbclow the 'Ambassador interesta have thrown open a new wine to handle tM growing patronage of the original .Ambassador. Its Venetian Garden has become a social center since Ita doors Fwung wide an supnljlng the fftiwts nfltho hotel with a deilglit'ul rcndearous for their social affairs. i'lip Balt-wntcr uwlmmlng tank of the Anibnxador Is popular, and weekly Ntunt and meet I.rogrnms are features that draw' lutn ureds of fashionables to the natatorlum. V- New Arcade Stores Please SThe Iladdon Hall-Chalfontc interests liaro won public approval with the new arcade syHtem they hove used In the construction of stores along tbe Hoard walk in front of the Ilnddon Hall at Nofth Carolina avenue. The shops have been set back fifteen feet from tho prop erty line and, running back to the orig inal hotel, give, a promennde In front ofjsthe windows protected from rain or bun, producing n novel effect that baa won wide attention. The idea made n hit with national exhibitors nnd (he Htorcs were quickly rented as dlnplay centers Vernon Hall, a convention and ball ropm, .built above the shops, has been another inviting feature Installed b this company, giving the central section of the esplanade another 'attraction that has aided in the entertainment facilities of the beachfront. It is reported that anither hotel will rise aboro the stores wl(bln the next two years as a wing to thd two controlled by tbe present com pany. At States avenue a sndlcatc is pre paring to launch r tho Knickerbocker Hotel, taking In the site now occupied by Dcnzel'a carrousel, for years a land mark at this point. Plans for this structure were drawn early in the spring and the rumors along tho upper Hoard -walk have It that the new project will be started some time in September. Another Boardwalk improvement In volving millions Is snld to bo about ready for public announcement. This centers nround Young's old ple at Ten nessee avenue, now held by hotelmen. It is reported the famous old structure, which was badly damaged by flro soma years ago. Is to be rebuilt into the largest exhibit pier along the Atlantic seaboard to meet the growing demand for display space from national adver tisers. IMans now under dlsciis'lon call for a circular building In front around which .roller chairs may be ruu, wltlf nmusoment enterprises running out to ward the end over the sen, A convention ball la tnliK-d of for the second and third floors of the exhibition hall In front, a system of doors being Installed to permit shaping the meeting auditoriums to any size ,uchI red. It Is oxpected that definite plain will bo announced within the next thrre months, Two other big Improvements nre to bo made at cither end of the resort. The old Inlet ball park, for years n sport center, has been purchased by Interests who figure on putting up :i hotel and park taking In a city block facing tbe boardwalk nnd running back the same distance toward Now ltamii shire avenue. The proporty was fold by the Pennsylvania Hallroad this month. Down at Albany avenue, just across the bridge at the city end of tho meadow boulevard, the big airport, first of its kind over constructed, la to be tho site of the National Stadium, n gigantic bowl of concrete that will bo equipped with facilities for every sport. Jack Dempsey is now using tho port as hli trninlng quartern, but In the fall work is to be started on the bowl. One of the first features to bo In stalled will be a hundrcd-foot-wldo au tomobile track n mile nnd n tenth In length, giving one of the fastest racing speedways In the world. The inside of the grounds will be turned over for big athletic carnivals, such ns Intercolle giate meets, football games and the sort. The projects arc now negotiating for the Army-Navy gridiron contest nnd also are seeking major college gomoi that are plajcd ou neutral grounds. The announced plans call for on es tablishment costing $3,000,000, two thirds of which has already been sub scribed. Doom in Inlet Section About the inlet district there aro other signs of tbe boom times that have hit the resort. The city 1ms completed public wharfage inside the harbor ou which it has expended S100.000 as a means of encouraging both pleasure and commercial boat traffic Into the port. Visiting craft are permitted to tic up at the wharves for twenty -four hour without charge and the tariff for longc moorlng is nominal, merely enotlgh ) carry the Improvement, The city main tains police protection around the har bor, both on land and water, Jtccent decision of tho Federal Gov ernment to havo n rcsurvey mado of the .Inlet with a view of ascertaining tho coats for a permanent twenty-foot channel has attracted the attention ..f freight and passenger steamship com panies, and two havo Obtained options on tracts fronting on tho harbor for docking purposes in readiness to open ut) regular llnrs between this resort, Philadelphia, New York and Baltimore should the (Jo eminent decide to carry through tho deeper-harbor idea. Members of the Illvcrs and Harbn'.s Committees of both the Scnnte and House, together with the district engi neers of the War Department, were the guests of tho city recently on nu In spection tour of tho inlet nnd were deeply fmpressed with tbe effort made by the municipality to make Absecon Inlet a real harbor. Figures- submitted at that time " apparently clinched the city'o fight nnd the Chamber of Com"1 lnArtn rtiul jt-ltt StfTts.1 A Ire !. a. ltneen Imnli carrying on the campaign for further Federal assistance, arc confident the uiuue is won. j.ne ccuerni ureaga a sccon, originally constructed for work at this Inlet, Is now In the harbor awaiting Instructions, The passenger nnd freight activities arc not confined tp'thc land. One sky line with spntilnnns rntinlilit of carry ing twenty nnrsenkcrs. already is in operation witli two ships and in another two weeks will havo a doten operating on regular tchcdulo between New York nml IhA nlinri,. lmtni- thn miner liporh as a landing station, The success of the ovcr-the-ocoan flying has, been demon strated in tho list five years here when regular passenger lines havo been ply- Inn nn bhnrt puna aa1iiin fit liAf1lf mtl t with reserve planes on hand for trips SUMMER RK80RTH HUMMKR RESORTS ATLANTlr riTV. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY, N. Y. N I'M M Fit KKMfflT ATI.A.NTIO CITY. N. Y. I I j I HUMMER RKSORTH I ' ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. n i ii iiim ji mil 1 1 mn -ii n kSsSsI 2 ,f1 V ii.iiill mini Lqmjovt lij.ii g'jgj ; 5rHsB5T8"' if i S?i i "if mmi LrI THE 4()0" 400 PACIHC AVENUE A distinctively boautlful rcildtnc with iMIgtitful Innuvatlons Kxqulilte y fur nlihtj rooms, ulncls or n suit, with prlvats bsth and rhowsr. Ilreakfiiit. the only mal, la attractive tray service In room. Near lieach. Private aarate. Spacloui erandai All the advantaiea ot a beautiful home, combined with I'.ie Independence of hotel life Little home dancea and afternoon porch parties can be Arranged Ratea commenaurate with service and aurroundlnse IVY R. MrI.EAN I&l S" j& f mrirH vj s viup Hiy. vrtjtf Mj -S I ' ., IS Kfe W A sx&i o o S? iJrl vrx-)pnniT ti VTtJWYS-'"- w f -s jr Vr J ) '"r, . l k - V " r ait AMTir rOinrv , Jf SeasAoredQesort 1 1 in i lnmM hi jwmw&imc&xis all question. Atlantic Cltv is reeomlcrii everywhere as tho WotMi Grtatttt Playground, No other city can boatt such far-reaching- bathing beaehea where iafe enjoyment is guaranteed The lenirtnv. van. wtll.llt Haardwalk has nn n,,l TVma nAi (Juries within easy reach, deean Pirrs offer a variety of entertainment, with Danclnr, Orchcitraa, and Band! every afternoon and venlnr. In fact-there I ample amuiement for everybo ly, and aood health In every breeee thit blows. SaIMNC. FISHING, AVIATION. MOTOHING. SIX I'IKRS, llOnSKBACK.niOINC. nOLMNC ClUinS, TENNIS. CONCtUTS. MOVIES, THEATRES, ETC. TIIK LKAllINtte IIOUHBH AlwrOpn. Phone, Wire or Writ, for Informetlrn, Rttea, EU. (Ail are Ann ntn nan pnitif oinenvue neteo ) Hotel Strand J.l). OIT.oJ II. a KJ.rd. Mitleereetk.Bltnhilm ABiar.eDdFu.rUai JotlthWhilf & SoniCo. Alamec Hotel Aater. ead Lu. fltm H.ck Uu Co. Hotel St. Charles Mwtrd E, Orviicwp Trnitee The Dreakcrs Atncr. ind ku. I'lant Joel Illllnan, Prop The Shelbume Luropeial'lln j. WelVd, Mr. De Hotel Brlahtan ana uanno MM Hotel Morion II A Ceve. Oireert The Halmhurat A. II. Derael Convenient and comlortable train service from all points. For full Information, schedules, rates, etc., coniult local ticket (seats. wjm&ttfmwjtfMiimMWtf&s Seaside Mum l.l'.Cook'iSeao Hotel Chelsea J, D.Tbenrton 01 Co. Hotel Dcnni Wilier I. IJuiBy The Wl Ishlrc Sanii'lEllli.Owaer N.J. ColUai, MT. HOTEL RIO GRANDE New York Avenue and Bench Rates $2.50 Per Day Up European Plan Center of All Attractions FIREPROOF CAPACITY 300 Attractive outside rooms; pri vato baths; running water in every room. M. M. McCall, Prop. ia iem-"J '!! i . ! n sai - a-tt-4-t r2. ifixNealthajidRecreatioiL HomST.OURLES oreJtT&nmitiencejndLtnafr ymA-thorouffA oerrlceand 'Kouricstr preaommanc. . ' Rr Booklet Floor Plan. Road Map & Speca l Rates EEGixsscup. Trustee. H WESTMINSTER Kentucky Avenue Near Beach The location of the Westminster la one of the finest tn Atlantic City. The house stands by Itself and has direct southern exposure. Rooms with runnlne; water and private baths. Electric llKhts throughout White service. Ele vator from around floor. Amer ican plan. Itntes S3. 30 up dallyi 817.00 up weekly. OPEN ALL YEAR C. A. KOIT, l'rop. KKSIKlSflSfflSrjBfflaMaiCaB offireproa Is 1 v VmaBImKQCKl5!!KQI M j , sal Ii Wsl. 1'ililii ! i i I . i -TTleaWriiniii I Vn J?injrnwAMjiCi . , Miy'niilfalv C TV rJJJ "l,,rv som-mrf-srn wWm M T i iTTm?,fa.7,rrff-?5ft-'prr" T"" - m rmsT' ' t. i. V " ig Vf1- "S VJTstSCXIA. ijruivir AMEKICAN.ANEUROPEAN PLANS ' Luxurious lobbies, opening on spacious verandas, and open-air dining terrace fronting the ocean. Private bathhouses for surf bathers. Garage. :3fflEamg?c$nHrro6infw.rc fT" HOTEL . IL lor ton rl Ocean End i A Atlantic City I l Virginia Ave. A fk N.J. Id WM Rnlarted and refurnished Capacity 330 Klevator to street level, "w IJ rrlvate baths; runnlnr water, electric llgh's Upeclal Meekly ratee 1 IV n. M.... Let us make you feel at home k. j neii lw A vtf' in thc City 0f Robmt HeaUh r;.-r1OPV.0r 7j mm m i' M WSt 019111 Beach-Front Service at Moderate Prices KENTUCKy AVE.. NEAR BEACH. Furnished Villas Cottages and Apartments Any Season All Locations Everything in Real Estate Write for a list of our big dividend-paying properties. Decided bargains in unimproved lands. Our service will please. We Invite correspondence. Ji G. HARRIS & Q Guarantee Trust Building l; ju-. -.. ,' 1 rw,i'HtiM The Sterling is the ONLY FIREPROOF HOTEL not directly on the Boardwalk. Service, cuisine and ap pointments equal to. that offered at the best beach front hotels at moderate prices. 200 rooms all outside. Dancing; elevator to street level. For comfort without extravagance, visit the Sterling. ror rates and lurcher iniormation write THE NORRIS CO. ALFRED L. DEIDLEMAN Manager HOTEL BOTH WELL SSaVST" Second House From Boardwalk and Steel Pier nnywhero lit the country, cither by land or nntrr nt tho Curtlss plant. Pug-cant PInni Under Wny Plana are fast shaping up for the second nnnttnl pageant, booked this year on Hcptoinhcr 7 nnd 8. Commit tecs of representative hotel and business men hnvo been busy ulnco the first of thc ycat working out tho details. Just now they nro 'conducting u popular voting contest for tho election ( Bt'MMKH RKSORTS ATI.ANTIO riTV. U, J. BUMMER RE40RTH ATMNTIO f ITY. N. J. sssvssavjpjjjuppHHHsiV 9MBI 1 I ItU: I trio I I Plan. THE LOCUST 111 South PennnlvanlA Arenna nunnlnx water, crlvate hatha, alec. trio lU'.ttei reflned patmnag-e. American uisu, , wiuutiT, l'rop. WI'MMTlt nE-snitTH... HUMMER RKEnrtTH ATLANTIC CITY. N. J ATMNTIO CITV. N. eMtMIMMJ UR)rfda ffrei M. Ati axsrir! Cisrv TjHE mmersocla! center el America I IBa pteaewreer Its throni, roinnf and muearntni plaeur10Tlnei naanla oclaj center ol Atlantis Cite. Uiractlr on tha ocean I ronl. In tetttnf ol cool salt btreree and rnarvelouf ocean view, the Trayraore afforda alio eaaielaie. eaDerlsreervica ind luxurious appointment, tha Reetautent rBseemesjt al aan1fi flA BafAa.l a- .a. ba a iLa btatntt and ptert. Itf l; it tha lummir lac ti of inrtlhATrasnriareiftthal J Submarine Grill i thjs 8ea Decks and Prom. emsdeei a bloomlnr aoltlei Cardene. Hcie Itotuadae, tha Ubtanr Tower, exceptional muilo with special concerts and danclat, spacious .;.:.. :zrir"v ; f 'a uuiaiwnirnmsvaneiha fTMtlit katal auersias.. fc ..s Bla.&wfinrAAl. flAtJMSfA DANIEL .WHtTE rreeiaent ?:";: x.zzu-z I Ififlivi ) Sf nwii" 'Afiaan A AtmasrliBlk oof-Bitni. JOSEPH W.MOTT utn.M WILTSHIRE Virginia Avenue and the Beach ' The Moat Central and Popular Location . t ' - I eaaaalsVlBaaaBaaaaaaaaaPl aeaaaaaaaaaaa. sj-,. One of tho most homelike, hotels In Atlantic City; . Situated on Virginia Avenue, only a minute's walk from ho Boardwalk, The." Wiltshire has long been popular for the excellence of its table, the comforts nnd aorvlco rendered Its guests, and Its proximity to the' centers of amusement. Special weekly rates. Auto meets trains. Open all year. Book. lot. Best modium-priced notol in Atlantic uuy. SAMUEL ELLIS, Owner N. J. COLLINS, Manager teiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingiii GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL I III ' "- ''PI e., gjiaiMmi MiHsiim 1 V Virginia Ave., near the Beach, Atlantic. City, N. J. Oscar D. Painter-r-OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT Harold R. andon This nationally famous hostelry under its new man- Ample porches and extensive sun porches Inclosed in agement has been equipped to offer its patrons a service glass surround the hotel The table, a distinctive feature that will far surpass all its previous efforts-superbly , begt that can be obtaiedf porfectly cooked and daintily served, rnvate garage on premises. efficient though they were. Note the illustration herewith and you will see that all sleeping rooms have outside exposure, each with two or more windows. The rooms, too, are unusually large and airy, many being en suite with bath. The Grand Atlantic is the largest hotel not directly on the beach. It is located on the highest ground near the Steel Pier, Garden Pier and is within "a stone's throw" of all the most vital and interesting parts of the resort. Weekly and Family Rates Booklet and information direct, or from Public Ledger Travel and Resort Bureau Priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liJVrja. fcJb A ic?VV VSM 0 1 asafBskX. MX. tars. I Wl Ba3v tw 1 aUff I I'. CJLfcOsaaaW I "Tl I WHERE DINEWELt IM ATLANTIC CITY f-a BEAUX AtLlb WM wSjSmB Joy: H fAOjtr pROP- K!fl H7 St. James Place and Boardwalk jH Wm A Restaurant of Beauty, Finest Cuisine and H eaaal itay iAeaaaf aaal This hotel is open all year, has every appointment; its loca tion is central; thc highest standard of cuisine and service is main taincd at all times. Rooms, single or en suite, with private bath or running water, can be had at moderate rates. Write for terms and booklet. AIIV VORK Ammk "Juhofflbe DINE (h: rr" 1 N f aeV Br ilPvtBBa. II A I' SSaaajkV 'isBJiCH53B' ia m M lltewr Vftf II V Bocxi'dwalk ipmms imim v. AL JXiMDR.-MUCTOR DOVWIK IVop: MiRh-CIais Vaudeville Every ISight trom 9 P. M 10 Acts Friars' Special Dinner 6 and 9 P.M. gl CQ 6 and 9 P. M. ExcelUnt Dancing; Facilities SURPRISE NIGHT EVERY NIGHT Moderate Price Throughout . rC?iEHrJh MX C S TKVa mi -If w r. - - j "1HV4a Mff(ukys. 'lie- j', ""ir-.'rf i milf muhki ,i'j;;i ? 111 ToiSisSiiS 1 AND GRILLE Wk "MffMeBeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSisS e n 11 EL La Marne BOARjDWALK 8 OCEAN AVE. Hotel Under Management oP ROBERT Te bUNLOP Shore Dinners, $1.75 Served In Ballroom 12:qo to 0:00 P. M. k. , c,Bm ro(li n,nM.a, ,r, ,,ro"" " Mve Lobster Ilrolled I'ennsyhnnln Hprlnr Chicken ou Creesun .. . .. Totatoes. Julienne irencn ru,try Coffce 15. Jlrentl nml nutter im ORIGINAL DIXIELAND IA77 RANn '$ "The Creators of Jnai" Celebrated Artiste of Victor l'l.onorph Fnm. Charles Jeters iUoulm Eouge New York Ave. and Boardwalk The Only High-Class Cafe tn the East With a Western Atmosphere To Dance To Dine To be Entertained Special Night Every Wednesday Cuisine Unsurpassed I The Moat Popular Priced Hc&taurant in the State' The Paris. Restaurant Cor. Cholfonte and Atlantic Avenues Opposito Pennsylvania Railroad Station Bell PJionc, 3100-J Atlantic City, N. J. I f J 1-3 1 1 -. , ';"l . 4 If , I 1 r a.1 t 1 X i VfJ w. si 1 1 . ii i s 'i i j; h ut' ;i iv. I i J. HOTITWET.T. V wrJJWrL rrTrs-rniiium'r . r; rsTffTI JfB.sff.to .."MeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM p,. rf'JKV vw- 'l-i t.W . . IK ieiii UMxtUr A