;'-vri;'"7'iY if t ' i s fi'; W v .,'! 1 A jij i 1 ' 4fl ff T' ' ' i'mmMMmamMsrmiti' "rg-- -ryfc. ; Bublt ffeaggr 'MaaaaalBllBk' JPt " W r r vmr-mmwjr jm ipz . hv if i" J Ifl H JLil I llM j J I lfJlii-"r""" Philadelphia, Weinesdavr'Juno 151321 TRAVEL d RESORT 5 eetioTi . rp TaTaTaTflTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaT.BTaTaTaTiaTaTfl F yC4BTaVaHTaTaTaTa7r& x f v jMMHHHiMBlMHHyvHifB.HHaBi JtMsraln1 - arTaTaTaTaTaT Jt- i JwlltBPPBBTaTaTaTavl aYflBTaTaTaTamtfr aw TaTaTJ iii)ftVA 'F 7: -4g0JP X'?"w M'ysij.vAiU w. f '...?-' - ', &&.. rsvu,' ,.l(" . -..: - W BM&jaHSSS?WKSSlttESI2!BMMMwSf X. vHBBAHBBBBBBMTlAr4iK3iBBsUMMlM.9abiESSMHBBBBBBBBBBBBVv.' ' ', 7jrzrr9&Gr " "' IV. :', B7 MMPfefcidP W 3Hgssisai HBMHiiB.BB.6Ei F i i " 'I ''HI V "") 'P' WWiiMiilMi Wn'Mlill IIHi II MP ilWIi il 'I i "Mil i I .Mkl. i ;..-.. Jy38 v IIHHHMHIIIIEIIVHIIHiKi:yC IA' -t-4 ;..; : n &&&. f'-wl m i SI :eJ 5 '. 4Xft" SSiNHliillilsiQiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH JP.w- . v- 'i-TPHsHHiaiiBiiiHIIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH- M.),V1R:MHHKllllllimo('!f -'Ha.SSN'?nV:aaaK.aaBaU i . V tV . rv;i,V IIIHIIMIMIIIII Hill I KiSmS---.-, r , . ,;. ?f,;.-i V..fc?JS i 4, .. vv rr ( . j sAKi i i J .' a.. v .- v ..:,. i it '""SSI- FALLS, N&w Yoplo fff ""(.a-ridrttH vi u.KiIui-t"' ATLANTIC "CITY Saerf -foi-r-r tce- air??- j.vdg&r. ptroto . Oarvi ee.- vCa rrtpHf e. 'irt; 4h& ADlRONDACICSij Mountains and Seashore Magnet for Vacationists; Ocean Trips Are Popular Reservations Greater at the Hotels This Sea son Than Ever BeforeMany Auto Parties for Week-Ends S&AV ULiUKS SUVUKtU SUKVIUU fllUM 1 PUBLIC LEDGER RESOKT BUREAU the country rapidly returning QFlTfV nnrl kncltiftEM npAontrtffl nn kH u MUMUVO lWlV1'a k- MMV TlrlT.tA aa .! 1.a An- ,W8 of thfe nvrrnrn rltlxftn In hirnlne toward the annual vacation. Moat dally workers already have settled on the time they want to go away, and many, not all, have picked the resort to !Ich they Intend to travel. There Is an Increasing tendency this fr toward going to Rome "new" place, iliose who have been In the habit of passing their usual fortnight at the sen ?iM .n.ro Poring nightly over delight oily illustrated and alluringly worded IOIU0PU it ! !.... .4t- n0 k ..utMlH n.l '0i and those who havo been liubitunl A iis to ne mountains nro planning - iouin io me merry scu waves ana 'lcck the strand with their nrcsence. llCCQURn nt Itn nanrnnoo Ailnntln Plfv Jtmnlns the favoritu scas'lioro resort of ibi persons, but tho neighboring Jer V Coast resorts of Wild wood, Cape, Moy.pcean City, JJeiich Haven, Hen 'o Mty. Asbury l'ark and numerous wers will receive a largo share of Patronage. I to?? ty? ,n01'ntaln resorts, Delaware ? i'j p nn1 tao Toconos ore the fa- .JSKSSJ-i " i?i5tI " .V (.y.w .VVltm alfV yiP0VW WJ1 li; those who can afford to go a grentci distance. Of course the boss will probably "take In" tho trip to tho Bermudas, Porto Itlco or other Island places. Trnvel to Cuba also Is reported to be Increasingly heavy because of a certain amendment not in force In that country. For tho first tlmo in six, years Kuropo Is to receive its normal amount of tour ist travel this summer. Hundreds of I'hilndelphlans nnd others living in this vicinity aro preparing to pass the sum mer in the various capitals of Europe' and visiting the battlefields of France, and Belgium. Tho Punuo IiEnoEit IleBort Bureau dally receives many requests for infor mation rcgnrding trnvel conditions to such far away points as Alaska, Cali fornia and tho Pacific Northwest. Travel (o California seems to havo becomo ait nil-year-round custom Instead of a winter plenBuro only. Tlicn, too, the New England and Great Lakes resorts nro duo for a largo share of pntronngo, according to the volume- of Information requested from tho I'uitLio Ledger Bureau on these resorts. Many new hotels have sprung up within tho last year at the various seashore resorts, .nd a large number of others, hve been, remodeled or, have, had aamuons punt toera ?n preparation Fair at CAPE.. MAY -v. 4 rHHIiHHHr v' : ,-.iifjii ;"VTvsrlllllbmh VW' v O '.llilUi . WF ;sar me ." '.-.-' . tiii . r- afiiflr w ", ysiU.vVJiJtiliw 7 Bl V ITWU.ftmH -..f . a Sim v-HsLzmmmvim..M-.ii v.T KL'iLBLlf L ' K Ji X fitttMiLBLV flKj "C sV.- .',.' ."'iBASIBIt i ihih ii!5SiMi: . -$mmsmkd; . V? i s- . ?!' W ." iv '.Jt .1 :AV kv:-iA--. n MisW vS'W V :, .iJ " 7Ji? f-i-A IW- . -V f N 4 v4' vV .V Hfci,. f APjv, . .K'wjIin rv rv 1 ' "v VAJfc MHL. V wfcmii2Xm .y . -. . v nLaiiW' -. f : ty.s ins. l .got .- v." ,. . aai,tjI ir ' v; mmamZK'jrMi-" 'wi,yLA i,,-. -. t v j,pSfu'j4:w SSSSSSSQL.'Sr Jjswiw''"''' inmii'1",'1" fain f' ;" iFt t-'? 1 Att ;; a i : Atlantic City Features Many New Attractions to A llure Pleasure-Seekers Building Projects Are Gigantic in Their Scope, Which Embraces New Hotels and Amusement Devices 1921 WILL BE RECORD-BREAKER FOR HOTEL AND COTTAGE PATRONAGE Atlantic City. June 16. The world's playground Is riding on the crest of n wave of posperlty that Insurci a super season. The summer got off to a run ning start with th( Memorial Day In vasion of visitors that engulfed the southslde hotel district to a high-tide level that has not been approached since rhe war days Interrupted the regular loutine seem to find all the financial aid they need to carry through projects requir ing millions when it comes to some en terprise in Atlnntlc City, and before th season is ended the beachfront Is to have additional sky-line changes to those made last year. New York interests nro behind a great hotel to occupy the old excursion housn site at Albany avenue. This takes in a block running along the beach on the snuin side, whii Atlantic avenue on Th tfnriqstnn tlinf hna (nturrnntAil the north, the AlbnnV Avenun Boule business elsewhere has not touched the vard, over which the major portion of Atlantic City industries. People who the shoro motor traffic pnsses, coming ome to the shore make the trip to be "K-to tho doorways on the east, where entertained, and they bring tho vnen- Pacific nvenue nnd Atlantic nvenue in- tion bankroll along to meet their par- terscct and overlooking the resort's only ricular needs. The result has been that ""1 Park. Tho structure, which is to ilie hotel and Boardwalk Industries ea- do Known as tne Hotel Harding, Is to terlng to the crowds have had no de pression to hridge over and have rone right along In high genr since inid-Mu, setting up records thnt compare verj favorablj with the best marks fret In the pre-war das. There Is every indication that the re port is looked upon as a winner by the apitalists as a "sure bet" for Invest ment, even in these dajs when money is tight in the financial centers. They bo constructed on the apartment plan and will cost several millions, according to the announcement made recently by me neau ot tlie sjmlicate. It is purposed to Incorporate many new Ideas in seashore hotel-building In the Harding. A convention hall, with facilities for big exhibit displays, to which trains may be run over the Penn sylvania Railroad spur that connect with the Atlnntic avenue traction sys- Motirrana--HTs&oys at BARNE6AT-. R.fcvr--tt for a greater influx of visitors than ever before. That their hopes will be rcalustd Is the general opinion of most persons who say the worries and cares of the period ot depression now rapidly passing have made somo sort of a vacation Imperative for most persons. Roadside camping is also proving pop ular with those who own automobiles nnd can carry their own camping equip ment. Many such will sturt out from Philadelphia this Bummer and travel , without a deflnlto destination wherever x tho.cnll of the open leads them. , ji Motorists with less regard for expense U , aro planning lpng tours to virtually all '. ! points of interest within a thousand miles, and many nro carrying the slogan "California or Bust," as in the days of the pioneers. Highways to the North 'Cevitafi.M Pun ttf.Qmm0ii A-;:, ; :, HHraBtt 'hSShB -Sfflt7!! wilflMif 1 1 iii Eft mwm' MtMMmi k&M JWwwWKmfwn mBWjLW- K!JHML SJShI QtfT MPJk y M!lWe!U mL'V&LMkBKA X ,r J( cL -v .W lin ' A '0J4ort oFJLW-fc (fpowd st WILDV? i55;i ssa r - y 'i Jl i fjin li'l It H iiafl ' J11 ;i )-' i r ylTT, L Avtifl tHV .S..i,s v.Jt t'.-.'it Jl""Vlr.Ci' " -w, -AJ."', V. .'.. i VniMk"2'iMe '"('I -.ky '!v ( .'i fauns r i . r-w nsn louvjakjks . 3F . . r J ---0 ' i-j"jJaKi&s wl L w lit 1 , .'VUMJJ..V1. .'J U.d.-ft., '- r