T-ii '' V",.' A"..,Tj WW r- ' 5V . ." ,zryji''i i "V79 v : -' IT-TOT-iOT? ' " n-fo'i ' M'v.n . ' I 'Wft V . 2 ' '- " i- . t ..?- i .1 23 EVENING . PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1921 7aK7? "1 USED AUTOMOBILES ggjgmmi ! r J Sr SSJP js JW Our )UU v " TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR OFFER 1000 CARS TO SlELECT FROM . 1921-1920-1919 MODELS BUICKS CHANDLERS HAYNES PACKARDS STUTZS OVERLANDS OAKLANDS CLEVELANDS MARMONS ONE YEAR TO PAY Gorson's Automobile Exchange 238-240 N. BROAD ST. Agents Wanted Open Evenings and Sundays Send for Free Catalog Balii!awmii MgMMMHBHUH SoaWJIrMSSUJflKWIUM 1920-19 MERCER Bpert motel i 4 pais.; In noellent eon- perfect: thlj can bo purefaiMd at a reasonable flgur.. wi 1920-19 Stutz Bearcat Alio .port model t both havo wlra wheels; cord Ureal a extra whel(l koutltuUy equipped; raechanlcally- rrnci 1921-20-19 CADILLACS Equal to nnr In every way: mechan ically perfect; and will 1t lint itrtlw now earn prioeg are ei- cspunnaiiy lor, 1920 PAIGE Larehmont: 4 paae.: tpidal dealgn; wire wheels and many extras! look, and rant tbo Mmi aa when leaving th. manufacturer.: priced at a bar fain. 1920 HUDSON Ooupei llk n.w In orsry datalli inlPDd with cord tiro and many eWraii rnn actually 2000 mil..; a r.al snap for e wle buyer. 1920 MARMON RoadeUr and toorlnn beautifully eralppod In th. earn, running condi tio a ntw and look tn. earn, tn avpwranoat aiao etnei her modela to TTftt ITOin. 1921 ELCAR S erlgresU paint and trree: 'twit pan or inig ear If eroai to Mv, and will postUraly give th T8B AUBURN : 0 paaa.1 a real family eri ran itoo mile: beautiful equipment! 4 In eteeHant mechanical condition. 1920 OLDSMOBILE 4-8-J cylinder.; In all model.; OTOry ena In abaolntoiy perfaet raaehanleai condition! pome ar toulpiiod with wirt nta. 1920 FORD Coupe, Sedan Tout-In- and jyirdMr! orary one la like a nrw car. fneludln tlrei: mm hao orlrtnat paint and tniny attraa. RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE CO. (All That the Name Implies) 249-251 NORTH BROAD STREET Agents Wanted OPEN EVENINGS Send for Free Bulletin tfwaga and Sundays iBagTOionBUKHi rBnEcixar'iTOiiiaiij-itin'Hr'Bin'TO j ATLANTIC RADIATORS for iTnr cars PRICE $20.00 Wodo night Utra in PMlotUlpMa Vr.f,ai!',r ' outcome of 0 ear MSir.'K,B,ln5 "" J "' iucceeeful towi l!i?5 .J J" mk? o' radlatora fomblnlng the beat qualltlea of all, with S?.n f their, bad features auch aa hirSS?-"1 ?n w'r "owe, which oterneat na CUfc ,h mut0r ,0 Atlantic Auto Radiator Co. 1M5 Rldg. Aw , Philadelphia. Pa. .., ....wi i-,M,ir.- fidtu rUKD ,n,u"n. 120' oomnlotef iniSl?,s!JI0,,"2r,,":' 11"'"- " 'umme i'ii. "'ti, r tS' .v.'W' Phone Allsn f lelrlbutn .'iTi-or hno HI IP touring, .l.ctrla aiarter and llahtai iitimvvjjsmsB ??riJ5r.k!i.''j.'ifM'i,.vjt ;tV ' riwiw v, USED ATTTOMOBlMin g iMntffl Price Reductions Have Made Used Car History Our Reductions Are So Gigantic Our Values Quality and Selection So Stupendous, Everyone Can, and Should ESSEX VELIE HUDSONS PACKARD MAXWELL DODGES REOS JORDAN OLDS CADILLACS DON'T THROW AWAY MONEY GRASP THIS OPPORTUNITY Select Your Car Now SAVE I MORE JL, y3 THAN 1920 OVERLAND 4 A brbutlful amall car for the family or builnefa, and In the plnlc of con dltlon; alio other mod el a to ae'eet from. 1920 CHALMERS edateri wire vrhetla; 4 pt. : can't ba dlitlnrulahed from a raw car l:i erery detail; alio mnny other model! In -prnfeot fondltlon; nrlcf low. 1920 OAKLAND Tourlns: wire wheals and aprclal equipment; In Hia best of condition; hoi the appearanos of a new car, many other anod modela nleo 1920 WESTCOTT Tourlnf and RoadaUr; equipped with Vlr wntela and Ktram In Al whnpe 1920 CHANDLER Bpert model: fully eaulpped; orlalnal paint and tires: perfect mechanical nondrilnn. 1920 Willya-Knight Wire whealJi cord tlrea: thla li a real nr, and In thy b"it poelh cond 1921-20 BUICK Taurine, noadeter. Coupe and Se nana: ail tna a orltrtnal paint and arne aa new can: 1 tlrea on om; low prieo 1920 JORDAN Tourlne; abaolatulr perfeot condition: wire wbeols; extra, wheel and tire: Ptkx oKfaticrpauy low. 1920 MAXWELL Tourln-f. Sedan and Coupe; rheae care nra in tn beat condition condition toa. alble; lome rlth extra equipment! low nrlc 1920 SCRIPPS-BOOTH Tourlnx: wire wheeln' absolutely per fect mechanical condition look the iitn a new 1920 MITCHELL Taurine and noadater: ".ery fine car" plenty of power with economy and comfort. OVERLAND 00 Roadnter. Small down pajment Hal. nnco to ault 250 N IIROAI) 8T OLDSMOBILE I.J to 1020, e.pasjengnr tourhn isjengnr tourlne, driven 3or, ntan arch wt. " ",0 m't. PAIfiK B Psenor: newly painted, icao" rmuLi 230 N, UHOAD HT. GASOLINE ALLEY Speaking of Roads s TmcRC'S OME 7f(N6- A10K1G IfAPOftTANT TKAu BUILDING- GOOD KOrVDS ANO "fHAT5 AIAINTAININO em. the worst Rofx IS A COCO EOrC vCone: wrong-. asteisrNl l KUmSL qv V l,-f'1Ui"1iT.A.CiWwfBiSa-J . aaBaaaafcc.. ' I s "'fifef, j)W HwSSH sbbbbW aaai V ft fcT.anjpn in, iniaT.iiin.aw tNmt-. f rr . fJWaHk.ijI ,Hlra9 bVM - TiHr. Atifnturn-mrr.v V -r , PAIGES DANIELS BIDDLES KISSELS MERCERS LIBERTY BRISCOE CHALMERS FORDS G Our Original Pay-as-You- Kido Plan Opitr. the ioav for you. to GET A CAR NOW For whloh you can pay In email weekly paymente. Cell or -rlte and let ue explain. Our Inexpensive I-ocatlnn One Block West of Broad St. Enable tu to tell ran 150 to MOO cheapor than any other Dealer. PAHTIA1 WflT nELOW 1920-19-18 Buicks0ri"d! atera aa low a HBO iai oievcland TSST-S mllca: trr faat CadillaclrR rOUrlh. TmIa vma- ' lt "f extras. 1920-19-18 Dodges na low aa I40O. 1920-19-18 Overlands aa low aa ttiWO, 1920 Oiasitiobile'ji.!?.'; a baratatn. ' Murray8 S.';'"! f-t: oo w'nf'P,.t.?.-Z,;''"' 1920-19-18 Oakland 1920-19-is Studebaker Jaln''D,r "" nd,'i bar- 1920-19-18 Maxwells 1920-19-18 Fords . " e-Jen. Ceninni m law mJ .?." BOO Other Cara tn n.lj1 tJJ.JL1 ther Cara to Ba'eot Warn Parkway Auto Exchange 1420-31 RACE ST. Open Sundays Phone: Rpra Ht2 AUTOMOBILE SPRINGS -,TO i?-5.o m.r IK FOR EVfA- $$& B OF CAR V. fiv nit IimnV prin V.vSiit , oatu ir. ftfl IK Ut.7i? " '-QWEST PRfCKS 'nir'iVfft?.,,. tVE MAKH 'KM: OPft.V HU.VnC' CD Y Sattler's Machine Shops "' "rung warden at , PAIirS PARTS FARM QiK.N SUN. A EVI2. KfAKf-KY Aiim lfl ivr iit IVlUriLLL iHJ8"Vfy1In-nT''r'-,'''- -'PJ- NASHi'" rr.ndel: wnndrrful cvniiltmn i.i?, nn,n N HtOAO HOP. 7o" Tl'KN BUN. AND EVB. 1TANLBY AUTO CO. ".- .. S TI ' "' r-tfy. yjjtf , ..fc IIJ1 '.".,. , '1 ,ISI fV I I I li : 7 'co, no a iMFOlorRrH Prlir. 2 ,. . -ZEX. 'WELL MAINTAINED K A Cc g,.WH V2X . imtf nr -rr. -r... -.w-- rjis sbbh T - V DC MM COING- TO 6UV AM AifcWAMrVaTk HG T 'J. iwriA r-T -ric: Deer r- j. , VH 1 m rj, rf K JpgtfZJIg r WORRV A6COT CHUOiHOlESlJm$& &?(? lt , m i uu i int. r.i w ljt 11 hi i arr bTbTbTbTbbTI i a i . yjr s s . - i vsSTTSII ccx83 ' VAND MUD! mjmmWm. fe ,( 2 raM jk. pLILILILILWt lhria r vs o'zp J- aflaVS'VQSeSa' f! aaaBff P SafsaHlaWstMaf'l USED AUTOMOBILES PACKARD Used Cars To conform with the reductions rccenily announced by manufacturers of various motor cars, wo havo correspondingly lowered tho prices of many of our used cars. In maintaining our reputation of "tho safest used car market In town" wo nro constantly striving to mako our prices as fair na you could find anywhoro. As for honest representation, Packard guards its name most zealously. Thre are tame remarkable values in used Packard TutinSx ears, some only slightly used, including touring cars, roadsters, lim ousines, eto. Prices range from $1200 to tiOOO. You could not find as good value in any now car that sells around their price. Some Other' Makes: 1920 DODQE TOURING. Excellent condition. It takes onlv a email Inveiitmeni to 117 STUTZ IWNAUOUT.. A m Fainted light blue 1917 HUPMOMLE TOUIliNG. I7t trttotlvo offer In a email car 1918 WILIjTB-KNIOHT COUPfc. With tho 8lcevo valvo motor. This car liaa been newly painted and looks lllto a new car. $1600. . 1910 BTUTZ e-paBsenper Touring. Only slightly used, this car has been newly painted and Is In fine mechanical condition. . CHAJTOLnn COUPKS. There aretwo of these cara at reasonable prices, $1300 and $1400. AND OTHER GOOD OFFERINGS. VISIT OUR USED OAR DEPARTMENT TOMORROW (Tske the Elevator to the Fourth Floor) and CONVINCE YOUItSELF BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO I3UY PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA 310 N. BROAD Locust 3900 Race 6741 Any oar may be bouht through our branchea at Delhlehem. Camden, HarrUbarr, Lancaster, Reading-. Trenton, WIlMunsport. Wilmington nnd Tork. siiamiwmiiimffi AUTO USED AUTO PARTS MOTORS, REARS, GEARS, STARTERS, TIRES, MAGNETOS, AXLES, CARBURETORS SCHOBER PBMffliaBW SELECT USED CARS AT PRESENT LOW PRICES HAYNES " bw -020- ' n'w: lord tlrea. COLE 1 920 7 Pa" : - enapyj car at n aucrlileo ESSEX Sedan: lllio now: can be oounht very reaaonablo. REVERE Ptrenger. 1020. like new, a toal buy at uur price PACKARD 1Bp ," w; -....i new llTot original paint: rcnaonxble. HUDSON 1920 j. r ... ,, . . '' A-l condition, laoo lon- balance enay terms gjyjTj Roadste-. 1018. nlckel-platod lainoa unl rnd'ator: cord tlrea: bargain. DANIELS , " '" nw 0 ., wire wi eels aim cord tl-e. easy torma. CADILLAC f """ moii 6: r i .. .Hke paw, wire wheels, iiC'efid n-ckel.plated lamps, su.i STUTZ4 ". M If. 10 '0, Hltle. bargain tttn (0)- run e,y V.VFP&.rft-M can; . jie pur. w..,...Uw ni, IAJW All I0UD DOWN BAKON'5, 640 N. Broad L rOPLAR 340D .AH 3400 SUNDAY Ul'KN REBUILT VIM TRUCKS Repainted i and equipped with now urea, tubers, extra ilm nnd tools. Guaranteed $145.46 on Delivery Including Insurance BALANCE A Year to Pay AH standard style bodies in stock. Vim Motor Truck Co. Broad nndHuntingdonSts , Phila. J.W M Orwv 3r , lRr fee I ir rc,)t OVERLAND Sedan, 5 paaseRer, like new lurmi If de ' JV20 ARCH ST OVERLAND 81 3-pisntcr, $200 bargain 2B0 W RltOAD ST OLDS cylinder. 3 paasiifer IdlDj vs 111 aarr Je Cull Po,lr 3244. fMR-HBI., lain lMPLMt ST. MR McMtC OVERLAND Touring, small B passngcr llk new. man ARfH st USED AUTOMOBILES aecuro mis aeairaoia iignt car, rty roadster of a nonuler 00. Thin Is another very at- at a low price $700 PARTS 34TH AND MARKET STS. OAKLAND r'n'5- An. .condition. ... RoyALiMryr,3RacS:R,,&.fr!v00fto'nkN OVKRLAND louring 1021. nearly nvw lilA BUN- rr": '-". '". . ww i. iiiiuAij ciFirrv AND CVK POP. ( WSO OVERLAND? fV,enBr "ht "4 rALRAKD J,0,nJl,U,r,-, 1018: Fleetwood house hn'kH b0dS- '"" "0,T: W"t,n- BARON'S, 640 N. Broad 1'W2.V,ur.'"s' lat0 model. .ui) di, termi. JIPX1' M'oni-All CO IN'C . flln N DROAD. orF.N SUN & HVn. POP. 003 ROOMS FOR RENT njtOAD N WOH flltni9hMl tt t i a kail... .. ' ' Iny amall suite of roo-n anil kltrhenette' -i k i N .3110 '.nisi Hit Unix mom fur-.-"I!.?1 ft," 'pfonm. 1 laiffe window a nxt In bath rlrcirlc itrnnuhli. U'i?,Af,,,.. ,n-Uelrabl. n:nciorTolr7 ' '-" ' F'"" ' .,ny.i f urmwnt n nnon i ",JOA,V.YN...."wr-t:'1!".'ul- " ""n fm n. nnrHrur lUPQ .inglC fBI TlO 27Il W klislu ST., .v. 4Pi!i -rurn rm.. prlv. fam . near trolloi and train Wo flojo j. ...Jiu,. Meily furn rooma for rent: ninnliiK wuttr Ph. Preelon 2T R CIISS?Nt,',a,Mr-7I-",l front rm- H'tTTn enoa . with nr v I'hout Inblx hd Pop 82 Id CHESTNUT ST. Iu7l Furnished room, all comnlence. aumrner rateji D'rAmMl)'lun''".9rV!'.. rr.T" ''"Ttiinli - ' " iii I'wiinr unnrtpr; pn. il ZU "'..' strictly lilgh-claas m. trie and double roomi furnlhed: aome for nepg litht cool rrntral summer ratea UllKMN HT. .'usti Cloan. wel.furnlahed: rot water low rent r?,?. a.1- 1300 Locli room furnlahed. Locust 470 Penp': excellent table. t,?SJiaiT,.iM,-""Yl,rM c00i rooma. aaml.prt--. 151? Pqj gentlemen or bualnesa ceopie. R1TTENHOU3E sa. 2d fl r 7mTlv"lTn bitth: reduced rts far sum., breakfast. Loe. 14a oritui;, iais ril.l.lPII til VbAM. lm convm. I'm 'o uain: eiectrio nuni rasonapie. SPRUCE. 4081 Hlrlctly hlgh-olnia rooma' ii " "' '"mii minajiitcm t ij WALNUT. 8003 Slnglu and double rooros nloely furn enollent mealn reaa rate.' T"., N-. 180 H I) T K I. R U R I C Heaii- tlful furn. rooms, spotless clean, elee.. dilly and oekl ratos conv. to stations: neat accom for traveling people. Sprtire 1034 luiii, a, 3ZI Urlcht cheerful thirrt.flon. front elertrli 1'hore Locuit 7137 20T1I sr. N 70(1 FourroomH nndlTatSi olectrlc light huuaiki aping nlr rooma reaeomiMe 20TH. N. 110-Nlcl furn emuie or double rma , Th sarlre hot wnler. aum r raie 241 H. N H01 h ,ui unfurn infurn rooms, bath. naMe Ponar Hon .1 fn noor. cinva , renou outii. H, 10 Nli.. tool mom suitable for couple or 1 or .' yntlemen Hh 5031 J THREE larg- unfurnlehei rnnme uao-of in i'wwIHl """" ,s" vcr month ,,i- PTNB-" ST ', Tt'ui)-ir"u,nfurnlheil rooms'; WI'ST rilll,M)IM 1 1 - CHESTNUT. MiOtK-ljirne eoH rooms un'. furnished, n-eli ontlal eei-tlon good dlnlna room porche' MARKET. 10IB -Furnished housekeeping " iQ'roa A kltch'nelii. Mtm or nrlmti. hath" 4ffTH ST . S - ,1 r .huh and tmth tiiriiiahed apt.. sum mnnlhe or lonaei Raring uu j new jF.itstq mcAKiinu k ll.NTIf I IT1 t-bblllAIII.E lanma with private family for retlned adulte for e.k month or aeisnn i lio'k f r; m twich 1 1 il luoitlon In npror (helBuu, oil lOiiienlencBs AilUi s 11 f 1 10-1 H Roton ae Atlantic ( Ity ?0 ANO Ycu't-L I KtCfelNG- ON TMr HOLEb ;m TMC AIR, TllE TH& A1AIL THAT FtVEe-S, SAV THERC ARti a Lor of 'cm Tr-, It vo PdoriTeeeiur. BETivCCM MGCE AVD CieVeTirAXD ALREADY ! 'W'jr- fe-7 x v. J Oj fy : T ' - - i ;30r Wfj& ......... . "JSi- IP'N BOABDINO VYZimi.vms wmwnAN KIKJKMKnK. 0103 Tork road Itooma with board; lara-a lawn, shad, veritable gar den. Phnne Oak Lane 1BH KIW JKTtSKV WRAP11QWW HCKAN CITY WILL chaperon and board youne alrla for aum'r aeaa. 44 aarden rd. or Bel. 1003 .1. COUNTRY BOABDINO DELIGHTFUL old farm on uppor Delaware) in lovoiiesi aeotK ahade: exrellsnt t loveliest aaotfon nf Hiieka CO. mansion) excellent tahlei accoaamie. w. w. Chandler, flrownsburg, 1'a PAHM nuAItblNO Hoarding on farm equipped for same! city I convemancea in country Ideal for rest and recreation. MAPLE WOOD FAIUI KI'IMATA. I'A. APARTMENTS The SWARTHMORE 22ND AND WALNUT All ontstde rooma, lcuthern and western ezpoture, fireproof, elector, convenient, hlgb-elag location and Juat far .noapgi away to bo qatot; vullea, a rooma and bath, rooma and 3 bath a or larger: by the rear: aereral fine apartments to sub let from now until October 1: very rea aonable, see them now, Cut Down Your Living Expenses $40.00 a Month Vor a couple to ah a re a beautiful fur nlahed homo In Logan: convenient to train or trolley: uae of everything: with n large, aeparate bedroom, unfurnished, next to bath: porch, laundry, telephone, electrlo lights and cooking utensils: refined, newly married Jew lh couple preferred. Write P 11BII. LBDOER OFFICE Willow Grove Apartments Delightfully located: oppoalto Willow Orove Park ort Park ave.. furnished housekeeping apartments. 2 and 8 room', all conveniences: 140 and 180 per month C. P. Coward Co., 20th A Jefferson ata. Joseph Hotel, janitor, on premise PARK AVC. a Dauphin Alt new. up to the minute: 0 rooms and hatht aunny porehea front and back: open for Impaction: finest apartments In N. Phila.; Just 2 left. C. It. Jphpeon. 1480 Kheetnut at. , JEFFERSON ST., 1710 Thoroughly modern up-to-date apartment: 2 rooms kitchen and private bath: h.-w. heat, olec llcht. h.w floors, cor. property: etreltent location OCKAN" CITY nrat-tUmr apartment. Harry Hnvea, 88d and Asbury ae or phon Market 2418 ATTRACTIVE rooms and suites In Hotel Camden. 2d and Penn ata , C.imden N. J.: ext-nirm reetaurani. Tel. i;amon lrn WAI-LACE. 1820 New, mod., nliih-clasa oont h. w. ; ref. apt, priv. patn. eiec, OIRARD AVE , 1011 Choice housekeeping apt., unfurn. 4-room kltchenet'e. bath: conv. to all car llnea. errlusle nelghliorh'd. HAP.INU. 4081: 110 S OJth. 221 Sari. 430 S. uJx?' 1 .Cn? S rooma. with Kith, alra Itliehen' will furn Preston 2H2r. J 'D.e.ns. SIODKIIN housekeeping apt una of laundry. 2nu Oreen st. Poplar 7S43 W. LOG f ST hT bachelor apt 1213 (I.lon m Hin. Apartment) Phime Walnut 71B1 tf.pt rmr.AuFi.pni 'iuu 1-i.uuit. porcn front corner apart ment. B rooma. maid's room nnd hath Im mediate poesesslon. P 102R. Ledger Office ROOMY tpartment. second floor 0 r.-o-ns. -o'.'C""'? .Pftrk' cn'y T5 aoi.oiiEiia, 4210 Pirkelde ave. flKHMANTWVN liroad and fhrtnut PI.NNS1 1.VANIA WITtfRnAN M?oD.MTTrnll''Vmnn.h,-'r',,lm. pJ.i,n,lJt.clo,' 10 station 3 monthe rent mod, mill t AiuiMonr. APARTMENT for rent. 0 ronm and bath menta. 170. 217 Cllcket avi. . Ardmnre Pa FTJKNISHCT APARTMENTS 1BTr":lDSI!.nUC'F 8TS- (Tournlne Apt rurnrtahed housekeeping apartment: mediate occupancy Ira- I'hone Locuu 7J80. :i1" 'Al.NUT HI-. (lietli-AIiyn ADts k.'H. catly furnished. 2 rooma and bath suite reterei ce. un, TENANT, ,T? ''anted r r furnlnied opirtmcnt irMS n,Man W"'1- Mc foil I 1 flimni 2020 OREEN ST .1 nnina b id batti home, lcfplng. ilic hot nnler. low rent HOUSEKEEPING APARTltRTJTR THE REED nu te or , -onma unfurnished $R0 bulls of 4 rooms furn or unfurn ISO CARSON REA.LTY CO K V: mr Ilroad and Wharton Oregon 287 UF.ST rnif,npi.titi v BOI THERN g-ih.o 7 rooma. 8 tedioorra. prl vute porch, pa moMng tinnii Innulri. 'anito'. 41 3 floth. or phone Sprue. 4114 APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Housekeeping apartment ? , e bedroom., living room, bath kRen.n mS furnished neighborhood 8th to 22d .1. A.' A'1".- .T.0!" Septemr:0ted vilL uu,.r .. u. .nurpny, JU17 spruce st MODHnN ffllrlercv hmikfnlr aMraanf IK acps .f land: high eletio n, irt.ii I 170J 7; -,'wy. 7 rooms, surroundlnte. counts club nvl is-hi!e aolf iier Sr a 5JIS 1: r' link; within V, blccl:. aarngt rn pr"rl'f?j iUf.f""'" S5lh- ?"! order Mocks to atofon and 2.1 inlnuf. t,, clv c-n- I j,',1,! m?,?!?"W ",lory room' ter- onlv $123 p.r month on jeam ,ene Sf."; - ;orj. rooms MAfRAN. DOLMAN A Vo Jv r-' ...!" -nn N'chnlen 'j t,,r,. 7 r.'ome APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL BARTRAM 33D AND CHESTNUT STS Furnished and unfurnished apiFtm.-.. pin!nroom Phone Preet!.T2, CHARLES ILES n PHBTTTAUN nrfff.", - 1 . .mc NER HOTEL COLONIAL 8IS?e . liiS. T00m?, "."l F"th Permanent or tran. alent: ereilent table. C. PITMAN RAKER JR Manager. THE GLADSTONE 11T1T AVIl IHVtl Cienn ABhOLL'TEI Y FIREPROOF THE MARLYN WAI.VfT .T tOTJI ST FIREPROOF THROUGHOUT HOTEL HAMILTON HS4 Wolnut at !.,.. of Urnadl A ,iu!e. -on.ergth, v,'."".1' beajtltulU furnished nnd well oonqurt.?! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE fin iuii n- injx rfr ii - mi rum ics f,i, rllnre tor sale FATIRCI . 71ft Hnv" , 2131 H COLOKAL 1 ST - Mod 5, rms and pain, nnerrreq i i.ii.ii urn a 4u 1JAROAIN- 1 to 11 Fyltoi IlltOl Virr fill prli-e 17000 1841 DALY- si rooms golTTTriT THTm M. r. HKYDE Mn mil Biuiw.T:"" J2HI IIAINHRIDilP N ii. , ..,.,. ... . -. .mis tie h n Tin w 2 I m neni rnfn fPRM I ;tn w , ", ?. "'",:'V.Vn'nut at llir .1 Dn. vr.re nn.uuu Uraham 1000 M e,n,.i By, King - HCAR POLlTirtAM Aor- MOLCJIMC? UP RPPAiOC en AiR LAN6S. 0m. The Eose Tne iwvi'Ntssrn a..-i T - ,y -- i AA,r- in t4cC iesjsr .r -T z- T 'f '. - - CJao REAL ESTATE FOB SALE riTY MANUFACTURED BY E II Dest made for Suburbs Sec Sample at Builders' Exchange 18 S. 7th St., Phila. or Wrllo for Catalog THOS. L. ORDISH BEST BTKEL CONSTRUCTED OARAOES FOR CtTIEfl riinniioiiiBaniiiiiiiii rfys --&s4JUrc2r moEfJOff SALE OR LONG-TERM LEASE Central property, near Broad and Chestnut streets. Suitable for Banker. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Building PHILADELPHIA SfcTOgramTOaiTO SXivmmmmwmmmmmMmi A NEW SEMI DETACHED HOME MODERN IX3T 22 OtlOO FT. SEVTN ROOMS, OPEN HALL PRICS $0800 SMAJ.L AMOUNT Or CASH NEEDED OWNER WILL FINANCE DALANCE 3320 DEVEREAUX ST. ONT.Y 10 MINUTES FROM FRANK FORD EI.EV4.TED Inimidlate Poeseselnn Inspection at any time a OEOROE M HOLCOMB f FRANKFORD 2R78 ammmxmmmmimsa'm WILLIAM L. CRAVEN'S SONS ,.,,,. ,2010 COLUMIIIA AVE ,?... Xoa'llocl.. n rooma, vncant .'ill I Turner, I) rooma. j02p-ford,8 rooma. Ti,.5?,I,rui,''3",or 11 rooms J25?? Jjoodafock .1 atorr u rooma ".V? :: 20tn- 0 'tory. II rooma. 2216 S. LAMBERT ST. h!d.f rnii7;room ho ln h'sh-class neighbor I ? "55? ft" .tt appointments, Immedlato poa- -j.-....,, ,,rltr lnu raaaonauie terms or pur chao upon nppilcTtlon to BURTON C. SIMON Both Phonei N cor 20th nnd Paasyunk a 30 10 N 4144 N H(l 3331 N 17th it Bn.ad t AIUgllen Kt -let it (mm ) 19 000 n.niio 11 SOU 11.000 APPLY ONLY TO Edward T. Flood & Son Uroad .inrl Veninco atj 2222 SOUTH 23D ST. Mc.ifrn homi In reatr -ted nclgr.bo-1-ood p'lcu and mist reasonable ter na of nur thaie upon .mpllcatlon to BURTON C. SIMON nOTH PHONES crt ot'i and Paasyunk aie g;isnfrinTOHvianTmMi!HnnrDnfGTiKi'Cii,iii!rjtn'i!ii.ii.' ui'-m i'i tsh m-L COUNTRY ESTATE in cU llmln 8 acres atone iUe'1 na aiore-and fra-e outbulldlnqa lon tenant houri eerv Impr u Ulent! the ry finest ahade CHARLES H. MEYER rr-"Ti .ti 1 un K. wwimLira 2?I'1 ?i. JTH ST -li room. Bf2 W Huntingdon it 1) 1 $4000 I 3.'0 I 1 1 S10 W Huntingdon n ;m. Huntingdon at 7 rooma 41,0.1 jPs.-sk .-m jesaup at J 34 7 7 rooma each Jion I S.2.4?50.:.,"hl,11 st 9 rooma -ach jnno ioo-- .-v. uarien at A1ALLUN N?- tioov 2224 SPRUCE STREET X ejrni-v I ..'II..-. 1. . ;.- I'M km i3xuii. ij rooms IlniT lot I9x0 3 SAMUEL W. LEVIS HFALEhTXI e 1 RI T I'lDil 1 SPECIAL OFFERING Cfll.' C 1C 1.0 .'. 24 Toronto t 3021 V 0,h at iono- dxeMings m he icnnod to "" a l ii ovin i ,IAS Mil i.ni IM1-07 romwn.i th mlc '" $800 CASH bus I ne Oln- home 2"4-"3n Flen.r ave linmej.at puFiesaion" 7 rooms ho -v iter heat pinjuertj fluors in closed porclie AHERNET.IY n.'H Chestmit I lyl 1(IV i -7-4V '. h 1041 N FOURTH KT (H E .o- 4th hiiI (.eorge)- I, sio- nr. t .1el'ng u i in nnd bith, "Imirn lieit and electrlr ti LKAKI s w Mil u n l.'Ol 07 Lmnnii itn-aiii, 'inn, i-, MODERN HOMiT 8 looms injloeel nar. h u r h hu I hnf r -n..ni .... . . .. .-.. ,..i.. .i-ii,. fs.ei ..... 1. n n'm-r iiTir . "'"'' J18-' "" V N.lik t 12424 N l.lril Six rnonia pud liffn" I'lumh'na . n w i papered and r vhli pn Hei "ie wiuraai im le none House oi.hi ,i av H-rur. 11 """'. . ' " tu 1 H.'l lh.,lm, o.1.'. -.V.;.r . ..rT .Trr . : ,. I milt.ll .c.in luomu batt, nnr.h all modern nel mter,l n.,.i ...p.v nnl. fft.l . . -U ..-., -.1 M ' I' teij viii, .,..' , ..i-ii iirr.ii;.! BBivAiiui ;iefi.A; "nil rv.-i.,..., ... i IINPY 'o nn into si ui, ,, s,.- .. '..".' r-'-v Mn. 20.14 Westment st .PlunbliiB and j .l.r-ttig t.sui ke , ,i,'U ni: and l .1 f-ti iiritT 11 IT ii-itTii it lflfi s lint, .. ' IhDIl HIJIIk l.n.1,. ,,.. . r - i T7-T : - -..--. .... . h. ,, , i. M ,ui unli in, nil f .. . CENTRAL BUSINESS LOCATION l"l AND S4NHOM th a fOU)RKl)-Opportiinltj -sn 111 ,,! , loieei 2814 and 2810 N Hidnham at " good r-ome. will rtnance only llbo C ,L intent, Taulnn. Old Walnut at ,"lllv I US W OLNEV .B -veiy ueMMtne poro' ". f ont ...ton due ing posiiesslon at i.i, . , rp M prlr. ,7000 clear IlerVJ.0,? 'U'Ts 1000 BLOCK Arch t 1,, 2fta2n0 7a7r"aT. n rear. SO rm. S baths flr. low, ,i Mil Blip URAHAM IHW Ml 'v.',S P,U 48.?!,.j' ,,0lla bl H ronia, .act lent rri'Vr VaJacKao.tTrmaaUconienUn,:. ,2IiJlT..'WA'W.T.rrr i r.nt'ici r..w- ...v. geanni.u 7in H. lioti. e in , ii rront to rear atteet bronston front . ' .-7j7 .r-r" ' -SWSSmjSSL room.. 3 baihs Gu-ug. prl ".Mr, out) u t,i..i .,,..', Uf. :, r,77u.,T WALNLT nr NEAR 21S1 i.u, broivii '" " " ' '"'' t-ircl, f, ir s ro,,iH. I'J.i ,,n.?d, ston. leslden ' lih n helrn,". and , "" ' . b I- ornei . i 1 1 ,',?; " hJ-VL""1 bsth. pike 110,000 on y 13100 cash re '" lrl'" l,no ' "'" r.uulrarl"W5l,r OJilreiJ Phono Walnut 107H " r I i al n en f..r I , ,i ' r"'Ulrad pas. J02O TO I03 SI CARI.ISI 1" HT .. h -1 " ' -!...!.,,BWBa1 BEAIi ESTATE TOR SAID CITV RED gB!LT GARAGES AND BUNGALOWS IN SECTIONS READY TO ERECT Without Skilled Labor I1ASTRESB CO., MT. CAIlMEL. PA. STEEL OUILOINOS ICll if .11 IfflnKlPW BBaaaSBI salW T AW mwfflWmx) sJk " I ml MfWTBLE 2S8IJ H. RANCHOFT HT. 7 rooma: good cond . S3S00. Wm. C. Heyde, 18th and Snyder ave IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3242 Philip at . 7 r . b . porch, will fining. Mnry M'irrlo ll E. Allegheny aye 240'J WHARTON ST. Thri-o story. A rooms and btthi will finance. $3760. WM. O. HEYDE 18th and Snyder ave. B42 N. BTH Four-atory dwelling, 12 rooms only $1000 cnah required, lmmed. poseea- alon Eetnte of D M. Heaa. Q4 Walnut at MODERN TWIN HOUSr Eleven rooma and bath, perfect condition, best location in Robirough: $10,000 C 830, Lodger Offff. 1221-23-25 EMILT FT. Two atory: enlrnce1 E. RLAH1 IHn S. 17th. 1912 MOUNTAIN ST Klx rooms, rent IM: make offer DKIWHBR 22d and Taakf, letorlea. Warrhon. Mfar. Floor TO SETTLE AN ESTATE A propertj, Inveatment. well rented, reasonable a good terms. W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N 12TJI ST. FACTORY or warehouse property containing 18.000 sq. ft . lth drl ie way: locntrd If. Phlln., will help finance 1421 rholnut at Cheater Rottner. DEIAWARB RIVER WAREHOUSE Central, heav construction, aprlnkled rail road Into building i-lectrlc elevator. P 110, ledger Office STORE AND WAREHOUSE, adjoining Rea4 Inrt freight atallon 410 N. Front W HRFCK HARROW. 1311 X 12th at. Ilnllillng fif. Factor Ultra Vie. FACTORY SITES 29TH & MONTGOMERY AVE. WITH P R. R. HIDING FINANCED W. BRUCE BARROW 130 N. 12TH ST. TO CLOSE A PARTNERSHIP 17.337 rq ft of ground, with old hiusee; adjacent to Uroad and Full-mount aie. ; all lrnsrj monthly terms to ault W. BRUCE BARROW 130 V. 12TH BT FOR SALE All e" part it 4 acr.a of land B2d and Woodland ave terms to suit c Urge mJustrj could secure P R R aiding Also II acrea .inih and Woodland avo.- P R R nnd H and O e'dlnc. Six acres ut S8tli and Elmwood avaui P It R elding reasonable terms W. BRUCE BARROW iro n i:th st Onriige . 2124-2120 WALLACE BTl 1 rTot. 3 'f.x',J-u' -'"" Kruge. atedra electilc light JOHN B. MAGEE RBAL ESTATE TRUST RLDO. Frctorlea. Wnrehon'rw. Mfg. Floor a Factories and Warehouses T0MLINS0N B1N?& INUU8TRIAL RAILROALI 2 OVER 20.000 square feet on Ridge avv.i t , Sl0". l0.,vl't'V"i. Delaware River hrldg I 3 front- (I blbcka from City Hall only lYrj 5 feet from cor Ilroad and .lt Vornon: far a pr'r Wnr-ll t, Cn 3113 N 17th. ', iUUUTRIAL PIANTS WAREHOtrmM. RAlLRijAD ANU RIVER KHO-WPiM' ! L. it p vmson & Son "tiiVtir la nor in Irm tHXIIle m' le irtered for a,.. lor mc nrn tlnnf uou.l mtcreat only "i. C lTi..,W,f,,h', 'ln,t mllla In "hi JiLILLLlILLADF.i.PHi 0VERBR00K 6020 COLUMBIA AVE. N-w mod. n ln I bed rooma ever. i ..ii eniarce orgo hc-ne.l norcn garage mj. ...,h r.7..;.y;rt,,J. Open Afternoons and Sunday Daniel E. Hogan nn." ?-R nT K iiffliwmii'.'i.iM!. it hi MMwnmmmmmm $ 2-Story Apartment House m .. apartment a -noma and Inth g. e n i gnt run w.it-r heat eL It ti'i. iinv-. r. . ... l . .-.. ..., un, apartment a .. .un uir-.nB Lraigrs 0f enure eg in ipert C. J. MITCHELL CO. 01 Hid l.lN.-ni V mi i, swif mii' w i, ,ini wi, ciiin n.i wi hi , , ,m,ii,. "S.S'.V, -l tor nuek ei lopi. 1"wriir.v; '..h'-.rJr.'""." ':!.'' n.n.y "'!". ,.' '!r'1 . '." new horn.. '"L.. '" "i '"''.'. ,"' " "1 rorch r: .inw i, -i ill in m i,rrtr.. . : - it .. i. .i. .ii .... , ', i . ". 1 1 I l I I rr. ! hk I ' I1E! J;U rsdr. a in '. JJSU I in el. lulu .-ir.t i, .," ," ," : DOd bin nf eui.l rorl, l.d.ma t'la EJtE'Wj kitchen it JO HiOO li. ..11 ,...." DU hd o'vmra r.l. e fn. .i.ttrtt. -- - MKUiri Dfnti (ju A..... ,- !... . ,,v. "" J. M, ....ijv., . i. i.i i-ii.ira u m AI.LI1..N s. 1711- a ra hath tJ.llA i inn .- iiuin a, il i s 17Rh N HOIh l 11 . 1.-... .-..!'" nlrut ai t.ol on lot Jttilu' SeiSSi tl ti!,il"lL-ii "' ""'h Ph ll.linnnt VlaV NEAR 221) AND kM FAIRMOl'NT AVEtjLiC: prop.rilva month url. a M JAfOIl MARKMANN knftt. . Ort't J UA.t .t. I"IL, INC, .rrT7TT.-r,r zr-ryJ' '-.Wis JM Ill H rARRUJUT TEH (40th S I'osi Ion and tonne oun i , I au iiK.wiiiiiiiiirBii.MAN Lincoln m tesr,.i', f 1J1 I...-I . . . -T7- ,er.njw. u.ttuuuii. vuv.iisBa location am and dwalllnr kalllnj ..JfA .J...0.'"' MoMlrhaal. ftHlh A Up 5I3W WALTON AVF. ""i Muranii & r.r.i; an i ui noi-irater heat. ui light. her.1tvd rf., raj gx.n ,i .,JSttYH 1nflv(!io7riND AvirfruTfsPIX: C i 1 m II il f T I. , t . ." : MJBMMMMMMBMBMBMBBBgBllBMBBiaaaUaiM i n ii i''' ,i M.v a -w 'U' 1 mrZ ' FT i Wf ' J " ' fB.-..Laai3fejJ Prti ciy oo'. .. (tog Vamr.lt. .. i?Zj??J ., M fH- fflaffiMT " , ... , y uaBK't.. V