irmfliREsri r"j v ? '" t:j - EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JUE 15, 1021 USED AUTOMOBILE? USED AUTOMOBILES 2MXP WANTED MAXE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES USED AUTOMOBILES U8JED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES USED AUTOMOBILES B I' F !. V t ft Vj t.. :w ' " &$ ,4 "HWI t t DEn and noTAnr rnEssMEN WANTED HAVB HECUnED ALt. THE PIIEHS- SQUIRED AT PRESENT KOn OUIl PRKflREn. tlllT RTIf.t. lflVC NOS FOfl ONLY FinsfCI.AB8 A-t MEN WHO AtiE Titonnttnitr.T kv. KNCED ON COLOn WORK. " aTortr-eUht-hour week: oiwn shop; perma Wl work i Ionic on services urs satlefar. i acute ion jo ibb tier wesx. with 3 tlonal tor ntcht work, b letter, Rlvlnir eperlnce In detail 2 references en your character your workmanship to Apply by lette nfl at (eaet 2 M quality ot F.MITOYMENT DEPARTMENT Curtis punt.isiitNa compant LADIEiV HOME .lOtmNAI, BATURDAT EVEN'IN'O POST COUNTRY OBNTLEStAN CYLINDER ITIEKHMEN wanted 40 hour A WtAlf AhAA twiib inrt Irtl vnrlf ApiI. lira men only. Addrcii C 018, tidier Of- '- 1IIOII-CL.AS3 SECUUITY SALESMAN In represent a nation-wide corporation dolnj an annual buslneia ot Jfow paylnc hlsr dividend! on both rrsferrsd and common Mock, highest poeelbfi ratine; it Clvn by any bank for appointment cill tr. Tracy llotal Walton, between 7 and 8 T. M. HONEST MAN Can connect with large corporation where III future li aamired and where UNUSUAL PAT ffl b the reward for hard work, loyalty and co-operation, eterlence not necessary, nferenre required Call Spruce 0807 for laten lew ATTENTION, CAFETERIA. MINCIMIOOM BAKERY OWNERS. A larin corporation of prominent business men. organised for operating a chain oi restaurant under an Innovation plan, areai labor-saving- system, exceedingly lame earn. Ings. Ueelre to acquire lunchrooms or care terlai bakerlei In good location!. IN ANRWERINO. STATE TtfftlTMPaa 1M nWTAHi. C M 118. IjEDOER OFFlO LOCATION. ABB "' OO INTO the tire business: it you can con duct retail etore and hare some fP'1',' eaartAnathlA tire APnnrHTinn TWiIl UsM.1 jw """".m:?-" --""- ,,ii-" !- V Writ city mime wi -v m ji ZL v B. M . 1T Trlbuni llldr.. New York TWELVE per cent guaranteed Inveitment onere 18 Per cent bonua at end of &;'" a Philadelphia Co. manufacturing automo bile accessories: Investigation Invited P 1118. Ledger Office, . 60 INDIVIDUAIi rarna-es; C2 ""p--' JTX2.U lent lnetment. Sillier. 8300 Oermantown avenue. JO 11 I'ntCNH.UEN wanted. -IN houra a week one familiar with Miller automatic feed r and Colt'a armory preeaos; half-tone end color work. Addreia C 010, Ledger Of- MAN Wa call for a man and we mean Just that a man who doeen't belle tho name, who la aggresslvsly nmbltloua keen to get aheaJ i(r to make a dependable connection In aame capacity that will reward him continu ously, permanently and to a degree greater than he will be likely to command anywhere elie. Our salee department haa room for uch a man prferably over .10 yean of axe, Wa don't prcmlie to atart him at the very top ot the ladder, but we do offer unueual pportunlty to a clear-eyed, straight-thinking nan to make very desirable earnings, with quick Increase and iteadv advancement. Call between 10 and 4 at Suite 1109. Land Title and Trust Dldir HPACE and table for rent In beauty par or for manicure with fotlowln. Apply Miss Jennie Seltser. B!B Cheitnut. Room 418. AN EXCEPTIONAL earate bualneesi well established! rood proposition tor the right iran. Lewis A. Taiilane. 816 Walnut s(. (UTR eoeclalty with us. Bllfer, Is to sell business placea left BOOH uermaniown are, BUSINESS PEBSONATS DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TidKE-M FOR DIAMONDS KELLY & CO., 932 Chestnut St. Rulle SI SI, eecond floor! ovr Chlld'e Re niAMnMnosi iieal estate trust uinmviwu IIUILU1NQ BOUGHT DR0AD AND CHESTNUT STR EETO DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRT W SMITH 7 IT SANSOM ST. ELKCTHICAL work, reasonable, on caah prices, monthly rate, $20; first-claas work onlv n cheap material used Phone Houch- ins" n7 l.arcnwmiu mw YOU CAN HOllItOW money as low as 2 per cent on diamonds HIBDER'S. 128 Market t UANICURINO and. facial. hours 10 to la3 N. scalp treatment! 18th st. MACHINERY AND TOOLB LAnOU machine shop In.Plilladelphla district Is In a position to take contracts for ac curate machining of parts on multiple pro duction basis tolerance down to plus or nluus ,0001"- facilities cover railroad sid ing, automatic Potter A Johnston machines; jenes & Lameon, Qlsholt, broaching and gear nobbing maohlnes, send blue prints for etl mi te M h27 I.rdger Office MAN or womsn vlth experience stenograph) and bookkeeping Apply bj letter to 04'i utnwrr i'nic good order; MAIirMP PN'rtlRKnR fpr United Krult Co.'s "Oreit White Fleet' chiefs, first, second and third aselstnnt et artneers wi'h ocean llcensfs strike condl lions: permanent gsciory. u az H JIYUno.EXTRACTORB In American 30-Inch, Extractors, Poland. 30' I Inches. Uxtraotor. a an v. ii. -is ins j Extractors Engine and belt driven. I J NUTTLL. 174H N 3th it. j ELECTRICAL MOTOIIit MAI HINE TOOLS 1 ivr.ii r.wL o'nniEV MAntiNFRY m . nn k 3d st MEN with who can with a large and res Mr. Ron- 7n? van position If servlcee Ledger Office "x-cutUi or selling experience qualify for managerial positions ADDU 0 to 12 OABPET CLEANING iponslble concern. Dam llldr OUR CORPORATION'S GROSS SALES LAST YEAR WERE J57.000 000 "W need a man ho Is well educated, vigor ous and determined to get ahead Write, giving qualifications for Interview, only the man who wants to better his standing In llfo ted answer. Address P 1202. Ledjer fKEHailBS wanted. 4N hi urs week, cvl- Inter pressmen, book and cataloi; wn-k, black and color half-ton. do not -vpplv ylthrut references from former employers. n Mnplrett Co 2 J" " th et CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE I0TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT ORIENTAL AND DOMESTIC RUGS AND CARPETS Cleaned, Scoured, Stored SUMMER STORAOE FREE TELEPHONE LOCUST 180 POOS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH NKW IMPORTATION of fln. alnrlnr Ht Andreasburg Roller Canaries, theso aro the finest son-stera ubtnlnabe, 110 each, every uiru ip iuHuimtcu h.iuu ninser. lkii wnore ou find too largest and best birds to select from E C VA1ILE. Import-r. 319 Market. PBINTINO PRINTING COMPOHITOnjs HONOTTPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS CYLINDER PRESSMEN CYLINDER PRESS TEEDERS JOB PRESSMEN' LATOn TRO-'BLE 4R HOURS PER WEEK tBMJV WUIIK roil BXPEKIENCKD MEN lUAjiaruilTATUJN RCFOMIED IT SATISFACTORY ENV'ELOPES. 13.50 pr 1000; billheads or stalemunts. S4. taif Ifl An!- m i samples. Elwooa Press. Oak Line. Phlla F0K SALE APPLY FRANKLIN PRI.NTINO M LUDLOW ?T PHILADELPHIA CO OVERSTOCKED NEED ROOM D" QW,C rOLDINO CHAIRS i Dig oacniice theatre chairs SCHOOL IlP.IKa ledge pedestals, pulpit chairs, chares pews, restaurant and Ice cream tab ea and cbalra lunch room chairs and counter stools, iifflce desks and chairs (large assortment) Special valuos In workroom rhalrs. Invalid chairs sold and rented. (.hairs and tables rented for all occasions CHAIR EXCHANGE S. E. Cor. 6th and Vine Sts. Market 2540 Main 4479 SALESMAN TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISinLE 3 mos.. IB and up. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters "See Our New Machine, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. so: chestnut st. Walnut 2450 f,m 32fl y want a forceful man whejs experience fully demonstrates that he haa sellng abil ity of the highest order: he must bn thor- nushlv ttrmA In mnrii.i, mp,f.f1lBl.w nnA i selling as applied to the tire business. If lou lOHE FLRMTLRE perfect conditmn Imve confidence In your ability to mako good ,tnn half price, call aecond Toor N ana measure un to thj above roqulrements ' " "' unrmaniown ana L,eniKn Atti Te call at our office Thursday or Friday of i '"." ""OT' ... lvM aoIen manognny iiun si, ine .Miutr uuueer uo . or .New Tprk, 608-70 N Broad st I les fin- SALESMAN Experienced stock salesman for r.oor demonstration also a demonstrator must be a good talker Apply 520 Market t. Keystone Tractor Sales Co ' SALESMEN Can use 2 mors salesmen, ambitious men who are desirous of making a permanent connection with a crowing concern: mercan tile experience preferred Apply Room 803. J41H a I'enn equare SALESMEN uf neat appearance and pleasing personality who hate had at last 8 years ellin experience, Apply jonn II ''u Penn Piuare Dldg Martin ild chairs, 174 40 1 cak typenr!tr drsk and ihalr. 530 1 oak clothes tree III 3n 1 revolving book cabinet. J17 50 4 oak chairs 110 1 Q.fnot oak table 827 50 OFFICE FURNITURE Deks and chairs: steel and wooden filing cabinets, sec. bookcases, etc., new ana slightly used: very low pries NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. tOO WALNUT ST. UOTH PHONES new OFFICE FURNITURE stob- Tablei. Chain npCVC. Files Partltlc-j Nsw & Old UCOrvO Bought 4 Sold 1 1 02 ARCH 911 WALNUT PA. OrPTCE FURNITURE CO. WAL. 4184 flAi.TCHMEN to rsDreaent service; affiliated with largest detective areney, fall or write Mr Elsele. 001 M Idensr nidg. OFFICE FURNITURE I D-slts and chairs, ateel and wooden fliinr k. theft-prevsntlon ' ,n"" . sectional bookcases, etc . new and buy. DEW1NO MAf'lNE ADIUbTER experlencd wanted on Wilcox & Qlbbs ftatlocks Mirc nolltan. Singer Merrow, etc good salary and steady employment guaranteed, onb flrst-class man noed appl must hiue refer inei. Vesta Underwear Co 4 Ulount at I'rovldTce. R I RJIOES Experienced cutters wanted on ladles' fine shoes Laird Schober A Co !!3d and Market second fnor "WANTED Young man buyer of loose die monds mutt be shreud know vilues and tia exnerlenred In assorting origlnnl rl.ji opporlunltv Ik exceptional gle In lonflrteneo sightly nscd get our prices before sou bu NATIONAL FURNITURE CO. BOB WALNUT ST ROTH PHONES OUT-ICE PL'RNfTUIlR I arge lot of desks safes Ms. cabinets and general nff!c furniture store fixtures We buy sell and exchange PATIEN rt'RVITntE CO lTfiT 4U70 1127 AUCU "T RACr: t2Qfl ni'Y OFFICE FURNITURE hell ii"rge Assortment of a Retter Orade CENTRAL HKCOND-HANDKUnNITUnn CO l'Q4 CALT.OW1III.I. ST PILHERT 410H MACHINERY" -One 14x22 Colt nrese and - --..-.- ,. v- i nn pi n s n i inn nn nrai m in & vaii .. .. a n Initial eniary. exnerieme in i eta nni ... .:--... .'"-. '.r'- '". ,1-" i reasonable for luirk cash sale Mer jany o hr par'uulars ou think 'll ?.,. ,... In v -.h , II pr .poctW- etnnloHr M 1131 I.eilner Orflc 'tn-lle I'resn. 411 N ,th st RE-SALE DEPARTMENT OFFERS A SUBSTANTIAL ' PRICE REDUCTION ON ALL USED CARS Includlns Ustd PEERLESS CARS IN DOTH OPEN AND ENCLOSED BODIES They aro all very recent models in unusually-good con dition, beautifully rennishetl. Excellent tire equipment, some new. This is an opportunity to Eecuro the excellence of a high-grade car at the price of a low price car. SEE FOR YOURSELF You can actually save a very substantial amount on any used car bought from us. We Jiavo novcr to our knowledge had a dissatisfied used - car customer. Girard Automobile Co. Pcerles 2314-16-18 CHESTNUT ST. Spruce 1446 0Jjj!M0g&. EXPOSITION OF FINE USED CARS Our Used Car sales have always been famous for the remarkable values offered. Most of the cars in this sale are completely rebuilt and newly repainted. Many of them have run but a few thousand miles. THE PRICES QUOTED IN THIS SALE WILL SURPRISE YOU. CALL, WRITE OR PHONE The choice includes nearly all models of Oldsmobilcs, Buicks, Paige, Monroe, Dodge, etc. Your opportunity. Convenient Payments if Desired LARS0N-0LDSM0BILE COMPANY 800 North Broad Street jTOwiras ONE MORE WEEK AT THESE PRICES T Nil IIES -SEE LINCOLN AUTO COMPANY 1431-33-35 Vine St. US FIRST" EVERY CAR AT A BIG SACRIFICE 1 BUICKS DODGES HUDSONS OLDSMOBILES LEXINGTONS STUTZES CADILLACS CHANDLERS NATIONALS VELIES BIDDLES MERCERS LIBERTYS HUPMOBILES PAIGES SAXONS OVERLANDS CHEV ROLETS STUDEBAKERS MAXWELLS FORDS BRIS COES REOS. TOURINGS-SEDANS COUPES CHUMMY ROADSTERS SPORT MODELS LIMOUSINES ROADSTERS. 1920-19-18 MODELS Smaller cars can be had with as little as $150 down. Larger cars can be had with as little as $250. "SEE US FIRST" LINCOLN AUTO COMPANY 1431-33-35 VINE STREET Open Sunday 10 A. M. to i P. M. I-ute 1 spa CADILLAC TOURING model r.5, I' S Royal cord tires. B. L P. MOTOR CO. RACE .102 N 70S OPKN linOAD ST. POPLAIl EVEN'INOB :n CHEVROLET Newly pnlntert , prlct- right. 1!S0 N Iilt&AD HT Ci-nM-u Aerountsnls Comptrollers Oftlen maitHRer Xysttmittlzer Sales munaKern Advertising managers Mir'rlntimlentK Msster 1 echanles hemlsts Drnftsmen Designers Engineers etc tKniiufcBAiims anu -.Jdures for tTocere j KAVDUI, b CO -ill .V a,) , Son NEW .lAI'E.s iii sirsf less thunoTt I to niolt' room ctsh or tlnu Howe 6cnl i.o n.jn jTt'ii m . I BUICKS 100-ltJ IT. all mndli and styles as low as ln.'.o nnvii .MOTOHLAU CO IN'C nil' N IIHOAI) OI'E.N SL'NUAT AND E fCN'INQi- I'op I.AR (10.1(1 SATES ntzs flrtproof lno stylw and maW., sllirhtly 7 J N Rl Ilfl E-85 tou'lne fully equ pped sum used all Fourth Vf hae Rl th present tlmo several open Insrai (or men ot a high tjpc en it we ' mlrltt not hav a connection at this time In your line It would be well to get i In touch wltli us ai we are frequently in nsed of hUn-grarle men STORAGE AND MOVING Fbone locust lit" or write lor appointment Inc Industrial and Mercantile- Hon let n.n i.anu Title liulldlnir CIVlti HhUVlCh rsnmtnHlirns Jitiv xnd Au. srust- many vacancies- sslarv 11400 1H0O writ far sample ust M DOS Idge- Office LONG DISTANCE MOVING The BIG 4 TRANSFER CO., Inc. -7T" frM.g 0TS mer and wlntsi ton a 1 efltittrm Joi. first Itfiil takes It nOYAI. MOTOIl I'All CO INC (1J0 N IIHOAI) OPEN BU.VDAY AND BVB.NINQ8 l'OI'LAR llOHI) Heiter. niir. pass scion llki. nnn M 14IB w Olney ave I'hone Wyo. VICTORY STORAGE 0200 ntbtrt. for eatlmati I'none Hflmont 4B7f) r-icrcq yrroT vrt BUICK &TIIKET roadster. HUH. very rensonahl (rsod condition, 1020 Ancil SirrATIONS WANTED- FEMALE "CtOII'ANlUN 'I ruined nurse wants position with Invalid or an cumpailim lit seashors of mountains, references from Phs. clans Addn-ss Doriithy Roir It I) 5 Hull plmn 2IR It. I'otlstnwn l'n 8IT0ATI0NS WANTED MAMe" ACCOUNTANT auditor, office manager. 20 yean' axp with curnora'lon. desires to arflllate illh trogressla and reliable house wth view to Inraer opp C ai'3 ledicsr Off OHAUI-KKUH A young churchman who ran handle any kind of r-u or truck ds aires rosltlon Address L. B 22B H. 3d st. Mill. NleiU U.J C" Z?. - I imuu.1, iiwui uiuau Oiurdgc LO. I wrou aony. icemen rnons D amond T4gft Moving, brlrk and fireproof storaast otA,S WANTED Ixind from Philadelphia toiK7 ton or en route, large, pnrtded Va" Djckman Van Co Inc as.'i niekm., "." I -v,w Y"rK ' "y ''hona WaiUworth tiniti YYttl-l-ttV-L. .jrj Church lane atn Want psrt inad to Atlunilc Clt I MONARCH JIOKAOE CO. 3H70 CADILLACS J.J lowest price In the city. KOYAI MOTtJRCAR CO HROAD l'()PIAR tlOStf AND K ENINOH 67 und 5S tounnus. bo. roadsters coupes l year to piy, INC (120 N. OPEN SUNDAY CADILLAC (111 N l'opla ''ANCA8 IvONG-DiaTANCE MOV1NQ, THE JOHN llliOADH CO ' li,vW.n5-rn,ov!nK, eii?? cleaning. vr. Yirr.nT HHLt, 1EH AVE AUTO HEItVIl!E HriV;.u Dll-VIMfl lrtk'fi.nlBTIWfie ll. .'' im, 1 Rtorsse. lH7.rS LAVCAHTKR Trl)nlcal HAIJCH grsduats. ENOINKER U yTH' atlllnr WANTED irinc. necincai macninorv and al'led ll.ousirisi eouipmrnt i.i i-inaDunrn and stir rounding district would tike to get In touch with manufacturers who ore deslrojr of rvtn n Pittsburgh representative to hand! their product In this territory have large ao qualnlanceshlp among Industrial firms, only ntna HO" uro;'usutuns consiudreq jl nu iqgtr tin ict Wot: ULD Ilka nosltlon with construtlnn on aa aaneral clsck or timekeeper, a vear Mparlenrel reference C 007, Ledger Office if. mi bfin jatPLOYBTENT AGENCIES UOPKIN8 th, rks.i ale , 200J Ualnbrldge Prot , 1st, over; best. 8pr. Jim CASH FOR DIAMONDS" We Paid ..ry-Th. 'hW.n "orFe'ral & for slaewhere , buy old goll and silrVr; JewMlry. platinum and antiques highest piles paid for diamonds and cameos. If jou want the full valu for your jewelry JL.U nulla pay ou cur or OrsKon suburban sedan double E. glial atitred A 1 condition Ilrnad Opn Hundr.y and evenlnas ?8gf BTANI.EY Al'TOMOnil.K CO. rAIIIJL.AC', limousine. :u:u like nm suit. nblo for undortakor fur Ihi-r ork beau tiful appearance, con he bought right Cor son's Auto Etchnngv 38S.JM0 N III ad st rUPVRni FT ,ou"n '"le mode llklits V.nLVIWU.1 and starter tnnnv extras first aail takes U ROYAL MOTORCAR CO. INC. Out) N Ilrnad Open fiUndm and eve- nlngs Poplar 'H'll MDMA lloft1"u-r 'lsslmt ta'r in Phlla MWlVlrt delohia sinull amount down, bal ance) terms ROYAL MOTORCAR CO . INC . 020 N. IIROAD OPEN SUNDAY AND BV8MSOS POPLAR 00110. U overcoats, hats, shoes. tn . .1 JO per cent more, wa call anywhere country, day or eve., w.rlte, call, ph. HIV. rrlimati Ilrcs , 1444 Houth at. MAHVEr. help supplied and wanted, WE WANT at Store uxiuree uel 4314 .onest va nitl i nurcn onre nouietiAld furniture. ortlre rurDllolret par spot i'hone us About It, Lo- oor I3ti and rhii-r. am .! BcoTii data Jassa 1&1U Stittanhniiut Mm n.. liVI'IGIIK furniture. China. Ila.1 bhA kmah.k I . .kin i,.tl,.a V,tllA4 .1 I aitu vtttv ,v.-,-, .'-,i um I rare plsoea anuques. iujd fia MONlCBT . rUR3 wanted a' uon niguest prices paia. osim V - ar, ILP GOLD r, piatluum. plate esr old war dee paid for IMC, none. T, iM. de scrip. "t ." "lfZnfi UlOnJInoE 'Z w REVERE n,T'nc 7820 OPEN t AUTOMQ1WLE g with vxiraa. car nvn 010 N IIHOAI) ht v. ,n HUN AND EVE. 3TANLKV CO ROAMER 4 passenger sport car hand --- - . nyoi juu, uursuin, looa Ilka new. IlOTAi .MirjvijiCAIl CO INC 020 N. UROAD tJPEN SUNDAY AND ljVK NINHB POPLAR e03 ROAMER 7S20, OPEN ll20 u real ea, miar. A-I cond (110 N UROAD POP HUNDVY AND EVENINO.t ,EY AUTOMOMILE CO. CTI IT7 9-0 Hoadster cannot be told from JIOII, new-i will sacrlnre to O'llrk 1 uy.-r MOTORCAR CO . inc.. uao M, Oiyn Sunday and es Pop, 11030 bodies, ROTAL Ilroan. Macksi all sizes uj h also other makes, ilunm trucks. from 2 to 0 ton. Mack International Motor. truck Corp.. 2800 Chestnut st Hxvcust 708. Call Mo' TRUCKS STEARNS p -"'. MCUAXUl I. Wt. Size Fabric Tiro 30x3 $7.00 30x3 7.35 32x3v2 8.35 31x4 10.35 32x4 33x4 134x4 11.00 11.20 11.40 CnireoNiflP USED CARS Grant Touring, $450. Ford Touring, $200. Scripps Booth Touring, $750. Chevrolet Sedan, $520. Dodge Sedan, 4-door, like now, $1195. Chalmers Sedan, late model, 4 door, like new, $1350. Hudson Super-Six, 7 passenger, $050 up. i6, Hudson Speedsters, $1250 up. Hudson Limousines, $1200 up. Hudson Sedans, $1260 up. Essex Touring, $800 up. Paige Sedan, $650. Dodge Touring, $575. Oakland Coupe, $1000. Chandler Sedan, $875. Chandler Chummy, $750. Buick Roadster, $050. Oldsmobile Coupe, $1100. Gomery-Schwartz MOTOR CAR CO. 128-140 North Broad St. 34x4 15.00 I35x4'a15.95 TUBES GUARANTEED FOR 2 YEARS Sizes Tube 30x3 $1.20 30x32 1.50 NEW REDUCTION IN PRICES Effective I May 23d, 1921 Every one a genuine first, with name and serial on tire wrapped in the original paper. Guaranteed 6000 Miles In Writing by Factory 32x3'2 131x4 32x4 133x4 134x4 34x4 35x4 CADIU.AC. model dltlon; 800, II, Walnut at. 7-pau Bood a Hales Co., MAlNUAKU lianilsumB cir tourlna- a and a tin. price HOYAL MOTORCAIl CO.. INC., 30 i, urun nu.iuar Alio mvis- 0 volti, 171 13 volts, tlOl Old battarlai st-elass cond, I-Iberty fltorT f'tl'sQAD. "iienbir, r Jsrth SI ( Battery 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 2.65 3.00 i We carry all size tires and tubes in stock. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED We Ship C. O. D. Subject to Your Examination ' CRAWFORD TIRE CO. 1233 Race Street phila., Pa. Spruce 1970 i ffUtalW i $& GEQgOES UsedCars pIBrPB OEORGESusedcars g This Kuilding contains the greatest used-car values ever offered i Come and see hero the most beautiful salesrooms of any used car house in Philadelphia. Come and see, too, the remarkable showing of carefully-selected, thoroughly-overhauled, late model used cars with their best years ahead of them. Many so little used that it is hard to tell them from new. Come and compare prices we know that our big 40 REDUCTION makes every car a better buy for the knowing motorist than he can get else where. Therefore, we say "COME" see for yourself. Look around without being urged to buy have us give you a free demonstration of any car with the understanding that unless you are satisfied that it comes up to your expecta tions in every way you are under no obligation whatever. But come early the earlier you come the better and wider is the selection. Easy Payments Arranged to Suit Your Convenience GEORGES AUTOMOBILE CO 338-40 N. Broad Street Send for Bargain Bulletin BROAD AND CALLOWHILL Remember the Name and Address Open Sunday and Evenings MIllllllllllMI'l anniuniaM ROMAN'S Annual Much Looked For June Clearance Sale Begins To-Day Once a year we clean out entire stock just before taking our yearly inventory. At this time a purchaser can secure a car at greatly reduced price over our regular low prices. Buying a used car depends on the reputation of the firm you buy it from. We buy only cars that we know about we don't buy worn-out cars and repair them we buy only first-class cars that have been used very little. I EverY Car You Buy Here Goes to You Like New A Our experts see to that before it goes on our salesfloor. Our salesmen all are instructed to tell you exactly the truth about every car no buying one thing and getting another. We back up every car we sell and we say you can get more for your money in every way at the Roman. We don't only say this, but our customers 1 ell it to us. During this sale we will be open evenings for your convenience. Over 1000 Cars Jx Select From ,lns, ii9:19?,0-19!,9 Models In Touring, Roadsters, Sport Models, Sedans and Limou sines m this sale. Every car made you will find here and now priced from $250 up. TIME PAYMENTS TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS WE'LL TAKE YOUR PRESENT CAR IN EXCHANGE AS PART PAYMENT ROMAN AUTO CO., 227-229-231-233 N. Broad St. upen louay y w a. Agent3 wanteti. 'i Established 1905 fllmllf!rEilalBllllill"'llllllll!!lll,l!llllll!l:.!al, li;iirriiiiiiiiiiii'iri;iiiiiiimiiiiiirmii'iiiiiii,;li;iiii n wmm whiipi iiii i ifawi ii wimi i i r Mack Trucks Practically New ft'i ton. with dump or stsks bmllss 2-TON PIERCE-ARR0W With dump or stake bodies General Motor Truck Corp. IUTH AND MOnniH STS. I' ' JI.W ."TM'i rrai'ill'il'lililll I!"! 'Il,i,"lll MiHWIIII iJII M WMH CAN YOU RAISE $200 in Liberty Ilonds o- cash and pay the bal ante In 1 year on sy terms, we hate ssv. oral cars (n oftVir ss low as S300 HOYAI, MOTOHCAIl CO INC 020 N. BROAD ST. POPLAR 6030 OPEN SUNDAYS AND HVENINQH PREMIER SEDAN I.atM- model, Fleetwood body, terms ( .cmrv irmrnnteo ' B. L. P. MOTOR CO. An? v ltfTirtA 11 i-n HkClZ 7fW- , .' , POPISH "Ij I VfiffliH !3 MAXWELL roadster. Ilk sin,. "'" "" mints nOYAL MOfunCAII CO Jin v." liiirwii ,truN. ai.KTi.v ...... .,.....::" . !! ,n i.V" " nu BVNNII . "I l.rtll UU1U oped )TOH SNINas, HVT3rCD tourlnif iik.t wtt nood ihin.. nnvn. urMn .11 -.. II' ..-. a, ..j A,, 1,11,1, very handsome cart CAJl CO, INC "111 N IIIIOAD. OPl'M SUNDAY AND r-VKViNUB VWI.Knnikf, USED CARS ..;kv.iT7c,ow,orVaVod;.lry,p,u'?: chajiej terms, never closed. American Auto Co. HSS. FAIRHOdNT AVK. 0M N. llFflt 8T; ' IF YOU WANT Axes i V ' J 811 Housings P rrames j Welding jH "VE CAM, FOn THH.M WK DEI,!EH TIIKJ1 AMERICAN AXLE WORKS "3T1" AND MOI.TOOMEny AV. MAnB nAIGHTENED l.nnn rHAIHHTKNED ISTKD New Tub STnAIOJlTBNKD IJilvarilLl.NED ItKPAinED vmo l.ENE i:nsMiTii OMI!llllliTfflU3lwm 4 1 111 AT il il?1U,rK5?'n"!'.ri.-:7.HH -"""i.iwd, vrutr j'j'.nd PACKARD J-ao nraeton, tlollery Jul, BUlcn- llij'i, J0JUO, MERCER HARE'S MOTORS, INC. -"':?" J'AnKET BT OWN YOUR OWN .PORTABLE STEEfL iSARAGfi 'i.-M-r so msmm JBMlJODDfl aiAca ' .'" sixes OLDS BARrLETT P-pssstnr; extras: low .' I Look Special Sale Look 6000 Mile Tires I li'. 'i in nro ii ll-knon nut.' '" owlnn to our rontrart Ith the fartor ii n in liUinlio clurlni; oj-claI sjI ' u bciund not in mtntlon nani Von i (I 30,;3"i ?6.00 32x3 ',1 V.OO 32x4 10.00 34x4 11.00 $1 All Size Tubcs-$l bl'ARAMI.KD -' VKAUB Ml C O D 1M niVfl THH S' AJAX RUBBER CO. r.i hm'f. .!' i.adi:i.i'iim r PREMIER 1921 Doinoinlriitor run 8ry Htll1 ,;5'Jr edit (Uiruunt, fiunrnnfot sin s n B. P. L. MOTOR CO. :,02 y iinoAD st ,,5 UCU 7511 ..,? MUX IJHKD-C'AH IlU'T. (D'rr. ux'iiii -.i.r. MA MP 01111? f!AR Wc Have tho Repair Port Now or Second Hand QATT PR'S 1601 SPRING GARDEN ST, i 1 1 1 1 Shut.) iWiviy rnt . Hltjry- n -, Jii "overland Kr-i'-y-oJ MJ. 1 " Bvrivt'i( t .w ucss"r: .ndltlonl pWi -. it J "V -r.t, asks. T. ..7..-1 .&' -'I1 lisisMi mm, st ' - ( A.J Wik uJ -. w